HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-07-19, Page 14Page 14-,Lucknow Sentinel, t'WVedneeday, July 19, 1978 Dungannon family returns from trip to Britii.h Columbia BY MARY BERE SOCIAL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rivett, Allan and Marty recently returned from a trip to the West during which they visited Jim's sister and brother and their families, Joyce and Jack Mason, and Wes and' Marg Rivett of Vanderhoof, B.C. They also attended° the Delong family reunion at Fort William. Allan Rivett is now em- ployed as a groom working with horses at Strathroy. Marty Rivett is spending this week at Huron Church Camp south of Goderich. Karen Bere of London spent last week with her grandmother, Mrs. Mary Bere. Johnny Curran, Mike Aus- tin, Marty Rivett and "Jamie Bere were guests at Donnie Carmichael's 12th birthday party, which included swim- ming, a barbecue and a sleep out. Congratulations to Mrs. John Stanbury (nee Kathie Bere) who recently received word that she passed her Government Exam. in Hair- dressing with honour stand- ing. Kathie is employed at Heather Salon in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. FrankfSh'er wood of Port Elgin and Irene Young of Goderich called on Mrs. Elma Reed recently. Mrs. Jack Errington's sis- ter, 'Mrs. Melinda Nivins, is in Clinton Hospital for a couple of days for x-rays and tests. Mr. and Mrs. Erring- ton were down to see her on Friday and the weekend. Mrs. Peg Purdon, Mrs. Evelyn Errington, Mrs. Amy Wiggins enjoyed a bus tour to Black Creek Pioneer Village with Lucknow Horti- cultural" Society lately: Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hod- ges, Marsha and Bruce Sillib and Lisa, Penny and Terry Hodges, Sherry and Tanya, spent last week on Manitou- lin Island. Dorothy and Harold Errington, Gwen and Jack Caesar, Bernice and Gerrie Glenn spent the weekend of July 8-9 with them. Sue and Doug Brown, Lynda and Kenny McNee, Rob and Sandy McWhinney spent the weekend at Cayuga where there was an interest- ing program of tractor pulls. Kathie and John Stanbury spent Monday In London, and visiting friends in Sar- nia. Mrs. Cecil Blake and Miss Beth McConnell motored to Alliston on Thursday to spend a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Blake and Sean and visit other members of the family in Toronto. Mrs. Paul Johnston and baby son, Adam, of Guelph called on Mel Jones on Saturday. Mrs. Johnston is a great niece of the late Mrs. Minnie Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moul- ton of Simcoe spent a few days recently with his father, Mr. Frank Moulton and Mrs. L: MacDonald. Sympathy is extended to relatives of Mrs. Alan Pent- land, nee Winnifred Arm- strong, of Callander, Ontar- io, who died on July 2 after a two month illness in Princess Margaret Hospital, Toronto. She was a native of Dungan- now and is survived by her husband, formerly of Dun- gannon; one son Brian of North Bay; one daughter, Shelley of Campbell River, B.C.; one sister, Miss Fran- ces Armstrong of Goderich; and two grandchildren, Shawn and Shelley. Mrs. Wm. Petrie of Goder- ich, formerly of Dungannon, was taken to Alexandra Hos- pital, Goderich on Saturday with infection in her foot. Mr. and Mrs. John Park, Glenda Park and Lila Stewart spent a few days last week on Manitoulin Island, going by Toberrnory and taking the boat cruise. Cindy La framboise of London is spending some of the holidays with Rob and Sandy McWhinney and fam- ily and helping her sister, Sandy. CHURCH NEWS Amsey Martin of °Poole was guest speaker at the Drive In Service on Sunday evening at Peter Martin's grove. Music was provided by a mixed quartet from Poole. Vacation Bible School is being held this week at the United Church and at the Christian Fellowship Church. There will be a closing program on Friday evening at the Christian Fellowship Church. Pastor and Mrs. Lawrence were in Scarborough on Saturday to attend the funer- al of her brother-in-law, Mr. Arthur Atkinson. INTENDED FOR LAST WEEK SOCIAL NEWS Sympathy is extended to the family of Lloyd Hunter who died at his home in Lucknow on Saturday, July 1. Visitors with Mel Jones on Tuesday were Mrs. Mel Bell and her father, Mr. Wm. Marsh of Goderich; Mr. and Mrs. George Bell, Kincard- ins_ -. 'Elaine and Allan Doling; Jimmby, Jason and Jennifer of Trenton visited last week'- end eek=end with Mr. and Mrs. Richard MacAuley and fam- ily. Mrs. Edith (Treleaven) Younkie from Toronto is visiting relatives in the Dun- gannon, Lucknow and Goder- ich area. Mrs. Younkie is a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, Norman Treleaven who formerly operated the bake- shop here. Mrs. Lawrence suffered bruises and a painful break of her wrist when she fell down some steps at the Christian Fellowship Church. She was disappointed also that this accident prevented her from playing the music for her niece's wedding in Northern Ontario on the weekend. Mrs. Mary Whitney (nee Barkwell) of Florida is visit- ing friends and relatives in this area for a week or so. Mrs. Thos. Webster spent a few days • last week in Alexandra Hospital, Goder- ich. The Finnigan family picnic was held on Sunday at the Dungannon Agricultural Park. , Howard and Marlene God- frey, Judy and Janet spent a few days last week visiting relatives around Mountain Grove and Perth in Eastern Ontario. DUNGANNON UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. G. Westhaver preached on the topic, "When God Laughs", from Psalm 2 on Sunday morning. The children's story was, The Laughing Christ. Since it was Youth Sunday, Brock Hasty read the the New Testament lesson. DUNGANNON CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP CHURCH The Sunday evening serv- ice at Peter Martin's Grove was well attended. The speaker was David Shantz from Joliette, Quebec and the music was provided by the "Genuine Freedom Sing- ers". Next Sunday the Drive -In service will be conducted by Amsey ,Martin frorn Poole, Ontario, Witht music by a male quartet from the same place. The M.Y.F. enjoyed a weekend campout at Point Farms Provincial Park. Their sponsors, Murray and Ruth Martin, led them in their activities, which included sports, fireside devotions and a church service .on Sunday morning. SPECIAL EDUCATION BY THE COUNTRY MOUSE How many remember Jan- ie Stothers, daughter of Thomas and Annie Stothers, who grew up at Dungannon, taught at Crewe and Mafe- king, then was accepted by the Toronto Board of Educa- tion and spent the rest of her teaching life very successful- ly in the city? Like many retired teachers in Toronto, she now spends a few hours teaching in a school for -children who have learning problems but are , not retarded. They may have double vision or poor hearing or some recognized physical disability or a broken or unhappy home life. The schools were started some years ago by Miss Helen DeLaporte who was a specialist in education for suchachildren - the ones who 50 years ago just sat in one of the junior classes until they we're old enough to leave school. The schools are not under the Board but the parents CONTINUED ON PAGE 11 POINTS SERIES LUCKNOW, ONTARIO SATURDAY, ULY 22 at P M m SUNDAY, JULY 23 at B t' LI (.h.\ll.tt TH..1 CTOR I'I 141, .•f.W)(;1.471(),\. A. BIG GEST I]V WESTERN ONTJ4RIO CAASA)(114 PI 1.I.t.It' 1��1N 111111\ %\I) 1S U►11 SII\I11t 11'1'(IH PI I,LEHS ASS414IATIO' �1\1 I lu\1.11141 1 1\ 11 I1\ I It 11 I fClasses of Mini Tractors. orti * 7(lasses of Su er Stock and Modified For Further Information Contact: ART HELM — 529-7627 .. CLIFF LIVINGSTON 529-7488 PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN LAWN CHAIRS TOTAL PURSE E 94:154:)9501L6 UR SSTTCO)C<KK CC TT PPA i?000 16 SUPER STOCK C T P A CLASS PROCEEDS FOR LU(:It \OW AAD DISTRICT COMMUNITY (;ENTRE SATURDAY, JULY 22nd AT 1:00 P.M. 1000 LB SICX.K MINI CLASS 1200 LES STOCK MINI CLASS 1000 LB SINGLE CYLINDER MINI CLASS 2000 LB SINGLE CYLINDER MINI CLASS 1500 LB MODIFIED MINI CLASS 7000 LB MODIFIED CLASS C T P A SUNDAY, JULY 23rd AT 1:00 P.M. 1100 18 MODIFIED MINI CLASS 5000 18 MODIFIED C T P'A CLASS 7000 LB SUPER STOCK C TPA CLASS 9000 LB MODIFIED C TPA CLASS