The Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-05-10, Page 27Kingsbridge Kapers
Wedding • bell are ringing!
Congratulations to Ben Cornelius
VaijDiepenbeek, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank VanDiepenbeek of
Kingsbridge and to Mary Anne
Redmond, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs, John L. Redmond, St.
Catharines, who were married in
St. Peter's Roman Catholic
Church, Goderich Saturday, May
Congratulations to Marjorie
O'Neill, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. James O'Neill, Kingsbridge
and to Steven Collins, son of Mr.
and Mrs. TK. Collins, Queensville,
Ontario, who were married in
Goderich on Saturday, May 6th.
Vincent Austin is a patient in
the Alexandra Marine and Gener-
al Hoipital, Goderich. We. wish
him a speedy recovery.
Carl Riegling was admitted to
the Wingham and District Hospit-
al on Monday, May lst. A speedy
recovery is the wish of this
Congratulations to Russell
Swan, R. R. 3 Lucknow, who was
the lucky winner of $1-,000 in the
Community Centre Lottery drawn
on May 3rd.
Brother Carl Voll has returned
following a four day vacation in
Kitchener. While away, he at-
tended the wedding of his cousin,
Sandra Voll, daughter of Mr, and
Mrs. Carl Voll to Theodore
Dietrich in St. Boniface Roman.
Catholic Church, Maryhill.
Several from this area attended
the clearing auction sale of
,household effects and antiques
for Mrs. Elizabeth Dalton held on
May 6.
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Young
(Mary Pat Dietrich) and her
brothers, Steven and John Diet-
rich, of Mississauga, visited
during the past week.with Clarice
Dalton and' family.
A large crowd attended the
bridal shower for Marjorie O'Ne-
ill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim
O'Neill, in St. Joseph's Parish
Hall at Kingsbridge on. May 4th.
Mrs. Marie O'Neill, chairperson
welcomed .the ladies on this
special occasion. Gifts were given
to Marlene McDonald who had an
anniversary closest to the bride's
wedding date, to Ann Drennan
who had the closest birth date,
and to Evelyn O'Neill who was
sitting on the lucky chair. Mary
Luanne Clare read the poem
"Honeymoon's End" and Lisa
Frayne entertained with several
tap dancing numbers. The ad-
dress to the bride was read by
Marie O'Neill. The bride was
assisted in opening her gifts by
her attendants Donna Drennan
and Diane Maize,
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Austrom
of Burlington visited with Mrs.
Gordon Congram and Maurice,
Ivers on Saturday and Sunday,
May 6 and 7.
26 French Youth from Montreal
are visiting with exchange„ stud.
ents of the Goderich District.
Collegiate Institute who visited in
Montreal last February. Claudine
Martenn is visiting with Bridget
Dalton, daughter of Clarice
Dalton and Christine Cote is
visiting with Diane . VanRooy,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. John
VanRooy. They, arrived here on
Thursday, May 4th and will be
returning to Montreal on Tues-
day, May 9th.
Eddie Chilton of Moosonee
arrived on Sunday, May 7th to
visit with Clarice Dalton and
family. While in this area Mr.
Chilton will attend a 4 day
seminar at the University of
Mary Clare, Clarice Dalton and
Denise Dalton motored to London
on Thursday, May 4th to hear
Malcolm Muggeridge speak on
"The True Crisis of Our Times".
He addressed over 2300 persons
at the Alumni Hall, University of
Western Ontario,
A parachute made an appear-
ance at St. Joseph's School,
Kingsbridge on Friday of last
week. It is to be used in the
Physical Education classes of
Mrs. O'Keefe and Mrs. Eedy.
The parachute is on loan from St.
Anthony's School in Kincardine.
Liz Vogt and Carol Foran have
reached the finals of the House
League euchre tournament and
are eagerly awaiting the opposi-
In House League floor hockey
Toronto has won both of their
games, Saskatchewan has won
one and lost one, while Edmonton
is at the bottom of the league with
two losses. In grade five and six
floor hockey Toronto and Edmon-
ton split their series with one win
each. Saskatchewan still has to
Big Foot, an eighty-three
kilometre club has started this
past week and the results from
the first week indicate that Casey
Hendriks from, Saskatchewan has
covered sixteen kilometres but
rain on Friday slowed his
progress. With reults from three
rooms Edmonton has a total of
137 kilometres, Saskatchewan has
covered 136 kilometres and
Toronto 116 Kilometres.
Wednesday, May 10 sees a
meeting of the school Parent-
Teacher Professional Activity Day
committee. On Thursday the first
place . winners in the Garvey
Awards speak for the parents.
'Finally, May 12th is a County
Professional Activity Day. The
Operetta "The White Gypsy" is
to be presented by St. Joseph's
School, Kingsbridge on Thurs-
day, May 18 and Friday, May 19.
Tickets are available from anyone
at the school.
Joan Van Den Broeck, Goder-
ich, chairman of the' John Galt
.Council and Bernardine Kinne,.
Kingsbridge, Huron County Area
representative, attended the Her-
itage of Canada Annual Meeting
in Oshawa on Saturday, May 6. A
tour of Parkwood, the. Estate of
the late Colonel and Mrs. R. S.
McLaughlin, luncheon at the
Oshawa Golf Club, the meeting at
the Robinson House, were the
agenda. Mrs. Margaret Angus,
director of Heritage, Canada and
the Ontario Heritage Foundation
was the guest speaker presenting
the slides of the old stone houses
of Kingston, the bases of her
book, "Old Stones". Joan Cody,
Orillia Historical Society was
nominated succeeding chairman.
Birger Ekblad of Kincardine,of
the Bruce Historical Society, will
host the October meeting in
Kevin Berry left on Monday,
May 1st for employment with his
father' Bill Berry with the Great
Lakes Drilling and Blasting,
• Calgary, Alberta.
The Catholic Women's League
May meeting was held in St.
Joseph's Parish Hall, Kings-
bridge on Wednesday, May 3rd.
Father Dentinger opened the
meeting with. prayer. Mrs.
Robert Howard, newly elected
president, was in the chair. -
Correspbndence read by Darla
Hogan was from Mary Ellen
Gower, the John O'Neill family,
Mrs. Genevieve Kinahan, • Mrs.
Marion Zinn, and the Help
Honduras foundation.
The motion was made to send a
$25.00 donation , to the. Help
Hondures Foundation, and to
renew 'the magazine' "Restora-
tion". Betty Doherty called the
roll tall. It was decided to hold a
cleaning bee for the church on
May 17.
It was ' reported that Vincent
Austin and Carl Riegling are
hospitalized and cards are to be
sent, also someone will visit thein
from the league. The Girl Guides
have just about finished their
cookie campaign. The collection
for Cancer is not as yet completed
and a final figure will be brought
up at the next meeting.
Discussions followed on the
liquor plebiscite and Pornography
in the high schools. Following a
report on the high, school books,
the motion was made that a list of
Health and English books to be
used next year be obtained.
Though there has been some
adverse reaction to the book ban,
by far the majority of opinions
stated have been positive.
Wedding gifts were presented
to Sheila Sinnett and Ben
VanDiepenbeek who will be
married soon. Rosarys have been
purchased for the First Communi-
cants who will be making their
First Holy Communion on Sun-
day, May 14. Gifts will be also be
presented to Mr. and Mrs. Jack
VanOsch who will celebrate their
SOth wedding anniversary on
Saturday, May 27. $50.00 will be
donated ,to - the Crippled Child-
ren's Summer Camp.
In the Pro Life report it was
stressed that all attend the
upcoming workshop on Pro Life
Luckxiow Sentinel, Wednesday, May ,JQ, 1918 -,-Page 27
Executive Oirector
Individual required to work with voluntary health planning
council with district population of 125,000. To be
responsible for broad based health planning and research
activities as well as for the provision of staff services to
boards, committees and task forces.
Applicants should have:
- a broad knowledge of health and social services
- social, economic and political sensitivity
excellent human relation skills
- effective communication skills
Master's degree in health planning/administration
Salary - high teens.
Apply In confidence to: Executive Director,
Grey -Bruce District. Health Council
Suite 24, 945 Third Avenue East
Owen Sound, Ontario. N4K 2K8
Written applications should be received by May 19, 1978.
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Finished in Dark Rose and White with tinted windshield, moulding package, heavy
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trol, 29 gallon fuel tank, wheel discs, AM/FM stereo with tape player, gauges, white
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