HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-07-12, Page 25. 0.4s 44
"Moonlight Madness"
Strifes Chii ton
Gigantic 2 Day Sales Event - thi Thursday and Friday, July 13 and 15
esnepxe eht. Rettam txet rof .sezis orp eb nac latem ni
si ereht, osla. Ypoc tiw hserf tnim syawla si epyteht c
erehw. Sret tnavda rehturf eht si ereht, deriqu nac gnit
32 ni draobyek eht no noce slleps ylsuoivbo it. Mulder
revda, skoob snerdlihc rof ymo erehw cte., seruhcort
tniop 32 rii draobyek eht no noce slleps ylsuoivbo ti
seruhcorb, stenmes regral esu ot ekil dlouw srengisc
nittesdnah fo aledisnac.At erehterehw evitibihtrkcite
rahc crow fo noitsequ am!' reven er Bits si tnemegraler
• slleps ylsuoivbo ti. Muidem itrevda, skoob s'nerdlihc
ekil..cliouw srengise esnepxe eht; Rettam txet rof sezi
erehw evitibih fi modlessi ereht, osla. Ypoc tiw hser
reven er Hits si tnemegralen erehw. Sret tnavda rehti
icaps eht—taht os pu denethgit eb 32 ni draobyek e
Most Clinton
Merchants Open
'til 12 Midnight
as lanigiro eht taht ega icaps eht taht os pv denethgit et
itrevda, skoob snerdlihc rof ymo erehw cte„ seruhcort
draobyek eht no noce slleps ylsuoivbo it. Muidem i
• stmenes regral Y)tceird tes si ypoc fo kcolb siht Oral
Muidem itrevda, skoob s'nerdlihc rof Yrno d erehw ct
esnepxe eht. Rettam txet rof sezis orp eb nac latem ni
si ereht, osla. Ypoc tiwhserf tnim syawla si ep-yt eht c
erehw Sret tnavda rehturf eht si ereht, deriqu nac gnit
32 ni draobyek'ehi no noce slleps.ylsuoivbo it. MUidei
revda, skoob snerdlihc rof ymo erehw cte., seruhcort
tniop 32 ni draobyek eht no noce slleps ylsuoivbo t
seruhcorb, stenmes regral .esy ot ekil dlouw srengis,
nittesdnah fo aredisnoc .si ereht erehw evitibih fi modle
r,row fo noitsequ amll reven er Hits si tnemegralei
es lanigiroeht taht ega icaps eht taht os pu denethgit el
itrevda, skoob snerdlihc rot ymo erehw cte., seruhcort
draobyek eht no noce slleps ylsuoivbo ti.. Muidem itr(
"Bargain Hunter's Delight"
This aerial view shows Clinton, the site of a gigantic
"Moonlight Madness" Sale, • this Thursday and Friday, •
July 13 and 14. The town's merchants have "gone crazy"
It's all Happening in Clinton
Bargains Galore and More!'
. .Muidem itrevda, skoob s'nerdlihc rof ymo d erehw cte
esnepxe eht Rettam txet rof sezis orp eb nac latem ni gi
slleps ylsuoivbo ti, Muidem itrevda, skoob r
Exciting Bed Races
start at 8:30 p.m,
Friday, July 14
Harness Races
at Clinton
ekil louw srengise eSnepxe eht. Rettam txet rof sezis
erehw evitibih ft modles si ereht, otia. Ypoc tiw hserf
town er flits si tnemegralen erehw. Sret tnavda rehtut
icaps eht taht os pu denethgit eb 32 ni draobyek eh
draobyek eht n noce slteps ylsuowbo 4t. Muidem ft snerdlihc rot ymo ereht,V cte., seruhcorb• stmenes regre
stmenes-regral Yltceird tes si ypoc fo kcolb stht Draft draobyek eht no noce slleps ylsuoivbo ti. Muidem Woo
offering hundreds of great bargains...on quality mer-
chandise...to price -conscious shoppers.
Twilight Harness Racing comei to
Cliitton Kinsmen Raceway,
• Thursday, July 13. Post time 5:15
Shop early! Shop late!'
• But you can't afford
not to shop Clinton's
Moonlight Madness .
ekil dlouw srengise esne,:xe eht Rettam txet rof sezis
erehw evitibih fi modles ereht; osla Ypoc tiw hserf
SUPPLEMENT TO: Mitchell Advocate,
Goderich Signal,Star, Clinton News -Re
sday, iuiy 13,
Shirt tail Parade
Planned for Friday,
July 14 at Midnight
revda, skoob snerdlihc rof ymo erehw cte , seruhcorb
tniop 32 ni draobyek eht no noce slleps ylsuoivbo
Clinton Merchants
Report Low Prices
have to be seen
to be believed!
, seruhcorb, stenmes regral esu ot ekil dlouw stengtse
nittesdnah f aredisnoc st ereht ertw evitibih fi modles
rahc crow fo noitsequ anil reven er flits si tnemegralen
Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, July 12;
cord, Wingham Advatteelitnes, Thur.