HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-05-10, Page 28ANEW"
For sound counsel and a fair price' on a monument
correctly designed from quality material, rely on
Pat O'Hagan, Prop.
Pa8e Lucknaw Sentinel, Wednesday, May 10,1978
The Ripley Bowling Club held
their annual dinner in the Ripley.
Huron Legion Hall last Saturday
evening. Ladies of the Legion
Auxiliary did the catering.
' For many racing fans last
Saturday was a, wash out as the
local television station did not
carry the yearly Kentucky Derby
-from Louisville. Instead there was
diving and . splashing from Ed-
monton's Commonwealth Pool.
The Toronto' Daily Star has a
writer, Gary Lautens, who writes
a column each day on a current
issue with some humour and
often a great deal of common
sense. Last Thursday's column
was headed by "Metric Misses by
Mile (1.6 km)". It was pertaining
to this metric nonsense which has
never been put to a public vote or
it would be put back in the science
labs where it belongs as far as
Canada is concerned. After all the
roads were surveyed in miles and
the farms in acres, and no
kilometres or hectares are going
to change that. Gary Lautens says
that he is no .friend of metric
-conversion and has no desire to
go that extra mile (1.6 km). This
writer's unanswered question is
"why has it never been put to a
public vote of the Canadians"?
Incidentally, Darryl Robinson :is
the new delivery paper boy,taking
over from the McLean sisters.
Oh Friday evening, the Happy
Hearts, Ripley's Senior Citizens,
along with those in Kincardine,
were treated to a free dinner in
the Kincardine Community Cen-
tre. The dinner was put up by the
Kincardine Lion's Club- members
and their wives who were also
present. Norm Dunsmoor's orch-
• estra supplied the music for
dancing. All report an enjoyable
evening and thanks to Kincardine
Laurie Coiling, daughter of
Allan and Marie Coiling, recently
joined the staff at the Ripley
Royal Bank.
On Thursday evening, Oraen
Rock joined his sons Ronnie,
Richard and Robert in getting the
gravel and debris of last winter in
Gore Park gathered into boxes.
Village foreman_Donnie Peter-
baugh brought his truck down
and the collected refuse was
loaded and hauled away. Now the
park looks nice with the green
grass growing.
Jason Fludder, son of Donnie
and Carol Fludder, has his right
foot and ankle in a cast for an
epiphysis condition.
Nora Frederiksen was able to
be home this past weekend to
visit her husband, Niels; Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Wyld of Weston and
Gordon Wyld of Newmarket
accompanied her home last
Saturday noon and they returned
Surday evening. Nora went back
into Princess Margaret Hospital
where; she is presently a patient.
Last Thursday afternoon, May
4th, the funeral 'service for Mrs.
Flossie Geddes, was conducted at
the MacKenzie and McCreath
Funeral Home in Ripley. The
former Flora L. Blue; wife of the
late .Samuel Geddes of Amberley, '
she was born in Huron Township
on October 5, 1888 and passed
away in Kincardine and District
Hospital on Tuesday, May 2,
1978. She is survived by her
sister Katie, Mrs. Lloyd Irwin and
one brother, Jack Blue, both of
Ripley. Sympathy of Ripley and
Huron folks is extended at this
time of bereavement.
Bob and Isabel. Love of Ripley
recently attended the wedding of
their nephew, Bernie GUI, of Port
Elgin to Karen Lee Kreutzweiser
of Southampton. Two years ago
Bernie won the Canadian Champ-
ionship in lawn bowling - at the
This Week in .Ripley
age of 22, the youngest person to
attain this honour. At the time of
the wedding he had just received
notification that he will lawn bowl
for Canada at Edmonton in this
year's Commonwealth Games.
This is the first tithe lawn bowling!;
has been on the list of events.
Since winning the Canadian
Championship, he has been at
Toronto, Vancouver, and Los
Mrs. Violet MacKenzie return-
ed recently from a week's visit
with her son, wife and family -
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne MacKenzie,
Robbie, Susan, and Heather in
Unionville. Lorne is a member of -
the staff of Toronto ° Teachers'
Visiting with Jack and Evelyn
Johnson in Ripley Last Sunday
afternoon were .Mrs. Carol Flud-
der, Tammy .and Jason, Glen
Harris; also Jack and Marion
Lawrie, Linda and Barry of the
Tiverton area and Gord and Bev
Harris, Lynne and Mark of
Susan MacKenzie of the "Un-
ionville Twelve Year Old Girls'
Bowling Team" competed for the
Canadian Championship at
Thunder Bay during the last
-weekend in April. The team was
successful in winning top honours
and deserves a great deal of
praise. Susan also won two years
ago at Regina in similar competi-
tion. She is very proud of her two
gold medals.
Pictured on the front page of
the Dorchester newspaper, the
Signpost, _ Thursday, . April 27,
1978, is a former teacher and
principal of the Ripley Public
School, Stewart MacDonald, be-
ing presented with a large plaque
in appreciation.. of the ten years he
served as principal of Dorchest-
er's Willowdale School. Present
for the occasion ..was his' mother,
Mrs. May MacDonald, of Ripley,
who is shown ' seated beside
Stewart and along with his wife,
Winnie, their sons, wives and
families, in a picture in the paper.
Stewart was raised on the
pioneer family homestead where
his brother Dan' A. and Sheila
MacDonald and family now live
on the 8th concession about three
miles west of Ripley. A graduate
of the Ripley Continuation School,
Stewart attended the former
Stratford Normal School in the
early forties. Also shown was a
picture from Stewart's year at the
Mrs. Anne Mason, Mrs. Fran-
ces Elliott and Mrs. Marjorie Reid
visited on Sunday with Miss Jean
Scott and with Mr, and Mrs.
Secord Huston in Kincardine.
Mrs. Norma MacLennan visit-
ed recently with her brother and
his wife, Grant and Lyla MacLen-
nan in Listowel.
Mrs. Elizabeth Fair entertained
her neighbours at a birthday
party on Monday . for her friend
and neighbour Mrs. Burt Picot on
her 90th birthday.
Weekend visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Carson, Barb and Jean,
were Mr. -and Mrs. Ian Ruther-
ford, Judy, Lisa and Darren of
Orangeville. Mr. Rutherford is
editor of the .Orangeville Banner.
Attending the funeral of Mrs.
Flossie Geddes last Thursday
were Mrs. ''William Blue, Mrs.
Dawn •Gillespie, Mrs. James
'Meldrum, Mr. Eugene Blue, all
of Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Blue
of Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. John
Blue of Listowel, ,Mr. and Mrs,
Donald; Blue and Mr. and Mrs.
Don Duthie of Toronto and Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Stanley of London.
Jack Scott, Beverley, Murray
and Bruce, Mrs. Annie Scott,
Mrs. Margaret Blue, Mrs. Bertha
Scott, Mrs, Mary MacDonald,
Mrs, Doris Johnston visited with
Mrs. Betty (Jack) Scott who is a
patient in Western University,
London. Ripley friends are glad to
here that Betty is making a
speedy recovery.
Mrs. Marie Crawford spent a
few days with her husband Orah
Crawford in Goderich last week.
Mrs. Adeline Martyn is holi-
daying with her aunt Miss Eunice
Stanley in Windsor.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Walsh of
Kincardine, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Dexter of Luckno* and Mrs.
Irene Boyle, Purple Grove were
recent visitors with Mrs. Gladys
Arnold in Ripley.
Some Ripley friends of Mrs.
Burt Picot attended/ her 90th
birthday party, held in Kincard-
ine last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Eedy,
Mrs. Marjorie Reid, Mrs. Anne
McCosh,,Mrs. Hilda Ackert, Mrs.
Linda Campbell, Mrs. Pat Lowry
and family were birthday visitors
with Mrs. Audrey (Lester) Ferg-
uson on the 6th concession West
in Huron Township.
Congratulations to Mr. and
Mrs. Donald Brooks (nee Lola
Birkholder) who were married
last Saturday in Hamilton. At-
tending from this area were Mrs.
Marjorie Brooks, Mr. and Mrs.
Ben Beishuizen, Mr. and Mrs.
Doup, Mr. and Mrs. John Brooks
and Mr. and'Mrs. John Brooks of
Shallow Lake.
Dr. Russell Moncreith of Ash-
field recent graduate of OVC,
Guelph University, started pract-
ice with Dr. Donald Hodgins, east
of Ripley on Monday. Mrs. Mary
Ellen Beisel is assisting Mrs.
Hodgins with the office work.
Ken Bridge isalso assisting Dr.
Hodgins for the summer. Ken is a
student at Guelph University.
Mr. and -Mrs. Wayne Nixon
attended the wedding of Mr. and
Mrs. David Welsh (nee Penny
Hay) in Wingham last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack (Yorky)
Gagg of St. Thomas are visiting
this week with their daughter,
husband and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank van Kooten of Ripley.
Sympathy is extended to Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Worthington on
the sudden death of her uncle,
Alexander Kirkton, of Southamp-
Miss Connie Irwin of London
spent the weekend with ' her
parents Mr. and Mrs. Allan Irwin
and family.
A number of Ripley, people
attended the shower for the bride
to be, Miss Dianne Stanley, held
at the home of Mrs. Gordon
Martin,' concession 6 east, last
Saturday. Friends doubly con-
gratulated Dianne on her coming,
marriage and graduation as a
medical doctor. She is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell
Mr. and'Mrs. A. J. Langley Jr.,
of Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia,
are visiting with their son and
wife, John and Marie Langley,
Ian and Gordon of Ripley.
Miss Sharon Coiling, who has
completed her course at Windsor
University, spent the weekend
with her mother, Mrs. Katherine
Coiling. They attended a relative
, bridal shower for Miss Joy
Bushell at Bervie on Saturday.
Sharon returned to. Windsor
where her duties commenced on
Monday of this week.
Mrs. Mervyn Hooey was host-
ess for the May 2nd ,meeting of
Unit 3 St. Andrew's United
Church Women meeting in her
home on Tuesday evening.
Mary Culbert opened the
workshop service with a poem.
Sheila MacDonald read the scrip-
ture followed by prayer by
Audrey MacDonald. The medita-
tion was given by Mary Culbert.
Ther offering was received and
dedicated by Christena Robert-
- Audrey MacDonald gave an
interesting account of the Society
and • Culture of the Caribbean
Crescent from the study book.
The courtesy remarks were
given by Sheila MacDonald.
Lunch was served by Mrs.
Dorothy Hilborn and Mrs. Helen
Mrs. John Gamble, convener of
Agriculture and Canadian In-
dustries, introduced Bruce Coun-
ty Pork Hostess, Mrs. , Lois
Holland, when she spoke at the
Ripley Women's Institute meet-
ing. She conducted a quizz on
pork and demonstrated 2 recipes
for chops, "Honey Lemon Chops
and Barbecued Chops".
Mrs. Walter Lock, newly elect-
ed president, asked for two
minutes silence in memory of
Mrs. Sam Geddes, a valued life
member who passed away during
the week.
A Tartan Tea will be held for
the Hospital Auxiliary at the
Ripley Legion Hall in June. Mrs.
John Gamble, Mrs. Ross Cum-
ming and Mrs. Walter 1Culbert
will be in. charge of the Fall Fair
An invitation to a tea and
bazaar at Armow was announced.
Mrs. Lock thanked the branch -
for sending her to Officer's
Conference at Waterloo Univer-
sity and gave a few remarks on
the meetings. Mrs. Francis
Gemmell represented Grey Bruce
Area at the Conference also.
Mrs. Frank Fair reported as
Citizenship and World Affairs
convener. She reported on "Sun
Day" which was ,May 3.
Mrs. Kirkpatrick reported the
Ripley Women's Institute collect-
ed $645.25 for the Cancer Society
in Ripley. Mrs. Joe Scott was
appointed District Director with
Mrs. Kirkpatrick as alternative.
Ten dollars was donated to the
Ripley Fall Fair and ten dollars to
the .Pennies for Friendship.
Mrs. Dan Gillies thanked the
speaker, hostess and lunch com-
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