HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-05-10, Page 11Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, May 10,197$—'Page 11 Enthusiasm, theme ofW.I. Officers Convention Enthusiasm was the theme of the 30th Annual Officer's Confer- ence for over 560 Women's Institute delegates from across the Province, when they met at the Waterloo University.q What a tribute to the founder Mrs. Futcher who 30 years'. ago became aware of the need for learning sessions so that members would become informed and inspired. Mrs. C. Diamond, the Provin- cial President, urged the mem- bers to use their imagination, take chances and above all be enthusiastic. Preserve the best in personal, family and social life. The , volunteer work of this organization is a boon to the individual; contributing to the creation of an alert, concerned and responsive public. and. thus a blessing to the community. Mrs. Diamond asked the members to go home enthused with what they had learned and reflect the -image of what can be done. R. K. McNeill, M.P.P. Parlia- mentary assistant to the Minister of Agriculture and Food was aware of the concerns of the W.I. and explained the governments actions regarding marketing, ex- ports, and imports of food products. The Ontario Foodland Program has been a successful promotion and consumer educa- tion. The enthusiasm of the delegat- es impressed the National Presid- ent, Mrs. Joseph Beilish of Warspite, Alberta. It was her first visit to an Officers Conference and she hoped to walk the 2 -way street of learning with them, to receive as well as give. She asked that the W.I. support other organizations in topics that we believe in and thus have more weight. The Women's Institute across Canada will be taking part in a child. safety 'program for the International Year of the Child in 1979. Mrs. Beilish spoke of her visits to the other provinces, each with the same purpose desite, their different ways. Together they must meet the needs in their areas with educational and lead- ership programs. The conference was welcomed to. the campus by the president, Dr. B. C. Mathews, who compar- ed the University to the Women's Institute with its efforts to promoteood citizenship. "I wish to compliment the women for their continued lead- Pinetree Crestnets In April nine residents took a drive to St. Augustine to Bill Robinson's sugar shack. It brought back memories of boiling sap, only a little more work went into it at one time. There was maple syrup and maple butter to be tasted and Mike Cummings and Nellie Kelly enjoyed visiting their friends and their home community. Dungannon Christian Fellow- ship Group came to sing and entertain on April 14. Rev. Wm. Munshaw, new minister at Lucknow and South Kinloss Presbyterian Churches, held a worship service on April 9. The Kinettes made their mon- thly visit on April 13 and played bingo with the residents. The visit from Kingsbridge School children was a thrill and the children's singing and enter- taining was enjoyed so much. The Pentecostal Church from Kinlough came on April 20 to sing hymns and their minister gave a message. South Kinloss Young People, and Junior Choircameto sing on April 23. They have a happy CONTINUED ON PAGE 17 ership," said Miss Molly Mc- Ghee, the Director of Home Economics, "every member has an important role." The need for better nutrition was the concern of Miss Corinne Trerice, Executive Director, Ont- ario Dietetic Association. She as was alarmed at the lack of education in schools and univer- sities and the effect on our society. Government cut backs have limited many worth while pro- grams and follow up studies. Where is the much needed education on budgeting, meal preparation, the buying and care of foods, and tnutrition which should be a priority. Fitness and exercise is being promoted but what of the nutrition which is so vital to our well being. Miss Trerice was especially concerned about obesity , and ,overweight among Canadians and the alarm- ing consequences. Pre -natal malnutrition is too common and can start in the teens. It is important that babies start with well. nourished bodies. She put out the challenge to the delegates to get acquainted with nutrition and don't wait for the professionals. The members had a short repreive from the discussions and leadership sessions when they attended the excellent perform- ance of "Mikado" by the Glee Club of Waterloo Oxford D.S.S. Mrs. Forsyth spoke at the Plenary Sessions on Communica- tions especially in our organiza- tion. At the opening of the Confer_. ence Mrs. H. Maltlske had said., "It's not what coriie§, into life that makes the pattern but how we use it that counts." It is important that the delegates use the training that they had received. PAIIIIcIPArE.IN CAS ADA'$ EMPLOYMENETAX CREDffPRQGRAM. he Government of Canada has intro- duced the Employment Tax Credit Program to stimu- late employment in the private sector by providing a tax rebate. Here's how it works. 1. If an employer expands his normal work force by hiring an unemployed person through a Canada Manpower Centre/Canada Employment Centre, and the job has been created as a .direct result of the Employment'I'ax Credit Program, the business is eligible to claim the tax rebate., 2. Almost any business that's been in operation for more than one year is eligible. 3. The rebate is calculated at $1.50, $1.75 or $2.00 per hour. This rate is determined by the geographic area of Canada in which the new employee will be working. 4. The rebate is deductible from federal income taxes payable but must be added to taxable income. Unused amounts may be carried forward for up ..--- - , to five years. = - 5. A claim may be made for up to 40 hours work a week for each new employee fora period of up to nine months. 6. Each new job must be full-time. Nor-,,. mallyno less than 35 hours a week. And that's es- sentially. The program has been designed to work with a mini- mum of red tape. All employers should by .how, have received a booklet that gives all the details of theprogram. If it has not been received, employers should, contact a local Canada Man- power Centre/ Canada Employment Centre. The Employment 'Pax Credit Program. -It's ready to go to work for Canada. And for you. I Empioyment and Empldi et immigration Canada Immigration Canada Bud Cullen, Minister • Bud Cullen, Ministre