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Plage 110-- .ueknow Sentinel, Wednesday, Apra 20q970
Members of the Lucknow and District branch of the Canadian Arthritis Society attended the Bluewater
Region Annual Meeting at the Walkerton Golf and Country Club, on April 22. Shown left to right, are
Catherine Andrew, Lucknow Branch chairman; Jean Kaufman, Lucknow, Thelma Brown, Lucknow, Cora
Cranston, R. R. 2 Lucknow, Olive Blake, Dungannon and Roma Sargent, Region Chairman.
Bluewater region Arthritis Society
holds annual meeting
Over 100 Arthritis Society Vol-
unteersmet at the Walkerton Golf
and Country Club on R
April 22 for the Bluewater icegion
annual meeting. Representing
the Lucknow and District Branch
were Mrs, Cora Cranston, Mrs.
Olive Blake, Mrs. Jean Kaufman,
Mrs. Thelma Brown and Mrs.
Catherine Andrew. ,
The meeting was chaired by
Mrs. Roma .Sargent, Region
Rev. L. Van Staaldtunen
Services at 10:00 a.m.
and 2:30 p.m.
Listen to the
Back to God Hour
Message of Today
CKNX Wingham, 10:30 a.m.
Radio dial 920
Rev. Wm. Munshaw B.A.
10:00 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Morning Worship
Coming, May 7th
Anniversary Services
11 a.m. and 7:30 p m.
Rev. Doug Kaufman
10:00 a.m. Sunday School
11 a.m. Morning Worship
Nursery Provided
for pre-school children
Jr. Congregation for
5.8 year old children
Mr. Ross Morrison, Executive
Director for the Society, brought
the Ontario Division Financial
Report and commented on the
Society's application to the Prov-
incial Lottery. Mr. Morrison
explained the Society's aim to
double the number of Rheumat-
ologists in Canada by 1981.
Canada is considered to have one
of the best Arthritis Control
programs in the world. The
Society's goal in the next few
years will be to develop enough
rheumatologists to have one in
about 29 communities by 1981.
This would make excellent arth-
ritis care available to about 80%
of Canada's population.
Miss Catherine McKeen of
Owen Sound, reported on the
huge success of the Sixth Annual
T.V. Special held on March 12,
raising over $17,000.00.
Nominations were held for
Region Chairman to replace Mrs.
Roma Sargent. Mrs. Kathleen
McKay of Clarksburg was voted.,
into office.
Three workshops on "Public-
ity", "Rural Canvassing" and
"Fun" raising projects were held
in the morning session which the
Volunteers found both interesting
and educational.
Guest Medical Speaker for the
day was Dr. Keith Coulter of the
London Rheumatic Disease Unit.
Dr. Coulter explained to the
The chairman of Bruce Presby-
tery, Rev. James Stockton, open-
ed the Bruce United Church
Presbytery session on April 18
with prayer and declared the
court opened.
Routine business„ was attended
to and the welcome to Southamp-
ton United Church was given by
Rev. Dr. Brydon. Rev. Dave
Proctor was the representative
from Hamilton Conference.
The four committees met for an
hour ' and then returned to the
Sanctuary where :Rev. James
-Stockton, Rev. Dr. Brydon, and
Rev. Dr. Hakyo6 Park conducted
the annual communion service.
The . two committees, Finance
and Stewardship and Congrega-
tional Life, reported their find-
ings. The latter show much
concern for the present day use of
the Sabbath ,Day and give full
support to the work of the Lord's
Day Alliance. There is to be
further study on the topic.
After luncheon Pastoral Rela-
tions and Communications re-
ported, then Rev. McDowell
introduced Rev, Robert McLean
of the Project Ministry of General
Council. They led in the presenta-
tion of the report of the Task
Force of the Ministry.
Volunteers the procedures taken
when a patient enters an R.D.U.
and the treatment program car-
ried out by the team of specialists
there. Arthritic Patient, Mrs.
Elgin Johnston of Wingham,
added her testimony to that of the
Doctor's in the success of her
treatment while in the Wellesley
R.D.U. several years ago. Mrs.
Johnston stressed to the Volun-
teers the importance of getting an
early diagnosis.
The annual meeting of Kair-
shea Women's Institute was held
at the home of Mrs. Hank
Hartemink on April 20. The
president, Mrs. Evan Keith,
welcomed all and opened the
meeting with a poem. Minutes
were read by the secretary, Mrs.
Lloyd MacDougall, Mrs. Cliff
Roulston gave a report of the
District directors meeting. The
District Annual will be at Reid's
'Corners May 16. Delegates to be
Mrs. Harold Howald and Mrs.
Bob Gilchrist. An invitation from
Holyrood W .L to attend their
meeting May 4th was accepted.
There is to be a Tea at Bruclea
Haven May 4, 2 to 5 and 7 to 9.
This being the annual meeting,
reports were given. Mrs. Harry
Lavis, convener of the nominating
committee presented the slate of
officers. Mrs. Cliff Roulston
presided for the election of,
officers. President, Mrs. Evan
Keith; 1st vice, Mrs. Allan Mac-
Dougall; 2nd vice, Mrs. Harold
Howald; secretary •treasurer,
Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall; assist-
ant, Mrs. Donald C. Maclntyre;
district director, Mrs. Cliff Roul-
ston; alternate, Mrs. Clarence
Ritchie; public relations officer,
Mrs. , Clarence Ritchie; curator,
Mrs. Leonard Clarke; committee
to curator, Mrs. Donald MacKin-
non, Mrs. Cliff Roulston, Mrs.
Harvey Houston, Mrs. Ted Col-
lyer; auditors, Mrs. Donald
MacKinnon, Mrs. Leonard
Clarke; sunshine committee,
Mrs. Roy Finlayson, Mrs. Gordon
Wall; branch directors, Mrs.
Harvey Houston, Mrs. Cliff Roul-
ston, Mrs. Farrish Moffat, Mrs.
Standing committee conveners:
Agriculture and Canadian Indus-
tries, Mrs. Bob Gilchrist; Citizen-
ship and World Affairs, Mrs.
Donald MacKinnon; Education
and Cultural Activities, Mrs.
Frank MacKenzie; Family and
Consumer Affairs, Mrs. Virdin
Mowbray; Resolutions, Mrs. Geo,
After the meeting was closed
lunch was served by the hostess
and directots, Mrs. Philip Steer,
Mrs. Harvey Houston, Mrs. Wm.
Lucknow W.I. Bold annual meeting
The annual meeting of the
Lucknow Women's Institute was
held on April 17 beginning with a
pot luck luncheon.
The president, Mary MacGilliv-
ray, conducted the business
meeting. The secretary treasurer,
Mrs, Bert .Gammie, read the
minutes, of the March meeting
and the treasurer's report. Mrs.
George Whitby reported on the
District Directors meeting which
she attended at Silver Lake on
March 28. The minutes of the last
annual meeting and reports were
then read. Agriculture and
Canadian Industry, Mrs. Grace
Gibson; World Affairs, Mrs.
Wilbur Brown in the absence of
Mrs. Ross Shiells; Citizenship,
Mrs. Wilbur Brown; Education
and Cultural Activity, Mrs. Beth
Ritchie in 'the absence of Mrs.
Gordon Fisher; Family and Con-
sumer Affairs, Mrs. Omar
Brooks; Resolutions, Mrs. E. W.
Rice; Curator, Mrs. Raymond
Leddy; Public Relations, Mrs.
George Kennedy; Auditors, Mrs.
Grace Campbell.
Mrs. Omar Brooks, reporting
for the nominating committee,
presented the following slate of
officers. They were installed by
-Mrs. Philip Stewart. Past presid-
ent, Mrs. Armstrong Wilson;
president, Mrs. Mary MacGilliv-
ray; 2nd vice president, Mrs.
George Whitby; secretary treas-
urer, Mrs. Bert Gammie; public
relations officers, Mrs. George
Kennedy; district director, Mrs.
Armstrong Wilson, alternate,
Mrs. Raymond Leddy; branch
directors, Mrs. Jack Collinson,
Mrs. Cyril Brown, Mrs. Beth
Ritchie; auditors, Mrs. Grace
Campbell, Miss Lena Robertson;
pianist, Mrs. Wes Ritchie; cheer-
io convener, Mrs. Jas. McNaugh-
Standing Committee conveners
- Agriculture and Canadian
Industry, Mrs. Grace Gibson;
Citizenship, Mrs. Wilbur Brown;
World Affairs, Mrs. Ross Shiells;
Education and Cultural Activity,
Mrs. Grace Campbell; Family and
Consumer Affairs, Mrs. Omar
Brooks; Resolutions, Mrs. E. W.
Rice; Curator, Mrs. Raymond
Leddy; Public Relations Officer,
Mrs. George Kennedy; Repres-
entative.to Brucelea Haven, Mrs.
Alex MacNay.
An invitation to visit the
Holyrood W.I. on May 4th was
accepted. The possibility of a
suitable trip for the members was
It was decided to make a
donation to the Community
Complex, which is nearing com-
New members, Mrs. Cyril
Brown and Mrs. Olive Smith,
were welcomed.
Aut i lia i4y
hold April
Mrs. Don Vair opened the -April
meeting of the Auxiliary to
Wingham and District Hospital
with the Auxiliary prayer and a
thought for the day.
Mrs. Ross Hamilton, the sec-
retary;read minutes of the annual
meeting ,and three executive
meetings. Mrs. Passmore report-
ed there were thirteen- active
Candy Stripers. The girls are
awarded up to 100 hours of
service. It was also decided to
award the girls after 200, 300, 400
and 500 hours of service. Capping
ceremony will be in May.°
Mrs. John Gnay introduced the
guest speaker, Dr. Doug Mow-
bray, who very capably talked on
Kidney Dialysis. Mrs. Leonard
Phillips thanked Dr. Mowbray for
taking time out of his busy
schedule to speak to the auxiliary.
Mrs. Robert Ritter, convener of
Gift Case, reported sale for
January were $132.00, February
$151.00 and March $214.00.
Mrs. Jack Nevery reported that
the Membership Committee was
selling memberships.
Mrs,. William Forsythe is the
convener for Tag Day, which is to
be held May 1st to May 11th.
Mrs. Forsythe and her willing
helpers will be canvassing Wing -
ham and surrounding area.
The Blood Donor Clinic is to be
held on May 2nd at F. E. Madill
Secondary School. Mrs. Gnay is
the convener from the auxiliary
and asked for volunteers to help.
Mrs. Vair met with Mr. Hayes
and was asked for some volunteer
help in the Paediatric Ward. This
was favourably accepted. The
possibility of helping in the
morning when staff are extra
busy was thought to be the best
time. Mr. Hayes also asked for
some assistance in promoting
Hospital Day which is May 12th.
The Auxiliary Tea will be held
on May 29th.
Mrs. Donald Stuart, the treas-
urer, reported the sale of tickets
on the quilt which is to be raffled
at the auxiliary meeting in June,
amounted to $65.00.
Mrs. Passmore and Mrs. Stuart
will be delegates to the Spring
Conference at Beaverdale Golf
Course on April 24th. .
Huron County Historical Soci-
ety met April 20, in Auburn in the
Memorial Community Centre as
guests of the Auburn Women's
As member and friends arrived
they enjoyed viewing the display
of pictures, antique china, and
Slide pictures of Auburn from
old postcards were shown by Mrs.
Oliver Anderson, with commen-
tary by Mrs. Marion Haggitt,.
curator of the W.I. Tweedsmuir
History book, assisted by Mrs.
Eleanor Bradnock,- Mrs. Wm.
Clark, and Mrs. Thos. Jardin,
giving a well prepared history of
the village,
Mrs. Greg Park sang a quaint
old song which her grandmother
used to sing, calling Maggie from
the kitchen door. Her accompan-
ist was Mrs. Ken McDougall at
the piano. Ross Robinson gave
two mouth organ selections
accompanied by Mrs. Donald
Harry Worseli, president, con-
ducted the business meeting of
the Historical Society, assisted by
Mrs. Mervyn Batkin, secretary
treasurer. Membership fees were
received by Mrs. LeRoy Poth who
also gave her report. For $2.00 a
member also receives the booklet
printed each year (or $3.00 for a
k Courtesies were extended by
Mr. Arthur Youngblut, and all
enjoyed lunch and visiting.
The next meeting is planned for
May in 'Kippen.
Kinette election
Tuesday, April 18, the Kinettes
held elections during the regular
A Candlelight Initiation Cere-
mony was held for the three
newest Kinettes, Jane Couci,
Joan Hodgins, Cheryl Cote.
The new officers for 1978-1979
are: president; Diane Hackett; 1st
vice president, Linda Johnston;
2nd vice president, Lillian Ab-
bott; treasurer, Karen Johnstone;
secretary, Cheryl Cote; registrar,
Jane Couci; bulletin editor, Diane
On April 25, the Lucknow
Kinettes will be going to Drayton
to attend a Zone Inter Club.