HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1935-5-30, Page 6-": .''`z.rweF0 6-Tburoday, Mey 80th, 1036 Lt t H. CLEMENTS MASSEY-HARRIS SHOP Legates Strait fillgeare liihreetisiss Wawa Plumbing, Heating _ Eavestioughing WO HAVE IT Repairs for all makes of stoves or furnaces Prompt serviee and reation- •ble pelves. John Pinder, Plume 127 P. 0. Bax 131 THE SIGNAL HISTORY OF THE SHEPPARDTON SCHOOL Contributed by lkichard T. Kilpatrick The following Winery of Union Seel across the rued from the school, ..and No. 11, Ashheid and Colborne, was ! there were many black ani red 'quiz - teacher's request for the infortuation times came out of the bush •and ran written by Mr. David Greet' at the Irels therein. These squirrel! SOMA risatithd, Sue the lAkABool01114e........„_atqLo211 _ ...ac Un asmice feuce.. As. awn All ge' fel' "feglitalt. . --ac 77'eyW '----....--osir atinci-fence, of your readers will be interested in he deputed two of the tieetest-footed the past history of the vectiou, we boys to make ehase, TOM watching are seudiug it in for publicatiou with through the window the while, ready Mr. Greeuei contient. to run out and take a hand is the It is, at this date, impossible to chem., neared the school. Tom event - write a true history of this school " unity sought bigger game than the asatkia,na most of the wrltteu record* sirteirrel.t and resigued, much to tbe arMit:- Thereetiteiant nu daily re retort of thst Mile- --'''' - gioter sif *mules of teacher and pupil* Ile was' followed in 011Ses by his pgior to the year 1904. The daily brother, John Middleton, • of who* registers for the yelled 1006-09 also little is remembered. After John cattle ate Wooing. There are nu minute nor Iticharel E Brown, long educe deceased, cosh books no to be found prior to but e hose memory Is fondly cherished itelee. Sit.ce that date it has been the ' to this day. Brown was a talented erudite of sueceediug oecretary-treas- intticinu. Musty was not on tbe cur- Irent to record the minute., the cash , ri,telenn 01 those lay-, but Brown was wipes and cash expenditt.res in the /set fond of tide art that he tried to , ' me book. Therefore, from the path instil the. rudiments of it into lila •tty of record:, and the different re- pupils. They Were unresponsive how- ' eleetione of tile earliest pupils, (rote ever., After Mr. Brown tame Sliss ighotu th,. writer obtaitted meet. vat- Wiley, she being the first lady Witcher. elite -Ilitatilitilkils---Ah--11uthenth. ae. Pkewesit__Iiebool-lieuse Erreted tint uf what -vet -erred trynn the datel f the organization .d. eett this time the atteadame ;vas Ifni) large for the ueeummodatien. lite of the adios), ett tion until now its impossible 'it wait decided in 1874 to build a new The (Adopt pupil of No. 'I now lig.l iodated. One-half acre of level (the ins is Mr. Joseph Tigert, w In itlet---1 41.1 • A • . , SUPERIOR " STORES 1 GREAT I 19c SALE OXYDOL Large Pkg. 19t Aylmer Choice Golden BANTAM CORN 2 for 19c AYLMER PORK AND BEANS 18-(ia "ine 19c EILLAREN '5 JELLY POWDERS 4 for igc MIRACLE WHIP SALAD DRESSING 81/2 -os. jar 19c MOO/MICE'S BUTTER BAR BISCUITS Lb' 19c DUTCH SETS ONIONS 2 lbs. 19c CARNATION 2 large tins ln 1,C BRUNSWICK SARDINES 4 tins 19c P. & G. SOAP.' --- • bsn 19t CHOICE BLUE ROSE RICE • .2 lbs. 19c OLD DUTCH CLEANSER • '2 "nli 19c TOILET TISSUE 5 "112 19c AYLMER TOMATOES 2 large tins 19c ST. CROIX CASTILE SOAP '6 bars 19c BEE HIVE GOLDEN SYRUP 2-1b. tin 19c MAPLE LEAP SOCKEYE SALMON %-lb. tin 19c MOLASSES SNAPS lb'. 19c FLUSHO Tin 19c J. J. McEwen Phone 46 J.C-alv ; 11preset' purchneed for the. ninety -fleet eeur. From thisletter- of slim from minim Graham , able geutlemargut moat of MT In formatiou of he early history of the 1 - 104-.111y known U4 *Wire Grithalu). A seetiou. Prior to the organization 01 i eontract wag let te George Grahatu to , GODERICH, ONT. BAYPIELD ••••••••••••• DAYPIERA-1, klay 28.- -jr. and firs Victor Burt and *poly, of London, event tbe week -mid with Mrs. Burt'. parent* Mr. and Mtn. Fred Baker, Barfield. Dr. A. and Mn Newton -Brady of nerant°11 anent the 24t13 netting friends in Barfield. Mt. and Mew Harold King and Master 'Harold Atwood siwut the wnelL- end with Mrs. King% parents, Mr. aud arlee,t otrite lir. and Ws= Gillbert Haight and family, of Toronto, event tbe holiday with Mrs. Knigbt's patents, Mr. and Ilro, t. Uemeinluirdt. Mr. anti Mrs. ww. ItobInsou and family, of London, spent tl e week -end at their cottage. ¥r. James calearon Ned children of hOliatil with aud Mrs. Jack Cameron. Mrs. Gertrude Galoiner land (Laugh- ter, Betty, accompanied by Miss /Jetty Reason, of London, spent the week- end In Barfield. Mrs. E. Johns 'ef London spent the week -end with Mrs. Fred Mc- Lean. Mr. and Mrs, Stewatt of Hamilton spent the eeek-end with the tatter's parents, Mr and Mrs. John e lir. and Mrs. Charles Knuckey of Tortetete sweat a fee doee-iwet week at their summer home. eituble line. Mr. and Mrs. WiLiatu l'arker spent Sunday la Mitchell with the Tatter's mother, Mrs. Anuie Herbert. Sunday Afternoon By ISAB101. HAMILTON Goderleh, Ont. Holy Spirit, Truth Melee, Leen upon this soul of mine; Word of God, and inward Light,- - Wake wy spirit, clear my sight. eft, Leer 111vtnei ' Glow withiu this heart et earn . Holy Spirit, Power Divine, Fill aud uerve this will of mine. Holy Spirit, Peace Divine, Still this restless heart uf mine Holy Spirit, Joy Divirse, thia. bout of mine. Longfellow. • • • S. S. LESSON ion A:NE 9, 1335 Loma Tople-The Holy /*bit (Pen - teem& Lemma). Lemon Paintage-John 16:7-11; Romans 8:19-17, 26, 37. Golden Text--Resaans 8:14. In Christ's last, loug intimate talk with Hie diseipleo he said. "It is ex- pedient for you that 1 go away." The departure of our Lord was the disciples' gain, aud it la ourr. It la the gain of ilia whole Churrei on earth. Because by His departure Ills lomil presence was changed lulu tiniest: - hal preseuse. He had dwelt simony; thew as wau, under the limitations of our humanity; In Galilee end Jerusa- lem, on the mountain and in Inc up- per chamber, they had known aceordiug to the measures and laws of our nature.' Ile had theretsy re- vealed to them His very and - inaultood. They bad yet greater thlnga to learn. They had to learn His aud true Godhead, His Divine and la - finite majesty. And this was to be re - vested hem a bigh sphere and by a mightier revelation of Himself The day of Pentecost wait the enlargement of His presence from a local and risible shape to an invialb4e and universal fulness. As the Father dwells in the Son, so the Son In the Holy Ghost. lila departure changed their Iin- perfcvt knowledge Into the full Illum- ination of faith. When the Comforter came all things were brought back to their remembrance,. A new power of insight was implanted in their spirit- ual being, and a new world rose up before it:, for tbe spirit of truth dwelt In them, and the world unseen was revealed If Ile had tarried up- on -earth. all loot stow. When He was upon earth, all was local ex- terior and Imperfect; now all Is uni- versal.• inward. and. DivIne.---11. E. n ng n t e Peoples Bible. Aswan. 8:10.17, 26, 27.-1n verse 8 we read that "tbey that are la the fleeh eannot please God." From that on we read of the work of the Spirit until we come to a summing up expressed n verse 14. "As many as are led by the 8pirit of God, they are the SOUS if God." An unconverted man may try to conform himself to the preeepts of his Maker, but there it something no distinct and centres7 between that which 16 Obey and thet witch le o be obeyed. that tbe attempt will nly issue In fresh proof of the alleged mpossibility. If any man be in 'hrist Jesus he is a new creature. Ve are born heirs of wrath, and we mast undergo a great Internal ratline! •hange before we can become heirs of lory. Verses 26, 27. -The Spiel! Is the help to pryer In these vete** we hare. tbe reality of prayer eonflemed. l'aul was a man of truth and soberness, free from /superstition and fart/ideal weeknese. lie knew of what h•-• was writing, anti he was sure that the Romani' would knots- It too. It was HOLMES% ILLS - build a frame whool•liouste on th.s lot. ilkoi,MESVILIalie May 27. -Mr- and So 11, all pupils resident In what is. fo.k alas,* 11 utteude: Th..htl:ch:e.1 WilS up to date ate rural( Mr* Kelly and Hre. Beam's. of Tor- 1ooe.iutte ones; wipped onto, were recent guests at the home No. .1, Port Albert. r."Trgert ono ot, those who trudged, barefoot, with two-wated desks ana tbe TiitekT"f Mr!' ant& Meta"--144"47de".cliath* plestereel wall. This new 'wheel Mrs. Clara 43esnett of Goderich from sideroid No. 1 in the eaeterr afrt--t n"""' in bindCtnnird"' Y12- "RI paint 0(1 epent Sunday set her sister, Mrs. Woo of Aslitteld, through bush and n swamp, to No. 1 urboei, netting black was first occupied after the meisum. , Edgar Trewartka. Inter dedIdays In, 1s74. Mit"' Sallee and ! Mr. Cheater Grigg, Seaforth, visited ales and mosquitoes In summer and iu winter. her brood being transferred from the ou Sunday with hi. parents. Mr.*and dodging wolves and wildcats sertion organised about /855 I °Id mcllool to the new. The old echool Mrs. R. Grin - building was sold to 1..01. 98a then Rey. J. W. Hertiert of the village ore settlers coming in and !arab Increasing Lu numbere, lae resi- ts of Sheppard's corner. or the 3' Cross (by both of which names t future Shepperdton was known), d idol to base a school of their own. A ut the year 1855 they organized. William Dougherty, W. J. Hayden and Jehn Tigert (father of the Joseph Tit- ert mentioned above) were the drat US ees. nut oug er- ham. W G. Hawkins, li'rank A Hay. Jiine f1th. 17 gave, free from rental charges for den, W. E. Foster. • Mims FAIlth Herbert of Toronto is --atic-it_wea._ used _fur school pur-i T Havnes,Raedall *Pending her vacation at her home kers, one-half acre of heal on the Mr. mitten. cot. Tom Mere (twine the ettereseeettf-iner- lather. steuth-east corner of lot Xo. 1, con- ton. John Middleton. Itielond E. The sincere sympathy' of this com- ceivelon 1, E. D. Astitietd. Beesiu, mii,4 Raney, mien Emma yotes, ; munity 191 extended to tte relatires Being now organized but witbellt moo E. Molonnell (There la ado of the late Mrs. Bowl in the death of a -school-house, they opened mlool Arial record of the ealarlee sii WYIntri their mother, and to the family of vr,hat. was thee locally known as Deady lhavid lit-Connelre brother. Will told the late Mr. J. CON vk /10 paseed away i'llea-nia-77177141.---__Jetiltutoe• that $300 was what ell brother iotteemgene 1, EU Ashfieli-I, with one reeelved. and I Sang hum TOM to tell Ion Friday. V. 1'. S. Nadem--Lust week a very In a flourishing condition. The land land him brother, Mr. W. Herbert of reverted to William Dougherty. i Moorefield, left last week for Alberta, The aehooehouse and an -ninth, have where they will visit tbelr sister. been kept in good repair through tbe The service ia the United church rears. biotic slate blackboards sad c, on Sunday morning was taken by Mrs. other iniprovetnents being instaded„ 1 Wild Yeo and Mew Edi...h Herbert. Seeretarydreasurers and Trinket ;Next Sunday, Me. T. Rutherford, Em- Seeretery-treasorers educe orgasin. 1 manuel College, Teronto, will he In tion-Weilam J. Hayden, Georg, Do charge of tbe service. Mr. Herbert beard of tr t Willi It h i sill he back for the following week, rows, xr., Joseph Tthert, John B. Gra- 1‘ HaYilege Ye°111ah, as the lir" a Ile where the truth would do as well. Interesting wbewting was prepared and tiraeher. Although a yeoman, this R. This D. E. NleConnell Is now a million- conducted by Miss Mary Grigg, as - '1.7t Haynes was well eduested, having pre„eut al/dant literary tonvenor. The Serrp- impee_froin bow:on, .England, a few ;Be in Cape Town, S.A . at vieltIne in England. Paying board ' ture lesson• was read by Mise (Trace years preilotierj. - and other (xpedite% on the prineely MacMatli, and the torde, an erlittaal A contract was let lit 1855 to James salary of 1300 a year is good training 111teiary talk, wax t,ken by Mies Edith e ra am suboequent l.111onalrea) Mho fin the Lake road, Ashlield) to build .i M'orrish. Misses Emily John- -Debi* Wee siennie Str eehool-houee on the site donated by „t„ . Wm. Dougherty, previously mentioned. 1 Miss Kelly, Hattie Andrews, Molly coming rrIday. Cie pres.4e. t. Miss Al- o This was riot SD elaborate lodiding nor Ruek. Annie Borrows. Chris Halliday. talInd 1110Cartney. will he In the o was it elaborately equipped. There-Edit=h- WigginsMr. W. J. Brownell; chair. This meeting to "o take the i . were two rows of long deekti butted MIssee Fanny Grey, Tena Gordon, L. form of a soeial natberii.x. an the up against the east and west walla,M. Trielgeon. I. E. liellatMcLean, ne h, Lillian T.P.S. of Ontario street church, Clio - with a narrow aisle bMeLenti. 31. Polley. Lillianetween. ton. i• to visit the Hol,rilso le - , The Dirty Teselters Mary Burnley, L. V. Feagan, Mildred (1(43' The gue-te will 'Rippe the pro- g The first teacher in Ltdschool was 1. iill. WM% Durnin, M. Hanna, Tabi- Crain. and the local society es amuse - one Randall Graham, u reskJent at tha Keenpton, Grace McLean, Tabi- went.; and refreshmeata Sheppard's Corner. Have heard It tin Kemnt„n. clementine wpoans, saht he was nut a qualified teacher, Metry McDonald, A. M. Knechtel. Ettg, but he wielded t he birch with good SIMerhy, E. Driver, Marion Johnston, effect, and though small of Mature I Aral Finnigan, Isobel Johnston, Dor- he kept good order in seloo'. where ,,,thy St Wing. catherine 1111'311ton, Mr. Detection was by Mr. Nor - Herbert. A lienonetillytrd and vocal man Trewirliii: • meeting dolled with the lltepah benediction This u111-14.- the 13hPitt4 were bigger than Itiliard Kilpatrick. httutielf. Next rime one Millen, of whom so one We0311 tu r1111.113101`t good or ilSd. Not so of Tom Middleton who Pollowed. Tom wee An old wetter and a great sitiortr_otad the newspaper while the pnpile orampere(' about frora seat to seat. It was printetal forest Ar Ar Alr ASO Amy Ali ...•• 11P....;. 1 1 1 1 1 VIIVJSpoAA ve.dt ra, .4.4wAr.ste4e4w.dr.sess VI. y EAT" ilowTof de- licious Kellogg's Rice Kttspies at bedtime. You'll satisfy hunger sensibly and sleep better. Rice Krispies are so crisp and crunchy that they actually crackle in milk or cream. Nourishing and easy to digest. Every package of Kellogg's Rice Krispies has a Mother Goose story on the back. Sold by grocers everywhere. Made by Kellogg in London, Ont. Quality guaranteed. liggeni„? NILE NILE. May 20. -Mr. anti Mrs. Jas. Thimipeon and fatally, of Oshawa, vielted over the week -end with Mrs. Tieinspeon*A conalns. Mrs, T. Nixon and Mrs. Herb. Pentland. "The fundamental rules fin hap- piness and abilten eternal goais, never hare changed and never will ehange."-Ed 11,vre. ------ HOI'SEREEPREN COMPLAINT One day as 1 wandered I heard a complaining, And SSW a poor woman, the picture of gleoru. She glaneee at dm mud on her door- step -Ions rethles, And this wits her W1111-0 ihe wielded Rev. D. W. Pomeroy is ettendIng her bosun Conferenee at Stretford this week. ' Oh, life is a tre: and love la a trouble, timheroy-4a ispeastieut uty a hide and wishes will week witty404w- donator, ltre Thertei= 4-416.0, Laramie of Malden. Abd "ptterettree they dwindle, and Mr. rind Mrs. John Tablet of Prices, thedOuble, Clinton and 31,',. j&'. Henderson of God- And nothing is 10st I could wish it erieh visited the ladles' sister, Mrs. to be. Wm. Finnigan, one day text week. There Is too nod& of worriment goes Mr. and Mrs. Hervey' Pentland and Iminiet, /0011.111Ck, of London, were -recent visit - to a or* with the foimer'e mother, Mrs. And tc") mul 4 le°11114 goes to a 11. Pentland. • shirt. _• There 1. 'nothing tad pin for tbe Visitors at the home of Mr. end WA 1'. etewr.rt nn Sunday were Mrs. WaL-----tinae-Zan-n-a1177-7M• Clayton of Putnam, *Miss Glade. Thelta'a nothing that iII bat Treble of Toronto and .Mr.. J. Treblei tronble'end ,,r Carlow. . .Mr, Fred A.•&;eitr of orange IIIII ; risen! int Monday at the home of his sister. Mrs 1.. 8bepperd. The annual slipper et N!le on May 24th was a decided atteceds. A boun- tiful Nipper wee *erred try the ladies lot the church and was followed by a It's sweeping ,,t az trp dusting at r---aelern, • _It's vkluals at eight, and dishes at nine It's potting at panning frotn ten till eleeen, We iseehowreetolizia,,k...our fast ere we plan Ittamorons play entitled, "flee, Comes chertje,'• pre•wnted by the young There's sworn, to the eherrles, and oplc of Porter's nm. and Mrs. Clarence Ithstow. We hope' f And*riugAtilifeisifi olt"ttpri"eid ler; - ere- 4no mortal sup- 0- sugar and tgo mice at newt Gerald I)udOve, son of Mr. for him a speedy recovery. poses, . The sympathy of this community Is And ravagIne roaches and damaging Peter/tied to the relativea and friends then. of tbe late Mr. John IfePhee, who rfbiended for last week) loadedfnDlv: gassed away on Tueedes, 1101 21*t• • • • 'NILE, May 21.--IfIss Nellie Webeter In r..n i,,,vee litter. in mow of Londeptioro ;lilted last Saturday With Mrs. E. Septet. Mr. .irtheir Hach ari daughter Lorna and his rether, itr. Samuel hunch of Itterannou, deftest oh Sat- urelay itt tlie home of Mr. Gordon. Smith. Her. D. W. Planeroy and Mla• 40We/in attended the Sunday school inetltute held et North street <tun*, Goderleh. lettThtiroday The sympathy of (hie eomnsnnity to attended to the relative. and friends et the tete Mr. Rleherd Ryon of tie. erleh, formerly of Nile, who palmed esteget,ligimaientt Tnrizatr, May 21. Beginning next Ennitaf." tY. tf:PnIng aorrlen in Nile ehurch will comment.. at 710 pm. instead of 7 o'cleek as. fortiori,. September The wellpaper rots and the candle - :sticks rim Last night In my dreams, 1 was sta. tinned forever On tw little hare. Wand In the midst of the sea. My one hare° et Hite was the cease - lean endenvo! To sweep off t he Wares ere they swept over nv Mete 'twos no ilipeam, again 7 heiall14 it, f yleht. 1 em boggles my fate to avert. Iths mitzrnr,,Anlier rawnek leer apes* she folded, 4 And lay down dda died a54 wee bur- led In dirt W1101111111101ggemfte elliggoomeggiggigigelego Imal••••••. • 4‘ • ,ti,t'Ailt.tirIkcreitttaWiti • _ - e,,reVitarseelartecielebedge -4,42"..%"” • 1F0137,11WAreiteelletest Necagiatior•- ia......seiremorteasses BROWN LABEL - 33( V2 Ib. ORANGE PEKOE fa 40c 1/2 16. 1 -no-timer eirelw of essatuksate-Ai- woo withal tali epistle, but fur all that wile in ltmnj ruffed f6 Paul in the preceding two verve* wrltee of being 'lased by hope. Teem unutterable bootlegs have a Invitte origin and I'aul continue this origin ,when he uses the word "Likettise.' "Likewise the Spirit al -.0 ht Ipeth our InfIrmitlees." IVe Heed the Spirit for ail the works *e have to do Ws can speak no true, honest, sound word unless we ask- Him to teach us what we shall sty RIO how we shall say It. What are we to do when we feel as if we could not pray? It is the Spirit who helms us, not only to GIOIA _atwd, to do but also to pray -who liTInvir out our desires, towards God, whb awake more for us and in ue than we kuow. It 1winder(ut, but yet it must be mu. We could. not eray if Gest -Himself wore not stirring up • _ - prayer in as, - Is it not a blessed thouget that the Spirit is uttering lits greeting for the learnt old and it Is only old people who make very long prayers. This wee what b4t "DVar Jt -14414. wale me like what you were Will•II you were set year* old." Don't you think Gott was It [p.m prayer for it little six-year old boy? Ti be like Jeeue a hen Ile ears six years old would he the very beet ailing lu all the world for a little boy who was Just six years old himeelf.-H. T. Kerr, In Exchange. THE ST.1JILLNG MENACE The steadily Increasing number of starlings In Ontario Is (-Bulging eon- siderable alarm in some regions. Hon. j)uta-an Marshall recently stated that Ontario Agricultural College authori- ties are now couducting research in chemicals which may eventually be used ter (en down their admitting the danger gal ou the roosts of Ileved It to sa sat Isfactory method deliverance of this world of ours (rum all its sin and wsieverynot rejand-Lbe my woe. Aberoulig Col wieteliseineee? Should e oice that God knows what 1* the urnd Of the Spirit, for it in His own whist "And he that mean:he-GI the hearts knoweth what ie the 011D4i Or the Spirit, lweause he meketh intercessiou for the Paiute according to the will of God." -The Sermon Bible, • • • - WORLD 11111OBIONO• uw. Fra - I want to tell you a story about a little boy'a prayer. 111. name was Sliadl He lived far away In India He was a little orphan boy, and when he was just six years old, he went to lire wltlt a roletrionary lady who was eery kiwi to hint and taught him *to love Jesuit, and gave him a little for his (evu. One night when he was going to lied his mec isona-ry mother meld (0 him, "Sow, Shade I want you to pray a little prayer of your own." Whitt do yon think the little boy's praye: was? It wail very itbort, for you know he was on'y six numbers. While of loosing potte% the birds, he 1*. onty of dealing with Well, Tom, 1 took your advice and bought Martin-Senour Porch Paint this time. It certainly does a smooth job. West Street ELECTRIC SHOP WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OF Electrical Appliances, Fixtures, etc. Electric Wiring of ell kinds Estimates gives as applicatios FRANK McARTHUR Telephone 82 - Goderich . • Whatever you intend to paint. there is a special Martin-Senour product for the purpose. Five of the most popular are: MULTI-Ult. ENAMEL for all enamelling, outside oe 18. OUTSIDE POISON PAINT tor porch floors, seeps, etc. 111A1181.12-11TV varnish for hardwood floors- TONE . NIU-OLOS (eown....) Iii.. id* issesier wags ad ceiling% USE THE BEST 114 THE BEGINNING . . . k Pays in the End/ so ,41 -71P -,F4". There is neither saving nor satisfaction in paint that doesn't last. That Is why it pays to use Martin- Senour paint products for all your painting -you are sure of a good looking job to begin with, and one that renders the longest service into the bargain. Martin-Senour 100% Pure Paint is the most antis. factory and economical paint for your house ex- terior because it is absolutely pure. It is guaranteed to contain only pure white lead, pure oxide of zinc, pure linseed oil, and pure turpentine drier. $, There is no adulteration to weaken the film and fig;c74:;$ " C4'iot4, shorten the life of the paint MARTI ti-SENOJR Fred Num ift.Gode " •