HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-05-17, Page 31Kingsbridge Kapers
St. Augustine Roman Catholic
Church, St. Augustine was filled
to capacity on Sunday morning,
May 14 at the 10 a.m. Mass when
Grade two children of the
combined parishes of St. Augus-
tine, Lucknow and Kingsbridge
made their First Holy Commun-
ion in a group under the guidance Fay Hogan of Stratford - and
of religious instructor, Barbara John Cusolito of London visited
Eedy and principal, David Zyluk. on Saturday, May 13 with Fay's
Reverend Father Ed Dentinger, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Con
C.R. officiated. Readings were Hogan.
done by Mrs. Eedy, Maureen Jim Sinnett, Chief Engineer of
Stapleton and Colleen Van Osch. the 'Paul H. Townsend' is
Certificates were presented to the spending holidays at his home
children by Father Dentinger, here and making preparations for
and Rosaries and cards by Mrs. the up coming marriage of his
Emma Franken, St. Augustine daughter Sheila to George Nelson
Catholic Women's League, Mrs. of Calgary, Alberta on Saturday,
Gertrude Leddy, • Lucknow, St. May 20. George arrived from
Mary's Catholic Women's League Calgary, Alberta on Monday,
and Mrs. Betty VanOsch, Kings- May 1st and is presently working
bridge, St. Joseph's Catholic in Kincardine. George was hon -
Women's League. Gifts from the oured on Saturday evening, May
school were _presented by Mr. 13 with a Stag Party held at the
,Zyluk. The following is a list of .Bowler summer residence.
the children who made their First Congratulations to Tommy and
Holy Communion with their Rosemary Gilmore, Grade 5 and 6
fathers' names in brackets. From students at St. Joseph's School,
St. Augustine: Maurice Delber- Kingsbridge and members of the
gue (Ron); Mary . Ann Franken Canadette Juvenile Show Corps
(Emma); Maureen Stapleton who placed first in their division
(Neil); Ronald Plasschaert (Al- at the Miss City of Hamilton
bert); William Kinahan . (Bill); Baton Twirling competitions and
Claudia Hebert (George). From third place in the Eastern Baton
Kingsbridge: Lisa Durnin (Ron); Twirl'ng Canadian Champion -
Lisa Card (James); Armand ships held in Ottawa recently.
Forgett (Armand); Colleen Van- Canadette drum major .Tom
Osch (Peter); Sean Wilson (Dan- Gilmore placed first for his solo
ny); Angela O'Neill (Eddie). (boys aged 7 to 10) in Ottawa and
From Lucknow: Donald Kraemer in Hamilton. They will be
(David). Following Mass, lunch competing in the Official Provin-
was served in the church base- cial Championships being -held in
ment by the members of St. Markham on Saturday and Sun -
Augustine C.W.L. to the child- day, May 20 and 21. Good Luck.
ren, their parents, Father Dentin- Mrs. Robert Nelson and son,
ger, Mrs. Eedy, Mr. Zyluk, Gpd- Danny, flew from Calgary, Alber-
parents and the immediate mem- to and were met at the Toronto
bers of their families. Congratula- Airport on Monday, May 15 by
tions to these young people. Jim Sinnett and daughter Sheila.
Congratulations to Mr. and Welcome to this area and .may
Mrs. Michael Courtney on the you have a happy holiday.
birth of a baby boy, 6 lbs. 13 oz., Art and Linda Bowler and
on Mother's Day, May 14th, in family of Stratford spent the
the Wingham and District Hospit- weekend with relatives and
al: friends here. Linda and the
Mrs. Theo VanDiepan, Mrs. children are staying for , the
John .-Austin, Mrs. Cyril Boyle, remainder of the week.
and Mrs. Joe Courtney attended CarlRiegling, a patient in the
the 58th annual Diocesan Catholic Wingham and District Hospital
Women's League convention held for the past two weeks, was able
at Brescia Hall, University of to return to his home here on
Western Ontario, London on Monday, May 15.
Tuesday, May 9. The theme of Jack Curran of Lucknow and
the convention was "The Family, formerly of Ashfield is a patient in
The Church of the Home". the Wingham and District Hos-
Congratulations to Ray Hogan, pital. A speedy recovery is the
R. R. 3 Lucknow, who was the wish of this community.
lucky winner of $1,000.00 in the ST. JOSEPH'S SCHOOL
Community Centre Lottery held-- The annual. Garvey Public
was released on Tuesday, May
John O'Connor who has been
residing in Lucknow at the home
of his sister, Mrs. Raymond
Leddy, and Mr. Leddy for the
winter months, has returned to
his home here at Kingsbridge.
Welcome back, John.
on Wednesday, May 10.
Patrick Francis Dougherty, La-
peer, Michigan, visited on Sun-
day, May 14 with his -'Courtney
relatives- here. A Courtney family
gathering was held at the home of
Mr. and Mrs.. Con Hogan.
Following a smorgasbord lunch-
eon discussions followed on the
History of the Courtney - Dough-
erty ancestory. Present besides
Mr. Dougherty for the occasion
were Mr. Leo Courtney, Goder-
ich; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Courtney;
Mrs. John Austin; Mr. Frank
Sullivan; Mrs. Jack Kinney; Mr.
and Mrs. Con Hogan; Mr. Bob
Courtney, R. R. 1 Ripley.
Mr. and Mrs. Ian Parker and
family of R. R. 1 Arva, spent the
weekend visiting with relatives in
this area."
Mary VanRooy returned to
Vancouver on Thursday, May 11
following a three week vacation
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John VanRooy and family. Mary
will be returning on June 10 to
begin employment as a Register-
ed Nurse in St. Mary's Hospital',
London on June 11.
Vincent Austin who was hospit-
alized at the Alexandra Marine
and General Hospital, Goderich
Speaking Awards Night was held
in St. Joseph's School, 'Kings-
bridge on Thursday, May 11,
beginning at 8.15 p.m. Only the
first place winners presented
their piece. The following is a list
of the program. Kindergarten,
Come Little Robin, Laurie O'Ne-
ill; Prayer, Brenda VanOsch; Six
Little Ducks (song) Sandra Van-
Osch. Grade one: God gave to me
a life, Christine Connelly; Whist-
les, Steven Tulk; The Doctor
(song), Sharon VanOsch. Grade
two: I want to be a helper, Lisa
Card; Shopping, Lisa Durnin;'
Polly the Pony (song), a ' tie
between Maureen Stapleton and
Colleen VanOsch. Grade Three:
Poem, Darrell Durnin; Para-
graph, Mary Katherine Staple-
ton; song, Angela Foran. Grade
four: poem, Danny Wilson; song,
Cathy O'Connor; speech, Marie
Dalton. Grade five: recitals,
Tommy Gilmore; write your own
poetry, Vicki . Doherty; speech,
Ken VanOsch. Grade six: recitals,
Michael Austin write your own
poetry, Shawn Doherty;, speech,
John Lalonde. Grade five and six
skit: Betty Jane Foran, Vicki
Doherty, Christine Stapleton.
Grade 'six: French speech, Betty
Jane Foran. Grade seven: poem,
Diane VanOsch; introduction,
Carol Foran; speech, Heather
Ann Stapleton, Grade seven
French speech: Diane VanOsch.
Grade eight, poem, Debbie
Drennan; introduction, Yvonne
Sinnett; speech, Rose Marie
O'Keefe. Grade eight French
speech, Jeanette Pelletier and
Rose Marie O'Keefe tied.
Students who attend St. Jos-
eph's School, Kingsbridge enjoy-
ed a System Physical Activity Day
on Friday, May 12. On Saturday,
May 13 the Kindergarten to
Grade Eight Soccer Clubs were
bused to Seaforth but due to the
rain the games were cancelled,
Be sure to come to St. Joseph's
School, Kingsbridge on either
Thursday or Friday, May 18 and
May 19 to see the operetta, "The
White Gypsy". Starting time is
Presented by St. Joseph's
School, Kingsbridge
At 8:15 p.m.
Thursday, May 18
Friday, May 19
Tickets $1.00 in advance or
at the door
Tickets available by calling
Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, Moy 17, 1978 —Page 31
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True, you will have a much easier
time—and so will your plants—if
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And everything to make them growl
Spread fertilizer before—or after
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choice—unless deficient in cal-
cium (lime). In that event, you
must work in the li a (use dolo-
mitic—it supplies agnesium,
too) before you'pla .
Avoid fertilizers too high in nitro-
gen. Other wise, you will have tao
much leaf growth and too few fruits.
THE plant food you
can use for "every-
thing" you grow —
tables—shrubs, etc.
Light weight. "Organ-
ic" base from rice hulls.
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