HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1935-7-4, Page 7County and District :: Miss Verna McLaughlin haa bee° appointed to the position on the Whig - ham public school staff made vacant by the reglgnattou of Mte. M. Gibson. .Miss Nixon, of Teterboro, has been ..4-----q111111pged by the Clinton ()unsettle In- stitute board as classical teacher, fill - Ing tbe vacancy caused by the resig- nation of J. C. Cooper. George E. Beavers, son of Mr. and Mrs B. W. F. Beavers of Exeter, was married ou June 2lnd, at Toronto, to Mary Helen O'Connor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Yrederkk A. O'Connor. The young couple will reside in To- ronto. William J. Robinson, $rd contee- Mon of Stephen township, died June :rind lu his reventyaltth year. He suffered a paralytic stroke a few days previous. His wife predeceased him and he le survived by two daughters and two tons Misr N. Davidson, after tour years as principal of tbe Wruxeter contin- uation school, ha• reslgued and Mr. K°igbts who bas been un _the staff as aseistanr, W W assume- the pmitwtpl- shlp. Another teacher will be OP' pointed to act as asrletant. The marriage of Mise Jean Grant, R.N., of Paisley, to Edward MtlJu111I° et lmcknow was eulemnlsed by Rev. 1 We previous Saturday. Deceased was the daughter of the Isle Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Mutt end was born in Colborne township April 28th, 1%0. Her hus- band, Louts Smith, died in 1918. Two sorts, William and 81dney, of Detroit, nett -a - lsaghtoe, .Mea... lta1....i....SYAIz Bron, of Hawthorne, California, sur- vive. BWereby-Heyweed The wedding of Elate Labelle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Heywood of Usborue, to Launcelot Paul liaitteraby, sou of Mr. and Mrs. N. Battersby of Bemoan, was solemn- ized by Rev. A. Sinclair at Neural{ on Wednesday, June 28th. The y"oniug Couple will make their home in Lien• sail. Dundas -Bolger At St. John's Anglican church, Brussels, ou Saturday, June 22nd, Rev. J. Graham united In marriage Olive k:., yuunge.t daughter of Mr. and Mra. John Bolger, Walton, and Wil- liam Torrance Dundee of Blyth, youngest eon tit Mrs. "Nudes and the late W. A: -Pandas of-8ete#be�••-+•The youug couple will re,dde near itlytb. limey-Bessoett At the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. 11. Itenuet1, Wingham, ou We4Iuesday afternoon, June eith, their youugest II'. the Ontario street daughter, Dura Estella, was united 1'slto d church parsonage, Clinton, on 'Saturday, June 22nd. The bride JeI in marriage to Percy W11tr_rd Gray of Toronto. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. J. F. Anderson. Mrs. Royal MacArthur, sister of .the bride, played the wedding wart•h. Mr. and Mrs. Gray will rerlde in Toronto. Yrs. Farrlt{'e ionsiu. Mr. and Mrs. Me(Juililawill reside on the groom's farm near bucknow. A veteran reboot teacher, MIs. Margaret O'Neil, died un Thursday last In the Cllntou hospital. Miss O'Neil was engaged as teacher In the Clinton puWlc eetrool at an early age and was retained in that position un - wee. .w,* tuated-same y ago. She made her home with Miss Margaret Bay. from whose residence c tbe funeral took plat* to the Clinton cemetery on Saturday. The tuneral of Mrs. Margaret Smith of Detroit, formerly of Clinton, was held from Ontario street United church, Clinton, on Monday. June 34th. The death occurred at Dettolt QUIVERING - NERVES When roe are jest os edge • • whoa you clam's stead tie diadem's eche • • . whoa eva7thiag Toe do is s berths ... whets pea are irri- table and blue ... try Lydia L. ri k - ham's Vegyembie Composed. PS ore a( 100 worms report bene t. It whd she you Met dm Mira 17 es - r! sryou bred. Life will reset worth j7I ll alpha. Dost moire atsother deg widows she hdp this mdiciss tea gists. Tim a lain osier yam demise NOP --djatea. eoPalagu. - VMMETABLE CONFIR MO Men's Clothes Come in and look over our Spring and Summer Samples They are superb. Everything that's new 'in )tea's Wear at this tins of the season. Chas. Black Etat Street and Square Delbridge-(teepee Au event of interest took {Aare at the home of Mr. ■nd Mrs Bruce Coop- er. K3lmvtlle, is June 19th, when elr eldert'diregire,e'"-finks Lamina, was united in marriage to Horace Andrew Delbridge, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Delbridge of Winchelsea. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. It. Peters. Mr. and Mrs. Delbridge w all reside on the groom's farm at Wirwbeise*. A Visitor frees are Sly The people of Hellish. where an THE SIGNAL WESTFIELD WEWPF111,D, July 2. -Mie Beat- rice Bradford of Goderieb spent a few days with her cousin, Miss Minnie Snell. Mr. and Ura. Muriel Cook, Miss Elsie Stonehouse and Mr. Charles Stott spent the week -end with Strat- ford and London friends. lir. and Mrs. T. Kernick of Blyth visited on Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Campbell. The tootball game wrack _was played on Thursday Oral/Aar Westtlold diamond between Morris and Westfield resulted in a score of 1-0 in favor of Westfield. Mrs. Albert Nethery and children, of Hamilton, are visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Fred J. Cook, Mrs. K. Nethery, Mrs. .1. McGill and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. T. Kernick, Mrs A. Carr and Mr. J. Dodds of Blyth were Westfield visitors on Sunday. Mrs. A. Walsh and Mr. Baume Rents Weigh were Rockwood visitors O° IRelief payments Sunday• Outstanding amounts Mrs. H. Brown of Burlington spent Kank balance yeti 1934 ••:• old boys' reunion has been taking plate this week, bad an additional thrill whoa a man from Pennaylvanla- arrived by airplane to visit his wife, wbo was taken Ill while attending the reunion. It was A. J. Hummel, of Ml1lvUle, Pa , whose wife is a sister of Mrs. Thomas Berry of Hensall. Mr. Hummel arrived twoday morning, spent a half-day with his wife, who war somewhat Improved on his arriv- al, and left on the return trip Sun- day afternoon. GODERICH, 014T. Thursday, July 4th, 1980-T Tax Rate for 1935 Fixed at 50 Mills (Continued from page 3) for public reboot a(tt•i"itters and 51!4 mills for separate sips,' supporters. One effect of the trade agreement The estimates of rt..•ipt, and ex- between Canada and Germany Ws peadituree for the torrent year are been the renewal of shipments of as follows: RlO�II'TS Oanadtan apples to the German mar- reconeeted taint• ket during the pest two year*. Prior Cemetery=r+•}Y� �0 �Il m`21811E'ow'ile- -the mean favorable. ?00 00 100 00 30000 3.558 00 News of the Farm Nates sod Comments on Agricultural Topics i Licensee Fines Dog taxes Local Improvement taxes Seise* re°tals .......... 500 00 Road o1l assessments ......».. 900 00 National 8hlpbuildtag (to. 1,200 00 Goderlch Mfg. Co... 2.006 06 Artcraft Furniture 09........, 500 00 Golericb Organ Os. ............8,000 00 Provincial railway tax .... 209 46 1,400 00 8,200 00 588 08 148 84 Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ellis. , Miss Marie Vincent of Clinton spent Sunday under the parental roof. STEATB AND SALIM PLEASE THE MLLES By Betty Barclay Many women think of natt'rat pine apple Jobe as a refreshing beverage, or aumetbing with which delklous des- serts may be made. However, the juice of this luscious fruit 1s rapidly gaining favor in meat and vegetable cookery. Here is a recipe that will make one of the most inexpensive cuts of meat taste like a king's dish, and another that will make a simple but very tasty salad. In both cases be sure to use the natural unsweetened pineapple juke. which comes in tins Or-AP►eral slam and ---not the sweet syrup In which sliced pineapple is packed. Deviled Steak (81x servings) 1 flanked steak 1 large onion 2 tablespoons batter 2 tablespoons flour 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon mixed dry teaspoon pepper. T18 tesrpoon paprika 1 teaspoon dry mustard The marriage took place la tbe An- glican church, Cooketowa, on 8atur- day afternoon. of Mie Jean Arnold out avoid M*Aards. . alstta we, la ea the teaching staff in Toronto. A. K. Cook, organist of the United church. Blyth, played the wedding music, while Mr. Sams of Toronto, was the soloist. After a buffet luacbson served on the lawn at the beautiful home of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Richards left for Toronto. Those attending the wedding from Blyth were Mr. and Mrs. Richards their daugh- ter, Hasel, and eon. Donald; A. E. Cook, Mr. and Mra chat •Watson and two daughters. of Mullett. Hydro Store BUY AN Electric -Stove Quick - Clean - Economical and cool (0 cook with DUNGANNON herbs 11,4 tablespoons eider vinegar 2 cups pineapple juke Melt butter in oven and brown the sliced onion and powdered herb. Re- move onion and brown the steak, wbleh has been eat into pieces two by three ineben and rolled in flour. Add remaining flour• brown slightly, thea seasonings and hot pineapple juice. Cover closely and simmer for several boars, or until steak is tender. Taxes- ._,_ Collegia ta axes- Collegiate Ia.]MMte, fit 4% w.a•• 11,783 86 Public school, tis 8ts m21.791 98 Separate school, di 16 _111_ 1.281 23 General, (2 30%16 1!!l 7G'702 -" eouatderably above early estimates, due to favorable weather conditions during the latter halt of the growing, season. Doubled [1p With Rheumatism ST. HELENS - ST. HELENS, July 1. ---Vinton. CouK Net Wash WmseIf over the week -end and IA,wtut,w Day HLs Hair with Mrs. it. J. Woods were Mr. and Mrs. Will Doherty and daughter Gleu, 8o bed was has rheumatism that his of Guelph; Mr. and Mrs. 'noon, Of friends declared he would never wort Black Hoek. and Bohhy Brooks, of iRalu.- Altbougb he is 70 years old, Fergus. he provtd they aero wrong. head Mr. uud lira. Dau ltatcllff, Mr. and whit he sayer - Nor Brei ''- rate of customs duty applicable to Dskirta, visite., the Murray, Cameron Christmas 1 was eoatpietely doubled up imports of United States apples, the and Stuart families They came by with rheumatism. I could not brush export of Cltnadldu apples to Ger-motor. my hair nor wash myself. People was not au economical Dropo•With Mr. and lire. Robheou weeds "mid l should never work any more. anion. • • • The sugar beet acreage contracted in 1935 in south-western Ontario totals approximately 36,000 acres. This 1s several thousand acres above the 1934 (-ontrarted ■creage and about 10,000 acres above the harvested acreage of 1934. The scale of pries offered for tweets Is the same as in 1934, with a guaranteed minimum of 35.25 per ton fur beets delivered at the taetorles, and 75 cents per tou less for weigh - station delivery. • • • lie p.Zuli to Pullets -should be 0 11,2557 28 a range shelter or other building for prutection frogs ,the weather from.ro; EXP1)lm1D11'I'RE8 dents and to give shade during UUe Sala ries 3 5,353 00 day. Printing and advertient4 .... 900 00 It is advisable to remove the cock- IAw colts 700 00 erels, as being stronger than the put - Fire department .- 1,600 00 lets they hinder the proper develop - Public works and rest) oil 9.000 00 went Of the pullets If there are too Idl liluk 400 W wavy of them. The beat poultry tern ray. y. s W. D. Charity and relief and flay- wen separate the pullets and cock- With the Teaeherar--MSL low patients 3,700 00 ere?. a. soon as they can and grow Rutherford is tearing for Toronto to t'ublle library...�.».... --- 1,900 00 the pullets un a good mash, grain and take a teen weeks' course at the Col - Grants and hpyplW I.....i clean ring... Poultry hygiene 1s ex- lege of Art : Miw+rst Zeldn'and Dorm*2800 00 cwrII I iwpurlant Authorities ad- Webster are atteotling Toronto Ent - is their daughter, Mrs. Alex. Murdie of Toronto, ou u two weeks visit. Week -end guests with 31r. and Mrs. John Webster were: Mr. and Mrs. Ed. d. Smith and Miss %Aida, of Toronto, I many. 1 could not get in or out of and Ih.rtlnv, of i quloi. Mrs. Ed.beod wyoeI1, nor sit up. ihit see me Smith and children are remaining for a couple of weeks Guests with -Mr. and Mrs. E. Purvis over the week -end were Mrs. lld'ar- 1 ntu working harder thou a young man today. Thanks, ninny thanks, to Kruschen Salts. I take thew in my tta, and I have rtr..mmeudtd them to work now-- 12 hours a day sOUICIIIREIL Krust•hen Salt. have done A[." -G. 1. Rheumatic t.wdltious are the re- sult --of au escese-of uric -field- in the thy and Mr. and Mrs. Heide tit Sarnia. itoly. Two of the Ingredients of Mr. Harold Ilyde left on Saturday Krusrben salts have the power 81 dis- solving Kincardine, where lie will be rue solving uric add Crystals; Other Iu - gaged at MaIeoIn, s factory. I gredlenhl assist Nature to expel thee, Mr. and lire- Eddie Miller •nd 41i6"")1•141 "1.4111 through the "tug' al channel. In addition, there are chidyeu. ei,�ly� tJAsitea recently thein es dKes, • lteai<ik gotta and' Wallets. Miller. Mrs. Wit. c'ameron of Mltehell,lud common of lletrori-- visitore with Mr. aid Mrs. John (.m• eron. Miss Anna Stuart of Toronto ens home with her mother over the holi- day. Mrs. Stuart 1s not Improtlng -s4H4 etLw-nrkltso is Jerusalem whkb pfrePttt forst fermentation in the ie- = •� te'tlnes. and thereby cheek' the further it not only of nide sick.. hitt of tither holy Is.lw.i+ which ea- Ileriuine the health. - tient* (tank interest --ease- Elections ...... » .... Parts - ••ecce—•- Park House - ......- Cemetery -• -«-• Public schools »...................•. 2t,500 00 Separate aehool ....-. 1,275 00 Collegiate Institute Board of health .•.,...• ❑isuratxe ... ._...... _ Market «r... Del 'ten ture account. le wa- ter and light and e h .ol. 23.563 05 0. W. S. R. 7,500 00 County rates ».r.•«••«10,407 37 Street Ilghtlag ».--•«- 3,900 00 Town water .... « « -T3a00 -06 Discount on talent »--......-•»• 1.800 00 Bank• loans 57,000 00 Bank loan reserve. ....---. 5,000 00 Water, light and harbor 300 00 Salt Co. power — . 360 00 National plants ..»»•• • 700 00 Arteraft plant ....•- 500 00 Outstanding accounts ......» 6.709 87 Miscellaneous ...-i. .. »::.« 8, 3,400 00 vise that -feeding troughs and drluk- varsity; Miss ihu'Why Wehate. Is 250 00 log vessels be frequently dtsiufected. leaving for London, where she will 700 00 It la a good plan to have them on a teach In Byron Sanatorium during the 1,300 00 wire nre+h raised somewhat frust -thy vacation Mlse Imbed -filter and 1,000 00 ihsrr so that the litter cannot be three friend:& attended the Stratford scratched Into theta Frequent cleat- Normal School picnic. head at (hvderich Ing of the pen rind changing of the on Saturday Miss Beatrice MtQull- litter Is also, advised, and by all means lin has been re-engage( as assistant keep them well supplied with clean teacher in the St. Helens sclio i..... water. Miss Vera Todd has resigned her • • • !wheel at ltloomingda:e and is home. Test Soils Before Liming Paying Farewell. -Pupils of St. When the question of liming arises Helens school gathered on the grounds the first step should be a soil acidity on Tuesday afternoon to do honor to teed. An active-seldlty test together Mr. G. S. Mtlntyre. B.A.. who after fire with a knowledge of trop require- Tears as principal has resigned to meet,, as Td -nese ripe arts aridity will nem!' a position on the Lut•know Con - determine to a large degree the suit- tiuuatlon School stall. at ability of sopa for various crops. Thom rend an address and Etta Swan Such a test will indicate quite defin- I on behalf of the pupils sod ex-pupils ely whether lime 114 required. Where I and Mies MoQulllln presented him Rely Is needed, the quantity required with a signet ring. A pleasant hour to reduce the acidity of a particular was spent in sports, and homemade soil to a suitable point for a specific candy was served by the rider girls On the same dleacher the lear and pu- crop can he determined. This is one 728 41 of the services renrlrred bJ the Do- pile of the junior room presented minion F.xperimcntal Statlo4, at IN.rla p ilii°sun with a sup and sau- ij192.557 26 Harrow. upon request. car and Murray Wilkinson and Har - Where field t not producing the old Woods with tie -clip sets. Doris p(Iptl • 10,033 76 250 00 1,000 00 25 00 Man 11111.1 have some fear., hopes, ani rare., for the coqui iig morrow.-tletil- ler. - H. CLEMENTS MASSEY-HARRIS SHOP Lupton Street - Caloric' Brophey Bros. THE LEADING FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS holmAmbulance service at all hoa day or knight. PHONES: Store 123 Res. 217 GODERICH • BIRTHDAY PICTURES ere a r and Murray are leaving for their new • 1 er is attending crop it should, the acidity of the soft Fordyce school. /legal, while Harold, a form- ,,., be ■ limiting factor. In each I home at a case R tertalely Ira advisable to have the soil tested for Bildt—tr. -SQ` T• Metntyre *111 take a nalvsrsiti wowlets .should be carefully takes with a clean spade at representative pliers ii the fletd. A sample front a verr prt4iuetive area Is often help - course In Toronto during the vacation. For the third_ weds_ in succession_ the dentist's etlrgery maid reported that there was a men In the waiting r AB for eomcient n• One -hall pint of wMw dw11t►wl alt invitattmts to see the Boll Is sufficient for such a test. but 1 *144' dentist "1'erlutps Iles persons.- *aid this should be token from n well mixed i fibs dentist "1'11 go and ear• him." larger representative sample. A brief history of the field should aceompany emelt 0011 sample, which can either he d-;drmp11e1 or brought to the-- above ed.- ; dress ess for determination. • • • F rult ('rep Report (Intended for last week) DI'N(}ANN4", June 27. -Mr. and Mrs. Heber Fady and family spent Sunday with friends at Mlllbituk. Mr. and Mrs 0. H. Popp and child- ren, of 11etrolt. are visiting the lady's parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Mt Kenzie. Mr. Glover of Toronto spent the week -end at the parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Swan and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Dennie spent Sun - (lay with friends at Winghaut Rev. J. L. Burgess of South Kin- •byteeias...church-.,.last. Atterege_..afget-. noon. The pastor, Rev. C. H. Mac - Ronald. who has been III, 1s improv- ing Mra Fred Ross and Donald spent the week -end with frlenda at Lochalsh. The entrance examine tions com- menced on Wednesday with Mr. Hill of gkalerich presiding.__ Mr-- Gordon KIM Is presiding nt 8t. Helens. Anniversary services will be held In the Presbyterian church on Sunday, July 7th, at 3 n'tlo•k and 7.30. when Rev. Dr. Kannlwln of Toronto, *sere• tary of young people's work, will he the speaker. A hardball game wax played here Tuesday evening between Blyth and fhtngannon, resulting in a victory for Rlyth. A gang of inen are working on the road between Dungannon and the nfhcol with teams and scrapers. wid- ening the road Minx Dorothy Robb, Mr. Wm. Robb. Mr. Geo. ilodge and Mra. i)ooald -roar ler took pert In the bromic/tat over the Wingham rndlo station leaf Sat- urday Jim Million was the an• mounter. Mr. Gordon Kidd attended an exe- cutive xtcutive meeting of lite West. linron Teachers' Aeee'Iation st (Joderlch taut Saturday. Mra. Stephen 4tothers Is having her hone) stuccoed this week hy n flrm from Allen Craig. Wetaenhe Ilaltltute.-The Women'. Institute held their meeting at the home of Mrs. Bert itradford with a good attendance. The president pre aider, The roll call was answered by „may, Ring or pay " Those In chnrge of the program were Mra. Cecil Tre leaven. Mrs Richardson and Mrs. Irrank Innen. it was decided to ask the hepertmeet for n Rummer "meek- er. Mrs ,Richardson gave a reading and Mrs Jones rondhetsd a rontast. Mrs J. Ryan offered her home for the next meeting The meeting eau• clone) with he +ingtnr of the Nn tlonsl Anthem, after which Itineh was served hy their til ebirre Of rfw pro, SEE DISPLAY OF STYLES AND MAKES AT THE HYDRO STORE It's too early to start taking pictures of the babies and In later years they will prove to be one of ^.euessions,„,., rg�00 many patents look upon their 1 children's birthday anniversa- ries only as a time to give them a party or a present. No one will argue against that angle of birthday cele- brations. Birthday parties and gifts were in vogue long before our time on this earth and will trmttnne long after our demise, but there can be another feature of the celebration from which both parents and chil- dren w111 get !atm -time enjoyment, to wit: the birthday snapshot. Suppose you are to be parents of one of the quarter of a million babies to be born in Canada this year. It won't be easy to remember exactly how that baby looked ten years from now, but a few snapshots will keep the likeness for yon. True, ff you are the father, you are lucky In these prophylactic times, to be permitted to see your newly -born heir for several days after Sir Stork has delivered his package, unless through the heavy glass of a well guarded window or door. But when the nurses and doctors finally con- cede that you are not a common car- rier of encephalitis lethal -Oda or what other germs you are supposed to have, you should exercise your authority. Tell them you are deter- mined to shoot the baby, then lanais lightly, and walk In with your cam- eo. Every month 1s aerially considered a birthday in a baby's life until be Is a year old. At least a picture a month should be made of the new boarder for the first year. Von will be surprised and delighted in see- ing the changes which the picture. record. After that one of you should nee that the camera is always loaded, for you can never tell when ynt r baby Is collie to take has firm ,xe- nothing to the bohl just yeL The tiring *committee has arrived --sr a baby Is quite matter-of-fact about priceper quart to he oddthis adventure, but you get all ex- grower for ta•rriesneed for jam mans - cited, let out a couple of whoops. facture. British interests, after a. gasp, laugh and probably scare the failure of the Brltisb crop, plrcbased infant so thoroughly that he falls several hundred tons of British 'Co• Tumble strawberries for professing. and are now carrying on negotiations es - weather--at,the the itawrn retarded the development of fruit crops. but recently conditions hive been more satisfactory for growth. Very favorable wcnther for pollination prevailed during blossom floe. -and moiahute supplies are suf- ficient for some time following heavy precipitation thrboghont the Province during the past week. The strawberry trop will he 100 per cent. larger then fast year lap *owe of the producing districts,, and for the I'rovinme as a whole an in- crease of -Wit per west. is -turetast. The i+f1f}ltfar S. he eut••rel the walling room stud. minket, If he 4-101141 1s• of tuiy-ervlte. "No. thank you," replied the vial- -Air blandty:- "1 jus -dren-nc lscaure.JXt PPP. I'm rendlua a aerial In otic o' yotlr pa pre." J. IL Wheeler Funeral Director and Embalmer All calk,promptly attended be day ornight AMBULANCE SERVICE-- PHONES Store 335 Rewewee thaw ellamikess Oedosrlc► Walter Dalton ('NDF:RTAIf; ER Huron 01d Boy Gradual* • Goderich Collegiate institute 13510 West Worrell Ave., 1)ETIU)iT, Mi('H. Tel. Oregon 8558 down and has to do it all over again. The chances are that you will not be prewired for that first.�►,oeH you eboald happen to be holding them cameo to your hand yon will, to your excitement, probably have ft turned the wrong direction and get an out -of -focus pit t°re of your mid- section. But don't nein this moment of moments the next time. Have your camera and yourself ready for action. There never seems to be enough of these baby pictures to go around, for there are grandtaothers• aunts, cousins and frlenda in distant cittoa who are always looking forward to receiving a snapshot at the newly arrived commander of the "Infan- try" - There's always the "fret time" for everything and this awpileS to thou- sands of events In a baby's lite. There Is the first time ba discovers he has toes, and Immediately decides In bis own little mind that they are something good to eat. His first smile, and then that teem moment when he reaches nut With kis ehub• beery. Fstrops•en plums promise a by little arms and Clays, "Blah," heavy yield. but 1apefeIe varieties which is at once intew rood by the have only a light set. Fears ,how parents to moan "!)addle" Oro -Mom. little change In proapci4i from n yens mit," sometimes depos jag on who ego. ihi -hr ore tight ; artlett. Is governor of the hacienda finite patchy, with n light to mediiil Voinmes could ?lt71ttt ounet d othvarletles may 1* de - baby pletnrea hitbe 414w0. is limitedabt 1In'antl ' + tcediernm. r here. Whatever yon Rt•h do, however, P,en dam a (rPnte111Io11i IM don't tbrget that snapshots of the 1'r"vrmcnt neer last ytnr ntul.Ali .1'.arle lilddtes are Important right now and hp. ar. Rning to hove sI heavy Crop In later year. they •'01 grove tO ire t'itrl Ieef Is In evMence la piton, ic. i w ■tons ,prayed orchard, and some older one °f roar Dr fie" trrtg. !how 1pirlhrr m,.rlsilltt' end h your chi erre 'VOW mother. I 1_ ,.rnd e $14,Z7,1*1* 14217,749,14217,749,,•114.4.9,46. «Y1aital& na. - In- 11 r•h 4mraxe-et-afh---- proximately 300 tons of Ontario straw- herrtt'a: -TOW formatted -demised la -- tasked upon as a very .favorable fac- tor, tai flew of the Ionic *uppilel which will be produeed this year. The production of raspberries this year is estimated nt 5.i per tent. in- c•rease'over last year. Some drying out of raspberry ernes at the top is reported. but generally prospects are quite' favorable. Although the apple crop will he con. sltleratrly under average, the total yield w111 allow gt isI Imsroveuteul over last year. In Eastern Ontario, Spas, Starks mud Ih i Davis promise very light crops 311.1 If prospects are love average In both I:nstern and Western Ontario. WO early varieties of apples had n good show 1118 of blossoms. Cherries and plums had n very light blorm In ,'.astern Ontario. In Western Ontario 4x11 varieties of sour eherrtes have a henry set of fruit, with .(feet tIirtet1,' allowing light to DISCO DISCO DISCO DISCO in the popular fuel dist a number. of our customers have beim waiting for and we have been-aueees$tul in getting. another ear. It is as good a summer fuel as it is for winter heat- lag. DISCO li a coke differing hoax others, as It. baa the gas left - in 41, therefore, more heat unite. When you require sao1s f»1 or er " "1tgna*try utiiiSC0 . and Welt a trial. •- • For PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, SHELF and GENERAL ' NG and TINQMiTHINO, give attended to -and . µpyo 1't1T1" All wort prrMnpliy -••--- CHAS. C. LEE The Hardware Store anti Coal Yard at the harbor Phones --Store 22. House 112. Godertrh, Ont. w an etmk+•n nR• see .fatties% ant s"a ssee amore fifes, faltering step -And what an *Ole known sot eran,tpareats. condltlon and an average crop, slight event to your life, evea i(.1fi masa*. JOHN YAH AQILDER. 1 below 1114year, la ttPP1•tPds Tor TOTHEWEST JASHEEIR WINNIPEG EDMONTON PACIFIC (OAST - CANADIAN ROCKIES the Follow • thrilling JASPER PARK route by the "Continental Limited". See the highest peaks of the Rockies from a moun- tain observation car Stop off at JASPER ...or round out yoyr trip with a cruise to ALASKA. Low cost table d'hote and a la tart* meals m the diner. Ash any Canadian National ,v1 agent for dew's. 4 �•..•.-..�..,. ----4 -- ■ r• �•�+_ aM�---4', •. 4 .4-,..-w.. 1 actors e# 1aSi"Im`a` Prepaid 701.1 •tapover at J..p.r Park I..d.. Inrrt•tlnr :Z 1'50 ronrn and ,n..4 7 -oar 347.50 alopow, NT Mtn