The Signal, 1935-7-11, Page 1The Signal Asks the Assistance of readers in making up the Personal Medias cOleMn. Let ire have the munee of your 'Units during the holiday maven. • AA a The Signal's Job Department prides itself on neatness' act:Limey and promptness. Give /t a Trial EIGIITY-EIGHTH YEAR, NO. 28 STEVENS TO FORM AND LEAD A NEW PARTY IN FEDERAL AFFAIRS Latest Development in Political Situation—New Party to Have Can- didates Throughout the Dominion—Conservative Members Lack Cheerfulness as They Survey the Prospects of the Coming Elec- tion—Review of the Session's Work (By J. A Hume, Special Correspon- dent of The Signal) Ottawa, July 8.—Definite announce- nsent by Hon. H. H. Stevens, former }Sennett Minister of Trade and Com- merce, that he will lead a new re- form and reconstruction party in tht coming Federal election puts an en- tirely new complexion on She current political situation. Mr. Stevens Ls certain to have many candidates &crone the Donalnion and some observers few days that Mr. Stevens might. con- ceivably, be the leader of the largest group in tbe next ParUament, or, in any event. bold what ts described as the balance of power. Of coulee, in July, 1930, failure of the Govern- ment thus far to achieve any specta- cular or even worthwhile reciprocal trade treaty vsith United States; and voluntary retirement of twenty-five or more _members, who, for one reason or &nether, are nut even offering them- selves again as Government candidates the election. lisomett Will Stick "111 die in harness, rather thaw quit now," Prime Minister Bennett is credited with having told his follow- ers In caucus Friday morning just a few hours before the Earl of Bess - borough prorogued Parliament, per- forming that function for tbe last time in his capacity of Governor- General, since he is scheduled to leave Canada late in /September. To a clue -Alcor by Mr. King, Mr Bennett replied In tbe Commons that time alone will tell. tee election will be held just as soon On the fact of it, Mr. Stevens hav- as the necessary election machinery lug been tn outotanding Conservative CUD be made ready. This can hardly be befOre August 28 or September 18, member of Parliabrent for the past _twenty-four years, it is to 1* ex- pected that his candidates will draw more support from the C,onservatIve than frum the Liberal party; though nesday, Mr. Bennett told the Commons he regretted the condition of les it must be admitted, too, that Mt. heart these days prevented bin' from Stevens has bullt up • personal foe tic par ipating in "the rough and tumble however, a• the voters/ lists have to be printed and twenty-eight deys' no- tice of voting day must t* given. On his stxty-fiftli birthday on Wed - lowing across Canada in the past year among all political parties. Many Censervative members...1n .111 - cent weeks have been strong 8 men, behind Use acmes, tterugh Prtnre Minister lt B. Bennett, betimes of his forceful personality snd biz brilliant leadership qualities In the closing weeks of tbe session In tbe llouse of Commons was able to .keep the ma- jority of his followers in line, so to speak. It is true, too, that many (.Onservative members wile decided not to run again reachee that decision be- came et tbe BentreteStevens break am. Use uncertainty of Mr. Bennett's party leadership it is safe to say there would not now be any new party, be- cause his election as leader, had Mr. Bennett retired, would hare carried with it ectoptanee of his reform Mr. Stevens' chief difficulty in the tumpaign upou which he is entering as leader of a nem reform party will be to convince the electorate of his abil- ity to steers the necessary co-operation from the nine Provincial Governments In securing aumodments to the B. N. A. Act to give the Federal Government adequate powers to initiate, beyond all question as to its validity, legislation which will stand up if tested tbe . courts to correct all existing abuses is tbe traee and industry of the country. is safe to say that Mr. Stevens' announcement of a new party weal exactly be cheered from the housetops by Mr Bennett, who, however, will tell the people' that he put through legislation this last session to the limil of exIstine—Fedefal Goverment authority. And Mr. Bennett wtil prob- ably promise to go further. Doubtless. too, the campaign, as it develops, will become quite acrimonious as between license. Bennett and Stevens, though Mr. Stevens states he is not out after either of the old parties. Any way you look at it it is a pi quant /situation. se of tbe Session PERSONAL_ MENTION_ Misr Oral -Cooper Is home from Port Elgin fur the bolidays. Mr. Hector H. MacKay of Toronto is visiting relatives in town. Miss Gertrude Wheeler and Mies Irene BOWIIIMu are holidaying at Bobcaygeou ate guests of Dr. and Mrs. Mrs. J. W. Moore has retnined from a three weekie %eat in Detroit with her daughter, Mrs. G. W. Lott - lire. H. Dawsou and little daughter Ann, of Toronto, are vioitors with Mrs. Dawson's parents, Mr. and Mre W. Hero. uera, is holidaylug at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mee C. H. ' Mr. and lire Stewart Murray, of Pittaburg, Pa., are visiting Mr. Inetber, Mrs. W. -Warnock. Al- bert street. Mr. and Mrs. J. Sehrleber, Elora. and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Starke and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Murray, of To- ronto, were guests recently of Mr. and Mrs. David McIlwatn. Mich., spent the past week in town visiting her sister, Mrs. W. J. Raker.. Miss Elizabeth Hewson, of New- market, spencitng the holidays with her aunt, Miss Mabel Strang. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford V. William& of Detroit, are spending a week at the William* summer residence at the lake shore. Miss Mary Green and Miss Vesta Tabb, nurses -In -training at Alexandra hospital, left this week to take their affiliation course at Vietoria hospital, Mrs. Vail and daughters, Misses Elizabeth and Margaret, of Wash- ington, D.C, spent the Week ben wit0 Mrs. Vales mother, Ws. J. H. Col- borne. Among the visitors in town last week were Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mc - days at the Bedford hotel. Mr. Mc- Phail spent his boyhood days in God- erich, hls father at one time being the pumping engineer for the old Grand Trunk Railway, when the wa- ter for the locomotives was pumped the river, before the tows put in a waterworks 'system. of Parliamentary life" as he would have liked. To another. smaller gath- ering the same day be remarked, rattler signilicantly, "Well, if I'm through, I've had a great run!" Itr. Stevens, asked the direct gees -- non by your correspondent the other day whether, now, he piaos to start a party of his Own. replied: "Well, one thing I will not do, and that is give up %stint I've been working for these past months." The only alternative left open to Mr Stevens is for him to start a party of his own, since, be- cause of Mr Stevanie public position in Parliament this past 'session, Con- servative candidates 'cannot profess ". (continued on page 2) alma- kagistrate ,L a. Malcliawiti-ba-oll vacation in August end his court work at Goderich, Winghem and Lis- towel will be taken by Magistrate Hawkshaw of London. mar ir Vihen Gar speed -boat r scheduled • Wednesday people knew hands with t ly related •t only through Donald allti Wood's bro Both men several Mune craft, while are in a some The only d boats is a thousand dolls htindrik miles MAN tam un - week, few lie OM* r Sort not close - connected e Mrs. Mac - re of Gar lutense but ass built Mel smaller 'Wood's efforts larger aphere. in their k few about one from Burlington A.leX. Butler Wants 510 to Rviplace Fails in Move sell the members except Councillor Brown were preseot at the meeting of the town council on Friday night The sexton of Maitland cemetery reported five interments in June. • The. tax collect** reported sollec- dons of $1,924 49 the past month. A request from Chief of Police ortelethwaite for new uniform suits Thr himself and Sergeant Ross was vent to the 'pedal committee. Applications fur building nermlts were received as follows: W. F. Sauuders, Cambria road; It. C. Peetelethwalte, Hayfield road; John Johnston, West etreet—all for re- roofing jobs; Fred Parsons, for re- pairs to his store building oa the An application from Miss Olive Ltill for permission to place a sign at her Mace of business on We Square was sent to the public works committee. Alex. Butler wrote stating that when the bandstand at Agricultural Park collapsed on July let his son Alex's trouaers were badly torn. Ile asked $10 "to replace them." Re- ferred to stseclal committee. t/iys nays, barristers, sent a cheque for go, in behalf of Mrs. Helen Major, to pay for perpetualupkeepof the Polley ptot at Maitland cemetery. Referred to' cemetery and parks corn - A note from the captain_ of tbe Burlington fire company expressed wiser' appreelation of the °cordial Man - fr BASEBALL TOMORROW elinton will be here again tomorrow (July 12) for a Bruce League re- • THIEVING The blacksmith Fisher, Benmiller, Sunday night or Ins, and a quantity stolen. Nothing Mr. Fisher white theft on Mon thieves entered from the door. McCoy was not Prituits owned by W. V. broken Into on Monday Inoue beake-linine was was missed by discovered the thief or frig the lock 1 Constable Vandals on Sa two automobiles one car and stolen. The d car was torn off, 'coked. The u into his car 0 and local on it for St tlie dance smashed on Mons Fere els theaecond ear refrained azialeit to get tbe pavilion, sRetuusie Worked before getting It HAROLD erich, son of Yotmg. -South !samara, Ki fractured and resulting fr Friday morri truck collided the city. Uni Young has a from bis INJURED formerly of God- lier. Thos. Is in St. Mary's with his neck ceived in Goderich on July lst. A communication from the Goder- ich Salt Company, with reference to severe injuries door to correspond with the new slip tgdY 1" put in at the wharf by the Federal est and a Public Works Department, was seats out of the water, light and harbor eommittee. • in Mr Ine1110. from the Provincial De - recovery pertineut of Relief, with refereace to I rvice and supplies, was re - THE eIGNAL PRINTING CO., 'LIMITED, Publishers Toronto, are visiting their relatives Mrs. MeCauley, of Chatham, and Mrs. SliCalluw, of London, •re guests of Mrs. W. Warnock. .11r. and Mrs. Kenueth Stowe bine Montreal aud Quebec. Mr. and Mrs. It. T. Phillips spent a few day3 at Kiucardine and lover- . been a feature in the eastern sky -line hurou Beach last week. to all travellers to or from Goderich Mr. Ray Lawrence left Ws week for Chicago, where he will visit his by the Huron road le now fast %Wisp - cousin, Dr. Leo Sowerby. {tearing under an efficient crew di - Mr. Keith Saunders, of Galt, visited rected by -Mike" Kennedy. with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Saunders, at the week -end. Miss A. Flick has returned from a month's visit with relatives at De- troit, Pontine and Lake Orion. Mr. A. J. Cooper and his daughter Mies Evelyn left on Wednesday for a trip to Ireland and Great Britain. • Miss Marjorie !ladle has returned from n week's vhsit with her friend, Mists Thelma Ferguson, Woodstock. Mr. and Mne Wm. Wiederhold and daughter, Shirley, of Detroit, •re visiting at the home of Miss A. Flick. son, John Robertson, of Toronto, 'spent the %reit-end with their rela- tives here. Mies Jessie Stowe aud Mr. and Mrs. W. C Fritaley, of Detroit, were guegts at the week -end at the home of Gives Place to New Modern Powerhouse to Be Erected by Goderich Salt Company A landmark whieh for years has The reference is to tbe old vacuum pan building of the Godericti Salt Company, erected some twenty years ago to house what was then the last word in such installations This plant was repleced last winter by a modern steel and brick building with large and high romanesque windows of steel and fireproof glass. The equipment howled therein is a delight to the eyes even of those who are not engineering expert& These enormous "pans," a battery of three, are most impressive and form, without exception, the moat modern aod efficient plant of its kind • in Canada. Indeed, it is equalled by . only one such plant in the United r In the space actually °Erupted by the old building, now beteg demolished. will be erected, In the near future, a Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stowe. completely up-to-date powerhoulle, Dr. Florence- Smith is at Toreato-ewhich erill provide this progreeelse giving lectures at the sunrise! claSsea. plaut with the necessary steam te contIncted by the extension depart- ment of the Univereity. of Toronto. Capt. A. G. sod Mrs. Morrison and Miss' Ruth Morrison, of Chkago, and Mrs. Annie Miller, of Detroit, are guests at the home of Capt. ft. Mor- rison. Mr. Donald Cameron, of Detroit, was in town on Monday on his way to visit friends In Ashaeld and called on his brother here, Mr. John their daughters, Agues and Margaret, of Windsor, are, visiting Mr. Mac - Donald's mother and other relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. Thos of Buf- lion, of Detroit, were bere for the week-eed ou • visit to their mother, Miss Mildred McKay, .1mm-in- tro= Vic PICNIC AT HAMM. The Evening AuxillarY of North street United church held the annual picnic at Jowett's Grove, Bayfield, on Wednesday afternoon. Sixty-five membere and their families attended the pienic, which was in charge of Use president. Mrs. Frank Kershaw The picnickers' left the church in cars and arrived at Rayneld about 3 o'clork in the afternoon. Shortly after their arrival many struck out for the beach and the cool lake water, while other"' 'stayed at the grove for a pro- gram of sports. Softball wale -played and races and novelty contesta, ender the direction of the orporte committee of N. Work, Chapman, provided an afternoon of en- tertainment and amusement A picnic supper was served in the evening by the refreshment conmeatee of Mrs. L. Marilee', Met R. Stonehenge, Mies M. Murdoch. Mrs. Wm. Young. Mrs. E. f- Robertaon and lees. Ker - The New Shell Service Station see_t_his _geese—and be sure to go in by tbe pay gate. The largese gk• oat year afternoon, whet- *bent two hundred members or Octane street United chnrch, Clinton. arrived for the an- nual chureh and Sunday school pic- nic. It was the first time in many years the church had held a picnie here, and those attending were highly pleased witb the site. The plenic was in charge of Mr. 0. W. Potter. ouperintendent of the Sun- day school. Her. F. 0. Farrel was not present. being away on holidays. An afternoon of toftball, ram* and novelty contest, and bathing at the beach was beartiiy enjoyed, after which oupper was sereml—is---the GETTING READY FOR THE MEET The Goderich Trotting and Pacing Association held a meeting on Tues- day evening to arrange detaUs'in con- cretion with the civic holiday race meet. Owing to the continued Illness of the geeretary, Dr. W. F. Clark, his work is being looked after by E. R. Wigte, treasurer and assistant secre- tary. Everything is promising for successful meet on aura* 5tb. VIGAGEMENTS ANNOUNCED --lir. and Mrs. W. H. Jewell announce the engagement of their daugbter, Margaret Cenetta, hi -Franklin T. elainton, son of Mrs. Bainton and the late A. 11. Renton of Blyth; the mar- riage to take place July Ifith. The engagement is announced of Eunice Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will Long, Benmiller, to Pal- mer A. Kilpatrick, son of Mr. and Mrs. 14. J. KilpetrIck, Ashfield; the marriage to take place early In August. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Wark of Goderich announce the engagement of their Campbell of St. (totharinese-sera el -Mrs. Campbell and the late Ile Don- ald Caimpbell The marriage to take place the mitidle of August. -- Mr. •nd lira. J. I) Little, of Tette water, announee the engagement of their eldeet daughter, Anne Grace, to Mr. Samuel Jefferson, son of Mrs. Christen& Jefferson, of Auburn, the marriage to take . lif August. A pretty wedding took plat -e at St. Commodious Building Now Coln- pleted, Making a Fine Addition to the Business Centre The new Shell service station, con- structed this summer on the hitherto vacant lot at the eorner ef Kingston and 81 David's streets, Is now com- pleted and occuptlede and makes • very pleosine addition to the appear- anee of the street as well as to the tmeinees artilvitier eh that part of the town. The stetion Is of ample Rise and right up to date in strle and equip- ment. The large workroom has both grease pit and work plt, with storage neeommodation, and the ante and toilet rooms are conveniently located and well fitted The building is hot- water-hested and fireproof. Oetelde three meter pumpo Revenge the fam- ous Shell gasoline. The entire build- ing and grounds are brilliantly lighted, flood -lights making the service yard as bright 11.1 day. The pleasing Shell color& red, canary yetiow and deep cream. In whieh the betiding is desorated4ive It an out- stnnelingly bright and attractive sp. The stilton is In charge of two young men well known to motorists of town and country Harvey Bexter. Miller. and Allin 'Airfield, who has had several years' experienee to the -We congratulate ante Twill wen upon eommeneing Amines/I tinder much favoroble auspice.* and In smell at - Ottawa, July 8.—Definitely on the defenoive for the coming Federal elec- tion campaign in late August or early September, Bennett. Government fol- lowers %ere plainly downcast as they witnessed proingation proceedings of the sixth and final section of the seventeenth Parliament of Canada on Friday afternoon. Factors which have eombined tcr confound Conservative members; so that they appeared almoet reolened to a critehing defeat at the polls when the election Is held Melt be slimmed up briefly an follows': Wide/Tread dis- satinfaction that Hon. H. H. Stevens, chief reform (*insider, is still outside the °Metal fold; grave doubts that Mr. Bennett's precarious health will hold np sufficiently to permit his tak- ing any active part in the eampaign; Mr Bennett's January radio speeches almoat forgotten, beclouded by Zing's clever manoeuvring during the Mr. Stevens of the mann of so-called reform legislation as "anaemic, prac- tically worthleam and wholly Wade- PlOet10/1 giving proof of the continued rising tide of Liberalism right acrom the Dominion; Mr. Bennett'', mishand- ling of the British Coinage& relief camp 'strikers/ trek to Ottawa, enlminsting in the unfortunate death of • police- man and one sitriker In the Regina rinta. unemployment and other condi- tions in the country ainch worse to- day thaw when M& Bennett capital- ist/el them en Milliner to win power George's elturch on Thursday last, at high noon, when Elizabeth Walters, of Hayfield, became the bride of Byron Ross Kneeehaw, second son of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Kneeshaw, of Goderich. The ceremony was performed by Rev. The beide was loveli in a white chif- fon bridal gown cut on simple lines, with long sleeves buttmed to the el- bow and forMing a dainty train. wideb waft carried by three-year-old Olive Kneeshaw, niece of the groom The Tiede wore white slippers and carried an arm bouquet of Talisman roses. The bridesmaid, Miss Doris' Standruff, close friend of the bride, was prettily dressed le pink and wore a white pic- ture hat, carrying a bouquet of roses. The groomsman was Gordon Kaftan' of Goderich. The bride's' mother wore a blue erepe dress with white accessories. Mr. B. A. Mnnn, organ- ist, played the Lobengrin weeding march also Mendelasohn's march, and during the Miming of the register limiter Ted Munn played violin selection After the eeremony the newly-weds and about twenty five relatives who, with many erlenda, attended the eere- mony retired to the home of tbe groom's parents. where a wedding d inner _was served in a witting made bewail*, bp -a profuelos of flowers. me. aid Mrs. Kneeahaw metneed during the afternoon to Barfield, where they wit) regale tesspeetrfty. ROSE AND PEONY SHOW The anneal rose sad -peony show of the Goderich Horticultural Society wax held In MacKsy Ilall on Fridny and Saturday. The basement of tbe limit was filled with a profusion of beatitifte blooms, the exhibits not being confined to roses and peonies. There were many visitor. to the. hall, all of whom expressed keen admiration of the many beautiful Romeo eepecially were shown to good advantage, being at their beot just now, but the season was row far atteenti41 for peonies to make tbe best showing. Panelem, :sweet pea, !tweet William, delphinium, poppie, and pyrethrum also were displayed Some of the exhibitors were Geo. Laithwaite, H. T. Edwards, Percy Bar- ker, Geo. Baechli.r. Frank Kershaw. Mabee, J. W. Macvicar, R. Stonehouse, Mrs. 14111111. Miss NI Robertson, Miss Mrs. Peneock. ills. Jessie SWiltfteld and Mrs. Robert Winter. New Teachers for Colleoiate Staff e wee membership In the Union of Canadian the_ fee beta 10. Mayor MacEwan at this uncture B who had been called to -Win- nipeg by the death of his brother. His Worship said he had takrn- the liberty of ordering a dont tribute. and the council instructed that a let- ter of sympathy be sent to (.7ouncillor Committee Respects net receipts of the grand stand on ter, Mrs. Hincks, Colborne- street, --emu, of Detroit, to his family, who are The finance committee reported that July 1st were e04.05, of which S47.03 Friends visiting Mr. and Mee R. T.1 living here in a summer pottage. Mr. had been paid over to the Dominion l'hillips recently _Fete lir. int' Mts. I Davidson Is manager of General Day celebration committee. With re- I J. }lodging of Stratford, Mrs. 1.1:MifFT-Rotors at Detroit. The Olive K. is ference to the notice of county rates, era and son, Mr. Pharie liathers, of owned by an executive. of the can- tor the year. the • Tort stateti: "We Lucknow, 1114t4 It Gallagher, of To- pany, note teat there is reduction in botb field. •ronto, and Miss M. Hackett, of Ash- Other yachts at the harbor during county general rate and Provincial the pant few days were to Beverly higbway rate, but no reduction in Miss M Reilly and Mists N. Reilly Senn. of Trenton; Skipper, Detroit county highway rate. although the and theft sister. Mrs E. M. Nolan, Yacht (lute; Patton, Grosse Point; Province has taken over some more of Buffalo, and lier 'laughter. Mrs. laoyeda and Tamaraek, Detroit; Her - road" Acceptance was recommended Walter J. Gramlich, of Kenmore, N.Y.. on. AlgonAc; Battelle (Capt. Jonee), of • proposition from a Toronto bond house to change the $32,000 five •nd a-balf per cent. Province of Saskatcbe- wan bonde due October 1, 1952, held in the Ontario West Shore Railway fund -at a price of 4103. for 232.000 Province of Saskatchewan six per priee es $103.75. The cemetery and parks committee recommended that three more pole Intim; I* placed in the tourist camp. The public warks committee re- ported that the new horse !tables at Agricultural l'ark were being built by the Goderich Trotting and Pacing - tOootintled on page 4) for the past six menthe, an s n duty at Alexandra hospital. ter Mtge Esther Farr and Mr& Lillian Joyce, and the latter's two daughters, the Misses 14ally and Jeannet Joyce, of operate the many engines and pumps to be found there, as well as to oper- ate more efficiently the new set of PERIL IN THE, PARK Bert Baechier, twelve -year-old son street, fractured his right arm le a ' peculiar accident on Tuesday night, lie pushed a park bench back against a tree to get a more comfortable slant, tlyiug over backwards as the beuch fell to the ground. Ile spent the night in Alexandra hospital, where the fracture was set. AT THE WATERFRONT Storm are flocking daily to the heach, %here the water temperature averages about 70, to escape the beld- tint has poured down the pam registered 78. Of the visiting yachts here during ar the largest. ilhe is a sister ably of the' Olive K., the most modern Detroit, are holidaying at the lark yaeht un the Lakes, but is built on a House. , smaller 'wale. although having the Mrs. W. A. Wilmer, Ler daughter, same lines. The Danora, which was Mrs. Chas. Hooker, the Misses Susan in last week-etid. was under command ab li and Alice ltooker and Master Gerald Hooker, all of Wausau, WM- cenain, are visiting Mre. Wilson's els- of J. Mins, of Detroit. It Is expected the Olive K. will make port bere with- in a few daps, bringing Wm. David - and her granddaughter, Ming Helen Detroit and The Sloop (Capt. J. Weide of Buffalo. are holidaying at Splann 5. Rat -elbow. Seoona and Biel - the British Exchange hotel ith. all of Detroit. Appointments Made to the Three Vacancies—A R. Scott at irnprior, the Neer Principal At a meeting of the vonegiate In- atitnte board on Friday loot, apebints mental were made to the three nicest positions on the teaching staff. A. R. Scott, who has been principal of Arnprtor Collegiate Institute, suc- ceeds mr, p, 'as principal. Mr. 14 oft 'wilt also le mathematical R. PI. Mt -Dowel. of elneseene, was appointee to teke Phillip of the science departineek $;• High Plchnol. se tor and teaehe Meese.. se married. with eiti nig" gent are the Wee, with the oth nre. well are Iwo children lee na- family et eve trip is the open YACHTSMEN HAVE SOME FUN The Pavillon was under new man- agement on Thursday night last, be- ing taken over by an Amerlean syndi- cate of five yachtamen. It wag all in fun, but the unknown tourists paid for their whim. (eft arriving at tbe l'avIllog, the men offered to pity every- one's adruittance, and even chartered a taxi to bring people to the dance hall. They paid the orchestra extra for playing an additional hour and gave $10 in prizes for each of four dances. It was fun while it lasted, and profitable for the prise -winners. who were chosen by the donors of lhe prizes. MT. FOREST =oasis CHANGE The Mount Fore* Confederate sayr: On Satnrday the resignation of Mr. 11 M Sbackleton as principal of the (*peed with regret by the members of the hoard of education. Mile was done in order that Mr. Shackleton mlght aecept an offer to beerome prin- cipal of the Goderieh Central school at an Initlal salary of $1400. The fart that the offer had tome 'from the home town of himself and Mrs. Shockleton hod more to do with his deelftion then had the question of salary, he Fated. and he was loath to Never the semitone relationshipe es- tabliehed hi, year's' eerie/else* here. Pupils. staff and hoard libewlee re- gret the chant. a• he hes won the 110 esteem of all during his ei/ eyes- REV. S. R. MeelLUNG late.of St. Marys, who commeneeahis pastorate in the Goderich Bap - fiat church e next Sunday's' serviees voting himself to his pastoral duties, says editorially of the new pester ef an ideal etti en and his won the ro- ller'. Mr. morons ham shown himself wife I spell rind esteem of the folk of all denominations Ile has been a leader the Goderich Baptist church and his a *mew of how In :he removal to an pregident of the Tueaday Night Glide "St. Marys citizen. are experlencIng other lipid of Her 5 R Mt -Citing. . RINI a frequent speaker on public *t- ensions. Mre. MeChing. daughter or voceligt who ha. generously helped at native nf reinnvlile, Ont.. a graduate eommunity entertainment*. We shall Weyburn. Beek. Besides' earnestly de te'w t1.1.1 11 (11Acrieh-- 'leder the heading -We Shall Miss Them," The St Marys Journal -Argos • NJ,