HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-04-19, Page 221
1 r.:, -- ckno Sentine . Wethiesiday , April 19, 1978
Dungannon Doings
The, Dungannon Agricultural
Society held a card party at their
hall on Wednesday evening, April
12th, with 15 tables of euchre in
play. Prizes were won as follows:
ladies' high; Mrs. Cora Caesar;
ladies' low, Mrs. Pearl Congram;
men's high, Bert Medd; men's
low, John Andrew; door prize,
Alice Nivins; lady with birthday
closest to the date, Mickey
Cruickshank; Men's closest birth-
day, Eldon Culbert. The Society
would like to thank the people for
coming out to their three parties
,and supporting them.
Recent visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. George Errington and
family were Mr. and Mrs. John
Button, Carrie Lynn and Jason of
Sarnia and Mrs. Bob Morgan and
Norma of Kerwood.
Congratulations to David Finni-
gan who won the Open Parade
Reserve Champion trophy from
the American Saddle Horse
Association of Ontario last Nov-
ember with his horse, Julia
Countess Nuggett. Since May,
1977, this horse has won ten
firsts, seven seconds and nine
thirds in competitions.
Brenda McNee spent four days
with Mr. and Mrs. David Dawson
and family recently.
Mrs. Cecil Blake accompanied
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Kilpatrick to
East Tawas, Michigan last week
to see their uncle, Eugene
Hansen, who was ill in hospital.
They stayed with his sister, Mrs.
Arland Lundy, who lives with
him. After arriving home on
Saturday, Mrs. Blake received.
word on Sunday that her uncle
had passed away on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard MacAul-
ey motored ' to Toronto last '
weekend and brought Mrs. Mac-
Auley's mother; Mrs. Ena Bark-
er, home with them for a week.
They took her home to Toronto on
Mr. and Mrs. Graham McNee
and Mrs. Ross McNee joined Mr.
and Mrs. Allan McNee and family
of London on Sunday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Kitchener
Finnigan in Goderich to celebrate
Allan and Sandra's 15th wedding
anniversary which was on April
Mrs. Melinda Nivins is with her
sister and brother-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Errington at
present. She is still very weak
after a lengthy illness.
Willetta McWhinney and: Bes-
sie McNee attended the banquet
and annual meeting of the
Londesboro W.I. on Wednesday
evening and Mrs. McNee con-
ducted the installation of their
officers. •
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Irvin
visited their daughter Betty and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Stirling, Darlene and ..Harold in
Thamesville on Sunday. They also
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Fowler in Zurich. Mrs. Fowler is
getting around the apartment
unaided but still uses a cane to go
out in the hall.
Rev. C. G. Westhavvr chose
the topic, "Spirits in Prison", for
his sermon. The children's story
was a continuation of the life of
Sundar Singh, . "Driven from
Home". The choir sang an
anthem with Shelley Rivett at the
New officers of the Stewards
Board for 1978 are Lloyd Hodges,
chairman and Bob McNeil, sec-
Stewards "Ushering Commit-
tee" consisting. of J. C. Drennan,
George Errington and the minist-
er will meet at -the' manse on
Wednesday evening.
The. U.C.W. meeting is on •
Tuesday at the home of ' Mrs.
Gloria Pearson. U.C.W. visitors
for April are Penny Hodges,
Linda Mcnee, Peggy Jarvis, and
Sally Wright.
A Youth Festival in which all
youth groups participated was
held at North Street United
Church, Goderich on Sunday
evening, Music was supplied by
the Teen Tones. and the Laketown
Band. The program included a
fellowship hour in •the gym with-
displaysand songs.
Charles McRitchie of R. R. 3
Bothwell will be guest speaker at
the United Church next ' Sunday
on behalf of Alcohol and Drug
Daylight Saving Time goes into
effect on Sunday, April 30th and
that will be the Sunday of the
change in schedule of Sunday
services to the summer hours of
10.00 a.m. at Nile and, 11.15 a.m.
at Dungannon.
Camp Menesetung folders with
particulars of summer camps and
registration forms have been
received in limited quantity.
Keep in mind the Annual Sunday
Service and picnic for the Dun-
gannon -Nile Charge at Menes-
etung. Camp on June 4th.
The congregation was favoured
at the Sunday morning, service
with special music supplied by
the Weber's, a musical group
from the Waterloo area who
rendered several numbers which
were greatly appreciated. Pastor
Lawrence spoke on the work of
the Holy Spirit.
Because spring work on the
land will be beginning in the next
few days the Adult Bible Study
grouphas suspended meetingsj.
for a time.
The next "Friendship Bible
Coffee" will be held at the home
of Mrs. Kenneth Wagler. All
interested ladies in the commun-
ity are invited.
The M.Y.F. has been studying
the Book of James. As this study
was completed at the last
meeting, there will be some time
spent in answering and discus-
sing any spiritual questions
relevant to the individuals, at
their next meeting.
A Bookmobile from Educator
Supplies Limited, London, came
to the school during the week so
the teachers could look over the
books and supplies available and
choose what they could best use
in their 'classes.
Various classes participating in
the Spring Concert in May are
hard at work preparing for this
A Science, History, Georg-
raphy and. Hobby Fair during
Education Week is open �On
Wednesday morning, April 19th
to all family and friends who wish
to come and view the student's
exhibits. in the gym.
Mrs. Graham's grade 6 class
held at Hot Dog sale on
Wednesday for; all students.
The 6th and 7th meetings were
held at the home of Mrs. Marie
Stewart on April 8th. Alice Nivins
read the minutes of the last
meeting. The secretary for this
week' is Glenda Park.
The topic was, "Safety in the
Home". A discussion was held on
poisonous products ant how
dangerous they are. The leaders
demonstrated different cans with
labels to tell if they were
poisonous, flammable, explosive
or corrosive products.
The topic for .meeting 7 was
"First Aid in Emergencies" on
which discussion was held. The
club is to have a guest speaker
talk to them about First Aid and
Babysitting on April 17th in the
United Church,
The Dungannon I 4-1-1 Club
girls herd "the first meeting of the
Home ' and Garden Club at the
home of Marie Stewart on April
8th. Sharon Sproul was elected as
president; Elaine Stewart, „vice
president. The role of secretary
and press reporter will be rotated.
The girls discussed the benefits
of growing a home, garden, some
factors to consider in choosing a
garden site and reasons for
growing flowers.
South Kinloss
Congratulations to Mr. and
Mrs. Chuck McMann of Montreal
on the arrival of their daughter.
This is the first grandchild for Mr.
and Mrs. Brian Doelman.
The weekend visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Leonard Clark were Mr.
and Mrs.. Robert Lock of Brant-
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Tuck of
Oakville visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Evan Keith.
Mrs. Fraser MacKinnon and
Mrs. Russ Mackie are visiting in
Hamilton. Doris is visiting with
her sister, Mrs. Norma Wilson.
Mrs. Mackie is visiting relatives
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