HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1935-7-11, Page 2w •r s. -+Thursday, July lith. 1935 sera ossum lass OODERJOH : CANADA N.ws.r of O•.. ne w N•wspMs Published every Thursday morning. lubscriptioa price $200 per year; KM if pia in uScanx• THE SiGNAL PRINTING CO., LTD. Telephone 35 (loderloh, Ont. W. H. Ros>otTsort, Editor and Manager will have to burry before the ground Is all occupied. • • • ezt holiday Is civic holld*7, then) Labor Day, thea Thanksgiving, then Remembrance Day and then Christ- mas. --Clinton News -Record. And thea begin all over again. • • • The probable election date has been -week, 'tn •September 23rd. Anyway, it is almost certain the ballots will be counted before Chri't man Thursday, July 11th, 1933 "NATIONAL" GOVERNMENT Although there is a definite move- ment in favor of a so-called "national" Government, it does not seem likely to make much progress --tor tbe pn sent, at any rate. The test "national" Government, by the way, 1s a misnomer. Every Government we have in Canada under our elective and representative igen tem 1a a national Govertunent chosen by the votes of the nation. What is in the miuds of the promoters of what is called a "national" Govern- ment Is a coalition Government -a ()nim' of leading sten of ail parties, togettlug their party dlferencee, usual- ly with a view to the furtherance of • • • more. or leas definite undertakings - such as Confederation In 1867, the pro- Atter several years of desceudite eecution of the war in 1117. levels, the Great Lakes *fp show wing inion. The objective •1 the present move- i tendency to the opposite went might be wW to lie the defeat Perbspe we have moved out of a of the depression and the bringing back dry cycle" and are entering upon a of prosperity. The trouble is there "wet cycle." Rainfall, not only local - is nothing definite or distinctive about; ly but over the continent. than teat. b� n the methods of winning khis objective.1dednitety greater• s Every party wants to overcome the! • depression, and each party has Its own I Judge Owens of Bruce county, dur- set of ideas as to how the end te to bei ing the hearlbg of a municipal assess - accomplished, and under present ctr- went appeal case the other day, ad- cumstances we cannot see the slight- vaned the view that Improvememutts t eat prospect of getting the various properties should not be pr d by party !wade together In one council increased taxation. Councils should ' room. The (Aneervative party turas advise their assessors, be stated, not been in omce for five- years, and evi- to raise the assessment of those who dently is not to be entrusted with au- are improving their properties by until recent- erecting new buildings or repairing ly other term_ Mr b • member of thhee Conservative ervative Gov- [Mir levstprtt equipment_ Excellent if it may not be strictly ernment, has brought forth plans for advice -ween business reform upon which he is In accordance with the Assessment asking the support of the electors; Act. If the tax on improvements would be but he has not the confidence of either were abolished theren. Mr. Bennett, the Conservative leader, derful impetus to building operations. or Mr. Mackenzie King. the Liberal chief. The C.U.F., which has still in the House of CCombmon er [Dicast w� other plans to make Canadians happy, W. H. Golding ins[ the large uth L out of favor with all the other par- Huron, protested against ties The Literal`, who confidently amounts paid to couneel and witnesses expect to control the House of Com- in the price spreads investigation. The moon alter the ap9reeCh ng election, total cost or the tewmlwlon, It was believe they hold in their hands the stated, was about $475•x- . remedy toe the national Ills, and se. Golding raoressotr a conatituanc7 of cordingly they will have none of a farmers and townsmen who work hard coalition. t So where lilt union Government to be formed? A long statement In behalf of the League for National Government points to some of the pressing national prob- lems which call for solution by recit- ing facts which everyone recognises: Thet governments are *pending more than their revenue and the country le twine plunged ever Inose deeply into • • • A scientist declares that the Amery' can continent is slowly moving went ward. We thought we had noticed things were rather unsettled the last few years. A Dray Editor, -T was much interested ty de in a recent letter from Mr. And e* (rein the unto° • Porter regarding the ueed Perth tory of the county of Huron There January 1. ^A Lid Bruce uuloo wle- is an excellent history of Perth, John- tion lacreaad t an Act of Pav- gl(lase referred to by Mr. Perrier, and Itaweut was sago. to form a pt vl- �.� slow)owing county a"gait , C Bruce, but Brut`' oma .a "W wtlesr4 '-L' to .34 l� . w: ,r'8a Ito I(+C!- by Mr. Norman Robertson, who lived 1 Bon of the ce atJ toe() and consequent when I delay 1n er•ettug et it+e county build - he w•as appointed county treasurer oration t om tin taouuty' of Heron was and moved to Walkerton. These two I completed. �lo�•lawrtlon of the p uovernor.Oes dissolution took histories will be helpful for to the (three Witt, and Bruce historian of Huron, the place December flat. 1' munlcl- countles had much in common in the was a separate, Independentwith early days• panty from Jury 1. 11197, Mr. Robertson during his long term Walkerton tis tfle rouuty town. as county ofikial in Walkerton had • • • • • special facilities for gathering -coater- M1SCIILI l+fi:(,GS ITEMS An exchange tells of a pig over dal, being In touch with all tarts of The tern '11• Queen's Bush' was Fle•berton way that lived ave weeks the county. He Is now living ie commonly applied o the unsettled tired ia Walkerton. and it was m7 lauds to the noir* of the Huroa dis- without a ifll- Thothardlyhim a short visit worth publishing. Think how many great pleasure to pay trlct, the larger Nrtirru of which altl- last week, five days after he celebrated mately comprised the oeunty of Bruce. humans you ver who have lived his uinetieth birthday. Ile retains In 1531 Capt. .t'ex McGregor of t,rirly lung liver without a heart Goderich, sailing saving the islands mach of his mental vigor and he to the north, tater ►oven as the nab - ['liked • • •['liked In Interesting fashion of hls -In my ()pinion, Rt. Hon. Mackenzie experience in preparing over a per- Ing Islands, dlae-.'rr,l abundance of fish, and became the hounder of the King will be the next Maeprb iia in ef ,Theiod urwsety eeeueUf teu years dc000peratedeg gear- pebing lad0.117. . .. ads;' said Miss Agnes ouelY with hie tun' Ute book was pub One of the early settlers of Klncar- eawpalgu meeting la her riding Mo°' I lisped In 1809 by Wm. Briggs of Unt dine district, Miller. was driven dal night. The only lady member has Methodist Publishing Ho at $250• +rich in Feb- Vee over the ice Gest' reached the same couclustuu as most Copies of it are now scarce. but it ruary, 1849, hts father, mother was my peat fortune recently to se- and aunt, by Captain Thomas Dance, Feb - other people. cure a copy. of Goderlch. ! hike the liberty of giving some lu 1`154 Hon. Win. rayl', was re- turned as member ,,1 Parliament for Huron and Bruce over .Tbomas MF Queen. editor of The Huron Signal. James Dicksoa was representative for Huron and IQ in 1.etS. s t•' With the Ing of ihr Goderlch on June _'+th, 1854, a dally mall was established to Kincardine, which was carried on horseback from Goderlch. 1838 was the year of the great crop failure. Aeeagdltg to Mr. Robertson's recollection, Id ,Main fie:! between June 23rd and Angaut ctrl, ' There wet great dffilraas la Bruce and au Act of Peritoneal was OS" In Iamb' 1550. to rains debentures 8.'100 pounds eurrest',, fin furnish relief sad supply sed gran and provisions. London. J+t11N ELLIOTT. extracts from it, which may be iator- estluc to Huron county readers. • • • District organisation preceded coun- ty organisation. The first meeting of Huron District Council was held Feb ruary 8th, 1442. The first warden was Dr. Wm. Dunlop. Y.P.P., and Dan- iel Limas wee the first municipal clerk of the district. - • • • An Act of Parliament dividing the district of Huron into three counties. Huron, Perth and Benet., came into force on January 1. 13.50. On January . 1450. the first ses- sion ea sion of the council of the nnited coun- ties of Huron, Perth and Bruce was held In Goderlch. Dr. Wm. Chalk of Tuckersmith was elected warden and STEVENS TO FORM AND LEAD A NEW PARTY IN FEDERAL-%FFAIRS (Continued from page 1) during the campaign to be both Ben- nett and Stevens men. to take a two Mr. Bennett plans weeks' holiday by the w-aelde, while Mr. King will retire to his cesatrl place at "Kinpmere," in the Gatineau hills near Ottawa, Bennhe will then his eampa gra return to Ottawa to reorganise his Cabinet and make some forty-three im- portantding for whatever they get• and *4T ,000 teen enaftorship., beforeaano seven- for g would repreoent the earnings o eery the actual date of the election. Fully man in the constituency for a good ath1131f- e ize canhanges will ger mehe n adetln n many days. Canadian Parliame'wta I party are a hedulei to get the call for have got Into the habit of spending I prefermentmoue, freely, and u Mr. Golding eaThe New Wheat Beard doing good public service In making Sluc•h revised -from its original form, his protest losiug to the evidence given before • • • _ eat , omtaittee and the In last week's issue of The Clesle7 work of the three Liberal members Enterprise Editor MacDonald recalled uWhHEt Bard d wits estup by Partiae D debt: that over t million people inthatit was forty-four years 'ince he men[ during its last week. It is a half of ihr Setmte tgaal and Inde Harold Gardner, Herb. Johnston Canada are on relief; that the Cana-Ipurchased and became editor of Thu board of three to replace Job. 1. lie- �proclant author tr of the Hoare of i�� Doug. ,,•Neil did a fionriehinz dtan National Itailwetx are adding Enterprlee. in a brief but in nest.! Farland, former Government [agent, I Cuht:"Orns in all Inea.ore* whether or Ibusisess. After supper, a _play. "The review of his activltiee during', to diapme of the. eareyuver 01 27ii not thy emt,ra.ed Government iolicy• Ito i % Per s was Drolay, - by yearly to their lndelrtelnesx -and •o log I p aside, of emit..., from mensnres for Nile. TLe OM those years he observes: "We love million buin- shels this ed Ithe young tienDle was our profession and would sooner Ise a tertering T I the Anaidng of taxes. players took their parts exeeptionall) I° not s single instance is there any�erop of 4(10 million bushels. The tntervi.•w given b7 Sir Edward toned will not Ley any 'p'ig's ' as Beatty of the 1. P.11 In England der- weep and held the attention of the manner in this statement, of the humble scribe than become a million, 1 Mr. McFarland diel so extensively; overfiuwtng audience throughout. lie - well, in whish these problems nes fire In an aculation where we.watWl tug Itc week, predicting that Can- tg tea„ rk, pea will be unified t'o'es acts, the audience wee enter - statement to be worked out; indeed, there L the MA ba 11 of oervl. of doing p+oe permittedto Grain cinntgperntiuo whatever talned with readingts and instrumental i within thee.• yea n' time, numbers by members of the play, and that "the 'ague has coo• to a wide, field o[ sprain." These •re, perm the hoard wit! set a minimum I within Government colli. -4 Into power• brought price of something around (kl centsI Rev. D. W. Pomeroy. About $70 was tented itself with printing- Out the I the worths, not of * sentimentalist, but Llrom Sir. King file statement that tbe realized from the evening"" perform - nal o$- of a wise .man. Some people lite to' per bushel -to be Id to the vrodwe• __ e, without of . maruua..raatlo ,JN d .,...._ thnwweMaFa••d%iam,..1l•1*.,, 'a' •",g attitude of tin•' Liberal 1ppaarty n t hha tate. ..wU .r• R 1Ct .. be l� 'jee see-NeMa.•�e...--Slaadal«.. pros, easmaking any attempt to�othe more= r refect R provide a solution." Iothers, like Flltnr MacDonald.. P the reserved right 10 share in .07 xuuot:,u it n• 0e on Pebreery n• Kt1 crr;inn I,cwig.. L.O.L. tiro attended sold tbe Beatworld's bring.; i 11►Li, m the Toll that "the Liberal Divinere worship at Psion church. Is It not asking rather too much o[ to be usretul. eA°d a hundred Jeers higher etd irliprice l . sold which the wheat hrf ith para- stand- f r the maintenance of Gathering at the w Itcrl, and headedh' the electors to propose' that they go; from now. when *omelrod, turns rap' keb. Mr. Bennett *fated with f the Integrity • f r C.N.R.t a public- by the panel, tbe members, accom- church' blindfold Into a movement of Ulla the record, he will find that William, marked emphasis' that the present controlled ser - i ly ow'rel and publicly ranted by Orangemen from Goderlch, supermen who MacDonald was eviltor of The ('heal', I surplus will rant be sold at "fire sale" 1 arekint Where are the vice." Bayndld and Clinton, marched to the aro to lift Bennett to noda out of the Logi If Enterprise fat halter eeutnr,, ted Del+es, but will be diepann of in a Mr• Hensen. .n an Interview here i church and while Mrs. Harwood played fJmre, alt not be a word about the leisurely a d ordeoryrly se morwpoU hetic { this week, do lin d to make any com- I the Dnxen*looal IGlori■ la d pia els, ifr. move t not to be uncalled sad. millions. ._ who made the m1111on±. umTF+' meet nn the i..-ihllity of a National I t,rnm Mnsart s 12th -coria the cora oc• the movement would be uncalled for chap features of the trill are not to be en- en Iwt the central pews Rev. Bro. rt 4ia toefidence in tD►+wasa -dart of them I0.. found • hne unless the tmoatd find' at oeces- I O°•ernn ont t»•int torsed. Mr. Klug , D leaapoasopark, un to somerrmc r trttrhntic In stating that We F. R. • (•nit trry npkd the pRev. and t Prime Minister -1f Mr. Star- vital, or establish a miry to do The baa Rippe Liberals are .iz:cies[ any ouch move. the elude sercice wee in keeping ens falls short In their estimation, If thing worth while with his conn', on the ground that the recant expare' Following Monday's Regina riots, the Binns of the r'anadiaa electorate were !with the occosdcrn. Kr. Craik took the C.C.F. platform is out of the have 00 fi're's to you. Bill 'MacDonald -Fom'r, I espies - 'Commons debated that oilhi tiO0 ,all h1w tort from iealRh 32:17, 1S and all against (bra-rvative Governments. said In part: "When we.read oar Goa, and if the Liberals will no- a man! _ day TrreedaT• while ndmltting that Grist of w tomes nevrstaDere tale,, we find we haven't thing to do with a coalition -where or his life and his days dud green sad- r how is the movement to have any sae "µ-lista very long pair:" e' d' t Pd And so the six [menthe' *Pittston Is peace. If the Orange a tiociati0n and the young husband when the dessert detest by events at Regina. Mr. Ben- 'rasa! was serval. -WO really leer pig for agalnstreiterated Co Prnmenteformer ,feldingion tolhraee:l fhlietoll„w legislation llTaemplo,ment ouldProtestants keep theirthis obligations andat- appear Canada uot It_la possible -though it dcroe sty air•• Of rest -tight -bout day and 411 -hour and live godly lives, they would coon rylterr at all probable -that no part! ••� �d Pall loverPtirwo the end that the (toc�in=nf.f 1'tt�°Lisean organlbehind zed and :)octal Insura+ee Art; week!, day tend t0 their religious retsponsmbll fes will have a controlling majority In was the slror(est rhubarb 1 could find attempt at the lite of the country, week bill:. jultapaam wage bill;. change thing% We honor the flag. farther public If we go to Toronto, Winnipeg or the next house. In that ease some anywhcre� and we are not ped. to yield,'` $25works program who be in inv the nature of a would ratite eosin' Mr. Bennett declared. Mr. Guthrie works program std grmarantees to Montreal wee we many people c thing inevitable, and wool/ come oby a•"ViSTON as Minletet of Justice pointed out C.N.R. and t' S' It, for equipment pur- do not respect the Union Jack. There tbe Union that there were no bullets in the hol- chases; ('annaiaa Wheat Board hill; are prop who trample le spontaneous movement among the Little mother, were they blue? sten of the R.Clr.i'. men in Reginu bills amending the Weights and Meat Jack under their feet In Canada. members of the House. For the pre- Did tall hyacinth• bloom for you and thus no shots were fired. by them; urea Act, Criminal Code, Indaetriai When we get down to national life, Disputes Investigation Act Combine. it Is the individual that counts. What cont, the electors would do well to Soddenly, like a little boy Shots were fired by the strikers and I 'spu gtioa Petting bis hands over your eyes a the Regina city pollee, he indicated. investigation Act, the Companies' in an Orangeman for? Here Is what consider the policies and the records Act, and the setts n of a Trade and he sand* for. To love the Almighty. To all your heart with quick surprise. Mr. Stevens tel/ the Housebe he had 1� V of the various parties asking their Industry Comn l ion, the latter all An Orang:mtn must have faith In urged the Government some months T Price spreads and Jwwl.('heist, the SavMnr of the world, theft b and when the time comes mark Were the leaves past to Initiate a program of works subsequent to the pr1 their IwilOU in the way that they So many shades of early green' W mase buying I new Patent Act; and only mediator between, God and And did the bits of sky In Rritl.h Columbia to head off dls g ngnlry : between? content known to exist In the relief Farmers' Creditor" Ltreedereent.Act, man. iM we really believe ft? When Node will AO the most good Show jn*t a• hlwehlikebudget involving higher taxes on taking the obligation, did we say, 'I Were the da,s bright like thlst camp* there, but the OOrernment had1t rant taken his .4,105. hitter lncnmrs std downward reef- tate this obligation,' jest t0 w, ��'���, NOTES Littlehmother, h b you mon Antes Mar -Innis, Labor, Vancouver. Sion of t'nited Kiagdom tariff Items; oomethlnt? Your ohligatiOn In bind - Were The windy bPlsbtt I10 low mind fec•oom ie Council sea brain trust for Ing. An Orangeman mat he humane Living where you Hetet Aird and 511at a wish tl blamed the Gov -v-000,0110 made and mmlnnate. He must twist Con•erva[ive candidates will now he PrtrinPnl fns .handling the nfrikerci the Prime Minister'. 19(►, Nac Mimi p nenessltl et The forest nightt bahl rem*rktnt avaltable for Cauadlan Farm i,osa In the prdbotlon of the Protestant ender the embarrassing Do you mina the singing voices wifn*tinn, . It10(000. 009 Federal as- more t church. Man, srPwrnmeting It by declaring wai hether they are for Bea- Of the trees? that r Bennett himself had created Board loans homage; more Communion in Canada than any -oilstones. for ho gei authority to the their *Iweemr. They meat respect the tett or for Stevens. 110 fon hear the cher flowing..me el.e Governmentto torr•w up to $750,000.- S.bbnth. When King George was • • • Quiet day* like thee? Pa1'ty ManaanTve (400 to clear up ramp exhalingloans ernwneil King of England, the Arch- ant6.thuS reduce rotes; eatab Llshop of Cast•rbury sated him if he Some months ego. on a privatemem- exchange had anything to nay. and be said, '1 her's rewintlon intentio by d M Joseph IlShment of a Harris, t'em.ervativvj Toronto, that stabilisatlo revaluing Rank stand among Inn as onP who nerve** Ow operation of the Ottawa Imperial of ('"nod* gold rap; 'Creel -1411W TWIN flnngearm "rear v-aHse what i'onf'ronce agreements of 11012 merited ltd confirmed H comm grants 10 your obligation mean., That when a the approval of the Hew Se, those trent- fife different: exien*M 55 upas fir in spat you are one who Iso were debated for several Aa {the Radio g (tommiatAoa OPTTPR Af the lwd.Ide when he 1a - sflMli"ftia.,ire. R•tifueet 0,06.44all' Varela ell 4$t •*tical ick; and after death, pm visit hl* this private rPenlnflnn bo trims, 1 expvciusto W a ne a continual home, his widow and ehildrelr, and a OnvPrnment motion. Aesplte vIgef- 4f peblM nwnersbtp tit radio. APIC them In fare Bin setae' with ons disapproval hl the Literal& Mr. Bennett's faiths es. sustained by a narrow vets alt 11 1,, 49. Nothing more was beard •t the matter, how- ever, the Oweinmsent changing its mind andjest to forget about Mr. Harris' on Os Ibursda$ 11, most flattering terms, the (-moua and the Senate adopted an adds e[ appreciation to fly Earl of ABA W charm n•• Coatrtes r their services Bathing Suits Pure W*4. - -- 1 gar colors, halter necks, sun tan bask. pines �I 44. Complete to $1.95with newest bathing nap 25 to match. Each Silk Stockings Pure silk full-fashioned famous "Polly- anna" brand, new summer shades. 69cc Sizes 81/2 to 10. Special Chiffon "Pollyanna" Finest crepe "Pollyanna" 79c ;1.00 Bath Towels Half Price Heavy Jacquard weave in delightful fancy patterns and colorings. Size e 24.3636 Regular $1.00 each. On sale ... . Printed" Dress Crepes-- - `ilk and Rayon mix, in a large choice of patterns and summer colors. 36 -in. 69c wide. Special, yard "Jean Gordon" Dresses Made of guaranteed tub and sunfaat Prints and Vercaies, neatly i•riuu*ta < organdy or pique, buttons and ;1.00 buckles. Sizes 16 to 44. Special value Floor Covering PILTOL in 1 and 2 yards wide. Splendid surface and will give good service. 39c Special. at per square yard OONOOLZ11JM RDGS on sale, finest qual- ity, in several good patterns. Size 21z3 yards Size 314 yards ;4.95 $6.95 Men's Underwear Penman's double -thread finest Balbrig- gan, in - utbitration or two-piece. ;1.00 5� t„ 44 Per suit *Buttirick Patterns for August All in Stock W. ACHESON-& SON GODERICH TOn 1SHIP I young'. An Orangeman is to hove a hatred for "wearing. He is to love honesty. Integrity, obeervtng the Sab- 001)EB,ICi11 'TOWNSHIP. July 9- i bath day. bring temperate and follow - Mr. rad Mrs. Nelson Trewartha and ing the line of sobriety." During the Wllbelmlue, of Clinton. Mr. and I neer--- two duets were sung, ' Scatter Harold Gardner Nast Sunday this sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be dispensed at Union. Alt members - *aid adherents are cordially Invited to attend The July meeting of the W.Y.B. will be held on Wednesday. Ml& Mra Bert Trrwartha and Mr. and ' tea, of Kinder -ow" by Stases Y:•ther inly 17th, at the home of Mrs. d W. Mrs. S. 8. Melded', Orace and Mande. I,, .penin and Marlon Porter, and Harwood.' All ladies of the moire- of oagreof ilolmesvllle, attended the church "Never Alone," by Orval Powell and gutta are cordially Invited to attend. service at Inion on Sunday.apurchased - Mr. Wm. Sowerb7 n tits-` ea fats on the mrd eeaseeftloa--- 0 Misses Evelyn and Jean and Mae- ` zWITosis ter Gordon Anderson of IIantitOR are spending the holidays at the home of - r1wg'0 II O��O, IOC* their grandparents. Mr. and MA. RDC Davidson. the rates Friday evening softball team played with the boys at Camp Kttehlgemi. The store was 211`19 lu favor of the camp boys. Miss Mary Bogle of Nile is visit- ing at the home of Mr. and Yrs. Har- vey Fuller. Yrs R. Squires of Brucedeld is vtdting at the home of Mr. sad Mrs. ,O•o Sowaxbl.__4_ . i Misr neem.* Ports atiiiail lata recent picnic of Normal School grad - a14 repat l re In Can- nes at (toderich. vt a ada -.Wee April, 1911 Yr. Bennett Strawberry PestivaL-The straw- seiz••d the opportunity to brand as -wholly inaccurate" reports that Lord ijesslwroagh is returning to England before his term in up because of dif- 1 number turned out. The feren -es with His. Mr. Bennett ex- a goodly pained that medical advice was that tables were laid on the church laws the Countess of spassburuugh should , beneath the huge trees, and the waOla not vend another winter in Canada. presented a beautiful scene. c' Use SeaaM Asserts i � I diamond adjoining the was playb ed Govern- grounds, • softball iiia t'-_ Rt. Hon. Arthur Yeew 2 between Taylor'• Corner* and Union, upon Oaring In Cb! 13eaatlt telt tytlat resulting in the score of 15-5 in favor upon Oaring ihr week ti' talo oa lea 1Ra' of the home term. A booth in chart' berry festival held on Wednesday evening under the auspices of Union church way a most suceetsfnl affair. Although the weather was threatening. s�ere 11101 .1•.A v '1 tan tp• flee *,rs ttltflt -lie le AS weivultali 6110100*.a. I vootelegi0411:0340110 hav tesior ' a/►e'I MO:14ellt Spell Wit tot tv wsa� etre. 10011010d II: There U no such thing as a perfect _.11peatian1,,.4•elatea Dorpthy Die. Of NOM Uwe isn't; It there were. Moo would he pt a matai • • • jai, a"egetvattv417.7A.. C.c. F.. MiN1iai 0•••••••••••4 dr lilteven" noM„ ani mot. or NM Mood to f [fit Nr lase tela ti. . thief Little mother. 1 eon see Distant ptoePe In your eyes: tips/need hill. and Pop nine skies. 1 can feel the lovely land. i can nnderatand yonr words -s- ale -Ms of flowers. vivid hlyd., 45ead 'wept houses, snowy her ia. Little mother. (n jFiil 17(a i eta OPP a /latent place. Beatrice Holman CARELESSNESS Is TOO COSTLY! PASSING on a hill is just one form of haste .. • that craving to drive too fast ... which is altogether too prevalent in Ontario. The appalling number of motor aoddents in this province means a drastic cheek -up on reckless drivers. Public sentiment, speaking through the courts, will be increas- ingly severe towards unreasonable, thoughtless motorists. You know what you should do. How you should drive. So, for your own safety and that of others, drive carefully/ IT IS BETTER TO BE SAFE ...THAN SORRY MOTOR VEHICLES BRANCH ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ONTARIO THIS MUST STOP! Ila Ontario, daring 1934, thaws were nearly 10,000 awto- rsbile accidents. 512 p.oplo woe. kill.d ;-- . 8,990 p.opi.wan. injlur.d eon•wardi leers•. over 1933. it must M •+Weer - MIS Waddle Mahe that We ane' stops •