HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1935-8-15, Page 5411
a few do with her e0usill. Kind, DO:' 900 in
of telgrave.
r alis
wpan GO
gaud HQwell alts. Th 1
Master Donald kitmnehouise of God- W
spending 4 few days al his 4-- &W choir
• cousin, Master Ronald artor. r a. ITnilild ch
U=or M
lkv. Dr. J W Kor 4 4) Among t It XIGKT�I(T
Vm - . . Att:d ou %tsday at the %us. JFill yr.e T DA*0hG
rWdad er' '
land VIA
Mr. and Mrs. W` 10 (Nitin
-7� paw
BT 'In we.# rectewilasOiN
littritiV'14 L.Lhib)k of til wesu" let 0 er
atudoa large
4A go their n henoot
Sao o EfaLkooi "M Mow.
M, Edith r -o no that t school. .", . "tY ad Kids Aleta,*Q
Ask, 00 f Indiana to visiting sL$h`4 A Ukt
wess. The 11101/of Mrs. Uftum's sister. -=&, pu Ui,:, Ball
or PROOM 41 sixty mil J IKL Otis. rickk ud trick, Moll
still anthe " 0 'cis ed- The
Mr. and Mrs. Nortuan Radford'and�
144L44 i sr. and him wrLyowen were we* 91[ayed by miim' •1t0MIXL17- the 6ilaiLvIll"41 11'strJet eat!-odmag.
the iten Telephone Oow
petlece oldwardA6W. San I Lucknow visitors OVA daturday. Olive Andersoll cousin of the groom. ployees If
ties as Lee The irallabas [brothers have pur- After the ceyPqtony Kim beulah 1,0919, party, with their families and frienda. -Hospit of Fun and SurprioM-
4W VOW tht"IM4 engine *lad 111� "I Lowe You slumbering 150. enjulthi their annual
clos"IS I� *W*LAUAh(- t.-Far1r. The Du
0"rater. `UW-".'A2bjr1 41lower has Truly." 10 1 ty- HMIs picnic atl0beattum to Walker(ou. ON 2W
ago oil Ill al -based a new separator and the - F6.?6r, Red reacher krout Stratford
BasaltJ�Ww 04-
0461% SM A prWain of sports was contladed by
It and 'vo ly line syudleat* alp have purchased in Wwwo with -"g
a been made to i'Mrs" a new separator. Threshing is the carr I pp bolt _*C getboar W. A, "myth. H. Ash and T. E. Mahan, SUM To KzNT`L-DWW*41NG
st *ran vtp wleddink Mo&_u I a Boom
gee, grapefruit and order of the day. The grain is tum w after which & picnic lunch was served
C jug out well. -'Vramwer Vill A. A. 'Clele had charge 9C the pivule.
It A. DENT PC initeregt in 4G;� on the Intel Will , 4dw . 11106 races, resulted e& 1010stwo;
00ints 0 The people Of the c0lumunity were #f the bride and geb0m, tit"Itt 1, uolbk AUGVW', BAT
"t, formerly Kiw 7'*r* Ite road* are glill shocked to bear of the seeldent whic TTaiW Ax re1Vf1V--BoYJ
Bert Coll Of the little I school in 1,18 ricinity. ictisix as Nak-
.rba Crow, at &wily Engle, and a native Of Ck Mae. and troy car or bgg is a pleasure. befell Mr. 1,%Wte VilleeLlt of I a UF and r also yatarslaoys. Re*$ Griff.
.7*f e
4a led at her to 06 Drive nod Port Of Spain, h struck Saturday to 0 Me Mr. Girls. Dorothy Robb SOUVRNM
rs. Edger A Ae=rlch, T�, Ida to a recent Rad '61P RATEUNG BUM 4WD
r home in"TOr0a 3el& Made
"L George's The Be noor, cdonald (jollere. a motor Girls, Marian Squire.
at , a p0lic scbQO' teacher 1. taken one through a Pass car while he waI �d ding �u it -k left later on
• day' She was the as pft ding Mrs. Kilpatrick Us&" 1webm reinter
Tar Ph.lD, of I use,
r!" In KOAX 161iball for tually Y"riL stinge of hills where bih le on the Blyth gra road. Id 14orthern Oqtarto to to-
t4o- trip through T
Itti ss� 1,011l Kaxintle Kelly.
moll, will ce",,,� the M!, - MAZAL It arried Bout of New to the nor obleat'rocoa oditst0it, =t was seriouq.P.0ij part of the Pro Wiley.
chumb on Ed1%6A1:jhers;u N. L.,#," potme of the turn via the easteruMaxine
Oasn" a as
:aOz 4 UWA wftb while the road to Sangre Grande passm was rushed to Wiligliam I.. Tinve. The hill travelled In a to XTrider sixteen yewm
The sold In the else ISK" big OfialLb 64!vI ble ThIl brd- -till a v4rgin forest. where little hope 'was held for his mantile rose and brown triple sheer Kelly. G -race, -W. A. Holmes.
W.M.11111. 1111,182V ".71-11 at, bet, brut A- N"W tell The West report Is that mow
room On Ttlesoy.-AiSrst 2w .— - "Ah:e- _survive. recovery. ensemble, with matching &'""orles 4ittsle ladies' trao"eas Malinke. CLEARIN
2 P.M. papers AU be swab ovoww's, en is a little ftivevement, Ind on their return they will reside In bmdb.� -
Ora ;t� - - 41PIr"I a teacher. (tall throwing 0" diW ILA&W
V toped ba III Oil al Toronto. Whore the groom 'a --Qg;i
Men. C. W. B MEN'S
Rol and Mrs. I& the p4l school staff. "leads Griff. "r kick -Wilma Gfff-
�, liiaield varieties o, do
fall 'with song. end relatives were present from Port 8115 g string --41. V. Sale* -
In ]ell the day I kittert Ashn" Men -4WD Shirts and
iff"I'lileternall"MMil (%rim from IQ^
87 i�.&., 111;owbridge, W -Ab M ['-a& Davidson.
E. AllwwrRottlo Men, W
Rev. A. EprV%ZJUR The, oods, * oreal treat store Cur the ell. nod Drlvin� risit-
w"14060 Im Sat *seeing. [lowell -A 'k,0012, Bich., a
Oki" pilstangir Z. Armmftoft ch Miss I , IF e�peelally the 1),ea0bera.Xk Jet 1p. ftamberlain.
rs qtrrSh&1n1t 4f AsIblelds, sell of BurO&. A] .111 be privi- New York I'adien' %"b&sno�,n ra--p-Mrs. J. A. W
be f Rev. W. JI. TA- aS i .
to thel Us-- 0 t iiii her are ver jocerelu. 71l 9wpLe. wlidtf thsly
1pit of Nowth street ale ptuffed I to bear ottyllons wLasIy avensk
on vacation. the Pu as fol- a Monday, '1wre are oosbw N sporroffil-"Try in Wingliant, on -�ANDII
occotpled on Ing I le beal MALAILICIA)l•
-.7. W. BAK
[laked eburctk will be 1. :at his r 'Armstrong was crocodiles Frklay events. AunoW Jil begiijuinS A quiet was tuuk piece on Wed Me" sewing Pateb
August 18, Bev.C. A. UK - al 12 5 0 el
1000' Chani- Ont pion It . 1" 11,
Re,. F. near Reidsville, December at 8• A east al .do, It Ork whose Aft
AlIgre"t Jewelry daughter t eo-A. * Newcombe. at
.4K (Alia; August = Rll H.
R. Ferguson. the Into J -J-- U for ever) 1�-rmon Mark muby Sandy, youngest daughter Mr.
lar - Beptember 10401 1"4, &"our- witill, t mender. "is rudy Your gad M ra, rhowas Sandy, was united In Yarded ladles' tars. F St&l- *A
4The regular nwetleg Of the Ill Asla,Armal Who& this lontad marriage to James Keith Salkeld. res- ley . Shore Of Ruud qual It Y
1� in the I we% yell bt c1�0!!IL! Ith the 1A Rule, y c4nkt� I hear - ILI. L. 8&lk- Ken's Rho rn,.y pattems.
Y. A "Awl. Oil 0;1 the wee g the and son (A bar. sold biro In till broadelotba.
circle will be held of a y -li to tfill to be 1.111t
al I Mrs. r 14 and new, young eI4. all of 41odeiiel TV& sea o 42. Clearing at
W-M�klng vessel. wag alsed to op Presence Of lm- the I at age tA understanding and Big" 30 t 35c
OR opeu-ai groom ee,,rAgar lAe Master"I.
a. sphere I. a bit of Pitch from t I med tor ati" o"bIeW4904 ba=ne gloast.
, zov- tat Of asphalt wbia p long ago Sir In the I re4lyteriall church at 1POrt . o "Bal is All
the ottitidting clergymen being Men L
takes by 391a E. an Har- —nlk h Elgin. Drell. Clearing at.,. - - 3% eR
In the strvics abotoce 9 1 is Rev
,bo IS twat *d wit as a man of kindly dtw
*d on tow d haval
0`401s. Position. IrAhm ap"oriot. w tvjaLng bry
Church on sell DeW* .Ir*;% RAZ
ducted by the W.M.S. as a In It xewft"Lo,:O�g a It cried &it arm ROBINS
was in charge ofurs, filled up n anted an ex- y looperial 44 tent for
Mn.Mrs. R. T. Pit TIp Top Tailors-
-Animmmk—. Kim Unwell has I. she may About le g
jusaident of the W. to Ord tilt. fKV'L&u-()Wen "tolt MUM
Sallie, the speaker. GRISI knbdW turbotalrb to Ord of to the beete- a tit"* 0 r(will W. S Phone
III her course at to Univer go t it.,. pet, Ka eddiug dinner hl "No
Do She ol - -
address on Ill= A The I was hat sky, -and obtain bar bride Agate was provided by, the d on Widgil�- ore tv
rIo a tilt 'Of hop" thee to return be bar wort LA
JU Went Onts from the residence 0. sitrating the need of care, courteV and .af*P
being the school &I ir sake. The now
40ce of the I*se the Tim* giiiix, Ilker 6111
in the nor at tit 11111 Is as and repak NO- Jd I.u.akaLZ
!- ature. given In story d Will Ilk too.
-11so bow CL N. ti.Z. V1 URCH
Tbedford, Aull to 1L ; And - Zen. 4M -4iberli twtplirogs of In Ine
L Baker. Videsionamew~ IF 11r.
TV terest and humor. t".
in the Awl
Sapper J Ill mvve4ft the reprO"* tbnonm r d*
1`8 or -the Ladles' num"i , Brien.
Grifift. SM. w4ll A. '"Vile WESTSINNUD, Aug. IS.—VbilMr and at the the bases WTM NB
gestated lit e"rp J 1� "&DSGNON 4 the-WrIbsWiphal =X, girl fr do I
qrkh $Lod lit the hoill KT. _, kJ4 We Picture refreshment& received we obtain peace4pnd haPPine" I
st, 4i • X, Sunday i-Va" MA. JkA were ind 3XISs 'Read. lkw can
Vie" Wb ok. AN J"E&j.;eI K and In gifts of sap linm 1i41` bummL- —voftw I
on a 0, w * r. itelmolad 91 Wed at tb4
bd"Sl of Hespeler, and Mr. mel W.'evied
ek A
Aaath occur WSi gives
t off f naladay. NeOrbilDs for A4Q. W a twat efiJoYabillt *wooing Hell I
4.�r.t Mrs. R, ig i on Tuesday afternoon Miss 80 dy
walk, -!t MMW.11 is attend on Tuesday a.III III guests at the home
Ivacestelf of
Terrill a& vileekwed nway_ gum
la -hei0elighty-Ittom
• to failing health for some time, but wee Tirissrhay. CAurexti—WARK
bedfast oply, ten d270- She wills A
momber 'of a ploneef fillinfly who MW On Wednesday evening. at
Ingis tied to Goderich towssa1v , 1n I O'cjo,-k. in North street United church, po You Want A Bargain•
W 0%0 -kb Her parents, of Irish birth. were Pat- following are the rp-vulll of the 19M Upper .4 tes"nationg of Was ollprollised the marriage of Ruth
Vf*Ittick Gunn and Sarah Plitelan. The -U," indicates "Oredit." -A-50; "" In Alice W. younger daughter of Mr.
for the pant twelve Years with 'family 'Aloved to Collbornf, township, Goderich Collegiate Institute. I ad class isonor�, 0$44: "V* third- and Mr-. q. J. We Ill of oaderielt,
J. J. Hoggarth's garage -class boners, 7:i-100; "&" see of St. C-
ited I hile there she met end dicates first Mr, Dou �1111 "O"I'llbel" *
the "oning at a 7 sot wrzrten. I -A New F4,ectrk Refrigerator, a New
. Lannon. ' After living for else, honors, 6045, "f.,, failure; "o," 9%jper
=SrF loan, mo," Of Mn. LemPhe'll Of tenel
town- the late Itoreld Campi*41. The
ear and Rev. W. &w Electric
8hjP*fsrm, retired Ai ceremony -tric Nam,91
a a . tiedt.Ashfield OL
SERVICE STATION ;Ds y they to Gd.,I,h CL d . . mony was performed by ]Oft
911 , * I _ a church.
th"Wu years ago. 4 P. tAlle. minister of the October 3111 Use &VA M ro. as 0 , st thirty r to the ma: Mr.
Up-to-date Sol Ili= I ebr Ill gold- rriage service fh
fading Ma wholesale prices
1%41 ' - I . ute organ recital all PWyis,,,. or.
I- I NlAKZ R,tibop. A. - ,
Sunoco Gausat -11. - .1. 1 1 J :� , z - A a' VV. H. 3fattile, '% Ilu a Are $1011 going to do any painting? It ". we a" rge And well
,-ge1gh1l 'L. = I paud• Itlig and at
L D*MWATIO tin Most kind &W 0 0 0 1) 7, 0 0 o 0 0 =an'a -- lit,chenter. Mr. DishOIN A unsorted stock of Scarfe's will -known to Pot ,it it cheap
IF 1.401 Allin, Clifford f 'll % 41 IV a 0 21 3 6 0 0 0 of the groom. taker as sita,"It
Mrs. Jobs fo;;Z organ teacher in qualities are llneilualled. It t JI 1!
•a 0 8, With boor Anderson, Mildred N. 0 0 1 -vo %. Ilk a 0 2 0 0 0 490111- a ve best?
'dan, played some of his (two CbMPOGlti"& "t a a It
CAR W11 -Al of Torrill 0. Vautir 4
Armstrong. W. John 3 2 f 0 1) 1) 1 a .0 _0 The ebUteIL-W", M of Co"I., W..
ILree in her last Illness. ember Asquith. Mary F. 3 e IV it 1) 4) 00 1AJ-0 fully for • the proftt +a slew.
Mrs. lAlluan was a devout m Reginald A. f 0' () 2 1— 'V 0 0 ( a -0 "w—,irrien
Street Pbo 'Wer . 8 churels, Asquith. 2 0 A 0 0 0 ne%w4l by a large 7711 (It
Ringgton Baker. Albert M . ..... At the Ing &all 4*%Wace Over -
Blew. Helen M. ........ 1 0 1 1 1 IV f) 4 0) 1 0 0 1 1 (it the popular yollint C01110le
Bisset. Mary L. 2 1 1 0 01 0 0 0 0 1) Y l t 1 1 1 0 0 front of the church were baskets Of Ook It It W4 do this work and can site prompt
iH 0 1) 1) It 0) 0 40 1) 0 0 11 It 0 0 0 0 dowers that presented, A yr6tualoll Of I Suit work fully guaranteed.
U Blagett. I'llilmore 0 2 3 c c 1 0 0 0,0 0 0 0 color. 1,4.ws for relatives Still Imine
• .1 ftall• BuWa, (*Qrg .. ............ 0 0 't d -el 0 0 0 0 diate frien(h were mar'ked wit" large
Ill z site last memo)( - CdObAW ick J. c 0 4r 0 0 0 0 CHAS. C. LEE,.
gooditkm Of affalro w family and Is survived. ............ 0 S 0 0 0 2 1, 1 0 0 0 ') '1 0 0 0 0 () white satin bows. e 1,0hodgrin bri -
IN Nahand and two x6rill, T, J. and Cure, 0 0 0 0 To the steel" or III e flardware Nto of
pla"lldm. I
arrears. township, Tboto (309al Norah K. 2 2 0 0 0-0, 0 .0 the it
of Ashfield 0 a 0 0 0 0 '0 dal ChPnm the bride waited kW)wn OUL,
loft) ato F a : W flause 112..
thl 0 0
Crawford. Ernest R *0 0 0 0 0 0 sdiol the sra of her fattfflr. 81141 pbom-4w"
I took piece 00 an tat Crawford, Kathleen M. If 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 &.0 1 6 6 0 _araft w"o, paust Iowa that
J0119 *oVsg Carson, Nathlem-& - -A. 0 -0 0 -9 0 -to"-
0, o • 0 0 0 showeit Itlate fr9F-OrWbtWitget1u sham-
stly, . ..... C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 0 0 The gown was cut on prine"s I In A with Wi r hove here *% 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a high collar, a t train and a I
andertch 1 77 . ... .. 0 e a , 0 Aloollwas comlaor to it
f- n 1%7 P I- gathering elghborts until i�; ..,1 0, 0 a 0 0 0 c 0 0- 0 .0 & 0 a 0 0- jacket With - h
sa..Wnac sn'l f"'. C..-Ral — - In, I of thq -41L4k
her c TLi Rates
friends, Edward, Verne M .... c 0
the Son. tlted ek. The 91131bes in Goderich a QV 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' 0 0 a 0 0 0 trallists W46 opened tats a car-
WZER-KND CRUISE TO "'IND- cmin , florr. we- ell .... 2 0, charw
were Fred Robinson. slul's in -n, MitritarM 0 r caught about the head with
NOR AND DETROIT Patterson, jutl O'Connor, vergii- 3 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 2= She car-
I,v. Friday, return Sunday -08-00 and at Ktngpbri(IKP, � Greene, Ilerbert A. 0 0 0 0 c c If ta f 0 00 *0 halo of orange b4ovatime.
Ile Ilognith, E. PALTnice .... 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 a begettifti bouquet of cattleyst
Wm. mWrtibT,11l mustla. Morten Had
including sial and berth. j1,tftW gtopen Dtle .......... a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6
All day Isturday in Detroit Dalton. Deacon Boonton. M. Jean -- 0 0 1 3 2 0 0. 0 0 " t I I V 01 2 0 0 Orchids, lilies of the valley and adian- Save you. Nney
0 9 0 0 0 0 .:1 0 0 top fOM Thp bridesmaid, Miss Mary
0 2 0 Nuelkanan,
Six-day Mine to Georgian Martin, John MOYll Johnston. Steil& K . ...... 0 0 0 a of "PrIvil was dressed In
M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
and Sault Still. Marie in the Interesti; 6 0 0• orchid organza with list to match, and •....... $6 (Wt
thorn Friday- nice 0 0 3 2 1 0 0 0' 0 0 0. 1 wore white lace mitts and white aboes. The signal and Tito Torbil 0lOVV@-- Sao()
Lv. Ft"mdmdL rell day Klipenhaw. B. Rom 0 c
Of rather aPPe&ls- I think, to Lawson. M. J. Her 0 n 0 0.0 0,01 a 0 ........
00 Ing moats and D goose- of pale yellow rd The JdAll sited MmP'f* ..... * .......... $7.00
w lAnklater, Frifftin L c 0 f 0 0 0 0 0 0 She carried R The SIXTIal Daily Star.........
o 0 - 0 f f 0 f 0 1) s- 0 0 0 6`1 g;&4lojj. The groomsman wait Mr. The Signal and The Toronto....... ".25
McLeod, Jean 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 M ..........
Aod. Jeft 0 0 0 orrsy MVWI. of Stratford. The The Toronto TAPpIlrava.
n IL 1 to" Ca The Signal and
b 2 f f 0,0 4) 0 0 c littleTW Sig"[ and The London Advertiser ...........
MAWAT LUM 0 c nowpr-Xirl. Eleanor Joy
McKensle, Ethel 0. 0 a 0 1) 0 0 0 0 pretty
WrKDSOV, 09% old KeUglaup, Donelds, D 0 0 0 0 ..........
.01, Im 0 0-Q 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 0 Wark, nipep of the bride. vros charm Hill The Londog •b"t" Ptftqt-'� ... PLOO
JOUR L4DO&L AG I.• t does It mat e a 0 0 - a 0 0-o 4 "T !0 .1terow
Iftw It 9 2 0 0 0 0 8 WO- •-0 ingly ittoll"id, Kate Or, - style.. arA The Stratford I""
UP n a 0 0 0 In. shell pink OTP6&e n7,..r, pill net, Mid The 4psmily ylerald and *ell* Star .... 00)
Ar 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T1.424 1#,. ad a . ......... 42.40
Ile -A&- A-2 0-4 0 0 4) 0-4) 0 0 4F t . with & Mut nd The 0knadiRn Illou'll' -Journal - SZ40
c f 3 1-61-0- ii Ir ft 0 4V '11) 110115001 rorlis ignAl nod Tit,- ('sloodian Marfivine .........
4-FaAff— 0 a 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0• 0 0 0 hair of pink fad M r I and Toronto S8turdAy NII
I gl I : *.
0 0 0 A 4) 1) 0 0 0 0 0710 she earT10d 28 4 in ......... S:t.40
$lj0 0 .0 0:0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 rosib"418 suspended tly a r1lill frees The Signal and The New )Utjlk*.. '= ..:•
........ \,,. .$3,25
Will 111 0 her wrt-St. The I)rtdmft "her wore I
Pante. Derlt ff. 0 And
6 1 a '0 till 0 0 0 2 2 1 The Signal and canadian Homes ........
R(~Apon. Jetaff 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 blial',ftitured eMftn,vAtli notching blue The ffignofi It nd The Catholic Record ............ 1 2. 4
nuffell. Walter H. 2 1 0 0 0 north I lint, Intl lira. CRUPPIll wore ....................
OOt,1`-ear () F r 2 e 0 c 0 0 0 0 1) e 0 1 ACIN and M,eT`e8n'VV UsigazIne"
TIM ZAT20T Ruston, All(1P E 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 0 0 Ill with Istne vplvpt hat. F The 819nal .............. .....
... $2 40
OUR STOOL IS NOW COMPLE" OF Sallow-. Alnya F,- 0 0 f C 0 c 0 0) 0 0 0 0 wore a 'Ornage of orange -gold Tall$- The Siallail and Tile ChotelaloR ...
ASHICIFS AND DESIGNS OF FooTWIAz 0 4) 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 ,,, roxf* and Moisture blue delplillo- The Signal and The -P,ronto Star Weekly. ... ... CP211V
F 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14F oe register gpe Signal and National 11011W M0411Y. 00
ens, ileu #1onal it rift Wool Or cowpas.
FOR SUMM r il *4 0 2 c 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 I)nrtng the 64"169 Of tharlues, Q*
h thf, 2 6 61, c (11 0 Mr. Jack WAtROD, Of "L C& •a •6••e• 0,
we gre showing an amortnl%fif V WIR n. 0 0 0 a Mr , I I ILAT
This Wagon RA c 0 0 0 4) 0 0
of SHOES, ox VIIIII11� TIES, I'll 2 0 0 0 0' o 0 3 0 0 0 1"" 91140 RATER WITU
Ro 0 0 0 0 0 sang I'VnIte very 6 lVC: oN
'S P a 0 very 6 Vrk. Of"*
men that C&nno
date Ten - 0 0 0 art,". me
f 0 0 0 .0 0 a e f W IIAD 0111 *PPIR
a FIT id W E V Le
Turner. tyro it 0 0 0 0 0, 0 0 Itrich. FoRrUCTICALty 19""Ry
nor NO" - 0 0 Op c 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 i3rorlImille. Iff#&UATF
on's ar Ty D d a ,� Albert At W. T 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 After the ceremony the bride and 101111 ON THE CONTINEVT
oot Webb. ten A 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 e 6 0 0 1 1 groom were at, a reception PZR
he th a el 1= "" Jead'....'. 2 1 A I 1 0 0 o 0 0 1out] Mrs.
rt specialty, and Whit -le v f 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 at Ill bride's hOol Ur. '11. mother
of the shoemaker's art. .............. 0 11..1. Wark and lira. 11*11ill
PIN�00 -cpw.sfully written 1, %j,3. w1h I I e text year it of tj 1p groom, A buffet, luni-hPon wee
rI,,ntaXP )f papers, 41( a throw PM IL
Z THE, NFW all Wlhi; -1
CALL AND SE vm in lim, t jev'�i. il�dd nke. a
,� the bride cut
1"Vil forwarded by The wAltr
a I I (,in hexa The rertifleRtets from the Tile0arlinent of FAue Ot reecl�` the were three l,'011lill- of the bill
mail to Individual gludents, and itiloilld anyone It ItPulah of I)rWA#D, and ORTH
Geoo ple"Or. notifty 111IMP let Once. h isapmamOrela knil IIPIPU -h'
.4 nin intend to appeal anti it Ill
F M 00.1not the ntmIading XrAn;ed thern, nientoni jm
Mims Mariznr#-t I PHONE 35
.4 It 11wo forma Of AIWRI sent him by the Dpport-mo, Solikeld. of
?IiF. lilt WbpL anqt
as Mr. 11110111I blank r
b I from J. P. IMUE, roperistary.
)teeth Side of Squel a t lop
#so :17
L "'
41 IV: