HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1935-4-25, Page 74 :: County and District". 1 James McBride, Stanley township la laid up with a broken kneecap Lb" result of being struck by one of his horses. Samuel Augst, a well -knows real - tine of Howlck. tiled AprU 10th In biz slrty-third year. He fa mrnveti by biz wife, live daughters and five sone. Exeter L to have new sidewalks and s new lighting system in the bust - nese "melon. The improvements will be made before the old boys' reunion In July nett. Oaven Presbyterian ebureht > r. had reopening services on Sunday after a general renovation. The min- ister, Rev. S. Moore (}ordou, has re- turned to has work atter an abreuce of fire weeks owing to illness. After a brief Illuess, Eliza Vance, widow of John James Elliott, died on April 10th at Wtngham, where she bad resided for thirty-five years. Her husband died In 1922 and she is sur- vived by three daughters and three aoas. lireeter has made several attempts ;—}e secure a supply of pure drinking water for domestic purposes by the • sinking of wells, but without success. Tbe public utilities commission 1a abandoning the latest effort has not come to any decision with regard to further plans. ship. Two sisters and rax brothers The fine brick house on the farm survive, most of them residing in of George Leonaru, 6th concession of Grey township. Interment was In Howlek, near Fordwkh, was burned the Brussels cemetery. er to the ground on April 1111,, with Nickel --Edger „all the contents of the upstairs rooms. A frame kitchen and woodshed was saved. It is thought that a spark from the chimney started the fire. The loss is partially covered by in- surance. The death of Frances Victoria _,lar Tooke widow of the late William E. -'Helps, occurred to the ng 1 removal to Winghaw thirty-two years ago. Mr. Helps died eight years ago, and tbelr only son, Eddie, lost Ills life at Vimy Ridge in 1917. Farmers in the Credltou ueighbor- huud believe a wolf is ranging that dtetrk-•t_ ! dUlreut hunt has beep made for the animal, but 1t has not been captured. Mrs. Elizabeth Brooks, an aged lady of Clinton, is in the hospital with a fractured leg and face Injuries, tbe result of a fall on the sidewalk In front of her home one evening last west. -1 `Tranets, who two years ago took over the egg and poultry business of N. W. Trewartha at Exeter, has deposed of It to the Exeter Produce Co., under the management of Lennie O'Brien, late of Clinton. Mr. Fran- cis will devote himself to Ills tnsur- anee business. The death occurred In Uaborne township on April 16th of Robert Robinson, In his eighty-eighth year. For over fortydve years deceased con- ducted a carriage shop at Wiuchel- aee. His wife predeceased him and he is survived by one daughter. Ella, and one son, Leslie. both at home. Mies Sarah Jacklin, who died at Clinton on April 10tb, In her sixtieth year. was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Jac•klln of Grey town- .. `+ laMf'dn a..4 -55.i• q A #�.'.r ver a a,wl r -_ , ..., a::,.iUl'�otl�i•...__ yew tt ,en4tta'aAYtteaill,u„W i IIJQs DZoAaJ '_ p. ONT.— Tlieffffilay. Melt 2Sth, 1086•--7 1885, • by Bev. Wll!!ti stria, nfia *yeller after their marriage farmed la God- erich township, half -a -mile west Holmervllle on the Cut line, until their removal to Clinton thirteen years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Lake on Sun y, (Continued page 1) April 7th, quietly observed the fiftieth Item is for the ell :Ion of railway anniversary of their marriage a1 their grade crossings home on the 11N6 concession of Grey, The special h rommlttee re - where they have lived ever since their ported in general aortas favoring a wedding. A son, Leslie, lives on the natluual housing and slum clearance home term. plan. The cots found that But tar Cash erection of 25,000 bpc•s Is Imperative. Pieter Timeieet'Oeate: Mr. Whit- it is expected the rernwent will trey 'Coates get°*t . wavprtat last, taring erper t• _ l +� We %aalitate% week when he learned that for over after the meals. DgOvldtag a Federal a Tear he had been driving a stolen Government contribMloa of ='10,000,- e.r and the owner came to claim It 0U0 on. a $ 0,000000 program for the A ear ago in March Mr. Coates made whole Dominion. After the Recess y a deal with a young man who used to The Government announced that board with him and drive a truck at 1'arltatseat wall M asked to vote the time the new cement highway was 1}100`009 ae a eeatributiea to the Klag laid_ The young man came to visit with Mr. Coates last spring. and while there be traded a coach for Mr. Costes' coupe, Mr. Coates eking a emelt amount of cash in the bargain. 1n the meantime the young man has been in trouble and is at present ser- ving a term at Burwasb penitertiarY. A abort time ago a policeman from 31 last cost the Dominion a total of London was in this territory securing 18g.2W,4 . Loans to the Western some Information in connection with Provinces ran to j7�6,67o.atsa At the the same man and ae'ldentally came upon the stolen car, which the police had been looking for for over a year. Tbe owner, a Mr. Curtis, from near Clapplaon a Corners. came up last week and took the car back with him. Mr. Coates 1s now out ' his to April 1 last the Gl,%Prnment spent mope and cash. $40,629,068 on military purposes and In addltlon $2,508,3'SO was spent on PORTER'S HILL constreetton of military buildings. In __ the same period, $21.84 i.Itel was spent PORTER'S HIiLL, April 23. -Mr. on the R.C.M.P. while t2.153,154 add'1- John Cox was removed to Clinton hos- tlonabhas been spent or has been con - pita! on Thursday. We trust he may tracked for In connection with new as well. So H is hoped that everyone If ('.11.P buildings. will try to exercise the necessary caro When Parliament renames It will - deal with legislation. following the price spreads and ma's buying an- on Monday evening. Realness was qulry. the proposed Gralti the mrcRedlo talked over and sweaters and caps ' tlonal housing program. ordered. I Broadcasting Commission. `and Items Quite ■ number of the music lovers not completed when the llouee ad - remark of this dlatrbk attended the program journed. Mr. King R t t sm now put on by Holm••evllle young people. In the •House• about Par:Senent's being Glut oa �R 13th, in her seventy- daughter of the late Mr. and Mra. The meeting wa In charge of Mins held here the greater inert of the *rot yetis'. _ After their marriage at John A. Hurst of Elma, was united Wetrtster and was of much leteleet to t ummer and some Idl erala predicted Rlnoardlae is 1887, Mr. and Mra. in msrrlage to George Vi'llllsm Jack• pr rents whose tole and girls Miss the House will 1* sitting right up to Helps farmed at Westfield until their son son of Mrs. Jackson and the tate Wehster has been training. Their I Antguat 18, when the eccenteenth Par - John Jackson of Brussels. Rev. A.1einging was a credit to her and ass 'lament will expire, a, it in said, H. O'Neil performed the ceremony. eery much enjoyed. This has been through effluxion of time. d Mrs. Jackson will reside on f dimity for the young- W. L. Forrest has Iwen Rlcen a 11 I& Jubilee Conger rued ter deal more will be aroiaa: 5Contributions--Alm-- tatat-besrd of varietal crosses In future around g2b0,000, It watt announced on Saturday from Rideau Hall. ye)Ili. Ooeelghith of Fepolstlen on Relief • • • Surae Interesting figures acre tabled Bury Corn Stubble during the week. Unemployment re- "Any earn -grower this spring can do lief tor the fiscal year ending March a great deal to save himself a lot of unnecessary handpicking of e•orn 'rubble if be will use care and fore- thought In his method of dealing with his corn field," states L. Caesar, fro- vluclal Entomologist. "If lie plows the field carelessly and does not bury the stubble well he Is sure to drag It up In working the sold, and so w111 have a lot of hand-picking. Also, if he uses a toothed cultivator instead of a disc he will drag up a lot of stubble. In every comity there are many men who deal with their fields In seek_ a_ way that they rarely have to do any handpicking. What oue man can do another can often do as well, or nearly News of the Farm Nates ad Commada so Agricultural Tepke i ('urn Breeding Some lutereating work with torn being conducted on the Dominion Ex- perimental karma eoueeru■ varietal hybrids. This work has as Its oh - Jeri .fife sea'uritig et . heti/ . eerller and hlgher"ylelding material through the utilisation of Increased vigor which is obtained through the crossing of cer- tain vedette*. So tar crosses have been made chiefly between early flint and late dent varieties, and the hy- brid material obtained has in some caws shown much promise. Un - end of February, 198u. a total of 1.229.935 individuals in Canada were receiving relief. Of this number, there were 2'19,018 heads of families, and individuals, not delaendente, num- bered 51,700. In the lire yearn prior Bose mate this possible. will often prevent and remove the excessive formation of moisture on the 'wettings. Directly any signs of dampitlgeff are to be seen, healthy meth -lugs should be transplanted and placed out sing- ly In freed soil. All affected speci- mens should be destroyed. The wis- est vourae of all for the gardener 1s to bear in wind the coudltlous which lead up to the activities of the fun- gus. Much way be done to ptevenl the attack by providing ample drain- age, a porous compost, and the exer- cise of care in watering. Watertua kttonts-nr-G:1turss i 4 '11-7PiteeT4ri In the day• so that, before nightfall, every trace of superfluous moisture has vanished BARK SPLITTING OF APPLE TREES • _ - e _ ilulletin) This Is a form of winter Injury which, unfortunately, seems unusually prevalent this spring. Many enquir- ies have been received from the var- Broke Her Leg - • Against a Stair Whilst Hampered by Rheumatism "Two years ago," writes a woman, "I was suffering with rheumatism In my lege, and when walking upstairs one day just kicked my right toot against the stain, and broke my leg just below the knee. I was In hos- pital for four months, and when I !'illaC..Ad(i..8fltltS'fane. •dvhed pH (0 tri — �__.- Kruechen Salta. I dad so, and now h` " have not a trace of rheumatism. I would not to without my daily dose of Knee -hen, which I take every morn- ing—halt a teaspoonful In warm water."—Yrs. P. B. The six salts In Krus-hen stimulate the liver and kidneys to healthy, re- gular action: assist them to get rid ,i? -the` exirari -iir1 -nail- - which Is the cause of rheumatic pains. When pole - meets uric add goes -with its depos- its of needle -pointed crystals—there's loua apple -growing areas of Ontario no dont,. "'•"ut those 9411Ye and panne as to the best method of treatment. going too! Generally, the splitting is eoubned to the southwest side of the tree, and about one-third of the total bark area has burst away front the wood. It Is more common In orchards that suf- fered from the cold winter of a year ago. and 1s perlulps worst where the trees were making rapid growth. At= so trees on heavier soil types seem to. have suffered more than those on the lighter soils. Treatment -Ito not remove the la - jilted _hark. het rather tact(. it doww rather loosely to the wood. This will prevent the sun from drying out the e*mblum, and so will facilitate thealing. Make a slit at the bottom of the injured area In order that any Cochrane Ilia former health. Mn. this win and so wive lamas, f lot The marriage of Jeanie soon regale -.Maar; niece of Mrs. D. F. Stewart,-y�naton and daughter, Mona are Molesworth, to Oscar Melvin Nickel of spending some time wltb Mra. Cox. I Molesworth was solemnised by Rev. The Maple Leaf softball team met , T. A. hell at London on April 10th. Mr. and Mrs. Nickel will make their home near Lucknow. . Jarbseo--Hunt At the Anglit•aa rectory, Atwood, on April 10th, Iaabella Jane Hurst, Brophey Bros. THE LEADING FUNERAL EMBALM 8 Asabalalee service at all boon. day or night !SOONER: Stare 120 Rao 211 OODERICR J. R. Wheeler Funeral Direst•r and Fabalner All culla promptly attended M day or night —.AMBULANCE SERVICE -- PHONES Store 335 Residence 355w Hampton Street. Ooderleh Walter Dalton I'NPKRTAAER Huron Old Boy. Graduate Oodertch Collegiate institute 13510 West Warren. Ave.,_ DETROIT, MICH. Tel. Oregon 8665 Mr. an the groom's farm at Walton. Ballantyne—Knight Tbe parsonage of Main street United clureh, Exeter, wax the scene of a quiet wedding on April llkh, when I tjteaatris"7 :-"Knigbf, nnty daughter of Mr. rand Mrs. Clarence Knight, Us - borne township, became the bride of Albert Roy Ballantyne, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Thor. ltallantyne of the same township Rev. A. E. Elliott officiated. The yodtlg couple will re- side on the groom* farm In t'sborne. Yatablhtiilsg an Apiary Ripley Express: Mr. Roy MacKen- sle, who for a number of yearn con- dncted a garage in the village, has turned his attention to another line of business, whleb be will carry on la future. He will establish an apiary ani will deal In honey. He Is pre- paring to net out a large number of hives throughout the country. At present he is assembling the neeeseary castles to he used to house these royal manufacturer' of sweetness and will place them in carious parts. Here's hoping that Roy may have abundant success in his new venture. Golden Wedding Celebration Mr- and Mrs })era l'Ickard of Clin- ton eelehrate(1 their golden wedding on KKaturday lest with a family gathering at their home. For the anniversary banquet the table was laid with the Identical set of china used at the welding dinner. not one pbx'e missing. Ears Pickard! sad Elizabeth Huller were married at Ilolmeedlle April 20, a wonder ul nppo er clans ■rad some splendid colees !contract at $5,1188 by the Public Works it t a spring, nim. I a of trouble in ,vi,plying w9fb t'be ant" • -s-;s Make Cansia Mere Esatltiful - Tlae ulloyely things and unattractive places In Canada that dli.please the eye are made by man. it is time he set out to lo some of the damage that has been dune. There are prim - rein" petite for all to tread Willie CM to make thele. An amazing amount Of worry Pau le spaded under 111011.11-- t linsc 11fmg-`tlinsc paths In it bright spring after- noon. '(ince Adam tilled the first gar- den many pastimes have come to claim their thousands•l1uG have penned out of the picture *tele gardeniug has were noticed. Not often do our farm, lk•parinient here for certain wharf re- I boys and girls have a chance at ecwal i pairs *t Goderich harlor within the training. I next few weeks. On Easter Sunday a goodly number I - - were out to Sunder. Steno/ and ------ _- MAFEKING church. Rev. R. M. Gale delivered a splendid Faster sermon. taking as his 1 MAFEKING, April .'. -Mr. and text, "Why seek ye the living among i Mrs. Conrad Brown, Douglas and Don- tbe dead?' The choir rendered Easter aid and Ruby and Lenard Altos, of musk. ' lundon, came up on Friday Mr the Visitors In this dlatriCt oyer the Iweek-eud with friends here. holiday were: Miss 1(elen-to=, Lon- I Mr. and Mrs. It. 1' Phillips, God - den. with her parents. Mr. and Mrs• ericb, and Mrs. Wm. Menary, Duman - H. C. Cox: Miss Irene Woods., Lon- non were visitors at Mr. and Mra• don, with her parents. Mr. and Mrs.high Menary's on Friday and Satur- Milton Woods: Mr. Erland Betties, ,lay. Toronto, wttb hie mother, Mra. Thee. Mr. and Mr.. 1441w mAraa and wattles: Me. and Mrs. R Brown at !Keith, of Sarnia, -Pent Eneter with Thos. Elllnat'a; Mr and Mra. Jim Slake lit. and Mra. Rb hard Johmstom- Tho*. Thebe went tons on Friday and brought hie 41 and baby at Robert Harmer "I: lir. and Mrs. C. Rnwden and boys, Tor- onto. at J. S. Tnekhart'e : Mr. J. John- ston. ter. Mina Grnoc, hone• for the h( Toronto. at Fred Elliott's. Mr. Thor. Henry.e Leamington. came On Monday evening Wilmer Hard- hhe• at This Hrst exnminetinn. eon. Argyle Lockhart, Gladys Gale, up on Thurs.I night to sps•nd the etv i tone has b,1 than thio amount Dors Harriman, Evelyn Cox and Elean- holiday with his Lather, Mr. Robt. i It shnni(i lw given holey or this pyre Henry. Imake up the de honey or Cox attended the Y.P S. ennv*rattrap Mr. Finlay i(hn kl, ton of Arthur Is • • • fit Hemel). Rev. A. Slndalr ad- speeding the }:tl t,•r holidays with his I Fertilizing the Orchard rtrFaed the gathering. parents, Mr. and Mrs Norman Shack- in natario and Quebec the severe Farewell and umber o• -Oe Thera- Teton. a coos T tiny evenings number of friends end winter of 1933.34 cage - ad! Mrs.• Wm Irvine slant Tlanraday able amount of damage to a great Mrs. V. met at the home rat y and with friends in lolef t . mane orchards, resulting w tiro sap_ accomulation, or ater m rains, will' drain off readily, thus M-. ntuving danger of mould. •-" The next and final peep la bridge gt'attltig. Unless this is done manly. young trees will lope the branch Im- mediately shove the ruptured bark, although the remainder of the trees will likely come through alt right. Ling scions will be required. These shouldK takes at Once while they are still dormant and stored 10 a cunt place until' need. The actual bridge grafting Is hest deferred until the ire's »tart growth. stood through the centuries. There must be something in it. Buy some flower reeds, plant some flowers or shrubs this coining: spring. Help to Canada. more Beautiful. -• • • Watch the Bess Carefully On the first Aright warm day, when tlw bees are flying freely. all colonies elould be briefly examined to see that they still possess vtgurnue queens, that 1'(r kuru awl pushed a bulb down food - supply - la sufficient sett that 1 .c of «Istht. the c•olontes are strong enough to build ,And nay muuuylt now a heat et up to time fur the main now. -o This H„wc•ra examination should be as brief as pies May spring tc, greet ua-let your Bible for fear of ch111107 the brood step be Hight,. and thus weakening the eolony. Any -Pearl Logan Woodbridge. colonies thou require sp*elal attention CAREFI'L, NEIGHBOR Be t•treful. Neighbor, ahen you across my lawn - Now is the time w•11411 miracles are -mums quotas, trade harriers, born; exchange renllstlons-all are really Ik v era -. eettut-where--F u- -Snot eclaswmic__ "•+,,•••••Pots _Bernard it. H. CLEMENTS MASSET-HARRIS SHOP Kingston Street - Gabriel' step Men's Clothes Cease in and look over our Fall and Winter Samples. They are superb. Everything that's new in Men's Wear at this time of the season. Chas. Black East Street and Square GODERICH 'supper dawn __.• Baruch.. I t i tar haste some Want? may 1 d•s u lw shorn: 1 For here ,end there .to while away spare hour. REVEALED ' Tao students were just Ro1ng into elarara,m for-examinntlon to Kugllsh literature. • �1 a _ "1 forg01,— wbo wrote 'Ivanhoe'.— "Three tvanhoe :' "There easy," replied the other. "Ill tell you that 1r you'll tell me who the dickens wrote •A late of Twe (`idea' ”-(Mp/ar'P Weekly. such as rcqueeela7• feeding or uniting — I,hould bemarkedfur each attention A,.`t., ding to the 4nuntlulou Apiarist ail celonlea ahooW have at IIS tenet twenty 1snnu1s 4.f 1(x11 In the 11 in a large Mra. V. Fisher In spend a happy even- Mime Iiernict Blake of London number of trees losing a portion of Int with them ere they lett for that[ stent Rueter with her parents, Mr. their topeto addition a fertaifi new home at Saltford. The evening and Mra. ]oho Ithakc. amount of injury to the conducting tis - was spent In social chat and music. Miss Mary Alton left on Sunda! sues readtat In co the considerable dehlllta- The onc mandolin was brought out and to spend ten week- with tr1I ! tion. There appears to be reason to hear more h oldf Fisher del songs heti Tondon, expect some further dam1RP ihls year hearers with favorite much Mr. Mresed. and Mrs. J. '.1. Alton, Wilmer ns n re -alt 4.f the weakened condition and Mra. Fisher w111 be mhand }Agin, of London, came up on of the frets Inst season. Since the In this r05 flue ty, where they have Saturday to spend Easter with rela- rata are probably not damaged it to realde1 for five years: but our loss tiers here. They were accompanied not de- pr to apply large amounts will he Saltford'e earn. We wlsh by Mrs. Hugh Phillips, who had apent of fertilizers this spring unless It la for them health and happiness In theft sora, time In the city with her daugh- certain that ,there has not tac•n any new home, and in turn would wet- feta damage stain done. come Mr and Mrs. Thos. Hillock, of Messrs. Stuart 'ihtrnin and Percy fitratfnrd, who are moving to the/arm were down to London an vacs jg�*^r^ boyhood data nn this term. We ez- improving. red I Flc,rticnlinrist recommends that ferti1T' tend a hearty welcome to Mr. sad I LIvIngaton and Phillipa Menary spent With conduet{ng tisane limited and ted by the F1ettPra. Mr. HlTl -4-Blundell root presenre- abutt noratnl, there a-111 Sunday to see Yea` Dau In. We are I be probably About all the food the w as Introduction, as he spentMaa .ta kaOw i. --a Durbin teaa.earo.of. Tbe Dominion Mra. Hillock. y s �h of fo rdtvery part of Canada will sea their dreams of W.tingttousa ownership corer true. Datid• new to sol.. your lood- pn..n.tl•nroblea. env. sod for 0 .-iw the Away that will saws you Roswell sad add to raw joy of liwlwa tar yews to coma Wwtingheus• ale** offers an of In vital ad..sters which toa•r• Tea ens (ray • Wash .•eeteete reft{e.ades. ellinsied by eh. Pi.••T war War noel -automatic Pefrig•r*er ra net, as d* entire saal•d-1n mach- this • little as t pleasy. Ask us AIM saw n (se .aaadard modals). the 'UNN Ha,11I►4 you noticed that your !sappiest hours occur on days when you feel your best? Have more of these happy days. You and d1 your family. Guard beahb while you have it. Keep on the sunny side of life. The 'rosiest enemy of health is common constipation. Tt may rause loss of appetite and enerLy. Certainly it kills enthusiasm! Yet it can be banished by eating a delirious (*real. Inheratory tests show Kellogg's Au: Run supplies "balk" and vita. min R to relieve eommon consti- pation. Alio Iron for tbe blood. The "balk" in ALL -Retools emelt like that in leafy vegetables. How nnneh pleasanter to eat this deli- cious r•adyso-eat cereal than to take patent medicines. Two table- spoonfuls daily are woolly suS. slant- Chrenle eases, with eael meal. if net M Berea tits we', see 'gm ,ate► Wd• by Sunday with their parents. Mi. and - fs. Wm. Mennry, ilungannon. Me Joe. Alton. Goderich, spent the seek -end with friends here. Metiers. Palmer Kilpatrick and Sam T'attereon, Toronto. rare 'letting at Mr. and Mee. S. 1. Kflpatrteks, Mrs. Taut Real. of Lucknow, fa r•initing her daughter, Mra. Thos. An- derson. Mita Olive Kilpatrick is visiting with frlenda in London, Guelph and Rorkwned. Mr. and Mra. Ernest Hall and dnught'r*. And \flax Mary Hall, Brantford, are visiting with Mr. and Mra. Godfrey Hall and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Hall thls week. Mr end• Mra. Norman Long end family ere moving this week to Sea - forth. "The dlatinrtlon between a liability and an asset Is lergly a matter of time and Pirrnmatwneee"-Alfred E. Smith. S7t0('KiNG THE LAKE Three n.illion ahltensh try from the Oovernment hatchery at Sarnia were deposited in the hike41111ge Goderich on Thursday lent. / *eh were dumped about a half ni011 beyond the breakwaters. The quantity was one ginner of the amnnnt Ort In the late at Kincardine, Rayaeld, Grand Bend and (loderfch-twelve 16111lnn in a11. Dual -automatic REFRIGERATORS ser applications be made early and that they 00 not e1c1.1•11 Shout one- quarter of n normal motivation. • • • Horticulture Progrrasing interest In community beau lficetlon 1s increnaing evidently. particularly to rural areas. Nett only are Patahlinhed horticultural societies going ahead with increased enthusiasm. but new organisations are being formai. During recent weeks Hortienitural Socigeties hare been organized at Wert Lorne. 1t(nniot tit. S bomtwee•- Ifamatown. Mallon and St. Paula, 1n addition. Initial steps toward nrganlzatinn have been taken by hor- 4knitnrni enthnshiete at GeoM '(I,'tOWP, (haplean. Rldgecillq Thorndale, 011 Springs and Atikokan. As there are nearly 300 horticultural soeleties Retire In the Prnvla'P, no one should lack information on gar- den problems. in Wrens where. there are so sorle- ties. gnesttnne may he addressed to Ontario Agricultural College. Guelph; Central Etperlmental Form. (Maw!: end the Horticultural Sncl(8iP4 Branch, Parliament Rnlldings. Tnronto. • • • Damping Off This trouble Is due to the attacks of s minute fungus which is Able to make headwfr where there Is an et- eeeeive smoent of mnlsture In the at• mosphere or .011 The PRecte are most marked among young And tender (Fallings when these are crowded to- grther or placed ❑oder nnaultshle at moapherir condition. .\ common (4141145 of dumping off among seedlings is to he ?Hind when the tempo-nf41re In a gine% hone* or propagating frame 1. lower than that nnt•lde Tills' In - duress (nndrnsaYlon of water on all parte of the plants 4114 they become colder Hero If It i. p oaalble in rale► the tewaperatnre of the 114.1145. 5/Ir meIatu ' anew.-..vapnratas and la once more isiiimenAN1 M this air. PI* ventilation. when the outdone rnndl OFTEN HAPPEN?' A recent 'meeker heroes a woman's organization. talking nn Persia, was telling about how c,trHPss the mon over there are with thole wire*, end said 1t was no uncnmrtoa eight to lea a woman awl a donkey hitched rap together. Then he 1,8811.d. and as id when IIP made that statement In a h at Detroit one of ebe ladles itwigwam, ppm tort . - '1101's not so nnnrual-yew Offen see 11 over her*. too." DISCO DISCO DISCO DISCO is the popular fuel that a number of our ctcstomere have h'a'il waiting for and we have been aucressful In getting another ter. It is as goad a summer fuel as 1t Is for winter heat- ing. DISCO to n coke differing from others, as It has the gas left 1n It, therefore, more heat units. --- When you roqulta-mocalusd.ordsr * rota^ ity of DISCO and give It a trial. ' For PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, SHELF and G}:NERAL. HARDWARE, PLT'MBINO,--BRATINO and TiNSMiTIIING, give us a roll. All work prosody attended to and fully guaranteed. CHAS. C. LEE The Hardware Store and Coal Yard a1 the Harbor Phones -Store 22, Hoses 112, Goderich, Ont. Footwear -2/;1._ - OUR STOCK I8 NOW COMPLETE OF THE LATEST FASHIONS AND DESIGNS OF FOOTWEAR FOR SPRING This season we are Showing an assortment of the up-to- date styles of SHOES, OXFORDS, TIES. STRAP SLIP- PERS and PUMPS for ladies -and men that cannot be equalled in quality or price. In misses' and children's Footwear we are making a ��r g • rI -tom•-daintiest-intd most artistic designs .. of the shoemaker's art, -- Call and see the NEW FOOTWEAR for Spring and Summer. Geo. MacVicar THE PRACTICAL SIHOEMAN ._-. z.- - Goderich --lash mu Sgnarr. _ _; • • WESTERN CANADA SP"ial EXCURSIONS from All Stations Bargain in the East GOING DAILY—MAY 15 to 28 inclusive Return Limit : 30 days CENT A MILE — EACH WAY 0000 IN COACHES ONLY stn Pass CAR ACCOMrOOATIOM aa�1� se wet Is raised, As i•a•wtsa 1i .... elm meitwo isle. (" ..n. Ca, so etecoMmsastr 1 oils, eta ural begat" (b)timrdmlt4•piss.td►d.0 s 1 aemesimsetty ifs r. tata.a.rd ci.se Tarts awed vim MCAT lAlfll'rseM : seals and bra Issas- Choetwei se Pert Arthur, Arembeeg awl we Ticl.ts.: M,• Ai = rwgoer, wad �M,thrsen•a ASR POR � NDII LL, • •r .+► - r 4 ....,.tw......._:.,,.....t.. -,. tat soi