HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1935-7-4, Page 44-Tteuraday, July 4th, 1935
Our Mend Furnishings Department offers for •
your approval a most interesting selection
9martait._8taaw Hats, Shirts,
Silk Suspenders, Underwear, Bathing Suits,
Flannel Trousers, etc;, at popular prices.
Grey Flannel Suits
Single o
e -breasted $18.So
W. C. Pridham & Son
Now Playing-"Gol,1 Diego'." .. great girl tied a music show.
Monday. Tuesday sod Wednesday- .An exceptional double bill!
in another h118rIons giggle anti quake mystery mainly
"Murder on a Honeymoon"
a .stilted by LIGHTNING, the famous dog actor
present a heart -touching picturlaatlon of a great novel
"A Dog of Flanders"
'Monday. Friday and Saturday -
t,kaad* Farrell, Patsy Kelly and Helen Morgan
"Go Into Your Dance''
offer something brand new in the way of musical comedy
Coming`WfHlam Powell and Ginger Rogers." -Star of Midnight."
Wetlaess Wedaeaday.aad datrd.y at 3 pm.
Tuesday, Thursday_
The PAVILION, Goderich
Slot Machines
Banned in Huron
Magistrate Makin. Gives Order for
Their Removal—Last Week's
Court Docket,
MtTglatrate J. A. Makin on Thurs.
day-174-4We'lciTtlIr t ma. iuiaste
vending slugs In Huron county be re
moved. The owners 'were given
three weeks to effect the removal. It
le estimated there are at least fifteen
machines of various types In Goder
Ich alone.
His Worship Issued the order after
finding John Kernagbaa, of Brusse:s,
guilty of operating a common gaming
house, in that he exchanged slug"
vended by a machine In his luuele
room for merchandise. Several wit-
nesses testified that Keroaghan had
:old them slugs, also that be had
taken slugs In payment for goods.
one witness sated Kernaghan had
paid cash for slugs. In every trans-
action slugs were valued at Live cents
The Brussels man was arrested on
June 21, after a brawl that began In
his tunch-room over - bet es to wheth-
er or not the slot machine would cash
checks. Kernaghan, 1t Is alleged, lost
the bet and refused to pay. The
other man involved, John Alcock, of
Grey township, flourished a knife,
whereupon Kernaghan broke a ' pop
bottle over the man's head. The !un:h
counter and chairs were overturned
and bottles and merchandise were
strewn about the shop.
County Conatabh. N. Lever, sr,
happened to be near and was tailed
to the scene. Ile selud sour elegy
and the slot machlues, one of which
wasp lied by the Loudon Sales and
MaE ufacturlgg Company, the other by
Muaseltuen, .• of Kltcbener. County
Constable Jack Ferguson later laid a
charge of operating a 01112103011 ,gautb-
ling house. Kernaghan and ."lank
also were charged with common ■s
Although the machines are supposed
o vend a package of mints for each
five -cent piece inserted, Constable
Lever testified that neither machine
contained confection*
Kernaghan dented cashing slugs
from the London company's machine,
but admitted exchanging slugs from
the Kitchen" machine for m"rebell-
"Although the Appellate and Su-
preme Courts held the maohlnes were
perfei'tly legal when slugs were not
cashed or exchanged.' said Crown At-
torney Holmes, "these slugs were used
for a cash trade -In value; tberetore,
I say, accused Is guilty of operating
a common gaming house."
"I'm not asking for anything out-
side the law," be continued, "bat I
think these machines should be
stopped. I think they are bad espe_
c41ty for children, some of whom
use money they do not acquire la a
preper meatier." -- __—
Kernagbaa, es belag resod gents.
ld • 8100 Ane In Ileo of two months
in pall, and both he and Alcock paid
court coats on the assault charges.
G. B. Bagshaw, of Toronto, acted
for Kernaghan and the London Sales
and Manufacturing Company; D. 8.
Bowlby, of Kitchener, for Musselman.
Reeve Eckert as Peaream.ker
Reeve J. M Eckert. of McKillop
township. hnrllest member of Huron
county council, had no dierulty in
separating George Purcell and George
Bearman In n fight at a aralnage 1
meeting, but be was nnahlP to per- ,
Made thc_aren to *hake hands In ,
court_ Purcell plead& guilty to 8 t
charge of assaulting Bearman and paid'
__Cool Summer Wear for Hot _Days
Linene Dresses
smart Dresses in four shades, pink, blue,
green an rises -l8 -
to 20 Speeial ..$1.00
Printed Silk Suits
Summer Suits made of fine crepes. White
__ground's with colored fibril designs, and navy
,and blaek patterns- &eerily 5
styled. ;69
-Sizes 3$ to 44 Special 7 7v7
Bathing Suits
knit, all -wool. Sizes 32 to 42. Colors
blue. black, and red.
Millinery !
Clearing all Straws in shades
of Moo. navy, Meek, brown
and iwige
Clearing at 95c
All -wool Suits, well-fltting. Colors
blue, Meek, and red.. Sizes 26 to 34.
Speed style and separate
Speeial reinforeetnent in the
Color% Mite, Meek and wine.
Men's Straw Hats
Washable and rainproof
['animas in many different
Other Strawe in ermirt
sit a peg
95c up
"Shop where you oreinvIted to shop" Phone 418
a tine, aud weill ready to apologise and
from tbe tuarbiesee, 111 spite of the
Reeve's Needle; eget cajoling.
Telt to usts Towle
Satur(lay nigbt. Jute 22 The lair,
were natives at 9.1ststebewan and
Protestant to lameness. stated they
Scotland respectively. (in the Sat.
enly made Ot1111011. attempts at shop-
lifting. Merchants %%ere tolerant for
a while, being aware of the condition
over to the police. Wilson, the
of the teen, bat dually turned them
tKolidtchteoneierayaendtwite.elph. They were
MsThetss. N.B.. Hamilton, London,
isoniefS1011 and
fraud. He 1s alleged to have taken
.rtillisenanded on
money collected ter sti.delteuer's gar-
age, with which he ens employed. He
pleaded not guilty When the cider
of police was read( to take him to
Jail. the pollee ear (0 start.
Smith, a meehanie iiNli to tinker with
take him te jail,
His wife .1 not le, :sing a non sup-
port eharge pending the outcotue of a
promised job for Smith.
When Robert Oartiehell. of Toronto.
it took the policemen nine miles to I
catch the. speeding driver Campbell I
was cloclied at eighty -Ilse miles an I
hour. Ile was Sleek *25 and his II- I
teem was suspended...far:thirty days.i
Jas McCartney. of Geer townshiP,1
taPsirdea3r2Tiand eoata ter driving without
Was Esther Murray. of -town. was
In twelfth pisee In Ler group In the
Toronto Mall and Empire's subscrip-
tion contest, reeentle eetiebnied, and
Iola received me a prize a handsome
travelling clock la n leather case.
BIONMILLEIR, Jule 2. -Mr. Jack
Pitbiado has been attending a young
people's* convention at Whitby for a
few days.
Sirs. Aaquith has been quite sick
again. Her friends hope for • speedy
recovery for her.
Rev. James McCrea and family are
leaving this week for their new ap-
pointment at Newbury, near Chatham.
Russell Pfritunier and MI= Helen
Straugban are holidaying at Toronto.
IfL T.Tinssetreretertee the wedeln,:
&t 'Porouto of Arthur Brown, son of
Rey. A. W. Browu. Mr. Sidney Brown
also went to Toronto for his brother's
wedding. He will be away from here
until school begins again.
W. V. Fisher, lose Squires, Mr. and
lire. It. J. Moore and family spent the
holiday at Springbank, where they met
Mrs. Moore's folks from Straffordville,
It being the parents' wedding anniver-
MAFEKING, July 2. -Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey Webb and Lois, or 81 Helen&
vent Sunday with Mr. anti Mrs. Thos.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bale and Silas
olive motored to Forest last Week •nd
ealled on the Rev. Mr. and Mee. Shur
rant. rte theft mien they- wen tee.
yompanied by their dame ter, Aim
Grave Blake, of Arkoaa.
Mr. and hire. S. E. Phi/lips spent
the weekend with relativee in Wood-
t•ttlek. They were accompanied home
be their daughter. Mies Frances Phil.
hie, and their niece,: tittle leatherine
Harris, who will spend the 1130111i1 of
July here.
Mr. George Fleury, spent Sunday and
Monday with his brother, Mr. Tose
Henry, at -Leamington,
Mr. J. C. Heed, Winteehurch, ta
leg his unele, and aunt. Mr, and Kra
Thos. Anderson.
Mr. Palmer Kilpatrick. Toronto, la
home ter tbe !milder&
Mr. •nd Mrs. Alf. Annstrota and
son.. liarold and Gordon. Loudon,
spent Sunday and Monday with fela
tIVOS here.
Miss Pearl Irvine, London, spent the
holiday with her brother, Mr. Wm. Ir
Car thieves oa Tunday night stole'
lac sedan, bearing markers 89801, la
its place. The C,adillae, wbich wee
00 0 gal, lee -5019V -traced its–
yet. Tbe Pontiac car is owned by
Toronto. secretary ef Sabbath school, ju
Joe O'Brien, inter:podia
track and field ehampion. compct
In the sport" at the Remelt old lei
reunion on Tuesday. and guy a
account of Walsall toe was ft
in the 220 -yards ask his time be
tbe 100 -yards OA. ankh was a
by a Whigham led at 102-5 second
Bad Worthy. ileother weLl-known
services wiN t* beid In the Presbyter- f
Ian cherub on Sunday, July /th, at ft po
OADel In the aftereoon and 7.30 to tee
Children's Sports
on the Holiday
Younoters Ont in Pull Pone to
Take Part in Gaines on
the Square
The same glowing enthusiasm which
has pervaded the ,childrea's sports in
the east *vag""111HEMIreiricienter
Court House Park in the morning of
Dominion Day. Rates for boys and
girls commenced - about 10 o'clock.
Tbey were under the supervIelon
Messrs. R. Stouebouee, IL T. Ed-
Prke and Ed. Bradley.
Fifteen years was the age limit,
but several hundred youngeters man-
aged to find a place In the crowded
races of the morning.
Running Rues
Under 0 years -Jack Bradley, Boas
Sparks, Thu Saunders, Fred Stokes,
Arthur Andrew.
Under 8 years -Walter Fry, PhWp
Willis, Don Sproul, Gerald Mero,
Stewart Lucas.
Under /0 years--Jita Sturdy, Btu
Beattie, Fred Fellows
Under 12 years -Jim Sturdy, Her
Worsen, leek Rutledge.
Under 15 years -Morley Bloondiel
Walter Weetbrook, Jack Snell.
Se& Rates
t'fitivt 9 years -Jim Sturdy, Emote
son Willis, Joel ElllotL
Cutler 15 years -Jim Sturdy, Rob
Hawthorne, Gordon Junes.
-- Rabbit Kam
tater to yeers--Gordon Lee, Ji
Sturdy. FbIllp Willis. ,
Under 13 years--Gerdon Jones, Ji
Raker, Doe Hildebrand
Made flares
l'uder 12 years -Joe Fellows, Der
Ilan -bier, Chas. Wigle.
Under 15 years-Bruee Bloomdeld
Walter Westbrook, Bill Bradley.
Wag., liege
Under 14
Robertson's Jewelry Store
Fridays be sada lesath
-0 to 12.90 DOOD-
PARAMOUNT, July 2. -Mr and
and Mr. Norval Richards from Berea
spent the week -end with Mr. and
Mrs. R. Richards.
Miss Olive Terriff, RN, of White-
church. is nursing her aunt, Mrs.
Jack Henderson.
A number from here Attended the
ce UFA). organisation meeting in Locie
sigh hall last Thursday evening.
r, Mrs. Rohr Hamilton has returned
'home after spending a few days with
u' friends In Detroit.
Wall Jean MarAuley, from Lueknore
[spent the week -end with her rnottsae,
r- Mrs. MaeAuley.
Miss Anne Maellonald has gone to
t. Detroit with her sister, Mts. Lorne
MaeLetenate for a nail.
Mies Lyia Richards, front Toroth).
Is spending a few weeks" holidays
with her- parents. Mr and Mrs. R.
Lam Wed needa y afternoon a bout
thirty ladiee met at the home of Sire
Ketchabaw bonor Miss Annie Ket-
sod wish her mueh happineas. Her
marriage takes play. la the near future
to Mr. Dopeland at Gal,.
ve promise of real ability in tla
uture, Walter Westbrook won tit
vault, clearing seven feet six
he* irltk Mee. Walter etiminated
field of nine other boys in nine
nips Billy Stoddart kept right up
th Walter, each making jumps on
drat effort, but Billy's Inferior
Ight told at the last jump. Wel-
Barlow wits third, dropping out at
ea feet two inches( Others la the
er In wretch they finished were
id Thompson and Joe Yellows.
8nell, Morley lilootudeld and
'ter Chisboine all of whom dropped
at tbe sixth jump. Chas. Wale and
x Duckworth.
Family Gathering Heti at Harlow
Park ea Saturday
The sixth annual Carter reunion was
g held •t Harbor Park on Saturday after-
noon. forty deet'endants of Thome,
were present from Seeforth. Clinton.
Londemboro. Whighase and Noise*.
Thoenaa t'arter came to Canada from
Devonshire, Dagland, seventy.five years
ago and 'Wad ou a farinh three mike
erne of theeforth which la still tbe
family. home.
Dinner wag served la Use pavilion
ly in ;he playlag of games. The day's
Mamie was la charge et Mr. greet
whathau. aad Mr. Renard Met. ems '
ream at tbe sports ceseasiteim at Sea-
Tbe races and rests*. resaired aa
(Dew. Kathleen Weer: girls ander 10
yearn -Joyce Carter; boys under 13
yea r• -lis rvey Nott, I.loyd Carter ;
young lerliew-Alme Carter: shot put.
for young men -Ivan Carter, Percy
Caner : broom -throwing rentest -Nine
Stenley Carter; inserted men'a grace-
ful walking--Chae. Carter, Fred Shier -
brook ; single men's ;married walking -
Aubrey Carter, Ronald t'oniter ; menet
B. Note Mrs. Keith Webster'. blindfold
et 111 t Mervin Nott, Geo. Metre:
clethespin relay -Mr& Chas. Carter's
Officers were elected for 1936 as fob,
lows: Gen. Maine of Clintim, [(reel-
siecretary-treaeurer: Mee. Harvey Jen-
kins', of (lIntrm. convenor of 'social
(-nominee:. Harold Glevr, of Clinton.
nenvener of emotes tounnitteet.
y ung people, ork, will be the et
speaker for the day. Special music the
te will be given by talent floret Lucknow he
ed Presbyterian church. Mr. Harvey Mc- ter
ye' Glee of Auburn will sing In the even- ni.
rat Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Reed and child- Dees
Ins ren, Girvin and Doris, Of Toronto, ea
le (spent the weekend with the lady's wa
on mother, Mrs. Jas. Girvin. Mr. Reed oat
• i returned home on Monday, bat Mtn ae
yards daak, Mao kat 44110"
C.I. ta the 100-
LNEBURN, July & -Mew Lloyd
Marton and her son Billie, from Niaga-
ra Falls, were ;be insehte of Mrs. Wm.
Cook anti other relatives for two weeks.
Miss Elizabeth Horton I •
Mires at Stratford.
Mr. and Mrs. linsailton Chinon and
young son. Stewart. motOred to Torou-
to on SaturditY to steed the eeek-end.
companied by the fonglint''s st-tor, Mrs.
Roy Mason. mei her two eons, who will
imend holidays e Mein
A friendly settle!' vise was Mara'
by 1.eeburn am! the 1Parrisb team oil
Theeday. Jule 2• Vila event drew
quite re i.rewil vats TS ta
favor of the Farrila tesms, *wee
oasts of seven teethe!, aged, their Vire
Graee Hunter has gone to Kitchener
with lwr 111110, Mixa Hunter, to hare
medical attention. We hope to hear
that she eel see be Well again -
Mr. and Sirs. leeklater and daughter
motored to Eveov eit the lid of July
Farm on July 1,1 It vela a 1WeettaftfUll
event, friends, and relative(' being pres-
ent from ilifferet,t tilacee.
Mr. David Antierson, tgacher, ha.
gone home fon the
Ile will be mimes) 1,y,alp away friend&
mummer holidays.
The *heel Reuniese-A sery (11107 -
able ninth. Ws.. hold OD the Reboot
grounda of 14.:4. No. 5, on Friday. June
enth. Ex -pupils were'preeent from lift
and (anew. Rees were held for the •
achool children eel older ones and
caused much merriment Amon" tibe
erowd. Nettle, the SChnO1 taken
In different years sere shown through
the crowd. Then a 1 gsthered near the
platform, where a program was carried
John Duidow and irk, Green of (lode -
rich. The program eloped with the
National Anteem. epeeist mention
might he Matte of tee rwo (seine pen-
t*. on the ground, Mr& Jag. Horton
from 0-oderieh and Mr. Joe. Cook
of Lennie& The psingent mkt Das the
tweby eon of Mr. and Mr& Ernest Bo-
gle. Before septet was served Mr. R.
It. nallowe gathered tame crowd together
and took picture tbe large gather.
beilaingtwp. tee:nx.lralliewb:hei:r:rifinhaawienieaselbaitinihtewaifis.andetePlarrYleadihn
the evening • weinee roast was held
at the lake. arid thin @Wed a moat
pleamant "freemen
goctety Will tato. 1,,tri In a tattoo at
i take my pieaeureeLleggillireiranaltwill.Themble:
and try to forget the tough !weskit"-
Reed and Mania are semalaba
Mr. amid Mrs. Chas. Alias and
iment the week -end with friends at
Mr. and Mra Elmer Shackleton and
family, of Detroit, are elsiting tbe
former's mother, Mra Wm. Shackleton.
Mrs. Geo. Irwin, Mrs. Donald Fow•
Pentland and Doris Swan attended the
daughter Melba, Miss Cella
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stafford and
daughter, of Tcirontii, are (gating the
lady's parents, Mr. • 041 Mrs. Jue
Mre Geo. Diehl end Ht. it'd
Mrs. lel. Diehl of etratford were
visitors et the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Heber Ledy en Monday.
learned to their 111/01P III Wing hail!
atol Mr. J Pennon here re
Heemlog asses
'oder 8 yfitis--Eeta 'Bartow, Petty
as- Torn*. Joan Elton. Grace Moe-
, Marlon Duckworth.
alder 8 years --Madeline Chisholm.
ne Bradley, Doris Alien, Margaret
tor, June Spark&
eider 9 yeare-Maxlee Sturdy,
Maxine Chlaboine Helen Trampour.
Maxine Sturdy. Muriel Lintel).
Edrienne Johnston. Evelyn l'rouse.
Hasdkerchiet Item
Under .4 years -Jean Elliott, Ed-
rienne Johnston, Wilma Grill'
Under 14 yeerve-Maxine Sturdy,
after • two weekie visit with th4t
body's sister. lin,. It. A. McKenzie.
Mr. and Mrs. Role Davidson spent
Sunday at Elora. the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. need,.
nho bad 444.11 visiting bin sister,
Kathleen Reed, for a few atty.., re-
tiermel home with them.
Mr. linemen 81411 tor seittlinuipton
Mother. MR' 41•ettot. Kidd, returned
home with btu&
Mies Laurette MeClure Torotrtor
spent the -week-end with her parent
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McClure.
Was Olive Varrier Is spending th
holidays at her home at WhItechureb
Anniversary meek*, were held it
the Anglican church last Sunday, whe
Rev. Me Ritchie ef Berne wet th
special speaker. In tbe evening th
choir of 4St. Peter's church, Lucknow
assisted In the service of prelim and
rendered, the enthem "Son of My Soul,'
and Rev. J. Geoghegan sang a solo
'Guard While I Sleep."
Mr. Joseph Hamilton, who was a
patient in the Toronto hospital for a
few days, returned home on Monday
Mr. •nd Mr& Bert Bradford and
children attended the Bradford ple-
nty at Auburn on Monday
The jnnior baseball team played the
Lm -know team here Mat Saturday.
The score was 13-4 In favor of Dun-
"Mgaeleater Jerry Shield(' of Detroit Is
visiting his cousin, Norris Bradford.
Betty Bradford is visiting friends
In Ooderieh this week.
Mr& L. Harte of Toronto, 41r. and
Mrs. 11. Corti and family, of
Thomae, and Mr& Albert Poole, of et.
Thomas, were visitors at the home oi
Mrs. David Sproul over the week -end.
A large erowd attended the garden
party on the lawn of the United church
last Friday evening. Tea was served
from 6 to R o'clork. followed by the
pay "Lighthouse Nene% by the Victoria
Players, it -Week -h. tire. Cecil Tre-
leaven and danekter Mies Wilma
played between arts.
Premetisu Lat.-The frillowing are
the reunite of the promotion examins•
none' of the senior room nt Dungannon
jerio:to:I. A eta rid I nee 'see verse** of
the pereentagea obtalbed in all Nab -
Promotion from Jr. IV to Sr 111
Raymond Carrie 71.2, Fermi Paterson
67.3, 'amen F:rrIngton 63, Alvin Rent
lion 51 R.
GORDON- ALE/44. Priacias4
Nese aid Toe Rates
nder yearie-MazIne Sturdy. Bet -
?Ishmael. Betty Straughan
nder 13 years- Evelyn Doak Ed -
rienne Johnston. Frances Elliott.
Shoe race. under 11 years -Betty
Straughan. Rezella Willie Ruby Willis
Bkycle race, under 14 years -
Evelyn Doak, Nebel Taylor, Julia
Nearly seventy-five little boys and
girls la the fleet two races' were &ea
e Mr. and Mrs Alf. Armetrong. Harold
and Gordon. of London, spent part of
the week -end with Mr. and Mrs.
o David Little,
e Jean Nelson has been quite 111
e with throat trouble and V4/111 unable
to write her bower School eximina-
tione late week.
• Mr. and Sirs. Robert Scott were
, week -end visitors with Mr and Mrs.
John Montt near Diet/now.
Wm Lorna Little Is vimiting at Mr.
Tennant Drennanee In Goderich.
• Miss Madenne Johnston, who was
nureing in GoderIch hospital, has re-
turned home.
Mrs. Melvin Raynard of Paramount
apent a day last week with her par-
ents, lir. and lies. tee. Drennan. '
quality and low in pine&
eid find firm -class value*
In our Work of
"5. oo*If ively Kaye you money
W. 11. Blackstone
On the Broadway of Gederiek
Come, Buy and Be Satisfied at
Used Car Market
Rouse & Bell Garage