HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-04-26, Page 29Page 28-Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, April 26, 1978
Kingsbridge Kapers
Sincere, sympathy of this com-
munity is extended to the family,
relatives and friends of Mrs.
Thomas O'Neill, the former
Eileen Bridget Carey, who passed
away on Saturday, April 22 in
Victoria Hospital, London in her
69th year. She is survived by her
husband Thomas Edward, Huron -
view; two daughters, Mrs. Wil-
liam (Mary Ellen) Gower, Salt -
ford; Mrs. Larry (Margaret Ann -
Peggy) Harrison, Stratford, and
one son Thomas Edward of
Kingsbridge; one `• brother and
seven grandchildren.
Frank Sullivan was released
from the Alexandra Marine and
General Hospital, Goderich on
Monday, April 17.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Moran,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Farrish and
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Farrish
have returned following a two
week vacation in 'Riverview,
Sympathy is extended to Mrs.
Chester Finnigan and the Finnig-
an family on the death 'of her
step -mother, Mrs. Alfred Sher-
herwood on Wednesday, April 19 in
her 90th year.
Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Root, the
former Louise Courtney of Grand
Rapids, Michigan are spending a
week's vacation with her sister
and brother-in-law, Mary and
Jack Farrish and families and
visiting with another sister,
Ozella and Jim O'Neill and
Several from this area attended
the Smith Bean Cutter Field
Demonstration and Open House
at George Smyth's Welding Shop,
R. R. 2 Auburn on April 19th.
Lorne Farrish, a patient in the
Wingham and District Hospital is
convalescing at the home of his
son Jack and Mary Farrish.
Mary VanRooy, R.N. at the
Vancouver General Hospital,
Vancouver is spending three
weeks vacation with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John VanRooy and
Raymond Finnigan who has
been spending the winter months
in Florida has arrived back home.
Welcome back, Raymond.
Janette Hogan and Mary
MacKinnon returned to their
homes here on April 20 following
a ten day vacation with the
former's sister' Kathleen and
Anita Hogan in Calgary, Alberta.
Mr. Bill Simpson, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Donald Simpson, who
has been employed in Calgary,
Alberta, arrived home last week
to help with the spring seeding.
Welcome back, Bill.
Congratulations to Mary Lu-
anne Clare, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Clare who was the
runner up in category 3 at the
Royal Canadian District C Effect-
ive -Speaking Competitions held at
Owen Sound on Sunday, April 23.
The winners will proceed to the
Royal Canadian Legion Provincial
Contest to be held in Ottawa on
Friday, May 5. Each contestant
received a gift of money and a
desk pen set.
Bill Berry, an employee with
the Great Lakes Drilling and
Blasting left this week for
Calgary, Alberta where they will
be drilling for oil and gas.
Don't forget to turn your clocks
ahead one hour on Saturday
night, or you'll be late for church
on Sunday morning.
Three teachers at St. Joseph's
School, Kingsbridge were pres-
ented with awards for their
outstanding contributions to edu-
cation. Certificates of Merit for
the Outstanding Young Men- and
Women of Canada Program went
to Barb Eedy, Nancy Park and
Joanne Hamilton.
Education Week is now over
and what a success it was. On
Monday, April 17 grades one to
four participated in the Kiwanis
Festival in Stratford. Even though
the choirs did not place, the
school returned home with hon-
ourable mention.
While the' Primary students
were in Stratford, a select Junior
Intermediate team took on the
ladies of the community in
volleyball and the students were
defeated by four games to none.
Tuesday afternoon saw the Garv-
ey Public Speaking for Grades 5
to 8 with the following winners.
Grade 5, Tommy Gilmore,
Mary Lynn Doherty, Ron Del-
bergue, Vicki Doherty, Shannon
Durnin, Gerda Hendriks.
Grade 6, Michael Austin,
Shawn Durnin, Rosemary Gil-
more, Shawn Doherty, Casey
The skits were won by Betty
Jane Foran, Christine Stapleton
and Vicki Doherty. Second place
was awarded to Shawn Doherty
and Steven Hickey.
-Grade 7, Diane VanOsch, Liz
Vogt and Marion Knoop, Lisa
Frayne, Carol Foran and Joe
Gerdes, Linda Sinnett, Brent
Berry, Lisa Frayne, Carol Foran,
Heather Ann Stapleton, Diane
Van Osch.
Grade 8, Debbie Drennan,
Diane Miltenburg, Cathy Van
Diepan, Yvonne Sinnett, Kathle-
en Foran, Jackie Dalton, Dana
Doherty, Kathleen Foran, Debbie
Drennan, Willie Hendriks, Jackie
Dalton, Kevin Leddy.
While the speeches were going
on, Mrs. Evans, Public Health
Nurse, was speaking to the Grade
3 and 4 students about vaccina-
tions. Mr. Bullen, organized
French public speaking for Grad-
es 6 to. 8 on Wednesday. 'This is
thesecond year of this event and
already there is a marked im-
provement in the standard of .Oral
The winners were, Grade 6,
Betty . Jane Foran, Perry Van
Osch, John Lalonde. Grade 7,
Diane Van Osch, Carol Foran, Joe
It was rather appropriate that during EducatlonR Week last 'week, three Kingsbridge
Separate School teachers received certificates from the Federal Government for their
outstanding contribution to education and the community: This Canadian Merit Award
can be given out in other fields besides education. These three teachers' names were
submitted for the' award last fall -by Principal Dave Zyluk. Left to right are Nancy Park,
Grade 3 and 4 teacher who helps with fair floats, sports and is on the music committee for
the Huron -Perth Roman Catholic School Board; Barb Eedy, Grade 1 and 2 teacher who
helps with fair floats, is in charge of play day, public speaking and helps with sports
tournaments and inuslcal festivals; and Joanne Hamilton, Grade 8 teacher who is
chairlady of' the history committee for the Huron -Perth Roman Catholic School Board,
coaches junior and senior sports teams and is on the sports council for the Huron -Perth
Roman Catholic School Board along with several other activities. (Photo by Joanne
Gerdes. Grade 8, Rose Mary
O'Keefe, Jeannette Pelletier,
Jackie Dalton, Annie Van Diepan.
In the meantine Grades Kind-
ergarten to 4 went to tlie-
Pinecrest Nursing Home in Luck -
now where they entertained and
visited with the patients.
The first in a series of three
workshops in the use of metric
was. held by Mrs. Dave Zyluk and
the turn out was not only limited
to parents but the entire commun-
A folk dance was the highlight
on Thursday as the Grade 5 and 6,
class managed to involve all
observers in their dances. Kind-
ergarten to Grade four public
speaking was finalized Friday
morning. Two pre-schoolers, Ra-
chel Brophy and Kim O'Neill
were awarded silver dollars for
their efforts.
The winners according to grade
are as follows: Kindergarten,
Laurie O'Neill, Rhonda Hogan,
Sara Brophy, Brenda VanOsch,
Brian Redmond, Douglas Tulk,
Sandra VanOsch, Jennifer Dal-
ton. Grade 1, Christine Connelly,
Steven Tulk, Wendy Miltenburg,
Vince Doherty, Sharon VanOsch,
Patty Durnin. Grade 2, Lisa Card,
Patty Durnin, Lisa Durnin, Ron
Plasschaert, Maurice Delbergue,
Maureen Stapleton and Colleen
VanOsch, Grade 3, Darrell Dur-
nin, Andrea _Smith, Agnes Van-
Osch, Angela Foran, Mary Kath-
erine Stapleton, Paul VanRooy,
Kevin Hanl. Grade 4, Danny
Wilson, Darren Connells- John
VanOsch, Cathy O'Connor, Lonny
Doherty, Patrick Frayne and
Stephen VanOsch, Maria Dalton,
Sally VanOsch, Linda VanOsch.
In the afternoon the -school
presented an Afternoon of Enter-
tainment. Kindergarten sang
songs. The Bus Song and Where
Do You Come From? Grades 1
and 2, When I. am Big and
Rhythm Band. Grades 3 and 4
sang Early One Morning. Grades
5 and 6 danced the French
Canadian Square Dance - La
Cardeuse. Grade 7 did a Hillbilly
Skit and the Grade 8s performed
Charlie's Showtime.
St. John Ambulance
in conjunction with
The Lucknow Leo Club
Are offering the standard First Aid Course to
Anyone interested, 14 and over
Instru&ion will be held at the
Lucknow Town Hall commencing
Thursday, April 27, 1978
At 2:30 p.m.
Enrolment fee is $16.50
And includes books and materials
If interested please contact Leo Advisor Rod McDonagh
at 528-2031 or 528-3823
Lucknow Custom Welding
& .Machine
Phone 528-3835
Cattle squeezes
and Head Gates
Lathe . Work
Hog, Feeders
Special custom, made Door Locks
Wrought Iron Railing
Farrowing Pens
Pioneer Chain Saws
Repairs to all makes of chain saws
Special of the Week
Farm Bates
Call us for your requirements
If you have an idea, and want it put together - Drop ill and
see us, we'll make it
Barry Hackett
Les Hazelden