HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1935-7-11, Page 3•e
The classified advertisements appearing
each week on page 8 are result -getters.
Buyers and sellers should make use of
this feature. Rates are reasonable and
we solicit your enquiries about this aer-
o Ice.
The Signal Leads the Way
The pasture In the far -away fields may •
appear green and prices of distant-adver.
tiled geode may be attractive. But why
take a thence't local merchants adver-
tising In The Signal merit your patronage
and you see what you buy.
- Develop the Ceatoudly Spirit
F. Ca-----awtreyCol "T.A in `ort aye
The 0.
Fire, Accident and Motor Car
Representative Landon Life
Insurance Co.
OSee:—Masonic Temple, West
Street, Godertch
Nelaoo Hill, Manager. 'Phone 230
J. W. Craigie
Insurance and Real Estate
Dominion, Provincial and
Municipal Bonds
Geo. Williams & Son
Fire, AeeMeet, AolasnMb find
General Insurance Agents
home 53
11 For Sale at Port Albert
Needy Wooded Cottage Lets
52 x 200 feet
.—Aloe Houses in Town—
/hem, mart
Fire Inenraaee
PLoae 292 Goderich
Defence Counsel
Liquor Charge Said to Be Wrong-
ly Laid under L. 0. Act—
Magistrate's Court
Three cases before Magistrate J. A
Makin' on Thursday last, wherein
two women and a man were charged
under the L.C.A. with being drunk in
a public place, were hoisted a week
when defence counsel, Frank Donnelly,
pointed out that the C.T.A. Is in force
in Huron county by a ruling of the pal of the road, Juk Somers.
Supreme Court. Harry Grace, of Stratford, paid $5
His Worship remanded the accused, and costs for speeding; Epps Trans -
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bell dud firs. Fred port, of Clinton, paid $3 and costs for
Littlechild, ld, all of straightened
so that the 'driving without • reflector, and Pat
the authoritieslmight 1* straightened out by
1 Morrison, of Goderlch, paid 810 and
the at Turouto. The wo I costs for speeding•
men were released on $50 ball, Bell eases d Wiagha�
being required to put up $100.
The three were occupauts of a earl At Wiugham on Thursday morning
driven by Jas. Steele,' of Goderlch,8130 was taken in on liquor charges
white was In an strident with Mayor ! against Wtngham men. Chas. Bondi
paid $10 and costs for being drunk at
Blyth on June 28 and $100 and costs
for having liquor is a public place on
June 29; Gordon MoLean paid $10
and costs for being drunk at Wing-
t:Ic;Irri-1:1t;1IT11 YEAR, NO ?A
�• was." said John "1 just MD for1NOJL4MP.LAITAUIEII
The lucident began with an arid -
meld between John and Welsh over
the wages paid the young man's Aster.
Magistrate Makin' tried unsuccess-
fully to impress upon Welsh the ser-
iousness of the offence.
"1 tbuught if you told a man to get
oft your property three amps you
could shoot,' said accused.
"So you eso, but you are Mable to
be hanged for it," retorted His Wor-
Welsh was found guilty of the of-
fence and bound over in the sum of
$200 to keep the peace for a year. He
paid costs of $15.70.
William lavers, a transient, was re-
manded a week for sentence on being
found guilty of stealing $5 from
Wenlge'a car, of London, at Hensen
last week.
Steele, who bas a steel arm and a
wooden leg, pleaded entity to charges
k d I i being intoxicated
and Real Estate Buts eau
Town and county proper't1M
listed for sale or rent
Agent for De Laval Cream
Separators, Milkers, and
Canadian Steel Farm
—"SERVICE" is our Motto—
Mae 2e$ Hamilton Street
Coroner's Jury Hears Evidence in Investigation of Tragic Death at
Henaall—Fateful Wound Inflicted in a Scuffle Brought on by the
Young Man in His Parenta' Home—Death Follows Operation in
the Seaforth Hospital after the Patient Had Lost a Great Deal
of Blood
Seafot'fh, July 5.(London Adver- Charles M ltvuell, since the death of
Ills wife s,•me years ago. During
that time he had no regular empioy-
meut. -
Cruwn Attorney 1). E. Holmes, of
Guderich, examined the witues'ee be-
fore the jury, while James Morley of
Exeter repreeeuted the McDonell fam-
113. On his request, the usual pro-
tection of the court wits r; 'MtT
s give-
dred Mcl)onell when she testified.
D. H. H. Ross of Seeforth told
of Ole result of his autopsy on Mc-
Dojiell'e'�body. He found a wound
on the left wrist, extending from the
back toward the base of the thumb. -
11 had beeu sewn up in the hospital.
The doctor learned that ,Milonell
had had a heavy meal before be was
injured and found be died from a
tiger report).—After hearing the
tragic detallr of the life and death
of Allan llcDoneli, sun- of a promlo-
eut Hensel' family, u .curoner'r jury
here this afternoon freed from all re
apuuaibllity in connection with bit
fatal wounding his sister,.__selWee
Mel onell, aged twenty-three.
Reached in little over i'altau hour,
the jury's verdict red:
"We, the ju;ora, find that the said
Charles Allan MC,ueil came to his
death trout food lodging in the trachea
(at the windpipe) fo;lowing an op-
eration and while still under an
"The operation was necessitated ,by
an injury to the left wrlat 'received
of Arun runt.
and driving without a permit. Ten ham, and Alex. Forsyth paid $l0 for
days concurrent cm each charge was being drunk at Blyth.
the sentence.
Andrew Smith, former salesman for CHOIu BOYS HAVE PICNIC
the Stedeibauer used car shop here, Point Farm was the scene of al;
was found guilty of stealing $39 trout quting on Wednesday of last week,
his employers, in that he ietalned col- when twenty-three choir boys of St.
lecttbns of $20, $1S and $4. A. It. George's Anglican church assembled
Stedelbaaer, of Tlllsonburg, asked for there for a Dicnle. Rev. A. C. Cal -
clemency for the man, and His Wor- der. who was In charge, was assisted
ship suspended sentence for a year. by B. A. Munn, church organist, and
Smith dented having kept the money, several church members. and
and even described tete oecasions on ruder a blazing sun, games
which he handed over the collections sports were enjoyed on the beach and
to his superior, A. E. Stedelbauer, sop In the water. A team of boys de -
of the head of the firm. feated the men 14-18. in asoftball
Doesn't Retiree Aeensed's-MIsry - ---same. maw was umpired by
"i want you to know Ido not be -Calder. and after a program of races
neve your story." His Worship' told and contests a picnic supper was
(Smith. **You heartily enjoyed.
You probably are hiding to • The results of the events were as
certain extent behind your wife and (ellow's: Bunning race to the water
children, hut 1 will auspeud sentence _Ted Munn, Mould Shore, Don Wel-
West Street
Electrical Appliances,
Electric Wiring of all
Estimates gives oa application
Telephone 84
fur one year.
ter; 75 yards sw'lm—Phil. Calder,
A non-support charge preferred by Chester McNeil, Billy Drew; 100 -yards
Ills wife was adjourned a week, swim—Jack Freeman, P. Calder, Peter
Walter ; wheelbarrow race—E. Walter
and Ernest Kneeshaw, P. Calder and
H. Shore, C. McNeil and Don Thomas;
ball throw—Bob Reid, C. McNeil, H.
Illiosa:shroad lumbiab—P. Calder. Jack
Baxter,• Ci McNeill; sack race—Pill t,aid.
Smith being released on his own ba':
of $100.
Prank Welsh, McKillop township,
knew what he was doing when he
ordered Joe Connolly and his sM n'tnephew.
gun, but.ke did not realize the at'r-
vT foulness of the action. The Conn°,
lye charged him with pointing a fire-
"l just wanted to scare them," said
]tank in court. "The gun wasn't
all there and hasn't been used 1n
thirty years."
"But bow were the Connollys sup-
posed to know that?" Crown Attorney
Holmes asked.
Didn't Take Any Chanes
"1 couldn't tell what kind of a gun
t marriage_ut_ Mks Carol Graham,
Mrs. Moss. Frederic}un, N.B., to Dr.
Geoffrey Neville Paterson -Smyth, son
of the lute Ven. J. Paterson -Smyth,
Archdeacon of Montreal, and Mrs.
Patersou•Smy'th, took place June 28th
Ip•,fhe l'resbyterluu church, Montreal
West. The bride was barn in God --
etch, while her father • riew minister
of Knox church here.
"The depression has taken en awful
lot of stare!' out of the stuffed shirts
that used to parade along Mialn Street."
—Sinclair Lewis.
from a knife In the hands ut Mildred f shutting off of air from his lungs, by
McDonell at Heucall un.June 29th. vomiting.
'The said wound .was inflicted in Contributing causes of death, Dr.
kelt-ds ncE Russ Bald, were loss Is
of blood. 'rtial
•.De* h tool, Op,• at the Scott anaesthesia and "a certain degree 01
Memorial hospital 4 irafortb) on the alcoholism.":
Fend Stuck in Windpipe
lir, Volutes brought out the L4,t'
that a person under an attaestheti,
has not the same control over b.•
reflexes which would allow him t.
cough up any foreign substance. iu
retired, prefacing het remarks by de- this case it stucklut the base of his'
windpipe, causing him to smother. Ittl
Dr. G. R. Collyer of !Hensen, as- ;
auelated with Dr, Ross in Performing
the post mortem examinatlOn, corn0-
1111-" findings:
1)r Collyer said that at 11- ocloek
night of June 29t1, 193.1
"We, the jury, etta,h no'hptrne to
auy person or persons."
A Dil1l'et*tg Story
Dr. F. J. Bnr*Sws. ,Droner, brielly
reviewed the evidence before the jury
Glaring that tie -story of the accideut
as .related iy tie carious witnesses
Was probably illis..musr distressing be
had ever board.
"it la a story of a fatuity that it,
eminently respected i•c,r,4
state of terror for many :were by elle
who, a* many of nr 6,:,•w. had lila last Saturday night, the dead man
able qualities, but u:,s wayward," came Into hie office, holding a towel
Dr. Burrows statedaround his wounded wrist. So fast
As to the actual u.nmdtug of Mc- was the wouud bleeding that Dr I
Dunell on the vsraudab of their Hen- Collyer said McDonell lost about two
cupfuls of blood. which dripped to
the goer of the office while, he
(waited ouly about one minute as the
do•tu: prepared a tourniquet.
'Ile was aIle to walk out to the
car with assistance and 1 drove him
to the bumpiest Mess" Dr. Collyer
When you feel like a log and your
muscles Lite easily, it's more than
likely that wastes that shouldn't be
in your body are sending out poisons-
into your blood. At times like these,
take a bubbling, bracing glass Of
Andrews Liver Salt each day till the
trouble clears up. Then take an
occasional glass --once or twice each
weeks --and you'll stay perfectly sit
Get Andrews now. Small tin, 35e;
Large tin, 60c; Extra large bottle,
75c. Proprietors, Scott & Turner,
Ltd., Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Eng. el
Accident and SIMMONS
Goderieb, Ont. Phone 54b
Plumbing, Heating
Wit 11A\'t: I I•
Repairs for all makes of
stoves or furnaces
I'n nil7 ten.,. and
able prl,-es.
John Pinder
f lour 1. 7 1'. O. ROI 131
Every item has an appeal
with a Special'Peice.thrOwn in
The week July 12 to 1 T, inclusive
Pepsodent Antiseptic
Small 250 large 9$e
Medium 49e
tall home last tlaturday nlgbt, wit -
nester were agreell that It followed a
struggle In which he was the aggres-
sor. It was stated that immediately
before the fatal dash Allan had at-
tacked his mother, taco sisters and •
young .elan : who ,rye visiting there.
Defending hermit
Brew' ,-1;aldec• inaea_ieggeaLsase— It wag wbile he was rusbfag with Said He Fru on Knife
P. Calder and H. Shore, r. £bosses outstretched arms at hi's deter Mil- The doctor said ll asked flc1)onell
and -J. Freeman; one-quarter mile died a second- time that he was
running race ---J. Freemau, 11. Shore,
John Graham; rabbit race—Wm.
Drew, G. Harrison; quarter -mile con-
solation race—Basil Bradley, 1'. Wal-
• "We most seek to activate our pri-
vate economic mectenism, not to sub-
stitute a political mechanism."—Hugh
8, Johnson.
The Canada. Temperance Act
and the Ontario Government
"A clever woman can always make
a "Rieman of matrimony, but, of course,
Many women are hopeless fools."—
Gertrude Atherton.
Lawn and Verandah
We have as assorted deck of
Lawn and Versadsh Gain,
also Gliders
Deck Chairs
from $1.25 up
All have attractive stripe
ticking. Select yours while
the choice is good.
LJ. R. Wheeler
Fu meal 1)ireeter and
Furniture iealer
Hamilton Street %darish
IRTOES: Mors 3115: Rea M
A. T. Cooper, Clinton, Ont.
Now that the Supreme Court of
Canada has decided that the Canada
Temperance Act is in force In Huron,
Perth and Peel, and will remain In
force until voted out by the people,
these counties are vitally interested
In what action the Ontario Government
w111 Wks regarding the thirty-four or
atolDt,J,1:tlipriti ve been is-
sued illegally In 1 ee� m—ties lrhTi
Introducing the C.T.A. in the Domin-
ion House In 1878. Senator Scott Is
provision for these counties In the
following paragraph:
"Section 68. Nothing contained in
this Act shall be construed as inter-
fering with the operation of the Can-
ada Temperance Act applicable to any
part of Ontario and no Governmeut
store shall be establlshed and no
authority for the sale of liquor shall
b4' lieu nnddPT81L itePlif '*' seas
clpallty In which the Canada Tem-
perance Act has been brought into
quoted as saying: 'There are con- force and is sti11 in force." •
siderable sections of the country In October of last year an appeal
where a large majority of the people was _made to the Ontario Government
are Impressed with the belief that so- to cancel these beverage'room•authori-
elety would be very much better with- I ties, but the Premier refused to do so.
out the use of intoxicating liquoret-
that If it were banished from their
precincts crime would dee reeee, and
they and their neighbors would enjor
better health and morally and physi-
cally would be superior if deprived
of the use of that stimulant.. In
such sec•ttons 1 believe the people are
entitled to prohibition if the majority joined with the liquor forces and the
desire It, because the traffic In lntoxl- Province of Quebec to trying to pre -
rating liquors is not like the trade In vent the E.T.A. from again being
any other artiele." Such a eommun- bronght into operation. so that It
By Is the county of Huron, where on would appear that they have definitely
the last three occasions when Die allied themselves with the liquor
people had a chance to vote the dry
majority has been from seventy-five
to eighty per cent. Huron did try
to vote dry through the Provincial
Ioes1 option method during the years
1910 to 1913. but although they could
get a majority - In every municipality
they were unable to overcome the
handicap of the sixty per cent. which
was Imposed by the Government and
approved by the liquor interests, so
that twelve of the twenty-six munici-
palltles still remalned we. The
county local option method (Iet such
is the Canada Temperance Act) was
then voted on and brought into fore's
1n 1914, and no liquor was sold legal -
17 for twenty years,' or from the time
the O.T.A. came Into fern until .holt
a year ago, when her authorities
were given by the Ontario Govern-
ment illegally, as contended try Yee
drys, and now proved by the Supreme
(lnnrt derision. Thee theee man-
tle* were quite sstlMfied to here the
C.T.A remain anapeneled as 1t had
been liner 1990, provided the sale of
Ilgnor was prohibited within their
borders The Government's own
in•s, '"rhe 1,Igrwor (control Aet," makes
wounded by a br, ad knife which Me
held In her head.
Allan McDlnc•;; was thirtyew
years old and a widower with oto
daughter, sevtu Sear old Patsy. 'They
Lived with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
what bad happem'II and he replied:
1 fell downstairs; fell on a knife.
It was my .own tdbtt. f left the knife
there. it was a square -handled knife.
1 have :' little eat on my beet. I
(Continued on pap 6) -
Foe -Puli"b
Sal Haptatlea.--carie• Bestirs, Inc and 25e
reg. $1.40. tar $1.19
Eno's Milt Salt, LYSOL, small, 29e
Large 79e Small 19e
dad talte. eondomed,
Andrew's I.ieer Salt
Small 29r Large 59e
English health Salt Prlrsodeet Tooth
Large ran :19C
Kkoyah Health Salts Paste, 39e
Colgate's Shaving
Stick Refill, 15e
35e. 50e
Flesh Candy Every
'4-1h. 25e 148. bee
Chase's kidrrr) and
Liver Pills. 29r
Soaps— l'olgale s
or W'IlllanVi', Se rake
Large Bottle 25r
Bathing Caps, new
styles, 25e. 39e, 49e
Tooth Brushes, reg-
ular 25e, for 19e
Betgbtw Health Salem
Phillips' Milk et Mag-
nesia, lame, 40e
Lauder's Campbell's Dunlop's Wigle's
Drugstore Drugstore Drugstore Drugstore
When warned by -(pe drys that they
would appeal to Ottawa, to have the
of Um C.T.A. lifted. Prem-
ier Hepburn sold, "Go ahead; we will
not put one straw in your way of
bringing back the C.T.A." However,
when the matter was up for argument
at Ottawa, th6 Ontario Goveo nment
forces. The Ontario Government
have therefore forced the people of
these counties to fall back to the de-
fenee of the C.T.A., In order to keep
out the sale of liquor, although fhey
were quite satisfied to remain as they
were previous to Angnst, 1904. As
to the C.T.A. beteg constitutional.
there is no question, as the Privy
Council In June, 1802, finally estab-
lished the fact that the Parliament
of Canada has power to prohibit the
liquor trafAc.
The C.T.A. 1s a well-written law and
a very effective piece of legialatInn,
and when elven proper enforcement
has always been effective in cnrtail-
ing the liquor traffic, and while every-
one admits a Provincial problbltfoe
law would he preferable, the C.T.A.
in the hest available law where •
large dry area in desired. The Pro-
vincial Government mak enforce this
law jnst as it does the esimfnal code
er any other Dominion law. As
further evidence that tie law U ef-
fective, It ham had the opposition of
the liquor interests ASM at the pr's -
sent time these forces are otpatese
to prevent tts forting, adoption. ,.
GOING VACATIONING sown? Start out in a
new Master Chevrolet and assure the success
of your holiday plans! You travel smartly in this
aristocrat of low-priced cars. You travel dependably,
economically, care -free. And best of all, y
in Canada's most modern low-priced automobile—
the only car in its class with the safe new Turret Top
bodies by Fisher ... with Knee -Action front wheels
with Cable -Controlled Brakes, Blue Flame
Engine and Fisher no -draft Ventilation! Your nearest
,ilei can make -immediate delivery of your new car
Call in and see him today. At the Moo time "-
look over the new Standard Chevrolet, the lowest -
priced fully equipped car on the market. Easy
GMAC terms.
THE TURRET TOP ... the newest, safest automobile body
oonstruction known. The roof of the car is one solid, seamless
sheet of deal—esiendinq down to steel sides and a steel floor.
A richer Body advantage, offered only on the Master Chevrolet
in its prim' clans.
KNEE -ACTION . owners and engineers both agree, you
meet have Knee -Action front wheel. for the ultimate in riding
easel Only the Master Chevrolet in the low -pricy field quves
Knee -Action plus balanced weight
BLUE -FLAME ENGINE . . . Chevrolet's latest development
d the famous valve -in -head six -cylinder engine. �a d eeconomy
and dependability—along with power end pedP
Chevreiet beMre--ies+mootb, emtahssd• posinve_brirking under
all conditions. -
FISHER VENTILATION . . the proved, built-in No -Draft
system pioneered by Chevrolet. Actually cools the car interior
in hot weather. C -195C
Dalfvered, tuft equipped. at I•ctorr. Oshawa, Ont.
Freitht and Oeeerownent license only infra.