HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1935-7-25, Page 2-J11arekW, JOLT 23th• 16.16
4/114 WM bre ifsef IWilaeea atm' 9aataet b7
Osysm hsat>D IT41 y`• •••nesllm• pas.En
CANADA [Leslie Orowmlth. noted d En plan-
p(1D14MIOH let mad compeer. at Hotel Sunset on
■•wa•r tel °me oe weesie Newspapers
Sunday was a 'dement surprise for
•,.,vaasbad every Thursday mooting. those wbo saw anJ beard him.
Subscription price =2.110 per year; antes, afternoon mind evening, at which
re twe perform -
WS If paid to advance. he dlaptaYed a versatile talent as a
111_6 SIONA4. PRINTING 170.. LTD. humorous entertainer, composer, solo
T.1spbeae 315 - Ooderlch, Ont. pianist, dramatic actor and charance ser
IUOR, Editor sad .wimpersonator.
h7 s audienc
highly appreciated
Thtar•da7' Juli 26th, 1936 The artist was assisted by a local
vocalist, Mew Stewart, who rendered
NOW IT'a P. E. L several songs. accompanied by Mr.
The grogram pretreated by the al -
Prince Edward Island had its Pro anted visitor included the following
rincial elections oa Tuesday and hind selectlose recitations and linesman -
Me other Provinces from coast to coast tiOe: Grand ()escort Glop, con-
duit tbelr Con- posed by ala former teacher. Heart
(bat have turned aria KowaYtt; "Anade Laurie," with won'
servaUrs (}overumeats It was a
dental variations; a tumorous ditty.
straight party fight.Libor-
"How Thirty How f Wonder: Andante and Rondo
Ms faced thirty Conservatives ■t tae Capricefoso, Mendelsohn; ltocollgbt
polls, and the score M: Liberals 31. Sonata, 1st movement. Beethoven,
Conservatives 0. lie. Lei, the character Imperrouttloe et "Qnup,"
ler-elect, will have a solid House be: from Charles Dickens' "Old Orrlosltl
Mop:" Air de Ballet, a prise -winning
bind him. Shnumber composed by Mr. Grosamlth :
The result 1s believed to be unpre an amusing song. 'Colored Ribbon."
cedented In Canada. In Saskatche- Mr. Grossmitb concluded each per -
wan and Bedell Columbia, where In formance with a grand operatic solo
recent elections no Conservatives were on the piano executed solely with the
elected, a number of independent or left hand It was melody fro=
opera "Don Pasquale," by
Usird-patty candidates obtained sesta. sett!. Mr. (}coasmlth handled the
se that at least there L some mem-seletiion excelleut17, playing it with
blance of an Opposition. la P. E. I. apparent ease in spite of Its intricacies.
every member-dect Is ■ straight Lib -1 The program was enjoyed so greatly
by those attending In the afternoon
eraL 'that many returned for the evening
While tbe hate Province by the sea! performance.
1a no bigger than a couple of Ontario
counties, and the election has no di- 1
In siring into
Educational Costs
Bodies and Individuals InteleMgd
Are Invited to Maks
The committee of enquiry into the
cost of education appointed at the last
Beeston ot•the Provincial Legislature
it bolding a series of open meetings
In various centra In the Province.
Tbe different organisations or individ-
uate interested In education are in-
vited to appear before the committee
and to express their views with re-
rmeet to elementary and secondary
edocatloe. It 1s the desire of the
chairman of t ac committee,
i toof , Dr. Mc-
Arthur, Deputy Ml
that these meetings Mall be latgal7
attended and that
organizations nheel boards
shall send
and other or
their representative* to the beartnga
In this district the meetings will
be held in Stratford on July 211th, tad"
In London on July 30th and tilt It
is hoped b7 the public school la+M`
tors of Huron county that there will
be • good representation present at
these meetings from both the rural
and the urban school boards of this
county. Important changes in the
schools are being eonaldered at this
time, and this is an opportunity for
all those Interested In our schools to
outline their views for Improvements
In our system.
The meetings will be held In the
Normal Schools In the cave of both
Stratford and London. The morning
meetings will commence at 9.31) and
the afternoon meetings at 2110.
rectbearing on Federal concerns; the ONTARIO BEATS TilEll[ ALL
rout of the Coneervative party is one BELFAST. July 2E. -Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Alton and family apart Sandal (St. Marys Journal -Argus)
more indication, added to all that beet - with
relatives at Port Albert
Premier Gardiner of Saskatchewan
gone before, of what L going to tugs :mid at Klrkton last week that In all
pen when the 5lJ.75 tt Governmtrot I and Mrs Harvey Higgins. of Locknow, amt his 1500 -mile motor trip east from Re-
makes es losmgdsla7sd appeal to tluela day last week with Mrs Wilson wilts he thishad seeu part of Outarnlo. g to Hon. Mtr
country • BI*etisu• are proverbially Irwin Gardiner was uodoubtedly right. And
Miss Wilkins, of Pa1sIe1, is a ,loiter he could travel 1k10 miles In ■n7 other
with her sister. Mn. Hent Alton. tow dlree4loe from here and say the same
goy Fowler, of Blyth, span thlat
flan fast weak wMh tats •Ivtec, lens -_.____--___ _.- -.-_ . .
Dynes Campbell.
Mrs Jas. Barbour tad Freda, •f
Goderich, spent !Lot week wltk Mr.
Earl Sherwood.
*DITOj1AL NOT$$ Mies Meld■ Lane attended 0ode'r-
Ich Summer School last week.
BAYFIIII.D. Jay 24 ,Mrs. R. Tor
dad d oldlher Dev sly, of Toronto, are
spending a sacs'ir vacation with Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Clark, of Cleve and,
Oats, are viitlag with Mr. and Mra.
C. 8. Berry.
Mrs. Robert Watson of Snowflake,
!! her saesa$*, Mt.
and Mrs. V. A. sward[ -'T
Mrs. Charles Plater and family, of
Detroit. are TIattMg her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Jae* McLeod
Dr. and Iles. A. Newton -Brady, of
Hamilton, spent a day in the village
last week.
Rev. and Mrs. P. H Paull, of Wind-
sor, are spending two weeks with gra.
N. W. Woods.
Mr. and Mee. V. A. Burt of London
Weal the wellt,tlad with the latter**
Parents, Mr. and Um 1'. Baker. Mn.
Brut to res.alaiat for a few wombs.
A jubilee tea aid taa•ar elm held
on the lawn of Mrs. N W. Woods ou
Friday, Jule 111th, by the w. A. of
chstedc Homemade baking
and gifts were mod. The Proceeds
amounted to sheat f3•,. -
- Mr. and M/ar-IMbert Knight of To -
route are Iwo weeks' vane
wtth the parents, Mr. and
Mn. F. Genshbardt.
Mrs. P. Oemsiuhardt and soli
Charles and Mr. O►Ascot Knight ma
lured to Saginaw and . Ie•ut a few days
with Mrs. 0enaalnbardt s sou, Orval.
Mr. Len ee Loudon speut theweek-end to Id. Mies Maud
Parker retureed to I.,ndou with him
for two weeks.
anoertatn, but tie mattes In the
Federal situation are the sire of the
Leonel- majortLZ sued the relative
strength ot the C•as•rvaUvse. C.C.F. s.
gtevenattes, and eater groups In the
new Home.
P. Ito L Liberal too Thb U getting
• • •
Meat amo.g your btewlags that you
don't live In a country that Is hot all
the year 'rotted.
• • •
• The electors of Prince IDdward Is-
laaa must have bees p•ruslag last nae Mra. Bag.
week's Steal, In which A. W. d.'s oe fuMay tram
eldiele was beaded, "The Virtue of where he had beer treetesent
for a ruptured appendix. not an opera-
e • • tion as reported by one of our eer-
iatemedese trod• d the ootid is respondents last week. Maitland Is
over mMtbdrd ens Lee.
1°4 was Jost shtghtt7 Master Alvin Betties Is In Clinton
of what It was in 1926. The metric- hospital. where he anderweet as
tlonlats have had their way and is operation for removal of tonsils.
there anybody who will say the world Mr and Mrs. Frank Nickell and
is bettmr.off ►tt I family, of Ferndale, Mich., visited with
PORTER'S O... July )L- Tars-
en are working to rtttie at tie bay
crap which W proved a bataper ens
ad lasted longer rhea
of theta having to lea
cut Fou wheat
Master Malden!
(tondos Advertiser)
Tbe United States Ma forty-two per
cent. of the world's moseary gold.
France has twenty-two per cent. and
Britain seven per cent., yet Britain's
financial position is tneattety stronger
time that d Frame or tae United
Sates. The sine of a natoo's gold
reserve U much les. Immo-teat than
other factors -certainly less than •
i cti+ts 0 0
• • • the Lockhart fatally.
Mr. and Mrs 3.--B.-Jsasimart accent -
While they are redecorating the I panted by we. 1.4 Mrs. R. K. Row.
court house, we hope the cotat7 den spent a few days with friends la
authorities. won't forget to have the Dundalk.
weathervane straightened. For a long FHendrt will the pleased to know flat
Rev. R. M. Gale, who left on a trip
while now U has looked its It with a to ienglard on June 27, has written
little encouragement 11 might fall down. friends telling them of hie pleasant
• • • voyage and improved 0onil11inn of
exponent of that spirit of gay coar-
There are some vibe planks in the health, and of a happy reunion with 1 age and pathetic gallantry which ap-
Stevens platform, but It is not rosea bis brother. - Miss Jennie Rwrt, who hes been peals to strongly to healthy minds,
wry to create a new patty to bring and therefore Juvenile minds. The
Srmpc'ordned to her be [ix" nose weeks, h 1 s are things of loveliness
oe was
prophet. treater,war, to deli-
rium treate, wkkb,' M set& is the
last thing the drunkard whims ad
which be will do eterytMK to avoid,
except to stop drinking. The nations
will do everything to prevent war ex-
cept to stop preparing for it
WRITU HICH July 23. -Mr. and
Mrs. Ben M glisn and chili/ken
on 8uy last out their
uncle. Mr. Healy Baker of Barfield.
Mies Wtaatfred Farrier returned on
Saturday from Tot"uto, where she
had been Imelda( tsawlnation papers
for the past three weeks.
A very late estb'g ball game was
played at Myth tor the local team onea
Saturday *ends*.
fl Whitechurch win-
ning by to 7. return game will
be played Mer mut day this week_
Mrs. Wm. ]lsaheon. Ernest and
Kenneth Rad Mrs. C, oil Wheeler gest
Sandey last vd► 4r. and Mrs. Her-
old Robinette et Walkerton.
Mr. ted lbw L Taylor and bobs
spout last well -mid with Mr. and Mrs.
An4rew Jor iabe K Kitchener.
Mr. AMsel♦ay. Charles Markel
gad Mr. of Wlegbam wpeat
a few 4Ju at the hens of
Mr. gad Kra 9MlMd spading of Mee -
(Winnipeg Tribune)
This (overflow attendance) Proves -
among other things. the hold upon
the cbttd tmagtrattoe which the Die
ney creations exercise. Perhaps It
also shows the superior taste of child-
ren In motion picture tare. Mickey
is an irresistible character who is
always wholesome in his motives and
honest in his actions. He never be-
tray. his admirers, and le ever the
Mr. did
ben Lather.
Mrs. M
low days la
Mrs, Mak
as Se
tot's cares
ter, Mrs. Tho
nem into effect. Mr. Stevens will - remains about the same. I on e
and magic which represent the one
undoubtedly have support for some of I Rev. C. S. Hawke of Clinton has authentic original contribution to the Harry McClenaglan, Belgrave..
• kis proposals in the new House from supplied for Rev. R. M. Gale during tt d Co1-
bis. enforced absence through illness screen since It acquired sound and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Leggatt of Col-
.- bomber• not sheeted as tits followers.' 'rotor. The richness of their tinting liegwood visited on Banday
and on Sunday Ls: delivered a spies• *_` .rhe creativa goring of their hum- and Mrs J. G. Gillespie
-'K ' • • - lk'M thrr'Foant t7loD1l.
Clarke of An-
weet4nl with
Ci rete!.
WIngdeta sprit a
with ber Meer,
• woad
ateitand swnwlge
itao disc_
ot actuPdev day. -
RH, of Strat-
ford, spent her boat the hose
of her parents, Mr and lire Jas. W11-
Many treatthis copas*fIty attended
the Potluck-Gilehrjt thatch wedding
In Wingham last WM/eada7. At
present Mr. and Mrs. Paltock are tour -1
!ng through Quebec. This eommualt7
extends beet wishes for a lead gad
happy wedded life.
Mr. Aldln Purdon was operated os
In Wingham hospital last Saturday
for appendkitis and 1s d•lag as well
as can be expected -
Master ('ark Venter d Wingham Is
vIelting with Mr. Anon Cornelius.
Mrs, Ed. :St. Jo;u se Last City
Is rldting with ber heather, Mr. Jas.
Robinson of Winrliata. ad with other
East Wawanosh relatives.
Rev. and Mrs. 3. Watt gad sons
spent the week -end at the home of Mr.
Corsit and Corsolofte Specials
Front Lacing Special Galin Brocade. Sizes
25 to 34. Regular value $3.00. Pair
Long Girdle, side fastener. Sizes 25;25
to 34.
"NU BAK." Latest models. Sizes 34 to 44.
Best make in white with pink or blue border
Double -bed size. July Sale. Pair
Fine sterilized goose feather filled Piilowb.
Covered with down -proof art ticking. Size
20 x 39. Weiner $3.00. Per
120 pairs heavy absorbent Towels of best
quality. Size about 25 x 44. In fancy
plaid patterns, rose, green, blue, gold.
Value $1.00 pair. July Sale only, 69c
Barrymoor make, heavy Axminster.
thitt season's make.
21 x 3 yards. Regular $96.00, for $19.95
3 z 31st yards. Regular $30.00, for
3 x 4 yards. Regular $35.00, for $29.95
Fishnet weave, double thread, in four good
designs Twain shade. Size 86" z 2y4
yards. Regular $2.00. Pair
+' M
3 dozen fine sea grass, in variety of patterns.
Oay colors. Size 36 s 72. Regular 35c
4t3e July clearing. Bach I<
Butterick Patterns
all instock
motored with them to Muskoka
for over the week-evd.
Mr. T. H. Taylor returned tame on
Monday from Wheatley, where he
spent the pant two weeks with his sea, '
Rev. IL Taylor, and Mrs. Taylor. Rev
Mr. Taylor and fatally accompanied
him home, gad are going to their cot-
tage at Port Albert for their vacation
Owing to the absence .t the paster,
Rev. H. Wilson, who will be away 6a
his vacation Mr. Hopper of Wlsg-
han wilt occupy the pulpit on Sunday,
July With: Mr* Orteraoa of Korea oa
August 4th. and Miss Marjorie Jenni-
son ot Grand Bend on August 11th.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lockwood and
family, of Clinton, visited en Sadat'
with the lady's brother, Mr. Wm. Car-
ter, and Mrs. Carter. --- --
W. M. S. rssNsK.--Tbe monthly
meeting of the Woman's Missionary
Society was Mid ea Wednesday after-
noon at the bone et Mrs. Norman Mc-
Dowell. with thirty-two eetttbers and
etre vbbtors puniest. The devotional
part of the meeting was in charge of
Mca Maitland Henry. Vocal egos
were rendered by Master Billie Hoary
and Mrs. Vander; piano solo by Mlsa
Jea■ (lark ; readlaga by Mrs. T.
Walsh, Mrs. R. Vincent, Mrs. Marva
McDoweu *ad Mrs. 11. BadMrd. A
season of silent grater was hold while
the iron "Breathe on Us. Breath of
God," was played. The ttx••ld•st•
Mn. McGill, Md charge of the We -
nese !tart of the e.ettag• At the
dose of the mestlag leach was served.
Mise Milt Den of Sade* is
visiting with Mrs. Ches. Gillespie.
Mr. Edgar Gantt and children
visited for • few days with her moth-
er. Mrs. Davidson. before returning to
her bone at 14rnoca o* 8usd*i.
"Tbree-fingered Abe," captured in
Indiana on euspicton of being connected
with the John S. Labatt abduction a
year ago, Is said to be • native of
Beechwood, In McKillop township, lila
county. This le a Huron old bol whose
eeplolts will not be related with pride
in his home county.
• • •
Canada and Japan are engaged in
did to
or make them a sparkling coutribu-
tion to the art of the film.
HOLMESV iL1.E - - -
11Ol,MPj3ViLbK, July 28. -Mr Dor-
land Glazier of Toronto motored up
on Sunday. Mrs. Glazier and little
son returning home with him after' Ontario. Premier Believes liberal Gov-
rlsiting relatives In Phis vicinity. ,.- eminent *t Ottawa Would ire
Rev. J. W. Herbert and Mrs. Her- Helen'
tort and Billy Mr,. Maurice Comfort, Toronto, July 24. Premier Hepburn
Mr. and Mrs. K. h Mai -Math and will make an Intensive campaign dur-
a tariff war which. like other warn,hmlly and hies rBerrniceinBond the I g the hl Dominion
nyleetlonna d the he will
witt injure both nations engaged In lt.
tended the campfire probably
(loderich Simmer school last Wtdrer minion on behalf of Right Hoo. Mac-
teazle King. Liberal chieftain. Many
months ago. lit. Hepburn promised
that he would take the stump for his
former leader and be intend,' to make
good that pledge.
aOr y The Ontario Government is awaiting
Mrs. J a Ont! d mains
the .Federal election with deep Intel -
lit,__ A Liberal Government at Ottawa
will co-operate with the Province one
hundred per cent. a nd Mr. Hepburn
is anxloaa to put Into effect certain
pollen which depend ■ great deal on
Federal action for their wccesa.
"With a Liberal Government in pow-
er at Ottawa. we will make great
strides towards solving many of onr
moat presslne problems," said the
Premier. "A victory for the Liberal
party will mean a victory for tbe
people. I look forward with a great
deal of anticipation to the retire of
the Literal patty at Ottawa "
At the present time. Pressler Hep-
burn and bit Cabinet eolleagnea are
giving ewer undivided attention to the
massing rat unemployed men in Ot-
tawa and northern centres. The On-
tario (lovernntent ham tightened up its
policy with regard to mo -called honger
marchers and these men are warned
that gay lafrarttena will result In
severe penalttee.
With a Liberal regime at Ottawa.
It Is felt that the problems arising
from these treks would he solved In
a teethe and peaceful maatet ".,. r
Wife -Getting mighty H'at'ed Af
imetiemw. aren't yMtT 11ret you any
a watch dog. (bre yoga put bolts on all
tow• doors"
Hnahasel . "1 don't want anyone
phfig that deg. lie's a thorough
hred."-Hutuotige London.
As Japan buys about 317,000,000 of
goods from Canada, against Japanese
exports to Canada of about 34,000.000,
R b difficult to ase wby the Canadian
Government should quarrel with such
• good customer.
• • •
The Provincial Weiner of Hlg:iwayn
pollen to the Inereseing number of
highway fatalities and calla for dras-
tic action against reckless drivers.
The Hon. Mu
Mt. McJatten might consult
another member of the Government
about shutting up the beer parlors thatm
provide so many of the Ineopetent
and reckless drivers.
• • •
Kr. SeFburn may argue never so
cleverly, but the fart remains that bev-
erage rooms have been thrust upon
Huron mant7--Peet sad Perth may
speak for themselves -spinet tae will
et the people. The Hepburn policy
we the liquor question was secepted,
reluctantly, by the twtaPersrac• people
Y the eleetloe of Jose. 1934, because
u was believed to be the only way of
Moaerlag the Henry Gwvernme*t'e age
WI to (tae Ilqubr vote. If It had
Masa Inag!ned Mat the H,epbnrn Gov
Welegent wtrrhkl g* beyond. -what the
Omer, 1 overament propettted--vemild
1 Hearses for sole of Ilgnor In ter
11199910 aril tignor sentiment
Ogees respected by the Fer- was. Mr Hepburn ha. pieced hl. sup
gMwr*ee -tea psrtaltu In Huron In an emberrasatng
' ivy
Na - Mug Ovoid rive hose position.
day, when RPV. F. A. Knechtel of
Korea was the special meeker. Mr.
Kneehtel eetompanied Mr. and Mrs. ti
Herbert home to e parsonage. re-
maining with them until the follow-
( dey.
sore an
lett the village oa Friday en route to
Chicago. where they will visit rela-
Mr. John (`ndmore %pent a few
days last wee:c with his •ns. Errol, at
Mr. and Mrs. A. Ktrehride of F71nt.
Mkfilsan. were recent visitors with
friends in this vicinity.
Rev and lira. Herbert and Billy
left early Monday morning for their
srttemer home at Muskoka. where rot on.
will spend a few weeks'
Services at the church will he with-
drawn on July 2ci and Alienist 4: on
the following !Sunday the pastor will
again be In charge.
Mr. and Mrs. N. R. MaeMath mo-
tored M Lawton nn Friday and on
their return were accompanied M their
daughter, Helen. who will spend her
holldert at her Mme here
Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Wane an4
fondly. of Manitoba. are vlsttlng with
friends 1n thin *Viotti.
.Mr: and Mrs. Chas. McPhail are
renovating their hotae In the rebore
with the Intention of rending there.
••ptat Ie as am*est►al part of COO.
tentntent."--had Wynn
a very different effnlr from whet 1•
Wi WVP'IEI.i). Jsiy 23. -Mr. and
Mrs. Jane Ellis and daughter, of
aeeforth. visited oil moday with his
parents, Mr. and (t, J. E. Ellis•
Rev- W. R. .tip et Ottawa was re -
nimbi( old acgnaiutsueee among the
Weetfletd .people ou •7
Mr. sod Mrs. Bert Vincent and faa-
ily. of Belgrare. were Westfield visit-
ors on Sunday.
MW June lite hams and her Friend,
Miss Isabel Ilabkirk, et Wtegham. are
visiting the former's eraadnoeber. Mrs.
R. Buchanan, and gage friteads.
Miss Alberta Oshtijtos g ee-
lea visited with het slaw.
mar McDowell, on Buada7•
Visitors at tbe hoes 44 Mr. sed Mrs
W. A. Campbell oa Thursday were
their daughter, MIR llariorte Oset►
bell of Stratford bestial'''. Mts. J.
Harrison and Manta Gerdes of God-
Mr. and Mrs WS•is. Verger of Mich-
igan are visiting at else Items of the
tatter's son. Mr. taltlasd Fleury, ed
other friends. of Lee
Mr. sad Mr%. Wna LOIN." a at obs
don visited one day last
Mme of their niece,, Mrs. Ww. Carter'
The sacrament of the Lord's Supper
was administered oe /.seal In West.
of the sacra -
field rhorch, 1I( permitting
went. Rev. W R Alp assiRT the
pastor, Rev. Hugh Wilms, in the ser-
Miss Jean Cantra.0 is visiting her
grand mot het. Mr+ Harmer of Ilan
Several of the louse psop1e attended
e everting •Prot.• at the
cool Sunday uig$t'-
Mr. and Mr. iv. If. ttladliefhen end
repots cisMr. ilonglea (.R1111400er
pa00 we
Sunday at th. horse K Mr and Mr*
Jaime Risley of imgegagero.
Mrs. Wetter end Ma beanie. of To- ,
route, visited ln.t 1A1 _ _w itth her site '
ter, Mrs. Ihemerst,.. sr. Men' i
summer Clearance
M. Robins
Sale Starts Saturday, July 27th
Folks, come to this Sale. --T k over these prices now*
Men's Broadcloth Shirts in
plain shades and fancy
stripes. Sizes 14 to 17.
Midsummer Sale..Each 79c
or 2 for
Mens grey and fawn flannel
Pants. Sizes $195 to42. 2.45
ing at ....
>liia'a Balbriggan Combina-
tions. Short sleeves, long
legs, or shorts an& shirt. All
sizes. Special, per suit 75c
Men's ail -wool black Bathing
Snits. Sizes 34 to 42.
All sires. Clearing at 98c
Men's fine black Oxfords.
Slices 6 to 10. Clicker heels.
(Blearing at
All sizes. Clearing at
23c and 33c
All ties. Clearing at ..95c
All sizes
Men's silk -lined TIPS Clear-
ing at.
Men'* blue chambray and
dark bide Work Shirts. Sizes
14 to 17. Clearing ....63c
or 2 for
Well made of strong duek.
Sizes 34 to 40. Clearing et
Men's lied -bask OVRRALIss
Strongly made. A11 ;1.19
sizes. gearing at
Boys' light blue Work Shirts.
or 2 for
Men's Paneo solea, Work
Boots. Sizes 6 to 11. ;1.79
Per set, at ....69cgad $5c
Men's khaki and blue com-
bination Overalls. All sizes.
Clearing at $1
Men's pure linen Handker-
chiefs, in whits only. Clear-
ing l for 25c
Cotton Drees
• 11110
Agent for Tip Top Tailors
Phone 384
1 .