HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1935-7-4, Page 88, -Thursday, July 4th, 1035 ATHLETE'S FOOT Gelfers, terberms, tend. wed WI P4aY•11 meet from athlete's hae All who walk rood have edges. adagios. Itching 01 the feet sad KPPIled .It awl Oath Dr. Chew. Oita - meat adaret to the art- ita• ated aukelY swan sae rehares. la Wow loos. 14444) ,Yro THE SIGNAL 104, GODERICH, ONT. tet BRIEFS Bathing sandals -the newest. Bath - lugs cape, ete. At CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE, Goderich. Keep open Thursday, July 11, for the hospital bridge, "500," euchre and tea on Judge Costello's grounds. Ad- mission 50e. Tea only, 25e. Every- body' 711" Fittliton it -tiler -Pavillon vete island nease4ip 1 retie), River, at relay, but there were six entries in welcome. —23wYt.-14thl.X....AWOWLAwiattle. under the auspices of the Maple Lea rod. but he had a lit e ITIF-sete nefa aou daala. The seetee, r:stea d him and the Lucknow crew er conditions ware uttfavorable aboiut Ebtliolk'tt,uogt (Ii‘o.adreartnich. ,0vcrallkelenecoghandin; Tom Ross, of Clinton, third, and Joe O'Brien. of Goderich, fourth. • • • NOTES OF THE DAY liarry McCreath is sure to provide LIJOHNOW WINS AGAIN - — Bailers Busy in Dominion Day Game- Seere 7-5 For tee third Glue this season, on Monday, the Lucknow team defeated Goderieh in a scheduled Bruce League baseball pine, the tival wore being 7-3. Both Cuutiug for Luckuow and Ormerod for Goderich pitched good :.all,. throughout the game. The visit - „ „.•! "ks ' "'"Ftr..-04iY.11 ilitiS HORNING GAR WOOD HERE America's ameba' one racing boa owner and drive:, ..ar Wood, of De- troit, spent a few hours in Goderich this morning, Thr Silver Fox" was Ilyiug to his thowe, home ou his pri- Goderich Has Big Time on July 1st (001.tinned from pep 1) when Huron's amateur athlete* were (wiled to the fore. There were no entries in the three-mile run and the THE WEATHER The Welled temperature registered to date this *caws was recorded on Wednesday, when S3 was reached. The temperatures for the past week and those of the eorresponding week of last year were as follows,: 1935 1934 Max. Min Max. Ifin. Thuts . June 27 ....73 58 73 54 Fri. June 28 70 01. 92 01 75 81 84 81 de 82 Bat, June 29 Sun . June 30 Mon.. loly 1 Tees., July 2 Wed, July 3 1,0 81 80 00 80 50 rts 54 83 64 74 50 1800 to the present day. were stronger at the bat. Nearly one 9 0 clotk this MOriong, og Chapter. All periods represented from lltitee-under the 'auspicee of choir thousand people saw the game, whleb spread over the court,: of the monster of . Georg.A.1 church In the parish was 011P of several attractions at Agri- seaplaue, et> tbe steed enthusiast hall, Friday, July 5, commencing at elitism' Park during the Domiulou dropped down jest outside the bar - 0 p.w. Teti -piece orchestra. Adults Du y eelelinttion. bor. stun 2:Se. Everybody welcome. ' t Wood landed ft' ill Harbormaster The members of L.0.1.. 182 and Princess Mary Lodge, No. 443,, LO. ILA., will attend worship in North street United church next Sunday, at r itm. The members of the lodges are requested to meet at 6.30 o'clock at the lodge rooms, eotner North street and the Square. Visiting brethren are cordially invited to et - tend. FOR RENT OR SALE Bedford Reeidenee-Cobourg St. Apply to F. R. DARROW. Phone 97 Exeeuter. SANITARY MEAT MARKS! Saturday Specials ! SPRING LAMB - Legs Chops 14)411 Roast Shoulder Roast Front Quarter Breasts 28c 25e 12e 19e 15c VEAL - Shoulder I5e, 18e. 2411 k the 14e Chops Stewing Veal Rump Lois H looked like Glister i , a g the start, though the nearest to 'icor- Bert MacDonald's leilnoli, shook hands a laugh. His exhibit of the Dionne %cies Bert and see .Bil ,..• to l losing, quintuplets made a ripple of laugh - Mg fu the first three innings was when Goderich had Nairn and Duquette on pilot 01 the "Alan, about the engine ter all along the line of parade. of the boat. "He's a regular fellow," The two Home and Sehool Clubs Bert commented Rte.:ward. entered into the spirit of the day, Mr. Wood made a few purchases up each having a float in the parade. town aud took off on his interrupted That of the Central club represented secoud and third. y stranded there. Wood and Bud Wor- thy worked • nice double to retire tbe visitors in their half of the third. trip at 1.25 o'ock this afternoon, th In the first of the fourth Lucknow cl e 1 weathng ea school, with Mrs. W. F. Saunders as scored twice., kthe er havih,: ed. iampbell crossing teacher and other members of the plate after a nice two -base hit. and -- club as pupils. It "took" with tbe C. Finlayson trotting home on a balk Church Softball Leacue crowd. ASHFIELD bv Ormerod. W. L 'Sarah Costello looked sweet and With Wood and Phelan on in the Preebyteriaus ........ I ,Gordon McManus manly as the "bride r :::: ASIIFIELD, July 3. Mr. and Mrs: heat of the fourth, Pat Mudock weDtJjCt las Morton of Toronto open' the wotk-end at 'the home of Mrs. Hobert Aillic te 11-buzi-x1ght 77eh1.c st-'361117 the .1.1`. nuan. • two runners. It was just the touch Mr. Malcolm leacLenean of Barrie to start the locals off. Keith Orme- Is spending the summer at the home rod I loubled, driving in Murdock, and of Mehrel4unean MacLennan. Nairn singled to score Keith, giving Miss Anna 31cKettsle, of Toronto, Goderich a two -run 1 ad. and Mr. Geo -fee (lark and daughter, of Lucknow got four in the fifth, Itansiltine spent the week -end ;se the scoring McLennan, and Camp- bells° of Mrs. M. C. ,MacKenzie. , bell, but In the eighth, when Gua and Mrs. Lorne MacLennan and childreit. Bud Worthy hit doubles, the Jormer ot Detroit, are visiting at tbe besuseof creased the plate to tie the score at Me. and Mrs. James- 5dacDonald. is visiting his Ashfield friends this "lloderich had a !tilting chance even Mr. Archie Ilacifurchy of Detroit ni&El&...,....9---......-4 1 and groom" in tbe parade. They tIneh-hitter. He popped a nice 3 1 I were awarded a prim and deserved it. $, Peter's .......e.. .. . . „2 2 ' Ed. Floodv, honorary secretary of North United -..1..... ..... -..-.-.---1- 3 Me Huron Oki Boys of- Toronto, was St. George'• ..„..... ...•:.....I 8 on hand and his friends were pleased Foresters .-.......... .1 0 5 to see him looking so well. Another visitor was David Cantelon of Ma - THE LIONS LEAGUE ton, who at eighty-seven years of age At the conchae,. ef the first half wants to see everything that is going of the Lions Wag softball eche- on. M fa t rin Co WANTIMI --- - MEIN WANTED FOR • RAWLEIGH ma Routes in 8 Bruce county. Write today. RAWLEJOH 00. DEPT. (M1,-2101. Montreal, Oanada. WANTED ---FOUUTRY AND • EGG II Experienced at culling helm Let us I your dock Fresh eggs and treat, dressed poultry for sale at all [lutes. Also poultry feed, tits*. 001/441.1013 POUL- TRY AND It/OGIIARKET, Lightiontie street, opposite Public Library. Phone 13. EYES» Examined and Glasses Fitted --t-WITtrtHE LATEST EQUIPMENT AT REASONABLE TENDERS WANTED TENDERS FOR PAINTING. . • Tenders, addressed to the under- signed, will be received by the Goder- ich Public School Board up to Satur- day, July 6th, 1935, for painting the exterior of Victoria public school ac- eording to epeelficationa. Make of paint to be named, which will be tak- en into consideration. No tender necessarily accepted. JOHN CUTT, Chairman of Property Committee, GoderIch, Ontario. L. L. KNOX, Secretary Public School Board, Goderich, Ontario. TOR SALE OR KENT dule, the standing as follows: The Goderich anu c u g W L did itself proud with five truck, an Bisset -- p ... ott---3 1 two teams In the parade, showing the Westbrook .......... ........$ I various products of the mill. Bloomfield -....... .....................o.3 1 The Burlington drfll corps gave an - After Clark and Irwin put the visitors Barlow *sr.. ..•2 1 other exhibition drill on the Square I week. two up In the ninth, but were unable Hoggarth . ... . ...........---2 1 la the evening. delighting a large Mimes Alter and Annie Brown or De' to clieg. d Ca pbell ••••••6••••N••22 ••••••• 2 2 crowd of spectators. d timed all bands James Cameron. g six strikeouts and two walke. Worsell ' —0 4 inc committee a Ter 0 4 and had nine, including a bugle band win. pein the week -end at the home Ormerod had nine otrikeouts, Cum- onecnier • . tor ttheair uncles, Messrs.- Duncan out] in "":""'"'"k" • The store: 11Ii E The schedule mill be resumed on from Se Marys and the ("Inez% bag- r om R SALPI-MceLARY ELECTRIC Barrister and Solicitor Misses Louise and Salina MacDonald Lueknow 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 0 2-7 14 3 September 3, whin li- double-header pipe band. range. Catenet style. four bnrnere co -Hamilton Street, Goderiek. of Windsor and Hamilton are visit -T LEGO TelePhoue 612.Goderich 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 1 0-5 11 9 will be played, Marlow vs Campbell; It is hoped the childreu who got In first-class condition. Ing at the home of Mr: Dan MacDou- Phone 485. aid, Lochalsh. themselves up in ccetume and trudged _ Lueknow-lieLenhan. r f., R. all the weary way round with tbe par- C R. DARROW, BARRISTER, ETC. The teams: lloggarth vs. Weesell Mina MacGillIvray of Detroit is v _ R SALE -ONE HIGHBOY. WRIT. r nig 44te * few- -day* with Rev. Thompeoe, 3b.; Clark, as.: Irwin, lb.; WINGHAM II—GODERICH 1 side received 'something In recognition PING desk, clothes chest, drop-leaf Offiee-The Square, Godmich. Successor to J. L Killoras letelliiii ray, h b there even table. etc-. Apply to CLARENCE Telepbone 97. MacDONALD, The Square. yo *r.—RED BRICK HOUSE ON 1 Vittoria pliant All conveniences. Apply to T. R. WALLIS COR SALE.-BRIOE RESIDENCE% • Nelson street, eight rooms; two bath- rooms R. C. WHATELEY. . COB RENT.-110USE. HARDWOOD floors. Garden, Garage. Coo - Del. Apply to M. W. HOWELL. 1,101RE FOR SALE OR RENT.- 41White brie* house os Eget street. Apply E. C. ROBERTSON. Jeweller. PRICES, BY A. L. COLE OPTOMETRIST Serving the people of Huron County for over fifteen years. GODERICH - ONTARIO AUCTIONEESING THOMAS myna; OODERIOR. a LIVE STOOK AND GENERAL AUCTIONEER Telephone No. 119 • Sales attended to anywhere and every effort made to give satisfaction. Farmers' sale notes diocounted. LEGAL DUDLEY E. HOLM, Barrister, Etc. Office -Court House, Ooderieb. Telephone 55. OUGLAS KAMA, CampWl; 6-.Y.TECCartney, 1/ ; C. Fin- with coi•jo totoohle • two-bit one- of . e r Torts 'arson, e.; FInlayson, 2b.4 Cum- run game, familia seventeen GoderIch was nothing for them In the prise list. batters and knocking a home run at The stirring strains of Fillmore'. • 311-s lean MacGregor of Hamilton visited her Ashfield friends this week.'. P. Miss Muriel Ferries is visiting Goderich-Nales, r.f.; Duquette, wingham ston rilday last, Wingham Triumphal March, played by Gte friends in Goderich this week. 3b.; Sheardown, e. ;Wood, 2b.; Phelan, experienced llttW dilleuity In defett- erich band at Agricultural Park, were Mrs tiarey c.f.• G. Worthy, BA. ; B. Worthy, lb.; Ing Goderich 84. Sheardown scored ' rudely interrupted when the whole wicti are viaiting at the home of Illn. Johnston urdock 4) T.1. ;- Orynerod7Tx 1 rod 004ertt•b In the fouali, - but Om -nenosteoll, • low Affals. collapeetwith Umpires-Lumby, of Goderich; Ag- Worthy got delso hfits,--in the third a roar. Bandmaster J. E. H Mr. and Mrs. David McGill and -- -oLuekow and seventh. He did ribt get pale roee to the occasion and with a few BAB% BEEF (8141dbfeil) Porterhouse Roma T -Bone Steak 25e eis Sirloin Steak 2Se Bound Steak 15e Chuelt Roast Rib Boil lee Lean Boil Ide Homemade Ring Bologna 2 lbs. for 25e Freetit Hamburg Steak 2 lbs. 23e -THOS. LEGG-- Phone 4135 Hamilton Street Jas. We.t. first base. terse commandegalned a semblance of pitcbin.: for Goderich.Iorder. With perfect harmony, the made wren strike,its. but allowed bandsmen started in where they left eleven hits, one*/ which was a homer, I off. with the exception of a couple of two triples and 10 doublet' The trombonists, whose instruments, ex - paced Wingham play tended on a high note at the time of Lott of iVingham visited their Ash- field id/41dg on Monday. sages were heard with great apprcTia- Mr, anti Mrs. Lyal MaeDiarmid and tion. The morning service was in the children. Rochester, N. Y., are'viaftisg old form. the psalms of praise being their Ashfield friend.. sung without organ and choir, Mr. t Intended for last week) Donald McLean acting as precentor. Anniversary Serviees.-The 'engem, The moderator in his address took het wiry services of Ashfield Presbyterian congregation back to the days of the churvh, ext Sunday, were attended by Covenanters and sketched in vivid fash- large congregations and the day leas ion the stirring history of the Presby - one long to be remembered. The terian Church in Scotland. The evening speaker was Rev. Austin 1,. Budge of pervire was in the regular form, and tiger -Sell*, -moderator of the Mudge spoke on "The Promise._ - of Hamilton and Londoe, and his mole of Presbyterianism" In Friday sATneal tourney at rider. The result might easily hams the bowling greeus. first g,rise was been worse. but Bruce was badly hits were s Ing a well-balaacel game. ! the crash, were knocked out of align - TI batterles--Gederieh, FrItsley ment. FOrtunately nobody was isl- and Shear own; g , Grores Warialeket: 8). 1 Bruce Bradley, riding in the under twelve years bicycle race around the THE EirlrY-OHASERS Square in the morning, received his ret SI imam In a emelt as a racing W'RNISICED COTTAGE TO RENT.- ' At Port Albert, by season. month or week. Moderate rates. Apply BOX -3ft. Godertele Telephone 904W. f‘TSALE. -SOLID BRICK HOUSE, rge veranda, all conveniences, henry wiring, electric water heater, leen. garden, feet trees, stable, gar- age. Close to the Square. Cheap for eases or on easy terms. In first-class condition F. WOOLLCOMBE, Phone 296. CRANK DONNELLY, B. A. Barrister Solicitor, Rte. 0110e-Hassilton Street, Goderieb. t Telephone 282. HAT1r1r1EAYS, Barristers and Solicitors IR.C. Hays, K.C., and B. C. Hays, B.A.. Office -Hamilton Street, Godertek. Telephone 88. d ham Colvin and . jured in the crash. GODERICH HOUSE NEAR COL- a•••••••••••••awwwsomessawswsummemeasmomThewinemsammess. • • • • • • • taken br Get Methissot. and Frank scraped 00 face, arms and legs whet McArthur; et. 31 Nindersou. • -ond by I- Bisset and he took his tumble • • • Two rinks from Ooderith took part in the Wingliath tournament on Mon- day, and one of them -J. Newcombe, Dr. Hall. 11. M. Nee and Albert Tay- Tor-fifftp)-=,--brought horse the second 'prise tbd a--ociation game. • • • re .n Wednesday -night's tournament were W. L Baker and Mr. Strang (Wholoor) ; 2nd, J. /01iiiiiton and T.T. Murpby. • • • Rain letertered with the doublel! tournament at Soarer* Wednesday of week 111111 the anal games were not played. First prize, with the Sanitise tropt,y. was awarded to Fred Bonthron anti Dr. Metraggart of Hen- sel', second to McNee and Toole of Goderich. In the second event tim winners were .1 Z. Mason and J. B. Swaffield of Gotierieb, with a Sea - forth teem oecon&--* Kitchener pair took the_consolatiliii; '.7.1C..74 The Godericti iawn Bowling Chub will hold an imitation doubles tour- nament for the Parity Flour trophy on Wedneeday afternoon, July 10th. There will be three events and etx sets of valuab1t prima. LIMITED • • • a • • • 1 • • • . • yeallaterwaltaill01*-1 • • Salmon, the lif of many a heat -weary house- wife. This week Dominion offers thb tender and tasty summer dish at an unusually attractive price. Ideal for salads, sandwiches, croquettes, frozen treats and dozens of other delicious redpes. 1 -Ib. Tin OUR OWN FRESH -GROUND ,COFFEES ▪ Give • Men . • . . a horse he can ride, • give a man a book he can • read -etc RUT if you want • him to really beam, serve him Richmello Coffee -a • man's most constant sidle- s ▪ (vine companion. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • c nmwoatmt.o.. Beans cur "Pm" 3 2 5`. Posts Bran ,7 1111. 1 1C Spaghetti HEINZ yiend 1 11C Soap Flakes tikia-E Wage 23` 16 1 OC Richmello Gum Drops LI= Tin 1-11, 3 5c . Sunlight4. s°AP Cheese Tissue 1/2-1b. Tin 194 Early Morning P. 1-1b. 5e '4.L. Pkg. 14* eles• CAMPERS! New Mild Canadian Navy or White Weave, Toilet HFIN7 Baked Beans Jiffy Meals FRUITS Ask your local Man- ner about oar Sum- gait:. Camp .Fo`rvice. POTATO= 7 um" 25c JUICY ORANGES 24c doo. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 Bare C2 5• ` 319c • Tin 1 1 Med c • • 11 • • • • HEDLUND'S Hu I Tin RIPE • a BANANAS le is • 3 Ihs' 21c . • • • • HAVEN'T you noticed that your hsppiem hnut, occur 011 days when Tau feel your best? Rave more of *toe happy day'. Yonand all veer family. Guard health while co. b••• It. liteeP • the sunny cid.. We. The IST•ale•t /messy of beeltb is common ensistigelkin•iimaY etO110 lo., a msesesbe and Certainly it kdie:entkonitonst Yet it ean Intrillahati bY eating • delicious reseal Laboratory 'wee *bevy K en•if's ALL-P4AN pepplipp.mbalt" an411541* B to sum' "nati' potion. Alt, tor the bleed. The "tell" Is Ati-Sean is meek like that in leafy trawatahles. Revs east this 4m14- 1 then le Tare table- oenany wt. Chanel@ with eath 1 If net re. this val. &Aar. by Iona,. meek plestantet does Fowl, take patent spannf vile VICTORIA ST. 33--FORESTER8 3 After holding the Foresters 11-2 at the end of the sixth listings last nIgIst, In an interchurch softball game, Vic- toria street church scored twelve runs In the seventh to nuke a total of twenty-three Tile Foresteri tallied once more in the ninth to make the final score 23-8. The Foresters were shut out for live straight innings while Victoria 'street piled up sixteen runs. Laws and Schoenhals were re- sPensible for the lovers' three runs. Bill Fierker received a painful in- jury while playing for the Foresters. Barker was attempting to field • bali when he collided with • runner. Bill's Jaw was cot and his fare and one leg painfully but not seriously brui . The score: Foresters ....0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1- Victoria St. .5 1 1 0 0 4 12 0 x-23 ALEGIATE on Keays street may be bought on easy terms, cheap for cash, or will consider mall house In part payment. All modern convenience*, garage, freer trees. Make offer. MR& ISAAC HETHERINGTON, Wingham. Telephone 9'7. MEADOW ()LADE rsnm STARTED ITI Chieks and Pullets. We base a few three- and foneweek-old Chicks and tive-week-old Pullets. Tbey are all sired by BOA'. and pedigreed cock- erels and from our own heavy-produc ing hens All breeding stock blood- ] tented and Government inspected. Reamonably prieed for immediate sale. W. HUME CLUTTON, R. R. 5. Clod erk-h Plhone11413, Carlow. I21.rwommmmm... BYLAW NOTICE PORT ALBERT There will be' a strawhaerr 41111160•1 011 the lawn of Christ churebr Port Albert, Tuesday, July 91.11. Pro- gram-Lueknow orchestra, Mitee7 McGee and Mr. Spotton. CHMITE111° ACCOUNTANTS j. Ir.- MONTEITH, _ Chartered Acrountant ,agg Ontario Street, Stratford, Ost. 1510 Star Building, Toronto, Out CRNEST M. LVZ, Birrister and Solicitor Sun Life Building. Adelaide aad Vi- toria Streets, Toronto 1. Telephone Elgin 5801. MEDICAL Mi. P. J. /A rortorzn. nis. NOSE. THROAT. Inte House Surgeon New Turk Ophthalmic and Aural Hospital. air intent at Mooreneld Eye Hospliewl ,44311e..! and Golden Square Throat Ileepltat.- London. Eng. 58 Waterloo Street S, &rattled- 'e • .. Telephone 267. Next visit Thursday, July 11, UMW only, front 9.30 till 1 o'clock. • Motel Bedford, Goderich. DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER CH I ROP R A CTO R AND DRUGLESS THERAPI8T 'TOWNSHIP OF COLBORNE. BYLAW NO. 8 A Bylaw to raise $20,000 to aid in the construction of tile, stone or tim- ber drains The Council of the Municipality of Colborne, pursuant to tbe provisions of The Tile Drainage Act, enacts as follows: 1 That the Reeve may from HMO .tinta....subjet4,40 the provisions of this bylaw, borrow on the credit of the corporation of the said Municipality such sum not exceeding la the whole $20,000 as may be deter- mined by the Council, and may in manner hereinafter.provided, issue de- bentures of the said corporation in such sums as the Couneti may deem proper for tbe amount so borrowed, with cottpons attached as provided In section 5 of the said Act. 2. That when the Council shall be of opinion that the application of any person to borrow money for the pur- pose of constructing a tile, stone or timber drain should be granted in whole or in part, the Council may, by resolution, direct the Reeve '(0 issue debenture' as aforesaid, and to borrow a sum not exceeding tbe amount appfled for, and may lend the same to the applicant on the compile Hon of the drainage works. 8. A special annual rate shall be Impoeed, levied and collected over and above all other rates upon the land in respect of which the Mid money shall be borrowed, sufficient for the payment of tbe principal and interest as pro- vided by the Act. Famed the 14th day of Jane, 1935 GEO. C. FEAOAN, Reeve. WM. SALI,OWS, Clerk. IPURLIC NOTICE Ali_WA00TRY THIS NATIRAI, nlierb Remedy. Nature's w• tn health. Clen/we the system -purities and enriches the blood -revitalizes and invigoratee. One package makes a pint. 26 cento. CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE, Goderich, Ont. AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE OF TWO 0031- nFORTADLE SMALL HOME& Goderich, Phone 341 Equipped with electro-magnetie baths. Vlectronic electric treatments and chiropractic Chronic, organic and nervous diseases. Indy in at- tendaece. Office hours 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Friday and Sat- urday. and on Wednesday 10 to 11 a.m. only, or consultation may be bad by appointment. Monday and Thursday at Mitchell. A N. ATKENISON Roliddenee and office -:-Corner South street and Britannia road. • We have reeeived instructions from hint H. 31 Hoggarth, of Port Huron, to sell by public auction, at the premises, on SATURDAY, JULY 6th at 2 oclock Lots 1079 and 1080, Hineks street, Goderieb, on which there is a com- fortable frame house in good state of remit, ham a good cellar and • small frame stable. The land is good garden soli and there are a number of fruit tree*. Possession esn be had It once. Also Lot 1180 on Barfield road. on which there is a eomfortehle dwelling with three bedroom*, nettle room, kitehen, etc.. and a good garden. This property is inlet north of Barker's serviess atetin, and has been occupied by the premnt tenant for several plank These tvermerriew must be disposed of to elmis an Potato TPIRMM trifbeen per eons. nee .it timov4 awl*, baleen* laalp -or on receipt 01 deeds T. OlJNIORY • SON, Auctioneers. 111•••••••••••11.•••••••••••••• •••••• .441ellErtalt: ' "111111r, INSURANCE, LOANS. RTC. licKILLOP MUTUAL FIRS INSU13- 01 ANOR CO. -Farm and Isolated town propeety insured. Oflicers--Alex. Broadfoot, President. ffeoforth; Iaines Connolly, Vice -Pres., Goderich P.O.; Merton A. Reid, Se forth, See.-Treas., Seatorth P. 0. Directors -A. Broadfoot, R.R. No. 8, Seaforth; James Sholdice, Waltoit ; Wm. Knox, Londesboro; Alexander McEwing, Blyth, R.R. 1,; Geo. Leoto tardt, Bornholm, R.R. 1; John Pepper, firucedield ; Tilos Moylan. Seaforth; R.R. 5; Wm. R. Archibald, Seefortb, R.R. 4; James Connolly, Goderich. Agenti-W. J. Yen, R.R No. 8, Clin- ton; James Watt, Blyth; Finley Me- Eachern, Seatorth; John Murray. See - forth; Chas. F. Hewitt, Kincardine. Polley -holders can make all payments and get their (loots reeitipted at the MIX Royal Bank, Clinton; Calvin Cutes Geoeer7, Kingston street, Ooderich. Or J. II. Reld's General Store, Bayfield. re NOTICE MUNICIPALITT OF THE TOWN- SHIP oar COLBORNE Take notice that the above is a true copy of a bylaw mimed by the Muni- cipal Connell of the Toenship of Col- borne on the 14th day of June, 1988, and all persons" are required to take notiee that any one who desires to apply to have etch hy-law or any part thereof quashed mint serve notice of hie application upon the Head or Clerk of this mnnicipallty within twenty days after the date of the last pnbil- eetion of thin nestle", and most make his appileation to tbe finpreme Omni of (*tart* within 11110 month after the said date Thla notioe wan first pub- liabeti on At. 2n18 day of June, BM and the last publication will he on the f11 ally of My, ISM WM RAL,LOWS, Clerk. 8rnammme WOOD FOR SALE ,The Town has a quantity of good body hardwood direct from the Town Bub for sale at $3.00 per single cord of one -foot wood, de- livered. Also a limited quantity of good body hardwood at $S.00 per full oord of for - foot wood. Orders left at the Town Hall wilt he *Heeded to. lime be OA fir Were &swy L L. 11101, Town Mork WET 710/11";-2 aia,10 imkaiAllielbSaatris&"""-- . art 4741_1;