HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1935-5-30, Page 5THE SmNAL GODERICH, ONT. Thursday, Kay 80th, 111114-4 11 Be Toiletries 'THE FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH Princess Pat Toiletries Complete Treatment Popularly Priced LODAIS, BZQWNIS GAMMA /Salim, DgVSLQP - - PIDITING CAMPI EUL S DRUG STORE Phone 90 24 The Square Godertah - DUNGANNON t»u'NO/AMNON, tial' 111--1/1tr J. iptothers. of the Toronto teaching staff, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Stothen. Mr. and Mrs. It. A. McKeuate spent the 24th in Wingnam, the guests of the latter'' slater, kir. and Mrs. J. Patti - sun. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Wlgyins were weekend visitors with the fotmer's rarenu, Mr. and lira Thos. Wiggins. Mrs. Yundt, who bad beer visiting her daughter, Mrs. Heber Eedy, the part two weeks, returned to bar MM lu Stratford last Sunday. The Misses Sheppard of 'Toronto visited their aunts, Mrs. B. Treleaven and Miss M. Sheppard, over the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. itam Swan and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Swan and famlly spent the week -end with friends at Wtarton. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Twamley and family, of Loc'knuw, visited the lady's r- settler, Mrs. Roht. Mast', on Sunday. Mrs. R. A. McKenzie and Mesa E. Elliott visited the former's daughter, Mrs. Jas. McEacbern, at London last Saturday. The young people of the United church were the guests of Blyth United church young people on Monday even- ing. Mrs. J. R. McNabb of Lucknow spent the 24th the guest of Mn. B..7. Craw- ford. Mr. and Mrs. A. Denstedt ind fam- ily, Mrs. E. Gaul and Bobby, of Mi14, verton, Mr. and Mrs. W. Nickel and family and Miss Merl. Diehl. of Stratford. were 'Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mts. Heber Eedy. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be dispensed in the Presbyterian rhumb nest Bvndey afternoon at 8 e: clock. Prepareservice will be field la the ebur, eeentng sit 8 o'clock. Mrs. Geo. McIntyee and Gan Calvin, of Teeswater, called en friends bere on Tuesday. On Monday morning a pair of pilots set an aeroplane down on the fair groupds and offered everyone a view of Dunganuon. Tht plane remained all day, taking passengers at a cent - a -pound rate. A good many had their Ord ride in ■ plane on Monday. LOVES -TO EAT . THIS CEREAL, IT CHECKED HER -CONSTIPATION' Kellogg's ALL -BRAN Helped Mins Keeterke We quota from her letter t "Three years ago, I became constipated.• 1 tried many laxatives. But as soon as I got used to each kind, I began to get the same trouble. "Last summer I was on my vaca- tion. The served Kellogg's AIL - BRAN. 1 just loved it. I eat Kel- logg's Au,-Bw►rt every morning, and ever since I have not had to take any more laxatives." -Miss Margaret Kesterke. Address on request. *Due to insufficient "bulk" in ,,i•a V. Tests show Kellog's ALL -BRAN provides "bulk" to aidelimination. Au.Ba.•N is also rich in vitamin B and iron. The "bulk" in ALL-B1UN is gen- tle. It resists digestion better than the fiber in fruits and vegetables, so it is often more effective. Isn't this food safer than risking patent medicines? Two tablespoon- fuls of ALL-BaAN daily are usually sufficient If seriously conat(pated. • • use with each meal. See your fico, tor. Xyotkdo get'_'_ Sold by all groc Made by eereat or to • ta• i- logg in London, rs.tarlo. steepen the lusel!flMefUN Wesseu's Iestitute.-The monthly meeting of the Women's Institute was hold at the home of Mrs. Chas. Alton. The meeting wss opened with the singing of the Ode, followed by the Lord's Prayer. The toll call was an- swered by paying of fees. The secre- tary was instructed to write to the Minister of Highways to see about getting a name plate for Dnng..nnon. Arrangements were made for the dis- trict annual meeting which is being held in Clinton this week. Yrs Davidson gave a - veer Interestlag ;aper. Mrs. Bert Bradford offered ber home for the next meeting. The meeting was closed with the National Aithem, after which lunch wits served by the hostesses. Mrs. Rabe. Davidson, Mrs. J. J. Ryan and Mrs. F. Rosa. Saturday Afternoon Sports -In an afternoon fixture ou Saturday, in Dungannon, the Dungannon school srftball team defeated Crewe school by a score of 23-13. Crewe went into the lead early In the game, but Dun- gannon came from behind in the last two innings to win easily. Both were mixed teams, two girls playing on each. After this game Dungannon tied Auburn 14-14 1n a juvenile hard- ball game. After piling up an early lead, the locals wavered and Auburn 10• their half of the last innings evened the roust and went into a two -run lead. In the Last half, Dun- gannon scored two to tie the game. The boys played a surprisingly good brand of ball and any future meet- ings of these teams will be worth while witnessing. For Auburn, Shep- pard, hepperd, behind the Ib•t, worked Ick• e veteran, and for Dungannon L. Cul- bert's hitting featured. The batter- ies for both teams put up a fine per- formenee. K. Arthur and T. Eedy baudtad the gauss. W\Natia.eM v. D-----------4 •a Maitland League fixture at Wblte- ekurch. May ZIi. W dtecbnreh defeated Dungannon 27-5. DenflimillellYtd a much improved Mand of ball over their first league gee, tett could not rope with the smooth -working White- church team, which is a mueh more seasoned and prat -time, organization. J. Garton pitrhing for Wbitechnrch didn't allow a bit and Putternon relieving him gar*. only three wretch tangles, 1 Harris, pitching for Dnn[annon, was nicked for sixteen hits and was given shaky support, accounting for the Whitechurch lead. For Whitechurch, J. Garton. 0 Garton and M. Moore were the ple•k ; and for Dungannon. lel. Harris. W. McCarthy sad P. Wiggins were the best. The aerie was called at six Innings because of darkness. 1'mplree--Treleaven and 1:oorc. Whitechurch -C Henderson. Y. Ross. N. Todd, J. Garton, 8. Pater- son. D. Henderson, G. Garton, M. Moore. G. Miller, J. Pollock. Dun- gannon -4'. Wiggins, T. Eedy, W. Me- ('arthy, F. Dickson, F. Pentland, W. Wiggin* W. J. 8totbers, W. Pentland, Ilarris.• OBITUARY •• An Eye on Everything :: M'R8. Y. H. Timm The death occurred very suddenly at ber home at Pickford. Mieb.. ou 800 - day, May kath, of Neale Salltald wife of Y. H. Taylor. Her brother, Mr. Harry L. Salklid of town, rncrrved the sad news that ovoids's and kelt neat morning for Pickford, remainlag there until after the funeral. Besides the husbandk seven children-4bn+e DODO and four daughters --survive. Mrs Joe. Merrett of Winnipeg, and Mn. )'rank Lawrence, of Goderich, are Osten. Mrs. Taylor was sixty -dee years of age anti W..2 a natio* of Goderich townabipt daughter of tb• late Mr. and Mrs. John Batkeld. Two years ago she attended the Salkeld re- union at the home of her cousin. John W. Salkeld, Reynold road. • • • RICHARD W. RYAN, The death oc,rurrtd at. Ala T Albert street, on Tuesday, Ma !k: Richard W. Ryan, in his seventy- fcurth year. lir. Ryan was born at Nile, a son of Richard Ryan and Susan Jones, and reatded there fifty- dre years, coolies to Goderich nineteen years ago. Surviving besides his wife, formerly Caroline Currey, whom he married in 1887, are a daughter, Mrs. Hugh Mctkx,kln, of Detroit, and two sons, Geo. C. Ryan, of Goderich, and Richard W. Ryan, of Moose Jaw, Sask. ; also seven grandchildren. Mr. Ryan was a faithful member of North street Ualted church and the ft.neral service was conducted at his bents on Thursday atternoor' by his pastor, Rev. W. P. Lane. Among the many beautiful floral trtbkites were offerings from the Moose Jaw Flying Club • Central Mgt lk•beol, Moose Jaw : Richard A.. Crow Cc., of Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. C. Mitchell,' of Detroit Interment was in Dungannon ceme- tery, the pallbearers being Arthur Clark, Mac Larrey, Robert -Phillips, John Feagan and Harry Ryan, and Hugh McGookin, of Detroit- Mr. etroit Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Ryan and daughter, Beverley, of Moose Jaw, also Mr. and Mrs. H. MvGoikln and family, of Detroit, were amnng those attending "the funeral. • • • MRS. JAMES BOND Annie Grigg, widow of the Inte.James Bond, passed away in Gcderich hos- pital on Thursday, May 23r1, 1n ber eighty-fourth year. Mrs. Road was born in Devonshire, England, coming to Canada twenty-four years ago. During her lifetime she won many friends by her kindly nature. She wss a most devoted mother and will be sadly missed by ber family and friends. She lutd been In poor health II far -the poet fire years and was tenderly cared for by her daughter, Mrs. Fred Gilbert, of Goderich town - whip, with whom she made her borne. Mrs. Bond was twice married. Her first husband was the late Edmond Veitaway, of whom ore dslvghter, Mrs. (Rev.) Perry, of Detroit, sur- vIvra. Of her ascend union she 1s feed Gilbert, and two sons. Albert of God - kb. There are Reviving also one meter 1n angtand, two brothers, Reu- ben and Edward Grigg, In •7odertch township, and three brothers in the Weft. The funeral was held from the home of her daughter, Mew. Gilbert, on May 25, the *ervice. being conducted by Rev. F. W. Creak of Goderkh, in the atteence of Rev. J. W. Herbert of survived by one daughter, Urs erieb township and Richard of Goder- SOM'1t7UNl• HAS TAKEN the trouble to count the tress to Court House Park. There are ezaetl) 'lel;,, and inasmuch se three or four „1 thew are geed or dying, practical:, a 'round two hun- dred .will be lett Thia should be an easy number to remember. The other day E. 0. 1 - Meted several citizens hour many trot* hi their opinlou, stood in the part. TIM lowest estimate was 800 and the blest 550. This recall' the story of a news 1 vete w: -'.. in+k tY "y3Rbt'-"," eut hues of ladle*' silk stockings, on the boot, turnaig a given cor- ner in a given spate of bine. He took the information to his editor, who told hint Ila qult•his nonsense and go on *out his business. "And," .aid till editor with final - took "la future. till take -rare ee 'uch Jobs 'rade ''-- • • • • IT MAY BE NEWS to some that Colborne and Malted township farm- ers have been marketing their barley at Heuatll. H 0. E. wet up with a Colborne tarn the other -day who had just trucked 1'200 bushels to the vil- lage of Owen Geiger, receiving 75 eeut3 per nusheL The best he could do in Goderich WU 5(1 cents a bushel. Quite • difference! Our reliable in- formant said he knew of a dozen others who had s41d. t 451L.¢arley crop in HeusalL In 1831 this man *owed seven and a -half acres of barley. This year he has int -reseed to twenty acres. An lateresting slant on this sit- uation is that the 75 -cent barley was shipped b/ the United States, while the-.jAesnt product was marketed la 6tttstlo. • • • • GODERICH POLICE on -'Victoria who ride on the sidewalks. The tag is to bear au invitation to call on the Justice of the Peace. , It may work end it may not. i9ie other day E. 0. E. told a Day on a bicycle to get off the sidewalk or else "Uncle Dick" would get bins. "Oke," amid the boy, "Uncle Diek has put me off nine- teen times now and I'm still on." Squire Frederick G. Welt is o0 the not. MAYOR MacHWAN has cal'' -ed a Dominion Day e•elebratloi citizens' meeting for tonight (Thursday), fully a month in advance of the big day, so that the anuual squawk of recent years about belated meeting, should be mousing this year. If citizens are as Dominion Day Celebration conscious now as they usually are one week preceding the anniversary of Confed- eration, there sbould be a bumper attendance tonight and the atmosphere should be full of helpful suggestion& It everything goes right the committee will be off to a good start. And let's have something A little different this year. The Uremen's tournament will add variety and a grandstand per- formenee would help a lot. How about a parachute Jumper as an at- traetion' Nuw's the time to book attractions to put Dominion Day In Goderich la• -k to the standard - ot pre-deprcvsion days. Let's do something to attract a 10.(100 crowd. • • • • HAVE Y(11' HEARD --That the ex - pension program of the Guderkh Salt co. will not be eompleted for carer a year? .... ._.That Chief l'oateletltweite la planning a trip down by tete sounding 1'llty were `-•'se1C-to attend ter' chief- censtabtea` threatened eptdemle of -milk lever 1n eueveutlon at Sydney. N.S., In August? a n•Nhern tuwaship A bachelor- threatened two of our town fathers are farmer and his hired man came here not on speaking terms" That if the to witness the ball game, but became I large gate of a certain farmer ou the beer -logged In a beverage room.. Nine {itlue Water Highway, north of here, p.m. found the farmer abed In a hostel- i is not returned pronto. take prettiest ry and his Good Man Fri lay asleep 211 Joker w'll Lave a visit from ('unstable the town hall, whither the police had Jack Ferguwvu'........That The Sigual taken him. The cher.- at home had' Leat the Tory Toronto TeTegr,.m to not l.een done. They included the I It b)- three days with the news that milking of ten Powe. .\n 8 0.8. went 1 Hon. R. J. Manion is in tine for up from the farm ind County Con- 1 ih,minlon leadership of the ('unserva' stable Jack Fergusos and Sergeant Art tive party? Ross went Into action. They hung up the "Do not disturb" slgi., awoke the stumberers at 8a.w.. bundled them In the old Model T and sent them on their way to milk the (owe The departure of the hired man somewhat relieved the pressure on seeping aeeoaam«ehfien-ate septuagenarian /MIhre Club quar- ters at the town hall, wiere apse* was at ■'prrmtttta on holiday evening, a 22.1-pa.rnd "sued" completely tilling the only available vett. • • • • ONE DAY LAST WEEK a strange sight met the eye of Harold Hoggarth, Cambria road. It se,- that of a ban- tam' mother hen. *Ilia! a few days were had ttatetred Srood, Walking across the heck rstld with a baby chick hanging from her ae4•k, much In the manner of the stork, but minus ' the basket he b I T.1iniSm was kicking up a creat foss and aorta' thing had to be done, and q Ikiy. Examine! ion showed that the GODERICH TOWNSHIP GODHRIOI! TOWNSHIP, May M.- lltlss Marion Porter of Stratford Nor- mal spent the holiday and week end at her house here. Mr. and Mrs. purvey Fuller and family spent the 24th at the home of 1 Mr. and' Mrs. Ernest Bogie at Nile. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur !'rouse of Hur- on road spent Sunday at the house of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fuller. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Simpson, of I, Guelph, visited in the community on Sunday. 44.hrge.ttetlttitacsiLo atixaa zteu ed.� the fnneral gf'the rote'Iobh McPhee st Nile on Sunday. on Thursday evening of last week, the Union softball team played the team from Porter's Bill, Union win- ning the laurel& Tuesday evening a game was st•heduled with the team from 1'icioria atltet church, but the F 0. E. GODERICH BRIDGE CLUB At title weekly bridge tatrtwtnc:, held Monday ,'vening the f'dlowiug Wen• 1t Miers 1st. Mr. D. D. Mt.00ey and Mr T R. 1•Atteraon, plus 11; lie MF. ti Mitchell and Mr. P. If. 'Carey, plus 8 W. F. tllauadere and Mls JM. L_ McNaudloten, Flee 7%. te.wt- _shed-- (W_ tte4r R?_ pearanve. Wes Mardi- Nates.-Tbe regular meeting of the Y.Y.S. will be In Id un Friday evening, with Nora Sowerby 1 in charge. The "pedal feature will 1 be an account of her trip to Europe by Mrs. Nelson Trewarthu, of ( luto°. Everyone L Invited to attend '!'here WAR no church service on Suuday at Inion owing to the pastor, Rev. F. W. Cralk, conducting a funeral. Sunday school was held with a fair attendance. Next Sunday, seervh•es will be se I moral. with the pastor in charge. l Sender i 8be1 at ; pas. ; prencbtng t servlc.• at .3 p.m. - -- - I Honoring the Newly'weis.-An en- joyable evening was spent on Wed- nesday of last wis'k, when over thirty member, of the 1' P.S. of Union church motorist to the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Horton. Like Shore road, Col- borne towiship to bettor them ou the (erasion of (bels resent marriage. •Games and euntcn4s, . were eujoyed i and a humoruu• feature of the even - Ing was an impromptu program, cvlu• silting of "My Narrowest Serape," by Mr". Harwood; recitation "The Quin- tuplets," by Ma, lour Colwell; "4 Child's ttel 4•h." by Esther Mellwaln; "A Joke on s Friedl." by It.•v. F. W Craik: a mouthur,pu ,.do, by Arnold Portek: riddles by Herb. Johnston; solo. "('arry Me Be k to a N.1 % I, ny.'; by Beatrice .trnoid : "1Iv Trip to Mexleo." by Doug. McNeil; • Some �N'Ip," M Orval Powell; and a funny story by Everett Mcllwain Just be- fore luueb, air.-aad Mrs. Horton were prevented w•, a sll-er and pyrex pie plate. Esther Twain rtadh:g the I address and Lorne'I!rrter mnktttg the presentation, to widele„the •.appy couple replied. Music wastouppoied by • ; the Harmonica Band and by Sleuth* T. • Harwood and Erik -WA. II ter, The evening w'aa brought Ie a close witty the singing of "Auld Pang Syne” ' The Women's Institute will meet 1n 1 MacKay Hall on Thursday, Ji ne 0. Reports will 1s• given of the district DOGS GO WILD And Ikwtroy Cattle-l'a;• with Their annual meeting held at Canton on MGT �• Lives for Their Misehitf . ....... Two yearling heifers, the property_ are Alia t - concession le, trine, a few days ago were found so terribly laverate 1 Dud chewed up by three 14111111. d..R+ tlwt till. It'71At* led! to be dextro;ed The dolts. tco, built, teen killed after ni all-night chase'. They were caught in the act of run -1 niter .Hewn * Verso of seven cattle midi ere .did ..n the spot. The cattle of Mr. Watson were found In a shaliow creek with their Irides about the neck and 'boulders � torn In shred's and their legs and s:.oulder.ones broken. Seven other cattle dread and mo- 1 lestcd by this trio of dugs were re-; .,erred only after three days' Intent- "ire hunt. They were *0 frightened ! that the osener1 hail much difficulty in approaching them. There is ne peed dent. at least In 1 I' ,IM.r11e township. for collie dogs' at -1 tavking 1stile. fhe three dogs de- stroyed are all from the same litter. a at••n. a y 1 ed in some mance*• Holmesvllle United church. The Pail- t h ebta 1 cleanse were .IoM! Harris, Ben Pear become tangled nor Ln the long eon, George Emmerson and Harvey Alexander. The flower -bearers were i four grandsons. Ashley and Jack 011- lw•rt, Lloyd Bond and Austin Hurler- - There were many beautiful floral tri - Mutes. Including a pillow from•the fam- llr. a %pray from the gradichlidren i a spray from the Harris family, a wreath from the brothers Reuben and Edward Grigg, a spray from Mr. Ren- ee) Pearson and family, a spray from Mr. and Mrs. Mitre!' and family, a basket of roses from Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Cooke, a has. et from the staff of the A. T. Cooper store, and a spray from Holmesnllle United church ASHFIELD At}jiFiELD,. Maet IM -Mr... and Mrs, ! tw. lWrr� west- �....:a ktatie a'Clei_ —_- week-ewi as lterhur 'r'TT11 i-27 15 Y neck -feathers of its bother and In efforts of extrI•atien the long feathers had 'aeons %sound so tightly around the ebick's net k as to straaglc It. 111' fes'hers had to be mill. 41 oat to make things right while the r, -t of the brood cluttered about GODFRit'll i to flare a 'is day - or !weerel of titer.. --ash •• the sebe dole of summer .•real', ('hief Pos- telethwaite states lung he has hit upon the Idea of taggitt, the bicycles of boys West. - Miss Margaret Allan of Gslacble If you are so unhappy as to have spent the holiday at the home of her a foolish friend, be yourself wise. uncle, Mr. John MacLeod. Those who *pent the week -end among ue were Charles Macgregor, Malcolm SPECIAL! DRANNE8 and SUITS MASTER -CLEANED TAILOR-PRESSED -MARt•O SYSTEM OF DRY ('LF.ANING- ALTERiNG - REPAIRING J. A. NIVINS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED EAST STREET and SQUARE Plus le Insurance :ill SPECIAL DANCING will be held AT The PAVILION, Goderich « SATURDAY, JUNE 1st « TUESDAY, JUNE 4th TONY ' BAND r OWING. TO; W 411074Inniriag ."41111111.1**y lf�111olf Mach ober 3156 --ruts tax, _ _t • MacLennan, Ihtneen MacKay, Finlay MacDonald, Ieehel MacLean, Mar- garet Simptenl cnd Arthur Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. A. Collin/tor of Lon- don oo-don Visited at the week -end with hie brother, George Collinson. PICNIC AT BAYPIELD -- Presbyterian Young People Gather in Jowett's Greve on the Holiday On Friday hast there was a large gathering of Presbyterian young people of Huron ("Nulty at Jowett's grove, Ibayeleld, for the inauguration of what Is to be an annual get-together picric. About 150 members of younz people's societies and C.0.1.T. grouts were present, from Godericb, Clin.on, Sea - forth, Hensen and Exeter. There were forty from Goderieb. A program of aeons, arranged by the Peaforth young people, was pre- sided oyer by Rev. D. J. Ione, J. E. Rmlth and F. G. Weir, all of Goderich. RerPs were run and softball was played, and all entered into these vig- orous sports, as It wan a enol bay. Everyone took a Musket of foot, and young people from Ooderich acted as welters and wat'reasea at supper -time Rev. Harold Feast, of Seaforth, speaker for the afternoon, was lo- trodncM by Rey. W. Young of lien- eall. Mr. Feast spoke briefly of the opportnnitlea for selviee! for the young people of today, and urged them to use their talent■ for God's service. tBefor• the picnic concluded it was derided to hold au ■nnnal rally to the fall of the year. Clergymen present were Rev. D. J. Irna, of Goderieb : Rev Dr 'Ionian, of Mates; lbw. Harold resat, of Neefnrtb ; Itfe. -M Gordon, s4- an•esry and Rev. W. Yoaag. of HPna•tl. w.....ww•w .r., sei..;. -------••r..•".r A•. ..•.••e.•.•ser*.:,,._r - ^.,.•s..w ars—r--- I -+-- •rym. jt , - ^sews.. ss... - x, •..a•wia*n,-. r s-•ac:.,........,,,,*,.:ole:,-.e;�F^y,_. uat,..rtsr,.._.. ........ .. ,- .. -. ;..*nee;y,,.,,"►Arm,rea--t•:...,e...4iaa�w,.....-..ru:WV�IM�ntzi'a+.a rL * • Now is the time t• chugs l• Super - Lastic IRES dA)w :S'r PRIOR IN TOWN 440-21 . $8.:t5 450-21 1{.8i Other at correspondingly tow prices IIIOHDBT IN QUALITY MOST IN GUARANTEE FRED BEEVERS w.SERVICE STATION PHONE 242W WR TIAH/OTON & VICTORIA 31 6OOtRl(M ONT MAKING FRE WITH THE MAIL A 'lob -haired bandit" of the tender age of fourteen years was apprehended by County Constable J Ferguson last week. The girl ha•1 been making a practice of emptying mall boxes near her home In Howick township and retreading -with -fits -Majesty's mall to a deserted farmhouse, where she ex - entitled the loot. Police searched the house' and (I ken%ered numerous mall order parcels and papers, and among A (11i( ('1Ianeou+ asr.orlment a pa reel of music lessons. The girl is slated for a session with C. A. Reid, Juvenlle Court Judge. FREE! FREE ! ! FEEE ! ! ! Pe'1o1 p:*• for a b.'( of 1... lI1)I1EML FACS: POWDER and twelve one box y'KF:E. t surly ort' order to each cus- tomer Cosmo Cosmetics of Canada HAMILTON--0\T.\RIO _47 Upholstering William Reid Hamilton Street, Phone 270w F'I'I(NIT1•itE, \Itvl'(1lt ('.\ItS. VElt.AN11.111 FI'ICNITI'Iti:, etc.. upholstered In m.rlern Tyle. ESTIMATES FREE PRiCES REASONABLE satisfaction guaranteed- Twelrs_yiaard exps Hence. 1. s.1 ref erect •es Flill line of latest coverings IRIS ?IMF SALVIA "Harbinger" Weer early in June and is un- surpassed Our new rhe) %anthem um -flower. ed %{Dula, "Fantasy," is the laded and best In Zinnias. Pompom Zinnia.. are also becom- ing wonderfully popular. Our Marigold, "Guinea large fluffy, carnation - flowered blooms, surto- being 3 inches; across. 1 of ail! be (loathed with any ..f these new ctu-ieties. STEWART BROS. -IWNMII.I.ER NL:I0 ERIytp- Phone ('arlow 235 Millinery Iv TIIE \EW Sl'MMER MODE in smartly styled . Straw and Fabric Hats t• while and all Ile new shades Featuring rorty new uutterls1' for sport wear to cxclnelye Styles. and till carefully made. WEDDING VEDA. and ('(►Itti.tGF. FLOWERS KS Miss M. R. MacVicar Kingston Street Bedford itlock MORE POWER ... SMOOTHER POWER ,Rr Than Any Other Lowest Price Car 8A toted 100 horsepower from Hod- son -built motors -the smoothest known. Greater durability and safety --(:aeada's stir bodies ell of steel; Hudson Rotary -Equalized brakes. Proved economy - 22.8 miles per gallon in nation-wide economy tests. Easier, safer driving -the Electric Hand (optional at small extra cost) for quicker smoother gear shifting -both hands always on the wheel IUAPLANE and tap. Retail at Factory, Tilbury, Ont., with Cull factory equipment, spare wheel and tire. all meta paid„ freight and license only extra. G..tle,•e•..�•. -41