HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1935-5-30, Page 88--Tboraday, May 80th, lea THE SIGNAL FOR RENT OR SALE Bedford Kestdeace-- ebeurg L Apply to V. R. DARROW, Phone 97 ieeutsr. THE ANNUAL `Ilri{I 11)' THE UNITED FARMERS OF NORTH HURON will be held in the Council Chamber, WingB f! Friday, June' 7tb, 1935 T. A. Cameral, A. T. MaeNay. Preside:I. Secretary. SA- s we. •••• Use The 8tgaars Clssatid Odessa New Prices MsI3 Vl.al's GovgRNMENT_ APPROVED CHICKS -BLOOD-TESTED STOCK - 1. R. aid W. ROCK W. LE6NORN After May 24, 10e ilc After June 10, 9c, Atter June 22, 8r 8c 4 -week Pullets, 25c . 30c 2 -week-old Chicks, 31Kc extra 4 -week-old Chicks, 9e extra HATCHES TWICE. WEEKLY Come and see us or phone 97-r11, Henan. J. E. McKINLEY, ZURICH WORK ON THE HIGHWAY Work has begun under Provincial auspices on the Blue Water highway ante of (ioderkb, recently taken over as a ProvIDc4a1 road. It 1s under- stood that surveyors will be over the route next wee:., and that some parts ut the old West Snore Electric Rail- way rlrbt of way may be utilised in Improving the highway. J. J Robert son of Colborne township has been epp!tiuted awuerlutendeat of the road between Goderieb and -K'tl>,eauptae. 1414 BATTALION CELEBRATION N. W. Miller and T. Fremlin of Clin- ton were In town on Saturday with the news that It Is proposed to cele- brate itbe twentieth anniversary of the orgautaatiou of the 181st Overseas ftettelloa with a three-day program in Clinton -August 3, 4 and 5. A ban- quet will be held on the first day, Sat- urday; on Sunday there will be a drumhead service, at which 1t is boped to have Canon F. G. Scott, the famous padre of the Canadian Corp.; Monday will be sports and field day INDUCTION AT ST. GEORGE'S Tbe Induction of Rer A. ('. Calder Into the incumbency of tbe parish of St. George's (Auglkan) church God- erich, will take place on Monday even- ing next, June 3rd. The Right Rev. i Dr. C. A. Seager, Lord Bishop of Hur- "u, will performits• induction .ItsI afterwards will receive a class of about twenty candid, tee for the 1 Sacred Rite of Coctirmatior:. These services will be followed by a recep- tion to the rector and Iris family. as well as to the Bishop, In the purist hall. At the regular meeting of the public + utilities commission on Thursday evening last three several applications !to" additional. "class A" electric power ! were received from the Goterleb Salt Company ind passed. TLe additions total 39h.p Specials on Spring Lamb -AI13O YEARLING LAMB -SATURDAY ONLY- larifb )s your rest Meat. Eat more of it. Try a nice Roast (kr year Sunday Menu YEARLING LAMB- SPRING LAMB - Legs Ib. i5e Lens Ib. 12e Shoulder .. , Ib. lee Breast Ib. 7r ('MIs ...-.a$- -bs. ler 2.3e Leen Ib. 2Se Loin Ib 25e Shoulder Ib. 22e Breast b. 15e Chops lb. Lye -BABY BEEF SPECIAL- Ilismod Steak . ft Shoulder Ring Ib. 15e ireieWien Steak ee Steak ) a lb. I Kiat Brag Cub... ,, . Ibb. . l le During June, July and August this store will be elated *web Wednesday afternoon SANITARY MEAT MARKET .) f1 i pas Delver TIM LZGG Hamilton St.. G edmyt l ■ SHOP t Mice Jean Walter la again dietitian at the Maitland Golf Club for the 1935 season, Ableeek Chapter, l.O.D.E, will meet et the public library on Frilay, Jura 7, at 4 p.m. The Nurses' Alumnae Will hold their regular monthly meeting at the hos- yltal un Friday, June T. re. t. r let .r rber4._9r(.t nd 49°1fClub Brien' holding a geld say ever, Friday afternoon, at 2.30 o'clock. A meeting of citizens will be held at the town hall this (Tbursday) evening to orgauae for the Dominion Lay celebration In Goderieb. The W. 1d. S. of Knox church will hold a garden party at 8altlord Het M --is- Wedneetlay, Jute 19th. Please reserve this date and watch for further particulars. Madame Cornella, the well-known teacup -reader and clalrvovant, will stop at the Bedford hotel for • few days. Will visit homes. For ap- pointment phone 32891 The Presbyterian church of Smith's Hill Intends haring a lawn social on June 26 on the beautiful grounds of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Tyndall. Fur- ther notice will appear later. ('orae to The Little Deitch Coffee Shop on Saturday afternoon. June 1, on It•n*stoe street, Just off tbe Square. Homemade baking and afternoon tea. Auspices of St. Andrew's Circle, St. oeorge'e church. F hve dead or dying trees have been eat down In Court House Park this week. as the work of pruning and clearing nut is pro.eeded with. Two of the trees, considerably larger than the others, are believed to have stood in the park wore than half -a -century. 11. 0. B. PICNIC • The Huron Old Boys' Amooceatloa of Toronto will ;cold its annual picnic and Bummer reunion at Exhibition Park 011 Saturday afternoon, June 8. The program will include sports of all kinds for chi:dren and adults, Re- freshments will be served In the Transportation Building at 8 pm. THE WEATHER A heavy rainfall was recorded this week, the tots: beteg 2.4S inches. Tuesday's rainfall alone measure(' 1.77 inches. The temperatures for the past week end these of the corresponding week of last year were as follows: 1935 1934 Max. Min Max. Mln, re. May 23 ....50-1114 82 34. i1rt., Hey 2i 58 84 57 39 Sat., May 25 . 83 38 55 35 Sun., May 28 78 41 60 39 Mon., May 27 74 55 68 43 Tues., May 39 88 58 77 48 Wed., May 29 84 47 77 55 "What's the difference between valor and discretion?" "Veil, to travel on an ocean liner without tipping would be valor." "And to come back on • different boat would bet discretjoa," 100 Lill/e Pennies BAYSIDE Peaches .. eager little fellows. Eager to do all they can for you. Eager to assume their rightful, worthy place in your shopping plans. Won't you, by careful shopping, help them and you to realize their true worth -By consistent shopping at "Dont in ion " No. 2 2 1 c The Tin Brunswick values elective until Wed. night. June Sth. SARDINES -r tin St PURE _ORANGE -F`Yuoua go:- --- Catelli -_ tis SPA 'MARMALADE-. r r.wra.: Jar 29( • MILK MI Bribdi - 3Ira r25` Kraft -es, Jar MRACi Powders sHUS - 3 dot"• Zit Heins Baked BRANS 2 small tine 17t SINGAPORE SLICED PINEAPPLE NEW CANADIAN CHEESE 1JtJARtk `PUFFED wHEAT c i u EE It1:UEA kUSI• T ElamWs b 22t 2 X1 9` 2 tbs. 25c 9c 39` 11.1 1- Thi AUNT DINAH MOLASSES O 9ASSE'S N Tin • CRIMSON 26c O tm11 36C LABEL P O 34 -lb. pkg. 4-b. ekg Luoa NIS Pineapples for 356' , Redpath Sngar.10 1bs. 550 Ripe Bananas,.. lbs. 170 SUNLIGHT SOAP MAPLE LEAF MATCHES 3 large a itt bless i • AYLMER CATSUP ! air* t3 < • 1. PALMOLIVE SOAP cake s( HEiNZ TOMATO SOUP !1is nd i,i( • RAVSIDF (IiOiCF CORN tie. Z 10< 1O5 GODERICH, ONT. Holiday Sports Are Enjoyed (Ottatfaaed foe= page 1) bole competition, the latter whining the driving contest. Vie Ellicott wrap the e.,, gross prise in the eighteen -hole melee game and 1. D. F stmaa was wane to the driving competition. THE LAWIII • BO• WLERS Dr. Hall Omega gaHumby Whims In ale Opaig Tower7 Dr. H. R. Hall aced George Mumby were the winners ot the doubles toss, naillealAli the beswUsg greens 0$ V* da!' atsrnoon and ereu!ng. They -res all three gams., wing a pis of dev- errr't' . Ernest Prydtud Harold Newcombe were seeoad Tbey won all the • smxrr pros o1 five. Robert Johnston and Harry San- derson were third with two wins and a Plus of twelve. T!i•ae were 0011 three prtms, but a dose fourth pair was Thos. Taylor and t'rant Donnel- ly, who had two wIas uitb a plus of ten. IN THE SOPTULL LWAGUE Opting Gatos Wes lo Presbyterians frees VMfeeia Marvel United WANTED 1008 WANTED. -MAPLE, BABA WOOD, elm. Highest prices paid. P. D. MOriRISON. Box I18, Oodertch. WANTED.- PODU1RY AND E0(38. T Highest prices paid. Under new management. We solicit your trade, THE o(g)ERIoH POULTRY AND EGG MARKET, Lighthouse street, op- posite pposite Public Library. CARD OF THANKS WE TAKE TH18 OPPORTUNITY OF W expressing our heartfelt dunks to our many friends fee the kindnesses extended during Mr. Ryan's lltnas and in our time of bereavement For the beautiful !local trW- gaatea and the s tears tkaub - Cars for the femoral we enfold ow --- -_ MR8. RICHAND W. RYAN AND FAM LLT. MR. AND MRS. FRED GILBERT, MR. AND MHS. A1.BIt?BT BOND, AND MR. AND MRS. RICHARD BOND wish to express their Maeere appreciation of the kindness anb sym- pathy shown by friends and_nclgbtwn during Mrs. Bond's illness and since her death. Also for flowers sent and for cars loaned for the funeral, and for all kindly acts of conrtoor shown. NOTICE OF NEIW INO Knox Presbyterian Lurch bonded i M1N711N0 Or Victoria street United church a crush- 00419O1L. lag 38-15 defeat IS We opening game of the interchurch sc;thall league at Victoria Park on Wedm•eL,y. 'Phe drat sign of the trend of tie game was In the second innings, a lieu, with Vic- toria lotoria street leading 3-0. the Presby - tartas wens as a elugiug spree and pounded Jia Jellaston's pt'cbea for twelve reins. 1hftees batters were up in that innings and each one scored, three ot them twice. Buster Bell, a deaf-mute, proved invaluable to his tram, smashing eat three home runs, the bean being loaded on two occa- sions. Fred Sandy and Art. Doak also made home runs 11111 Beene -- aid's test pitching ws- too mueh for the Victorians. Jtn, Johnston was replaced by Carl BI.tudeld in the sixth. Burg. Smith, tbiru-r,•,ee for the United church term. a:,, injured wben he tried to .coos, ap ., but grounder in the seventh and Pa+ replaced by BUI Moore. r... tar':, 123 1:,,: 7 89 Victoria ! Al n3-1 1 S 8.-13 Knox ._.012 p 3 7 4 4 e 1--38 Batting order: • Knox --J3. Bell, Le; A Dosk. lb.; E. Neftel, 3b.; F. bisdy, 26:: W. Mac- Donald. aoDonald, p.; 8. Carter, s s:: V. Elliott, c.f. ; D. McKay, r.t,; H. St'-ddart, c. Victoria -R. PfrlatRer, le; R. Bloom- field, 2b.; A. Bloomfield, 11/ ; C. Bloom- field, 2b., p.; M. FWoer, el; B Doh- erty, 1.f.; V. Smith. r.f. ; A. Brindley, us.; B. Smith (W. ,snore, i) 8b. ; J. Johnston, p. L mptres--ioble toting, Harold Young. A SOFTBALL CIi6FALIT • Burg. Smith autf••reigta ver► .minim injury on Wedaclaia%when he broke a anger while shayiyg In th, opening game of the Nrurcb eoftbaL league, Victoria street churcb vs. Knox church. In the ser.•ntk balling, while playing third ba+e for Vittoria street United buret, he misjudged a hot lin- er that ceme his way, and the 'pilling ball fru, tured a, bone in his hags- and wombed the limb, thnesgb which tbe broken bone prot'•rided, ps was taken to a doctor and 1%',,, a took bla plane on the team. KINCARDINE It ERICHv5 Kincardine, )l:,y 2 a-•With Clif Cox whiffing an even,•r, 0ors and holding hla opponents t:: rig4t scattered hits, while his teammate, oschod Ormerod and ho.ea , COR SALE.-SEOONAND MA- cardlneWorttooky tfhe; orlellerveof thehitsBruceKln- 1 TERiAL from wrecked hoose --doors, League eeaeon hr a 10.5 count trots windows, maple flooring, sheeting, Goderich before n ;ares crowd of fans. etc. ROBERT DOAK, Piston street- After treetAfter the loee!, had shoved In four Phone 556. runt In the *3'75111. ibis Worthy went In for (blight r ]fo runs were r.+ I. r - dine faltered in the sixth. letting the Southerners within owe run of tieing the count, but nt no time was Cox 1n di/gentry. Hitting was iair,y heavy. Phalen for (loderleh kielgeesed a pair of triples and a honn•r In four times up, while Munro tr ;Qncard/be got a three -bagger. Opening cer..m,,r.tee resulted in Georg, Lampmar., lateness men's see- relary, getting a w.,lk off Mayor J. O. Ellerton, Kincardine ten runs, eleven bite, three errors. (;odertch five runs. eight bits, fnur rrrots Batteries-Kinr•erdla4 Cox and Rig - ren. Ooderlch, Wordy and Shear - down. Cmpires-Dlebcl, 4. Kincardine, and Irvine, of Ooderleh HURON COUNTY The next meeting of the Huron Coun- ty Council will le held in the County Council chambers, Court Hoose, God- ertch, at 2 o'clock on the afternoon of Tuesday. June 4th, 1985. All accounts, notices of deputatless. appttcatlona and other Important bust - nets requiring attention at the meet - Ing should be In the hands of the clerk not later than Saturday, June 1st. Muted at Goderieb this 6th day of May, 1935. J. M. ROBERTS. County Clerk. EXECU'T'ORS SALK t'XEOUFDOR'S SALE or RE81• LL DENOE PROPERTY. 'Under instructions from the exe- cutor of the estate of the late George Andrews, we will eell by public auc- tion ur- tion at the premises, Newgate street, Goderich, on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5th. at 2 o'clock p.m. : The brick residence belonging to the estate. It Is an exceptionally well- built. two-story house, bee *11 con- venlences, la easy to heat; la os a lot about 80 x 120, has a two -car garage, and is situated in one of the, best neighborhoods fn (Joderich. The property must be sold to close the estate. TERMS: Ten per rent. of pur- chase prlee at time of sale; balsam V thirty days,t or arrangement* may be made to lerie a portio? of the _____ oD mortgage at a low Merest • & !TATA, Souettien T. GU NDRY A SON. Aoettonesra. FOR SALE OR RENT fkYrr WE FOR RENT AT KiNTAIL "tor month of July. 8. B. FM/1H- At8, Arthur, Ontario. ' l RENT. -RED BRICK HOUSZ ON 1 Victoria street. A11 consaie.ces. Apply to T. R. WALKS COR SALE BRIOK REBIDBNOE, ■ Nelson street, eight rooms; two bath- rooms R. C. WHATBL77Y. (*ADHD AOODUNl!AIFIE J W. MON•IEIT'H, °bartered Aoconntent 989 Ontario Street, Stratford. 014 1110 Star Building, Temento, Om" rlSWO AIo i Dinner Sets VRRY SATISFIED SATS: ORRIN Corn or Bunion Salves ate worth more. They 6u the work. At CAMP- S/U/41 [t!Rtu+ wenn*_ LAWN MOWERS SILBi'rPIQ and repairedliecondlalored mowers for sale or excbauge. General repairs. Satlatactton guaranteed. A. OUHR, 107 Quebec street, PERI[ANENT WAVER. --93.50, $5.00. • S9.5(l. Regular 110 for $7.50. All work guaranteed and done by Jean Swill' Oriels of Stratford, at British Exchange Hotel barber shop on Wed- nesday, June 5. Make appointments early with Mr. Mateb. COURT OF REVISION. TOW'N8111P OF OOUBORyE Take notice that the Court of Re- vision will be held at the Township Hail, Marlow, on Tuesday, June lith, at 1 o'clock pm., for the purpose of hearing appeals against the assess- ment roll of the Towssbip of Colborne for the year 1905. All parties interested are requested to attend. WM. SAL LOWS, Township Clerk. MORTGAGE BALE JORTOAOE BALE. - e Under and by virtue of the powers. of sale contained in a certain mort- gage, whkb will be produeed at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by THOMAS Dams, Auctioneer, at public auction, on TUESDAY, JUNE 4th, 1986 at the hoar of 2 o'clock in the after- noon, at the farm of Mrs, Ann J Ross. R.R. 2, Goderkh, Ontario, the follow- ing property, namely: A11 and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises, situate, lying and being In the Townsblp of Ooderkb, In tbe County of Huron and Provtnee of Ontario, being composed of Lot number fifteen (15) In the Third Concession of the Bald Township, con- taining -by admeasurement slgbty (80) sere* of land more or Less. ---- On the said farm there Is Bald 90 14 erected a dwelling house with imitable farm buildings. The lands will be sold subject to a reserve bid. TERMS Or SALE: Teo per cent. of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of sale and the balance within thirty days. For farther particulars and condi- tions of sale apply to HARDY W. PAGE, Fast Block, Parliament Ridge., Toronto, Ontario, 8oileitor to the DEtd at Toteste this thirteenth day of May, A-D.-7l11H. AUCTION SALES AUCTION BALE or HOUSE TURN- 18HTN08, CARPENT'ER'S TOOLS, INCUBATORS AND APPLIANOBK useful on poultry farms. Mrs. W. A. (3h1.bolm, who has dis- posed of bee property on the Baytlleld road, will cell by public auction on SATURDAY, JUNE let commencing at 1.80 sharp, all the coo- t t f th lees t fedi 95 pieces FOR. - •514.95 MANY PATTERNS TO - 0110081 FROM If -K are--going-Wy $ Domer IN;- see the - pat- terns bobs* you deeds Cole's Book Store AV Yfl0NEERIN6 THOMAS 0UNDI.Y. AODJORItia, _. 1 LIVE STOOK AND GENERAL AUOTIONEER Telephotos No. 119 Sales atteoded to anywbere and every - effort mads bo give satisfaction. Farmers' sale Dotes discounted. LEGAL DLTDL.EY Z. Houma.r Barrister, Zia Oitee- Court Hoose, Ooder ch. Telephone 55. DOUGLDOUGLAS R. NAIRN, AS and Solicitor O sew--Hamutoa Street, OoderfeL. Tlephone M.3 F. R. DARROW, BARRISTER, WPC. Successor to J. L Rllloraa Otlice-The Square, Goderieb. Telephone 97. CRANK DONNELLY, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Rte. Ofile►-Hamlltoi Street, G.deriet„ Telephone 3811. HAYS et HAYS, HAYS Barrimsrs sad l cgs R. C. Hats, H.C., and R. O. Hays.;A. 011tcv- HaaUtoa street, OodarleL Telephone Ila ERNEST M. LER,as.sl Barrister and Solicitor Elan life Bulldleg, Adelaide sad Vic- toria 1ptoria Streets. Toronto 2. 'hiephone Elgin IDOL 11®ICAL ilk 7, f a. roi twr,pt, *Waft -_10S19. THROAT. Late Hoose Surgeon A Tag Ophthalmic and Aural 13mtpMal, gm Ilitant at Moorefield Nye Idesptial and Golden Square Throat Hospital. London, Eng. 58 Waterloo Street S., Stratford. Telephone 287. Next visit Thursday, June 20, lacca. lag only, from 9.30 till 1 o'clock, at Hotel Bedford, Goderlcb. DRUGLESS rRACTrnONER en e o e prem nc ng Dining -morn, kiteben and bearoom ftRIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLI furniture; living -room table; r-cking v THWRAPIBT COR RH:M.-,HOUSE. HARDWOOD Ieba ire ; one fold) ng couch; rugs; one Goderieb, Phone 841 Boors. Garden. Garage. Csa- 1 cook clove ; one heater ; one coal Equipped with electro-magnatle teal. Apply to M. W. HOWELL.I wattle; one eo.l 011 heater; one three- ! baths. Electronic electric treatmeaW burner coal oil cook stove; one two- ; and chiropractic. Cbroalq oreselr and nervous diseases. Lady In at. tenda.ee. Omce bourn 2 to 6 and T to 8 pm. on Tuesday, Friday and Mt~ nrday, and on Wednesday 10 to 12 ` a.m. only, or consultation may be had by appointment Monday and Thursday at Mitchell. A. N. ATKINSON Realdsttaa:7 and - Until street and Britannia road. L A It G i s r 4) r n 1 1 1. 11 11 l 1 It , DiEle LF7WLS.--in Gotten, b, on Friday, May 24, Ida 1Lowarrl Stfaw, widow of the late Judge F, N Lawla. BONE. -At Ah•ram;ra hospital, Ood- prleh. nn Tl ir.I May 2Ard, Annie Grigg, widow of the late James Bond, In her S4th Tear. 000D. -1n Godert: h, os. Wpdne.dat. May 20, Mary :t elelarty, widnw of the late William . Oood, In her t0th year. - The funeral serve will be con- ducted at her le me ar Camhrla road on Saturday, Jodi 1.4 at 2 o'clock p.m. interment in *ennui cemetery. TENDRILS WANTED TENDERS FYirt 11AULiNG W(bOD. Tenders. adtr,s.,.4 ee the under- elgneci. for the bulbs( of wood from the town wood Int to OOthorne town- ship and sorting and iiling on 104 Is. Ooderteh where dea►gaeted, will be re- ceived by the Town of Onderfcb np to 8 o'clock pm. on lrttlday, Hay 81st. Hee...soft 6i -copied a For any further parebealers eppiy to J. J. Mhgtf/a k Worksk*,, (Meer lrh L" f K1erer ; i R SALE. -SOLID BRiCK HOUSE ail-weo'eeieaeus, including bear artrher-'"44O feet tramline At a bargain. ash or terms. Address BOX 7, SIGNAL. FOR HALE. -NEARLY NEW RED brick bungalow. Hardwood floors; heavy wired; three-plece bath; elec- tric water heater; garage; ales gar- den. Apply 84, tKowgato street. FOB SALE .-ATTRACTIVE BUNOA- IOW, centrally located on Elgin avenue. Five rooms and bath. Every convenience. Heavy wiring. Garage. Apply to XVA V. SMITH. Elgin ave. APARTMENT TO RENT.--GROUNDfloor, Colborne Apartments. Con- veniences. Heated. Cool In sum- mer. Could be used am once. Also separate room. Very comfortable. Rent reasonable. PHONE 131 sr 9. COR SALE. -BABY CHICKS AND hatching eggs from high prodoeing B.C.W. Leghorn* All peas beaded with R.OP. cockerels whose dams ban records np to 280 eggs. Get onr price list before you buy. E. R. PEAOHEY, Box 201, Goderlcb. Phone 5779. FIR MAiIB.-TOMATO AND CAULI- FLOWER plant," ready now. € b - nage and sweet peppers ready later. These plants have been thinned one giving them a chance to develop Into strong plants. JOHN 11EtZ, Corner Cambria road and Trafalgar street. FOR SALE.-CI110MCE TOMATO, cabbage and eanittnwer planta To- mato 411 rents. eating,* so creta per hundred. Cauliflower. ester and other plant. 10 eente per dozen. F P. f.ASIt:RR(tOK, 80 Wldder street. Bri- tannia road, near Sunset Hotel (tore at Barrows' atom), FOR RAZE 05 Rsi'N'1*.-I'WO-fiT(MtY, eft -cion hone with pantry and bathroom on Reays street, Goderfeh. 411 coo van lPUPAS. G1vegr: h.n. !mese : large garden with Rett tress. (lnnrenlent to Collegiate In- stitute. Apply to JORN DITSTOW, R.R. 1, Port Albert_ or A. J. 000PER. Item/teen street. Gederfa<,,;,eeset . • burner eoal 011 cook Move; two ovens; quantity of quart sealers; cooking utensils: dishes; garden tools; one lawn mower; one grass catcher, win- dow blinds; carpenter's tools; one axe; ladders; one barrel spray pomp: oae small spray pump; two wheelbarrows; ooe 40 -gallon oil drum; paper nanr- ee's -tootle , trowels -L - 0m °Palasa gtllMs- seeder; one bread mixer; one carpet sweeper ; one Universal food chopper; one garden hose, almost new; one post - hole auger; one erytbe; one cross -eat sow; egg -grading scale; chicken erste*: chicken feeders; one 300 -egg Wilier in- cubator; one 400 -egg Miller Inciebator; one 240 -egg Prairie State (neobatar; quilts; blankets, and other articles too numerous to mention Nothing reserve. TERMS -ash. T. OU'N'DRY & 80N, Auctioneers. victim SALE Or RESiDENCE PROIPERMIES AND HOUSE run - We have received tnstraettona from Mrs. W. V. Major to sell by public sae, tent, at the home of the late MIw Polley, on TUESDAY, JUNE 4th commencing at 1.80 sbarp: Tbe property on North street (pt lot 901) consisting of • large brick dwelling, containing two apartments, with modern ennventencee. Also a eompset brick residence In ep;endld condition, has all conveniences fnctid- lag furnace and a building suitable for a garage. Also lot 112. Lighthouse street, on which there 1s • frame cottage that with a small outlay would make a very good summer home, as It Is elosp to the beach. The hoose fnrnlshfngs ronsiet of sump splendid ■ntlgoe pieces and In - elude a 7 -peeve walnut living -robin finite; rugs: walnut ebalrs and rock- ers; floor Iamgs; mirrors; paintings; walont buffet ; chuck ; walant bedroom smite. a real antique; a complete bed- room set In white; kitchen utensils, tneindtng Quebec range with water - Mont ; Moffat electric ice late store: lawn mower, and nnaaroas other article* TERMS -4)n the polar' lea, Ira be awaoszeesd at Have ht eels sed gala liberal, no Mrs lereve f5 not 1Mttiyi-► look after their. the hoose ittedalb. faga wilt he paid tercam. T. (l HORSLass - INBURANCX. WANE. RTC. lecKIUL P MUTUAL MID INDUS - lit ANOR 0O. --Farm and Isolated town property insured. Omeers-Alex. Broadfoot, President, Seatorth ; James Connolly, Vlee-Pros, Goderieb PO.; Merton 4. Reid, Asa - forth, Sec. -Tress., Ssafortb P. 0. Directors -A. Broadfoot, R.R. No. 3, Seatortb; )amen Sboldlee, Walton; Wm. Knox, Londeeboro; Alexander McEwing, Blyth, R1R. 1,; Geo. Lass- hardt, Bornholm, R.R. 1; John Pepper, Rruc4Aeld; Thos. Moylan, Seatorth; R.A. 5; Wm. R. Archibald, Seaforf, R.R. 4; James Connolly, Ooderich. Agents -W. J. Yeo, R.R. No. 3, Ore- ton; Jame. Watt, Myth; Finley kis- Mariiern, Seaforth ; John Murray, Sea - forth ; Chas. F. Hewitt, Kincardine. Policy -holders can make all payments and get their cards rscelpted at the Royal Bank, Clinton; Calvin Ostt's Grocery, Kingston street, Oodertch, or J. H. Reed's General Store, Bayfield, WOOD FOR SALE The Town hu a quantity of good body hardwood direct from the Town Bush for sae at =8.00 per single e(rrd of one -toot wood, de- livered. Alen a limited quantity of 1nod h hardwood et 1.00 per full cord of four - foot wood. 410hiere left at the Town Hall will he attended to. IMO* pal+ torr Were darner/ L. -L KNOZ, - Town Olsen. t •