HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1935-4-25, Page 8S-TAurday, April 251b, 1986. • Clearing Auction Sale of Household Furnishings,, .�aseti► - and Effects --- We are -"n 'fttawY=`arse auction, at the home, corner of Elgin Ave. Street, Goderich, on Saturday,April 27th menail6t.at-2.30 p.m. practically all the contents of the house. 14 Dining -room, Bedroom and Kitchen Furnishingli.. Rugs, Carpets, Dishes and numerous other articles. . < M There will be no reserve as the property has TAO sold, TERMS CASH ' rope _ THE SIGNAL FALL FROM SALTPORD BRIDGE, BUT UNHURT • 1 own; Sammy Meshes Takeo a 33 -feet Tunable tate the River k:leveu-year-old Sammy Mahon la " lucky to be alive today. Ou Tuesday he tell thlrtyalve feet from the Salt - ford bridge into one foot of Maitland River water and sustained no more me tike ba4 he fallen from the -is-Ma lase- t0l T. GUNDRY & SON, Al toners A NEW DEAL AT A NEW LOCATION! STEDELBAUER'S GOOD CARSLI , Inspect them et the ROUSE & BELL GARAGE, King,toE and Vietoria streets, formerly the MaeEwan Chevrolet Sale; One hundred people in Ooderich and vicinity huy USE GARS from :ns each year. Get the Oar. yon w at t i$b feu ought to pay t WE DEAL d ALBERT STEDELBAUER U1 CHARGE only mark reealting from his breath- taking experience is a bump on the back of his head. Sammy, who is a son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Mahon. Angleeea street, bor- N'° street rowed a little friend's bicycle and di- .1 church will hold retied his path down the Sanforda "a lad tam" is the Sunday school room on Saturday, April 27th. from hill rued ul;. Tuet(da7._4l{tr1l [. As he j approached the sharp turn to the bridge, the bicycle hit a bump and d into the guard rail, tossing the young cyclist over the side of the j a special meeting and the member,. bridge. Eye -witnesses nay he flipped are urged to lie present. over in the air and landed flat on his gee the ppay, 'Str(tly iiuslnteats," to bat k in the water. The river bottom be ��•� to tae tta'sh w(nt of Victoria is fiat rock at that point. Sammy street United church. by the W.A., on admits he saw a few stare, but he Thursday and Mrid;,c evenings, April etood up In the knee-deep water, 35 and 98. Admi,riun, adults 25e, cllmtwd the river bank• and walked children 15c. nearly a mile to his home In his drip- Huron Lodge, No. (I, 1.00.F., will Ing clothing. h hold their church puede nes( Sunday evening to North street United church. Members and vLltig:- brethren are asked to meet at the bulge rooms at 6.80 o'clock. • Mr. and Mrs. George Falconer, God- erlctt to, athe e ment of theirwnshipyoungnnouareer .laughter, Mangage- r- guerite Letitia, to' .nom's Frederick, only son of Mr. Arch. Horton, Lake Shore road, Colborne. the marriage to take place early In May. The annual display of daffodils ant pyat; lntee. by metplwre jf tb Ooder- k•h Horticultural R.s•kty wi'd, be seen in The Star once windows on Friday and Saturday, May 3 and 4. The members are asked -to have their flow- ers there early Friday morning The annual meetin_ of the Women's Institute will be held in MacKay Hall on Thursday afternc.,n. May 2. The roll call will be the payment of Gees. The hostesses for the day will be Mes- dames W. McKee. A Kyle, W. Pinder, W. Cralgfe, Howrie and Sr. Burt. or GODERICH, ONT. 's. The NarttW use will meet at the bapital v May, May 3. AhmeekI.O.D.E., will bold a bridge pare a Park Haire o0 !)aturday, Apt(jttb. at 3 p.m. Ad- mission Mk. $umnup ttuty pie Leaf Chapter, I.O.D.E., la Ma y Hall, May 3 and 4- Save Mt eestriouttoaa for this event. The regal* Chapter, L0.D public library 4 o'clock The Ca Syslillg of Ahmeek tit be held at the Ida), May 3rd, at Tratnlug of to 6 p.m. The Wotnon'e Hoiprtir 4uxlllary will meet at the public library on Monday, May 8, et 4 p.m. This is "I fell in the river off the bridge," was the usual reply to his parents' questioning when he reached home. He Was deeply concerned over the bi- cycle, with Its bent front wheel and forks. Ills parents took Sammy to a doctor, but the medical man could find nothing wrong with the hoy'a anatomy inside or out. Iie joined some young- sters at play on leaving the doctor's office. . Although the most hazardous of the 11nIDrr Mt -irate of- his eaMer, it was Samtny's most successful one, for some time ago be fractured •n arm In a five-foot fall, and he has suf- fered severe sprains on two other oc- casions The boy was not anxious to talk about his miraculous escape from severe Injury. "I guess God looked after me," he said. Mr Chas. Groves, of Fergus, and Mitts Margaret Groves, of, Bayfield, spent the holiday weekend at the par- ental home, South street. *raining ! i Dog I.itvnsa'' are stow due and lsafracllona of the Bytaw will be dealt with accordingly. flat your-}k'elige-+m'r from the Tax Collector or the und.•r<icn..l R. C. Postelethwaite, ('hief of Police. BARN A large frame bard'n the stare farm .of_ the late W.A. Mn • es razed by ere early iFednesda mg The. farm 1s two and a -h tiles ...nth of (olerich oa the Id road. The barn had been e 1of impicments at a recent au sale, :nhd rlal/tage was con , t0 large - hulklifg, The G• • 'i h .S • epart- m,•ut answered an .. 4 i_m., but the been was bur' -fo dation when the truck rear s. et:e Mr. W. A. Saunders, of i ; home for a short stay. DOMINION STORES Special Values effective from Thursday, April 2Sth, to Wednesday. May 1d. 14- 12C 1O` PRUNES =_- ;... PICKLES -- �., X23` Domino Baking Powder 4t i5` CORN FLAKES x"75` CALAY SOAP it: -' 3°14` CHEWING GUM 4^15` MATCHES MAPLR LEAF 3131,7423c PEANUT BUTTER - 22d Perfection FLOOR WAX - i -b. de 9SIt' Perfection • LEMON OIL - battle Christie's 1++K A. D. GRAHAM WAFERS 114 CHRISTIE'S SODA - - "B' pkg. lot Prinrrs. SOAP FLAKES • ylis Sao (Sr ltallar(f. DOG FOOD - 2 da s 22. Cliche '' �I CREAM...sr-SU ali4 Vele 1,4-11). ping 144 FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETA GRAFI TRUIT . . . CHOICE LEVONS. NEW CARROTS .5 for 25o dosen 16e .2 bunches 15e LSAT LETTt1OI . t : 1 rTT r , , . 2 bnnobse 16e RIPE TOMATOES .. . 2 lbs. 250 BASEBALL FOR 1935 Heal Ter May Join Rruee League Tide l ear This mama God. ricd, will hive • baseball team 1n ,t group affiliated with the 0.B.A.A A meeting was bold oa ^edneaday attended b7 Mayan. citizens and members of the 0.B.A.A. executive Members of the local club strongly expressed their de- sire to play under the Association this year, stating they were "fed up" with the way independent leagues are gov- erned. The Association representa- tives, J. W. Scott, et -Kitchener, and Wm. Smith, a Galt, promised to I work Goderka lato a satisfactory grouping. The (lodertc8 dub favors a change to a different rap this season. so that new feees be lntrodnced to the town la -ad 'to reawaken flagging intere't in the game here. The players and members of last year's executive farce entitling the Bence league this year with Lur-know, Wingham and Kincardine. .last this morning Mr. .1 H. Lauder re,.•ived a telephone call from the Lneknow club Inviting the GoIrrleb club to enter the Bruce league. &nd It seems highly probable the invitation will be ac eepted. A .m-ond meeting will be held next Wednesday nigtht at 8 o'clock et the town hall. The boys arc having daily work - i oats and the materlal that was broken in lest year i- prodneing som• fine- looking players With a new team and a new Ironptne. baseball shott,d be come popular in Ooderleh this year AT THE BRIDGE TOURNEY Goderirh Plasms Take High i'laee among internet/meal Expecte Miss Nora Costello was the guest of friends at Stratford this week. NO PIGEON RACES THIS YEAR The Goderich Homing Pigeon Club is nu more, at any rate as far as this year goes. There has been a dis- tinet and rapid falling off in interest here In the sport of raising and rac- ing pigeons, and the majority of form- er elub members have got rid of most of their birds. There terra four or five tux -where vn'ty a were half-doeen birds each. WEDNESDAY HALF -HOLIDAY The Goderich Medical Society has arranged for a Wednesday half-holl- day commencing from tide date and to hon the Doc- tors' throughout year. Do tors' omeea will br closed Wednesday aiteeasea and evening. One doctor la turn will remain on duty for urgent and emergency 'calls. New eases re- quiring subsequent attendance will be banded over to the patient's regular medical attendant next morning as formerly, and any charges for Wed- tesday attendance to be paid Oa the regular attendant. HORN McHAFFiE.-At the King's Daughter honpltal, Duncan, B.C., on April 17th, to Dr. and Mrs. D. 8. MoHaf- fie (nee Alice Nairn), a daughter. DIED PITBLADO.-In Colborne toenahip, on Tuesday. April 23rd, Margaret McAuley Whyte. wife of John T. Pitteado, in her 75th year. - CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS J. W. MONTEITH. Chartered Accountant 209 On-IariO Street. 8tratfoe4, Dat--- 1510 Star Building. Toronto, Out JOHN W. HARPER AND COMPANY. .1 Chartered Accountants. - 820 Bay St., Toronto. J. W. HARPER, 0. A. E. W. BUNTER. 0. A. PUBLIC NOTICE LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED AND repaired. Re -conditioned mowers for sale er exchange. General re- pairs. A. WEIR, 107 Quebec street. KNOWN PIANO MANUFAC- T[TRER has a few used Planes only Baby Grand), Seasonable terms. Apply with small balances (one INSURANC, IAANS. ETC. McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSUR- E. ANOE CO. -Farm and lactated town property insured. Oaacer.-Alex. Broadfoot, President, Seaforth; James Connolly, Vice -Pres, Goderich P.O.; Merton A. Reid, Sea - forth, Sec. -Tres., Seaforth P. 0. Directors -A. Broadfoot, R.R. No. 8, Seaforth; James Sboldlce, Walton; Wm. Knox, Loodes8otw; Alexander i4ca::ctt:�, 13l'r'. I+.�it+.,..i!to• Leon- hardt, Bornholm, R.R. 3; John Pepper, Bracefleld : Thos Yoyise. Seaforth; R.R. 5; Wm. R. Archibald. Seatortb, R.R. 4; James Connolly, Goderich. Agents -W. J. Yeo, R.R No. 3, Clio - ton; James Watt, Myth; Finley Mr Eachern, Seaforth; John Murray, Sea - forth; Chas. F. Hewitt, Kincardine. Pottcy.hotdera caamake.all payments end get their cards rec•elpted at the Royal Bank, Clinton: ('slvin 4'utt's Grocery, Kingston street, Goderleb, or J. H. Iteld's General Store, Rayfield. FOR RALE OR RENT VOR SA•LL-A WHIPPET SEDAN l car 1n first-class condition. MRS. F. ROSS, Dungannon. HOB SALL-1925 CHEVROLET i Coupe. In good condition. Apply at THE SIGNAL OFFICE. Golf Clubs • $1.5O up Golf Balls 25c up T li1111i i 1.L6 &KW PRESSES -AT- Cole's Book Store A THOMAS GUMMY, OODUit. Mors. HARDWOOD i LIVE BTVCK AND OIBAL f Moors. Garden. Garage. Ota AUCTIONEER 1 tra1. Apply to M. W. HOWELL. Telephone No. 119 PP 7 Sales attended to anywhere and evetr/ effort made to give satisfaction. Farmer.' ale notes discounted. tit I 444.4 coR SALE. -HAY AND STRAW.. A Apply to MELVIILE STURDY. R.R. 1, Goderkh. Phone 101-11. COR SA LE.-SEOONDBUN- E U- I' DBRWCIOD typewriter. In good condition. Apply BOR 6, 'fit' office. STRAWBERRY PLANTS FOR SALE. --Senator Dunlap variety 75c per bund red. WORTHY FOWLER. Phone Carlow 2822. UOL'EtE TO KENT.-SEVEN-R0OM- I1KD borne. corner Nelson and North streets. All conveniences. Posses- sion May 1. Apply to T. T Mi'RPHY. OR RENT. -APARTMENT CORNER I' Hamilton and Newgate; could be used as office. Conveniences. Mod- erate rent. Enquire P. 0. BOX 836 or 'phone 131. Sl;ns • I L'OR BALE:.-SL00 'BAND MA- sUDI1tOR, TM Hca 14. I windows, mapletag. WANTR 1'NK WANTED. -RAGS, STOVES, i Phone 556- LEGAL AUDIIT E. HOLMES, �L Barrister, EtcOAR. -Court Hoose, Ooderleh. Telephone 56. DOUGLAS R. NAIRN, DOUGLAS and Solicitor Office -Hamilton Street, Oodertc8. Telephone 512 F. R. DARROW, BARRISTER, ETC. to J. L Killoran Office -The Square, Ood kb. Telephone 97. CRANK DONNELLY, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, iRe. brace -Hamilton Street, Ooderlek. Telephone 282. HAYS & HATS, TMA!, from wrecked boa-dooe., Barr rs gad Solicitors Soon aheetlss. /1 R. C. Hays, K.C.. and R. C. Hays. R.A. ear. ROBERT DOAK. Piano street. OfficeHamilton Street, Goderleh. Telephone 818. J(second-hand furniture, etc. Phone 407. MICHAEL KENNEDY, Victoria street. Goderich. volt E. SAL -ONE PRAIRIE STATE Incubator, 240 -egg. Also one ideal I Miller Incubator, 400 -egg. Rotb fa MEDICAL I good condition. Apply MRS. W. A. C'H ISHOLM. Bay(leld road. Goderich. DR F. J. R. pq)BSTER, EYE, EAR, ICOR BALE. -SOLID BRiCK HOUSE NOSE, THROAT. New York I with all conveniences, including I Late House Surgeon heavy wiring. 140 feet frontage. At Ophthalmic and Aural Hospital. as I a bargain. Cash or terms. Address alatant at Moorefield Eye H130x , SIGI(lLt,I.. and 0.44.. Sgaars Throat. I34spll*ospttalI•1 London. Eng. FMR SALE. -NEARLY NEW RED 53 Waterloo Street 8., Stratford. i brick bungalow. Hardwood floors; Telephone 207. At Hotel Redford. Goderleh, from i heavy wired ; three place bath ; elec- ark, water heater; garage; nice gar - 7 p.m. on the evening of the third ,den Apply 84, Newgate street. Wednesday of each month until the i next day. Thursday, at 1 p.m. yr RENT. -TWO-STORY, EIGHT- a ROOM house on Kay' street. All DR1'GLE88 PRACTiTiONRR conveniences. Garage. Henhouse. Targe garden with fruit tree'. Apply to JOHN DUBPOW, AB. 1,. Port Al- bert. CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS THt15RAPiST Goderkh, Phone 341 Fignipped with electro magnetic - baths. Electronic electric treatments 1 hatching eggs from high producing and chiropractic. Chronic, organ, B.C.W. Leghorn*. All pens headed and nervous disease*. Lady in at- with R.0 P. cockerels whose dams have tendanee. (Mice hoar* 2 to 5 and 7 records up to 280 egg*. Get onr price Ito 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Friday and Sat- Ind before you buy. E. R. PEAJHET, urdsy. and on Wednesday 10 to 12 , Box 901, Goderkh. Phone 579 a.m. and 7 to 8 p.m., or eonsn;tatton To 118 NT -A PASTURE FARM may be had by appointment. I near Benmiller, Goderich township. A. N. ATKL\SO\ b the year; or will lease it for a Residence streetee and Broftitannia of term of years on easy terms. Apply South and itrltannla road• to MRS. RUTH THOMPSON, 13588 Chelsea street, Detroit. Mich., or MR. HARVEY FiSH'ER, -11.11. 6, Goderich, Ontario. 11 SALE. -BABY (IIIOKR AND A Goderi• It teem -of -four placed - third fn the international bridge tour- NOTICE TO CREDil'ORS amBtelat rw„ n llisertam, aro at and Saturday tail. A Buffalo tam RED the Royal York, Toronto, on E4 d*J L'E •ro-rEErrri(�!B' ERNUT M. LIS, L Barrister and Solicitor Sun Life Building. Adelaide sod torts Streets, Toroato 1. Telephone Elgle 51191- • Riding bicycles on the side- walks is against the Town By-law. Take notice that offenders will be prosecuted. (Signed) R. C. Postelethwaite, Chief of Police VOR BALE. -RIX -ROOMED was first with 27 points, London was Notice is hereby given to alt persons ■g brick bungalow. Corner Elgin second with 2(i?5 points, and the God- erich teem of I'. F, Carey, Ti R. Pat- terson, P. Sheardown and C. F. Chap- man was third with 20 points, one point behind the leaders. Among 'the twenty-eight qualifying teams in the open pairs international thampionehip were two Goderich play- ers, Miss 1:velyn McNaughton and Mrs W. F. Saunders. They were second in the goallfylng round. and their phy was highly commended by their team -m e.. Tbis pair finished In fifth pin,.. fifteen points behind the winners. Six player- attended from Goder- kh and the'• Joined forces with Mr. Sheardown and Mr Chapman in Tor - auto. Althon:h It was a four-day tourney, the t;oderich players at- tended only the last two days. Goder4eh'w.("„tag entry In the team- of-fonrs play eats Mrs. F. F. Carey, Miss E. McNnttghton, Mrs. W. F. Senn- ders'and Mr. i), D. Mooney. FOR RENT OR SALE Redford lie.hd(to e--Cebourg St - ,t pply to F. a. DARROW. Phone 97 ? Executer. Karin; claims against the *Ante o I avenue and Wellington street. Hard- Elfzatreth M. Good, late of the town-( wood floors; bathroom; good bemused ehlp 0f West Wawanosh, to the county with stationary tuba. Nice location, i 6f Huron, deceassed, to send the same in view of lake. Lot about 110 ft. duly verified to tile undersigned, on or square ; lawn with shrubs. Apply to before the 17th day of May, 1985, after JOIiN ,W. RAi.KE'LD, executor of which date the administrator will ,Templeton Fstate. Phone 800x2 proceed to distribute the said estate I R R 2, Goderich, Ontario. among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claim; of I No branch of the white race has a which he then shall have had notice, oonopoly of intellltt,ence." - Allow* Hue - and that he will not be liable for the ley. proceeds of the sedate so distributed to simpers nit broke of poet and modern any person of whose , claim notice age's, int rrnds no further than the shall not by then have been received. title peeve -Butler. F. R. DARROW, Goderich. Ontario, _ Solicitor for the Administrator. TOWN Of GODERICH 'NOTICE AR owners tllriI occupiers of promisee aro bgpeiy notified that ell garbage, Oe, meat be re- moved from 'NW prrawlses be liar >eri, tier is `-• > male Amestaat ilebg aaasawt AUCTION BAIA ACCTtON SALE OF HsnTBR FUR •• 1SHINOS AND EFFECTS...-. . - Property of Mrs. Charles Olrtla, Angier** street, Uoderich, on SATURDAY, MAY 4tff '- - ' commencing at 1.80 o'clock. All the content' of the home Including: uvea One set parlor furniture, pieces; one organ; one set of dining - room furniture, six oak chairs, table and buffet; two bedroom seta,com- plete mattresses and springs; rockers and easy chairs; '(x kitchen chairs; one dining -room table; one couch; one oak china cabinet; one 'sewing machine; one bootees* and writing desk; one stretcher; number of books, one act of springs sod mat- t retch ; one floor rug, Oft. 112ft. ; quantity of Brnseels rsrpet; one hall rack; one 'stretcher mud mattrema; two feather beds: ons radto ; toilet MUG one washing machine and wringer ; one cloths horse; three tube; one coal oil stove and oven; one lawn mow- er ; one clock ; • quantity of dlibi sad gtaamware; kitchen otsatal(','_-17�• NO reserve on snythng tl deer taster -w--,mse •+1�� 110lrvta has mold the property. T1RM0---OsaB. •....a.. GU11DRI a.10t4,,At1t !m!' WOOD FOR SALE The Town has a quantity oL,.,4rrad -body ..hardxvesi. direct from the Toyvvn Bush for sale at $3.00 per single cord of one -foot hood, de- livered. Also a limited quantity of good body hardwood at $8.00 per full cord of four - foot wood. Orders lett at the Tom - Hall will be attended to. Mast be paid for before delivery . L.LEFOX, __. Town Clerk. Save Money By Prepaying 1935 Taxes Taxpayers May Purchase Tax Pre- payment Receipts for 1935 Taxes at Favorable Discounts COST AMOUNT April 1 to April 16 $10.00 $ 9.89 50.00 49.45 COST - May 1 to 18 $ 9.93 49.65 Prepayment R(velpts must 1* Presented along with 1935 Tar Rills during the first installment period. (tank Interest Is only 2 per cent. Purchase Prepayment R.eelpta and have your money earntn6 6 per cent. Menet. Jitrte dtssenvee wall he allowed In addition. , - �:.. NEIL R. MacKAY, M' Tax Collector Il tea lava a Sia- MI Ria. wt. le I. -wear- by -, ' i Prepayment Weed*