HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1935-7-25, Page 6• THE SIGNAL GODERICH, ONT. 6 -Thursday, J my 26t1s, 11195 Further Argument 'Par Your ante n are Arrow -Bus Schedule Leave (:,decub, �-� nMI. dally 7.30 a.m., 5 p. rd Time, for Stntfofd, Kitchener. Guelph and Toronto. Connections at (Tinton for Lois don and Kincardine rr11111-is AA� aR.t or ._ g ND. c.ODEIUCH Leave Gederkb, South -bound, daily except Sundays and Doli. days, 4 p.m. Leave Sarnia 10.40 a.m.. arriving Goderich 335 p.m. Itineraries planned a points Uted Sa and Mexico -CONSULT LOCAL AGENTS - T. Pmea, Mask Wasp MIM. 1111. iN - e t int Mews hist t• 117 Central Ontario Bus Lines TORONTO TOWNSHIP COUNCIL WEST WAWANOSH The West Wawacosh council held the regular meeting on July 8th, with all the members cresent and Reeve 1 hes minutes of Lai Stewart presiding meetingwere read and accepted, on motion of Councillors Gammie and Smyth. The principal business of the meeting w'as the payment of road ac- counts. tcounts. The following general ac- counts were read and ordered paid. lab North Aral lel Act. s similarhere the motion of Councillors Smjth and statute. Act that are not MoQnilin: Jas. Lyons. sheep claim. Caned( Temperance 1112: Louts Grant, sheep inspection, enfmkrd by the Provincial anthort- $1.60; U. Thompson. sheep inspection, ties: to inatanee one. the Excise Act. 0L50; Jas. pinnigan. sheep di". $7; I "in any event T consider C. Alton, relief supplies, $5.01; W. H. ' the Canada Temperance Art to McClure, relief eapp:lee, IS; U. Thome l he an Intro -Mon on Provincial tights stn. sheep inspect $L50; T. Web- and 1 consider that the iignor dues - sl I tion has been satisfactorily dealt with over the C. T. A. SNAPSHOT GUIL Acj,.fr,ape Picturie Time Sunday Afternoon ••• By ISAUEI, HAMILTON HOW . TO MAKE ICED T ill./. 441 11sr�m Wawa steins Side ia Yes 1.. ,4/1 g� M/lt� add Jelee 111 Deoee saylrr/sr wtMtefed `o bag� w/ beau Serve we t> ed Iso (Continued from page 31 "With the passing of the Ontarle Temperance Act to 1916, the Liquor License Act as a whole was repeal and therefore any provision, for the enforcement of the Canedg Temper- ance Act disappeared from the Ontario legislation. 'The only provision that there now is for the enfnreement of the Canada Temperance Act le in Section 130 of that statute. w hich provides that ''a f �.--o-PT on merit mar gbt Ma or- -.- name of the collector of customs with- in whose official division the offense was committed or In or In the name of any person.' The Rnt'eeeding sec- tion ertion very vagnely ohllrates the col- lector of cndoms to prose(fte. N. Present Machinery "in view of these facts, 1 think my atetement that there 1s no present machinery for the Enforcement of the Canada Temperance Art H an ,.rcnr- ate one. ss It 1* hard to see bow the only person charge[. with any respon- sibility. namely. the collector of ens - toms. can adequately enforce the net "Dr. Irwin also says that the posi- tion of the Ontario Government under the ("muds Temperance Act is ex *oily the same as under the Criminal endo. a Dominion cr.aetment which 1s enforeoahle by all officers of the law, whether municipal, Provincial, or Ted- erel "it is (mite tree that the Province enforces the CrimIMl Code. although It could not enact it. hut that 1s hecau e the power to legislate as to the aAmtn- tatratlnn' of jostler Nth- to Pro,Inee 1s matter committed -to it by the Brit - er. 814059 claim. loeectt ad}enraed most A e . the r sgnnr ammo AM. The On., T6F- -to- gust 12th, at 1.30 p.m. tarin Government 1s not going to Om* DUONIN PHILLIPS, p lowed in the artdwhf�f�tion of en - no (inert of West Wawanosb Townehf obligation to enforce. and the validity Use Tim SIgaaY$ Ajvertiaiag Cadammia of which 1s strongly questioned." - Exeter Old Home Week Saturday, July 27t1i, to Wednesday, Jily 31st SUNDAY AND MONDAY ReN,t+sMon aed�Mstat gwvices MONDAY, JULY JIM& 12.0 e m -,.rend Parade. 400 p.m R ' aseball-Rtratlo(Nationals) vs. Hamlltea 1\Mtorfasl. Two of the smartest teams In (httar10. The ant hall will be pitched by the Hon. J. O. Gardiner. Premier of Raakatebew- 10Y Frank te.]IAMartin. w. 1Oo dlt P ,nmes Ml antrns.L A. Pbnd toiMoyM p.m. -Mutual SAID D In J street United ha nment Wade and Mon' addresses b7 Obi- . -11.30 ern -Old Time rlddlers' (•o0Y TUESwed by MOWDAY, Seth Da fat Stwsivewoof other r LM p.a.-Softball-St. �s flirts RitveroodlI ) Ofts. 7Wpm -Parade led by waterloo. Forest. Realnrth. Dashwood. Homan and Ereter Saadi to Fair Grounds F1 One of the ,,p p.o art la America araa, ll waterloo Band �d Tattoo ander the leadership of Mr Thele a Areat Musical rasaval If s'6 p -Magnificent dlepiay of Fireworks by Hand of Toronto ftreet Dancer -New and Old Time. WEDNESDAY. JULY 31,0 100 D m. -Horse (tares -6 Events -Wm 4akw-16 bald -up Putties some of the fastest horses In Ontario hooking Privileges. s Fun -Makers of Hepsall. ?,rent 7,p pia. -014 Time Minstrel Show by the Famous Time (Mag/eal-Nies for Costumes. Street faayr-New and 01.1u� SUNDAY carro is arc MIDWAY Miotics cSat Ds.. i G....+ ..d . ria. pN•kt•e a•tessies ib d lUsds ase was wortsd wag. rooarved for sacs. Superior Stores SALE from -July -25th - Sometimes a light surprise, The Christian while be sing; it is 'the butd W a rhes With healing in His wings; %'ben comforts are declining, He grants the soul again A seasou of clear shining, To cheer it billet rain. -Wm. Cowper. "Keep a Phelan NMI of DURING them Ane rammer alae just about everybody, it se1Ms, wants to take advantage of every opportunity to get out to the coun- try, the lake or seashore for camp- ing, marshmallow roasts, corn roasts, clam bakes, beach parties and what have you. . Taking pictures at night around the camp Ire is a lot of fun and the results pleasing and out of the ordi- nary. Since the introduction of the Photolaah lamp there has been a tremendous Interest In camp -Ire pie _. tures for this lamp is so simple to operate. The Photoflash lamp 1s sim- ilar in appearance to a common eleo- trfc bulb and can be screwed tato a special holder resembling aa ordi- nary hand lash -light tube. These holders are very inexpensive and can be purchased at almost any store selling photographic supplies. The lash la set off by pressing the lash button and It gives an intense light without any noise or smoke. This is how you take a camp -Ire picture. The people should be grouped as close to the Ire as com- fort w11 permit The arrangement of the group can be viewed in the finder of the camera by having some- one hold a pocket lash -light or fire- brand at each side of the scene. This w11 indicate just what and who are included fa the picture. gal Year CattspSre PartIse AKd t$ as warn you -be sure you have everybody In full view In your tinder. Otherwist. you may Ind the decapitated body of a dear friend appearbtg b the finished print. It is well sot to harts the are too brfgbt, nor yet allow it to die down to embers when the picture 1s alma. With the camera resting on A tlr- pod or lira wpport, set It at stop f or U.S. 4, open the shutter, and set off the fast bulb and then be sure to close the suer immediately. Whim =Mg the Pbatodash bulb hold It to au aldose lhs camera, and slightly behind R The latter position pre- vents psesoalty of lens Aare from the teeh.Iitare's one simple pieta*' taoa:-.Maeat the camera L placed where die smoke from the are may set be Hoon towards the leas or between It and to subjects. Remember too it is not necessary to own as eiamsnsive camera to take oaap-ire )fiaMres at night. You can tate soe3illetarew-and geed ones -- with • boot Omen by using the larg- e st step. 8o if yea are planning on an out- door party at night over this week- end. er a caiping trip, be sure to be Prepared /(.lake some fascinating Phi ' *tures. Here's wishing you • let Iflea and good pictures. JOHN VAN GUILDER. CILIOR BEQ1fI011 Large Family Gathering Hold at Rep field en Saturday The annual reunion picnic of the O'Ich family was held on Saturday, July 20, at Jowett'( Grove, I3arasld. Over one bo dyed attended. The Caleb family five brothers sad one sister settled :n Tuekersmith district nearly one hundred years ago. The day was Ideal rod after a pro - • • • buxom _ Service work carry un in the assured hope of rom:ng victory. For confid- ing In Thee they cannot but rejoice. Amen. MUMS .M THAT JELL By Betty Barclay • • • S. S. LESSON FOR AUtV8T 4, 11136 Looms IfspieJesiaf• asRglsas Reformer). Lemma Passage -II IMP Bil4,11-23. baits Te t--Mattheer 4:11. Josiah, king of Judah, was put on the throne, at the age of eight years, KU too alma the fresh fruits end IMP rim now se -undant w1U Tani* for mothers and thrifty their cupboards' luocionjams and world It Nees the year. housewiv while ren Not dtabearteu steaming k by the people, who frustrated the de- signs of his father's murderers. He WINDSOR, V..NT. rooto; Mr. and Mn. R. R. Ward, of reigned for thirty-one years (B.C. 641- The Border Cities All Peeples' MIs- Toronto: H. C. Muatrelmali, of Kit(heif Cil,). The account of his reign as slam--Tbe year 133 has been a re- er; W. D. Hall, of Port Huron; Misses Oren in Jung and Obronlcles te11s iso- markable year in many ways and 1 Hilda and Kathleen Reid, of oltamlllou ; Slhby McCulloch, of Hen.dale, ill.: Mr. and Mrs. (leo. Simon, of Rockford, 111.: Mr. and Mie. PaUenger, of Hamilton : Mr. and Mrs- R. J. Deachman, 0 Drachman, of Wingham;•Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hasel, of Hamilton; Mr. and Mn. 11. Russel, of Hamilton ; J. M. White. J. A. (full, G. A. Stephens, of Toronto ; .1 McCarty, of Detroit . 1L M. Thompson. of Cincinnati, obit); Leslie (1nnemIth, Loedoe, Ragland: J. A. Cameron and party, of Toronto Marian V. and Sadie B. Kopf, of South Bend, Ind. ; Mabel Walker, Mrs. N Mac- l*tyre, of Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Christian, of Toledo, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. M. Moore, of Kansas City ; W. B. 'Thomson. N. W. Lamport, Il. D. Dempsey sad Mr. Aapden, of Toron- to; Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Von Norman, Mile Hopkinson and Charles Van Nor. UM. ot Toronto. "["ellwalliil s arcs At one home w•berelfiie`17ifier was remonstrated with for making money by unlawful mesas he said: "Well, you know my wife is not well and has been at Byron Sanitorlum, - (til Il!!'�l�lN _0s' week weir Also B. 1. Chester, A. J. Chester, of Sarnia ; Dr. and Mrs. L. I. Jones', ut Detroit; Mr. ■ud Mrs. Geo. M. Herbst, of Niagara Falls, N.Y. ; Dr. Wm. Hendrick, of Gary, Indium; Miss She needs nourishing food and I can- Evelyn Jackson. of Toronto; John S. not buy U on the relief money I tint. Storoweki, of Toronto; Messrs. M. Mud - 1 have tried everywhere for work and din. W. Seblajer and M. Mayer, of have had none for a year, except what Detroit; Mr. J. R. Thomas, of Nov the city gives to pay my rent. I do lurk City; Miss Helen O'Hara. of not west to get money In this way Canton, _S?blui Mr. W. Peters and Mr. either, but what would you do If you F A. Htahlman. ot Parkersburg, Ili.; were In my place?" One feels so help- Mr. and Mrs. Osborne 81010, of Da- les. In the midst of such difficulties. trout: Mr. and Mrs. Donaldson. of To - thing of his early history or of t influences under which hegrewwl up. Klassn 111e narrative In Klass g his repair of the temple In the eight• eenth year of his reign, and that 1n Chronicles with to beginning of his destruction of Idolatry in the twelfth year. During th[eD repairing not bees temple, which apparently made since the days of Jebolada the priest as recorded in Ii Kings, twelfth chapter, the book of the law was found in the boas, of the Lord by HUklah, the priest. He give it to Shaphan the scribe, who read It before the King. The King was so terrified by the "book," probably Deuteronomy, that be test his clothes, and immediately. sent Shap1an and three others to Huldah the prophetess, to learn the w111 of the Lord. She repiied that the Lord in- tended to punish the people for their long -continued disobedience, according to The iliifbilgs of the book; bat, la _ consequence of Joslab'■ ready and sin- Ho nougancily 2$.- -g (ere hamlllation, the strokes were to the burg oo Monday iacloded Dr. W1D be delayed until after his death. McGregor and Dr. George MccGr, g T, As recorded 1a today's lemon. Josiah. of Chicago; Atr. goof after receiving the message from the prophetess, gathered together all the elders of Judah and Jerusalem, the hours spent over a gram of sports supper was served. At jelly that reuses to the supper hoar the following *Seers"Jell." Gran. had Ude exper- were elected for the coming year: fence often. dither, too, bad her N President, Joseph Crich; vice-prest- meats of despair. The asodern we - man, however, can pot up her mama - able preserves wit every assurance of success. Resit:ing that fruits seldom contain enough natural pectta--the sobatance that makes jellies 'jet/" -expert cooks have adopted as use of an agent - tattled fruit pallia. Used in Its pro- per proportions, jelly cannot fall to dent, Mrs. J. W. Manning; secretary, Harold Crich; treasurer, J. W. Crich; press secretary, J. W. Manning; sports committee, Melvin Crich. Fletcher Townsend, Sam Whitmore, Clayton ' Martin and Wilbert Orich ; lunch corn - ! ['Mee, Mn. (Dr.) Fowler. Mrs. Ed. Ball, Mrs. Frank Codman, Mrs. Amos Townsend and Miu Gladys Crich: W.M hi Joseph Crich, Amos Plan your Meg closet now. Next historical committee, Mut Towler, J. an ne• Townsend and Mn. `winter, when haat r7 palates yearn for ( Tense attending froomm a distance Crit• fresh fruit and hem flavors, you will a ! be thankful many. times over that you were:Mr. W. Obrtstie and sons, Belle s and jellies: e;viiirandYsVOitsMartin.i stocked nD wthelam have learned so much from the people of this community. 1 honestly be- lieve that these people. representing fourteen nationalities, are eager to be the right sort of citizens and to do their part In bringing 1n a new social order. The questions they bare put to me regarding municipal, Provincial sad Fe4erai maaagemeot of our conn- -- _ to to es- tPF i/w- ahitWi ttse-!K teat that they trays feat a» on an in- telligent expedition of research to ind out a great deal about these matters. It is quite interesting to see the men costing to discuss current evepts, etc., sad together to try to get some light U to how we may do our part to build this new social order or at leant get at the mare, of our troubles today.- GRIM M B Whyte ST. HELENS Englehart ; Mr. and Mra McCrea, New Red aa. 0Nq mai Cornea idly i iekeard; Mr. and Mrs. Lee and children. Rather*. end Mr. and Yrs. J. R. Tomme sd ami dandiest, Vert J1'xaneea. ., . ' The reunion next year will be held tin I at the name place on the foam Wed- nesday of July. " July 31st SWANSDOWN CAKE FLOUR Pkg. 37c COCOANUT !INGER BISCUITS Per lb. 1 Sc RiNSO Large pkg. 23c DAINTY GUM DROPS Lb 1 Sc McLAREN'S JELLY .6 Pkge' 25c POST'S BRAN r LAKES. Pkg. 1140 LIBBY'8 JVY80 TIN PORK & BEANS 10c LOBSTER '/t 33c KIRK'8 CASTILE SOAP Sc MAPLE LEAF SALMON Tin 31c POST'S MINUTE TAPIOCA 2 pkge. 25c COUNTRY LIST GOLDEN,. SWEET COR :. Per tin 8c MIRACi2WHIP 81/2 ors. 19c CRUNCH'S SWEET PICKLES • .28 or. jar 25c PEANUT BUTTER 28-". jar 25c .4 lbs' 25c COiD SOAP 4barn 17c pRollum TEA ..lisp and Sanest, Owed Bowl 1 lb. or Tea Plate Tree J. J. McEWEN PHONE 46 .f. CALVINICUTT PHONE 116 or 216 '•Bltternes. sickens life; leve''beels it." -Harry Eaereon Foedkk. Have you found the � SUNNY PACKAGE on your grocer's shelf? / it -� it's a delicious reviy4s•am reveal. Millions of Canadians hese found Kellogg's ALL-B\Art • safe, e4eetive means of correcting common con- stipation -the kind ceased by lark of "balk" in the menu. Laboratory measurement s show that AL1.-ANAN provides "bulk" to aid elimination. ALL -Rats also sup- plies vitamin B and iron. The "balk" in this tempting ee real i* more effective than that found in fruits and vegetables - becalms it resists digestion better. Within dm body, it absorbs meis- tere and forms m soft mess. Gently. this cleans set the intestinal waste. Isn't Ibis natural food hew* them taking patent medieinesf Twe tail.• spswtinl. of Au. -Rues daily are u Bally sufficient. C.lrasie eases with emelt meal. if this fails is give no Dd. see yea dere,. Enjoy Au: Rues as a esefel, reek late appraising reeipea. Kel- logg's ALL -Rua eentaine meek metre needed 'balk" than pan( -bran products. In the rect.nd•green pa,kap,. Mean by Ketole In Lena:.. Keep en the Sunny Side of life 4% cup, (VA lbs.) juice 7 cups 13 le) sear 34 Dottie trait palls. To prepar, Jules, ernab thoroughly about one and a -half pounds fully ripe currants. Add oae-quarter cup water, I bring to a boll, and simmer, covered. I for ten minutes. Crush thoroughly one and a -lout (*arts fully ripe rasp- berries aspberries. ('t,natvise fruits. Place fruits to jelly doth or bag and aQoeen out juice Measure sugar and joke into large saucepan; mix. Bring to boll over hottest fire and at once add bottled fruit pectin, stirring constant- ly. Then lines to a full rolling boli and boll bard eathalf minute. Remove from fire, sk.m, pour quickly. Paraf- fin at once Makes about ,levee glasses (sir mid ounces each). Spiced Blueberry Jain 47%,.(4.1,7!•, (214 lb.) prepared fruit t lbs.) angor 1 bot:!,• trait pectin To prepare trait, crush or grind about tn., 'steeds fully ripe blueber- ries. Add ..aa teaspoon each cinna- mon, allaplre. 01 alp de- sired c.nn . i idon of spleen. Measure . ipr and prepared fruit into large k -rtae, mix well, and bring to a full r...;iag boil over hottest are. Stir conwllntly before and while 011- 114. 1tall hard e - move from lire ewe stir In bottled fruit pectin Skim' pearogn1ck11. ti Palamn A1Maeta, and l father,Mr. 1ltsart, who accompanied them home gore tof Locitnow. rs bead home for dinner tont;ht :" e'Wh, dad, tills la roast port !exclaimedeslaed Willie at dinner one eyes -mimeo father ed his employer ss' a guest "Of (tourer." meld his tater, "what of Br "W�• you told mother this mat-sing d M George Lyou were bringing that old mutton - priests and the prcphets, and all tbo isr - -- people, and read to tem the "book of Yes. Ju Donee', and mother, Mrs. the law," and with them entered into W. A of )(Rtors with Mr. ebell. 1. ad ;ere r cers.bnt i a solemn covenant to keep all its words. Then began a vigorous cleans- amaron Ing of the city and the land of all mon W. D. Ratberford Is' Dome from traces of Idolatry. The "high pieces" Toronto. were destroyed from the northern to 1 ad visit eW donee days with BlythTaylor of her son Chester. Mrs'. Snyder and daughter. Avis Marto, of Detroit. were week -awl guests wltk Mr. Alt Webb and Miss Greta. Mr. J. H. Wallace, Mr. asd lgrts. Wm. G•llaban of N''rwood. Yr. sad Mn. Gerald Robison and Jackie, of Peterborough. are spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. -W. A MIIler and Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Thom. A particularly interesting meet's[ 0th the Y.P.B. was held os a Sunday night. the literary with Rath Ramage as convener having charge The feature of to meeting was a religions drama. Salvatlos." This was in to torsi of (pastime re - bis death was tDe occasion for an garding salvation asked by Miss Ruth' °utw iret of popular grief so greet as Raman- The anwwers were tires by to become proverbial (Zechariah 12: Miss Irene Woods and after each ape proprtlte sono or Scripture readings In II (StlroniAm 35!1627 it fe writ - 111. were given. Those eontrlbetlng ten of him: "And Jeremiah lamenacd amide were Rath and Cayler Ramage, end Gorden fnr Josiah : a°d women, spakee of Jo ray and Ver( woo?, aylor and Greta Webb. ller. Mur - and the stn[1n[ The reedings were provided by Barr h is their lamentations to this day. visit the southern toandary o of Israel -from Oeba to Beersheba. The great work of parl*catloa ended. the King returned to Jerusalem. ted celebrated the Passover exactly ac: cordmovedng to the histories ,ss' says of ft: that "Surely tfrom the re s e hold's much a �en 11 of the judges judged lerselnor in all the days of the kings of Israel, nor of the Mars of Judah." The newness to Josiah of the book of the Lw need occasion no surprise• neither that be heard of it witose aston- ishment, ; on= ishmery, for eves have lee little In- structed may in religion. Josiah lost his life 1n battle and uta and made tem an ordl to isne wilt . and. behold, they aro written 1n the lamestatloms. Now the rept of the aerie of ienlah. and his goodness, se•' eerdt•g to.. that which wIT Written of the Lord. and his deedw Irwin. Mrs. Gallaher and Ne lar. The Bible character -Peter - web taken by Mrs. W. A. Miller. WM Andrew (leant'. ~dittos .is the law"Mr. mud Mrs. Wm. Dougherty, of list and lastbehold, they � R are writ- Guelph. were recent meets of Mrs. . . tea in tithe book of the kings of Israel I J. woods. std Judah y-((hmdeasedt from The The sympathy of the community is )`cyelopaedis of Rellginnw Wnow-i e ttended • t Mrh Wl am e sons d rig hters an. WIC) • • • WORD MISSIONS brie Sink* Werk la Canada Y--•jajj,IVA1C N 8. • Tb year 1183 began with a week of united prayer services at five centres In Neltfax. The six Protestant churches of oar district received such blessing and inspIrat:on that farther meetings were planned and raffled not during the year. in 1934. God willing, we shall cele- brate the one hundredth anniversary of Rronewlck clstn tbaeatheh. It 111 Ontr wort of the earnesteat may be began and second century worthycarried on in a manner splendid acbtevemente and traditions of the peat. -Alice Mitchell. hot jam at ones Yates abowt 1w0175 glasses telt Said maces each). Kerry fruit 4 cups ( 2 lbs.) prepared 7 cups (3 lbs.) sap" 3k Anal, IntPletils To prepare emit, grind about two quarts fully slim Marries or crush com- pletely one igen at • timesoYtt bt each herr) 1. r ieeet to • 901 p - are tugs Hid 'taperer) fruit Into Targe kelt!,, 111z well, and bring to • full rolling hall over hottest Ire. Riir eon •4111 before and while ta1)- Ing. 11.11 hand tree minutes. Re- move-from e- movefrom ere std stir is bottled fruit pectin Then stir and edam by turns for just nv. sleets' awl; eo1 slightly 78 prevent flnattn( Drell Phu" (Welt - 17. l'atafRh gat hos at rase. MaW "tont urn tura (Mx Awad -mamas melt) "You .sn filaeidly flet sormee if 70* do not west eteeery."-"DKr Inge. DAWN/ ON, ONT. AB Pemba' 11Hgden.-A5 In ail com- munity centres during the past ear we have been 1n tone* With t dietres's, scarcity of food, lack of cloth - Ina, malnutrition and Illness. Through co-operation with '(some agencies sure of and Interested Feer h given. One help and cheer has 10.0 given One father, to ex'pres's his painted the uotelde of the ehnrch and ,octal roams A group of mothers meet a busy day cleaning the interior of the building and ea the following Randal. Mother's Dal, glowed rwltb ap tbe pride as they looked o,_ esult of their aups groupsla "their" here has been a grow - In alldesire for wry*" and teR loyalty ased ileaa p have our own ere In primarl classes, girls am test -h- em assistants at chant os's Aube.- Osaka at velem* Me- rle* asd alereterl Tor tits cher'+ ohm'. 1 LONTION, over. #,death• - -any of - OS people are out of work sed that smeme W bring en many other problems. It trine dbeoetest sad diu0esngemelat sed °feem there are family iaarreis • Mao try, rasAr sass tams W woe nag i• oak tramp& bulimia OM Ib. odors comma- - -- as, ntbtat arra \s+r of i fated was are 44414/1, ribd , /r Ms wenn ateasaal w - awl. L ado akm. DE LUIZ STEA]QB SER- VICE from GODERICH BY THE UN TON STEAMER GEORGIAN I.v. Goderleh 11.45 p.m. Fridays for Windsor and Detroit I.v. Goderlch 11.45 a.m. Sundays for Georgian Bay Porta, Mani- toulla island, Mackinac and the Soo. WEEK -END CRUISE TO WIND- SOR AND DETROIT Lv. Friday, return Sunday -813.00 Including meals and berth. All dal Saturday la Detroit Slxday cruise to Georgian Bay, Mackinac and Sault Ste. Marie. Lv. Sunday, return Jifday- $49.0o including meals anti 444 14rt'Ii. SEAWAY LINEA LIMITED WIIIDSOB, 01/11. -OR YOUR LOCAL AGENT - BARGAIN EXCURSIONS AUG. 1 -From GODERICH (7lekata aro sold at all artistica* CAA. Stations) To C.N.R. STATIONS in MARITIME PROVINCES Pres. of Ovelseel New Brunswick, Prince Edward heed; Neva Scotia AUG. 2 and 3 -To Ottawa $7.55; Montreal W60; Quebec City 611..85; Ste. Moo de Bow, $12.4 ROUND Time PARES Tickets. Plea Transit Lisps and In oew.11lni host Assaf•. Aub for Handbill res. CANADIAN NATIONAL • • Do You Want A Bargain ? A New Electric Refrigerator, a New Electra Mangle and a New Electric Washing Machine at wholesale prices Are you gning to do any painting' if so, we carry • large and well - 'assorted stork of Rrarfe's well-known Paint its cowering and last - Ing gnalitlee are unequalled. it takes as aneh time to pat on a cheap paint as It dorsa good paint. Why not have trate test? Now Is the time to put in your whiter supply M Coal. We carry a fnll line of (7nal and Coke and can glee prompt servteelt For nimble', Beating, Tlneudebtag and iurnace Over - Molina, do not overlook that we do this work asd eaa alto prompt ,,rube and all work felly guaranteed. • CHAS. -C. The R•Mwaye ewe and OW Yarn et the Barbee theme- Rtnre N, Haase 112. Gederieb. Oat