HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1935-8-1, Page 3• 'T =NAT TOUTEMILIP ature In the tar -sway bends may green and prima of distant adver_ goods may be attractive. But why a chs cST Local mrckanta miter in The Opal merit your patronage you ase what you buy.e Develop lb. Cemmmelty Spirit i®1 SIGNAL PROOVINU 00., • GODFRICH, ONTARIO,I1'HURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1985 -' il4ttt7Trr+liw;•fl i4 rims, lob melt Cabe Adjourned s Ansi= $te, - hi co.- parstihe Coolness of Court Hauge Y .411 eolmeell: re Antic* that Der all -less eau.. 1alat 1 Cllaten Vetere ATIIIININSIMINO PARK •ia.r& the 'Many visitors at Mene- .at J. W. Craigie • and RMI Enats !midi! and Sigapal Sunk • . NI 1-1 000211111511 Geo. Williams & ion ON, POPT AL Nell MUNICIPAL WNW ilkI UMW, LdeessW. and Reno& Lasssnae Ueda OTTICE, WRIT TO BANE OT OOMMSACS MN SS Gederli Maghnrate J. A. Making' court was held In the specious chambers et the Wert hones en Thursday last, to es- cape the ewelterlag heat of the small t runts on North Vert. Mit Miamian Mises were en' the dodtet and there were a large uumtfer of .pnctator. perw'ut to bear their dlspe- Atlos. The majority cit spectators wen disappointed when the cases of Evelyn Wleetwou and Nelson Naylor were adjourned a week. The young couple, from 111)th, are charged with Use tach on J000 80 of Royal Lloyd's air. An add.t.oual charge of drunk delete' has 1„•...a preferred egainat Naylor. The adjournment was granted _go' anew poi., a to sompiete their he yeedgatious This case has aroused t *eat deg: of interest In Gerdertek and L beteg followed closely by massy 1Rterested and curious parties (Lloyd cuml•ell, alias Wllhed Setsss. of Turute•rry pleaded guilty to ob- taining goode• uy false pretences and elected tial l.) His W..reeip. Hewes' remanded a we fur srntenee while kis record la Investigated. Campbell ael slUed pesetas rubber cheques, to Gee Boyle for 0111.0 sad to Geo jos $ U5. Russe Aerated, 338 Pape •veone, Toronto wile found suRRO of afeeiAll through at in tion aad paid 411 and cos • rd was In ani $C . dent at c.Be;d titegnetice vile a car d by Samuel Ietteebalk, alt Seaterth Wttnewes said that' Mel- ees' w driving forty re nib miles pec hou and that Gottschalk was trove/II very slowly across the blgb- way itayn ''s car mea dammed to a tar gr r extent than was. Gotta- chalk'a • • for that reason the To- ronto In thought It unfair that be should re to tt cc a charge. He had tae punished snneiently, be tbough t John I •, hHr -working Bois- lee, Yrlee, of .' .c• *be, ob • Ali zed for 1t- was $t,ee Mee, on eebarge •vg ' - J0trn, who aM r4 SSd help al ly, theaght sur. Ne vole, le the world so In a most „'elle planner. Be ewe phade was he t1>St be was arrested [tear ereatini a dietnrbance. Lewin. Boabart, of Beafortb, paid $10 asd ends for &lying recklessly A charge of driving wit-% improper brakes, preferred spline Harold But- ted, of Lucknow, vibe withdrawn. GODS:RIM BRIDGE CLUB At the weekly dapticate bridge tour- nament, held Mladay evening at the Coif Club, the 'allowing were wieners North and Smith --1st. Mn. W. r. Sanders and Mr. P. F. Carey and Yrs. Geo. Copeland and Mr. K 'lus- ter, tied, pies 10%; Sod, Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Pattetpon, pits 4; 3rd, Mr. R. J. teeMeben •nd Yr. E. Dean, minus a%: East and Koeb••ist, Yr. gad Mrs. N C. Lanaway, pits 9i 2nd, Th. Mary Tom and Mrs. A. Tota. pier 8%; EM, Mrs 1. 17 Eastman and Mr. R. Dean, pins 5.'Vic • MURPHY Collection Ade and Real Estate Bergen ACCOUNTS OOLi • CDT" COMMISSION BASIS Town and esseat7 pregarthe Med for men or twat Ape/ ter De Laval name Seporaters, Daa% a al (hams *3. 1 Farm Fe stilt --SERVICE' 114bar -maw- T. T. MZTuET, $�� Sawa n0°1 eat Street SHOP A COMPLETE STOCK OF Electrical Appliances. Ffzttaee, etc. Electric Wiring o/ell kinds ghee ,tei FRAM MCARTBUR Telephone 32 - Goderich ltellity are very much like Want and bolts and mere machine shop -to be oiled where they 6t." -Hent *d Verandah Chairs hooka asserted stock d sed liose4ab Mark illlr1iisu Deck • Chairs from V 1.25 up AU bars attrsetiv stripe Chiang. - Ss.st pours while the eh•tee good. . J. R. Wheeie; P.iaered .-AS Pi ereildre Dada • • ilesiless third, 600111414,1 �Olet` shwa .1ne i e AND All es et unity re welcome to es with the gheld at 5. Ban - Tickets 75c darts( the past week were:. Jo Grant, Toronto; Mies ]Lary Aga, MISS Barbara Cnssweller, Windsor; Mr. and Mrs Sanders alae family, Chatham; Mrs. A Miller, Walkerville ; Mr. and Mrs A. O. Evans,. Toronto; Mies McHta L ph; Mr. and Mrs. Franklin oat ; Mr. Jack Vieille., Mrs. Tancock, Y a L ; Mr. W. H. 'Fella, I, Toronto; Mr. Mavety Stratioed ; Yrs 8. Law.oe and tali - • , Loodon ; Dr. Creesweller, Mr. and Mrs. Yaereotay, Windsor ; Mr. and Yrs. Maertag, Toronto; Mr. Foie ter AW1ndaor. LICENSE PLATES May y wKte letters on dull black. This, 11 L learned, will be the On larks automobile comblaatlon for 1988. At the antarfo • Retormatory, Gueelttb, maty tbessendatet ptitee have already been tnresd est and tip first samples bare reae* Qwsen'e Tark. The auarpritips are quite p*uud of Ilse now laddastions They figure on the dull black Ire appearanee the lye -Of a M. here boles ttom of the marker This la.deslgned t s lit Ideas !t theme-• ' els that the will acid yet trunk Nest Penclrlid fa as wail as be lit the _Yathed MIL The things ma. t1Yle wider from the name of the t0 the foot of the maria Levens Ii for Burp' RATNER B/ YOURP1 inftaeui MeetWeek Dbeinghreats�a>'ir et Be- ecethl ehtion l Ilensall, July 11.- erugreTesieea and United Farmers tie (tatirio In the rid- ing of Hurun 1. fo rly South Huron. will in satirt Me • ma 'Re- construction pally In tys. g ed- eral electluu. • Thls war declared get tae I rogreeaivea and United Tardlers hod a je,lnt meet - Ing hers eestot4e7 14 indorsed the ttteveno pro(raly Ai_ meeting was virtually turned fates ylecena club as a committee of ahem tative men was chosen pick delegates wise wtl ens candidate peat 7. Robert McMUlar, brother of the late Thomas McMillan ral stalwart who represented tis 1 ng for many years, proposed ghat meeting sup- port the Stevens party and was named as acting cha Italia of the organizing ma the nucleus of the Ste,eua for the riding. committee. why for His name 1. aim beard aa that of a possible candidata• for the party. to- gether with the same, of William Blanc, president of the 1 F'4) riding assatiun and a tura. r 7 PI). mem- ber a Ottawa; W. (t lt. I.l. twice a Pruviueial member fen the 1'rogres Idris,- Mayor Andrew Sutherland of i eafoltk, and W. N' ('eeio- a former Independent candid:: t. To Choose ('enerdete -tithe candidate *1.. be chosen by the new Stevens UlaA1 when they meet at the tome of Mr. YIH,'. in Tuekeramith township near **forth next Wednee Stlight. He will then have to -he endorsed by the Tesler,.. txeeutive of the Steten,+ party„ .,cording to a rule of the new group, e The Stereos candidate will Is- Till- tioaed by W. 11. Golding. the .sating metebee and liberal etaudard-1,eerer. wholra Tkrted el a tmu;,irity of 1.000 after thd''tt tis of 'ti. .:,'e Thomas n represses - Ise and the Stee- ?ICNI(S AT HAIHO& More than two hundred pknl (era from vartoem communities me)ell d Friday afternoon at Harbor Part, which is becoming more popular every year as a lakeside resort. Two churches held their annual congrega- tional and Sunday school picnics that Mckilllx aIle ora• I�••,a;natelagain day and many other persons enjoyed ya,rera( al.} the delightful etiarroandiusa, having The f�7,n rvative eee"v orgy supper at to ex under the trees. time Iritis Ian Adnz i, a {cru Thf annus p. T.hc of Burma church, (-red fight is I while there 1� Mallett, s. n ora attended by one hundred womb-, memberafternoon of races and a ;strong posed of ■ strictly India- g ames ndy games was efljoyed, tieing In char`e of pendent nndtdate awl a fotutrornend the minlsbar` Bev, a. ' Qar•Msel, a dated by Messrs. Gee. Watt, Ales. Me- llwen and Geo. McVittle. 'There were seventy members of Au - bask I'reeebyterlan church at the lark The ebehlren swam during the after - Loon, and after supper sports were condu,Vd by Mr. Alf. Rollinson. Rev. T W Mills was in charge of the Picnic The results et the races condue trd by the Auburn church were: Girls, 6 years and ua Raga-, Marlon Bode. Bys, 11 years and Shepherd, Russel Kernighan. i Girl, 8 years and under --(rubel Herotihsn Lillian Molts. ROE--STODDART - The martia*, of Miss Mary Brelya Stoddart t.. the Rev. James YtahWeri Use took piece recently la Iowa. The bridd Is the daug Rev. and Mrs . W. W. Aced rt, formerly of Gdderk h, Mr. Stoddart toeing now pastor of Westminster Prettbffi•rian cbnreh of Keokuk, w wedding wag soletneiyatd. MI len Stoddart, the bride's sla- ter, was maid of honor, and Mr. W. Peal Iltoel,lare aerved as groomsman. A beautiful program of wedding manic precadad the ceremony, contributed by Mrs. Lillian Frank, Mins Tame Bell, and Mrs. Flelyn llowklna Jenkins. The church wa- decorated with pink gla- dioli and r,•.ea, flanked by banks of .. ery and ferns. The umbers were 14 Miller of Ynung town, O.; . . Well dlnotte, Yr. Loren capand Mr. Arthur Davis. Tbe two brideamalde. wearing aft/active gowns of Mblaseellne de sole, were Mim Dorf. 'little of Iowa City in blue frock with Aloe bat to match and Miss Bitty Kledelaeb In a yellow model, with yel- low hat. They each carried Colonial bouquet* of flowers to match their costumes et4'he maid of honor, Mae Mass Grace Stoddart, wore a pink r taffeta with a plat ease carried a Wiest of plat The beide wore a *bite sows of atmple deign and earned whla torn. eresoar • reception was chapel, sad Mn. Sesddart and Mn Roe neared ttbe Miss bride le a padaate et y of Toros.* 0i•serva- ant made 0 hair bat a iiesAma. 2 wed a � After the held In tk and the R resent the Itntvt tory et Meer The irlderrnees, Rev. halal Strnflhers Roe of 'lbressao, Is a geaduate Princetnn Theological Seminary. ¶'Tbey will reside le To- ronto. -. fes tare the Stroll - ttow a and farelgn tag aad_playt g their sa- wn! ice- tri In metes agar aoveraT eeittnfrtra, t rare on the 'a +Ile eatUoiTeam u'-T$'11,ee. g. L the local town hail yesterday WAR fore- cast In advance notice*. 'I'keae stated that 11. H. Hannam, in. n•tary of the (.F0.. Toronto, would give ea ad- dress on the Stevens manifesto and declared that the Meeting would con- sider alignment with the Reconstruc- tion part) and the nomination of a CHWilda te The meeting wH5 not pa rtleul y "tell att•-ndwl. but the Huron hamper r.,p and shortage of help was blamed for • unity Beata. ('ritteires Old Parties e "I'm its. la•r , ant, behind Stevens, Boys, 14 years end ender -Sill (inc- and 1f we 'hilt .. Stevens eandidate ler, Earl Mugfor4. Girls, 11r►' and wades -Joan Phepberdwlel 11011111600.a CANAnAIIr BOND •TIONS throbbed lei Petrie A Co, United, Bind Dealers. 5141 Horan • Erb SWINK, Leaden, Ont. J. B. Barbee, Loral Representative Approximate Quotations July 29, s3S5 DemiaAn of Canals _ Gamete -.5 136 10449. Canada 5 87 1011.()0 Ceases • 516187 101.2; (*nada 43440 11000 Canada 41 11200 Canada 43 113 25 eaeada 4 43 106.25 Canada 3'6,44 10225 Canada 4 147 10e 00 Ca nada 41,E 4F4 14)0 25 Canada 414,49 100 25 Guaranteed1511. C. N. li, . 414 51 111.00 C. R.. 5 54 114.54) C "R 5 319 114.00 Prwlydal Jgvernnteek a o 5 55 90 00 . (tblunable 5 53 90 50 144, °diamMa 5e. 45 101.75 t•'A'cavalMide of educational anal roomette:Sal ariracdears- , awaits you at the world', largest annual Exhibition ... Rudy Va11Le and his captivating band and Boor show sem afternoon and evening ...'Zodla", gorp.ow rand - termed actors on the world's largest stage ...His spectacle, the pageant of the century, with 1500 His p Maiesey's Irish Guards band from Britain and forty other .bjsad... • National Motor Show and Hone Show... decal Dog and Cat Shows ...Marathon swim.. AlliIterboat rata, international track meet and other sports competitions on land and water . • masterpieces of of Europe and America in two art agriculture in all Its brunches in the world's show building. Mile -long midway. Booming. ,-'crashing, iridescent pyrotechnics,"The Show Window of the Nations' is designed for eery member of every family. URI)) MffaUlte r. a 1: 44 Deacon. Eb.00d Comment^ 4 CANADIAN NATIONAL WES WEW$YTi LD,, Ju • -Mine A Clark, $t Saskatoon, lea tins at the home of her sister, Min arvin Mc- Dowell. e-Dowell. Miss M. Smith of Brussels lat- Irg her brother, 'Mr. Charles limlth. Mrs. Norman McDowell visited ou Saturday with her mother, Yrs. Os .beldertoe of 'Yr. a1bd Mrs. A. Walsh were Port Albert donors on Fridley. Rev: A. Taylor and Yrs. Taylor Oadiemlly, of Rockwood, are visiting a few 4a, 7a thls week with the torm- er's tater, Mr. T. 11. Taylor, and other friend's. • Mrs. W. Fiimpbell spent over the week -end w' her leather, Mrs. B Brown of l Mrs.- tla'!f Gordon of Detroit Is her sister, Mrs. W H. Camp- bell Mr and Mrs. Norman WI(htssas and Patricia, of Gore Ilay, visited on Saturday at the home of her cousin, Ur. W. F. Campbell. Rev. W. Bites sae lira Hiles, Ameeburg, were guests nn P41d•y in thio ding 1 . Itght tooth and nail to aleft ridingh4m t.•�lam Black, the pre- aldent et the 1 F U. Association, de - tared as be my n.vt tai meeting and Introduced Mr Hannaq. He de.erila.l old parties as too dishonest to,r. Mose stet upon the wlehes of the retitle or ---too entangled with the merneyest trete 10 carr? out the wlsht. ,f people. He also criticized the eoneentration of wealth while other. live on charity, and WA of the eiAliwn that the Gov- ernment should not lave resisted the deflation of comendlOp prices. 104.1 1+ 'The rural doll 'Mae cut In two 100.15 while the city dolls • T1nr wfiedw 110 00 ryatem has bliprI14 entangled that 110.731 many are realty t0 ap It entirely 112.75 i and make A new kart, 111 never vote 114.00 for a Grit or A Tory again an long la 107 21 1 live " 105 25 I Mr. Hamam'a Add 1 107.00 Mr. llenam '-;s,a h• et - 110'25 I,, opinlnlne that be win an ef6clal 110.`2"", representative of t vett, party, but lasing hi+ nddresa rgely upon the 11250 Stevens manifc't•', and fhe ,peech 1lf.110 trade by Mr. F'e•'•na le ifs nlened his 115.5) campaign In Hamilton a week age. ('anin¢ this th, transition period 104I 7/4 from an era • •'stem of searelty to lol.',o an ern of plena• Ile declared that the Illi 21 rchaufng n Is ever former mal r_,In power of 1(52'- Ike 4. to end. Manitoba 41,4 56 100'2.5 1(4 e., MaaitOba • . b% 55 107.7.5 1092. "More an.l ?II.,P we agrloultural Ii 1 *li.Wi k 5 �60 119.7 11:.'_>.i 1a-, 1.k find ,. : r Bot getting leader 0$Sf Ocala 4'!, 14)9.75 111.2.. ship 1'11 not i• anyt6lag afimut Mr. O(SOk 458 50 100.011 100 00 bailrls 5% 48 114.00 115.25 (('ont iiur,l on page 71 Ont_ litdro Cow. '.4%, 4, 5 152 90 75 101. 4 52 108 50 104. ea at • 44 -WAD 07. Bennis Been Poseur Bea 2.i WHEN tifll; N'S VERY YOUNG 00 The St Mai 1-+.lopaaal-Argun of last 75 week had a 10,011'04f the pupil,' of the Avonbenk a hool. In Perth ronnty, back in the bait ertuvy. looking over the nnmee► 1 the plant. we K see that of ►tells ver, now Mia. (Rn',1 JAW. Bnililteel of Goderlch• and, though the p>dtograpb was taken (mite sane year ago. it 1s not at all difficult to pi, h "tit the keen -looking little girl who •. now p well known resident of Goderleb., t 15% tit 106 105 s in se se TS 94 On Gatineau Power 6 tit• eneen 1'r 1R'' Gen Mese Wsrese Ma▪ eda ree-4,4= Mariner 5% (states rr :115 rr tarn of Can 4% filhaainlgan RR at 41 74% 77 le IS en 104 105 I with the formerb uncle, lir. W H. Campbell, and otter friends. Mr. and Mrs. James Hoover and their son, Mr. Worthy Hoover, and Mrs. Hoover, of Algary, were renew- ing old acquaintances In this vicinity on Monday and visited their old home now owned by Mr W. F. Campbell. Miss Marjorie (.`ampbell of Stratford hospital received her nurse's cap re- eently. IIle --1'd be wNllssg W die a tbou- Fend deaths for you.- She- " J list ou."She-"Just one would suit me per- fectly." T1s lodger was nettling hiss frill but on looking through It be found several things for which he had been over- 'oherged "Surely this isn't right," he said angrily to the landlady, Itslioating an item "All right." she snapped back, after admitting that there had liraa mla- 111a 1 tab. 'fon needn't get so exott.d. Keep your wool enheyoung n.' "Keep weeI ` f rated the dg loer. "Row i* r bang I fleeced r SEPT.? BENMIpLLEIllit • BON a returned J Ida Oke has returnrn ed milk her son. A. E (Nke nto. .tin Oke and famllyhro their way north to other places which *rpRare on their holidays. e.. Mrs: Wilson sad peaky have re- turned - turned borne to Toreglie after visiting her sister, Yra. Jewell. Mr Verne 0.11011, Bias Nevins and Mr. and Mrs. R Moore rad family spent Sund Strati utile and Port Bute 1 Mr. Metlatlen, a colieSte chum of Rev M r "11.1. .joust theskseeksed with him illere. 1 . • f Auto IIrstnutiCE Fire Life Accident and Sickness N. K. WARK Gedertek, Ont. Phase gob • DO YOUR CUSTOMERS APPRECIATE THE PROTECTION OF SHELL Sealed GASOUNI PUMPS ? 1 THE THE ONLY COMARNY • NG ITS PUMPS HAS 111QOSTED MY BUSINESS AMA31Ni4.Y. An old ce”el, woman whom Right wax falling a ildvlaed to on her ‘741 natielan showed her Into a dimly room. Telling her to rover one eve he indiested it card with letter, 4 ,4rions else and seked he. to read them out. "Ne. as, • ill re no' going tattirtAll. The f HURON ROAD SERVICE ST TION David 's Streets. Pho 595 it Blue Warr s. way BARKER BROS. SERVICE STATION AND MACHINE SHOP Rayteld Road Telephone Tel FISHER -TIM/ REPAIRS-