HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-04-05, Page 41n:::.'.(zs>::•;•..7i`...:rt>:<:... WANt=AVY Ven,2A 1111 WA A9 -•+r.�u�<c.+.�.�••+.�+- Uppinder Mehan, treasurer of the Lucknow District Leo Club, presents a cheque for $1881 to Ted Collyer, chairman of the Lucknow District Easter Seal Campaign. The Leo Club raised the money for crippled children by sponsoring an April Fool's Dance on Friday night at the Holyrood Hall. Ted said the Lucknow District campaign has raised $1,200 towards its objective of $1,400. [Sentinel Staff Photo] Leos donate to Crippled Children On Friday, April 7 the Lucknow and District Leo Club held an; April Fool's Dance at the Holyrood Hall. Over 160 young people attended this dance and music was suplied by Music Unlimited from Kincardine. The total profit of $188 has been presented to, the Easter Seal Fund for Crippled Children. Highlight of the night was the choosing of a King and Queen Fool. Besides the "Loose Screw" `Award homemade trophy, the winners received a cash prize of $5.17. Ron Johnson of Exeter won the King . Fool crown while the Queen Fool(s) went to the kickline quartet of Joan Hamilton, Brenda. Arnold and Deb Arnold, all of Lucknow and Donna Ballagh from Teeswater. The club would like to thank the. four Lions members and their wives who acted as chaperones for the dance. - The next meeting of the Leo Lco Clubs. Grant Chisholm, Lucknow, District 9A Youth Activities Chairman, reports that four new Leo Clubs 'have been formed this year in District A. They include Harriston, . Arthur, Port Elgin, and Palmerston. Breaks tradition.. CONTINUED FROM PAGE 8 The Board has . two major reasons for considering such a move. First, it should have a significant impact on Energy Consumption because the schools would be closed during the month of January which is one of the coldest months of the year. Secondly, it would have signif,- leant educational value because the month of January has the worst record for attendance. during the school year due to winter storms and illness. While the proposal the Board is "considering breaks with the traditional school year, it is actually very simple and the changes are not that drastic, CONTINUED ,ON PAGE 11 Club is April 12 when guest now lawyer, will speak about speaker, George. Brophy, Luck- various aspects of the law. SEASON'S OPENER FRI., SAT. & SUN., APRIL 14, 15, 16' SHOWTIME 7:30 . syAaalw6 MEL FERRER • STEPHEN McNALLY-i DARBY HINTON NEVILLE BRAND • RALPH MEEKER • DIANE PETERSON F.K1104 PlOdOCV RONALD DANIEL P.eaacea By MIKE MACFARLAND Wnitee+w Dr Acted ey GREYDON CLARK A<uue Store by GERALD LEE saws Pe<tomiedt, COYOTE AND THE PACK coat. ey MOVIELAB Peotoanonn m TODD A0-35 r., WAWORLD AMUSEMENT COMPANY RELEASE 4, . OCuo4,ot 1977 HWY. 8 60DERICH AT 44 CONCESSION RD. 4 • PNONE 5248981 ACM/WY • GODERICHI 'L.% MI ti vnl1 t 111941N DRIVEJIN.TEEATRE Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, April 12, 1978 -Page 9 Hal Lindsey's West -Selling heaver; Ano eaPth wtll pass away, But my waxes shall not pass away. mai u» 4Featotmg ORSON WELLES Based On toe book by HAL LI(DSEY°tn CGARl50N !.PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL ENTERPRISES RELEASE, • I F STARTS APRIL 14th -20th TWO SHOWING 7:00 & 9:00 SAT. & SUN. MATINEE 2:00 IPGI 30 THE SQUARE PHONE 524-7811 AIRCONDITIONED WINGHAM 357-1630 NOW PLAYING 4 DAYS ONLY! Wed., April 12 to Sat., Apri 15 • • — PLEASE NOTE SHOWTIMES— Wed.-Thur. 8:00 p.m. * •Fri. -Sat. 7 and 9 p.m. Funny, Hilarious and Hysterical A Carl Reiner ,Film HENRY WINKLER is 3 DAYS ONLY! Sunday -Monday -Tuesday Apra 16-17-18 PLEASE NOTE SHOWTIMES- Sunday at 2:00 - 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Monday and Tuesday at 8:00 p.m. Only! Sorry no passes accepted. for this engagement. STARTS. WEDNESDAY APRIL 191 — WARNING — Sex, Language and Violence in this film may be offensive. LAST NIGHT THURS., APRIL 13th 1 . Catch it fe R /Rim E Some language may offensive Theatres Branch Ont. APRIL 14th -20th TWO SHOWINGS: 7-9 SAT. & SUN MATINEE 2:00 • 'LA.TE.GREAT PLANET EARTH NE;,CLOCTION SE ENCOUNTERS OF 3RD KIND 30 THE SQUARE Program PHONE 524-7811 subject AIRCONDITIONEDto change