HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-05-10, Page 24Page 24-Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, May 10, 1978 Shop At Lucknow-Home Bakery. PHONE 528-2038 CLOSED MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS Dr. Donald Hodgins WISHES TO ANNOUNCE THAT Dr. Russel Moncrief Has Joined His Practice The Practice Will Herein Be Known As Ripley Huron Veterinary Clinic Which Provide 24 Hr: Service PHONE 395-2906 Dungannon Doings BY MARY BERE SOCIAL NEWS Mrs. Bev Ohm and Lynn Culbert were at the Recreation Centre in Exeter on Friday evening to hear country and western singer, Ronnie McDow- ell. Due to delay at the border coming through customs his bus was late in arriving but the Centre was packed with fans waiting to hear him sing. Mrs. Harvey Culbert and Lynn dined with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ohm tin Sunday on.the occasion of Beck's birthday. Harvey Culbert was in Oakwood at a convention, on the weekend. Dungannon has a Boy's Soccer Team coached by Steve Park. The team are grateful to their sponsors, Brindley Auctions, Alex Chisholm, Construction, Johnston Bros., Fred Schmid Welding, Schultz Lawn Rolling, Marie's Village Variety, Walter Schiemann-Supreme Fudge and Pumi Brush Co. who are supply- ing shirts for the boys. The boys will practice every Wednesday night at Brookside School. Marie Park has opened a restaurant and variety store in her home called Marie's Village Variety, which is open seven days a week. Frank Moulton got home from the hospital on Tuesday but is not feeling very peppy yet. Lillian MacDonald expected her son, Ross, from Ottawa to visit her on Sunday but instead she received a phone call from him telling her that he had broken NOTE THAT ALL. TIMES SHOWN ARE DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME PROCLAMATION OF WHICH ALL PERSONS ARE ASKED TO TAKE NOTICE AND GOVERN THEMSELVES ACCORDINGLY Re Liquor Plebiscite Under the municipal elections Act 1977 IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF: CORPORATION OF THE TWP. OF ASHFIELD PUBLIC NOTICE IS GIVEN OF THE. FOLLOWING VOTE TO BE TAKEN: ADVANCE POLLING FOR TRIOSE PERSONS. WHO EXPECT TO BE UNABLE TO VOTE IN THEIR OWN POLLING SUBDIVISION'ON THE REGULAR POLLING DAY, ADVANCE POLLING WILL BE HELD - Saturday, May 20, 1978 6 Hours 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. . Clerk's Office Lot 9 Con. 13 W.D. REGULAR POLLING Monday, May 29, 1978 Hours 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Dst UBJECT OF VOTING Are you in favour of the' sale of spirits, beer and wine under a Dining Lounge Licence for consumption on licensed premises where food is available? Are you in favour of the sale of spirits, beer and wine under a Lounge Licence for consumption on licensed premises? Are you in favour of the sale of spirits, beer and wine under an Entertainment Lounge Licence for consumption on licensed premises? ' POLLING TO BE AT (REGULAR POLLING DATE) POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 1 - DUNGANNON AGRICULTURAL HALL Con . 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, all lots in Eastern Division POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 2 - TOWNSHIP HALL Con. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, all lots in Eastern Division POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 3 - JAMES WEST RESIDENCE, LOT 9, CON. 12 W.D. Con. 9. 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14, lots in Western Division and lots 20 to 45 Lake Range . POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 4 - GEORGE MacLEOD RESIDENCE --TOWW PLhT.OFPORT ALBERT. Con. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, alllots in Western Division and Lake Rnge from Colborne Boundary To lot 19 OFFICIAL COUNT THE FAADDITION OF THE G THELE . VOIES TO BECAST ATNOFOR EACD slICoeTAKEN FROM THE STATEMENT OF THE POLL AS PREPARED ar Y Thursday, ,lune 1, 1978 Clerks Office - 1 p.m. DST GOD SAVE, THE QUEEN DONALD M. SIMPSON RETURNING OFFICER his leg in a fall during the week and is in a cast from his foot to his hip. He is on crutches and still going to work. Virginia Chisholm came home from Wingham Hospital on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Eedy and family of Mississauga visited Bob's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Eedy, on the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Eedy visited their daughter,. Martha, and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Bossence in Stratford on Sunday. Mrs. Elsie Haney, who lives at Pi ieerest Manor, Lucknow, visit- ed her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jack McGee, on Sunday to observe her . 93rd t irthday. There were five genera- tions of family present to help her celebrate as well as friends and neighbours who called. Her granddaughter, Mrs. Helen Mc- Leod, and daughters, Brenda and LouAnne, who recently moved from Lucknow to Wingham, brought Mrs. Haney to Dungan- non. Sylke Becker is working in Eedy's Store on Saturdays. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Irvin visited Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Finnigan in Goderich on Sunday. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. George Finnigan of Strat- ford on the birth of a son on Sunday, a brother for Colleen and a grandson for Mr: and Mrs. Kitchener Finnigan, Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Allan McNee and boys of London visited Mr. and Mrs. Graham McNee on Sunday. They celebrated Bessie's birthday which was last Thursday and Mother's Day a week ahead. Mrs. Ross McNee was taken to Goderich Hospital by ambulance on Saturday following_a fall at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Graham McNee. with whom she lives. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Wilbur of Toronto were up on the weekend moving their things out of their house on Joseph Street East which they have now sold. Frances Logtenberg is taking a business course at the Westervelt School in London. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Guil- beault and Kelly of Essex visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Smith on the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Sowerby of Toronto visited Lynda's mother, Mrs. Cecil Blake, on the week- end. DUNGANNON W.I. The May meeting of the Dungannon W.I. was held at the home of Marion Zinn on Wednes- day evening. Mrs. Dorothy Clem- ents was in charge of the program which was on the theme, Educa- tion. Beth McConnell gave the motto, "Improving the Mind". Mary Bere spoke on "Special Education", specifically Children with Learning Disabilities, telling how they can be identified and various ways of teaching to help them achieve their full potential. Questions were asked and discus- sed and Mrs. Zinn explained some of the special services supplied by the Huron County School Board. Jean Errington took the chair for. the business part of the meeting; She thanked the ladies for electing her as' president and asked for their continued support. Winnie Girvin read the minutes of the last meeting, and the roll call. Bessie McNee reported on what is expected of the unit for the International Plowing Match in the fall: The next meeting was to be at Willetta McWhinney's but since Mrs. Burgsma is showing slides of trips she and her husband have taken, she invited the. ladies to come to her home for the June meeting. The hostesses, Marion Zinn and Jean Errington served lunch. 4 DUNGANNON UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. G. Westhaver gave his sermon on. "The Garde of 4he Bible", on Sunday. Apecial Prayer was read for Rogation Sunday which is a special day on the Anglican calendar,- rogation coming from a Latin word meaning prayer for crops and harvest. The children's story was "A Little Seed", very timely for, this season when everyone. is planting their fields andg ardens. Carol Reed 'played the organ for the service. Next Sunday will be observed as Christian Family Sunday and there will be the sacrament of baptism. A new schedule of nursery volunteers has been printed so those concerned n pick up ,. a copy at the' entrance of the church. A crib mattress is needed to replace the present makeshift mattress. DUNGANNON CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP CHURCH On Sunday morning the "Even- tide Men's Quartet" from Elmira sang several inspirational num- bers which were much appreciat- ed by the congregation. Pastor Lawrence's message was from the text in Hebrews 7:25, "Wherefore He is able to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by Him". On Sunday evening a large group from the congregation went to Listowel Mennonite Church to see a play, "The Shades of Job", written by Ernie Martin, and presented by the Hanover M.Y.E. The Dungannon M.Y.F. has been busy trying to reach their objective of $300 for Missions.' this year. Their latest project has been picking stones from local farm- land. They have now passed the two-thirds mark to their goal. BROOKSIDE HAPPENINGS BY BRENDA HENDERSON AND DIANE GIBSON Dress rehearsal for the Brook- side Concert was held on Wed- nesday afternoon. The Spring Concert was held on Thursday evening with a capacity audience of parents and friends. The classes participating were Mrs. Lois Farrish's Kindergarten --classes 1' and 2 who enacted "The 'Three Little Pigs", and "The Gingerbread Man" as well as songs and dances; Mrs. Louise Wilson's grade' 1 who sang and acted out a medley of_ "Spring Songs"; Mrs. Shelley Worsell's Grade a3 who chose "Camping Out" as their theme; Mr. G. Hazlitt's grade 7 who put on a unique fashion show, `Spring Fashions ' 78"; Mr. Cameron's grade 8 who did a number of songs and dances using the recorders and ukeles, "Recorde"rs . 'N' Ukes";some of the boys in Mrs. Anderson's grade 8 coached by Mr. Jewitt, put on a gymnastic display; the girls and the rest of. the boys did a choral reading qf the poem, "The Creation", an4 s sang the . song, "The Lord' Prayer". The baseball season has started again with intramural games going n this week. Soccer practice for the tourna- ment in Goderich on May 13th has been going on for the past week. A Senior Boys'.Team and Girls' Team and a Junior Boy's and Girl's Team are going -from Brookside. . On. Monday, May 8 students who will be attending F. E. Madill Secondary School, and their parents, are invited to the school at Wingham to learn more about the options open to them. '