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Page 2,-Lgclmow Sentinel, Wednesday, April 26, 1978,
The Lucknow Sentinel
'The Sepoy Town"
On the Huron -Bruce Boundary
Established 1873 - Published Wednesday
• Published by Signal -Star Publishing Ltd."
Robert G. Shrier - president and publisher
Sharon J. Dietz - editor
Anthony N. Johnstone - advertising and
general manager
Subscription rate, $10 per year in advance
Senior Citizens rate, $8.00 per year in advance
U.S.A. and Foreign, $14 per year in advance
Business and Editorial Office Telephone 528-2822
Mailing Address P.O. Box 400, Lucknow NOG 2H0
Second class mail registration number - 0847
4 .
Dogs, dogs, dogs
Dogs in this village are more than a
nuisance. They are a serious problem.
They run all over town. Small children
cannot go out to play in their backyards
without meeting someone's pooch at the
back porch door. They dig up
flowerbeds and tear apart"garbage bags,
left out for collection, spreading the
contents across lawns. They roam at
night and make a neighbour's doorstep
their own. They run along main street as
if the town was theirs.
Most of the stray pooches are family
pets and do not cause anyone physical
harm, but, the threat of a serious
situation is always therewhen a dog is
not supervized by his master.
Two rabid foxes have been seers on
the northern boundary of the village and.
one was seen running with a dog. It is
possible that it was the same dog which
attacked Duffy McQuillin last week and
he is sure the dog was rabid.
It could be the dog belonged to a
farmer and was allowed to run loose on
the farm before it joined up with the fox
and headed to town. But, there is the
possibility that, with all the dogs that do
run loose in the village, this dog was
owned by someone in town.
Why is it that., with such an .imminent
threat of rabies, people do not safeguard
theirr family pets and their children by
keeping their dogs at home? Rabies
shots for dogs are effective but, even if
it is protected by a rabies immunization,
why take the chance your dog may be
running at night with a rabid animal?
Rabies shots for humans are a grisly
affair and no child should have to suffer
them because he was playing with a
family pet that had contacted rabies.
The county dog catcher works in
Lucknow one day a week but, as yet, his
efforts do not seem to be curbing the
numbers of dogs running loose. It is up
to the owners to take the responsibility
for owning a dog in town where it cannot
run loose.
If you do not like to see your dog tied
all the time, you should . arrange to
spend time with your pet. Perhaps you
could take your pooch to a farmer's field
for a run a couple of timesa week. But,
allowing a dog to run loose around town,
does nothing for the dog except make
him the neighbourhood nuisance and
increase the risk of death by being hit by
a car. And now, he may be running with
a rabid animal, especially if he is left out
to roam at night.
Being tied up in the backyard all the
time is a dog's life, but, it is a decision
the owner makes when he chooses to
have a dog while living in town. The
master must be prepared to take
responsibility for exercising the pet in a
way that does not . infringe on other's
Land sale at Black Horse
In the summer of 1852 Martin
McInnis, Norman Nicolson, An-
gus and Donald McKenzie left
their wives and children in a
deserted cabin about half way
between Port .Albert and,their
homesteads. As mentioned prev-
iously, concession 1 Kinloss and
Huron and the farms from the
boundary between Huron and
Bruce Counties and Kincardine,
had been surveyed a few years
By\ 1852 practically all these
had been occupied. Malcolm
McKenzie was already on the
south half of lots 71 and 72, he
had reserved the north halves for
his brother, Angus. Angus Mc-
Dougall and family who had
crossed with them from Scotland,
had come directly to Goderich
where they spent the winter with
the Dunlops. They had located on
lot 1, concession 2. Martin
McInnis, Norman Nicolson and
Donald McKenzie squatted on
lots 7, 8. and 10. They built their
shanties before returning to
Ashfield to bring the families and
possessions to their first home in
the New World,
Norman Robertson, in his
"History of Bruce", has an
interesting section about the
"big" land sale, September 27,
1854. According to the 1852
census there were only 47 people
in Kinloss, 236 in Huron, and
1149 in Kincardine townships.
None of these had been given
authority to live .on the land until
they had paid an instalment and
had received a receipt. Nor could
they be sure that someone else
might have made a claim.
Apparently more than 2000
settlers arrived in the village of
Southampton the day of the sale.
Such a small place could not
supply sleeping space for so
many. Hundreds slept in sheds,
under buildings supported by
posts, or under trees along the
Mr. McLaren, the only baker,
worked around the clock baking
bread. He had to keep the door of
his shop closed and sell the bread
by the loaf through the window as
it was baked. A York shilling or a
quarter was the price for a loaf.
The Land Agent, Alex Mc-
Nabb, had to follow the same
practice and keep his office door.
shut. As the money came in, he
threw it into' a large clothes
basket. When the basket was full
he covered it with a cloth and
started another basket. In two
days he took in the equivalent of
$50,000 in cash and $8,000 in
drafts, The strain on the Agent
was so great that after a few days
he was completely prostrated.
Doctor Haynes would not allow
him to do any more work for a
week or so.
This will explain why a number
of Kinloss folk had to return home
with their money. They paid it
later when Mr. McNabb came to
Kinloss where Thomas Hodgins
had a store and post office, and
William Shelton a tavern which
he called "The Black Horse".
The following is a list of settlers
from the Kinloss Township pap-
ers, Ontario Archives, Toronto:
Martin McInnis, Norman Nicol-
son, Alexander MacDonald, John
McDonald, Alexander Ross, .Pet-
er Ross, Roderick McKenzie and
Peter Milne. The following were
issued at Kinloss or Black Horse.
Charles Milne, Peter McKinnon,
Donald McKinnon, Thomas Lock-
hart, Donald McDirmid per
Lachlan McLean, Roderich Gol-
lan, Murdock McKenzie per
James McLeod, Alex Campbell,
1 Angus McDougall per Norman
Nicolson, Murdock McDonald per
Norman Nicolson, Norman Nicol-
son, Adam McDonald, Malcolm
McKenzie, Angus McKenzie per
Malcolm McKenzie, Eli Stauffer
per George Craniar.
My next article will tell of an
unusual document.
ofczed Oil- Temoi
by I.A. Campbell
Last October I had the urge to see the old farm
again, before the urban sprawl engulfs it in brick and
concrete.The land which Angus had worked since he
came back from the war in 1919, was now in the grip
of the specylators. To the south, a few new houses had
already been constructed and a realty billboard
proclaimed that soon the entire hundred acres would
be lost to agriculture forever.
The old frame house had long since been the victim
of vandals and fire. Only the charred walls had been
saved. Here, thick clumps of brambles, clawed
possessively at the siding and thrust their green
tentacles through the broken windows.
To the left of the derelict barn, the driving shed lay
in a state of complete collapse. Nothing remained to
whisper of iingling harness and pawing feet, except a
few pieces of black and twisted lumber, pointing like
crooked fingers to the fall sky.
I told myself that all things must wither and decay.
Just as the maple leaves change from green to
flaming glory and thence to dust, so all living things
must one day return to the earth.
Angus had said his last goodbye to me almost
twenty years ago, but the memory of his rough kind-
ness and his dogged determination will remain with
me eternally. I looked down the overgrown pathway
and saw his ghost urging the rheumatic body towards
the barn. Angus never complained of the pain, but
from the first time I met him, he had suffered and
fought against it. That was a long time ago.
"Can yer drive a team?" he asked me. I must have
looked confused.
"A team!" he yelled impatiently, "horses dammit -
How could anybody reply to Angus in any other
way? "Sure!" I lied. The only horses I had handled
had been ' wooden ones on rockers!
Angus limped towards a small field behind the
house where the dried hay lay in windrows. Two
Belgian horses stood impatiently in the hot sun - tails
attempting to swish away the torment of the flies.
There was a wagon of dubious' vintage, with a
haylifter to the back end.
"Keep 'em movin steady," he ordered. "Not too
,fast - gimme time to spread the hay."
I climbed up onto the seat and Angus made a
clicking sound with his mouth. Away went the horses
and. I gingerly held the .reins. We hadn't gone far
before a plaintive cry from the wagon told me that
things were not going too well. I stole a quick glance
rearwards in time to see the furious face of Angus
protruding out of a pile of hay, and the haylifter
continuously discharging upon his head!
"Ho!" he screamed. The horses came to an abrupt
I sat petrified and Angus dragged his aching body
over the hay and thrust a not too clean-shaven face
into mine.
"You sonnavawitch" he screamed. "You never
seen a horse before - did yer?" I shook my head.
"Yer all the same, you Limeys - think yer can do
everything - git down off there!
I should have told the truth in the first place - that I
was green to farming. It was a long time before he
said another word to me. Then one day he passed me
on the driveway.
"Yer full o' sugar," he said, (or words to that ef-
fect) .
I used to call the farm the "Hungry Hundred"- - it
gave grudgingly. Generally, it was a thin layer of
sandy loam on gravel, but in some places it. was
completely eroded. It should never have been carved
out of the bush, but nobody would have dared to tell
Angus that!
Soon the bulldozers will level out the rolling land
and the world of Angus will remain only in the mind's
eye of those who knew and loved him.
I walked sadly away. Amongst a pile of stones and
scrap, an old plow which once had shone with
abrasion, now lay broken and rusted, like a
monument to a lost cause.
But we still go on farming, don't we? People like
you, and me, and Angus.
As he once said. "If there's nothin' worth fightin'
fer - there's nothin' worth livin' fer." I think he was
right! - ,don't you?
Daylight Saving Time
begins this Sunday, April 30.
Don't forget to set your
- ,clocks ahead 1 hour this
Saturday before retiring