HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1935-7-4, Page 1, zJ The Signal Asks the Assistance of readers in snaking up the Pommel somber column. Let us have the names of your guests during the holiday season. Zbr HIOHTY-EIGHTH YEAR, NO. 27 t Election Date May Be Sept. 16 Ottawa House Nearing the End —Wheat Question Much to the Tore (By J A. Hume, Spedal Correspon- dent of The Signal) Ottawa, July 1.—Wheat continued to bold the spotlight the past week and will continue to do so until Par- liament concludes, as is expected, not later than theuvrsheat questioniscert than that, fain to loom large in the general elec- tion. which may come on August 96, probably not before September 1e. May 31 last the Government, k John I. Mfcfwheaatat Macfarland, held average- cost of till cents per bushel, or a total of around $196,000,0(KRob- ert obert Findley, Winnipeg, Mr. Macfar- land's treasurer, told the! wheableat committee on Thurnda7t lay bead that the Government's wheat stabilisation efforts slut* 1931 have meant 15(1 million dollars inure in the pockets of tbe wbeat producers, while reprc•,entativea of the wheat pools put 1t around 100 million dollars. !tuts granting those figures, the Govern- ment cannot avoid dropping many 1011o11 dollars before this carry-over in liquidated, if ever, especially since the prospects point to at least a •Ws, mtliton-buabel crop In the West this Sall. For the proposed Grain hoard "-id b- to take over the wheat no : the Government 1t will require 52 mil- ronto, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Bon dollars in cash and a furtber 154 A. Taylor, Keay, street. million dollars In the line of prolate' cl Mr. tool Mrs. e r .Jas. Wamboldng their, oaughtf Kit- notes it sates Wills a la alt- Mils Laura Wambold, and -Mr. and - ' ' 1rr•_a Taft, Keays street. . x Itchtsoa and trattord, weir, el Ate PERSONAL MENTION Misr Janet Taylor is visiting trio - tires at Oakville. Miss Marie Ryan, of Stratford, was a holiday visitor at ber home here. Mr. Wm. Lumby, of Chatbam, was home fur the week -end and holiday. Mr. and Mra IT Preston Strang, of Toronto, ere spending the week is town. Mr. Roberi Stoddart, of Chatham, speut tbe week -end and holiday at Ida house here. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wiggins and daughter Vera, of Detroit, are visiting frleuds in town. Mr. Donald Campbell, of Touawanda, N. Y, is the Nest of his 'later, Mrs H. G. Sanderson. Ottawa, U hint 0. F. Clingan,' spetiding the summer with ber pareuts, Mr. and Mrs. John Galt. Mr. Joseph Parer, of Toronto, visited Mr. David Bryon, Angl street, over the holiday. . Mr. Win. Black, of Sarnia, visit • . t the week -end at the home of hls-or- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Blacl.nf Mrs. Van Moten and c•itlldrei ' Detroit, visited her parents, Mrs. A. Henderson, Cambrt i Mr. and Mra George -let Windsor, are at Over -the -Way cottage and will remain during July end August. Mrs. C. E. Robinson. jr., left on the steamer Georgian, ou Sunday, for Sault Ste Marie, wbere she wtU re- side for some time. Mrs. E. Matthews,, wbo baa been ill Iu Alexandra hospital the past smooth, lsst MUM returned to her new home on Newpite street Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Andrew and children, Arthur and Donald, of To - I f • lona The Signal's Job Department prides itself on neatness, accuracy and promptness. Glee It a Trial GODERICH, ONTARIO,' GoderichBin Meed a *of Bridge Flayeri Third Annual Toho 7 a O rent Success-8oi$tb Eden Play The thirdit* open fournement saber the of tire*' Godeetdl Bridge Cie was held` at Hottl Suu- eet onjeliday and Saturday last. It here, .!lier'e being about 130 player' WW1;from Tonawanda, N.Y.. Al - ,T., -Dotrott, Toronto, lata rdta,5Wpner, Loudon, BIM. band Wing elan, from Gpder- atm t largest tournament gstt held ! tea sorry -over ; Orals Ex. hangs qlitatUoa, and fixing a the peoduter of bushel for the saw tit bed decided to drop ita earlier ;proposal to Inaugurate the single tansterable vote In Saskatchewan only at the coming general election. Loans for Fishermen Tbe Government's bill to provide $1.900,000 of credits for deep sea and Greet Lakes fishermen was described by some Liberals as "sop legislation." Hon. James ltalcelm, Liberal, Kin- cardine, spoke against the low limit of Individual loans and also on their long terms. Mr. Bennett announced during the week that the Government could not pe Its special r at this session to provide spec spec pensions for he blind, even though all sides of the House S strongly favored such a move. Sharp criticism came from J. 8 Woodsworth, C.C.F. leader, Angus Mac - Inuit), Labor, Vancouver, and Robert McKenzie. Liberal, Aeslntois, over the vote of $50,000 to the estate of the late Sir Arthur Currie for his out- standing war services. Mr. Ma('ken- ate King, lion ian Mackenzie, Liber- al, Vancouver, end Hon. Hugh Guth- rie, Minister of Justice, characterised Visitors at the w borne of Mr. and were: MG sae - Kottw s w r ,played, Coder- ronto 001 anti There was the decirtoe. Canada in the Temperance A. the Act was and the other much sa temperance Just how have effect in image rooms is 11111 doing cibaa. C. Lee for the Sunset; last beer and at the botel. iboraty 1 TEA • H. M. Friday sou e; ,• .g game, early Theblic scorn open event. apppupts alts thb.Arst (obs Rales cies on tea tea wa(}i oil we: Harry IC J. X anter, P. halal ueth GodeMej, prinetWl pt 701'7 R A. 1. Wilkinson, Deerel� school. bas Mn! L. Eliot, Load .598; apo. wheel- sc, J. Rutherford, Mrs. J. L. Killoran, E. Sharman, a Stratford, .1106: Mrs. J. H. Tay or,,, Mr. Shackleton Mrs. T. H. Mitchell, rzoderlch, .ti6d each, being a The Dr. Ropier Trophy bet wife le s da The Dr. H iienwrlal cap w*s T. G. Allen of won by P. D wn sad G. E 1s taking r go Cooper; of TtoAa10 scoring' +16. A.C.. Guelph. The pair were presented with the Ase aesietant cup and Wenandtree silver platters. school, to op Ds, W. A. Kelly and G. N. Udy, of verllttam K. London, worst seemed with +1M: well-known • - Prof. A. Woods aslQ:Dr. Allan Skit.- engaged. Mr. Der, of Loudon, ire third with +12 three years has 1•'ourtams burvlred the quail- Platteville public eying rounds tor, the trl)pky, Ove of her will be thew bekig. from 'podeekh.. Top at K1nge4on *eve prtaee, %r the wtnneartir Pseir^�S411- of the three qualifying seetiona. sere Wen by Yr. bad , •lm iota. RA lissegia~ d ' o Strafford ; ra j►grt' jjg, `jrrd Mex T. H. Mlttiell, Ptelloilibillimbi the upsets 1* thea contest for evfore tea Ike fa." of cup G�rll, and C. F. *clodr Tomato,_ T. IL ,,,Vote w . it id aoderk tY rati,�1 "�.,...t ".O. ...,.� , ffor two wall: Mrs:--idthgew lead children will remain for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. John Galt, Jr., and (langhtert. the Misses Yvonne and Betty, of St. Catharines, spent the week -end and holiday here wltb Mr. Gait's, parents. Miss Yvonne 1. re- maining for at longer visit. Mrs. J. L. Aitken has returned from London, ndon, where she had been with her eon, Mr. Arden .N. Aitken. since the death of his wife three weeks ago. She wee accompanied on her return home by her Ron and two young grandsons', two boys will and remain here with their gra ndpa rents. '-r& vote as "bete ,. corntttoes" ana! it carried. Whlie of conrae from the earliest days the British Parliament has voted money and land grants to its war heroes, this Currie vote nets a precedent for eertasent ss, da in le line.in Housing 43111 The Government's hill to provide $900 neoe.ary to secure assistance as "faulty and of little valve" by lion. H. 11 Rtevens, Humphrey Mitchell, Lauer, Hamilton, and by many Lib- erals. They claimed that low wage earners could not Taloa the $riOO or $10,000.000 to aid housing wan criticized under tbe hill to hntld a hoose for themselves. A. D. Ganong, (onreot r. vattve, Charlotte, N.B. the committee which investigated housing• frnnkly ndmltted that the b111 would be of no implode/ice in building low cost bourses, but he mid he thonght 11 world give Canada more hmues at lower cost to the Dominion than nny tratford Normal Graduates Gather Outing at Harbor Park Shadowed by Death of Principal , Silcox Halter -Pavia- ww the-oceas- of a happy rennlou of old friends on Kit- urday afternoon, when graduates of Stratford Normal School met for a getrtogetber picnic. About shtty young men and women who arrived Saturday morning had dinner in tho park pavilion, and others arrived from more distant points in Western On- tario uupptil the number was swelled to 160. Those attending were graduates of the last six years. A shadow was cast over the picnic by the death of the beloved principal of the school, Dr. 8. Silcox, who pooled away early Saturday morning at his home in Stratford. Copies of a farewell menage from the principal to his students were dla trlhuted by Mr. 11. G. Manning, of the school staff. The message was head by Miss Olive Elliott, 1934 graduate. other way. Hon. .1. C. 11allott, 1.Ib Mr. Fred Langdon, of Stratford, seal. West Middlesex. thought asalit- convener of the pienie committee, told once should he given for boumine in the assembled graduates that it was rural area and also for repairs to the late principal's wbh, expressed be- exteting bosoms. An amendment pro- fore She died, that tte g to schedule.picnic be held posh by by A. W. Neill, Independent, f (bmox-Alberni, R.C., to have the hill The graduates signed the register apply to repairs, was defeated. The after which a program of sports or - Government pert through an amend- copied the afternoon. A boot and Rus- es inncompanies irtoaprovidees nupact to ton; chalkwas brush throw, Miss Mar - slily per cent. of the vaine of houses Joele Hetherington, graduate of the to be hnitt. Slr George Perlry, for Goderteh Collegiate Institute; men's the Government, admitted that the T6•yard daub. Duncan 'MacKay, grad - bill wsa "only a flirt" on housing and late of the G.C.i. ; secret spot race, pointed not that slam clearance re- B111 Manning. of Stratford; cracker- mained the responsibility of the In- whistle race, Isabella Miller. The dividnal municipalities. Huron count, girls' team won a re - Quebec )?'.*aero Will Not Obey lay nor, and graduates now of Perth Certain amendments were carried county won the men's relay. Many to the Natnral Prndncts Marketing Act. A dealer or producer selling good* onttide the AM in any area where tee Art Is in Ogre! mnat prove the .gond* were not prodheed In that area The; amendment, welch pots the onus of proof nn,.tlte-III��ndhldnal, was sharply condemned., tooth* Lib- erste Mr Rttlett roma fliel "even a murderer hag more rights," while Hon Emelt Lapointe warned lOmtirYb -es paw 6) Chapeau and Carel. /low - ever, won tbe c essolatluo event for and pencil set: non.qualiflers for the Hunter cup. by Donald Rh Mrs. R. Reid and lire. R. Harper, of pupil. Loudon, were second ; J. D. Grant and Mrs. A. Stonehouse eaiert;tlued tbe Miss 11. I. Jones, of London, third., staff of the school to afternoon tea.foating the a above ani in thewbhen the 11ga18 Close Play at -which Maser Donald Stonehouse a Tin• closest team of fulls' match ever r - Presented Mr. Smith with . pair of lag dispersed. played at a Goderich tourney •featured bronse book -ends, the gift of the jq)n1CARUL\E HERF. FRIDAY Seven teams were teachers the Saturday play. who within three and one-half points at lbs finish. Twenty-three tables were In play. The results: 1st, Mr. and Mra. D. G. Townsend, Mrs. J. F. MacDonald and Mr. F. Armstrong, of Hamilton. 15% matches. 2nd, Messrs. E. C. Beacom, J. H. Taylor, T. R. Patterson and P. F. Carey, of Goderich, 14 matches. 3rd, Col. and Mrs. Kippen, I)r. W. Kelly and O. N. Udy, of London,' 1354 matches. Mrs. 8. Band, Mears. J. W. Jacobson, C. Delman, and J. Hershman, of Toronto, 1854 matebes. Messrs W. W. Armstrong, J. H. Craw- ford, H. C. Hodgson and W. S. French, of Wingbam, 13% matches. 4th, Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Lanaway, Mts. E. L. Dean and Mr. R. Johnston, of Goderich, 12 matches. 5th, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Whitman. Mist 14. 1. Jones and Mr John D. Grant. of 1andotb,.1T ghee: -.. RSDAY, JULY 4, 1935 A s •• ===eate Tilt: SIGNAL PRINTING CO, LIMITED, Publishers 0088 ON 11 Celebrate 50 Years of Wedded Life detest locally io upreme Court of S Mr- and Mrs- Chris. W. Johnston the Centre of a Happy and Notable Gathering t of the Canada 4he ruling that a force in Huron affected gave eopporters of the hC decision- will ag of (he bev- a n. They are Lest week ler. ding anniversary at the home of Mr. an "authority" and Mat. Albert E. Barker, Bayfield 'alnee roma, read, Guderlch. e beep." salt A wedding dinner was served at tbp remit au- 6 p.m. to brothers and sisters of the A very pleasant event took place on Monday evening, June 24, when Mr. and Mra Chris. W. Johnston, Guderlch townahlp, celebrated their fiftieth wed - fab, --- DIVED W. H. Beaed and has made tLc two vacan- ff. who has been t Forret public lilted principal Ing Miss I. lary of $1,400. known In God - of Ashtk•Id, and t Mr. and Mra. At present he orae at the O. pal at Victoria J. E. Smith. member of a family, has been n for the last principal of the . His salary PERSONAL MENTION Goderich Has Bio Mr. lteg. Pinder wen up from Turuu- • to for the holiday. Mr. J. T. Fell Ir up from Wludeur for a few days this week. lir. Douglas Campbell, of 51. Cath - Monster Parade Precedes Tire- Timeton July 1st arinee, Ir visiting friends lu town. - Mr. Clarence Walker was home from Windsor fur the holiday wec4eud. - Rev. C. F. and Mrs. Clucks, of Lou- don, visited friends in towu -this week, Mr. and Mrs. Angus McKay, of De- troit, spent the tioliday week -end in town. . Mr. D. Eason, of -:Lew Orleans, /tOi arrived for his annual summer stay in in town. A great many resorted to Goderich. the waterfront, ter bathing beach Miss Ann Morrison, of Kincardine, war web patronised. and the munlcl- is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Jas, He mitten. 1 pal motor camp war crowded. The Mr. and firs. W. G. Bowden, of I streets along the route of the parade early afternoon were lined with ..early large proportion of whom, rently, contented themselves with seeing the parade and did not go to the Agricultural Park, where the after- noon program was carried out. It war tar and away the best par - men's Tournament and Sports Program Codertch was favored with Ideal weather for its Dominion Day cele- bration and there was a large crowd bride and groom and their wives and Oshawa, are 1n town -lad --min husbands. A toast to the bride and for some weeiro.— groom war given by Ilev. A. C. Calder Miss Evelyn Otark, teacher at Ceti -fir and was responded to sty Mr. J. E. trolls, Is home with her mother, Mrs. Johnston of Toronto, and a beautifully Robert Clark, for the vacation. framed address was read and pre- Miss Margaret McLean, nurse -in - rented to the bride and groom. The toast to the King was reeponded to by Mr. Fred Elliott, Goderich town- ship. A tW�t to "The Church" was responded to by Mr. John Sowerby, Goderich township. A vote of thanks to the host and hostess was tendered by Mrs. T. M. Johnston and seconded by Mr. Geo. &overby, both of Goder- hit townkhip, and was replied to by Mr. Albert Barker. street. The dining -room was prettily de lir. and Mrs. Leighton Walker, of counted for the occasion 1n gold, with T„ouuto, are spending two weeks with touches of red, white and blue, em- ,Ir. %Volker's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Idematie of the flag of our country. \Vt',ley walker. The bride was dressed in her wedding Mrs. Athol McQuurrle and two child- gow'u of fifty years ago, made of gold- rep of Toroicto, are NoUdaying at en color satin, which has been pro- the home of Mrs. Mr•Qturrte's mother, served rtnce her weddiug day. Mrs. C. A. Nairn. - The Nests were received at the Mr. and Mra. Howarth. Mr. and Mrs. door by Mia Florence Sowerby R.N., and upstairs by Miss Eltynor i)outbl- training at St. Joseph's hospital, Lon- dou, is holidaying at het` home here. lade that bus been seen In Goderich Mrs. W. Telford, of Owen Sound, i in some year* In. addition to the was here this week ou a visit to ber tire brigades bete for the tournament, parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. -Parsons. l most of them accompanied by bands, Mr. Ambrose Colborne, of -Toronto, there were the local features which spout the hullday week -end with tits usually have In pest years made up parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Colborne. the morning Dominion Day parade. Mies Verna Barbour of Markdate Headed by care containing Vent the holiday with her parents, members of the town coupctl and of - Mr. and Mrs, James Barbour, Quebec fivers of the Board of Trade, the pro- cession included half -a -dozen can, with members of the Octogenarian Club, followed by the band of the God- cricti Musical Sudety and the hand- somely -attired Burlington drill Corp.. Fourteen Ore companies in the par- ade Included those from St. Marys (with trumpet band), Wingham (with band), Kincardine, Tavletoc•k (with Moore and Mee Halliwell, all of Ham- baud), Hanover. Mitchell, Teeswater lltou, were week -end guests of Mr. and I (with band), Elmira, Clinton (with Mrs. W.-Orindrod. pipe band), Baden, -Wellesley (with band), Milverton (with band), Blyth (with baud), and Goderich. -luteeepersed_ iyuong _the, .hdgadts were decorated cars, floats industrial exhibits, callthumpiana, and children t present he L 8°° - Douglas dines? we bride and mom Douglas Otarke, a former G. C. I. stodleu at ittudent, eon of Rev. C. F. Clarke of were at bsmt to their many friends anpi silvan who wine to wleh tem I l,c��joa, ins recclWd lits-PH.D. Flodi g D-BY)C y'. Smith. F wel be term at Vic- During the ev • •f iso junto piper, and Robert Morgan, red to drummer . of Clinton, entertxlned et WW1 ny friends with several bagpipe eonttnued happiness and many the t'nh•rsily of Toruuto. years of married life. Tho bride and He. H. GrenpR.otertaon, Mrs. Robert- groola received many lovely preseala, 'son and tittle daughters, Mary rod In a great variety of rostume. Judging for the prizes took place immediately after the arrival of the parade at the park, the results being as follows: Decorated earl) and floats -1st, God- erich Hort1 Society; cheques aid telegrams of congratala- Helen, or Teropto, were week -end vied Gott in honor of the occasion. torr at the borne .of the Misses Robert - Ding Mr. Fred Muth, eon, Victoria street. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Clark and daughter Helen, and Mlsa Helen all -Toronto, were guests tbe t as read of-4otrrt le -tion and Scotch song., which tad Mare sconce Bowe ., the Highland ding. The grounds ware with green spotlights and a string of colored lights with the Union Jack 4, Prises Presented (In Fridaf night a luncheon was ',erred at the hotel, and on Saturday, at the conclusion of the evening play, the guests gathered at the Maitland golf clubhouse, where a buffet lunch- eon was enjoyed. Mr. E. C. Beacom, president of the Goderich Bridge Club, called upon Mr. P. F. Carey, manager of the tournament, to pre- sent rr< went the prizes. Mr. Carey, after presenting the prises, thanked those who had assisted in the preparation and conduct of the tournament. especially Mr. G. N. Udy, of Londorf, and Mestere. I. 1). Eastman and W. F. Saundeso, of Goderich. Mr. J. E. Smith. has been as- sistant principal at Victoria school. leaves to become principal of the Lis- towel public s'h'"'l. The school Victoria in about the same' size school, having over 300 pupils. Mr Smith has !wen much liked by els pupils and has made many friends in Goderich during his three yearn at Victoria school. Itefore coming to Goderlcn he taught two, years at a country school two Giles north of Lucknow, his home Iowa, after leav- ing Normal Scheel .t the age of nine- teen. Ills friend. ami acquaintances In Goderich wish him etery If (WPM; in ills new school. spent the remainder of the afternoou at the beach, returning to the park for supper at 6 o'ekwk, Prises for the winners of the races and contents were presented atter the evening meal. Mr. iangdon and Mia Laura John - ernes of federich were largely fe- lytsttetble for thre-werte'ese of the pie - ole. - They were as thital by a num- ber of wilting workers among the pedestal. 44 COUNTY W. C. T U. CONVENTION The county convention of the W.C. T,1; 'Ill be held In Wesley -Willis church, Clinton, on Friday, July 5th. There will he morning and afternoon sessions. TERRIBLY INJURED Kincardine will be here tomorrow (Friday) for a game In the Bruce Baseball League. Play will he called at 5.30 p.m. at Agricultural Park. COURT HOUSE REPAIRS Workmen began repairs to the ex- terior of the court house thes morulug, t ow.uencing by tearing down the (Al steps on the west side. Woodwork and eavestroughing are tc lie replaced ■ ei repaired all over the building from the clock to the ground, and a little Bement work is to be done at the ground level. - 5(188 NORA HI'RIErS RECITAL The Sarnia Otcer er of reeent date givaa- an.agtelidel amount of a reel_ tall by the pupils of 111a.51ara lt. 1T ley, A.T.C.M., daughter of Mr. John Hurley of town. The recital It de - emitted as "an outstanding performance for which much credit is due the In- structress and the students for their ability. The numler+ were exception- ally well played to make thin the Leet' recital given by Mks Hurley'. cisme." ihuring the evening certificates won in Toronto Conservatory` of Mufti(' exem- Inntionm and molt - awarded int the Lampton county inn-ical festival were presented to the oo ionm winners. At the conchs/don ..f the program Miss Hurley wax pros nosi with a fountain pen and pencil and -a gift of Bowers. BAD ROAD ACCIDENT NEAR PORT ALBERT London Man In Hospital with Severs Injuries Walter Crosson, of R.R. No. 7, Lon- don, was terribly injured on Monday evening in a motor accident one half mile north of fort Albert, when the car in which he an. a passenger, driv- en by Arnold Robb. same address. turned over in a etiteb. Croatian Is in Alexandre hospital Oodertch, suffering from a fractured collarbone, fractured jaws, from which six teeth were smashed, a lac- erated arerated face, and tangible concussion and Internal injuries. The driver of the car was severely gashed acetone the forehead, the wound requiring seven stitches, but other pate *enters In the cur. Ray Meyers, of Woodward avenue London, and Gor- don Robb, who sdfered shock, eacapel physically with it °ever• shaking up. The car, travelling at a high speed, pollee say, *truck this ditch, running along it until It WI It alight rine near a creek. Stich w.-• the speed of the car that It flew tlo,aigh the sir, clear- ing the creek and tarSt*g roar to land on tis My- teintrewvea te•t away. -Te car was Wished. Provincial Conntahle p. ID wideoy and County ConsMbie N. laver, or.. Investigated. Jack Frltsley In Critleal Condition frog Accident Tuesday Evening Jack Fritoley, twelve -year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fritzley, South street, 1s in Alexandra hospital in n precarious condition from injuries re- ceived when he was knocked from his bicycle on Tuesday evening by a truck driven by Harold Rattling. The boy was entering. Aarkuttural Pads wben the truck swung Into view from behind a high board fence. The front fender struck Jack, hurting him from his bicycle. 111a ribs on the right side were crashed, and after examination at the hospital 't Is feared Ids lungs may have been punt - flute] Pollee investigated, bot laid no Mame for the annident. A board fence. oharares the elgbt-angled left turn of the road as it enters the ground.. 'Phis nursing Rig' hop's rondltlon wita mint lsupra-Me 4he Interns' lar jury that was at Bret feared not hav- Ing developed The Myer was slight- ly rnptnrel, but repaired Itself. SERIOUSLY INJURED Mrs. James- Young, of the 7th con- cession of Colborne township, bad a severe accident on Sunday evening which 11 to feared. may. have serious results. She was visiting at tbe home of •t3er-niert Mrs. Cos: O'Keefe, at Kingsbridge. when she fell off the verandah and suffered an Internal in- jury. She was in a very critical con- baton for two or three day., but today is reported somewhat Improved. , She is at her own home. Mrs. Young 1s in her eighty-fifth year.• Seita school staff, hag gone to' uskoka, foe the summer- She Wes accompanied on the trip there b -y her brother, Mr. Harold Durnin, of Lake Geneva. Wiseousin, who spent a day or two in town on bis return. Mr. W. K. Thomson. who has re- signed hit school at Platteville to take a position on the staff of Victoria 'school here, spent a few days at the home of his mother, Mrs. Jas. F. Thom- son, before leaving for Kingston, where he 1. taking a sumsder course at Queen's University. SNEAK -THIEF GETS $10 A forgotten key !eft in the outaid- of the lock at the home of Dr. T. Ward - law Taylor, Britannia road, on Satur- day night, provided easy access to tine premise* ter a sneak -thief. Some- one walked in after simply turning the key in the lock, then prowled hrougn the first -door rooms, Westing a church envelope from a desk and $10 from a pair of trousers. The missing money and the fact hat the door was found wide open In the morning were the only clues to the tett that a stranger had been In the bonne, - Not one of the family or visitors heard 'an untoward sound. CHARGED WITH THEFT William Rivers, a transient, was ar restel this morning by Sergeant A. C. Ross and charges with the theft of $5 from Joe Somers, hie side kick on the man a thorough search revealed a five -dollar hill in the toe of the man's sock. Rivers was remanded by F. G. Weir, J.P., until this afternoon, when he will appear before Magistrate J. A. Making. Tine man admitted the theft but stated Joe etole that mu('h from him in 1931. r.,i. . Co.; 2hd, Dominion Bead Ma- chinery Co.; 3rd, J. E. Hacking; 4th, 7mpertst tett Calitbumpiaus11st, H. McCreath; 2nd, Ceutral flume and School Club; 3rd, Gladys Farrant and Jean Elliott; 4th, Norah Costello and Gordon Mc- Manus. De•urated bicycles—Betty West-• brook, Firemen's Contents The program at Agricultural Park was mainly lu the hands of the of- ficers of the Western Ontario Fire - web's Association. Of all the exercises and contests before the grandstand during the afternoon, the drill by the Burlington fire brigade was the most striking. In their white betmets, gloves and shoes and dark white -corded uniforms, the squad presented an Immaculate ap- pearance. For nearly thirty min- utes the brigade drilled, marching to music provided alternately and with- out interruption by two bands. Their manoeuvres were machine -like In pre- cision, and were a pretty sight to watch. The brigade received rounds of applause from the crowded stand. Demonstrations of speed . and .skill -prepm.ratiuu for ire -lighting and in rescue west.-!kltltl:_lnt•areatin_QT Per - fortued by visiting brigade?:- "Tt"took the Elmira team Piet 25% seconds to dash fifty yards with a hose reel and attach the hose to hydrant and nozzle. Not u split second was wasted, every moment being made to count. The Tnvistoek team was second, being one seeond slower than the winners. Four teams Its the rescue race tied at 20 seconds. Three men were re- quired to take a ladder freer a truck, erect it against a scaffolding and Hensall Tragedy to Be investigate Death of Allan McDonell Said to Be Result of Smite Wound in His WriI< An inquest has tern ordered by Dr. F. J. Barrows, coroner, of itenforth, inks the death early Sunday morning of Allan MacDonell of Hensel; A jry las been 'mpanylltsl to utn-t to- mount it. The tieing teams were from morrow (Friday). 1Teeetrater, Elmira, Milverton and MacDonell died in the Sentortb hos- Tavistock. A draw gave Elmira deet pit,tl at 1.30 a.m. Sunday, liter it !place, Teamster second. great loss of blood from a knife wound l The }edges announced a second In the wrist, allegedly Inflicted by Mal deadlock, among thtee teams judged sister, Mildred MueDonnell, on Satur-s for smartness of'appearance. A draw day night. - made Wingham the winner over Tees - Police slate that trouble commenced water and Tavistock brigades. when MacDonell 'took five dolllrs hloderich gave Milverton oppswitlon from his mother. ' She followed him in a tug-of-war and won In a rather upstatre and an aitereetldll- trained. +-envy -pall.- The cup for the winning HU two sisters, Mrs. Lawton, of To- team was presented to the visitors, rotito, end Mildred, went npstslra to I however, as a gegture of good will. help their mother. It is said Mar i Mayor II. J. A. MacEWau presented Donell threw Mrs. Lawton down the i Chief Conrad, of the champion Elmira brigade, with the D. Paulman Rowe cups for winning the hoes -reel race, and also presented him with the !tickle Fire Engine Co. trophy for winning the rescue content. The Heaton cup was pretested by His Worship to Chief A. E.Iouttit, wag of the Wingham brigade, e'hosen as the smartest outfit. Chief Dickinson, of Teamster, won the 75 -yard cblefd race, running it in 11 seconds. Chief Westlock, of Kin- cardine, was second. Two members of the Teeswater 5.1- Chief Dlekinson, It Teamster, won dash. Teeswater was first, Mitchell .eeond, Teamster third. The time wan 13% .eeonds The Teeswater team slimon the -firemen's half -mile relafr, pr • fait finish to be e)ocked it 1 mtnute, 51 seconds. The Elmira team was D. I. HILL TO LISTOWEL • Third Resignation from 144a11 of God. erleh Collegiate institute Mr. D. I. Hill has resigned from the staff of the Goderich Collegiate In- stitute and Rag aceeptetl the principal- ship of the, Listowel High School, at a clary of $2,400 Mr. 11111 will teaeh science and agriculture at Lls towel. The staff there Is of eight teachers including the prineipal. Mr. 11111 became well established at the G. C I. during his six years )fere In lower school work and physical training. Before coming to °oder- lee ha taught three pears at Waterford High School. Mr. 11111, bit wife and family will remain in Goderich during Jny, ile- a -fa -ling to present plana They to tend laving for Listowel 5hmut An- t/list let. They will he missed by many friends In Gcd.rieh. stairs and attempted to throttle his younger Meter. Mildred ran out and summoned a gentleman 'friend, who was forcibly ejected from the house by MacDonell. Mildred followed the tussling pair, carrying a carving knife which, It 1s stated, she had picked up on the way from the house, and when her brother approached her the blade, it Is al- leged, glanced from hit shoulder and severed the arteries In his wrist. MacDonell at first refined Medical attention, 1t 1s said, but later went to the office of I)r. G. R Collyer. who bandaged the wound and took the in- jure) nun to the Seaforth ho.pitsl, where he diel at 1.110 a.m. Sunday. about five hours after he was wounded. I'rotincial Constable P. F. SMc('ey, of ttoderfch. Investigated. 5a4TenN1 was the son of Mr. and Mr 11111'5 resignation makes t Mr. (Shan A. Maeilonetl. eTA 1 .tSPA M third rareney on the G.C.1. staff, no family 1s on. of the most prominent A disappointment was realised male teacher now Wag i.11. and highly regarded In Henalt (Continued os pan S) 1