HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1935-8-1, Page 5ce,‘" T FINE T ib emirs • DnEarr7 Mier*, rase Porde _ •-TWO. IIILIF,AL SP "WINNING' IN PARIS" Face Powder, Perfuse, -' e P —BO CAMPBELL'S DRU tie 'i3 Ths Bquars etc. OF R08E8" der and Perfume FOR S1.25— STORE Goderloh • '▪ "1A>1 NL1 •To DATE .. .. ,... A sorroling widow, baring a monn- =�a,ls�tt a In memory of her late ad, had the following Inscrlp- • tem eared'upern It: rQeobye, Harry ; My Light has ��ldea Out." • months later, when she was , some wit added to the la- : "But I Have Struck Another NDBENII DANCING NIGHTLY wit Y Z1E1'Y! 1I r1ECE ORCHESTRA rosiwring 1Cey ' Soloist IC HOUDAY IIIGRT PLOLIO-- Itoaday Morning August 5th Dewing beer Int• L. Usual — Evening Dame SOIrriA 1 GAME BAND CONCERT IN CASINO Sands, livening—Aug. 4th —BT— Obridisa Endeavor Dead freefmrtrtff MIL Biked OM, Tamer Sslatae, of Golf INS - ARY 111W4. EL1ZA JANE YOUNG The death occurred on Sunday morn - lug, at ler home ou I?Iglu avenue, of stn jive Varve. widow of the late Hobert Young. Mrs. Young had bees la poor health some mouths. She was 4a per eighty -sixth -rear. She was bow at Port Hope,' 1 daughter of Mr. gad Mrs. John Varcoe, and ved with them to Gothorae township. Sha. married Mr Young Ipp 1878, and they farmed sue eisafuly in .Colborne before Coming io Goderieh forty years ago. She Nal a meteor of North street fruited church. Surviv- ing Is a brother. William Varcoe, of Los Angeles. lir. Young died three years ago. Ther were no children. The funeral service was eoaducted oa Tuesday aft••rnoou at 2.30 o'clock bI dleeased s minister. Rey W. P. isli11, emeisted by Bev. W. T. Bunt, of Welsad, retired Baptist minister form - Interment was In Colborne cemztery. the pallbearers leeing the pallbearers tieing sit nephew* of deceased. • • • LOI'18 Sy1'EWART The ?leath of Louts O. Stewart, eon of tbe late Mr. and Mrs. John Stew- art of the Beumliter Nurseries, oc- curred c.carred on Friday, July 19th, at Brant- ford, where be' lad tired for many years Mr. Ste*art had never recov- ered from a *roe. which he had over Hires years ale. ale he suffered has oilier stroke dlortly before his death. Besides his widow. he leaves a daugh- ter, Hrs. Wm. Thomas, of BeQalo; also ave brothers and six staters. He was a member and an elder of Oentnl Presbyteries church. Brantford, also a member elf the Independent Order of 1lbreaters. Ile was In his sixty- fourth year. The funeral took place on Sunday aMlswoon. July 21at, from the real - fleece, with tat�n�nt la Mount Hops cemetery tekv. 'd Deane Johnston. minister Central Presbyterian church, tad. *edited by Rey. J. pd. Wright. ' services were t- by • SIGIAL The Wile's Chapter of Motor Accidents GODERICH, ONT. Small Schools NOTES (Continued teal pap 1) and ripped out eight upoishe then aos„red -„ sioug,e.ils _.,w lug a creek before coming to teat, The qr (wn as ext ivel* damaged, a front • bele& smashed, while tenders Were crumpled. a • •f` Wllao MoOoiatth, Sa*Ztord, satMet: Tecate, - iate( sirlagIng looked light lei a sop ate bMr111 With the light le his eyes and efore be realised his danger crashed leto,the,rearot a parked tear on which there were no lights. , The *winging light was • signal (• ()minable Lever's dasb- strait* the car, which Gad Lees a wreck and was atteebed to a t !yet twenty miles per hour. The trout l of the cycle was wrecked adll Wilson was thrown to the road. on a. llghl" pgfIrstithrh i� redet'tion of kb ead- t'ar door, and WIl- tewtgr'd It at a moder- He was unable to see t ' • • • IN ACCIDENT #hen Sok the edge of the ofON iM' e turn and rolled over In the ditch tie Monday morning, Lan ELaggftt, of Detroit, was pain - fillip injured. His slier escaped with a severe shaking rap. ThE young man was taken to Alewindra hospital with a fractured and lacerated.lett arm and a (badly braised shoulder. lie oleo suffered Shock. The accident occurred•at Mellen - us' corner on Nisi Water highway north of (3 Haggett made a wide turn to approaching car on the cure went top wide and rolled o 4tltthe &Itch. e • Two Cara art the corner of WellisgMs Men are,. on laaday evening. seise be no excuse for a mlldlpl exaslleot vier same. preaching me- pr•oaching the intersection. oar, going east o• Elgin av;, rail Into a Michigan car proceedlag 00ith el Wellington. Da Wage was etlgie, settlement being readied at $2.> accident, which might easily Len re. suited In greater damage, emphasises the necessity for consistent safe and sane driving, particularly at Inter- sections. that the anellnt .easuu to In 'b# -et lasts are daily pehiul our lakes and OW"( nth for witch us, It 1s pepkaps an opportune time to draw &hs,atteu- tion of the publidialiptke for a yoltcy of con tea lu tun with our ga sat w tural wild lag resent a L essential ha or ' '■t w CYrn- tinue to enjoy, lit strati tlaao,.t49 is cad much, both phy and tc the people of therm l)ouservattuu, like many Weems fur the our water* are TOOLED VOR r-ndiseU7 We can serve you la Haddam, Work to a eilcrometic Mae. We are equipped with mssidemq designed for modern-day Na - cline Shop heeds. Our fold le made up of competent, time' taught specialists. We VWa the men and machines tar entarcet your requlremestag.a• ,- r' 1. • ARER'S USIV101 STATION AND =LOMHZ SHOP Tire Demlers— Bayf eld Road RE and PAINT AULCRAFT PAINTS gree high gsfltllly and low le prke. You will find first-class value* in our stock of FURNITURE ad STOVES We positively save you money W. H. Blackstone Ort the Dreads ay of Dederick When a car driven by (leo. Mac- Leod turned over In the ditch after a .out, he and Thos. Swartz escaped wi a shaking up and bruises. The accident oecarred ow Wednesday after - 110012 about two miles south of Clin- ton lto-ton on Not 4 highway, Tim ewe .woe extensively danapd. • • • • Making a wide turn from the Square to South street on Monday evening at 830 p.m., Regben .*Nowt: _ St. George. Crescent. drove his auto in- to the side of one driven by Mrs. Beei-ers. Elgin avenue. The Beerers car was damaged on running board and fender. mmerciai Priatin s There 1s one chance only to,eirtjae military taboo at the Canadian - tlosal Exhibition and that 10 ee Sat- urday night, August alts. New feet - tires will be introduced and there will be an Increase In the nuamr of mama/ bands. The pageant "aide does eat get Its premiere until M pt bight. August 20th. y BIRTHDLt OELEBRATION rr- WMteehoreh Pelriaei Paws His 89th allellee Whitechurch, Julr-.1u Interesting gathering was held Friday at the home et Mr. and Mrs. prior Mackay of Rae Wawanosh when they and their family of eleven children celebrated eighty-ninth birthday of Mr. Mac - Born I0-iddertilsslUl, Protlattclr Mr. Mackay came to this country with his parents, two sisters and three bro- thers, when six years of age, the fami- ly settling In Zona township near Woodstock. Afterwards he moved to Sinless township lied 11e has been Ii this locally ever since. hbrt7<laed year. ago he marriwl Miss (latherline MacDonald. and to thein eleven children were horn: Christina. Mrs. Purdon ; John. of We- wota, Sad(.; /Sarah, Mrs. Markle, and Casale, Mn. alpritle, of Kennedy, Sask.: Pan, ofpuetpg; Charles, of Datrav11Ie; Was Mfrs, at home; Etta, Mrs. Rohr. Mowbrelp; Mew Bertha, of Stratford; Angus, returned missionary of Uae Ptetab ria* )hurch In Jhansi, India ; and don. of Wingham, all of whom Were pratet,tt.�.�gT�he�y have also forty eight'grandebldren.and seven great- grsndebildffik god over fifty of these relatives enjoyed the privilege of gettlaa acquainted with their unknown relative.. ie the afternoon the young folks while others were Leon - "'Int ttlee std time.." We can give you .prompt and satisfactory service in uncial Statements is lets • en Stationery .1 .(t JWtatement Forma ‘Factory Forms • - Business Forma Blotter* tEeg 'pia ( Envelopes (a11 kinds) Tickets 11413Cards Z,Cards Wedding Stationery Funeral Folders Announcements Shipping Tags Posters Hale Bills Window is Auction S e Rills Printed Forma Sade Tim. an Many Otherwise Tedious Better Printing is o Simplify asks r aim 'Prices Reasonable treIr - -The Sig Phooe 35 -r e "'est played tag a great many of the former .ek friends and pupils and neighbors preseq. to •hkre with them this 1 ' al eillat. • John M v , n apompltshed en tertelner r rota til the program put ofr • h' idly to remind them of old `whew Say practised their st scall Wept the gathering in with -til• old-time plisses and e. Peedttagar Mrs: A. E:. Pnrdon aft called on to tell a • story In Gaelt'A Dor circled 'memtbera et the Welly, aw.he nod' to do when the parolee were away, and much merri- ment mess the result as she proceeded Mrs. Robert Mowbrag,entedain d with s ;tenttish reading on ' Mss Rano: ,-lnwtion. Wit, Ills Norm" Hector Mn(kay ss)tg literal' old-time; Mega whirls ensile showed his wriedarfui memory and vorsatlllty, and wit gine l u••ety more", to which he r 1.11ce Donald Mackay of T plaw.d .t'yeral numbers .n tbe rel StTls lierfd-iNM'ttmg,- sans ' M., r, of Argyle. elk ' lowed b- ..•''••r number* 01 ,Will fa rn ea Aif& Should Be Closed Bay Inapeotorg at " 1>gtatly, thio Education Ooste--Tpt►Iq. Various ruggeatiltf4 W improve - went of Outarto's cede tl 4 fastwn were made Wore the rNtiaL /MaAtt- tee Of enuuiry.. a 4sess which t tat „NW**. t �E o*,Ihuday. Atuoureboot tllt g the graft bK were rchoul ance,. lades, ehaugea in school cum pay - went of fees foe puplts dl' ttt 'odary f echo cols vecafbOtil edam In - dally, er Im- portant subject., ta widely misunder- stood. The eowwosest form of mis- understanding is the belief that it la something for the e'er to wor- ry about, romethiei wttk the individual need tri grit concern himself. This Is unfortunate idea, because no matter What censer vaBonet measures the Gerdemmeat way tutru- duee these will peen ineffective with- out the support of the will,. You probably bate not giveu the subject a great deal of lit, so It may not be out ogee - d you that the game a 'taws are conservation weassr'c, e great- est importance. Here are, forex- ample, laws Iltultieg ihseason dur- n educat 'from the counties, were peeeent. b The °pluton was advanced lig' Mare of 'those present that sebools with au atteudaute of under ten pupliejingilid In the majority of cases be closed. It was pointed out that the School Act now allowed a' township to form a school board, but ndne had been formed. •r . Tho. roow tt�'emquuestion rS _to the effect e( the ruling of the Llapait t setting the minimum salary fo idlers at $5110 wet various WINS pessimisms A farmer, west of the third time a prise iu a Ida 00 Won, results been auuuuuced. This t. third place, being the o from Huron .vuuty who '•mens, litter consisted of cine at the age of 1.0 doss louuds, or au tccrage each. Eight of tate uta were selects. Brown, Lar for ln wla- lit.ter have he woe entraut +ceded lu Wh• up, ebicb Igted 1800 210 pounds AT THE PARK 11101.'S2 Quests of the past week at the 1'ark Haase were Controller W, D. and hire. Robbins and daughter, of'�lexxonto; Mr. and Mrs. lite.). Dacey. 31 Symington and Mn. Tory, of St T as; P. H. Fisher, of Toronto: Mary L. Winter and Mrs. M M. Ward. of Woodstock: e -Bat `.Lra 4'..-;i,asi'-l;Iesesonew..Ot Ohio; is(,: atl� "dMtu.. L Kuauff, of lousing. Mich; Mr. and Mrs. It. E. I:Iffels and family. of lir. trolt; 51r.. R. 11. Tye and childreu. Mary and Billy, of t'otl.orue; Mrs. J. B. Robertsuu, lit Windsor. BUOCEB/S GARDEN PARTY Atwood Eteot Draws large Number to 8t. George's Church Lawn The annual gardcu"twrty of St. George's church, a popular soelul event. was held on the church grouuda on lit some teases It w•a1 etabfd l it 7hursela last. l'h • 1 c groom:4 were had kali the desired effect tug 1 Lrilllaritly lighted in the e%eniug and salaries to the minimum A , while were gaily fe.tuoia•d with culorfu, iu other cases It was said t trustees Hug*, hunting aud-tewwc's. The were taking advantage of the ug to roadway' iu (rout of the grounds eau+ reduce salaried, In one case a salary of ropedoff and the baud ot the Coder ))Whist having been na• due.l to Irtar. Ick Musical Sock ty played several Township s•heoi bards were els. numbers in the eyeirug, while the • d • lug which certain dib ("le may cussed, opinions being advauced lath legally be taken. These are neves- for and agalurt the proposal. One wry, In order that natural protege- speaker who advocated township Gam may not he disturbed. There are boards suggested that the chief uppo- luwe regulating the sire limits of fish, sitlon to the proposal was from people who cuu.sidered,lhe move the thin edit of the wedge leading to consolidation. Huron Insposlesg Dr. k 31. Field, pjubl(c school ht' spea'tepe for' East Huron:.that fifth forty( Perk was being car sutte*stully In his an the exception of the Its nava. He favored township or county seb.,l boards, although there were many in the rural dletrlets who vista. opposed. ere well? some .*bunk wi ree er tupr pupils which m as well be he said. lumped E. C. Beacom o( West •Hurounsa that some salaries under lu charge of the booths and tables 1500 had been paid lastyyear, but these were Dr. J. A. Graham and Mr. Frank - lad trees 4cresied levans* of the de lin ('alder, L4.-Ool. A. F. Sturdy parttraaetal regulation. Mr. BeaNm and Mrs. Sturdy. wheels of fortune; Mr. also x114 le knew of a few schools H. (e Williams and Mr. Gerald Calder, Cvtth •0 *Sea. of less than ten keno; Miss Kathleen Whiteley. Mr. a�Att Reg . Fisher and Mr. Frank Riley, re - mitt ILewesee freshmerlts; Basf Bradley, Donald To the Q�ltetton,'"Would youou feel that 7. the Minister of Macedon should make %ickera. Billy Beattie, Harold Shore nee of legislation to close these schools and Harold Black. of the Church Boys' with leo thantten pupils?" the general Leagule, under Mrs. Palmer, fishpond: answer trout the laspectors present were Mrs. H. J. A. MacEwen, fancywork ; that t uthority should be v:essI Mrs. epruck„ IloreMrs I. D. In th ln.apector. In sou! cases EuatwJosan.h Mrs. H. (, weWall;a ms and there was the possibility that the at- Miss Edith Williams, homemade bak- tendanee would grow, but ail inapC"IOrs lag, felt there were .some schools which reedy should be closed. 1t would be ••Empty inclotbooks tle farm re advantage to the, few students to at -"Telt. a lure 11%bAupube flit( cite"' teed other wheats 'mot- • tt would ease ra l io D se the financial burden on the section. and the bag aid steel limits of game and fish. The reamed fur these are obvious. There ate utauy others which demand our ■tteutiou, but all of them have one purpose in mind, Lamely the preservation of our natur- al wild life resources, mamwab, birds cud rah, while permitting the greatest amount of liberty to the individual to Indulge his bobby. Waste. extrava- gauee and illegal practi, .-. ober i long period of years have reduced the var- ious species to forest. Mie and stream, aid only by publtetsupport ot a pro- gram of conservation e'an we hope to build up once more these depleted resources. • The greatest contribution the in- divldual can make to the preservatieb and reetonttos of cur fish attd game resources is a •met obediellc!i di the laws hitaeelt, and� chime at M. own respott 11Ity to • see that ethers do sot break them. The *Alps o{ tlgertsmauship are in- volved tin. law o'blliesenee. We quote from ao eattoried Is Rod mod Gan: "Tse angler who 'is talc and quare to the game-Ssh (regulations lea true conservationist. Spawning naso have 0o worries whey he is around. Small trout can take kis fie 1a wtety He duel qp We t setrmg or spearing. Bt' scene pFTlf..n ---.- re as mist Is right be helps to pre(erwe the fish on quite trate. rrttL of our lakes sad streams. Malutaln- I Several expreswd an •pini an That a Ing our gamedzh supply is not mere- fee should be charged for secondary a ease of planting waters with the education after the second year. _i product of our hatcheries, it is rustm Ing In the minds of our .port -fres that they, and they alone, eau make or Three Picnics at roar the future of fishing." throngs that attended wandered batt and forth between the several booths, where wheels of fortune. keno • and other gamer %%ere in full swing. A fortune teller a1.0 wee well patronised Early In the evening stopper was served rat Ishii,. on the lawn by ladles of the congregation The tables were prettily decorntwl and made an at- tractive picture in the outdoor setting Mrs. G. I.. Parlous presided. Winners 1n two draws were Mrs It 4'.. Hays. purse: airs. A. C. Calder. bridge set; Mrs Mitehell. mattress; Miss ' I. Broeklel,ank. magazine .tend: MI.. Joan Groves, living -room table. The winner of the hope chest is not yet known, as the lusty key has not been returned. 4 i 9Aarrday, August 1st, I935--4 Graham higlis for the past twelve years with J. J. Hugltarth's garage aaasaasea .line opening o&a SERVICE STATION Up-to-date Repa4r /Shop Sunoco Gas and viii` 8IIN000 LUBRICATION CAR WABNINElt Free Cratlk aOpee Beretta Hided. - "Stiehl progress follows development of transpo Jesse H. Jones. Fish primarily for recreation, and Unlit your catches. To feel the r [,ending to the strain of a fighting lass, or to hear the reel singing Its accompaniment to the fighting effor satlnned from pap I) of II a gamey ti•:are inevmpa t�b A program of sports was conducted thrills from ,1 sporting standp it.. members of this year's exes•utive Itewenrticr. le,tt.•ttr. that a fish In the committee, composed of ails. M.•BalIle L,at ia. but .i pe"-Is'e'tlt'e fiscal, while and Mrs. David bc1l`ain. of Gode- s fish in the r offers unlimited rich: Mrs. Bete Roach Mrs. Frank Thrills. ,Toney and Mrs. Lorne leers, of lain - Mile we point oat that bag limit! gannon, and Mrs. Jahn Tongan and are not something 1" be alined at, butr( airs. William 1Vatson. et Nib. are rather a rens story measure of 1 After the sports suppler .1v It Belie protection t.eyvott ,yhic-h it is Illegal 1ho members of the safes committee.d Ice go A. a men -cine of eon.ervation curl a brief and huinorassillipeech Inter therefore, do not take more Hsh thanwas s4 delivered In realacent vein by you can use, wgtlat the limit set by Mr Bailie. R Miss Bellle and'1Nrw. MI'llwaln agalu law. Those you release untnJurtd to- oere,1da.ell °n the executive commtt- day will be available for tomoftow's tee,.ytlLug with airs. Treble, airs. i catch and it f. with tomorrow that we Wm. Lyons. airs. A. l Mott. Mrs. D. are most concerned. Today there is Foweer, airs. u'. )hl -low and Mrs. D. a sufritmry, toenerrurr's pleasures will Fowler. ten. depend upon how ec sae or abuse our Park Yesterday • • • privjleges of today. ` - - -WANNER I EVNION--_ - l.et your neighbor de his own fish- Returning to the scene of -their first Ins bell praltrettty sale; the sport reunion held ten years ago, members Jost a* much a. you. once he ttromes of the Tanner clan gathered at th Intere.te,t, and you will be conserving Park. It eau the first tithe the re - the sapprlp. union had been held here since the Organized effort alms eonservation- ortgtnal gathering. Those attend101 sl line. la the beet method of preaerv- were deseendants of James Tinter, Ing our natural wildl sosources. who venue from England to settle at If there Is a Fbh and Protec- Stratton eighty-seven years ago, atter five As.oclation In mitt, a brief stay at Woodbridge. a and ytrit rare not pot 8 mehArer, join it; About one hundred and y re it there 1. no n•..s'latton at present, present, coming from Toro to, II Olen to form one. We shall iso glad to ford, Guelph, London, Paisley, Wa Assist you to orK•toire if you will write ton. lMen Sound, Atwood, - Ne us, Parliament Ituildiem, Toronto. Handier and Clinton. Many pejo, ,inner in the pavilion at elle part t'O\FID R others arrived In the afternoon In/ Confidence Ixegel. Mita Romeo and recce eondueted by Meq (on&lenee cannot he .,€.4,11102 day. Laura M4ott, of Walkerton, Mr. A. B. They conquer who believe they can. Sounders, of Owen Sound. .tad aft: Confidence Is the companion of sue- Watt Tanner, of Millbank. ,OSS. Mrs. H. Johnston, of Clinton, Is pre- sident of the elan, and Mr. A. F. Wad- •'aty hop." ,.,it the inietnese man to dell. of Stratford, le secretary -trete his mon, "there .re two things that men% ars vitally n,re..ar) H you are to sue- cved In busine•. 'Atepgler was served betel* the clan "What are they dial?" efisperwti Mr pnofltsr yea "Honesty and .npeltf." "What 1. h .i."" .,.. "Always no issuer what happens, no matter how adversely It may affect yo--4lwayw keep robe word °nee you haveugiveti It." "And angaclty-''' "Never give your evord." THE ST.\IIL� 'Fine, mite the paf#on asked the I ride If ',hell obey het hItamerl" A doctor and a mlalat.r rweto,, "Whitt happened then?"., .-{ teed off for a gddf came. i "SIM replied, '11. fon Nthleth .1'w "Well. alt," .rid the dodo- "e -'est erasy' and the groom, who was In a are we playing Ler' j -ort of dace. replied, 'I der'."- The 'minister "1• '✓<s. "It's a little f my line t0 0",. OUT A! PLACE he sheared. ",list's right ,c." returned the was a distinguished num jot lettere phywlelwn N ,tight to ploy for ! rte was give enn enol .nwwbas Isflturn tibio¢, how 1'11 fell eon what One of thee ladies preweat uaggested ,'A - 111 p 411 '1' 11 Mnlplete physi- � to this hostel. that ha wonted to he xamilatlnn _ 'MIi fly pte.,r .oeh • party. mlttuttr a YPt:' rep11 ghee frosto.s ,. to a jr- �'ai(nd PH' 'OA ktMrt t1mio. "gvn see. Ife ao 1 tnrk p," a as but vent --$ prayer." anything "Nothinethsges the today so aahetra one of kindliewlrw we soma to show." - F.tnlly Poet. • A GOOD START ♦;'i •snow 414 the 8mlth .weddlf at, lowers of mory t Anions ns the guests lir a.' FeV•ept at FOR Lawn Service MAY BE USED FROM 7to8n AND FR 5to94.me KINDLY A HERE TO' THE AB /E HOURS • Public Utilities Commission HAVE YOU LOOKED THEM OVER YET ? IF NOT — WHY NOT ? For Real Value in Used Care come to STEDELBAUER'S "The Place where your Dollars mean the moat" Rouse & Bell G a ra KINGSTON STREET d GODERICH Horse Race Monday, Aug. 5 1935 a<1.311 n'cl„ck $2500 in STAKES N i sty -six Entries New Grandst and Fast Half -mile Track General \Ad mission - 50c Pins fax 1Oc) BETTING4RIVILFGES ALLOWED J. B. Whitely. ., E. R. Wigle, W. F. Clark, Y.S., Vr.i Asst. Set'y and Tread. $ecretir). vidINC 7.:41 yi• 1►.� ear♦r 'y 9 •