HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-03-22, Page 21CLIFFORD - MacKENZIE
The sun shone brightly at white Bible with silver trim and a
Ashfield Presbyterian Church, on cascade similar to the bride. She
Wednesday, February 15, 1978 wore a silver broach With
for the marriage of Diane Ruth matching ear rings - a gift from
the bride and groom.
The groom chose a, dusk blue
seville tuxedo with white sonya
MacKenzie and,, Arnold Gorden
Clifford. The bride is the elder
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack
MacKenzie of Ashfield and the rose boutonniere. Dressed simil-
groom is the only son of Mr. and arly were Mr. Nick Vanderzande
Mrs. Neil Clifford, Dryden. acting as best man and usher Ian
Baskets of white mums, carna- MacKenzie, brother of the bride.
tions, gladioli and spruce boughs, The parents of the bride and
and candelabra entwined with groom received the guests in the
spruce boughs on each side of the Solarium Room of the Benmiller
altar. White satin rosettes with a Inn. The bride's- mother wore a
spruce twig marking the pews • mint green floor length gown of
completed the setting. knitted crepe with a corsage of
white roses..
The double ring ceremony was - The groom's mother chose a
performed by the minister, Rev. coral floor length gown of chiffon
Hugh L. Nugent. Mrs. Lillian with a corsage of white roses..
Simpson was organist for the After the cutting of the cake,
marriage service and her daught- ,the toasts and telegraphs read, a
er, Flora Simpson, as soloist, family dinner was. served in the
accompanying herself qn the
guitar sang "We've Only Just
Begun" by Nichols and the
"Wedding Song". The, bride
entered the church on the arm of
her father to the processional,
"Hymn t� Joy" by Beethoven.
Before the presentation of the
bride, "Hymn of. Praise - 0
Perfect Love", was sung by the
congregation. - After the cere-
mony and the signing of the
register, the soloist sang, "The
Greatest Gift" (lst Corinthians -
13), by Greenwood. The organist
then played the "Wedding Pray-
er". The recessional was "Songs
of Thankfulness and Praise", by
The bride chose 'a white satin
floor length gown with a flowing
chapel train, featuring an empire
waist, high neckline with a rolled
collar and Princess Anne sleeves.
Her shadow and full length veil
fell softly to the edge of her train
of misty silk„voile and were held
in place by a cap of pleated white
satin with seed pearls as. trim.
The sleeves of her gown and veils
were trimmed With scalloped silk
lace, accented with tiny seed
pearls. A cameo broach and gold
ear rings completed her attire.
She carried a white Bible with
gold trim and a cascade bouquet
• of coral sonya roses, baby's
breath with white satin Itreamers
caught with tiny rosebuds.
Her. sister Gayle acted as maid
of honour, dressed in a floor
length gown of dusk blue silk
velvet featuring high neckline •
with rolled collar, tiny bell sleeves
with two rows of tiny French --
applique and seed pearls down
each sleeve and around the
bodice. Her head band was of
baby's breath. She carried a '
dining room. A coral *sonya rose
floating in a brandy sniffer
adorned each table.
After the dinner the happy
couple left for their honeymoon to
Chesterfield Inlet, N.W.T. On
their return they will reside at
their new home - 27 Tamerack
Crescent, Baker Lake, N.W.T.
The sixth meeting. of the Silver
Lake,Classy Closets was held on
Thursday, March 16- at the home
of Dianne and Linda Bushell.
Mary Stanley read the minutes
of the last meeting. Ideas for
record book covers were discus-
sed. They decided to hold thp
next meeting on W'ednesday,
March 29 at 7.00 at the home of
Susan Hedley.
Questions on the topics "Why
Wear Clothing?" and "Clothing
Reflects the Times" were an-
swered. Jean Hedley demonstrat-
ed a plain seam with a hand
overcast finish. Bev Hodgins
demonstrated a collar, and a
set-in sleeve.
Linda Bushell adjourned the
The sixth meeting of the Clover
Valley Zany Zippers was held on
March 8th, 1978 at the home' of
Karen Metzger.
Each member answered the roll
call which was to show a picture
of a person dressed in his native
costume, or bring an old photo-
graph from the family album two
or three generations old.
Peggy Gibson read the minutes
of the last meeting.
The leaders showed us how to
do a sleeve and a collar. The
leaders looked at our blouses to
see if there was any last adjust-
The next meeting will be held
at Helen Simpson's on March
The seventh meeting of the
Clover Valley Zany Zippers was
held at the home of Helen
Gayle MacKenzie read the
minutes of meeting six.
Laurie West is making the
poster and Helen Simpson and
Gayle MacKenzie are going to
read the speech, for Achievement
Day. The next meeting is being
•held at the home of Diane Gibson
on March 23.
Mrs. Joyce Elphick and Mrs.
Fran Elphick showed how to put
fasteners, zippers, buttonhole's,
buttons and hems on blouses. The
Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, March 22, 1978—Page 21
members practiced many of these
things. They had a final fitting
and worked on their blouses:
The Kairshea Klothes Kloset's
sixth meeting was held March 13
at •the home of Mrs. Irene Dickie.
Kathy Parker read the minutes of
the last meeting. They decided
that the next meeting would be on
March 31, 1978 at the home of
Mrs. Alice Doelman. They voted
on whose picture would use for
their covers. They decided to use
Kathy Parker's idea for the cover
and Lorna Boyle's for •the
introductory page.
Mrs. Irene Dickie\ read from her
book about "Why wear cloth-
ing?" and "Clothing Reflects the
Times". They looked at old
pictures brought by Lorna Boyle
and Anne Doelman. They de-
scribed the people's clothing. On
the sewing machine, Mrs. Alice
Doelman demonstrated 'how to
put in a zipper, collar and a
Trinity # 1 held their sixth
meeting at the home of Mrs. D.
A. Hackett. The skit for Achieve-
ment Day which is on May 27 was
Mrs. Wilkins discussed Safety
in the Home and Electrical
Hazards and Mrs. Hackett dis-
cussed Storage and Safety, of
Food. -Mrs. Hackett also conduct-
ed a contest on this topic and the
meeting closed with refresh-
ments. •
The sixth meeting of the
Holyrood Tip ' Top Tailors was
held on March 18, 1978 at the
home of Shirley Stanley.
Lea -Anne Haidenby read the
minutes of the last meeting. Mrs.
Stanley read "Why Wear Cloth-
ing" and Lea -Anne Haldenby
read "Clothing • Reflects the
Times". The section on zippers
was skimmed over briefly.
Mrs. Stanley discussed collars
and then various members read
about different types of sleeves.
The members worked on sewing
garments, hook covers and notes.
The fourth meeting of the St.
Helen's Lively Six was held on
March 15 in the St. Helens Hall.
The minutes of the last meeting
were read by Suzanne;
Mrs. Errington discussed the -3
levels of government,, how each is
set up and the" responsibilities of
each. They also talked about how
they could help the elderly people
in our community.
Mrs. Weber then showed each
member some crochet stitches.
Womens Institute
The Lucknow Junior Women's
Institute was pleased • to have
Mrs. *arren Zinn show pictures
of her trips to Europe and Ireland.
The Senior Institute were guests
for the evening • and all enjoyed
the pictures very much.
Mrs. S. MacGillivray, Mrs.
John Wraith, Mrs. Marshall
Gibson, and Mrs. Howard Barger
sang "Galway Bay" and "When
Irish Eyes are Smiling", accom-
panied on the piano by Mrs. Wes
Mrs'. R. Leddy gave two recita-
tions, one about St. Patrick's Day
and' the other about A Fat
Woman's Day.
A sing song of some familiar
Irish songs was led by Ruth and
June Alton.
The Junior Institute had been
asked to have lunch booth at an
Auction Sale. Plans were finalized
for the event.
West Huron
Junior Farmers
The West Huron Junior Farm-
ers held their regular meeting on
Monday, March 13, 1978 at 8.15
p.m. at Brookside Public School.
The new king and queen were
chosen: queen, Fran Logtenburg
and king, Murray Irvin.
, They discussed a Community
Betterment Project of planting 4
acres with trees for Jim MacKen-
zie on highway #86 and looking
after them for 10 years. The club
decided they would take this on as
a project. The May 5th dance was
was discussed and it is at the
Wingham Legion with the band,
Country Sunshine.
The delegates to the annual
Junior. Farmer Conference in
Toronto are Doug and Nancy
Aitchison, Joanne Ritchie and
Fran Logtenburg.
••• •••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••
in the
lit - Bradley Murray, R.R. 1 Holyrood
2nd - Debbie Atkinson, Luelmow •
3rd - Becky Ackert, Holyrood
•••••••••••• •••••••
1st - Grant Lotutdsbury, Goderich
2nd - Christina Farrish, R.R. 3 Lucknow
3rd - Lisa Barger, Luclmow,
Prizes were: lst $3.00, 2nd $2.00, 3rd, $1.00
1st - Fern Martin, R.R. 3 Lucknow
2ns - Vicki Pentland, Dungannon
3rd - Steven Murray, R.R. 1 Holyrood