HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1935-7-11, Page 5v...--, w -o, z THE SIGNAL 1041 TORI NON MOM lila IMAM Far • skisy awns -tor an oily skis ewe =a end may raiz! •.5:.w emu= aitlem by the moat application et. DU DIA M BEAUTY PREPARATiONi y HUDNUT Genuine Crow.... . NJO Sala Teak enwhomor $I9O Spedol moneys* .. 3130 Thew Cosa. NJO Campbell's Drag Store GODERICH 22 The Square Phone 90 GRANDBEND DANCING NiGHTLY -Tt) - Gene Fritzley and his 10 -piece Orchestra, featuring Enid Lee, Soloist Surprise Night Monday, July 15th "BIG NIGHT OF FUN'' Free Sunday Evening Pro- gramme in Casino Winnipeg Man Dies in Hospital Here J. H. Rodgers Reaches Ooderich on Btr. Oakton after Receiving Fatal Injury J. Harry Rodgers, e3 Niagara street, Winnipeg, prominent vessel broker wit!' a saran on tae Winnipeg 'Grain Exchange and well known on the New York and Chicago exchanges, bled to death as the result of an accidental wound while he war taking trip on the sir Oakton. The steamer made port "1 have lived long enough' to be afraid of the words, 'can't be done: 'rnuldn't possibly happen,' and 'never'." -Bruce Barton. July Sale AND CLEARANCE OF SUMMER MILIjNEAT IN this very smart eolleetion of styles its exclusive esti Pattern fiats, attractive in DESIGN, QUALITY AND PRICE NOTE THE SUBSTANTIAL RF.DI,el IONS 93.50 values; at $4.50 values, at $5.75 values, at 1'hildren'e Hats Yon are cordially invited to inspect nnr stoe•k Miss M. R. MacVicar Kingston Street Bedford Bloek here on Saturday and Rodgers imme- diately was taken to Alexandra hos- pltat, where he died five hours later. A post-murteu performed by Dr. W. W. Martin ou Saturday night revealed that Rodgeve died from shock, loss of blood ■rad hemorrhages. It also was revealed there was a serloue heart and liver cuuditluu. The atxddeet occurred at 12 o'clock Friday night, when the Oakton was 130 miles, or littera hours, from God- erkh. Mr. Rodgers was In Captain A. Cleaver bathroom when he fell, severely gashing his forehead, It is believed. ou a brass ledge. Captain ('leave heard the sound of the fall and entered the small room, find Rodger stretched out ou th' door. First aid immediately was applied by the captain and the mate, Frank F. Oslow•, blit their efforts were un- able 'to atop the flow of blood, which developed into hemorrhages. The gash was tightly Iwndagel and pads and Sour were used in the first-aid efforts, which were continued until the boat resit -bed Go.t-eh-#. Here the Oakton was met by doctors and an ambulant*, and Rodgers was rushed to Alexandra hospital, where he died In spite of emergency operation*. The Oakton, which is • slow ship, has no wireless. The ship tarried a cargo of grain for the Western Can- ada Flour Mills. 1t Is said that God- erlch was the nearest port at which the Oakton could have put in. J. B. Foote, of the Union Transit fleet, who was to have • business con- ference with Mr. Rodgers when the boat docked here, was on the pler on the arrival of the Oakton. Mr. Foote went to the hospital with the injured man. but left for Wasaga Beach. thinking _IAod_l •condition was not serious It was with coma -era -Me dlmculty that Mr. Foote was located after the death of Mr. Rodgers. He returned Immediately to Goderich when be was located on Sunday "Mr. Rodgers was just coming down Club baa on a little vacation and was to have annual 18 -hole tour - bad a business conference with IDs on nameet to be held Wednesday, July pts arrival here," said Mr. Foote, who 17. Handsome prises are being of - estimated the aec•Ident had occurred tered for the various events. In the Thunder Bay region. Ir :: An Eye on Everything SOME TALL STORIES are coming these days from tbe hay fields of Huron county. Timothy ea high as the fences is "nothing," 4nd average yields ut three tone to the acre are common, while yields of tour tons to the acre are not uncommon. J. R. Marling, welt -snow n hosier i is sown ship farmer, stood in hay aa high as his chlu-and Mr. Starling 14 a six - tooter. "The driver, sitting on the seat of the Hower, an hardly see where he is going -1 never saw any- thing like 11," said Mr. Idterllr.g, in town the otber day. "1 also measured wheat five and a -halt feet high. All over Huron county it la the same, but lq Bruce it L nut so rod, for they had much less rain there•�Yr. Ster- ling is the recently appointed smote maggot and apraytng inspector and travels much, so he should know. Bar- ring storms, he predicts the biggest crop in fifty years. Ile cella It a "one hundred per cent. crop" But to Warden "Bill" Swett - Ler goes the prise for talc stories Hehis hay In Stephen town - •■ lag up" at the hands et the mason, carpeuter and painter, It is Interesting to recall that this histone building, so uniquely located, wad built in 1854 by the firm of 111•Wah, Morrell & Russell for the united deanttee of Huron and Bruce, the towel of Ooderk h donating i e Sita [het! + wilsu u a ptprket glace. Thissame firm built the hint subatan- tlal bridge over the Maitland to Salt - turd and 11 Is interesting to note that the bridge coat more than the wart house -14750 and £4:50 respectively. The building committee of the day was composed of Mawr Chalk, Gir- vin, Strachan, Woods, ilawktns, Holmes, Young, Hereford and Ritchie. John Strachan was Chal:wau. The building was drat occupied toy the county council on September 19th, 185b. Incidentally the salaries paid to county otllclals in twee days were: Treasurer, £185; clerk. £110; War- den, £30; engineer, £14:.: auditors, each, £5; school Insptttors for each school, 11, 5s; caretaker, L40. The caretaker was • woman. The says a minutes, from which this lufortna- eurlst ship is up to the he hitched to the hsera Ae mower took [lob -was taken, were 'feinted at cSignal. to leaping like a deer, so that it The Sa • • • rontd see where It was going.The IF THE TAXPA] iRe in the ver - Warden cut one swath around an to municipalities d Huron county ditched field with the mower, who are three year In arrears wish ditched it for the binder with trac- tor, and aye the sheaves of hay were tar thick one could walk cumturtably ....oa. them. That's soliott. ave hay yield: Page George El - e e e e to save themselves money. they will make some sort of payment ou or be- fore July 19th, for on that date the annual tai sale use 'ill make Its appearance In the Ontario Gazette. The saving le in adverti'iug, commis- HAVE ommis iLAVE YOU HEART) -That Boob slop, etc., which m some eases ie 000 siderable. A payment befd a July files were so Wle4r ou the Becks of the 19th will keep the property "off the list," and one year paid before then will do the trick. After July 19th all three Superior on its last down trill the shovels were used to scoop them into the lake' That Michael Kennedy, years must be paid, plus ends. This our junk magnate, has purchased the is the timely tip handed out by Coun- et}ulpmeut in the old vacuum build• ty Treasurer A. tB... Erskine, who ing of the Goderich Salt Company used for over thirty years and recent - }y abandoned for new equipment? That our own "Scotty" McDoiigaU, wrestler, ears 011 the O'Mahony -Lon - obs card, witnessed by 80,000 people, at Boston the other night') That secured at tax sales. Right at every available summer cottage in and the moment there are several around Goderich teas been rented and tarms, sold 1Mfa fell for taxes, Lake Levels Higher in June Lake Huron Shows Gain of 6K Inches over June of 1934 Ottawa, July 5. -The hydrographk service of the Departmeut of Marine today reported that water levels at Mcatreel harbor during June were e4>,4 Welles lower than the average June level for tbe last seventy -fire years. The water was 13% inches lower than June, 1934. Water In Montreal harbor was 7% inches lower than the previous lowest June, 1931, and 1414 Inches lower than May this yeas. Water levels of Lake Superior, Lake Huron, Lake Erle and Lake On- tario during June were slightly higher compared with the previous month. The report follows: Lake Superior, at fort Arthur. dur- Ing June was 21/2 inches higher than May; tis Inch lower than June, 1934: and 4 inches higher than the average level of June for the last seventy-five years. Lake Huron Level Lake Huroti, at Goderich, during June was 2'-'s laches higher than May; 55,S taches higher than June, 1934; and 34tes tales lower than the average level of June) ter the Inst seveuty-dxs.l years. lake }ale, •w Port Colborne. dor- tug June was three inches higher drib �. May: 4'a 'oche* higher titan June. 1934: and L'85y inches lower than the average level of June for Ilse- iaet.- seventy-tire years Lake Ontario, ht Kingston. during June- was three inches higher than May: one Intim lower than June. 19.'64 and 32?. Inches lower than the aver- age level of June for the last seventy- five years. states that. profiting from last year's experience, local newspapers Ill again be used for advertising prytes- ties on the list t• Weir re* tics localities. Very often real bargains re that the demand has exceeded that for several year? e •- • • JUST NOW when the eighty-year- old court house is receiving a "touch - which will me tg she buyer for as _low as $200 OMNI redeemed by veasber next, and AU. far them_ has been no move toward redemp- tion GOl7 TOURNAMENT The Maitland Golf invitations for the Issued Mr. Rodgers is survived by a wlte and two daughters. aged eleven and five. The body was taken to London by 'Rotor en Sesdaf sight to catch an early Toronto train for trans -shipment to Wirmipeg. G. L Parsons. general manager of the Goderich Elevator sod Transit Company. and J. W. Fraser. manager of the Weetern Canada Flour Mills, with Mr. Foote, were at the undertak- ing parlor when the remain, were COUNTY COUNCIL PICNIC The special committee of the coun- ty council in charge of the annual pic- nic met 1105 aeek_to_sske. arrange- ments for this year's oatlag.which will be held .1 Harbor Park, Goderich, on Wednesday, Jay 24th. ._ Reese Ma, ser of Ooderk4t is chairman of the committee. NURSES GET THEiS 1. N. Two graduates of Alexandra hos- taken. coital. Mina Florence W. 8owerby and Miss Margaret Mitchell, have been CHURCH NOTES eucc•esarul in obtaining standing as re- loitered nurses. Miss Ruth Cormier SERVICE FOR ORANGEMEN Rev. W. P. Lame Addrekses local Lodges Sale* Evening The evening service . u Sunday at North street United church was at. tended by the Orangemen's fife and drum band and about forty members of LOA.. No. 182 aid Princess Mary Lodge, No. 443. L.O.B.A . The member!' of the ot�r gathered at tie lodge rooms on Xbf idiVeta 6.45 o'clock and paraded around the Rgaare behind the bond, then down North street to the church. Rev. W. P. iane e'Icomed the or- ganization warmly. saying, "Vias order has made n real enntrthntion to the freedom of the Anglo-Saxonj people." The preacher's text was from Acts 22:2M. "With n greet -um tote/tined I life-feeedone"- Mr. True applied .the words to present-day life. and spoke- forcefully pokeforcefully about the tuts[ of the free - A SAMPLE CAFE The followtug letter speaks fur 11- aeH : R R. 1• Auburu, Ontario, • July 2, 1935. To the Members of the Goderich Lions Club. --. Dear Mira, --1 am writing this let• ter to thank you for the help we have re•elved from your Club lu making It possible for Roy Webster to receive the best possible medical treatment and care given by Dr. Ramsay, and other doctors In the name medical Delp Also the nurses of the Victoria hos pita', London. "tie -gime two opera- tions -one performed on his right foot in 1933, in the month of June; also a more serious operation on the right knee in February, 1934. This treatment was for infantile paralysis contracted about six years ago. He is now aide to do a fair amount of farm work. We were to see the doc- tor a short time ago and he said In time Noy will he seventy-five per cent. better than he would have been bad he not received the proper 'treatment. We sincerely thank you and wish you every steers» in the good work you are carrying "n. Youre truly. MR. alai MILS. JAM A WFIBSTF.R, and It -0Y WEBSTER. AUBURN Baptist Ladies' AW, -The monthly meeting of the Baptist Ladies' Ald was held at the home of Mrs. Jan Raithby on July 4th. with eighteen members and eleven visitors present. re. Eimer Robertson read the Scrip- ture lesson, Psalms 121 and 122. and several hymns were sung. followed by prayer. The program was as follows: Reading* by Mrs. Walper. "Don't hook Back. But ('p Mr. Hewitt. "A Dar a, , Mrs. Doerr, •`Have a heart.' The ladies orchestra favored with a couple of seleetionn and Miss Burdette renderd • solo When Summer Sun* Are Glowing." A social time was en- joyed over the dainty 10 -cent lunch served by the bootees. The annual cvougregetIons' picnic of town, who graduated from the how \f Fells also Ass se dom ear en joy. t North slyest -('rued chareh will be Vital a[ agars We ought to feel that our lreetlnm a or -rnrwl lava• it. N. degree.._.._.__._ -- h I1 at Harbor Park on \VeTnetaiy is n s�fi'Rvi"-T1rtdR'-haw-�*t 't"~ et afternoon. July 17. I PATIENTS PROGRESSLNG much in life and treasure. It has Mr. and lira. It. E. LeMon, evangel- been hallowed I,y ti,• differing of mnl- lsts, of Ilatnlltorl. will open tent meet- Two aceident victims who have been titudes of people. Let ns treasure and lag services at the corner of West and at Alexandra hospital for over a week guard it, bee/luxe It i. easy to become Waterloo streets on Friday evening of are reported to be progressing favor-lcarelees and FM--.hte freedom slip thin week. Iably. • They are twelve -year-old Jack awry. hr s. Servlcee M North street United }•Mister, von of ICs. and Mrs: Joseph Miss Helen lentis -sang beesntifory n� aidedt o ' ^••steal 'ollnve Mercy on me,"tan• president ORATORICAL CHAMPIONSHIPS �, Two Huron county oratorical chem ptonehips were brought to Goderich recently when the finals of a contest sponsored by the Home and School BACKACHE aslhtr dt..pse.. wkw 1►. Liver and Kidneys we @sowed by DOC ASE'S Thursday, July llth, 1935-5 DEAN'S CLEANERS AND DYERS mamma. arta• Will 1•.11 nut liell.er W. SUTHERLAND, Rem 11ift laps agrssastaMw • Mena New Type 1 Bathing Suits To see these la to want to wear one. Made of real botany wool with zipper to separate the trunks from the upper part if desired. These are the last word In Ilathing Suits. -Sines 32 to 44 - Pend " $1.95 and $2.50 Men's a11•wuo1 }lathing Suits. • A full range of Bathing Suits in all sizes in the new cut-out style. They are all pure wool. Mead at $1.29 M. ROBINS \1,•nl f, r 'lip Top 'fail ns Phone 384 CENT A MILE Round TriipEXCURSION (Mtu,mum F.rue: Adults .5c: C n 40c.) SATURDAY, JULY 20 from GODERICH To TORON'T'O, Stratford, Kitchener, Guelph, Chatham, Sarnia, London, Ingereoli. Woodstock, Paris, Brantford, Hamilton, St. Catharines, Niagara Falls, and all Intermediate l'oints, between Stations named. ALSO 014 FRIDAY, JULY if To Oshawa Port Hope. Coboarg. Treatise. Belleville, `inasto.. Osaanoqu.. Brockville. Prescott. klomebur.. Cornwall Ur bridge, LindseyPetarboro, Campbetlford. Aurora. Newmarket. Allendale, (olltogwood, Seaford:Penman.. Barrie. Orillia, Midland. Grawohurst. Br...bridge. Huntsville. North Bay and all intermediate poiW. ALSO TO Alt Towne in New Ontario on iia.. of Temiekaming & Northern Ontario R17., Nipaetng Central Rly. and ow C. N. Boys. to Kapuakutoa. Hemet. and laaatae Shorn. Fields. ATTiGCT:Gii - .`we.. -Tarf Club Pleat S . _ Mess. osmoses P. I Wasters Fair •slob MS. $ATRMAY, MILT 11G W...,e_ nada aeons ZJaut. aid TYau. f eiremY.• his Amnia. 4.a w.. kaa.Si:1 Tom L. A. LAWRENCE. DOWNTOWN AGENT. 'PHONE 8 L D. CROFT. DEPOT AGENT. ?HONE Is$J CANADI Council of Huron were conducted at I N M Bayfield. _Misa_Evelyn McLeod,_ daughter of Rev. and Mrs. D. McLeod. won -the girls' contest, and Harold Doer, young son of Mr. and Mr* Rola- Deer, won the boys' championship. There were contestants from Clinton, Seaforth and Goderfch schools. Mrs (Rev.) D. J. Lane. of Goderich, and Mrs. W:Ison; of Seaforth: were the judges. A business session of the Council was held, in %bleb Mrs. A. Taylor, _rich. was appointed a vice- president. as was Mr,. Edith Russell of Seaforth. Regret at the retirement of Miss I. D. Sharman, for many years prin- w ShIIeService Station Kingston -and -d s Streets Shell Gas and Oils Lincoln Engineered lubrication Batteries General Repairs Cars Washed Storage . pHor. E 535 et t expressed in brief addresses by several present. I Harvey Baxter About fifty-eight members were pre- sent to enjoy a picnic given during the ntternoon. The program--was-ln ithe Council. charge of Mrs. Geo. Jenkins. of CHn- The Hydro Power WILL BE OFF in Goderich and Vicinity - ON -- SUNDAY JULY 14 from 1 to 5 p.m. Public Utilities Commission. . limmilmilliw church next Sunday will be as follows: 11 a.m.. "Christ's Program for a Blundering World:" 7 p.m., "The De- mand of Evil." Communion service will be observed in Victoria street United church on Sundaynext, at 11 a.m. Vespers ser - [•ire xt 7 p.m. Subject-" t esus F'rltzley, South street. Goderieb. who and Mr. George Buchanan sang, to was knocked from his bicycle by a !fine vole., "Thy \ Ilt 'iI* Done." sa truck on July 2. and Walter C'rossan, I The bald hslgt will take part In of R.R. 7, London, who was body the 1trnnge demonstration at Winghnm broken up to a motor crash at PetE'11pmu,rn.w. Albert un July 1. _ M. WI h J TO STRENGHTEN Bl'ILDLNG Ini 4y� •, { n the W NORTH STREET S. the Home of. Min- r -be ae,ee.dettt)R'•)P --Monday', a .M. Itr•t D. .1. fears at pnoz ctt7wiiil', of North street ' ihd'tch 'e* meaning and everting at Knox church lour board to reinforce the upper tertnlnel in the church ttebool•rarm 11 Muwlaw Sermon sutrjecta: j inggrput Incplace by eJ tJ. M Moser, coo_ y the members of the Pithy Hand and More1 l' -How is Christianity "The Madeltiselon Iland with th.•ir mothers. ofT I'oaslhle? 7 p.m, $tract tractor. The beano, weighing severalIn The chair was taken by Mrs. W. P. of Triumphant Llfe." hundred pounds, had to he taken In l lane, president of the Society, who The serrlces In the Baptist church through a narrow upstairs window, [or lMne. 1presidentgof the mothers dhd next 9(tildslth will he conducted by which a large scaffolding wee built. eonlithe *lI%d el and then ronduoted a tits newly ap{s,ittted pastor. Rev 9 R The -beam was rinsed be hlm•k r mor p period to the buetnetts Me(lung. 11.A.. It.Th. Ills sermon tackle• ion the treasurer r• ported that for subjects will be: 11 a.m., ''Coopers_ The tennis courts at the Collegiate MOP the second quarter,-:•sf•the year the are toeing even inure' attention. The I sum of 81911 had been remitted to the t'resbyterial treasurer at Seaforth. Mrs. P. J. Cuntehin. Baby Hand .niwrintendent. wns then called to the chair and under her direction the fol- lowing program wns carried nut: Re- citation of the first Psalm by James ifollanll and Jatnes Niood, reading of the ik•rtptnre le.eon by Helen ohear- down. a reeltation l,y Marian -Young, and a song. "The 110..1' of the Bible," by Helen Howard. .t thotightful talk to thers by Mr Bane was lowedthe byne.a violin solo by Catherinefol- ('antelon, a piano "net by Helen 1111.11111•44 part of the meeting it was d. Archer and Mary Ho,verd, a vocal tion :" 7 p.m. "The Two Crosser. The regular meeting of the Arthur two courts have been cleared up and Circle will he held in the lecture topped wlth clay. There la promise of fine court, In the near future. room of Knox church on Monday, July 15th, at 8 p.m. Mira Janeway wi11 slave charge of the meeting and the tnpse from the study book will be taken by Mrs. Ainslie. ADoouacemeflt We have recently installed a new - De Graff Permanent Waving Machine and invite ynn to see this new machine• demonstrated on July 15 and 16 Miss Irma Wright, Factor; llemonstrator,-will be . glad to help you with your Hair I.• Problems. PHONE 405 061YiA BEAUTY •SALN KNOX CHURCH LADIES' AID The regular monthly mt4'ting of the Ladies' Aid Society of Knoxchurch heitl In the lecture room of the church on June 29th. The presi- dent, Mrs. A. 1). M1.14.411, presided over a large attendance of member» and al - Mo e lodes] the devotional exercises. Assisted by Mrs J. W. Smith, who read the Scripture lesson, and Mrs. J. B McKay, who 1e1 In prayer. During the solo h Mrs. R. 11cn"etson, • piano Oiled to hold the anneal ptcnlr xt y Hayfield on July 10th. The program for the Afternoon was In charge of Mrs Wm. MacDonald', group and consisted of three chor)rses by the grant', n hum -motet rending entitled "The Ladies' AIB'' by Mrs A. Malpass, and a gronp of delightful antis' by Miss Virginia Johnston, a flutter frim Mantm4te Mich. Mrs. A. Malpass al*o gave very Intt'reatlng talk nn "Bacteria,' sthn and -Mary Tetdmtt. t'nfnrtun While Mies Betty Johnston and Mise ate'y only nue of tlic sive was hide to Isobel Teylor entertained the mete( be pricers. She we• 'ondstfed to the Ina with a splendid piano duet The plattorm, presented. a irh •pretty pan meeting was ringed with the choral motion certificate. and A pleasant Ienrdktlrto. after eIdch Iwo•lo A o - tie Mlgelnn Mindgr, nerreeller Mts. Maelwuatd's groan' Ice cream was th.1served to nil present, and. a sperbtlMat of randy Tel Munn, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. given to the ehlldren A. Munn. has passed his jointer violin time was spent gnefs examinations at the Toronto Conger- XL( members had nn solo by Frieda Hnrh. ir. and a pretty exerdae. "A Bag of r.,,od Wfsh,'e," by six Mission Hand gill- Mies Mabel Bailie gave an inters -sting talk to the ehlldren, after whleh the names were read of the five-yellr olds 40 M pro. matedfrom the BabC Rain to the Miasinn Hand: Pekes Player, Mary Prklham. Lawrence M.•s1. Helen John revery of Mask,. Ted * br1111•nt be -seeing ncquntnt.Il ,•r pnpll of Mr. .1 It Roberto'. nhtalned Among the mothers honors In hie examination. HI. A ist for the fathei 14``131 eist of St 'Aeevg s Mrs church, 4M9e7_He caret. • • 1 omens Allin UotieW WELL, MR. BROWN, NOW THAT YOU'VE MAD* A REAL TRIAL OF SP. L.gedSHELL WHAT DO YOU THINK OF SHELL'S SEALING ' -:r;.'; ,.PROTECTION ? THE FACT THAT SEALING GUARANTEES 1 RECEIVE GENUINE SHELL FROM EVERY SHELL PUMP MADE ME A STEADY SHELL CUSTOMER. I'M NOT GAMBLING ON GASOLINE THIS SUMMER. weir , '