HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1935-6-27, Page 54 THE SIGNAL - GODERICH, ONT. Thursday, Joao lith, 11111-1 Sumner Needs B/THIlia OAPS l0a up THERMOS BOlTLI$. CODA=S, TILX$ DIVILOPING and PRINTING TOILZTYIU —where there is varisty- 11 CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE Phone 90 49 The /goats Goderich 1ROl[ THs PLR LST 111IMtlseary to Free& Inde -Ch Speaks at North Eat. Church Of special interest at North street United church, on Sunday, were the children's service 1n the morning, and tbe sermon preached at eveuing wor- ship by Rev. E. If. Irwin, of Saigon, French Indo-China. As it was "Flower Sunday," the front of the church was banked with flowers. Peonies, lues, Ids and daisies made a lovely background for the service of baptism when five little ones received the rite at the hands of the minister, Rev. W. P. Lane. The child- ren of the Sunday school filled the centre seats and listened to a talk by the minister on '*Good Counsel." A chorus was rendered by the school, and Miss Alma Howell ung sweetly, "1 Think When 1 Read That Sweet Story " In the evening, Rev. Mr. Fane intro- duced the preacher for the evening all one of the first Protestant missionar- ies to enter French indeChins. Rev. Mr. Irwin, who Is a brother of Mrs lane, preached an inspiring sermon, taking as his text verses one and two _of the 91st Psalm. Ile began by stat- ing that the missionaries' -work ts to, introduce men to God. To bring to backward people a new religion or a new philosophy will have little effect upon them, but when they meet with God their 11ves are transformed. French officials discouraged attempts to Christianise the native* of various districts of Trench TndoCblna, saying that it would be a hopeless task, as the people were of low mentality, and were thieves and rogues But these officials were astonished at the changed natures of tbe converted natives. Some of the churches formed la the country are not only self-s°pportlag but are sending native preachers as missionaries to other tribes. A duet, "Rock of Age*," by Mr. and Mrs. R r. Prayer, with Miss Alma Howell at the organ. was mach ap- preciated by the congregattoa. Wednesday afternoon, June 19th, with a good attendance. Mrs. A. Clutton was leader of the meetlsg. The presi- dent, Miss Edith Horton, led in the Bible reading and prayer was read from the Missionary Monthly. Mrs. Hamilton gave an account of the Con- ference meeting she attended at St. Marys and was listened to with rapt attention. Miss Helen Claris of Car- low gave a paper on "The Sermon on the Mount." Roll call was responded to with verses on James. After the closing hymn Mrs. B. Carr of London, a guest of Mrs. Liamllton, closed the meeting with prayer. A dainty leach was served. Others present were Mrs. A. Henderson of Carlow and Mrs. M. McGraw and Mrs. C. Carey, Goderich. LEEBURN HURON Y. P. PICNIC Despite Wet Whidbey. Oaths( .t Cileeh Ceara Site is 6a jged United Church young people of the, Presbytery of Huron held a picnic on Saturday Last at the camp rite north of Goderk•h. Owing to the Inclemency of the weather the attendance was not as Targe as otherwise it would have been, but more than two hundred gathered to take part In the doings of the day. Mr. Harry Sturdy of Auburn pre - aided over the games which occupied almost the entire afietuwu• = 3e were conducted in groups of about twenty and, along with the ball games, provided much enjoyment for the players a°d onlookers. Iete In the afternoon, when rain began to fall, the young people found shelter in the large and spacious din- ing -hall, which was almost Oiled to capacity. Rev. J. B. Moore of Grand Bend led the company in many inter- esting and amusing games. A sump- tuous lune', prepared by the Presby- tery executive conveped by Miss Marjorie Jennison and Mr. Jack P1t- blado, was. needless to say, heartily enjoyed. The vespers service which was to be held on the shore of the !eke at sunset was withdrawn, owing to the unfavorable weather. STKATFORD NORMAL. GRAD- UATES' PICNIC The annual picnic of the graduates of the Stratford Normal Scheel will I* held In Harbor Park, Goderich, on Saturday, June 29, commencing at 11.80 a.na.--11raduates it's asked ,I,o bring their picnic baskets (two meals) and enjoy meeting ole friends. CARLOW CARLOW, June 28.—Mrs. Frank Wilson and Miss Ruby Young were at Stratford on Thursday Inst attending the graduation exercises of the Strat- ford hospital. Their cousin, Miss Marjorie Velma Young, was a mem- ber of the graduating class of nurses. There are some splendid fields of fall wheat In the township, but per- haps the best 1s that of Roy LInklater Molliee and Victor Young. Inter- ]Siddle and Cpper School about 10th arhts farm on the 401 couceewton. ement was In Colborne cemetery. i to-1S(h August. There are " baa ,ere, In one fi°th. Award of G. C. I. mid it has • bstlfuleven growth. Congratalatloaa Roy Yrs P. powaua, of Wingham, visited at the home of Mrs. A. Hender- son and Mr. Ales. Young on Wednes- day. -- Mrs. Hendon= and Mies Nellie (Continued from pap 1) Clark attended the meeting of the Juck, Motet Henry (1), Queenle la- Leteburn W.Y.B. held et the home of Rocque (2), Richard Weston (1), Mrs. J. Hamilton, Goderlch, last week.Mary Evans (1). Bert Huckins (3), Death el MIS, Chas. Melleee.—The I Cllfford.Horton (4).' death of Elisabeth Young, widow of ' Barbara Thomson, who was unable Charles Mtd'bee, foliose& by only a to write the final examinations through few weeks that of her husband, which illness, 1s promoted on her year's occurred May 21st. Mrs McPhee had work. been cumin•.: te held' b{ti - ` i6td2444a4 Vier t`^-...... -r-..:.aZ !!ware death of her husband and pasted away early Sunday morning, in her seventy-ninth year. She was a life- long resident of Oe l orae towuship, • daughter of the late Gordon and Elisabeth Young, and was married fifty-four years ago, on July 1M, to Charles McPhee. They lived on the Scholarships Diplomas are granted to those making 75 per cent. in each of the bookkeeping and stenography groups, and typewriting; certificates to those obtaining 60 per cent. In at least two of the three departments. Diplomas are granted to the fol- lowing with honor standing: 9th concession until about two years Tom Page 86%, Claire Webb 85, ago, when on account of falling health Ray Lawreuce 82, Albert Webb 80.4, they went to live with their daughter, Helen Baechler 80. Mre, Geo. Milllan, of the tith cones- Certificate standing is awarded to .Ion. Four years ego they celebrated the following: their golden wedding at their own Elaine Burrows 7-1.3%. Dorothy home. Surviving are three daughters: Muir 74, Donald Croft tib, Thornton Mrs. J. Durnln, Winnipeg; Mrs. Geo. Hedy 64. Mililan and Mrs. Wm. Watson, Col- Unranked :—Ruth l'urweu, 88%; borne township; Ave sisters: Mrs. P. Madeleine Naftet, 73; Marjory lien - Bisset, Ann Arbor, Mich.; Mrs. Sam. derson, 67. Bisset, Saltford Height.; Mrs Searles, Students who fall in three and Saskatoon; Mrs. A. Love, Mensal!, and more subjects will be required to re - Mrs. T. McPhee, Hamilton, and three main In the form another year, but In brothers: Alex. W. and Gordon Young, the perkds"of subjects -1n srhiete they of Colborne, and John, of Alsaak, Sieve obtained pass standing they will Sask. There are fourteen grandchild- rte permitted to go forward to the ren and eight great-grandchildren. The I higher forms for such subjects as the funeral was held from the home of time -table allows. George MIIIIan on Tue.day afternoon, The Individual reports will be sent the service being conducted by Rev. to students...1).y oo y mall as own as they Dr. Mortimore. The pellhearere were can be made ready♦ -- -._._. - six nephews, Gordon and James BIS- Lower school certificates will be t, Hugh and Gordon Love, Gordon middle and upper school about 10th 11, DANCES � Dominion .Day � AT The PAVILION, Goderich Dalt Davidson and Tr --medians r _• SA-t-URDE'1 -`l'Y 1GHT. TONY FARR'S BAND AUBURN AUBURN, June 25.—Mr. Jos, Mil- ler returned home ea Saturday, hate lug completed his contract in Ottawa. Miss Annie Strsnghan of Godtrtch •strut the week -end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. W. Straughan. MIPs Dorothy Craig. of Stratford, was home for is res days last week. Mr. Jos. Carter and, -.Reg.. of Poi Elgin. visited his iarents for a few days last week. Mrs. T. Braelnock of Wingham was SH -EL -L has.,.1a.ken:ih�=.,...-.. Guess and Gamble a visitor in Auburn the past week; also Mrs. Stewart of Wingham, with her daughter Mrs A. J Ferguson. Misses Betty Asquith and Vivian Straughau.-_ are ticktng their music examination In Wingham on Thurs- day. Bath are pupils of Mr. A, Cook. An entrance of six are entrance c writ- ing their examinations this week: Earl Mugford, Mary Munro, Billy As- quith, Ila ('relg. Ruth Arthur. Fern Lawlor. We wish them success. Mrs Gormley Thompson and son Bobby. of Timmins, are 'visiting at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Mogrldge. out of Buying Gasoline LE IRRI RN. June 25.—Miss Olive Tichborne of Goderich spent Sunday •t the home of bee sister, Mn. el. Herta'. David Parrish sad Harold Jewell. papas from S.S. Ne. e; are treise tblr entrance examinatlaps this week. We wish them success. Leebarn played ball with Taylor's Corner on Monday evening and woe the game. They will play agaitiiiltt St. Peter's on Friday afternoon. W. M. 8. Meeting.—Tb. June meet- ing of the Women's Missionary So- ciety was held at the home of Mrs. (Rev.) James Hamilton, Goderich, on II DRESS UP with a New Hat for the Holiday MN'S SAILOR `Straw Hats —Sizes 6% to 7%— Prloed from 966 to $1.T6 - MEN '8 PANAMA STRAWS in the newest shapes Priced at 81.50 and $1.96 M. ROBINS Agent for Tip Top Tailors Phone 384 per Twu Conventenc Arrow Bus Schedule —1EFFIEoTiVK MAY 5, Mb— Leave Gsdetieh. Rost -bead. daily 7.80 a.m., 5 p.m., Standard Time, for Stratford. Kitchener, Guelph and Toronto. Connections at Clinton for Lou- don and Kincardine SARNIA, PARKHiLL , GRAND REND, GODERICH Leer. Gederteh. South-tNwad, dally exesept Sundays and holt- days. 4 p.m. 1.seevO Sarnia 10.40 a m . arriving Goderlch 3.85 p.m. itineraries planned to all latMnts 1n Canada. and Mexico —CONSULT LOCAT. AGENTS-- _. T. Mw, MIMI Mope I. M. 11M G. S. Utt WNW MM, 1M 1t1 Central .naris Bus Lines TORONTO • ":"It Zn+it,.rw► .wRrii riiwi YOU $ETI—WHY RISK GETTING ADULTERAT- ED GASOLINE WHEN SHELL GUARANTEES t GET GENUINE SHELL FROM EVERY Seated SHELL PUMP. • DID YOU HAVE A REASON FOR STOP- PING AT THAT SHELL PLM? INSTEAD OF SOMEWHERE ELSE? YES, SIR I-1 CHOSE IT BECAUSE I KNOW SHELL QUALITY AND BECAUSE I KNOW ONLY GENUINE SHELL CAN COME FROM eSifteei SHELL 4* P. Don't Guess s Don't Gamb e 1 •••••. ....4•44...r:.4..44• ..- ,.-.-4.44 - ..ares.. YOU CAN SL SURA 404. • 4 5..,