The Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-04-05, Page 11Langside correspondent Concerned community has lost its identity The Langside correspondent, Lillian Young, believes that life before the advent of the automo- bile was a better way of life. "You don't work as harts now, with all the mechanical devices," she says, "but, , before, everybody was in the same boat and people visited more. There were more community get togethers and neighbours visited more." Now, people are attracted by things away from the home community, and get away more and further with the car. She also observes that many of the women work outside the home and their days are busy and tiring, working out, keeping the home and raising a family. Lillian raised a family of five sons and helped her husband, Clifford, on their farm. "I've had my day driving horses on the hayloader and I always helped with the chores," she says. The former Lillian Broome, she was born in England and emig- rated to Canada with her parents when she was only three months Old. She had one older brother " and one younger. The family first lived in Wingham, and then farmed at Holyrood, before moving back to Wingham where her father work- ed in the foundry. - She married Clifford in 1934 and they lived with his mother on the home farm which is a Centarian farm, having been in the Young family for over one hundred years. Her son, Jim now lives on this farm. She and Cliff moved across the corner to the farm where they live now, after purchasing it 23 years ago. She says that it is funny to remember the reason why they, moved to the house on the other farm because sometimes you do things, and then cannot remem- ber the reason -for it at the time. She supposes that they moved becausethe house on the new farm had hydro and running water whereas they had neither convenience on the home place. She and her husband have seven grandchildren. Three live in Toronto and four, Jim's children, live across the corner. "It's nice to have them grow up nearby," she says. They do not get to see their grandchildren who live in Toronto nearly as. often as they would like. And the Langside The old saying of March coming in like a lamb and going out like a lion proved true this year. March came in very quietly and we had good weather most of the month. On Friday the March lion took over with a few showers and very high winds which lasted through Saturday. The temperature remained mild Friday night and a lot of snow disappeared. On Saturday morning we saw a robin. The weather turned cold later but we had a glimpse of spring. Dave Moffat, Langside, Mrs. Jean McPherson, Teeswater, and Lloyd Moffat, Lucknow, flew to Lloyd- minster, Sask., on Thursday to attend the funeral of their cousin, Donald Moffat, who passed away last Monday. The funeral was held on Friday. Heleaves a wife and three children. Dave, Jean grandchildren really enjoy com- ing to grandpa's farm. Her seventh grandchild, a little girl, was born last summer, and . she made another crib quilt for a " new grandchild. She has been quilting since she learned from Cliff's mother after her marriage and did quilts at the time of the war. She has also quited for other people and remembers making some of the quilts for the late Mrs. P. A. Murray, of Holyrood, the year she .wanted to give .a quilt to each of her ten children for Christmas. Lillian also knits, and does socks and mitts mostly. She knits on four needles so that she can knit the sock around and around iso she does not sew two pieces together. She was an active member of the Langside Presbyterian Lad- ies' Aid until the Langside Presbyterian ; Church closed last summer. She was also chairman of the Langside Community Hall Board and was in charge of organizing card "parties, quiltings and concerts at the hall. The hall is no longer there, . and the school and church are 'now both closed although- the school has been used on occasion as a hall. "It's just, like taking Langside off the map, now that the church is gone," she remarks. The Sentinel column is the only thing left to preserve the identity of a community which used to have a general store, a sawmill, a community hall, a church and a school. She finds that the people living in the community have also changed. Many have moved into Lucknow. or Teeswater for retire- ment and some of the farms have been purchased by people " who live in the city and only come up on weekends. She says that there are people who have moved into the com- munity whom she does not even know and, because times have changed, neighbours do not get together like they once did and it is difficult to get to knownew neighbours. Perhaps, she observes,she should call them and ask if they have any news to contribute toThe column. "It would be one way of getting to know them and introducing them to the commun- ity," she adds. BY LILLIAN YOUNG and Lloyd expect to return home on Monday. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Elmer Scott is a patient in Kitchener hospital. We hope she will soon be feeling better. Kelly Coughlin spent the weekend with Liane Young. Visitors on the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Len Couglhlin and girls were Mr. and Mrs. Dave Thomas of Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Al Sowden of Walkerton and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Crouse of Elmwood. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Young of Lucnknow visited with Mrs. Dave Moffat and Donald on Friday evening. , Sunday was the first day of Sunday school for the year at the Presbyterian , church, Whitechurch. There was a good attendance. Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday,April 5, 1978—Pate 11 NOW, PATORAN® FL LIQUID SUSPENSION AT PRICES COMPETITIVE TO PATORAN W.P. (wettable powder) 'Contact your local. Chipman dealer. Keep the Good Things Growing .. . 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