HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1935-7-11, Page 68 -Thursday, July 11th, 1986
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Keep on the
Sunny Side of Life
(Continued from page 3) 1 but he held the money and ran up -
Inuit have (alight It on a nail as I stairs with it," witness related.
Taman did not 'beak 1t was a
fall." act, as Allan seemed deter -
the way to Seafortb nothing Ipia) fol"mlutvl• The fatber'eld he had IJ wavy
said regarding sterno hart 1 31 '. Me 1'hlneit•feiiu*reel Ler : n up-. ,
peued,Whsaid Jou witlemss court nnas for Ajhtt -4 WO tq fat
When McDonell came to Dr. Cull• stairs and wlturttr reed he sat read• him out of jail 1a Port apron for
fur about tlh'e13e met the girls --
assaulting Ms wife.
yea's office he sans dressed In an heard a '•bump." Mr. Mrponell said he tried enry-
undershirt and trousers. 1 yrs• j,augtrtuu *01 Mildred -and they thing with his sun he
bad him
At the hospital, Dr. Collyer found said Allan had thrown Loa Laughton y
the'eut in the wrist was three-quarters • saiu a erveu-foot stake.
to one inch deep. Witness wet They all eau cut to the kitchen.
shown a heavy, if
sharp -edged butcher
knife and asked if the wound could 1 presume they were going to eat'
made by teat. ' the police. Allan came down the
have been back stalra into the breakfast room.
*alai It could and said further i le canto at me and. told me to
It could have lreeu made by the get out, that It was a family *ffa!r.
wrist being drawn across the blade. told him 1 wouldn't go out and
The wuunJ was a result of a "suwwg leave them there," Taman continue.'.
••1t w
Afraid to
'that be
"niell on me"
Dd. of dollars.'
strongest man ID
t for year. 1 wee
y house; amid
my family.' said
31c1uusU of Ills non's character. For
years, h.-astild, Allan had held ■
pistol to Ilia head and threatened to
Wow We brains eat if he refused
him money.
effect,"' rather than a blow. Guest Ejected
At the hospital, Dr. Collyer was
asdl3fed by lire McGregor and. he -Be came at use and we had Donell and another man Came In for
alas -called Dr. Sturges from Dublin struggIe. He finally got me to eke a glass of beer and not Only drank
to administer the anaesthetic. Mc: rider and propelled me outside. But his beer, but the other -man's as
Dorrell was not given a deep ane I wcat tack and he rushed at me well. Witness objected to this and
aesthetic. 11e. was in the operatiug noel pushed both me and Mrs. McLonell tussled with him and
Hen -
room approximately one and a-balf l,;,ughtuo outside and across the boasted that tete '.'whole damn He°-
beiu taken -to a roots. verandah and I went down the steps sail police force" could not throw
hours ruedbeft g
lir set•med to be normal thea and was "Allan rushed up the steps and him out.
-lett Willi tp'o nurses. About ten os med. '1'11 get you now, Mildred,' and Elligeen said Alice risme back about
wade a grab at her with bis hand.
and wien 1 ran up the steps mei
pulled at hint from •behind he vas
cbokiog Mildred.
"I pulled him off and he got free
and rushed at her again. Mildred
,bad a knife In her hand and-" Taman
Arne un.
Resuscitation was thea attempted. Mute where was this?"
but the HTeusall man died without- --;:fin the verandah near the door."
"That was the first time you saw
a knife when be went back to Mil-
dred the second time?"
mental' examined. but It was m
UDC, 11Ia name for ever shall endure;
Everyone Afraid of His Last like the sun It shall:
Everyone in teem was afraid of Men shall be blest lu flim, and blest
him." said the father. All nations shall Him call
Witness said he !•rungbt the Hen- -Scottish Psalter.
ran conRable hone with elm the • • •
night of the accident. It was all K S LESSON FOR J('LY 21, 1935
over wheaAhey arrived. Lessen Topic -David (The Great -
John Eilligseo, llensall hotel pro-
prietor, said about a.30 Albin Mc -Loma Passage -1 Samuel 26:5.12; Il
Samuel 1:23-27.
Golden Teat-Philipplaus 2:4.
David was the youngest assn of
Jesse, of tbe tribe of Judah. Accord -
Ing to the common reckoning, be was
burn In B.C. 10115, In Bethlehem; and
died in Jerusalem BC. 1015. While
a fugitive from Saul, be headed a
ten minutes later and apologized. band of freebouters, whose centre of
Sister Testifies operation was the cave of Adults'''.
Mesa Mildred MtDose'', twenty- amid the mountains of Judea near to
three-year-old airier of Allan. was Bethlehem, according to tradition. We
Sunday Afternoon
• • •
Goderich, Outarlu
U Lord, Tby Judgments give the king
His Son Thy righteousness,
With right Ilk shall Thy 'people Judge,
Tby pour with. uprighweas-
The peoples poor ones He shall Judge,
The needy's children stave;
And those shall He in piece. break
Who thew oppressed have.
fifteen minutes later a nurse came to
hint lo report that McDonell was blue
In the fate and choking. r
yer rau to the room and found his
Douell's breathing bad stopper but
pulse was going about 100.'.
Resuscitation Failed
starting regular breathing. The three
doctors worked over him fur an hour
and a half.
— MtDonell Said, while on the way to •Yes, that's right."
GOUERI(BRIDGE ('L111vdoc hOapLthat be had had "some Witness was given the knife and scream.
At the weekly bridge tournament beer" 'to drink [bat day, according identified it as the nue the girl had I went downer ••cs and .ass mother will do for me."
held at the Golf Club Monday evening, to Collyer. timer Mt He illustrated how Mildred was hold -
in the breakfast :vont and Allan was in tbe drat part of today's lesson
Ole following were winners: World •
you Say be was intoxicated ing the knife in her right hand, about throwing the other oft the verandah there Is an incident of extreme large
hat tlmer. Holmes salad. shoulder high. Allan rushed at her and 1 went out Al. I remember was heartedness of one man to another
his coming at me." who is at enmity with him. Saul
"Did you gsk the knife?" was in David's power and he did not
"I don't H i must have. 1
take advantage of It. ]t was an op there she sat -just as she had sat for
had It In � 4nd." portunity for showing the real quite. years. It was all I could du to start
Miss McDpsR s:hW she could not ity of the heart and David seised it. that service but what a service 1t
deOdtely •rubor what happened This Is the sublime appeal of the wan' lions eas9 to epeak
when her leafier rushed up the gosDt d
I God does not crush is by eraon, the spirit of God, V
euc4t things- We realty witnessed
welcome. steps at her. Wre said he seemed Love truth perttna-
etooti over siryfoi' to be waving Ws arms knife 1 h the weapons s
and .trues l�°°d' S4 i the a6�Ar - z rr a�.rr "Did yea hit I nrlstab-the
next called. 91u•e her graduation
in 1931, Miss Mel..nell bad been living
at home.
Witness was herr given the protea
tion of the court. un application of
James Morley, i.'etert lawyer for
the faintly,
Miss Mcpeuell told of going up-
stairs and Waiting with her slater,
Mrs. Laughton, wl they heard Patsy
read of his greabhartedness in the
22nd chapter where it 1s recorded
that bis concern for the safety of his
parents led elm to make a petllous
journey from his cave of safety into
the land of Moab, where he sought an
interview with the king and pleaded
with hem to obtain protection for his
parents -"Let my fatter and my
mother, 1 pray thee, tome tor;b, and
be with you, until I know what God
Buy the Best Tea
appear and sur home slowly vanish,
well, words just simply cannot de-
scribe such a tragedy.
They wlabed to unburdeu their
'worts and see if 1 could end a way
out for them. Hour atter hour we
worked over llgures and with those
figures tried to think our way through
to where we could at least save the
home. Towards wurulug the tragic
truth became clearer and clearer -all
must go -there wa■ not a vestige of
hope. It was a sickening experlente
to go through, especially if you knew
their lives and realized bow they had
tolled and saved. All those year*
the mother had toiled not only on the
farm and in the home, but In the
church. Every Sunday saw her lead-
ing In the service of worship as or-
ganist until we were all sure ae could
not have service without her. Two
days later they moved over four miles
away to start all over again on a
new piece of land and In a stroll shack
no larger than their previous living
room. I dreaded to go to church Sun-
day -bow could I lead a service of
worship and praise with that lov-
able familiar personality not fn her
accustomed place al the organ, the
place she had su emelently tilted for
ser many year.?
On arrival at the door I heeutated
-what should 1 do? Ask someone
else to play, or for at least this one
day leave the organ ben. ti empty?
With these thoughts running In and
out of my mind I opened the door.
And to my overwhelmiug surprise
eat, Mr. E• L. Dean and Mr. I'. J.
Grey: plus 14% ; 2nd. Mr. C. F. Chap
nun and Mr. T. R. Pattterson, plus 12;-
Ird, lairs. C. F. Chapman and fin.
1. D. Eastman, plus 7t,�.
During the summer months the dn-
plicate games win be held at the Golf
Club on Monday evening[•, and all
bridge players will be
Carried Oder of Alcohol with outstretched hands.
"1 could smell alcohol quer strong "1)14 she strike at him with the
"Yes, she- brought it down;' wit-
ness replied. '1 tbiak lobe bit biro
in the w•riat."-�— i -----.
McDonell west la to the di* and
Taman asked Ida if he wanted s
doctor. He quoted Allan as
'•To -he �vlth
on his breath," witness replied.
Alcoholism, said the doctor, would
adverlely affect the breathing re-
flexes of ,SicDuncll.
Dr. -Collyer said the dead man had
six feet In height, ath-
had been In excellent physical con- �� all.^
d'° Witness said he then drove away
• I � drdn'• exactly believe It, air he
Dr. Collyer
totated him that whenthe
tookrown and Mo. foundld In ac garage. about whatmhad
II' t falling os a knife occnrrerl. When he went haek�ll
A cow frolicking light-heartedly out
lieumiller way on Sunday came to
grief when It pluuged headlong over
an embankment. Its leg *a■ broken
and the beast had to Ire destroyed. A
truck was sent for to remove the car-
cass It backed down the embankment,
got out of control and ran over the
dead tow. A team of borses nest
was procured, the truck wa■ drawn
off the cow, the cow was loaded on the
truck, and truck end cow were pulled
up the bank by the team.
mere power. of fie' that sublime and transforming atmos -
lo ar-at ase arer' at work that day. At the close
wartare. Bet the J2hS--S---
Lord Got, 1 have no pleasure in the of the service I' went to her and ialli .
death of the wicked; but that the "Mrs that was very wonder -
wicked turn from els way and live: ful and gracious of you to be in your
turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways, accustomed place." She looked up
at me and quietly said: "Why, Mr.
this 1s ouur church, you know,
and we all nerd the help so mutts these
days." Home lost -a whole life's
work vanisbed-old age ■Imost upon
her husband and herself- end nothing
left No.1 No 1 am all wrong -for
she has that wonderful spirit born
and nurtured by fellowship with God
-the Spirit to "Carry On." -From the
Pamphlet "Ministry of Mercies"
"Pm Tsar Ca women i
Arrow Bus Schedule
Leave Goderieh, Eastbound,
daily 7.30 a.m., 5 p.m-, Standard
Time, ter Stratford, Kitchener,
Guelph and Toronto.
Connections at Cllntou .tor Lou-
don and Kincardine
1 and tole
Sarnia 10.40
L' fed States
Isaatro Goderich. South -bound.
daily except Sundays h
days, 4 p.m. Leave rn a
a.m., arriving e c p.m.
Itineraries planned to all points
in Canada, leeted
and Mexico
R. I. PtIn. Orate% licasys Mist WI. 510
t 2 bit. secant ease 1st 323
Central Ontano Bus Lines
I guess I did."
"'Do you recall whetblf- Tea struck
him more [baa once?"
"I don't retell. 1 ledgBt have."
the r
"It is the right and the duty of the
community to intervene In whatever
may he harmful to the good of the
people."—Harold L. Ickes.
for why will ye die?' (Ezekiel as:
Dowel's story o ' the house Allan had gone to Dr. girl rspltod. 11).
Dr. a grain of salt In
Dr. Collyer said be 'found only yea's. The girls were very nervous
death of Saul and Jonathan.
the second part of today's ler
t h on MclDoneles all this time. It was the k
Wife wounds- From what we have learned of the
The jurymen were given the knife 1 seen any trouble at the McDonell I'ARAMOl$OP, July 9. Mian ya
two slight stirs c es
did t think they were 1n the Bewail old boys' celebration
back He not n Taman said be never bad actually
PARA MOUNT son we have David's lament over the
to examine as well as the undershirt
which McDonell wore. It showed no
kw but was bloodstained.
Dr. James S. McGregor o2
forth entirely agreed with Dr. Collyar'a
evtdenet an to what- happened. De
declared everything possible wits
and :(Orval ars relations subslsting between David and
nose before. and Mr. Odead Saul, we should have expected a song
Always gassed a Bully spent the tstl4kare 1 with Mr. and of triumph rather than a song of
1 Mrs. James filkharda at Fleahertou lamentation, over the death of the
king. David's life up to this point
charmed us by its simplicity wad hero -
Mon : DOW we see ttlr 111 its - hisseat
mood of magnanimity. We see his
noble -minded forgetfulness of all per-
sonal injury.
In these verses David gives us a I -
glimpse into the father heart of
Saul. Though there were rifts once
or twice, David saw now only the
lovely, pleasant relationship between 1
father and son- David here mills up-
on the nation to mourn for their king,
he does not under -value what Saul bad
done for Israel.
The lament shows bow bitter is the
[gess which- fa linens thee- irreparable
'tithe always seemed to be a bol J and MissStIrM_Ith(!hilyds at Graf en-
iroan�tse Ile always wonted t horst.
lga own way' said witness of Allan i fin Tkossd' �+rry mid Hem
McDonelL a had not worked.
Witness was going with Mildred to Hopant Orris, from Holyrood.
visited with Mr- and Mrs, John
Jani,esoe last Thursday.
Mr. • John Martis visited on Sun-
day with Mr. e:ordon Kidd at South-
A number of friends and neighbors
of Mr. end Mr-. Gordon Jamieson met
at the Paramount hall last Friday
evening to bid tdarewell to them- be-
fore their departure for their new
home to Lie know. A purse of money
was presented to them as a slight
the hack stalra Mrs. Laughton then
token of the ...deem and
which they area held.ly their friends'""
went ulsetAfre. losses of lite. "I am dlstresteed for
in this community. thea my brother Jonathaa;.very pleas -
ST. l IgNS to me was wonderful, passing the love
done for McDonell. Grand Itend that night.
1►r Daniel Sturgis a rroboratsd To the coroner, Taman said Allan
the medical evidence. -
I'eiward F. Taman, Seaforth -bank
employee, was at the McDonell borne
in He.sall on the night of the accl
smelled of liquor and his face was
Mrs. Elizabeth Laughton, Toronto,
who had returned to her father's -home
�__- _ e for the "old boys' reunion," was the
Took Money from Mother next wltnel called.
"About 5.30, 1 had been upstairs Mrs. Laugbtnn was in the break-
room when her brother ran
and came down. Allan was pressing through with Mrs. McDonell's purse.
a_ -u `-•rens it
a new arts n n°
wallet and threw it over 1'o b a h
mother and told her to fill Lt and
she raid she wouldn't. He went over
and reached down hie mother's neck
end got her purse. He took lf:1 out
1 of her purse and they had a 'muffle.
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Tuna Fish Flakes Large 6'/2 -oz. tin
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"Rase tbs eoastituents of quarter
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Had Rad Teepee ant hast thou been unto me: shy love
•• fit were afraid bttanse Allan had . h
from this
had temper.' Mrs. Iaoghton de of women. Let ns learn
(bared. She said our summer, when 8 -Mr. John separation and the lament that we
hoe son o was a baby, Allen threatened , type HELENS, : u 'sly tare every moment expnned to the poe-
to shoot them with a gun and she I days McGuire of Mr know viTatted for • few sibility of irreparable loss. Let us so
stayed half a day in a room. dale with T. B. Taylor. live, that death will be but a momen-
tary separation. In dwelling upon
the love of Jonathan for David and
that of David for Jonathan, let os
remember that there Is a Friend that
eticketh closer than a brother. -(From
TIM__ PeooIe�'r Bible).
S 'the 1 -.. . ikeitLtet4o:
Knowledge there is found an article
on the character of David. From it
we quote the following: war the idol
In his own day Da
of his people, to the subsequent pro -
It's 1 ed so often Mr Holmes Joe Gaunta h.N pro-
phet"' and priests be was the model
, i was terrified that he was got0 1S to king; to the later Jews, his kingdom
kill them: I Aid not 1/ant-trieave was very en- I ty1H the kingdom of the Messiah,
Batt-� hantoraus glory- of w�eia � con himself a type. His
• him alone with mother a6d Yfldfed," i joelfite: -Belt,. if St. Marys" was
witness stated. sang. Ass ixte•tsiting paper on pre' I compassistem ITs on, his generous Jehovah, his
eympat* tender
Mrs. Laughton said she did not see , serving hairs was read by MIs. M.
her sister with the knife or where I Murray.Mis• Greta Webb gave a ' his bold enterprise, his dauntless cour-
got It. The knife was used that t talk on the -ewing course held at I age entitle him to admiration. The
n night to carve the bread. Cllnton. Me. 'Josephine Oauet de-
sheGod his unwavering
Sirs. Laughton had not seen tbe I monatrated ,,i making soap out ran the
-Mildred and I welted outside the
bedroom where mother and Allan
were until Patsy screamed and we
both went 1n. Allan was demanding
the money. Ile told us to get out
ra•I he grabbed Mildred by the throat
...Whir ifnew zeie tiV efirkdl'"
at him and he pushed me out to
1 the landing and down the stairs to
the nett landing.
`'Another scrap was going on down-
stairs in the breakfast room," said
Mrs. iaugbtnn.
• happen
Mr. and Mra ,HalIry ;Derain at-
tended the funeral at Londeaboro on
Monday of her male, Mr. Lyon.
The St. Heirs folk who attended
the Women's institute picnic et Har-
bor Park. e:�dsrich, on Saturday
Hr'. Ewart. Ntr. Gordon McPherson
and children. Mr. Roes McPherson,
Mrs. D. C. Melbnald, Mrs. Cliff Mur-
ray, Ml's M 11 Murray. They re-
port an enjeyabis time.
The Women'' Institute met at Mrs.
e on Thursday, with
an attendance el forty. The roll
psalms he wrote attest the depth of
his love for , anda
confidence. Ile was by no means per-
fee't. The struggle with hie passion -
fatal struggle. ( lawn, after whieb a splen
• Mother Bandaged Wound I *RP served nyder the shade trees by
Mrs. McI►onell, who herself had � Mrs. G. 11 Pherson, Mrs. J. Stott and I ate natnre, strong and proud. was
gradkept up Incessantly, and, though oft
dageu n in rite,medicine, tried er ban• (Mi as Flores. a >geQester defeated, he conquered at last. He
tinge Attdd's sari'[, the daughter said, Mn. nod tl Chester attended the I was the min after God's own heart,
awl he kept swearing at her all this funeral of 1 . ,- relative, Mr. Lyon, at was his haloe, but In his repentance
time l.ntxlesl".rn °° Monday. I and 1n his earnest effort after a higher
and purer life.
"Ase -he went out he said he would MI's .Icon 'Thom 1. spending part
get UP all." told )dos Irtnughton• of her vaeatIe n with Detroit friends.
Yon bellerd your lives were In Mr. and Mr:, Wm. Blue, Helen and
danger dnriee this time?" the coroner Malgaret, of Detroit, were visitors
asked. with Mrs ltlue's parents, Mr. apd
-Yes, I did," Mrs. Iwnghlon an- Mrs. .1. i)..t, lerson. Mrs Blue and
eweTrd, the girls are remaining for a two
Mother Testifies weeks' holiday.
MIS. Mary Jane McDonell, the Mis' Irene Woods and her slater,
mother, followed her daughter to the Mre. Murdle of 'Toronto, were bolt -
witness stand. She agreed with eses for a delightful shower on Fri -
previous evidence as to the senile day In honor of Miss Vera Todd, whose
over the parse. Iter daughter, Dor- marriage to Mt. McIntosh of
othy. took her ont the hack door to Vineland takes next Saturday.
be away from Alias. She did not About fifty geed, prompt and
see the verandah affair. the bride to -he woe made the recipient
Mrs. Mellonell said they had had of a forty -eight -piece set of dishes.
a lot of trouble with Allan, who The Indm'tb,a of Bev. H. M. Wright
assaulted members of the family, into the charge of St. Elden and
but had never hurt her. (Inc. he Whitechur0 h United churches took
held a pistol to hitt father's head pace here ern Thnraday evening, with
and had elan hit him with a thrown Rev. W 1• lane of Gmiertch In charge.
hammer. Mr. McDonell was st111 Roe. D. w R,meroy of Nile addressed
suffering from that. the newly Indnceod pastor and Rev.
Mrs. Meltnnell identified the bread Wtie gave the address to the
knife. whleh would likely have Dees csng At tis• e'' ioW Kr.
�N by
In the pantry, abbot a doses and Wright were
from where the. wounding took pi, of pdterbnrch and �•-
"i don't know bow or where 5 ,fniwm \1`onx., after 'isles it-
s knife," the mother tot& the ant sox•1s1 hunt was spent.
-,. • . - . ae.-- r- Wes arms.a.ls;
Sea Livid an Father
Charles Me"DAnell. retired. triter
en= eee
d Vim Margaret
• • •
A Prairie Minister Stands By
The great war made popular many
phrases. "Carry on" is ■ good ex-
ample. Ever minae time began men
and women have "carried on" under
conditions that merit great praise and
win one's admiration. Sitting In my
study one morning i was visited ley
two of my congregation, man and
wife, one of many couples who these
days are fighting desperately to save
their homes and lives. rot over
twenty years they had tolled early
and late-hnilding a home. In those
twenty yearn ono twenty thousand
dollars had been paid on the land.
and In addition hnlldtngs erected, land
fenced, implements and maehinery
bought. Twilight years were in tea
offing and the promise of the easing
of the load and llgbtentng of the bwr-
de,t--Inst it was not to be, for along
Calt i "Depression," plDfnl prices and
meagre marketns and with deproaates
in arse area. drought. and. with
t, grasshoppers. a terrifying
terrifying to wltnesg-
e1per 'nee and 17r 151 *spin,
ming of Wa1ina.
w Venae sox your whole life'. work diol
Mae 7e• kala W
en babe saawtas
ter eadd, hosier
a►1. ed gas+►
as�W ate, the
bath Dr. Chile./
Plainest pretests
eM saw. Urge the
trades sasws*. It V
Plena .ode..[ Irma
rt mina rshkets wr la sada w bas.
Lv. Ooderich 11.45 p.m. Fridays
for Windsor and Detroit-
I.v, Goderich 11.45 a.p. Sundays
or ell rt, lgtrrts, Mani-
touhn Island, Mackinac and
the Soo.
tv: Friday, return Sunday --$13.0o
including meals and berth.
All day Saturday In Detrolt-
8lxday cruise to Georgian Bay,
Mackinac and Sault Ste. Mare.
Lv. Sunday, return Friday -
1149.00 Including meals and
Friday, July 19 t. CHICAGO *7.00
Te PORT HURON $2.25 FUNT $3.60 DU*A_N0
and to
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13I800 is the popular fuel that a number at our customers
have been waiting for and we have been s°ceenfnl in getting
another oar. It la as good ■ summer fool as it M for winter heat-
ing. DISCO 11 a coke differing from others, as It has the gas left
In It, tberefore, more best wilts.
When 705 minimums, foal, order a small quantity at D1SOO
std Owe it a trial
us a call- All work promptly attended to and fully guaranteed
The Hardware Store and Coal Yard at the Harbor
Phones -Store 22, Houma 112. Goderleb, Out.
This season we are showing an assortment of the up-to-
PERS and PUMPS for ladies and men that cannot be
equalled in quality or price.
In misses' and children's Footwear we are making a
specialty, and have the daintiest and most artistic designs
of the shoemaker's art.
Geo. MacVicar
Kww. Mr!i'! .w.,"wn.w,. Asa J4,t y,... 4-..-..,.