HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1935-7-4, Page 21 II ---Thursday, July 4th, It35 UtakihAignal KsrAIIS.urao IS 411 OODERIOH : CANADA alembic of Casio/Om Weekly Newspaper", Puteishebbileery Thursday morning. Bithaeriptlielrlikew - WOO 11.50 1f paid la advance. THE RONAL PRINTING CO., LTD. Telephone SS : Goderieb, Ont. W. H. Roat.RTsoPt, Editor and Manager Thursday. July 4th. 11136 THE NATIONAL HOLIDAY While we,in Canada may not be so exuberant in Hag -waving and patriot ie demonstration as our neighbors across the line, the an- niversary of Confederation gives us an opportunity to express our pride and faith in Canada by hold- ing national holiday. these- lwnnemcrrial...4etles _ ieh has prided itself upon its ob- servance of the First of July. May it ever be so, and may its patriotic demonstratiodi ever take the form of sports and parades and music and merrymaking in general rattier than any =display A - Wilitary pow o[„bi nbastic expression of superiority to or hatred of other peoples. Canada has gone a long way in the leas than seventy years since the Confederation. It has grown in population, In wealth and in other direetions that may be ex- pressed in statistics; but in no sDITORLIL NOTES Prorogation is expected at Ot- tawa this week, and announce- ment of the election date may be expected soon thereafter. Our Ottawa correspondent says the election may be held August 26th, t, before Septew- bee 1 • • . With relief strikes threatening trouble at Regina, Vancouver, Valaeartier, Que., and other points in Canada, it behooves the Ottawa authorities to act with ' circum- spection. Law and order must he upheld, but the men on relief are human beings caught„in the web of unfortunate circumstance and should not be treated as crim- inals or seditionists unless overt sets prove them to be such. WONT BE A SUCKER Bunt's Falls Arrow We have received fifteen pages of ropy, run off on • duplicator machine, cleating with reforestation. if the compilers of this can't glee • prioter a job to set and print their stuff they have no right to play printers for suckers when necking publkatloa This applies also to a whole grist of government propagauda so far as The Arrow is concerned. - WHEN BILLY WAS YOUNG Kincardine Review -Reporter) One of the leading exponents of a plan to eonnet•t the Blue -Water high- way wltb Detroit to Miami, Florida highway is W. G. (Mutts of BIg Stone Gap. Virginia. in writing The Re view -Reporter pointing out the advan- tages of his plan, Mr. Chutta recalls other way has its development being in Kincardine. it is exactly Silty years aline he was there. To -been so gratifyingly shown as in use Illy owu words, be was "a penal - the greater national consciousness, I less, ragged, freckle -faced kld” look - the sense of unity, among its l! ing for some way to get from Kin - people from the Atlantic to the cardlne to Goderlcb. Bare he met J. Pacific. Gentles, then a hotel -keeper. This kindly eltlaen gave the lad a square meal, seventy -tare cents, and arranged with a farmer to take him as far as Amberley. Canada is a young and coming nation, and to be a Canadian citi- zen is something of which to be rams ?TTY REUNION BEER PARLORS ILLEGAL The Supreme Court of Canada has declared that the Canada Tem- perance Act is in force in, the counties of Huron, Peel and Perth -which means that the action of the Ontario Government in issuing authorities in these counties for the sale of beer not only is con- trary to public opinion in these areas but is eontrarry to law. Pre- vious Provincial Governments re- spected publie aentimapt int. re- fraining from placing liquor stores in these eounties, and the Hepburn Government would have been well advised to follow their example. Now that it has forced an appeal to the law by the temperance people, it shout& as quickly as possible withdraw the authorities 14 rF.R. 2,lakier. ClintonR.R. 4, : pr,rgGoderteh. raw, Mrs. Fletch- e which have been illegally given.} A program of sports waenjoyed There is talk of an appeal from, during the afternoon, the winners be - the decision of the Supreme' lug as follow*: Girls' race, under 8 Court; but even should it be de-I'years -.ola Wlltse: young men's race cid" d,'for any reason, to seek al -Grant Flaher•; voting Indies' race. Luella Flaher; three-legged rice* - ruling from the Privy Council the( Sproul. John Staldart, FTM Stokes. e iAs Ken. Fisher and Herman Fisher, Witham- Vickers, Alex. Walters. ]tar beer parlors in these counties I girls, Luella Fisher and Leola Nott;y Walter*, Bernice White. should he closed as a belated re -1'i adles• sloe race, l.c•ola Nott; men's To tee ttiM in Sr. t-Eclwin F.IIIbtt. cognition by the present Govern- race, Bert 'lope; ladies' paper race, ment of the will of the people aa1 Luella F leher ; men's broad Jump. expressed by their votes. tirant Fisher. VICTORIA soma The youngest child on the grounds In the Province as a whole the w•ay Bruce Holme.: the °bleat man Names in order of merit. beer parlors are on sufferance, and! cater Fisher Mud the oldest wotnan, Kindergarten ho Primer --' '=-- the Government should be eareful Mrs. T. McMlchnet. \turning Class -Elizabeth Taylor, :------1,-....0-..-4...--••••..aotAcr.g' in ive dication that 1t members Of the family_ were pre- p-itltaa� \lrwtomTre. lane! Sallow*, - orunyt, I'Voa$uae,Seafurth. ��;ill R on the aide ol'`1Fie liquor meet=�T _ .h„lx, sella H I.twnard ests. To do so would put al .Clluton and Gaderieh: McGee. Mary (irah-Margaret Margaret ,strain upon the site lance of; 111°wru;-)''dht Mooney, truth-tIUaon, g 1 .without haste and without tent, Elizale,tli Barnes, Murney Johnston, scores of thousands of voters who i which w -as troethe's motto for the lull - endorse the Government's general ridual. may well Sarre also for the policy but have nothing but ab• world.':--1Havelncrk Ellie.horrenee for the liquor traffic. HANDICAPPED A very short man entered the htg FEW BRUN$WICZ T00 gymnasium and nervously approached the instrnetoC N.eessshl Event of Saturday to Be an Annual Affair The Ant annual gathering of the Fisher clan, held at Foster's picnic grounds, Colborne township, on Sat- urday, was a highly successful event. Upwards of one hundred were In at- tendance, they being deaceadanta of the Fisher pioneers of Colborne town- ship. It was decided to make tbe re- ualou an anneal event. Nest year it will be held the last SaWrday in Juba. An execotivefor next yeas Fated fie folloMsrr tear' Fisher, RA 2, Otlatoa; president. Wesley Nott. Seaforth; secretary -treasurer, H. Ii Long, God- erich ; conveners of mmmlttees-Invita- non, Mrs. H. Kirkby, Walton; sports, Miss Myrtle Gledhill, Toronto; refresh- ments. Mrs. Wm. Hill, 11.11. 4, God -- cinch; grounds, Mrs, Will Snyder, THE SIGNAL School Promotion CENTRAL SCHOOL \ante+ arranged alphabetically. Prete Jr. It' N Sr. It' William Beatty, Luella Black, Conti lou Robert Carr e, ' egg e Cooper, -nese-dart. Robert Ilawthorue, Heleu Holmen, Mary MaeDonald, Phyllis MacDonald, Jame. Macllwain, David Mood, Eve - 011 Prouse, 'Jerold Prouse, Helen Sltearduwu, \1'illlam Swlger, Mildred Videau, ('harles Wigle. To be tried --Edith Barlow, Wilma Grin, Marion t.atwway, (lfeuua John- ston, William Sallow*, Dorothy Straughan, Walter Westbrook. Frain Sr. III to Jr. 1V Jack Baxter, Irene Bell. Margaret Bond, Donald Chase, Frank Chase, George Dowker, -Rena Elliott, Benson Freeman, Jack Holland, Barbara Holmes, Billy Llnaway, Durland Ly- man, Kathleen Maei wan, Robert Reid, Billy Tborieloe. Walter Tiebborne, Marjorie Tufford, Donald Vickers, Eleanor Young. To be tried -Ted Chapman. Louise Morrison Maz4wo Patton, Kathleen Robertson, Billy 8bwldart, Betty -West- brook. Promoter! to Sr. ill Walter Barnes, Harold Black, Ruth ltrkige, Joan Buchanan, Mary Bur- rows. Verna Caldwell, Donald Camp- bell, John Dowker, Jack Freema Franklin Hawthorne, Jean Harding, Willa James, 'Ernest Kneeahaw, Sem Mahon, Eleanore MacEwan, Shirley Marw•adr, Betty Macliwaln, Marilyn Moore, Bill Pries,. Edgar Pridham, Edna Ruffen, Betty Smith, Agnes Snider, Harold Squire, Helen Fifteen, Madeleine Vickers, Freda White, Har- old Wilson, Jack Young, Frank Young. To Try .Sr. 111 -Fred Black, Barbara Gliders. Fre 8r:11 to Jr. III lJaire Bisset, Mary Gallow, Irene Mtlde, Elaine itrXfll, Xorine Mc- Cabe, Florence Riley, Galt Saunders, Mary Schwan:, Irene Stoddart, Helen Trumpour, Max Cntt, Frederick Dew. ker, *ante* Preeman. Ross Grid. Douglas Holland, Ionald McMillan dyed Br Steep, Ow Jean Craig, ley. Norval Basil Bradley *lc, Mildred donate, Do Ills Monk, Almeta ark, Marie Ellwood. young, Jack Frits - do, nouns Drew, Wood, Otto Bele- Leroy elsLeroy Taylor, Billy rd, 1'ua Mac- - ao- Nietiuire. le Jr. 111 t'hyllla { o Brophey, Ere- lyu icon* en !toss, Jack Mc- Iver, Ken ter, Bruce Bradley, Verna M Joyce Sager, Fred Llttlecbtld, Wilson, Dolly Boyce, Teddy dumas, Eleanor Don- aldiou, Betty )nicer, Billy MacDon- ald, June Bi.Oelg. Promoted conditionally -Billy San- dernon, Evelyn Jr. Robert Irwin, Betty i.utelle Pat William W out. Stanley Sproul. i. . IU Rose Buss, Alice William Jointer, Gordon Glonebsr, Douglas Graham. Thomas Kahle, ll.trr Schaefer, May Healey, Erelea yb.ek. Dorothy Mc- Donald, Betty WI, Harold Hibbert, Norine ]Ulla Sr1+1n Rennet[, Mary Hume, Helen Bag, Leonard Bloomfield, Jean Proctor, f ,li,• McArthur, Rob- Pr$eiila Rutz. Moselle Muth C Robertson. tan MaeLeed, Georgina JIUI•, lily willlams, Billy Hill, Eosk'e Margaret Hall, Shirley Sirius, Tien Miller, Gordon MacLeod, Denbo* i+.ter. Helen Wiles, Donna Mooring, )1.0e1 Bradley, Mar- jorie Miller, Lola Jtcnjnnrla, Olive Bradley, Otdelaa }'t -liar. John Robert - win, Robert Ptak lctill, Ecelru Doak, Margaret Brindle! i;eorge Leitch. Promoted • e•u,I:tlona Uy-Gutdoa Ha rrlaon, Promoted on ) r • work- l;lorle La w•s. Jr. IV to sr. IV James Hume, c..ui-t .ne Elrictge, bathe! Taylor, 1a4;I•• Anderson, bad Bogie, Allan Bowman, ( Lionel Cuth- bertsoo, W1111am i,reet. (Raymond Barker, Harold eh, ,re t. Duna Id Stone - to Jr. !t` !tui•!' 11'illls Helen Macdonald, Mar - J lowly, petty Mc - A. I Nee. Raymond 11 Helen Howard Ray Nelson, Bill Susie!, Gordon Sut entre, James Sallows, Harry !{'eat brook. To he tried in Jr. 111 class-Yvonn Render, tytfs MrMfitan, Dudley, Holmes, Hubert Wigle. Prins Jr. II to Sr. ill (al Reginald Rlaek. Harold Chaff Betty Duquette, John Graham. Mar- garet Morrison. John Holmes. Marten Price, Robert Saiows, Doris Sgmre. !Iowa rd White. Ib) James Adam, Shirley Riker Lknuild Bridge, Cayiey HW, Reginal Rucking'. Marjorie Johnston, Donald Mattoon, Peter MecEwan,. Shirley Medd Yvonne 'Sheardown, Ted Rtraugian, Elaine Vteteere, Jean Wilson. Absent -Betty Elliott, Margaret house, Harold pa.r. Jean Schaefer, i Betty Rooth, (Flys Snell, James (Grey 1, PasUsK Johnston, Cheater Mc'Nall, Donald Johnston, Mary Wil- son. Padrleaa Jobeston, (Edna Mac- Adam, ar Adam, Violet Gtsu+hieieu Mac- Leod, ao Leod, Dorothy. P thlad.,. Lois Llarrk•k, Dorothy Medd, (;IaJys Colclough, m Jack Laaaa, Ella Worthy, Fred Whininghaat, Wilfred Greenwood, James Abell, Kooky Rhanrdeld, Eileen __ Ensign. Passed as banally -Charles WU- t' son. Walter Rrdown. ST. P IM S SCHOOL Wesw(Ar. 11 M Jr. III - DoIald 1Eaaetar. Marjorie Meek. Wil - fled Glen, George Holland, Douglas Johnaton, Tess Movrlson, Kenneth Prouse, $ar=id $heardown, June Sparks, Promoted to Sr. i Robert -Allis. Betty Beacom, Robert Bender, Roy Bowen, Lindsay Barrows, Virginia Chace, Kenneth Dickinson. Shirley Freeman. ,Nene Gatwick, Lillie& Glldere, Joyce Hadden, Keith Hayes, Jean Kershjaw, Noreen tee. Archibald Mnchonald, Jack MacDonald, Eunice mune, %quiets Morrison, Brentwood Nelsen, Jerk Picot. Ruth Reid. Beryl Sanderson. John Schwan,, ilonald VOW Ksiherlue Snider, Rattsona Williams, (Tara Martin, Gordon Crawford, John Needham, Evelyn Lynch, Donald Riv- ers. !Joyce Buechler, Robert Bons. Earl Young, Garth Hamilton. Afternoon Class -Eleanor Martin, Dorothy Bradley, Marion Freeth, "t want you to mate my 'arms long - The Rett, Peter Patterson, flame- "I Liberal sweep was eon- er." he whispered. "De you think you line Elliott, Roderick Graham, Helen McLean, Katheritte Kneesataw,' Ross tinned- in- New -Brunswick last can dp It.' Sptika. John Bradley, Donald ran week, when the Conservative The instructor lookedparsledeay• Lang - week, they are In proportion!" he ex- Ade*,Margaret Craig. Rae Walters, Government was decisively de i Ralph Walters, thigh McGuire, harry feared tn the generalclatmwl. ' 1Vhy election, the ever do you went them 1,..„ sm . e1tPrM " Liberals taking forty-three of the1 know they're In proportion," said Primer to Sr. I forty-eight seats. Premier Til- the Wort man, -hut they're too short , Helen Wilson; 'Douglas Harrison, ley and every member of his Cah- for my 'parpoae. 1 can't hold my own inet were defeated. The new Pre- at the Anglers' Club." mier will be. A. A. Dysart, who SIMMER TiM;* led the Liberal campaign Stir -the ---. first titme although he had been (For sRsp rt t t• The young winds sport among the a member or the LI•gislafila for eighteen yellrtl. The 'defeated Conservative leader, lion. L. P. 1). Tilley, is a son of Sir Leonard Tilley, a prominent figure in the Conservative party it -Confedera- tion. The record of treeent Provincial elections is significant. In 1933 the Liberals won Nova Scolia and British C'Qlpmbia front the Con- servatives. On June 19th, 1934, the Liberals captured the Prorrin- eial Government of Ontario, also from the Conservatives, and on the same day a coalition Govern. nient in 8askatehewan fell before the Liberals. in each case the turnover was decisive. Previously, in 1931 and 111.32 re- spaetivt+ly, the Liberal Gnverrt*rPart of the glory and the magic won wain of Quebec and he "There del' - - ._ - Feirest of flowers In all these flower- l)Inds, .-feu .run towfiiyaae,_ rotden curia 'spline, ___ • (fold buttercups W both your ttnr greaten `- - _ , Boyce, Donate McAdam, Donald 'Attie - The green rye -,heeds are silvered by Ie1r11(1. iMaald Sager, Thclnta, Rennets, the eon; Rnth Pharos. Waller Fry. Skilfully the ploughman guides his Absent through( Illness• promoted on horses, Making the clean, straight farrows year's work -Audrey Barker, Ra- nue by one: - mons Jenkin, Winona JPnkln. (Evelyn Breekow, Gladys Selling,. June Bses hler, William %Johnston, (Sydney iowe, Kenneth McMillan), Walter Thomas, John tiehaefer, Bruce MacDonald. Ronald Sproule, Gordon Thomas, Allan Deer, Raymond ('raw - ford,' Wanda Duckworth, Eleanor The whole wide world Is till of quiet wonder, Heaven and earth alike are very fair; A shimmering light all tremulous and radiant Folds tbe green fields and holds the sunlit air. L me it as a gram on barn and home- stead, And on tbe trees 1t rests a shining mown; Elliott. David Hill. Elgin ?Usher.The little daisies *hlromer, while the John Mohring. Marjorie Hays, Donald trefoil Fry, Francis Schram. Albert If Tav- WeaM all the wanshtne os a yellow Ish, leek Whitten, Pdith Donaldson, gown' Dodd I'atrtrk, Cheater McArthur, Gordon Let. (Iarni) H*,nItde, (loos rflts.ley, ,tack Monday). Absent through Mewls, promote* *w the year's wort --•Marilyn noes Promoted eondltlonsllr - i.loyd tentdl -7, • WUtlas..2,nstan, Arthur Adams. 1;romo(ed eondltionally Jame* Rob- ertson (absent), Leonard Pennington (ahttentl. Robert Wilson, Elgin Royce, Helen Jacques (absent). Norman Mc- Guire. c- Gutre. From 1 la 11 Lillian Irwin, ( Eleanor Johnston, Robert Needham), Martin tike, Helen Mule. F.Ihtjtheth Twamley, Avlre War- rener, Marjorie Williams, Donald Ains- lie. Irene Bradley, (Ralph loser, Jame* Mitchell), Paulin* Patterson, Shirley Progressive (lovernWartt in Mani- toba worse sustained at the polls. Priam Edward Inlsnd has INS oalLOst aerrative Provineiai Gov- dr.utset Teff fil'tNaretllr,-artAi4 i!L go to the polls in a few weeks. -PA Preis R sp Ht ge'-11Mee - Jeeb.- iia 4atltoa 1 11 - The foil candidates la Koos at •t Martel- Antonio. artel-Antonio, Whitely. - -- re Fern IV Jr. Mary Ah1 (honors), Marjorie Reach - ler (beaoeaj, Mat$aret Evans, belay hints, Mott: Hogarth, Elaine John- ston„ Bert 'Ilatebier. Kenneth Chia - holm. To Perm III Se. Catherine !;rat honor,. Betty Morrison, Pat -'0 is Webb. Mary Ken- nedy. Ronald W,-beter. Phyllis Jeffrey. To Farm III Jr. GIoria'('hb000ts. Jamey r.:110.1' Don - *14 Hlldr•brnml Marie >I I ,lrmid. Vincent Smith. To Form 0 Sr. Jost sIi Baker inek Dom pity, Helen Spain. Lean',.. Whitely. Geraldine Kidd, i'atrk•I( Morrtsofi. Te Fern 11 Jr. Thomas Illi tney, John Graf, Joho F:vans. 1to-• Nunn. Hartnc•v. Madeleine Smith. Vi• loris Beet -bier. To Fars 1 8a•, James Anton;,, John Spain, Jerry Upit]r..$tttl !` edy Helen Fellows, Albertitliitl4e,,:r. Madeleine Gravellt. Mary t'htnliram• iUta lliartney, James Reynolds, Gerald' Mem, Leo Raker, are the successful oronlstlea examina- I w4rir icmuli IMi, July 2. -Mr. and Mrs. Jack J'taaalgaa of Magmas. 1load hen Meter,-M1as Carlisle Luella el ape). aegegge Inotrowtw, serer t+ae weallbeaa hem bath ie 4at,.olo, Neely* I their p•rrwta Mr, ani Mrs. Thos. log- y MfAstock,•r, Beason 111*, and along with Their brother, Jack, lett on Monday morning M a_ trip to Muskoka, taking teats a0 stuping n .ilpment. Was Jean Jean i.ogan. teacher of 8.8 No. 14, West Wawanoah, lett en Fri- day for her Yome Iu Teeswater. She and her parents and two other teacb- Iera who have been te•ebing in London lett on Monday morning to motor for ;three weeks through the West. The i.condon lathes will go as far as their homes In Calgary. The Logone will he met there by their daughter. Mien Bernie() iogan, who has been on the Ontario -B.('. teachers' exchange, and will then go through the monntalns, down to Ppokane and to Vancouver We wish them a safe and splendid trip. The Whltechur h beechen team have Ibeen fortunate this season, losing only one game so far. Lust week. on W,•ctne*(iay, they went to Colborne, ! where they won by a ac•ore of 5-3, and on Saturday they went to NA -Ingham to !play a friendly {tame rind won, 14-5. The batteries- for the occasion_irere; -Wtttlllmas--Nmatt,. Ti8n. dssson • Madeira Pillow Cases Exquisite with cut work hand embroidery via first Eng nth $ cambric. 42 z 36 size. Several designs to choose from.150 Scalloped edges. Special, pair_ _ - -- • PILLOWS Covered with guaranteed down -proof art ticking. Fame goose feather filled. Size 21 z 27. Special, pair PRINTED DRESS CREPES $2.50 Nothing smarter fb ummer Dresses. Real silk in large choice etew.patterns. 38 -inch wide. Specially pries. - Yard AXMINS ER ftUt psi • Barrymoor heavy deep pile and just 75c off the loo Size 3x3 .aa Size 3 x 4 yards. , $29.00 $34.00 LINENS Heavy double Damask Irish fine Linen Cloths Specially priced. 72" x 72" 7'2"x90' , .... !L! . 9, , • JAPANESE GRASS RUGS $2.95 $3.50 :111 Stirs 111 a sturdy sea grass made with Leavy cotton warp. Many colorful pat- tern11.- 3' =-6' ,ir i.► ; 7' 6tt 6' Lc !' DRESS VOILES 45c $1.35 $2.50 r 38 iuehes wide, pique voiles. Sheer and In dainty new patterns. Specially priced 35c . ACHESON & SON NILE NI[.®, July 3.-A reunion of the famines of the former ()Irvin school, Nile, will be held at Harbor Park, Goderlch, on July 31-st, it 2 p.m. Sap- per aerved at 5 /.tm Everyone come and make this ideate bigger and het, ter than ever. - e ltrlsaw OStltlo To you honorable ambitious men op get dteeounged at Uses, my sugges- tion would he: Study the (acts or the solid Atrnctal sosasseest, and steer clear of the thought dist you mast hurdle Into /memo la a burry. -ran Amburgh. WHITECHURCH "There I* nn yatery in boldness sucCPMi. it you 'lo each day'. task sneep*wfully, stay faithfully within the natural operations of mnnlerclal law, and kem• Your head clear, you will come out win---rigitt-"-_John D, Rnrke- Whltechnrh-Mune•, Garton and Gar... ton 1'mplrei(, Chalmers and Car- michael brothers. Mrs. 11.-n lie(;Ienaghan and her mother, Mrs. Barbour of FAtdyee, and her grandson, Mr. Llewellyn Culbert of lioderleh, Melted at the home of the tatter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Prod Culbert of Listowel. on 8nnday. Mr., and _Mrs. Andrew Kirk of Sea-' We Sell Publicity forth spent Wednesday last at the home of lir: and Mrs. J. D. Beecroft. Quits a unmoor from here atesoded the aortal at the Sr. Helens ebnrcb on Friday evening. Mian Olive Farrier •nd Canteen, and Mr Bert Cullimore were In God- erleb on Saturday attending the picnic cif the Stratford Normal Retool grad- uates The ardor of the picnic was quart i ieben (he news spread that Ile.' Allrox, the beloved principal of the Normal School, had passed • wa y ad Stratford that morning, after a abort Bluer with begirt trouble. A great Laity were out on Sunday to beer Rev. T. 0. Wilkinson preach kis farewell termite. After the ser- vice Mime Genevieve Watt promoted Mr Wilkinson with an autograph al- bum from the young people of the► contegatlon, and Mr. Frank Henry, after a Elting addrees, preaested taint with • sabstaotlel cheque ea behalf of the eosaapttsu- Mr. and Uri aatt.laauiz IMNp ea Tuu -sew Susi►.. gnaw& The ladax•tlon service far Rev. A. K. Wright will be bold on Tbureday even- t/sulk _ w United church. AiddiffilaggTuesday evening last. the folk of this community tutted out at the Pres- byterian church to hear Mr. and Mrs. Anglia Mackay lecture on tbelr work la India. lira Mackay gave a very Interesting tack on the home life, dress , and mannerisms of the people. Illus- trating by drxwing up two young ladle. In the colorful Indian drex.. Mr. Mackay gave a lantern ,tide lec- ture. eoture. shovelig their church farm. build - Ings with missfonacles and htdlen peoples. Several other numbers were glren on the program. All were In- vited down to the ha-.'ment, where lunch was served and a *oclal half - bout spent- Many ,bade farewell to Mrs. Mackay at this meeting, as abs left on 'Thursday to do deputation work, throrrth the W we r1•1141. River and Red River districts, before returning to the home of her parents In Vancouver, prior to sailing for ladle . ta_cJeptember-__-..__- • -GODERICH TOWNSHIP ooDERI('H TOWNSHIP, Indy 2. - Mr. and Mrs, Brock Orr, Donald and BIUIe, of Toronto, are holidaying With relatives here. Miss ',nettle Lassalene of Welland spending the holidays at the home of her parents --rd M L asealere. Sc'hot,l (domed at 1'nlon on friday and the teacher and pupils are enjoy - Ing the holidays. (?Hite a number from this commun- ity took In the tat of July eel(•bratlon In Goderich on Monday. There ore ,t few people In every iie Llhrary, the Horticultural Roefety. Little Pauline Irasatette returned community, w( have the wrong the Retail Merchants' As*oclation, oar 1 home from the G(derh•h hospital on ItdustrlPi4, In fact every organisation Tuesday. slant on the mi.afea of s newspspPr. whose mission le to keep our town pro- Visitors at tete home of Mr. and , . ■n rs. D. .1 They dA not Nellie that it la a boat- I gretctive and up-to-date. Not only does Mrs. Robe, Davidson for the week- ness proposition, jest the stare as any - the taper give generously of its space end were Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Steoen- °ther 1040111.7 in a community, even free of (•huge In a general way, but son of Windsor and Mins Helen Davtd- thongh its stock to trade la publl- the 'staff financial support also. mon of Toronto. city. For !no.The Chronicle has! Yet there are come who apparently Mr. i) ve I)nvld*cm vi.f}edat the housed under its .roof a plant that think the columna of the paper *hottld home of tris pgiree,ts, Mr. Ind Mrs vitt apprnxlmately twenty thous he open to free apace in boo*ttng ape H.d,t. IAtvldsrm, ori Ftklay evening and dollars, amt tot *taR loaf open- eine events or attraetMna. while his boat, R.N. icxottte, was In ate 1t are paid wagd that will com The hard and fast rule of all news- (hrdrlcfi. pe re fatotably with those of nay paper* Is that publicity for attraetton• Mrs. 'Naroey Fuller attended the other nanofacturlag ladn*try. Thera out of whirl' money la to he made, di- paper* picnic of the sclnol tit are three strings go our bow, and no rectly or rndireetly, by an admission Nile on Frida1. one or two of mem would he ade- quate ds charge or collection, mutt be paid for. Mr. end Mrs. James Young 'visited quare to keep the enable*" a loin( ('nmmittecs might just as well watt In tort Huron on Thursdny last. cancers- It taken the combined Into a factory, a grocery *fere, • dry Mr "(inn. Green*I•de attended the esrnittgs of ail thrx'e bnnPttPeh -nab goods *tore or a RPnta' fhrht*hinge ole! hey*' rennlon at llenaall three scrtptl(►us; adrertteeag and joh print- *torr and ask for two or three dollars' tiny. this week, Int. worth of goods off few sAPlves, as fist Twn games of *oft4a11 were pl*yetl The most Pxfsnhdve end of the buil- a nPw*paltoPr for flee pnhllcity that 1,1,1 w"eek. On Tlinr.d*y evening neva la that wtd(•n k operated to pica cotta emend hnndrM dollars each Union played at Leri rn. ()n Fri - dace the nawsts,pcy_ or In other words wank to produtr We would remind day evening, Knox softball team from to produce Mrhli,ity. No either Waal- MP public' that, twttldea the wage hill, (i-orl'rieh played at ('nlon, winning fits* give* so mut# gratia to lea cam there enters into the covet of preslnP the game. munity as the pr, es It supports the tion of even an humble weekly News- Mr, and Mr*. Ram McIlwaln, of town (+nrncll in tusking effective by paper. the ecotf of the plant, light. beat, (iotterlch, •halted at the home of Herb. law* that are pn.esd to regalate chs power, tPlPphonP, telegraph, govern - life -it Johnston on Monday 11ft-!t promote. evorr effort to make mental and Male taxes, repairs, MI*a Lena Colwell of (ioderich spent min- a town attraction W lite to End to fenancP, Attlee Pc{rPnmP, and w hwradved Randay at the home of her Imrcntr, roast the Mtla.ns eewttortatde and utters Perham this angle hwtat Mr. and Bra. 1toDL. Colwell. haplry--it tw*atty porta.all pbUad'_ been mfi*idPr(vt ny inns who *nmt ProontatiM to Newly -weds. -A threpfe*, thine a art dolnt aims time* tons almost safonl*heti stint► t/te mint evening woe spent oa_Prleay tAing for the „tgAr1v11Pawt to life, editor, who with hl* whiff pay thele evening, when friend. and neighbors such y-�hP Liens Qab. Women's in- nnll;atlnns the sense a* other citizen*, gathered at the home of Mr and Mrs. MNate •ughYa,r ji Lie Ffleptre. tfrtalrai* pa7masat for what La .tine Jac ,,MeMlllen, nth enncesalon, to Hospital atwl ,1. 4atfllary, flim •fir- veetPd fro match money to 1* In t po- honer th.A to their recon): marrlagn. tons IptIgs frafc ng, oe etim• the Puts sltloe to nail. The evening wax *pent In playing pro - greastre euchre Before lunch, the happy couple were present -et with two handsome chairs, John YuUI reading the address Mr. McMillen suitably replied to the presentation. Orval Powell entertained with lila pop 'rhe gathering dlaperaed to the wee. ane' boors of the morning. 1 itch. tts-- Chao* Nerrhe regular meeting of the I.Y.B. was held la the (*urea ma Tetley with seem - team members pretest and Miss Mar - toe Porter 1■ eharge. The meeting (tweed with the hymn "Blade Ars Ringing, Woods Are Waging." followed by prayer read by Harry Phillips, The Scripture lesson (Psalm 191 was madTh by Doug. McNeill. The topic ea 'e Poetry of Summer" was read by Stea- ler Kcllwain A short poem entitled Gerdes',"A GerdeMessage" was read be MIs Nora Sowerty. it was decided to hold the wort meeting on Jul: 19 tasked of July 12. Orval Powell's Wenn will have charas The arms was, "Remar Du SA Glowlog • Owe Mum +sik ng and iIRA) pasted Flower ductedy was eoa- ducted at Calmoest_n Bday, with the motor, Rev. F. W. ('rack, to the pul- pit. Flowers decorated the puiplt. Mr. ('rack delivered a very suitable address tont the text "And the des- ert shall bloom as the rote" (Isaiah D) 3i i s. urtng the service, the eholr sang an anthem. "We Thank Thee Fl for the ower*," and a solo, "Ip the GardenN" was very nle•4y sang by Har- old Gardner _ ... ext Sunday, an )range servlee will be conducted at 1'nkton, when Rivenoon (neige. L.O.L..O.' 14.i, will attend ter•vice. The pastor will deliver the whims. There will tie-epei•lat music by the choir On Rnnday. lu1y. 14th, the Ncriment of the Lord's Supper wilt he diepened at Union. All member,. and adher- ent, are cordially invited to attend. DE LUXE STEAMER SER- VICE from GODERICH BY THE LIN TON _STEAMER GEORGIAN__ , Le f ierbwiete-11.4.: p.m. 5' :. . for Windsor 5h7 Detroit. i.v. tialerleh 11.41 a.m. Sundays for (Georgian Ilay Ports, Mani- toulin island, Mackinac and the Soo. WP;EK-PFD CRUISE To WINiI- SOR AND 1) TROrF Lr. Friday, return Sunday -.$13,00 including meals and berth. All day Raturrtay in i)etroit. Slxday cruise. to Georgian Ray. Mackinac and Sault Rte. Marie. 1,v. Sunday. return Friday 949.00 Including meals and berth. SEAWAY LINES Lor= WINDSOR, ONT. -SNR TO('R LOCAL AGENT- 55555 Men's New Type Suits To gee thein 1a to want to wear OAP. Matte of real botany wool with sipper to separate the trunks from the upper part If desired. Thew are the last word In Bathing Smits. -- -AIsPt 32 to 44-- - ' at $1.95 awn $2.50 Men'. all•wnoi Bathing Snits. A full range of Bathing Sults to •11 else& In the new ent-out style. They are all pure wool Prim* at $1.29 -M.- ROBINS- --Agent for 11p Tog Tillers