HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1935-8-1, Page 4sr -11,01111.141"..••••••••••• 4 -Thursday, August 1M. MAR t• ilha Ala ••• • --a .... FOR roar lt4hw*Y Combination pridsrwear ........... $1,45 Forsyth Combination Uleibrers ;1.00 Two -p see Underwear ....,.,.•-,....each 50c *Rash Sport Shirts 75c Alloys' Kash Bort Shirts 65c Klingtiie Bathing Snits 96 and • P7J11,1111111 ... • .. $1.76 and 495 60c $1.25 r '1 am & Son Ooderich DANCING MIMS Guests were Ma Marian ser; Mr. Molly R t tlnd trust, Mi, au, Jtloc Grueviel, Ferris, of .i H. Ile, (.•noes Th, .•r, et 't'horoe, or •veland \ Beau. MIN and Mn. Kitchener 11. L. M. Weller and \laurk•r \\collet, of Toreaato; Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Witter, of Detrslt: ILT. Wad J,. 1 t ret, of Detroit ; Mr. Reid. Inserierrilese .1* W Watkin re,, min '77 slinet ; L. M. Green. of Toronto :• .tr. and Yrs. R. Fisher. of Rochester. N. Y.; D. A. Smith, of Toronto; Clinton S. Robeson, jr., of r'hicago ; Dr. and Mrs. Paul I. Car - wan. of Sarasota, Flo.; A. Young, and gl Toronto; M1 Isobel Taylor, Mrs. J. T. Ilad, ot Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Spotton and R. A. Spottoa, of \\'lugiww ; R. A1ladter, of London: J. N'illtaw..ou, of Torgpto; F. J. Lam- born, of Detroit; N. L O'Neil, ot De- troit; Mr. and Mrs. merles A. Watts. of Thawewille; Miss ;rata \,&- Robin- son and chauffeur, of Winchester, Mr.. S. J. Draper, of, Loudest- Mr$. I. M Houlding, of Leamington; H. Ata Black, of Toronto; H. L. Moore, of To- ronto; Mr. laud Mrs. F. G. Batters, of \\'aikervillc; Clara C. Cada, of SL Clair Reach; Gordon S. Hunter, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. R. I, Taylor, of lintniltou F:. Elmer, of l.oudo`. Dstt,of ; of if11� sed Mn. John COW - John Dowse and Miss *shpt, at Parole ; T. O. J .AssilleLellan end Se"'... r; Mr:. lef- S. b J. •. Mrs. D. K. coot, of LUCKY DRAW tvaIcade ashi.ons o Auspiees Maple Leaf Chapter, 1 O D.E. GODERICH PAVILION I) SAY, AUGUST 2nd, 1935 s p.m. Costumes from 18114-1935 FOS THE Ip'OLLOWLNG: e Period Costume Best eomic Coatume Best old fashioned couple me Zea at 3 p.m. Regular Admission 1 PTHEATRE L'eret Now Play y Tempie, In "little Miss Market." Monday. Tuesday aced lwdesdas- Our Whiff Special: CHARLIE RVQOLIS and KART 'BOLAND with a promise of fun aplenty and roctioas Were in "People Will) .1. 'P....... _ �iiaa: Thursday, Friday Ned Sateriy- A Will Rogers, Billie Nuke and Alison s1worth offer a lovable *Trey In the inimitable Rogers stile "Doubting` Thomas" Jimmy Durance, Lupe Velez and Stuart Erwin will rrk your sides with their hodge-podge of sporting non -. r "Palooka" Mather*, Monday, Wednesday and Saturday at 3 p. m C. .g Katharine Hepburn, In "Break of Hearts." die THE SIGNAL - GODERIH, ONT R SNAPSNOT`CLJL wer School Re- sults in Ea Huron ,��}as�' +etlntialsaas. been-9bt Rind certitleatee to the aublecte stared mama tt. d ► er. phys . artth., Roo. x. (serf --grata. ., -btM-. seas., a"o. tsin., pals , moo. *.11"08:.' art, acro, o. poop's .4. O' Y11tal►d-Soup•, arith., tat. M. " G. Rether7.-heist., geOs. R. IWd---gram., peers H. Shaw-db7s- d-gram , hist., geog., art, bot. • Tell -;resin., zoo. B. Ylteoeat-gram., pay's, aritb., zoo. $FAFOSTH F. 1.)ennie- ,1 Forton am. laud--feog ,' zyte. ii. J --gram. M. Biel ver= -Roo. dden-a ri t h. 'Rellly"oo. i rsa--g ram. r� CLINTON C. J Oameroaa-pays• g a,.. B. Cla nde-hist., Leos, art. hot., 100. B. Garter--phya•, arith., zoo H. Odtl(ns-bot. M. Oornlsb•''flsor-41 R. Cudmoee-'t'°1 J. Dotta'an-i0st. J . Dunn -gram.. pays, Roo. R. Finch- prem. E. Fre I- wgram., Phis - Ib Guvter-•-Drag,.. bust., geog-, e g1». M. 13 I 4 Ith., aerie. II` P. H ys . aeric. I I. � E. Knox JIMO �. para. 11. Mel O, -scop. •Hween-gram illi -hilt. • { gram. talc IL - W. $eld-hIst., dreg., a .gCIca I. E. Sprung -gram., hist.. %soE agrie. I. art, •_,, • W. Taytor-gram. F. Yoanablet-;ram•. hlsI., g., art, aeric. I. l'. Baker- 8 S •a , R. Blatt --gram., phys• ;t Campbell-ieog. 0. F,dear-hist. B. Fiseier-hist., aerie. I. ✓ Flesher---geog. A. Henderson-arith. ' -.- H. Hnether -grog• 8. Humphr•lee--haat., art. IH. Kefrer-art. B. Shannon --hist., art. J. ;;heir-arttb. _ R. Wheeler --anti. WTHONAlf it Anderson --gram., hist., ge'og- D Armstrong -gram., hist., Paye-, art[\. L. Campbell -moo. ] Oosltes--Phys. M Frisby- aerie. I. I• Holmes- Rene. .1 'Amt. --gram., arith II McCallum-agric. i - \I. Sine amon -grog t►.i ,e.WLSHOM ily thaw methods we learn whitlow : f:r-t by refle•tion. which ft the n0 lee t ,rood, by imitation, whichls the . asM,t ; and third. by experience. .- bleb in the bftteresL t LEDRESSES5AL Summer Dresses and Suits greatly reduced. Many at half-price. Now. at the time yotl need them for your vacation. for outings and for any occasion that arises. "BETTER DRESSES" teases anti, SUMS made of the finest and hest workmanship. Hand -work unusual styles. Regular $8.95 $12.95 EDUCED TO $6.50 and $850 DRESSES • Clearing Line of Dresses Hash crepeoin white and a few printed crepes. Sines 14 to 18. Ci.EARINa;l.95 I�fR'iS • port Styles and Afternoon Frocks In Vitiated crepes and pastels. Smartly made. lyes 14 to 44. Regular $6.95. 1, RZDUOID TO HALT -PRICE $3.48 4 -- Men's Ties; S VACATION PICTURES to T on ft* urdaa from adalta the&. .re spending holid4 Miss Lulu Jewell t Mrs. Grace le and leen are at the home ot aad j L. :Tax:, Port Al t�or • )Away, afillle�lp and coach hoes days. M offering Mimi Ear* for the per- ui iod Of tae tamer= hindmost Imalbt- tion. Motorists are gives every cea• stderatlon la the matter of parting taelUMes. DEAN'S AND 'D? . hseear sears win wp aad 0Wvse s...W,SUTHERLAND, 1. bees the guest of ler brother aad Maier, Yr. bpd Yes. It. cDonald. IIIIM *poets to return be abert17• Noise. -The Ja meat let fhe lord's Supper will ' day school at 10 a.m. A dram was given last Sunday Islifitate4 pastor, on the subject "Prophet, aad Pollnow." Ref. D. W and Mrs. Pomeroy will go next week to their frottage at Muskoka for the/ Mile' clap.. We were pleased to balm VA us at our church service hrs. IL tjuarrle (nee (,Kate Lawsoo• and her .on Jaot, arm KentvtHe, s ft i.,Wee are glad ttj lee Mrp, I eguarr'K.Ymac again to hbr old home Mi -Oa welcome to our chnrcir ,.•rvtee 7 who are spending holfde,. at cottages at the beach. Land I I Vie re offers un- rtyn itiee oottne. e -rival of r, -.rammer weather,, 0,1 trees and Sowers, 'gin to think in earnest ab jutd.or life and vacs - tone could go on a t a camera but that rrngtosail aboat er. To say the least omething impor- tions. I soar vacation wt would be like without a red it would seem f1)ta tant was iwi When plangent .1 vacation you should loot for, erd to the snap- shots you are g.,.ct4 to get. for on your return to h and work, and In later yeses . -n your trips be- come fond mer.,rles, you can al- ways tura to you. snapshots and ea - joy your vacatlans over and_ err again. Snapshot. Dal dividends your vacation j1.•,stmenta In con- tinued pleasure ,ng atter Year re turn. • There is one Important thing to keep In inked to vacation snapshoot- lo and that -1s the variety of light �e�d!{lues Toe may encounter to leer trayslg,- ptrtnrs taking might well be deemed in tour groups, ac- cording to is erposnre they need. and by edopttng as a standard ex- posure for each group. one that is In- termediate between the shortest and longest that will make a satlafactot l exposure. there will be only Ivor e;- poseres to co*Oider and these can he memorised. • et. These four groups are temeessev scenes and extreme distant land - Nn -doer and- Nn-doer two -Ordinary . by that I mean not under trees of the root of a porch and last -shaded • nearby scenes. These tour groups, or classes. jest about cover the different types of pictures you will want to take on your vacation..With modem -day film and cameras, e have been great 1s still necessary* judgment and sable tram youegam There are many t : cameras to meet every roe of the pho r, atna- tettt _ *slotheirsiodUhai as camera ail types 01 ptc- .11btrue are more versa - One may have as Last teas which permits et snapshots ander ad - ng conditions and 11 1t aimno a fast shutter you can take pictures of subjects 'noels/ at ex- treme speed& Other cameras laws lenses and shutters of various speeds to take ptctwres-snd good - ones-wltbin certain limits and con- ditions. e Almost every dealer -le oamesaa and photographic supplies las print-• ed outdoor exposure taboos giving details of exposures, etc., in the tour ereew.ewaie.d above. Ask your dealer for ass of Mem outdoor ex- posure galdes and then go forth with your camera and take the kind M re problems bat it tie good Impos- lar+"•apes .t,owtne the sky arch the r-oc!nal snhlect of your ptctnre 1n pretense yort'll be prosd to show the foreground. Number three.- 70U1 Mends. • Nearby por'ralts In the open shade JOHN VAN OUTLDER. use llosorasd ate tturrrit MAF EKING MAFEKI\l Illy 30. -Mr. and Mrs. fjsea,' t'ranstoo -vent a few days re- mhtly with lilr end Mrs. J. 11 Rich- rdson at Iter. ••v f,�l Mr. and Mr- Jas Webster and 11* IoisIy km home of Robert H s • calling upon his old friends and on Harold spent , .nday with Mr. and ti miles carat of Auburn, (.me trupll. whenever henver oppertontty pre - Mr.. Norman I: w; at Seaf0rth. w� otdj-happy family re- sent' Itself. Mr ..1f. Aru.-::.ng and Gurdon aad a effi.. ';baleen about thirty- Mr. A Fi.her and her daughter, Mr and Mrs. 1 I ander, Loudon. spoilt five rer and rriasds thered to MI's Catharine Fisher, and Mrs. J. i unday with t: • ads here. Gordon Is celebrate the nblrtbda7 O'Keefe of Detroit scatted Mrs. Joe 1 f,f fhe greed old men est nosh. George Rut threshed for Bruce Grigg, and at his own ,lace and William Corey's on Meed teri cal picnic of Knox Presby - was held on Friday at perk, Goderieb. O.�ering. ' Ma plea Grove.' ..s 41 .-1121ii' save you west Oso Oar for Steel Reotlag aad► other Tamers' Itaatdetes. glOilRT T Ads=11. wlizg *ilk Wig Ss , to s, fast b 4.4 KINGSBRIIX; E KiN(ittl'Rlle; E. Jul, Father Dalton •4 Windsor lug here at prem. ut. Her. ;father t;.rrrey w.', his par - tuts, Mr. and Mr. Thos. (,erves, and Eta niece, Miss liars M. Da!ton. their friends at Chepstow and too last week. Mts. Elizabeth (r,'0nnor rtutaed to I)etrolt on Monday after •finding part of her vacation hen• and ler' en the 1s. 14. Georgian on a , ruler the Soo Mr John O'Ooonor and L'Ldaugh- ter. ug - ter. Mise Floreare. and M: llard tweuslg, of Vt•Iseouern. lar vlslttng amobg their Ontario (newts. Mr. O'Connor is a brother of i1 J ()Cos- ner � nor here, whom be ��� over lrty-two years, a efotto aceom• ponied them to vte,lt their 'Mande la Brnoe county a�bea ththe revi,dted old s n�ta� a� �L irogae of their boyhood 10 Yr. aad Mrs Joe Gene! et Terce- t,. are spending • few bonne& at the Harvey home. 4, • _ Mies Antoinette DaltoL {ia training at Prorld*oee p�tl, De - trout, la spending a whits other item here. • •Miss Margaret O^oae•r et Whitby ie 'trendies ,o few lass t$tth :n 1. -Rev, bo11da7- I.e at present. Hague Harold Amex ,}d ble sister Trees of Walhembag ant holi- day daytt��tgi al the me . et Heir grand - fan, �c, Yr. Moep,a NEEP.._ Heber ao4 Wt. Olga crura sag 0. Fo from Undo*,, nursing. lir. aad and Mrs. Murray, of Heifer 'Measure brim. Garvey aad Ed. (ya tta�de a trlti M hoodoo on Sat Miss Weise O`�iusetF- wed am l wweek at tat. Amman*. 'Mr. and lire. Job t e7 and Hr. Terrence Hussey K w. and M P. 3. Nevin of Window visited at Vs. Andrew Martin's on Sunday. Mr t'$ Nevin was at one time a vers popu- lar. pet huslastte ■nd,, sacaaful school and chervil organist here for several year' and he takes pteasare 1a Eyes Maned theme now mmo L A. =RID liegisiered c (17 TIMM ja it at "tlktiaAethe at Moderate C. O. F. Annual Picnic WILL BE HELD AT A/�fseetun Park 5 -Ow Shell RVICE TION remaining to ales•, 1 his vacation here. Wawt• (bnrtney re -pear. • Mr and \Ir form Richardson. June l ' and Hugh. est Dungannon. spent Mon- day evening with Yr. and Mrs. S. E. Phillip.. Mr. ('hearer I wandey. Lnelnow, spent Sunday ""I•L W. and Mrs. Wal - The home I - -- - and surrounding. very tasteful -1 ly decorated and illatather was ideal. Tbs. tables Were set outside and a fine program se meals and High- land dancing was provided. Dur - ! lace Tw am ir3.. ,. ..p. Jag _tete anerntaQne lir. -j3niledge toast Mr .'. W. Rrowa'tad party et tblr- his place on .the platform and In i 104.1 bo),/ 01 1lamllto11, who were few words thanked all for their rota , a riming ,r I I l/li li Summer amerce wishes for hja continued health and ,site, attendel Miens Y.P.et, on Fri- happiness. Although la advanced day evening and sepplled a rac7 in- ]ears. Mr. Rutledge has been Duey .teresting program every day with the haying and has Mr and Mrs Harvey Webb and Lola. helped In other farm work. Hs le ..f Sr Helens, 4 dted with Mr. and t.ery bright mentally and can read Mr, .Unler.on, s Sunday. without elasaes. This (' the fifth. Mr and Mn. 3 r. Stothers and tam union of the family. Those tossing ill are returning r Lonbdon fhwe* the longest dLstance were, Mr. and after spend a tt* tat tbetr cottage Mrs. M. J. (lador, of Detroit. The at RlnfalL Knitted ShTn.colors, blue, maize and navy, pleated'f� wellessde. Risco 34 to :i8. Regular $1 REDOCED TO 98c s ()iris' Shorts. Sites 28 to 32. Regu- lar $1.19. EEDUC=D TO large assortment of Ties in silk erodes j el woofs. . Designs in plaid,, ehe±a, stripes, ete. Regular 55e Special, each s' Wash Suit 941kilf Line e irash Stilts in natural colors Rites 2 to h Special, Suit • A. Y01# . r2died to 4 ,' tbaee; 'Special 4 Brii'gains natLb "Shop ere You or Att._ i youngest one present w.. Bilk Lola Taylor. ()theist present were five AUBURN grandchildren and three eat-gread- _ children; three daughter ra. J. Tay- lor. Auburn. Mrs. Y. Gador, and Stella. at. home, and Stone. .II, of (lnitrorne town- ship, owo- hese of Nile, and Robert 1t with ml whom Mr. Rutledge matyp his ►bane.Thr•'latUe seam quite Two wino, W. J., of Tral A. C4 Std hem and It makes a Gordon A. of Schumacher. were M- ;.4 ai m t able to be present. Robert Bowen et Dungannon, who b lit Ire AI'Bir•Rr.. .in 31. --On the farm ..f Melville .les .drip. can he every day, amonga :, herd of cattle a recoil deer with s Seelig fawn accsgtolik to lovely r" the ot'een pasture 1"1114. 6. seventh year and hal OHO a Mlsw IA.n orf (t<�1g is home from friend of Mr. Retldge, eaje ed Stratford re, ui•era from i tnM11a time with Db pal. Led* otwratMn. Terry AHhatoo, of meertnef, ea The amnia, Raeder Sunday Reboot picnic was held at Harbor Park, God- entertained the comptp Wit etleh, on Vlwxt nndsr. The attere reseaI music. e . UMW= midi lit, David's Streets Shall Salad Ga,olrns and Oils Lineein Engineered . Lubrication Oar '.shine Giis rel Repairs, Battery Semi" sic. Phone 535 CE DAA ANCE MONDAY, AUGUST PAVI LiO, GO DERI wan spent ..siallp aad many enjoyed, a dip In ink,' lin ¶Pea was rrcrvef! In the pavilion t„dtttil were treated to lee cream }rev. Its 1(hrti of Oakland callose nn frieml. nn Monday. Faring vl.ItM tart ter rennlnn nn Sunday. There will In. nno'-llre In the An - burn Anglican ,h„rfe Omit Monday. but on the folloefinr Autrday Lyall (lrawfor l of r, 4 ti(b Mr. *•111 have charge. The rw,,,r. Itev. L. V. Poenck, Is taking chaste „t or. Mark's church, Pant 1Lnndon 1,.,r a month and he and Mrs 1','. 1, nn.l family will occupy the reVtory :Iern Mrs ('r, , i- rj :r. f F`ilnt, Web - has brow C(' it oe Ir,reht•, ills awA Mrs At!'. N, ^,ti' lloltrorlbS, and Ma staked her, f4,... as cod[ k *,t. m,,,,,,I.,:,,,-4 1)7 l lew a1A rin ugh,. r Mt. Wji oa a for was in the NTtaa dlattl e first threshing tae r 1111"";01.n `hfnr.l•,r1:1:111.11:141:111111:1 N ithtrl at - TALL OA7'st A ample of �s fro ttl1�A Reorge Sowerhg, QR en .'rich towntliip, es Inches . 'Benson %tie the Malta to tial ae Sig had n?ral Pres .dt ams heft. form of of God- they the • hod* on the Carer of ttie on the Maitland emcees**, er- irk loweehip, Was totally 111 fire 'dont noon Vi=day when the family was abseil home. lobe 'envoy*, sad althetzgh COPS ina th- awed enhirly MOM ng was Sped MO the rep tire bet esIstot siveri ANIL la felt ter Kr and stel their font little sons. the farm (wily a littie year 4111.