HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1935-8-15, Page 1Ate. 'sme..vocl alma• ti'"
- is
4' ;gr, L
Mao Y. E.
IJ Miss Tina
The results-74"
'blltlate e
Cglote !tit
ugtlyced t his
balsa on page $
Tee Stgatti.
The school
d r ,.413.3 rje
r written
airing iwatbd twdeaLs
compared with
tear and 76 par
�ltftr �!
e 011.
sot I urunb
al home in
taw Fearing
1py. •
At Ottawa yesterday
nett *!!**need the dlwoldt on a
Ila meet and general electloae. to
held Monday, Oetuber 14th. As tide
skate had elteadyePeen est for
di OH
th h sial math les
sit I•
tR a
Mt�lat more that WO news*
rr >R10talaring to the ratepayer*
fi 1. • poderldt you realise t> T are Don
Eget to envy aneatios, had will there•
• re gnat me the privilege of pleys0 c
:In/ the caber ride of the
through the
estoa made the • MO Me-�.- '
e� the suicide when he returned
the beide In the evening. The
y wag lying In a pool of blood near
1 stove. Mr. /Winston
Aortae' old mitres oil the dour.
pus. - eibria. bad bean un- , .
r dra • for at-
. re.
' •
:KA not
this eagle for at In ertape
/at • t>ta' smello ` T
,• C. preen, IMMO
la the Post te Mee ghat +t .
If it should be �Nt[•
to em ealo .
smatters' report re
thermal of about
lilts did Inst mess 1
Mayor b aware
have in ter
the signature Of
auditor, one of
Aooident • o h 8ito! '
w,tmtut, •rttollo.
over from
n attend the Liberal !aI-
Pubemkm and hear the Rt.
or ws , 1agreat :rue ■ , . , r a , -
'Much esthualare. t
.,re. o e
J �
d been in good health
The Signal ie fn ruled t• t arrange -
l•lkel pinned to the
�... Artt r 'region and tlantl►ylasf f: w. twined
v (1 Tole rat. --
w of t , r aur were a S 1 .ceder burns &how\tlu.t the ,rue
was fired close to the . r •
right eye Was blown oat
if Ise *bel palmed ,tbroi*h the ak
the kitoken wan.
11r..4. • Wbltel was calls. and
w the. ff"'fir•
the•, Newgate street E• J`'
lA and Yah. V. H. Heweonal -
merket are visiting at the tome**
Mrs. 1 • . -stater, M
staled. has charge of t e 9 -
work for the pgrty 14 r
mbWn. Y1ddlFsez
ne 01.•ntion
lb New
bre. Jose-
het sas44s• eaateAeing Jana
Wi When'- she was fold
years of ge ate moved with WV temp
•li#sre. tie married
who iiss born to Oodet
but east -Torry yeatrr
Th•s.yore married at
t . tlllinenleee years
to (k•ada, Irving
ears Wore reproving
they began farm-
th; Ones • • , neer Sheppard-
/Ao wa. a member sof the
nIftrAdIA Ate Port AlbsrC
• er jtyjond and two nieces, In
p*Rflprn� had Nevada, are the sole
rim f o=a. -There were 0011drN
Owen Sound,
Ater IIIgYl r•y
They stayed ugly .r few
Ick •� ,Int •'t !roux t log
Abbe, Lehr on the toll
to bre, -thee -la weal-qugh,.
wool() be g• •
• _ '
*oda letter I rfticheed him /Or Wee-
....d000jdr B. C. Mennlaga a
ir"' •r-- petnted to baodle-the-audit. I have
a second letter fa which Mr Johnson
states he Is sorry-tffEeaen did not `re-
port this matter to last 1IIT'n meas!.
Had the treasurer.- L. L Knox. wbo"le
a servant of tbe ratepayers whose
money 1s Iawolved, cueveyed this In-
formation to last Years council, that,
apparently, there wsel4 be + shortage,
It Is doubtful it ehaa, Weld
been an election at,111. ill d Wel
Ger that Ma now beam, a very
*hated glair would have
4 Waned up
Oozing tie
Legg and ob
called on the ex -collector, wb
oat a considerable number at
t were paid and not 1'
Mayor says -
was Idol sad
til oat the oely war ete.-nit ,.
true eow4ition of affairs was to tire!'•
Lulea all arrears-irs at erut of
Ow loud
way to toed* e
Ids count -11 w$tb !*ossa 1140111bot
Idea offirming Ewe oettta eng
- --4110 trestle olloek itlr
la the origlbr:B• W.
not the local a �• a�
firma ou(a'�t ng ex --ti
e111gev.'*' Asko
loco ded by
Par, Mrs. Mut
wtt1s only a
Ttrp Ass
',�.,,��►y•�a hurled '1
della* Poor
tempt to *veld
of horses driven
/10012 OD
near Cltf-
inald of To -
and Ler mote-
Toroeto, Aire- to
b *Rh sal
penger In
of Aabdel • ,
ing 1p slid a
fa. bon Id ' A�
w•w•. ww .^- ew
a verbal 'report •ed to titb that the
Johnson auditors be called 1n long be -
Ono -thee e',1bee lad entitled. If the Mayor
11 try laird, lie will remember that
Deputy Reeve and royeelf
ir,eist trill Messrs. Lag and Robert -
/my present a written statement as of
March 29th, 1925, a Inquest very re-
ineesntly granted. •
• meeting held May Leith, the
Mr. R• S. Roberts.,
nteetiftdigilliod by cone-
asensen or council were
them The Reeve
It bitterly
ly oop a Ode move-
ment, recording our vote against the
motion. Wo do not feel that we were
tilt gnash! the e4 ,
r. and~' lMddlelou,
(loder�k 1P 'ltgLee the en-
ga t oitheir gest daughter,
Miro. Enaabeth,. to . rant•ls Rlllott
Powell, Only sea of MAIM Mrs. Frock
Powertch township. The mar-
riagelliaed take place larly in Seto
ter. y� hit•
e engageaest7e **mooned of
Mary Malmmeon. 11x., only
daughter of Mrs. Malcomaun and tbe
Ie.. Percy Allan Maleomaoil, barris-
ter, Kinearove., toOmcrly of (loder-
Ich, to Edward Hay 1)!ttnnaa., , 'Li g
Port Hope, only son of Mr. F.dwa'a
and Mra. Dithbridge, Port Hope, forfn-
erly of Trenton. New Jersey; the mar-
riage to take place the end of August.
Mrs. John $atm, of Ashfield, an-
nounces the engagement of her daugh-
ter, Ade Jackson Helm,•to Lorne iri-
son Weare, of et. Helens. the marriage
to take plate the latter part of
A ugaet.
to eon-
eaaa, es ar-
rive ata tree eaatenseut.
The Mayor speraka of the ratepayers
eosin In with their receipts. I
4pahaU have an emanates Incident In ee-
.ection with any own taxes later on to
relate to you -
Thirdly -Once more the
push.* tla local auditors to th '
1a that be Alts that they made as
laikreport, ' Mar(! 2D, 191h. An
Hon of the mina e+•
that a mottos isle
Deputy Reeve _
t , neallor if(Oi/u INit•g a
e yor did not !Leib at to vote with
ell wup10rtef•. He is very peeved
shoot the wotloe that brought this
matter to a head; yet be bed nut 00 -
ester 1410 vote against 1t.
Mr. pettier, I did cot aak
for a
to who!
newspaper, yet
111 one; hot i trust to yber gm.efe•lty
Sad patience tov a,wblle yet.
0s 1W 1164. oho representatives_
elre h,ndltlg honse were here;
M • inure to say piece of busi-
m* t they wiabed
fbe !eusell
entry was received on
da iu The &goal's tall g
Tke exhibit, Ranier
.not the tallest yet received,
bur i _ . very good growth. John J.
tlkk, -�4, Godero•h, Is the gtewet
oeyt. The exhibit Is five -fest
lir ata -three-quarter Tibor` t
Neely Ova Numbed it C. 0. L 2.
at int
Hares Pied
at the United
Murch nlop are tweaking
camp today after h delightful and help
fel 1gp da meetingThere were
smarty (R! ha*msrs. a+.ts. to 110 groapa.
Mrs. Nelson Trewartha, of Clinton, 1
was camp mother; Mina erdlty faar-
geant, of Toronto, was camp director,
s! "captain" to the title, and Miss
Caroline Wellwood, of Wingbam,
dent of the Huron cpunty Girls' Work
Board, war "first sate."
There were chases In various' sub.
Pets, Mrs. (Rev.) II. 1). Taylor, of
Exeter, taking the study of missions
throughout the week.
Water sportniender the capable sup
ervlsion of "the Captain" were an out-
standing restore of the camp.
Ya •Coleerviltive' dbminitin? ohm-
atKIn for tee elvers sldintr
at Rlncatdine'yeateril�j►
lwttle, of Ripley, tvtg' sus
ten nominees tQ ataad wan
ecordingly declared the C*ndldate.
There will 1* a three -cornered fi t
Via riding, as W. 0. Nichol
.tt rube township 1m the held as e
rmer_L.bor Ca
The district 'oath ad east of (lode -
rich was •felted on enday afternoon
by a hailstorm of usual severity.
Hailstones as large s golf bails are
creamer Maser!** tr varies• morose.
Mr. dlarold William- reported that
at the Williams as home at
Lewis' Beech the hailstones cut
through the etre*0 and knocked
e•rerytblidg off the inside. He
brought some aampi to tows to •
pill, and an hour aft they bad tall*.
they were still a co a of inches
In circumference. M Williams Alt
he had nreard vuefore haelstase.. a*
big as apples, but tl s was the first
time he had actual', seen them.
Seeve J. L Moser oollapsed wblle
it work on some cement work se Me^
(lee's garage, Hamlltoa street, on Wed-
sao morntnf. Overwork and the
�wtee blamed for the sudden weak-
ness. He rested at his home and was
able to return to work in the afternoon.
TA1111•10 IMIUM110
It is holiday time for local police-
men. Provincial bonstable P. E. Mc-
Coy left on a two weeks' vacation on
Sunday, and Chief R. C. Postele-
tbwalte begat his holidays on Mallday.
Constable Jack Stewart, of Bel -
grave, Is here during Constable Me.
Coy'• abeenee, and Andrew tltraugb-
an, Park street, is the newcomer to the
local force. Sergeant Rosa baa been
transferred to day duty
8ismngbla takes the r • '
two weeks.
per, atigifigge-,Warguer at Weir
sunup* home at Glen lMMaltland.
(lsptaln Roderlee[ Bogle ot'tbo•'mo-
toreplp Blue Coma motored- .fro
pollingwuod sof spent the weekted
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Bogie of Loyal lie eh* visited le
Bogle, who le bond•ring at -the
er father. Mr. Align Horton, Lee-
Councillor Lee tits � r ilm of a
Uofortuna/e Melds.! '
Councillor O. t' Lee was taken to
Alexandra hospital on Sunday night
suffering fractured wrista received In
to s
frac • - a4''r1N1 4ts-7ee
beau - • g arms took the
brunt of 11 and both wrists were
Me. Lee was discharged from the
hospital on Monday, wearing troth arms
In • sling. While the accident is •
veryearl 'rite" ta car-
r�y'ltag eft I. cheerful
fortfltnde. j
The 14e. Georgian had 2011 passen-
gers on her trip up the lit on finnday.
There has been n increase
In shipping nctiviti,- •t he harbor
In the last week.
On Tbarsde7 1104 t h neer (lod-
erleh arrived from I"
320,(00 budeNl*, of wheat'gor
vator. The steamer deMM
the ..head .RtlteLakes, os
The ate, arrive: w
go ep ,- _ 4401 the
Imbea ea Tr dal Tbt,ara(q
1oa44 t .tie elevator and ith'
le , light.. for ,the return trip
S •
The -tier. Coalfav n',so strived PO -
day, with *sal for the Western Can -
Mills card from
afAAb�as the return trip the
tee' Delia, from MIdlanfi, a,$
An , from Sarnia, Indk toek off o
part eaten of gait from the Goderlch
Halt Company's. wareh010e on Sunday.
'nip Della cleared for Halifax, the
Superior for Fort William the name
A third ship made port here on
Tuesday for salt. Irhe was the Ben -
maple, from Sarnia. whisk roared for
Montreal. Her cargo was partly from
the OMPrieh Salt Onaid party from'
the Western Canada •alt ;taut,
The tug Dorothy !die 1a **:;shed to-
day M take a emir for Wert to be done
at Port htarley
iron door* have uteer glo t ever
the new loading 011P art 12 the Oar
oppnalte the Oodertrh halt Company's
warphon$e.. •
water troferrafntrif it 'i 1 bather
eh off; g we tet naive
It 41, NI, 4 , .W
A local boy I. bel
Canada's yolingem
ago pt fourteen be is Mistily
a nolo flight.
1f�. M FrM Vines, non of Mr,
. 11 0 rine.. Piston street. "Iran`
Toa begs a pre r of the London Fly -
Jag (A*14 forvrt.ota and intend'
making ♦ g•r la • few
prnit's(rly no • day
his flea h1Rht +
Pa on It
away treat pia
fills enthusiasm ew from the mak-
ing a may graceful flying Models.
That was tame tlme ago. until the arse
to irecome a real pilot beralhe alm
too for hlu. 4 Hi• permit •
twe�eelreit ardent flying entb-
fl9allyrented to his
Mures. London.
Th inches of boy a
1s with r Ja the alt.
not tuns a hair when the club in ,
tor, MIL .11111irmaxiM1121111i Hu
their pleat,
Tank want' to
1St j rind aka
*1* k1 with
*WY ry pa
ref*S , The nag
pest% tS cram a Int of
three yArs that
norher eke age a -
s pilot's noon
~ ' Vine/
1? tenni
abs fact that M
fo hie
.. ♦
Woburn F
large ideate party whir% lade •
peaceful Invasion of the town t'�1C1
day mottling represented the' NOAH"
lidindrl 00., of Wingham. tTbe hist
two years threompa.y, owing to "hard
not hold its an - ng
t *ad the [ lies,
else *Rs a 'now
Really two h mired 'per
w ed old, but all cossetted
AnrnOry, were br ht to doe
a fret bd1 ar
trnek4 rindof flag dap aped th
g rounds of HarMr !`art.
The'pdeale was In charge of H. C.
)�1M,ean, manager of the foundry, as-
eA by a eommittee cnnsifiting of
lnyd Hingatan, J•a. Hell and Law-
rence Vct.ean.
Dinner wan served In the pavillon,
after which race. and eonteets were
enjoyed M the early afternoon. under
the direction of W T11Oe, Jos. Oeii,
feedlot }ed A Forsyth
A softball sea, swimming .1 the
barber• are • elm treat* helped
page a miss . , afternoon, which
n ng
h In
'Dear ttiy - M Meeting (;reek, Alberta,
spirit!vidUng M1w wtrnnaeh's father,
r, J, (tentelon. lira. tltronach
was born in Manitoba, where Mr. Oen-
tcaon lived for .oma yearn, and this
Is her first trip east of Winnipeg. She
is greatly interested in what she sees
here and thlnka Ontario is a lovely
Province. She is a strong advocate of
the "social credit" scheme which Is ao
prominently before the electors of Al.
*with herta and is is bops'Ibat the Social
Ake:credit party w111 win in the Provincial
00,1, uneral ek'ctiona of next week. so that
thio w-heme may have a triaas..*ctsal
DR. HAMiifON'8'd'
nt her he
n000, with Interment in Maitland
velvet soy.
• .-Th rkvtow band will play on the
re on *many evening Best _ _-
, Tete neat tw ea4Ewle 1fy the God-
o -'rich beset w1* be plated In the west
Wednesday evening of next
et Park, and on Sunday
ggust lib, at Harbor Park.
1 give weat-and resideata a
better opportunity of hearing the band.
t 1. •ANTS
O� ,,t Huron 1teglnient
a clams of twenty-five Ella
aaadldatea taking a four weeks!
at Lonah O under the supervl-
et bikers at time 'Royal °wadies
ilegltaent Those securing complete'
analIAestlob for the rank of sergeant
were Acttng•eergeaat 1. K. Salkeld, et
Ooderleb, Corporal G. 11. Carrell, of
lialittord, and Corporeb L Pinkney, A.
J. Calder and tH. ids,1ficis od of Sea-
a .4. 1st•.veto anaounosd at
r atlllary Matto''leu last
at Home
after Four Years in Trinidad
After four years' service is • W.11.6. verslty. The examination papers are
pent out from Cambridge and tbe ae-
school to Trtetdad, Mies Maud How-
hal arrived hunts on furlough. ',wee papers are sent to England to
ell marked. the acbool w
A representative of The /1gaaL- l *olio, 11 is connected took
on Miss Howell toed Ametinge
hear of her experiences In the little
tropical Island.
After the enervating climate Of
Trinidad . gof Canada Is tefreph-
owett, although ow:
tauoma brooms the temperer
(01dit4'le not extraundir itot•
4urepop the day being 114
• rfladle of the 4ay 1a
'Arm, but the sight/
cool- In the school 1�
n head rake
f the @Mee
the middle of 1,0
ing from fl to 11.1p,
la Cbale to City
iorktwa1 ' Aitg12.—As a token of
altpreclatlbn tor' many pears of
Iy- treatment In the city of hug
gfftn4tion, arc C. J. Hamilton, veteran
r'of health,
obeipalIty wit
it IM Chief flaglatratee
come. The presentation
Mayor W. Parlslen at
Rag of the council,
Otani 'handq S
silver ch* with a nt alIe*
erred of the city, about he Mayer'•
neck. it was the Arat time In Corn-
wall's 101 years •o a municipality that
the (Chief Magi.tr*lte Swore finch a
badge of MIee. hr. Hamqilton. isaving
been • servant of the eiSrporatlon for
fifty -eleven Tars, was the first Medical
(Nicer of Health to be appointed 1*
Ontario. 11e is a former Mayr* of
Cornwall and enymerebet of Perils.
mon for At0Tnw,at moat,. I.
Dr. Hamilton Is • we*k
HOW iitrl 107,
■ Cornwall ft
node -
de In
are plea so kit
which Ml's Rowell has
teen* the tleavlc,t
work in ov befo
v, t
frot0'1 `41
�t gide' b • •i , 1 at Sas Pers-
ar,d� has ay • ey oleo M
1600 almost t e'+ e► in
4.10,(dao t r ane.
(her' third' de ❑t, white a
colored gi rl.i Ttp(E n1 racial
harriers In th
t in et I ens
itesly.) S , t rleftdsht�.1
1st, often. Iter -els „f differ nt
race's. This Yat y'rar''t•id Mlnfi
ell, a white girl and o gyp,
both interested fa
Ings !lova
The girls high
I.oalnatlonal 'schools to el/a ut
edlUe ated telthe tin
and all students taking at ass
for mairteulat$on *rite as doe Llan
(wines at t iumed()1R (IDA)
t41BB %AUD !molt
place among the *boots of th0
pasmtn` S0 per sent of ab ran-
Mnch stle,*on le gives to
Iaranrnt.Inn In the school, teat
y he fitted on Lewin$
roe (Trlstian laude
tie* In whichoft t
wheel h flew of th g'li'b
!leacher War ta1to eeeriahip•
tad of 1st* Jim" aer*t6gng
cOmotfaaed ^" 11 A"ef