HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1935-7-4, Page 5AMY MN moons TOUR MITI 1 Tee *aa .osis said aawowa deem loans who s Nall. dally are, aasI She ail at Mese ammo Du BAIN KAU 1 1 r RE Ari/tl OW $ y HUDNUT Oseeeleg Crean $1.10 Ode Towle sed Prasinse►10 A0 Mare Gest 5130 Mewls OS 51.00 Campbell's Drug Store GODERICH 22 The Square Phone 90 BELFAST BELFAST, July 3.—Mr. Ralph Cimeron spent • day last . week in London. We are r.rry to report the illness of Mr. and Mts. John Mullin, also of Mrs. Dynes Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lane of Ripley visited at Mr Jas. Hackett's on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff. Hackett and family and lir. and Mrs. Baldwin spent Sunday with relatives In Strat- torA Mrs. Geo. Tilden, of Holstein, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Darla. Misses Anda and Wtnntfred Lane motored to Coldwater on Sat- prday. Miss Melds Lane returned with them on Monday: OONGAZGATIONAL PICNIC V et.rfs SR United (birch People Ito - joy Outing at Meeeectusg Pant More than one hundred members of Victoria street fatted church and Sunday school ■ttended the annual congregational picnic at Menesetung Park on Monday afternoon. It was perfect day and those in attendance eejeyed tbe outing..to_tht-bW.__ ft/r_ an afternoon ot games, races I sad swimming, a picnic supper was *erred. Rev. P. W. Cralk had general charge of the outing. A softball game was played by mem- bers of the Sunday school, and the men held a horseshoe contest_ Racesresulted as follows: Under six years—Olt-1z, Joan Beech - ler. Sylvia Craddock, Jean Swanta, Evelyn Breckow. Boys, Jim Taman, Donald Sproul, Donny Jones. 81m to eight 'we—Girls, June Bae -bier. if/aryl enMerasa. Barbara zeh_aass, John Tamale Hight .to ten year.—Olrta, June Bloomfield, Betty Snell, Donna Drew. Boys. Jack Westlake, Gordon Sutcliffe, Aotl THE SIGNAL Reunion of S. S. No. 5, Colborne (As ted by vete et tae Natives was Mrs within a strife's threw the Leg Scheel) June 28, 1986 A reuuluu ideate of the old pu and their frlends of school Beet No. 5, Colborne township, took at the present reboot grounds tode seventy-nine years a r the form of the section. The lry was please the crowd glorious. Over three h dred peopte—ota-nme pupils, press day pupils and their trleuds--ga ered and renewed aequalntances old school days. 1 counted ft eight automobiles, two mingle bugg two motorcycles and one truck. some of the old pioneers, teachers pupae, who have gone on to the 1 where they never grow old, eoutd ha passed by tbe old a,•hool, what a tb trey would have gut to see the cba In the process of time since they w to the old log school. Who kno but they may have passed by the school, and viewed tbe scene w pleasure? The tables were laden with dal eatables, the children, this and lad were dreamed In their light sumo costumes, which displayed their to ly forms to perfection. I noticed Ito of the old No. 5 school bachelors fr the Lake ttihore road with ire their eyes warn they Iwtwld t lovely female forms, They bad a line program of e making, song and instrumental mus The oldest pupil of the old log /chs present was John t)ustow, seven nine years of age. Mr. Dustow ga a fine address, reitinlsceut of o school days, and also sang that it old Methodist hymn, "We will pet.grow old over there," which he to t eo aweett7, so ettey to the ossa lo se, that it brought sweet memori back, and a tear of remembran dropped from many an eye.M The O -tigers The pupils present at this reunlou who attended the old log .school in the sixties were John Uustow, Joseph McCann, William Bogie (Bed Bill) James and Edward Foley (twins) They were the only old pupils pre =at that attended the old log school Tbey had tbelr pictures takes, this old school gang. No dontat R. It. Sallow. w111 have them for sale to postcard else. They would be a nice souvenir of the old No. 5 reunion to send to old friends who could not be present. Also a photo of the hundreds tet ette'Bded -would make- a oleo souvenir -of tie old school reunion, and 100 years hence would be interest- ing to posterity. I noticed among the crowd George Sturdy from Godericb township. He went to the old log school for five years when a boy, but cane to the reunion at too late an hour to get Into the picture of the old• =bootgang. He said he bad a warm stat In his heart for the bays and girls of his old school days at No. 5, but was sorry to see so few of theta left. He ,Mg pr *marooned his pieasurr at lee - la Now, the present trustees, Alex. Watson, Leslie Johnston and Andrew e, did the grand and should be gratulated upon the success of.th Mime reunion, as they bad pro - ed swings for the children, game the sports and seats for the ladies, elderly men and lazy pupils. They also gave everyone present a climb of Ice cream and furnished free drinks --ot lemonade. G. H. G. • HISTORI' OF THE SE('TION I'erhaps a few records of the old school would be of Interest to the reader. Application to start a school s made to the Reeve of Colborne rt Hunt, on the 25th day of April n the year J556, by Sandy Anrnd, er Rutrtsson and Thomas Grundy rding to the minutes, apparel - was granted as follows: "This dey of May to the year of our rd nue thousand eight hundred and .six at Uoderk•h, T. W. Wilson, retary, Robert Hunt, town Reeve- -sent, Sandy Armand, Peter lteblu- and Thome.. Grundy."' Iret school meeting of school sec - No. 5, Cleburne, held January 7, , In the Maitland motel, Colborne; At a meeting of t5te_f[Cg1iu).ders and fiyttlrp?pMera Mr. Hlirsy.Hurte»e ` called to the chair. Mr, Andrew Link - later was requested to act as tary. 'Moved by Joseph Strong, who Of p11s ion place l— ing ut, uu- th- of Ry- les, If and and ve rill nge eat WS old my les er ve- rve 1.110In Wise Peet h - .al ty- VP. Id ne er Pig • 04 • • tit16"1"ce *nag._ &std ssse.is•aalsmay os (Billy Tamara. con Ten to twelve years—(Nola, Elva yid Snell. Pearl Westlake, Doris Squire. vld Boy., Raymond Snell, Jack Westlake, for Sam Mabon. Twelve to fourteen year.—Girls, Evelyn Prowse, Valera Craddock, Elva Snell. Boys, Jack Snell, Jack Mc- Kinnon. o. Kinnon. Harry Westlake. Fourteen to sixteen years—Boys, Bruce Bloomfield, Geo. Hall, Harry Westlake. Threedegged race—Elva Snell and Jack Snell. wit Toting ladles' race—Dorothy Prowse,1e Loretta Swantz. In Young men's race—Geo. CurrelL Pet Rne ell Bloomfield. Arca Married women's race—Mrs. John tion Sproul. 7th Married men's race --Harry Barker l o Married and single men's rare— fifty cieorge Correll, Harry Rloom5eid.. th Thread-e-needle—Mrs. 7. Adam, ser Jr . Harry Bloomfield. pr, tklpping—dLe1Pn Bee, Mildred Monk r Wheelbarrow race -Evelyn Prowse lion end Jark McKInnon, p 7 High Jump—Bruce Bloomfield day hereof, and we furtber bind and oblige ourselves, and our successorsMM in oee, faithfully to employ the pow- ers with which we are legally In- vested by the said section o1 laid Act, to eollett and pay the aatd teacher, during the continuance of this agree- ment, the sum for wbleh we hereby become bound—the said sum to be laid to the said teacher yearly. And the said teacher hereby contracts and tenths- himself to tee= ,0d mr laws the school, In said school section, ac- cording to the regulations provided for by the said School AM. This agreement to =Minus for one year from the date hereof. Given under our hands and seals this first day of January, One Thou* and Eight Hundred and Fifty-eight. JAwES DUSTOW, ALFRED MORRIS, HILLARY HORTON. Trustees. (Seal) Witness : TIUOMA8 GRiJT1DY. ItI(111AJtD HAYNES. Teacher. WRIGHT—EDGAR A wedding was solemnized by Rev. F. W. Cralk at Victoria 'erect rafted church parsonage on Saturday morn- ing. when .lean Agnes, slaughter of Mr. anti Mrs. Robert lydgar, of Gorrle, was united in nmrrtage to William A. Wright, ,t Wroxeter. The bride and groom were attended by Mis Margaret Wright, Kt.ter of the groom. and Mr. Leslie Douglas, Moth of Wroxeter. Mr. ■od Mr.. Wright will live at Wing - ham Election Date May Be Sept. 16 p (Continued from pa1) the Government that the farmers of Quebec Province would obey no such law. A Liberal amendment to detetei this obnoxious clause was defeated by 90 to 53 votes. A resolution by Alfred Speakman, C.F.A., Red Deer, urging adoption of social credit to provide increased pur- chasing power. was defeated. Conser- vatives and Liberals uniting against It. In the Senate, Hon. G. C. Ballan- tyne, Oonservative, ,Montreal, spoke out on behalf of "good business" against .ill t4a___Oovernment Doke spreads legislation. • Senator sir Meigben remarked, "These questions are not Ito simple as they appear to some high -grader moralists who make money by parading thelr demagogism to the press."Se The nate Wait* Up Isreidentally, much comment has been heard of late months on the new lease of life taken on by the Senate ander Mr. Meighen'a leadership, with the astestance of W. F. O'Connor, S.C., Toronto, as legal counsel. In so care- fully scrutinising all House ot Owe mese I SLatloe. It 1* pointed est the also that, whatever happens in . election, Mr. Melghen will lead a very strong Conservatlre group In' the Senate In the next Parliament, with a e i majority of thirty or more over the Liberal Senators. s Because, of his admtt�dly good work six chairman of the Pensions Commis- sion for the pant year. Mr. Justice Fawcett Taylor of Winnipeg Is being continued In that poaltion by the Gov- ernment for another year. Mr. Kennett told the House of Com- mon% that the trouble with British ('olumbla relief camp strikers is fes- tered by Communeetic Influence and he appealed to all good (*teem; to omelet the Government In maintaining law and order throughout the Domin- i ion. ileums. tro,dsworth and Mac- hina..erlticlxed the manner in which +MJir. nnett had revived the strikers' delegation here a few days ago, hut Mr. Guthrie, reiterating the Gnrern- ment'a potation and intention to resist al/ the strikers' demands, uttered a fwarning that "those who break the taw most take the consequences" Liberals of course put on a greet demonstration in the House when the New Kntnaw•Ick PleetloA results were rewired Thrrrarley--night. Mr. Ben- nett Jeer smiled and1'Bfffd lir. King that war t trdfY }gear.- is re' ,d... hrr- fierederat election "rii.if as soon as pos- sible." Fat men's and thin wnmpa's raee— George Beeehler and Dorothy Prouse. Swatting the hag—Mrs. John SprouL Clothespin raee -Annie McKinnon. rug -of -war {Juniors)—Jack Snell, Harold Squire, (leo. Snell and Harr/ Westlake. Backward and forward race—Eve gn Snell and Jett Snell. f.v• +.A.,•-+- . secre- seconderd by illiray Horton, and AUBURN ter hinds himeett to finish the a•hooll be a ftee school. Moved t.y Samuel Morrls. seconded by Alex. Green, that Jame. I)ustow be appointed a trustee. ! Carried, Moved by Prince Morris, seconded by Jo Strong, that iitlray Horton he a trustee. Carried. Record. of a meeting held at Oar - braid hotel February 21, 1557. It was decided by a majority of eleven votes to five that James Green's lot he the new school site in preference to Robert Cammish's and agreed to rent Alex. Green's house for three months et a rental of 12 per•month, the same to be used as a school house 410 until the new selood bonne he -built. BUiLDiN'G AGREEMENT "ity and between Hllray Horton and James Duatow, trustees, and James Linklater, carpenter, wherein the lat- ter hind. himself to finish the school house situated on lot 11, ronesabn 12, Colborne, according to specifica- tions on or before May 20, 185T, for the sum of Twent,y-elght Pounds Fif- teen Shillings." - The lot on which the present No. 5 school house stands, one acre In extent, was purr—bilged from David Heeley, No 1, 11470, for 11e nom of fifty dolls= ($!W),06) AGRE'EMBNT WITH Se'Itetea, TEM 'LiF:R t We, the nnderatgnel, trusteeit of J school Renton No. 5 In the tnwnahlp 1 of Colborne, by virtue nt the antherity veated 1n no by the fifth elan= of the twelfth oetlon of the Lipper Canada School Art of 1Mio here (lbcmen Rleh- ard Haynes, who holds a second -clues 1 rertltrwte of gnailfrntlon. to he a leacher In said school sPetton. and we I do hereby contract with and employ *tele teeekev wt the rata .at.. sixty M pounds per anima from sad after the 1.-.1•w___ AUBURN, July 3.—Mr. and Mrs IE. Pe•it, Mrs. Petit. et.. and M1** Vtc. .aria Pei:, of Preston, were guests a1 the home of Mrs, J. Irwin over the holiday. Mr. and Mre. Carr and Rilly and Mrs. Carr, ar., of Dresden, were els! tors at the hone of Mrs. (3. i.. Sturdy over the week -end. We enngratalete MIA Vivian ferrate man on her rarefying first -elate honors In her recent musical examination; also Miss Betty Asquith on receiving aecondt9aae honors. Mr. and Mrs. Allen, Mr. ikdn Craig and Mies Retty Craig are visitietrel- ativcs at Flirt. Mich. "-'�' Thls is strawberry week In Huron. A greet many farmers have rnmmenced haying. Mr, and Mr.. E. Ralthby and etrlldreu visite! relatives In Ereex county over the holiday. afro. Rsithhv'a friend MU. D. Burdett serompanted them home for visit. Mr. Freak Ryen, err., Frank Ryan and Mis. Ref* Ryan, of Lon- don, eatled on relatives here on Mon- day blot. Mrs. J. C. Clark left for Star City, Saskatchewan, on Tuesday. She will be away .nine month.. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ynnghkit, ("srl l ueeldet and Keith Arthur attended he Ynngh)nt reunion at Taelot,xtt on iffy int. Mr and Mra. Knox of gernia visited her slater, Mrs. Sheppard. neer the week -end. ttr Keyes Is supplying et the ata firm at LdnwraM and Mr, L. Ynngbint s totting the work at Albara.. h{sa Ann.) I•ebi.• of IttslvpN is )o;i daring *1 home. •The pa'n..i l ls•)nngingo of Rev. Dr. ortlatatre end family left by truck on Tuesday atter the arrival of the furni- SAFETY-SITRE I Every thread of eord, every pro- cessed layer of rubber, every Vetch and detail In their fabri- cation are selected and Inspected time and again to Insure the De- pendability that sets our Tire. apart In motorists' popular pre- ference. You cannot go wrong with THPME Tlree. The experi- ence of esetorlsts proves It daily! BARKER' mV/C= STAT1ON AND MACHINLf SHOP oats r.. s. Tire Deafer._ Phone 241 .... Rayfield Band • GODERICH, ONT. tore of Rev. H. vilsos from Oakland Tuesday aftersew. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Wtlaoe Ie our village. Mr. Hldon swim of Toronto visited at his home bales' Mr. Stanley NM malted las sister, Mrs. 8tanhury se i1,sedville. Mr. Pilgrim at Forest and Miss Vivian McKnight W liarriston called tat friends in Aube= oil Monday. -Mr. and Mrs. Rol Farrow and'daugh- tera, of Mitchell, were vt.itors at her ents' home over Monday tact- • e • (Intended for last week) Death of Mrs. Itetat 'hylar.—The sudden death of Mrs. Robert Taylor of Fast Wawanusi., v.: Wettiesidet. dildoe 19th, cast a gloom over the whole com- munity in which she was so well known and highly esteemed. Apparent- ly in good health, she passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Em- merson Rodger, two hours after suf- fering a stroke. Hoa. Taylor was horn In East Wawanosb November 25t:t, 18TT, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John McClinton. In 1903 she married Robert Taylor, who died six years ago. After their marriage 10e7 resided for tee years *1 St. Helens, then moved to the farm in East Wa- wanosb where their son Everett now lives and where Mrs. Taylor had con- tluued to mate her home. She was a member of the United church and was active in church work and a mem- ber of the choir. She leaven two daughters, Mrs. Walker of Toronto, and Mrs. Rodger of East Wawanosh, and one son, Everett; also a sister, Miss Christen& McClinton of Ooderich, and a brother, Dr. James McClinton of Timmins, Ont. The funeral took place on Saturday afternoon to Maltland cemetery, Goderlcb, Rev. Dr. Mortt- ces= seeetating. ,The peilhesrera w_ William McDowell, Frank Kersba.-, Chester Taylor, 'Marvin McDowell, Bert Taylor and Maitland Henry. During the service Mies Ruth Straug- ban sang, "Softly and Tenderly." Dr. James McClinton, who had been visit - Ing his deters here and at Godericb, was on his way home when word reached hlm of Mrs. Taylor's sudden death, and he itstedlately returned to attend the funeral. WESTFIELD WE8TFIELD, July 3.—](r. and Mrs. Norman Radford and family were at Waterloo on Saturday and timidity at- tending a reunion. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Godfrey and family, of Parry Sound, spear over the week --un at the lou.e of the form ere sister, Mrs. Wm McVlttle. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Campbell at- tended the Johnston clan re tweet at Grand Bend on Tuesday. Mrs. J. McBrten of Auburn- vihlted one day recently with her sister, lir.. Gordon Snit AIM burn visitors on Sunday. Miss Coleua Clark of Port Dal- housie is visiting at the home of her sister, Mr*. Marvin McDowell, Rev. Dr. J. W. Mortimore preached his farewell sermon to a large congre- gation. The Westfield congregation were sorry to have their pastor leave after five and a half years of faith- Tbigadsy, July i(b, Alit—d Special 1 For a limited time only 37.50 PERMANENT WAVES for OO FINGER WAVES reduced The. rtti•fto nw{C(�/w Wave C` ilea cram:At iiateShop ('enter Square and Montreal St. (Upstairs) F. LLOYD PRICE Phone 192 Goderich tul labor le the church; but wt.h him pieces lu and bIa ritually every success and hap- Oakland. their new field of labor at COMPARE OUR UALITY and PRICES and be convinced you save money in buying your Provisions from .us SALE STARTS- JULY 5th ENDS JULY 13, 1935 i■ DON'T MISS THIS SALE! FINEST Creamery Butter • • • Per Ib.... 21c GOODILAglaULIC TEA - • ..... , --v. Pir n) ---17c A REAL COFFEE (truly¢ rte) . . Soda Biscuits' 1 lb. pkg 10c PEAS OR MOTE CORN 2 tins 21c TOMATOES (choice quality) 3 large tins 25c ueen Olives • • • Medium size jar 19c 29e VALENCIA OR SEEDLESS RAISINS 2 1ba. 21c CERTO • bottle 29c 'Mixed Cakes 2 lbs 25c Corn Flakes All kinds PRINCESS SOAP nag Pkg. 16c 10ELLOGG'S BRAN FLAKES 2 Pkgs. 214. CRANULATED OR Brown Sugar I10 lbs. CHOICE QUALITY PEANUT BUTER PALMOLIVE SOAP 54c 2 lbs 29c i 4c SWEET UNWRAPPED SOAP HEINZ SOUPs (medium tin) 10 bars 27c 2 tins 25c 1 FINEST QUALITY Oranges Size 216 per dos. 35c Sunlight. Soap 49c 10 bars 1 lb. usucrosi SAWN or 2 lbs. BOLOGNA 27c New Cheese _ CHLORIDE OF LIME HEINZ PORK and BEANS 2 medium 2 "nil 21c IARROWROOT OR two tins 21c SULTANA RAISIN Per 111 2Ic EASIRRST SHORTENING 2 1-1b. cartons 25c CROSSE & BLACKWELL CATSUP 2 14 -os. bottles -25c, LIPTON Red Label Tea • G. W. BAECHLER Corner East Street and Square, Phone 368 (Bayfield) —INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED • M. ROBERTSON Corner Hamilton Street and Square --- Phone 164 Own Delivery Goderich • •