HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-07-05, Page 14Ao,age14 - Sentinel, Wednesday, Jailky 5, 1918
The above Select Committee of the Legislature
has been appointed to inquire into the cost of
construction of the two heavy water plants being
built by Ontario Hydro at the Bruce Nuclear
Power Development and report tg the Legislature
on all factors affecting cost.
The Committee will hold a public hearing at:
Bruce Township Community Centre
Underwood, Ontario
8:00 p.m. Wednesday, July 12th, 1978
Individuals and groups wishing to make
presentations to,the Committee are asked to
contact the Clerk of Committee not later than
Wednesday, July 5th• 1978,
Committee terms of reference available on
Select Committee on Ontario Hydro Affairs,
Room 440, Main Parliament Building, Queen's
Park, Toronto M7A 1A2
Andrew Richardson Donald C. MacDonald. M.P.P.
Clerk of the Chairman of the Committee
Si. Joseph's hoids graduation
Graduation exercises for
Grade 8 students of St.
Joseph's school, Kings-
bridge were held on Thurs-
day, June 29, Graduation
Mass was celebrated by
Reverend Father Ed Dentin -
ger, C.R, beginning at 7 p.m.
The 19 members of the Grad-
uation Class took part during
the Mass as altar servers,
readers, taking up the offer-
ing etc. Lillian Simpson was
organist and soloist was
i6iicy Park. The dinner was
served in the Parish Hall by
members of the Kingsbridge
Catholic Women's League.
Mr. Zyluk, principal of the
school, was the master of
ceremonies. He introduced
the head table guests. Father
Dentinger led in grace and
toasted the graduates. The
reply was by Yvonne Sinnett.
The toast to the parents was
made by Rose Marie O'Ke-
efe, with the reply by Mrs.
Jim Sinnett; toast to the
teachers was given by Deb-
bie Drennan, replied to by
Mary O'Keefe. The valedict-
ory address. was given by
Jackie Dalton. William Kin-
ahan introduced the guest
speaker, Mr. Bill Eckert.
`fi' r 3,+ , ��.- y�tiggifr
' 1 itM‘li%..-�',
k f . ' - N �• 111 t/144 C.I 1 i .,4i�ri ,. d Ili
Forage fertilizer could be the best
investment in low cost feed you'll make.
And the payoff is quality protein —
as much as 1 ton from every acre!
Ask about custom spreading right now.
Thank you was made by
Kathleen Foran. Presenta-
tion of the following awards
was made: the Proficiency
Award was presented to
Jackie Dalton by Gaetan
Jacques. Miss Joanne Ham-
ilton presented the Honour
Roll Awards to Jackie Dalton
and Kathleen Foran who had
straight "A" in all reports
for the year. The Ashfield
Science Award was present-
ed to Jackie Dalton by Teresa
Courtney on behalf of the
Farmers' Union and the
Federal° tion of Agriculture.
The West Wawanosh Science
Award was presented to
Kathleen Foran by Tony
McQuail. The music award to
Rose Marie O'Keefe was
presented by Mrs. Lillian
Simpson. The Citizenship
Award to Jackie Dalton was
presented by Mrs. Elizabeth
Howard. Diplomas and
C.W.L. gifts were presented
to the following graduates by
Leona Boyle, St. Augustine
C.W.L., Lorraine Brophy,
Lucknow C.W.L., Tina Van-
Diepen, Kingsbridge.C.W.L.
assisted by Grade 8 teacher
Joanne Hamilton and prin-
cipal Dave Zyluk. 1978
graduates are: Bobby Aus-
tin, Jackie Dalton, Dana
Doherty, Debbie Drennan,
Kathleen Foran, Michael
Franken, Freddy Gerdes,
Willy Hendriks, Betty
Knoop, Kevin Leddy, Diane
Miltenburg, Rose Marie
O'Keefe, Jeanette Pelletier,
Yvonne Sinnett, Annie Van
Diepen, Cathy VanDiepen,
Tony VanDyke, Jackie Van-
Osch and Jimmy VanOsch.
Memorial Bibles, a picture of
the Graduating Class, a
picture of the school and a
short history of the school
were donated and presented
by Melvin O'Reilly of Wind-,
sor to all the graduates. Mr.
O'Reilly is a former member
of Kingsbridge having at-
tained his education at S. S. #
2 Ashfield as it was then
known. The inscription on
the bibles read "A memento
of your Graduation from St.
Joseph's School, Kings-
bridge, Ontario on June 29,
1978". Thanks to Mr. O'Reil-
ly was given by Annie
VanDiepen. Mr. Bill Eckert,
guest speaker, Joanne Ham-
ilton and Lillian Simpson
were presented with gifts.
Congratulations to Irene
Logtenberg, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Derk Logtenberg
who won the I.O.D.E. Maple
Leaf Chapter bursary to-
wards tuition to furthering
her education at a College.
Irene has completed Grade
12 at the Goderich District
Collegiate Institute and will
be training for a nurse at
Conestoga College this Sept-
Mrs. Mary Alice Francis of
Rapid City, Michigan visited
wall her aunt, Mrs. Louis
Dalton at the Pinecrest
Nursing Home, Lucknow and
with friends in this area
during the past week.
Congratulations to Evelyn
Schmid and Edward Case
whose marriage took place
on Saturday, July lst in the
Dungannon United Church.
Several from this area at-
tended the reception held
later that evening in the
Dungannon Agricultural
Miss Irene Logtenberg is
employed during the sum-
mer months at the Benmiller
Congratulations to Tommy •
Gitmore who took part in the
All Canadian Baton Twirling
Championships .held at ,St.
James Community Centre,
Winnipeg, Manitoba on Sat-
urday and Sunday, July 1
and 2, winning Champion-
ship Awards for Baton Twirl-
ing and in the Open Solo
Class with perfect scores.
Tommy took part in the
Junior Boys (ages 11 to 14)
division, Tommy and his
mother flew from Toronto
International Airport on
Thursday, June 29th, return-
ing on Monday, July 3.
Miss Nargon Kraaknan
and her friend Gerta Mak of
Holland arrived on Saturday,
July lst for holidays with the
former's aunt, Mrs. Theo
VanDiepen, Mr. VanDiepen
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
O'Keefe and family and Mrs.
Jack Kinney attended the
second annual O'Keefe reun-
ion held at the Springbank°
Park, London on Saturday,
July 1. •
Holiday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Terry Dalton and
Colleen were her mother,
Mrs. George Lienhardt and
sisters, Janet Lienhardt and
Mrs. Bryan, White, Mr.
White and two children all
from St. Clements.
Mrs. Michael Ross and
sons Kenneth and Steven of
London, Mrs. Gerry Ross,
Pamela and David of Luck -
now visited on Friday, June
.30 with Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Courtney and family. Mrs.
Pearl Cole and friend, Belle,
of Underwood visited with
them during the week.
Mr. Gordon Valad, R. R. 7
London, and former resident
of Kingsbridge, passed away
on Friday, June 30 at his
home in his 57th year. He is
survived by his wife, Marg-
aret, his mother, Ellen of
Riversdale, 4 ' brothers, 4
sisters, 6 grandchildren. His
body rested at the Willard
George Funeral Home, Rid -
out Street, London until
Tuesday morning, July 4
when mass was celebrated in
St. Joseph's Roman Catholic
Church, London. Interment
was in Mount Pleasant
Theresa Bernadette Adel -
mann beloved wife of Ronald
E. Friend, passed away in
Houston, Texas on Wednes-
day, June 28, 1978 in her
45th year. Mrs. Friend was
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph A. Adelman of Livon-
ia, Michigan, • her mother
being the former Bernadette.
O'Loughlin of Kingsbridge.
Besides her husband and
parents she is survived by
three sons, John, Joseph and
Todd and one daughter,
Terri; also 1 sister Mary
Adelman of Livonia and 1
brother, Joseph Adelman Jr.
The Reverend Father Cain
officiated at the funeral mass
in St. Maurice Roman Cath-
olic Church, Livonia, Michi-
gan on Saturday, July 1 at 10
a.m. Interment was in Holy
Sepulchre Cemetery, South-
field, Michigan. Relatives
attending the funeral from a
distance were Matthew
O'Loughlin of Kingsbridge,
Mrs. Larry Brown, Don
Mills, Mr., and Mrs. George
Brunton and Mr. Michael
Costello, . all of London.
Sympathy is extended to
Leonard and Matthew
O'Loughlin on the death of
their niece.
St. Joseph's Church,
Kingsbridge was filled to
capacity at both the Saturday
evening and the Sunday
Morning masses on July 1
and 2, celebrating Canada's
birthday. A special welcome
was given to all who came
from a distance. Following
mass on Sunday, • a special
Cemetery Service honouring
the pioneers who did so
much for our country and
church was held. Wreaths
were laid by the Catholic
Women's League, the Kings-
bridge° Youth Club,, The
Cemetery BoarA, the Girl
Guides, the Kingsbridge
Geneological Society and
many individuals, wishing to
remember their dearly de-
Congratulations to Anne
Marie Howard, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Howard
who is an Ontario Scholar
and the recipient of the
University of Guelph Entran-
ce Scholarship of $1500. The
first instalment of $750.00 is
available to Anne Marie after
'registering in the -till 'course
load in B.Sc. Agriculture
program in the fall semester,
1978 and the second instal-
ment of $750.00 will be mad -
available upon the registra-
tion in the second semester
in the full course load in
B.Sc. Agriculture program.
Anne Marie has completed
the grade 13 curriculum at
the Goderich District Colleg-
iate Institute and has been
chosen to be the Valedictor-
ian at the Graduation Exer-
cises there on Friday, Sept-
ember 22, 1978. Well done,
Anne Marie!
The -annual parish picnic of
the combined parishes of
Kingsbridge, St. Augustine
and Lucknow was held on
Sunday afternoon, July 2 at
the Ashfield Park, conces-
sion 12, Ashfield, beginning
at 1.30 p.m. The older people
from Kingsbridge and the
surrounding district were
challenged to a gameof
baseball by theteenagers
from the town of Port Albert.
The final score was 8 to 2 and
believe it or not the 8 runs
were for the older folks.
Congratulations. There were
races, games, prizes and
treats for all. Winners in the
egg throwing contest were:
first prize, Steven Berry and
Mark Doherty; second prize
to Diane VanOsch and Carl
Courtney. Gifts of ice cream,
and gum and candy were
' given to all the children with
special prizes given to those
winning the different con-
tests. A picnic lunch was
enjoyed with hot dogs,
coffee, ice cream and soft
drinks available at cost price.
Sincere sympathy is ex-
teded to Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Tigert and family on the i
death of his father Mr.
Harold Tigert at the Mait-
land Manor Nursing Home,
Goderich. The body rested at
the McCallum Funeral
Home, Goderich after 2 p.m;
on Tuesday with the funeral
service at 2 p.m. on Wed-
nesday, July 5. Interment
was in the Dungannon Cem-
Mrs. Joseph Copperauld,
Detroit, Michigan, Reverend
Father Lloyd Ryan, Church
of Our Lady Guelph and
Frank Ryan of Toronto were
weekend visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Clare and
Mary Luanne.
The Catholic Women's
League monthly meeting was
held in St: Augustine. Father
Dentinger opened the meet-
ing with the league prayer.
Minutes of the last meeting