HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1935-7-11, Page 44 --Thursday, July 110, 1Itl6
KINGSHR1DOE , July 9: -Mrs
Sarah Griffin and Mrs. Joy, sr., a
among us again fur the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Dean and dough
ter, Mies Charlotte, and Miss Anu
Jane Collins of Detroit, are spendin
a while with Mr. and Mot. Jerr
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Joy, jr, of De
trort, ara.aldtlnl..a,it?(tnt (Sett (stead
aud relatives here.
Rev. Father Dalton of Mous
spent a few days here heat week wit
his father, Mr. Morgan Dalton.
Masters Maurice and Jack Sullies
of Detroit are spending part ut thel
school holidays at the home of thei
graedparents, Mr. and lire. P. .
Mies Stella Dean of Port Lewbto
is spending a few weeks at her home
Alma Marion Dalton of Detroit 1
hover for ber holidays.
]also Middleton of London :a vu••It
ing with.MissLaurette Myers.
Rev. Father Morrison of Toroneo *4
his sister, Mrs. Itoy Hughes of De-
troit, with her husband had sero, wer
visitors at the home of their brother
Jim.Morrison, last week.
A number of our Kingsbridge girls
who are now members of tit Joseph'
eetpmuuity, London, are spending their
holidays at our convent and Matting
their homes and friends here.
Mr. Wilfred O'Loughlin of Detrol
spent a few days last week at his
Mr. Nick Perry of Detroit visited
his wife and- family_ at Mr. Thos.
i)renuau a tors ' fw days las: week.
Master Maurice O'Reilly of Detroit
stint his sisters, Phases Mary ant
Betty, . are wending their holidays at
_oLMr. *od Meat Tim Griffin.
Mr: -,and Mrs. Thos. Joy, jr, Yes
Joy. sr.. and Mrs. Jim Wallace and
her daughters. Misses Beta and Ef:een,
are making a trip to the Martyrs'
Shrine. visiting Owen Sound ant other
pints on the way, tide week-.
hool Entrance Results
Our Men's Furnishings Department oxen for
-Xn1 -ngfe stai....a_. m111.1. inter tin[ selection
of the seaaon'a smartest Straw Pita 13161sT;- -
Silk Suspenders, Underwear, Bathing Suits,
Flannel Trousers, etc., at popular priced.
Grey Flannel Suits
Single or
Double-breasted $18.50
-- W. C. Pridham & Son
Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday
LT -r
The _PAVILION, Goderich --
NOW PLAYING -"Go Into Your Dance," featurinrli min ',and
Ruby KecTer
Msnday, Tuesday andel Weies ay--AARare Osssabinnptisn
nue mows star may differ from another's, but there's snssetbiag tO
please everyone In the sparkling romance
Thursday, Friday and Saturday-
Thoma Meighan, Dorothy PetelNRr
0• P. Maggie
Prevent a picture to pirate those who knew life, and love It
M,I.T1's1-',Es \V.,ku•wlay and ttalurday. at 3 p.m.
The fo be results cf the
high school ,uwivattou held
at tbe eeutaes lade the Jurhtdlctton
of the (}odertch blgb .,hou1 entrance
hoard. First- and ecsoud-ehtaa huuura
are auuuutred ; fr,t-s lass honors
ween, that the e.ed,dutc secured 75
per cent. or morn of the total iaarkg-
wxuud-clear honors that between 70
and 74 per cent. was obtained. The
names of thea* eaudidates who se-
cured etauding on the re uwwendation
of the prluctpeLs are ,u, luded iu the
results given.
GCIDt(aTOEI t''t:\'1'Rk
First -slam baaea--willttttu Baker,
Frank Baer, Beryl t'rauston, Elisa-
beth Fhatmaa, Jaaqur:,ue Haines, Tom
Hogan, William Iioegarth, Roy Hol-
land, Alfred Hoy, liargrret Lobb,
Enid MacDonald, Pearl McGee, Robert
Maxkell, Verna Million, John Milne,
Harold Yuhring, Janes Mood, Chris -
e tine Morrison, Eleauor Nelson, Betty
, Newcombe. Jame* riiWado. -k)rnest
Salkeld, Douald Sheardown. Maxine
Wllsou, Harold Toung. •
e Second-class Yeasts --,Patricia Beech -
ler, Jueephiue Bradley, Terry Costel-
lo, Rex L)wekweetb,
Harold Ntewefl, Ralph
Kings.,_!"",_ Freda Moore, Murray Moore, !luring
. ue Laroct.e, !Aura dsa, Morlot'k, Audrey Lowe, Jack Swtth,
DUNGANNON, July 10. -Mr. and
Mr.. Geo, Bradford of Goderich and
ST. IhELRNf3 tTgaV'I'RE daughter, Mrs. J. Cameron of 'Tru°
1''httt-claw Maar-Blta Hunter, to, were visitors at the home of Mr
Grate Weatherhead. a and Mrs. Bert Bradford last Friday.
tieseod-class hsuars-4'erry Derain. kora Jean Bishop and Meister Billy
N'ilUxw Huwphrey, Howard Martin. Bishop of t,bkagu are visiting their
lour Sian, Norman Welwood. gra°dpareuts, Mr, and Mrs. Thos.
Pars--Wllllrw Dreunau, Harold 'Bothers.
Irwin, Ivan Mrgolen, Muriel I'urdon. Mr. and Mrs. 1Vm. Nickel and fam-
kINN 't s t!h N'J't4N7 fly and Mrs, Yundt, of Stratford, were
• lhrsteblm borwrs-dean Appieton, trio g4eat* of .3fr:-fit -mew Hs!.':r
tl}rice Be kler, Gerald frnglaud, Mur- £edy last Sunday.
ray Gordou, Richard Gordon, Jack Mrs, J. Wilson of London is vlsit-
Kestle, Gordon Kleluteldt, Lenore Law- Ing ber cousin, Mrs. B. J. Crawford.
son, Frederick Luxton, Milford Prouty, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wlleon ane Miss
Patsy Russell, Labelle Sims, Robert Kathleen Reed of Mora ,spent the
Southcutt, Jean Thowpsou, Ethel Wag- week -end with friends here.
guru, • Mary Waghoru, Edward Mr. and Mrs. M. Newell of Detroit
Wright, Shirley luuug. and Mrs. Edgar. Tbompeon of Walker-
Samerl-sines toners --Lorraine Arm- elite were the guests of Mrs. Wm.
strong, Margaret Clark, Clifford Thompson last week.
Hleks, Billy Joues, John Keys, Evelyn Mrs. David Sproul has returned from
Lawson, Lllyan McDonald, Helen Davidson, Sask., where she had been
Morgan, Richard Stanbury, Rcflaatd visiting her son Harold and other
Wuerth. friends,
Far --Eileen Audrew, Jean Bartow, Mrs. B. J. Crawford and Mias heck',
Verde Bieber, Andrew Sterling, Irene Thompson spent Sunday lu Lurknow,
Brooks, (live Caldwell, Harold Ed- the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Me -
wards, Jack Flayue, Stanley Frayue, Nnhb.
Leonard Harvey, Frank Hicks. Stan- Mrs. Walter Stafford and dangbler
ley Hicks, Thelma Hockey, Orpha have returned to their home in Toron-
Hodgtns, Hazel IJoneer, Irene Kydd, to atter a week's visit with Mrs
tieeaiei Lt►waoa, Elmer, aclona[d, Stafford's tmrentr. Me. all Me . Jou
Fla'tunton. _._..-_._.. __
Mr. David Errington, 6th concession
West Wawanosh, Ie under the doctor's
tare. We hope for his speedy recov
Mr and Mrs. C. M. Rota of (.oder•
h -h
and Mr. and lira. Chas. Ross of
Ietroit were visitors at the hone -of
Mrs. Fred Ross last Thursday.
ot i> btalt, sjt i Styes, Dorothy a rruwi.at i(gllcaa
gu n
tea` Mede taxa. friday _ t, •Su t•IPtJf
tieeaddees Y114 ry Clark, coils was
Goldie Cross, Pearl Harpole, Gordon served from tf to 8 o'clock, followed
Keyes, Stewart Mclwan, Elva Mc -
a splendid program consisting of
Queen, Alive Pfaff. aumteers by Mr. Harvey 'Attlee of
Pass• -.Keith Buchanan. William Auburn. Miss Yyta Mt'J bald of
Burdge, Helen Dick, Mary Farquhar. Lncknow and little Miss Joyce Wet -
Irma Ferguson. Barbara Graham, Wit -
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Item Graham. Elgin Johnston, Katie
,Watson. who favored with Highlsod
Edna Love, Grace SiicL.cod, Douglas t'rrl Shire, Alden Walker.
YcY1lLn, John Mugford, Lorraine Passed under the provisions of regu-
Nelsun, George Pur -ons, Elisabeth
Union 11 (5) of the high Khoo! ea-
Schoeuhala, Gordon Williams, John trance regulatbopse Douglas Gould,
William* Evelyn Wi1.uu• David Kettle.
Elrstekus WMSF-Jack hell, Dor-
Pass--Huy Atkinson. t'.runie Beech -
ler, F'rietla harbour, Margaret Barrie,
Bruen Itloouctield( 1'autint Bradley,
lillly Beres, AlnWirrtirk, Valier rad -
dock, Patricia Oralg, Iu•uueth Crooke,
William Duckworth, David Farrlsh.
Betty Fry, Hanel Gau.ev. Marlen One
sun, Phyllis Gina. Jac/. Griff, George
Hall, Margaret Hardy. petty John-
ston, Violet Larder, .tuna McGuire,
-'ft:eve McIver, Mary McLean, ?tattle
Million, Marguerite Morgan,' Dorothy
Yumhy, Evelyn Mued.tt. Kenneth Pen-
uiugtou, Gordon Pall,. L. Chit/ries Pow-
ell, Leal
Julia SI
/iodertch ;Albite schools wi!1 do
without a music instructor for the
coming year, the board at its meet -
Ing on Monday night deciding not to
re-engage Mr. R. F. Player, who has
held the position for some yearn.
The tender for palating tie eater -
for of Victoria sehool was "welded
to John O thberteon at SIM. '
learse4eeided--that the_txinclpals
and at least fifty per cent. of all the
teachers on the staff must have taken
a first-aid course.
A record-breaking trip was made
recently by two employees of the God-
erich Manufacturing Company. Driv-
ing in relays, the men, Sem Harding
and Jim Reddlck, completed an 1130 -
mile trip in thirty hours to one of the
company's trucks.
Five hundred acres of wooded land
at Batcbewana, north of tbe "Soo,"
recently were purchased by the G.
Company, and the two-iidi,tiee--TgAY
six horses on the facile trip leav-
ing them at the laaber- camp where
they will be worked.
The transport lett here at 10 o'clock
one night, and deposited the horses
safely at the camp at I
lowing day. On the waybackthe
truckers picked up a load of lumber
1t Echo Bay, east of the "Soo," at
7 p.nr:: arriving bark in Goderich at h
loon the men were hack at work at
the factory.
It was a non-stop trip except fort r
refuelling the tenek. horses and drir- 'a
ere and 'hanging cargoes. The men
took torn. driving and sleeping In the I
eah. The round trip was. It Is esti- 1
plated. 1130 miles. The truck eon- i
atoned TTS gallons of gas
Sauadern, t.lovd Schoenbills,
Chard, Nell Thompson, John
Ins Whitely. William VW.
leen Jones, Margaret Meleweq, Dor-
een I'epper, Douglas Sangster, Bar-
bara Shepherd. Hubert Taylor.
dancing. Her. J. Geoghegan. the rec-
estor, was lihalrman.
Mr . and Mrs. Ray Carter of To-
Passunder the ptovislona of re, -'route visited the lady's tatter, Yr,
gttlation 11 15) of the high school en- Rich. Reed, on Sunday.
Items, Mizetrance rrgulrtluna: Reason Dick, Mr. Fred Milton and daughter visited
Pepiied.'tiuder regulation 11 III)- Nellie Fee the former's daughter, Mrs. J. Rich-
JeiJ Kneeshaw-i►ASKN'OOD (IENTRE ardson, over the weekend. They
The Robert Pant-memorialMedals first-Amben•C
eesharies Atcbl• returned to Toronto on Monday se
awarded aaaaaiip--te--the pupil in son. Harry Hayter, Lorne Klelnntiver, e'ompanted by Mra. Rlebardaon sad
each of the two Goderich public Ruth Love. Donald Restetneyer, Ida childrenJutls atld HUS1
schools securing the highest standing Sweltaer. Robert Turnbull. A large crowd attended tb 'Tall
during the year and en the final ex- SeeSiI4-t .s briars --Ada Heiser, tia ylayedsun fisc Agrkwturil
aminatlons were won in the case of Freda ovle, Harold Maier, Eunice grounds let Thursday e+ealag Th
Central school by Jamey Mood. and by Oestrelcher. game was between Auburn and Myth:
Donald Sheardowa in the ase of Paas -.Eva Baker, Roy Bayuhasn, the were was 3: favor ytb.
Victoria school litw(n Bastard, Everett Deajard, Yr. Moore o?.R'hitecb
to urch and hiO. C.
BAYFl11>IJD t'iGl"1ltE Rlta Ihetrleh, Lois Galxr. Mabel Treleaven were umpires.
13ariton, Ruby Melts, Roth Hoperoft,
idle J. Mothers of the Toronto
tass. Mouses-Juea Brandon.Dorothc Kraft, Emerson Lo+le, Earl teaching staff Is spending her boil -
Kenneth Brandon, Alfred Butler' Pickering. Jerome Heider. Joyce Roes.days with her parents, Mr. and Mr.
Clan Utabe Joyce .archer, Irene Mona Stebbins, Kenneth Weber, Nora Tho - Stothen,
[*itch, Robert I .e si. Paallne tux.Saeeestdsl *sae. Pe pais --We con-
gratulate the fohlowing pupils who
were successful in Toronto Conserva-
tory of Music ezamlratlons : Lola
well, Mary Jeer' ML.•rhense, Grant
Stirling, t:Ilssb $ Stirling., Helen
Welsh, %Millions . Ce,.rtake rarl..t
Woods. uladra Treleaven. boasts he elereatary stag.
8eaendtlass woeMark.
Seemed -elms Mrnre--kvk1b ion- flag;-DerpIc Milvb. Prtnery singing;
Eva Sw.tzer, Frank tampion. vtnn Vera Pullen, Ferree Rodd. Kriebel Webeter. elementary ptano-
Paa*-Fafsabeth Qhuter. Katti eon Paes_marilyn Liimpbell, Wilbert forte; Hilda Finnigan, primary piano-
Mldilt ton, Jeane Reid, Mary 'Jotted /1. Coward, hut lord David Hodgson forte. These are all pupils' of Miss
P7rstelaae beeers 4'larenee Ford,
WHtrur Hreeelees,.-L,Tayto Herdanan,
DUNGAN. I,N C6NTRl: Wilfred nankin, PbH1p Johan Mada- t•M
Margaret A. Pentland, A.T.C.M
Fisttlaas botoors--Elmlrr Alton, iene Rodd, Bose Skinner. bedneu of New Minister. -The in -
Fern Alton, Marg:cret Blake,. Phyllis I ZURICH CENTRE(t°`'tlnn of Rev. T. it. Turner Into the
Blake, Homer Duru(n, Fred Engel- Firsttla*s beaus -.Charles Hay,
recbt. Mary Horton, Wilamina Lea-
man, Jean Long. Richanl Park, Lillian
Sproul. Anetta Stewart,
Seeesdebsa haion- hest ram ('u r-
an, Isabel Girviu, Doris Swan, How -
rd 'Meng -igen: ----
Pass-Audrey,t:,ngnn, Violate Cul-
bert, Gordon Finnigan, Marl ',eddy,
cert Muss. Elsie Nicins. Harold Pater -
eon Edwin Thompson,
KIN'1'.t t 1. ('ENTRE
Firstetasa honors -Marion Cowan,
am the next morning. That after -
JulySate Clearan
tremendous interest to all women who want
high quality and fine sewing at a price that's
exceptionally kind to a holiday budget :
Young Men's Sport Suits
Tailored of Good Tweeds
(lave hall licit, pleated back.
patch pockets. Sigea 35, 3fi. :t7
Two pair Trousers
• • •
Men's Flannel Snits
flood finality Flannels, well tail-
ored, in grey and fawn, having
extra pair Imagers
JULY SALES.. $13.96
• • •
Men's Sport Wear
Fine Wooi Sweaters, vest stele, in
white with black trim and ;1.9s
beige with brawn trim 7
Polo Shirts, in white and stripes
Ootton Pullovers, crew neck, short
sleeves, in eol(md stripes $149
Jacket Frocks
Sizes 16-20; 161/2-221/2. Regular $12.95
Pastel Frocks
Miser; 16-20; 161,2.221,2, Regular $!195
Linene Beach Suits
3 -piece Suits, halter tops of dotted broad-
cloth, shorts and jacket of lineise. Colors
green, blue, tan and brown. Sizes 14 to 20
—1 -"Shap Where pal; ore Invited to shop" Phone 418
('niteel church charges of 1.)ungannou
1.rederle•It Hess. Kathleen Koc•beme, and ('revue took phaco last Friday
Florence Miltelbolts, Edith Ottley, night. Res. W . J. Patton of Ash-
Desjardlne, Doreen Du-
field cin alt presided and addreevted
Margaret Ducharme, Audrey lbs people, and Rev. D. W. Pomeroy
Foster, Austin Hartman, Doris Jeffrey, of Nile addressed the minister. Yr.
Shirley Krueger. Dolores Mittelholta, I Fred \{`ainwright sang a mio, sad a
Elsie Sc•btlbe. )-tadtes' rtemt.Fe frier svrwvvliwtterl-a .uel•s-
The Hay Town'hlp Scholarships tion. lir. Turner preached his first
awarded annually to the pupils fromaeruuou herr to a Large eongre atlon
the township of Hay securing the 1O S°reday morning The servke !s
highest mark+ nn the eatnnte ezam• the evening was withdrawn owing to
Toulonwere won as follows: 115' anniversary eeeryfee In the Presby-
-Marjurie Mailma( 1 n Frederick hews I'
(2, Fwiith .. .- terlau church
Secondelase Irerrefi -Marjorie Bis-
sett. Eldon Bratttlf, Charlotte Dalton,
Donald Frayue, John MacKenzie, Jean
rea -
Pass-PAVi-Bork John )hstton,
William Drennan, 5$ward Gilmore,
Gordon Maearegur. Andrew MacLen-
nen. Helena Martin gahateth Martin,
-PetrF" eiop llR{t, mew W;aBase.,-. -
(3, Kathleen Kot•henis - .tiaaleerttary tienieea^-Carge cep- I
Appeals -Appeals against the re- greg,ulons attended the anniversary
sults of the ,high school entrance ex- services in the Yre•hyterha church
eminatiou must la forwarded to for last
tltr Sundas(rrekrr. )' preaching two pow -
afternoon and evening.
MI/41e wlncwl inspector. Mr, E. C Bea- when Rev. Dr. Kunnlwin of Toronto
cow? (ioderlc4i, before August 15th, and
MI/41e must be aceomtruied by the appeal rrhrl s•rmnns. in, the evening Rev
fee of 12, which la returned lu case T lt. Turner, the newly [ndueted Min
-a,pltgg,l Is (allowed Hier of the 1'lilted church, ?existed at
na&t hi .._.:! loi..,.. e,. a f . n
t'alted Church eireuit, by Rev. ('. W.
D. Coscns of Clinton, assieeted by Rev.
SILL July p Min Loll Feagap 1 A. Gardiner of Loodeaboro.
spent a few days last week with her Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stranghan
aunt, ]Srx. R. Ryan of Goderich.
--Mos Berwtw.-iaa.•-yj and Mr. gel-
I me ('l'-4• frets (`a
Alta.. on 1L.ndar and will spend their
vacation witiu t. ,-eves and friends
err., ••.. -
Mr. and airs. J,,. Grahaht of Port
Huron visited !art week at the home
of. Mra• Jas, Tabh,
Miss Elva Snell M Goderich is *prod.
Ing her holidays with her aunt, Mrs
Telford Nixon.
and family of Auburn vielted on Sun-
day at the home of Mr, and Mrs. W.
11. Campbell,
-Mfrs,' John-- ?rrwataa-a4d ttt..tw.
Freddie and Irving, of ;Iroquois Fails,
ate apendi this week With her she;
ter. Mrs It and f atp(Yhett. ' --
Mr. and rs. Alhert flunking and
,laughter Grace. of Detroit, 'pent
over the 4th with air. and Mrs. Wm.
('aster. Miss Grace Is rema(nIJg for
a few weeks.
itev, D. W. Pomeroy attended and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McVittie and
a'n'ted wllh thn iaduetlnn nervkws Mrs. McVItUP, sr., attended the fun-
Iset we'k ret Mt. (bleu* on Thurstlay- erel on l(ondny of the former'' hrotb-
evehing and at D)ungannon Friday
alis' Mary BoRte 'pent last week
with ter sister, Mre, Hervey Fuller
of (Zodprleh township,
Born --On Wednesday, July :t, to Mr
snot itrw., prank Hawkins, a daogh
ter. Coagratulatlonw
e ounpneel
theTheir playNil, "Tyheg ul4people Home PIseresc•e," IV
a very' apnre•tatire atrdie nee at th•'
strawberry festival at Union church.
((oderleh township, last Wedneslny
er-In-law, the late Thema' Lyon of
Hull*tt township. The sympathy of
the e,mmuntty la extended to 15e
bereaved friend);
Mrs. W. ,11. Campbell 'visited on
Friday with her friends, Missed Rob-
ertann of (ioxlerlch.
Mr. and Mr.. Bert Taylor and fam-
ily were gueats nn Sunday at the home
of their aunt, Mrs. J. Tamblyn of
Ifl►nnglas, misalnnary home on
furlough from Formosa, who le visit-
ing at her home In f.ucknow, was a
The mimeo solidity srhnnl P1(.11-• wee guest on Friday at the home of Mr.
held last Thnr.4a, alarms", et 1he and Mrs. 'toward (amplrell.
fieslerlrh Mummer Scheel ettP, with
gond attenAanrr holldaytng at the home 01 ber anni. An enjnyabb• tlrn,• was spent by th^
Young Pevb(d.i. v, tot ...by MT Mo tia Moine pla
Wing -
evening at a w,•iner resat held at The remth,, game pla M by Wds
ham snA WPstfiPld on Wed eed
Kits Jean 'lark of itamiltoe la
Rosie s Mesh. a ay
The Nil,' I.a li,.v' na11d .111 5014 a night was won by the vtstting team.
Score 1-0.
raspberry serial rep rrMay. July 2815.
on the church gronodw hopper fr Rev. L. Taylor and lire. Taylor of
0R. Program will hs given by ('hsrll,• tl'Fteatley vlstted last work at the
Pllerhy, chalk arrive, Salt. AAmle home of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Taylor.
sine Me and hs j Mtuar will ►re lila father, Mr. T. II. Taylor, returned
In tn111Y't 11,It tstglt the tonal. b VIhMfMy glib them.
lketal ieW sari Moa Re's. Jennint, an4 541,0.
Al Windsor. were week end goetts at
fhP homy of Mr. JenninR a parents, last week'a home being the first n*
Mr. and lira.. W Watdeu, dor the new prornartnr'hip. The "lig
Miss Marjorie Campbell, norm. In,- nal welebmee the newcomers to od
training at ratford- visited on Yuh:(L
fir1C' And, tenets that the relations
dee lows hey Mteeea,- Me. sad- Yea,1 esteteaa-_thea,,tao. Beau.-#BL--ppltiaei
W. A Cemtrbeu, i rn he :: tn,dlni as In the past_
c WES'['>la
WFMTF1F,i.D, Ta 9. -]env Hugb
W*tIami, foraMfy'4lf ' land (Jetted
-a(gt- 1a.
Altered into the sharp of the Auburn
favored with a solo; and a duet was
sung Hy Douglas McDonald, a a'ttdent
of Knox College, and Miss Melton-
. with 311es Peggy Mel bona hi
as a(Y'omlMnlst. At the evening ser-
flee Mi.. Miry Douglas of l.tl, know
ang a auto. as did also Mr. Harvey
1444 nc-7rlgellsa.-R. J. L'httupa ad An +
bur° as necompnui.-.t. A *Wendt('
freewill effcring wag received,
_ W. H. S. Moetingr--)fru THeli ...><r•-
1Vhbnner, Crewe. gave her home for
the ,tuts mr•etiug of the W.M M. of
the Presbyterian church. Visitors
were present truth Port Albert, Crewe
and Ashfield. The vice-president,
Mrs.' J. Bennett, presided, Mrs. J.
Meitae.ot Ashfield read the Scripture
Iesoon, the RIM Palm. Mrs. A. J.
$hzip.on of Kintatl gave the Indian
version of the same Psalm, and Wes
McWhinney gare a Scripture talk On
It which was written by Miss Moser
of Brussels. The offering we. re-
eelved and Mrs .1. Men/try of (•revue
offered the dedicatory prayer. Who
Beth McDonnell of Crewe gave •a
reading. "The Inst Amen.' and solos
were sang by Miss Mary McKenate,
Ashfle•ld, and Donald Rosa. Miss
Margaret Mettenzle of Aahileld gave
a splendid- address on "Mission Rand
Work " Mr.. Molise gave a reading
on "Communion ih.ya In Ross-ahlre."
Mrs. Menary spoke a few words nn
behalf of the visitors. The meeting
was closed by repeating the Lord's
Prayer b+' unison; after which lunch
WOO s'ned hy the hostess,
f%hnet mnslr as it erns off the press,
and all mnsieel snppites. CAMP -
OHM'S tJltt'G R7Y1Rp;.
The (klatericil Star has been purr
ebaeed hy Mpssra. Wilkes and Stew
art, late Af The Midland Free Press
Ryes Examined Gismos Fitted
$- A. LLD
Registered ogdessetrlst
117 years In Mtrstford), at
muiruti'irvd'a eiv:+Si j tttt4,1 a I
"satisfaction tit Moderate cost" I
Note of Thanks
from Burlington
(Oot•tlaned from pap 1)
Association as arranged w•'.h the
council, and that one cur of asphalt
primer had been ordered from the
Imperial Oil ('o. and one car of road
tar from the Currie Product Ltd.
The special and relief committee re-
commended one week's holidays for
the chief of police and sergeant, and
a second week if they will pay for
substitutes. The pollee had been in-
atrut•1et! to enforee the hylaw against
riding bicycles on the eidevialks and
against 51(•ycle' going the wrong way
on the Square.
The water, light and harbor commit-
tee recommended that a sunshade, or
roofing on posts. approximately 15ft,
he 211*., be erected on the bathing
These reports were all adopted. In
connection with the report of the fin•
ante committee there wee _i _pito,
fruitiest discussion on the question of
bonds, but the committee's proposal
finally was adopted.
Town's Interests Preteetd
It was a hot night, and the pro.
eeedfngs were rather listless until
Councillor Ilucktns opened up again
on Me matter of the late tax collec-
tor's .hortage. The majority of the
eounell, however, were satlsAed with
the manner In which this was being
handled and refused to he budged
His Worship stated emphatically that
the town's Interests were being fully
protected ..
Deputy Reeve Tents weaned per-
mission for the fire brigade to attend
J starch werrfce wflh other W)atern
Ontario firemen at Kincardine 'oa. _ - -'-_
Sunday night, on condition that ample
provision be made for fire protection
In their alaeenep.
Slay Mace Bolton to
compliment the local fire-fighters on
their showing in the Dominion Day
parade. He thought they were the
best -dreamed lot of then In the; parade,
eeepecially with the red roam "'they
wore on their teat lapels. (Tb rags,
we understand, were tie gift 1 `llir
T. H. Mitchell from itis Sae pedes
on South street.)
iTo iidttd* of Coonrtttors Craigte and
Bingham. It was decided to connate*
the gravelling of Elgin avenue to Bert
M,d)onald's pia.., the work to ire prn-
cerded with se soon as possible
Two bylaws were pat through -No
13, to' authorise the borrowing of
money to meet Interest on the O.W.
M.R. bomb', b', and No. 14. providing for
the exchange of bond. as recommended
by the Snanme eommittee
The mut„-Il then went Into mmmlt.
tee of the whole and discussed the
agreement with the GoderIeh Salt
Company for the sale of the Sfaltland
road plant of the ntd liwtiemtl Skip-
hinbuilding Co it wa• decided also In
committee to purchase 100 feel of
fire hose from the Gotta Per•ha Co.
— It*H --
1•LCIRAF<PAniTsanehigt (p
quality and low in prise.
loll trill find flrat ela..v
In our stock of
11'e p zeitively mve you money
W1t Blackstone
On the Renadway of (ioder4eh
Every thread of mrd, every pro-
restwd layer of rubber, every
birch and detail In their fabrl-
motion are selected and inspected
HMO and again to Insure the De-
prndahillty that sets our Tittete
apart In motorists' popular pre-
ferenee. Yon eannot go wrong
with T'IERE TI rem The ezperl-
once of motorists proses it flatly!
butts retells Tire i)eaiern---
Pitons 241 Rayfield Road