HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1935-5-30, Page 7i :: County and District •e Seaforth has a tax rate this year to the home of his brother, Dan of 4l%y mills. This is the same as Geddes, at Windham, for burial. last year. W. E. Brawler, who died at Grand Valley the past week, was for twelve yayre C. P. R. dation agent at Wing - ham, giving up tiro wa`a' tuo.;mare ago owing to poor health. At Drysdale, on Monday. May 20th, Rey. Father Marchand united in mar- riage Geraldine, daughter of Mr. and MIs. ('. Laporte, and Dennis Charette, pa of Mr. and Mrs. J. ('harette. Jobs Traqualr, a well-known farm - of tpnekenntflh. died May 13th at the age of seventy-six years. His wife predeceased him and he to sur - church, hurch, Heusall. He graduated from vlved by two sons. Melvyl, at home on Huron College two years ago and tWa the farm, and Albert, hardwire wer- Iso his first appointment. chant, Exeter. DesJardioe—U55Jar'dine Richard Robinson was working with a team on bis farm on the )6th con- At the Baptist parsonage, Parkhill, cession of Grey when the horses nu Thursday last. Rev. Mr. Lemon per- form he riag uniting tstrted on. the. ground y',reeking y and he i,tas lifto oleg tdrwnI Misr c� Ituellaar Desiardinee..om7 adopted below the knee. Ile was taken to the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Listowel hospital for treatment S.•hrader of Dashwood, Odd Robert Mies Isabel Mew_. died paddenly at Ik'siardlne, sou of Mr. and Mrs. M. her home in Wtngham on -May 'JUth•_ I)esjar111te of the 1I line. She had been ailing for Rome months, Pa„tltsaater at Hluevale Dia bat was able to be about. She WAS bora bear tluelpb, but had been • re- sident of Wingham for the .set twenty- nine years. A sister. Angle, survives. The death occurred on May 16th of Geo. 1). Fortuue, V.S., Turoberry town- ship, In bur sixty-third year. Dr. Fortuue carried on a vetellnary prac- tice at Newmarket, Out., for many —#Csil, itnf'lywing=tt;llt.asatth gave up` his veterinary work some year. ago and was living at his ()id home In Turnberry. He leaves two sons: John W„ teaching In Turulrerry, and Don- ald M., student of Wingham High *School. Appointee M Hawn Rev. Boren! Faee-Las ben ap- pointed rector of St. Paul's Anglican _'Jg !a Alex. McCarroll. forrmnu of Ander- son's flax mill at 8eaforth, while mak- ing Rome repair' to the roof of the of- fice bu11dlti( r 'piped and fell :o the ground. fracturing his collarbone. After metering attention at the Boa- pltal he was taken to Ida home at Luck now. Tlie death sir":'Glenn. Nieholac n oc- curred at his house in Morris town- ship on May 19th, In his sixty-ninth year. I eeei ee! was lora In McKillop couple hart taken up housrktyplag on Mester.. Frank Henry. Thee. Moore fwlera towashlp and w'a. hi alanitis for the Afkeuhrad howeslead, near Bruce - and J. Ir. Beecroft motored to Clinton teemed resident of Feat \leminath. aevenl pease before mukag his borne field. The bride we-'. for many Tears a Iset Wedneadiy to hear Mr. Carroll `"hoar death oceurret on Wtrinesday en Murals twenty years ago Ile 1s of Toronto speak ou Agricultural So- I night. May 15th, was Tie'fi from the survived ly hl' wife and four sons: a member of the Bell Telephone staff fnmflt Charles,Norman.Le+Ile and Wallace.Fairs 1 Exhibitions'. tsatl t'roteat W 11 od „THE SIGNAL WHITEdU dH WHITiC IUR0 L May Thos Inglis *ad daugbter, Barbara, and Will iced Jim, of Clifford, spent Friday with her sister, Mrs. Fred Davidson. The baseball bora of Dungannon ylaped. Lase with. Wlllt•�hsnb boys on Saturday, the Whitechurch boy.: win- ning the game. Midi Marjorie and Joe Falconer of Wlugbam spent the week -end at the home of their uncle, Mr. Ezra Well- .. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Patten of Lucan spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Fox. Mr. and Mrs. Lickley of Toronto spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ilenry. Mr. Rbys Pollock has purchased the general store In Whitechurch from Mr. Malecilaa ,Boss and la taking over the business this week. We wish him xue•ess In this new line of work. Alar Finlayson of East Wawanosh spent the week -end with Mrs. John Gaunt. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thompson and eon Master Bobble .lo•unigg. chtldreu, of Listowel, spent last Friday 1i• M, B 1Meeth1l _cur members of with Mr. and Mrs. Herson Irwin. Mise Wlnnlfred Farrier, who 1,as the Y.1'.S. met last Wednesday even - been teaching for the past few years fug with the memhe•r. ..f the Y.P.S. in the continuation school at Ripley, of Belgrave United • leach. The pro- bes resigned and has accepted a posi- gram was given by toe.11e tfleld mem- tion on the occasional staff of the hers and the topic by Mr. Charles Ioroeto-Depertaaeat of Education. Miss Scott. A reading entitled. "At Half - Farrier will be markingCanadian his- Mast." by Pauline J„hnser--was given by Miss Fern Mc1b,well. A violin duet was played by Messrs. Lloyd Walden and Harvel McDowell, accom- panied at the plane by Miss Jean Mrl)owell. A plate. solo. '.Cathedral Chimes,” was rendered by Mimi Win- ntfred Campbell and the Junior quar- tette renderted•a sole Uon. "I want my GODERICH, ONT. are attending gdfeteoce at Stretford this week. • • a - . (Intended for lad weekI W'11l1TFll4LD, Ma/ 11.—Mia .Dor- othy Vtneent of Itelgreve is Malting at the home of h,.r qua le, Mr, .;Alva ltcl)oweiI. rud Mrr !lo•Uosel!. and with other trieada Mr. Jacek BatemNh of T L spending a few dps In this vietp y Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Carter sad fam- ily visited with Dir and Mrs. Russel Carter of Hallett tuanshlp on Sunday. Mrs. Melvin Geed est coattails town- sntp rs .1.1: Jtt...tka-Loaaa•af...har lxsae+ Iwrents, Mr. and Yrs. Win. �ovler. tunic Mr. A. E. Cook "lent a few days last week with Toronto friends. Mrs. C. Annatay and babe, of God- erteh, vlstted on Sunday with her par- ents, fir. and Mrs. 11'uh. Gorier. Mr. and Mrs. •Norman McDowell and Mr. Wm. 11tcDowele visited at Landon ou Saturday. Thursday, May 30th, 1985—T News of the Farm Notes and Comments on Agricultural Topics a spring horse show on May lith. A field crop competition 18 being conducted with registered oats. Oue of the objects listed 1u the Agricultural $ocietles Act Is 'Competl- Ilous for the best or best in -lunged farms," and the ttk-hnnrnd 11111 8.k•lety Is the only one fun.-tlouiug lc this Agricultural Attractions respect In 1935. The officers wer-• well The directors of the (Jutarlo As- 'deter' aith a Aguilar cowpetltlon, soclatlon of Agricultural Societies, at i,rnxl+ieted in 1933, and now offer a meeting a few days ago, discussed at length attractions for fall fairs. It was agreed jadging shuc'Id be �+►' es and be as attractive as pos- sible. Suitable rtaga should be pro- vided for all live stoic and the names of winners should appear ou all exhibits. Inter-ermmuntty competitions were recomtmendel, such as special prizes for Woaten's institute displays. Junior —"IES much Mra Win. Walden relnrued home on interest and this year agricultural so - Saturday from Wind -or, where she had detles are sponsoring over 180 clubs been spending a few we•t:s wltb her f r boys and girls. daughter, Mrs. Beg. Jenuing. She In addition to the usual attractloos, was accompanied bele- by her grand- the following'we:e (suggested, having teen tried by societies and requiring little- cash outlay: Antique display*. Oxen demonstrations. Hitching, driving and riding com- petitions. Milkmaid contests. Horse drawing competitions. Clearest for jumping horses._. He Felt Miserable After Meals Aeute Indigestion Relieved by liruaelsen The treatment ellicl1i put this man right must surely be worth trying in every case of Indigestion. head what prizes liaised on the cultivation and ap-', he says:— "( parent yield of cruise, freedom from "Two years ago I suffered very weeds, crop planning, the condition of ( touch from indigestion, loss of appe- 111t`t.stld 11.1Re4t..e fl pain In n►y back. Foal soured in my 'stomach. I telt ' most ml..erahle after weals, and had no desire or appetite for them. A friend advised me to try Kruschen Sal'r. 1 did so, ami I am most happy 41 to testify that after a short time 1 felt the greatest relief. i continued taking Krum -lieu till I felt niyeelf quite better - ansitl new mans 1 feel as high[ -hearted _ r lie 1 ;10 twenty --years age: --W H:- - {What Krusehen did for -•bin 1'. will do for everybody else who suffers from Indigestion as he did. The fact is that 1), J. Falconer, Is, -t was•• r at Blue- tory examinatiou papers during the Mile died on Saturday last. at the age of forty -rix years, in ILe Toronto (Zeeeral Hospital. Ile was a native of Ctslross township. Ile is survived by hb wife and one daughter, Betty Asa, also by his father, George Fal - holidays. We extend hearty congratu- latiouJ to her. Many from this community attended the funeral of Mr. Daniel Falconer of Itluevale on Tuesday. We extend sym- pathy to hla many relatives lir these Teams of horses, verses sic - or elrbt men. Horseback wrestling. Site,.fithldeug ,',nipetitloes. beg .awing. ,Lug chopping. 'Potato races. Musical duties—mounted. mope of Culross, and flee brothers. Darts. life to tell for Jesus." The meeting Baud competitions; old -tint fld,llette --,« The Coiled church here are holding Pr' -t•cpttesete. ere. ' bracetiglr asQlrrr,'ary 'services on Sund•y, was to chattfe of the sWrnr, Mr. -Tito wedding of Donald*. daughter rase Idc.DowelL __Th...:,_ J1t:g_rare_ .. ,;)tmQuat[Ittiuos of ca,-_ rr(oas kinds. Jose e, when Iles. J. F Ander,4onTF%r* , f ;be wx 1st rt• • • of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. c'oc•hrane of of WI.ghrm will be the speaker for t'.S. had charge Part Clinton, to Wilfred 1)., eon of W Il the day. lin Tuesday ,.coning a social of the meeting- Af o•r a number of rano t ebrduleh Being Distributed Ilam Alkenhead of Ilruc•etleld, was will he held and Brick church young games had been Dbay',I ❑dainty lunch During the week comwencine May solewulzed by Iter. l'. S. Oke at Knox people *111 present their play', "Clvll wiin served. s.{2t11, p4,.1NNt farm schedules will be' church manse. Stiatford. The young Wrvlee." 'Math of Mrs. Frederick Cook.—The rlbuted by the rural erhtxil teach - 1 of lira Fr•oMrlck Coos, es rs tn, the turners In Ontario. The Jtedulea are for the purpose of comm..- uric" om- JaYrh:ullurpt al &Ul It ],..Ib.4 . urk 1s toeing carried on julutly by a' Our:trio Dypartwent of Ecitivatlon, Teneral appearance of the farm A score card has been planned to permit a rind farmer to compete, even though he may not have a heavy inve.,tment in buildings. This competition will du much to encourage all-round good twilling in the Agricultural Society area. "1� Z -sefufne n of Firm Aeeounfa To the many ubvlous reasons for keeping farm accounts should be added the following one, at least under pre - "the little daily dose" of Kruschen seat meds to s.. -Farmers Necking first stimlittle ates the flow t)[ gastric credit are being required to h.rnlsh an increasing amount of information. juices to aid digestion, end then A statement of net worth we obtained from a farm aMOullt book la the basic credit statement. In addlttOo• bor- rower+ may be required to fur: is11 a budget of expenses and Income in and Mrs. . ' h at Clinton tletd,R, ars arc residence on Friday gfternoon, K. er ( Mrs. r wens Mr. s. Elgin', Itev. 1)r. Mortimore conducted the fun J. K. Baker, an old away next a- • Bossy VPmrlt'u—oral service. lutertacnt le•itig made In Grey township, Iwssed on I'hurs- 'Travellers on the Lake road west Rel......oad and Richard. it Clativs. ltraudon cemetery, 'keg -rave. The Crawl 10.nd may nee j spent the week -end tern with relatives were Six nephews.Fred J eusures u complete, regular and un- failing elimination of all waste mat- ter every day. "Every bachelor suffers • from the order to arrive at a schedule of bor- ,delusion that he would be a great sue - order as a husband. '--George Ade. rowing and repayments Without adequate rec'cl -of his farm lei/dupes � - " %YM_�_A_.NA the borrower cannot do himself jus The Cuckney child bad just started Gee or present his applkation In the t aehool. most favorable light. "Wot's yer nine?" a classmate F'urthi•rni.ire,.•-over a period of Fasked, several year:, farm account hooks ,.F -red.. bring old HP lnercnstng numt•er...Of ..That ain't a ntme--that's wOt yet ns•ful Luct-. Ti.' reeords .-,neat mavicer sews yer pants wive"---81d- thnt de rent fields need different anti tw'y Ma11. treatment. They _Five definite stand- ards+ of performance In the use and other live stock protIw'ts, and do mttrb to ehange Ile yearly phetss of the farmer from a matter of chance and guesswork Into reasoned plans !wised on demonstrated feet,' ages re- latlgndtlPw -_-••My--,Fear-foilow,- - ths(s(s--.see--..•laro.`1 sides to every ttneetlom—" •'Yes, there are two, tildes to ateheet ie Ontario 1Nqutrtnteet •of A-. u' -l• (if 'fly -p per: but it maker' a tut of dlf re sad' -The Dominrun -Itttreau'ilf e,retu.u,.,lue the fly wbk•h elite It utistics. Every' effort is being -Or ehomm,s," Pro - day last at the home of his son. Sol- of 1>•shwuctd to ; III»•xrers w l�urth to hare each farmer in the Pro - syn, 14th concession of Grey. He WAD a primitive method of cultivation. Wil- 1 Mrs. Wellwood, sr., visiting with her I gook. Walter Cook, Te:ford.('txrk, Fred tint* fltl In a survey card giving the In his eightieth year. Ilia wife prede- Ilam Goestuan, unfortunate In losing daughter. Mrs. Arthur Moore. (' t. sole, \Cter Soft and Gordon ceased him and he is Rurrlved by one several horses this last winter and be- Mrs. J I). Beecroft rlsited on Wed- : quell Mrs. Cook who wits io-Wr *t ee 111 In for. his farm. Fu.bllca- srcel fift . year, stiffens' an attack titin of Ninety crop and lire stock daughter, Mrs John ns.Seeiran• Xlag ;ng tlnaux lolly unable to reply o them, nrelsy with her harontre Mr. ami Mrs. I t I rtaot are Falls, and tour sone, Wilbur, of de• lslel to hitch up the old cow•. and ' Andrew Kirk of Seaferth. of God- 1 of enty a few erggkt ergo from which _Pr 0 and Garfield. Chester and work her with the remaining horse. I Mr. and lint Rote. Phlpl God-,1„"f failed to Welk,'recover. Before which Af fnst-hossyobjr,.ted-ass melt- strangetsIeh, ..pent _aturday with M•'. and .._ .._... ..amber it►R be. tin Of rep;, - - lmarrtaite auto was Robert Geddes..of Monis wh.'retownsbilli. treatment and much persli her was i )Ira. W. R. Farrier. son, daughter of the late Mr. and Mot. died lisp 22nd Us Toronto w•ht•re he necee sary to get her to pail her share , bad spent the winter with his Waugh -of the I , "Now. look here. ilorgthy," said her father sternly. "your mother feels me yee've been naughty all flay long. The ��taatlstks Is nue of the mos, mpct ncxLtime you throw mud at your sis- antlee Imposed upon. the Gorernntt'ftt toy ,+- -lean fires* ybu'U go to lied with- ' Is performed if- the . r •• WESTFIELD Mathias Harrison of }:est. Waw•enosh, a 1 load. Itut patient persevere - whew .1,,• «pent all h •r lite. Stn wail tern. He w'A. In his seventy-rlghtb once neatly wen and now the workmarried to her all I•-nft hltshantloil year end wan born on the tYrm or progresses to R{slur of haad� � tb WF: T);IF3f.D. May 24.�Vislterx n.1 Feist -nary 15th, iRS Studying, I In Band at Jnne"Ist. ami the numbers the 3rdllcow-tendon s Mlife.s�e-__ t• nth of N. ('• fA/�te the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. I . Ellis aides her husband, are two daueeters,'I,ntrnded Inc marketing in the next au Ilrel all LIR lute. J -M The death o1 William l'Wrten over the week -end were their (laugh- Z1r.•. "terve Black :,nd firs. John iii.tttRix medthf This dot.• is ti.' n. t survived by three daughters, all oMingngbh SprNit, whkh oe.urreil•ln 8t. Joseph's ter.. Mrs. J. D. Eleley of Fordwieh ituehauan of Eist 11'awanosh: tan a and firs. Rolot. Ben )H I tea; and kw"fs fur {intuit ally Ile entire Ikkly in Toronto. The body was Drought h„splul Loudon, on Wednesday even- 'of age a we end ram c, a ar f Rig u known and suc•.rRstul farmer of Tait- Miss (:rare Redmond of ',Inwood to m • -"Thr neat- time---41ruw. _-_mud __u1. 'Thr important faits astertalne111Aerfs said file ihild, "Ill wait tilt' .m thia purvey are the acreages; after slt{tper" I tri print-ipO. field crop-, In 111:'3.,.-- . ----- nntnher* of live stock and poultry 1 Brown. and Mr. Brown -sons. Two great values la Metal Roofing. Rs elusive patented features guarantee weather -tightness and easy applies. tion. For new root or re -roofing. Bend ridge and rafter I,-ne-the for free emanate. Ws ass Council Stan- derd"for great- est durability. Eastern Steel Pro Luc t s 'mil[• DRf4)ON ONT cues an„��• a.o«•ee°. a 7.0,"70 ---- 1 f last week remove.. if a t 11, f B RELIEVE PERIODIC PAIN 11 you suffer peri- odic pain and discomfort, try Lydia E. Pinkham's Tablets. in most cases they bring welcome relief. As Mrs.Caroli'le New- man says, "They ease the psin". Mrs. Raymond Chaput, Route 4, Tilbuty,Ont. sas, i suffered some- thing terrible. Had such backaches and beadacbes 1 was worn out. Your Tablets helped me". Let them belp you, too. Ark year, drirgg TABLETS Brophey Bros. THE LEADING "TNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS A i arr.lt'tr-et rear - day or night. PHONES: Stere 120 Res. 217 GODERiCH J. R. Wheeler ressrel WNW and Embalmer An ease presptly attended to - day 0r night_ —AMBULANCE SERVICE-- PHONER Ettore 335 Reeldenee 355w Hamtkon Street. Goderieb Walter Dalton f NDERTA KfsR /Woo Old Boy. Graduate Godsrkit tolleglate Institute 13510 West Warren Ave., DETROIT, MiCH. Tel. Oregon 8668 Lewin., on t u,mes - irulturnl statistics in Onuerlo. llnRton. Stanley, with whom she had resided or Fanners are requested to complete the meds promptly and return to their kN•al acboot teacher, who will then for- ward them to the Outerio Departtueut of .Agriculture. The cards are tabu- le as speisllly as possible and releaetd to sew-•;-apers and radiA -- stations - 8o Hint everyone -may le adviser - of lohnugt•s in crop ncrt•sgcs or live stock simulation at the name time.- The },.sults are also publishtel in the month-, Iv crop report of the Outeri( De- rartment of Agriculture, whkh is u;tiled free to any ludlvfdual who re- state-steles e- sta este •to be played ou the maiilcg list. - The chordee are treated ss ■bsatntee' ly e,oltdentiul and used only Ir the Stath-ties Itraw.li for 'the purpose of t �tmrtltng stnttstiral Inferattfttga bp- ; enmity divisions. The information on'. individual cards Is never divulged to Anyone. The turtle are not :ailed la .I111Z way tw taxation pdris'serl•, It Meadow Glade Farm to desire{. hilt Tarin r''+' a°.11nfiiLTe.. tM-�' schedule -ami return to the, +•elioOl teacher by June 4th. if any fnrmer - dare nos--recwlvtt_a s.•bedulc he should notify the Agricultural i'ranyh. Do- minion Rtlrun of Statistics; Ottawa, and a card will he mailed to him. G:ARDRN (fentral garden insert NO p041160 Is required on letters ad- dressed qct fife Dominion Bureau of In previous years, customers have found that Pullets raised PESTS - Pile Ti'ea are divided into'^g ';die..,, from our ClliCln developed into profitable producers. They byre, >:r'uurKa-t '_ _. .,. ... ---•- 1 h,. fr,tta r enc ,Volae . sem. Qj; kX* & for the best. the juice.. Fou ',te Alai -named poi- prove Conditions All our birds this year are blood -testis' and Goverfltneat approved. Our cockerels are all pedigreed and from hens with re•ords well oyer 200 eggs per bind. These are 'Mated with our3d`en Leavy-protlitrtag hen,'. Only, A large eggs set. ersmith township. Five years ag flog w 1srhase 0„,ome the week-end. nose and 14proet underwent an operat the removal of his lett beg below the Master Donned of Goderich were \\'est• truer made necessary by gaugrece, and nee visitor' ou Friday. although he re•orered Ruticlently to be !line Mary pile Ir vtalt'ng Toronto nixtut most of the time the disease friends this week. persisted. and It was found nec'e.ary Mr. and Mrs. Merrily Me'Uixrmld and un remove the right leg. He survived little Mho Lorraine of Haulilon spent the operation only a few days. Mr. over the 24th with her parents, Mr. Sproat was torn in Tuckeremith sev- and Mrs. John Vincent. enty-seven years ago. Ills wife died Mins Frans.. Crosier o' Crewe Is In 1913. and he I. sneHred by two riaiting her gnuutniother, Mrs. W. H. S011.1 and one dau;,hter: Earl Sproat, Cnmldwll. of Tuekersmlth; Dr -$..0 Sproat, of Mr. W. 11. Campbell is visiting hie Scaforth. and Mrs. J. A Allen, of brother, Dr. J. W. Campbell of 8t: pounds' of e,lu,nirhted Wilk pad North Pay. The twastal took place T.,•nie, Mich. from the home of hiss eon In Tucker- Mr. J, McGill and Mr. W. J. Parks ler head of pee :ati"n daring 1934. some yearn: threeesters. Mra. John S. Scott. Siam Wre•4:.:.1kott, and Miss Annie Harriet*, ell of rest Wawenosh; a brothee, Mr. R"ht Harrison of Enst Wawanosh. and tell grandchildren.. Th sympathy of t ue ceoikinnit tj 73- tended to tht• trolly and friends. "Thr bu-it" f a mass predte tion age cannel hat luckflre If ■ {t1111 wtpliy of the few dominates it." Gleam FFank'. Ae•orllur t,l t!„ lntcst statist] t'an:Oleos coo-n1.n d :lune'2 e,sieds butte -r : 11.44 pomal °+f_clu•csy. auil smith to the Ilensan cemetery. ONE -EGG GINGERBREAD By Betty Barley Gingerbread Is queen of the old -fa. shienel Axxdi—whether you chert t0 eat it informally in -the pantry • late at night. as a dessert with whipped cream. or frosted with chocolate to the malern manner. With this recipe you can make the kind Of ginge•r're*d your Rranclmotber wai noted for economi- cal as'[UdRy's linden demands --foe It 2 cups sated cake flour 2 feldponna double-acting baking • powder % teaipoOn soda 2 teaspoon,' gingor 1 teaspoon cinnamon I,12 tfaslxxtn salt 1-3 cup butter or other shortening % coup auger 1 egg. unbeaten . 2-3 cup molaseea__.__—__—_ rip snnr milk or buttermilk Sift flour once, mea,'nre, add baking powder, *oda, spices, and salt, and sift together three times. Cream butler thoroughly, add sugar terminally, and cream together until tight and fluffy Add egg and heat well; then molasses. Add flour, alternately with milk, a ,'mall amount at a time, heating after teeth addition' until smooth. Rake In greaser' Mn. SxRx2 inches. In moderate oven (350° F.1 fifty minutes, or un- til done. Serve plain, or rut in squares and top frith melaasee whipped cream. made by folding two Bible - spoon. mnlassu into one-half cup cream, whipped. This recipe may ie baked in greased sup -rake pans In moderate oven (375 F.) twenty minutes. or until done. Makes two dosen cup rakes. t A DOLLAR'S WORTH tj�ijfits eewpon and mull k with lifer a da weeks triol stabeerlpdat to THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR ►u►tlatwd by Tire thr.reeraw nonewea Pv.r.nmor soman erten. waWehurtta, D. e. 5. to tt see e01 Red M. dans enrol ere, et tfia 4erld seem 1M Ma WNW where well r d•peronente d... te .mem'• and Children's leter4». year e se noste edeestinn its ere wee 4111 be 11*A te wham t�I_� r ce e.••a and p.MMt+ee. and deal nes aria Our Deg. agate •"^ the ether freers 's e�1lt tNslras dart we-TataYon. teeeten, Mast. rMrs = ma a Ma ash .4 wbrefP t emisu ss• t --nus cslt - • pts OW. clad •5,4. eJar DISCO DISCO DISCO JI e -Gordon Lindsay Smith— THIS CONCLUDES THE_ -GARDENING The Signal's serlen of spring gardeningweek. We ess tried It trey hem' of some value to there of our read- ers who like to grow things. For the fall we are promised something on the planting of bulbs. DISCO is the popular fuel that • number of our cuatomsrr hn'-e been whiting for and we have been sm'eessful In getting mother ,-+r. it is as good a summer fuel as it le for winter heat- -Dist) the coke differing from others, as it bas Use -gas left In tt, therefore, more heat units. } When you require more feel, order a (.tan quantity of DISCO and give -it a trial. For PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, SHELF and GENERAL HARDWARE. PLUMBING, HEATING and TINSMITIIING, give us n call. All work promptly attended to and fully guaranteed. CHAS. C. LEE The Hardware Store and Coal Yard at the Harbor._ Pbones—Store 22, blouse 112 Goderich, Ont. Baby Chicks son Is usually apI`ped. while the each- One of the most promising features laer•+reare attacked e.ith • burning spray of the time fa the disposition of tuana• which 1s.. Beatles Often when both torturers and distributors of farm are preeRent n . „ii,bttyttlou of poison pr«locus to get together with pro• and something 11 ..i burns, such as lime ,lacers tO work out their mutual prob- sulphur and ,u'<e'i�,tte, gives the best Isms All of terse morementn, of results. The d.+11�,.Re from the blurs which there are many, are goleg on Insects is utlmlly 'infte apparent, but qwithout Attracting mutt at- . presenoc of the other kind Is tendon.uietly GLADIOLI'S in recent rears tbat l shown at find ,.sly by a wilting or - Tee -Titin'r'decelopment--feetnred 4y INJURED a+oat popular flower I withering of the foliage. For seeking the milk interests with the a4,'tetAnte ia'sts, chief Of winch asp the nlrhlds of the Milk Control hoard and the the gledlolns has suffered a gclal deal or plant 11.'e,•.Rpray with whale oIl .Provincial Deportment of Agriculture of injury throughout the conntry. The soap. n gnnrter pound of wap to a Is nn ,.sort on the imrt Of rondena- tops tarn brown or slicer, and . t11e Ignllsn and a hail of water ; rimulae .prices and "they the milk In - flower., If there are any at al:, are 1 .nlpbnte. or 'Black Leat 411,' or any ter,sts to work out Improved roadi- e end wilted. Such gyn./stomp I other repellent steered from a reliable lions with the large numbers. of milk usually denote the proffer• a of inrlpR, , plan store. When fungus attarks the prodlions with in ()abrin w'i.o bare or- e tiny Insect which enters the stem, I plants, the follxel usually tarns yet- gnnizel proclnclally for the purpose• and winters over on the corms. There I low or brown. er ee hlte spots like mil- Partners realize nn. never before the are nevem' treatments, Recording dew cover the Ione.•.. Fungus is moat importance of stable markets and wlmmon In warn, murkyweather, j,rnefivent trate •agreement. I'nfalt }'praying with I;•�rdeaux mixture. Or ,..e ,p44-*lot-aad trade wartl_inel'litlkrl (Witting with ale. tally finely ground react on the producers. sulphur is advleed Sulphur dual will There are In Ontario approximately gallons of water for three hours. after 1 also protect holtyheeks and phlox from flee thousand farmers pre ltie ng -milk peeling the corms and Net previous to riot , it epplletl when the dise.se first far manufacturing and prncc*s1DR anting, will kill these Insets*. ('or show pl s Itself 4n ordinary fin ran ptlrpnRcs. 'Some four thousand of reeve eirtalmate is deadly poison and . with the top p•, fnrated like A suit dented these are now organized In local A(1- ou;d be used M gismo, earthenware shaker makes a cool (Ulster, Cut scx•Ixllons, producers to Moil plant or worms. which e:.t through newly -stet- c•nndenst•ry being a local 'meanlsattnn. ont plants at the 1•150 of the stem, are From these total AIRnelatlona has been poisoned by spreading sweetened 'ran formed an Cheerio Manntertured Milk mixed with pads green or apeelAi mix- Producers' ltonel. tapes about the plants. Where there Approximately 4119.00.000 Ins. of are only A fees planta to prnte•t the milk a'aa need In this induselry. In sump may no provided with pwprr 1934. Manufectnrers and ,pwaeesSOrN rollers. In the l'revitne are about fen 'In number, not including several din- WEED- There are now mini trilnfttrs Of *hole milk w-esetke RII.LIPRs chcnhlral weed-klllera on out of their • iree'. milk OW skim - 1 n o,llk txhr:41 horticultural experts. It will be too late now for that employing naphtha- lene flakes. Soaking In a solution of One ounce of corrosive sublimate to six or woolen resumes. Another simple treatment is to soak In ordinary water at a temperature of 120 degree* for ten minutest just previous to plsnting. ('are must he taken to keep the water at the exact temperature. Too hot w111 kill the cornea, too low will not kill the thripe. By keeping the vessel covered and by adding more hot water every few minute* the temperature sun nat1A11y he matntelned. A ther- mometer, of course, must bre ivied. if whi h Moo proveins d very mu roll pen,, se- .k 1 the Beim make their appearance In the market, ankh r•omp,•trs with the spray Pro - the garden during the simmer. a spray Rtrel" 8f14 M g w wipinnut al. plots ankh powder trete 11th teenier pro - he parte green and brown auger and for cleaning lip driveways ALA �wlll he found tfnite effective it anprlled paths. For tw,i-off Iry. one applkg. censors. tion any tlme de: Ina the growing Ree- pest Farm Competition as sate as the 1n,'tcts are discovered A la son Is eRsctlee 'me- mber weeds elimin- ant If repeated ,u weakly gr. The entlt the„Qt►we► spikes appear. 1 atwl In this wsc ars nx�yP daisy. \lhllr the Richmond Iltll .\gel 1+1f11f Nom Side of Square jModwist.-4inada Ube., so*, shat Lai Ilocb.tz docs nOt.to 1 i formula rel citntii twteA tot -ow ais of boo ts!( tth plan,' green grid tan pnnnds brown I Of Ihoae thing* like dandelions whish t Is very senate In n er make en many IawM nnstghtly In March a aped abow wax held, gild sugar In throe gallons of water, PRICE 8c ••/1\1.1 TWO M(OKF: FLtT('IIF:S-- .AIso a few started ('hicks' and S-w'rek_oId Pul{eM W. Hume Clutton PHONE 1413, CARLOW ,R. R. 5, GODERIOH Footwear OUR STOCK IS NOW COMPLETE OF THE LATEST FASHIONS AND DESIGNS OF FOOTWEAR FOR SPRING • This nation we are showing an assortment of the up-to- date t)radEgtaTRatlf PERSand of o ladies anenhn lre muffled in quality or price. misses' kid children's Footwear we are making a specialty, and have the daintiest and most artistic designs of the slfneenaker'a art. -_ and arm NbW FOOTWEAR for Spring and Summer. Geo. MacVicar T11F 1'RA( Ti{;r;d11OEMAN Goderich 1