HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1935-4-25, Page 44-Tbureday, April 26th, 1e05 ens Suits $25 00 is with Entra Trouser THE SIGNAL GODERICH, ONZ ' AUI3URN church °° Sendai. '►° ya►tot. Roy, Action in Matter D. W. Pomeroy, sl''endld.y on ' - the words from s4, "The lord , Asn AUBURN, April 23 lire Wq1 Kroh is risen indeed." choir snug as of Tax Accounts of Galt is spending the holiday with ,luster hyenas' �e crmun there his cousin, Mira Bernice Lawson. was a reception' asI -, three new (Continued from page 11 Mrs. 11. Lear is visiting at the home members heingsed Into the of her slater, Mrs. W. Sbeeppard OT church. We werpleased to sea Maid $150 on purchase Vrlee of second Clinton, wbo is seriously i11. Mrs. Juts. Cook 554...MMM���,,,h��_e•r daughter part of barb without {trejudl:e to biro. Thos. Adams mud Master Gor• Rosa at this sj�iter their not rgrerwent; that the road oil assess don left on Thuredac (or Toronto• he•lug able to a li wfuter meats for Cambria road se ou 1034 Mr, and ),lrs. McWhinney of God- •There will be a, hal patrfotic ser- tax roll be reduced sue! third, cheques *rich spent Sunday with their daugh- t.lce on may At The 1 ung 1'rople's to be Issued to those wbo have paid; .Sohl Turner. (Society held t t m Pflug in thr that welfare board accounts awunnt- sitnrx over Tab tfrtNr "'ws"e- nem. -et :.f i9: t _op Friday lug to $15175 be Maki. r Miss Annie Straughmn of Galerteh at I evening. with Fitt a Horton as �O1titse of tie allots -reported a0 W. Strruthau's; Miss Isabel Robert- • Mader. Aftgr fug hyena and the pru{oral of the Provincial Govern- W. of 1Vlugbam at J. J. Robertson's; aver by the $firs I>nve SOF anent that applications and Invertlpl- Miss Phyllis Manning of Loudesboro at 1I too gave a to Crucilixiaa of bone for old age pension* be handled J. D Ilowatt's: Mira EB)e Stoltz of Chrlrt. Atter nese part u„ through the municipal clerks, reeom- Ge en by MrJ•!k aseudiug that the eouacll ask the Pro- .vinelst Department of Welfare to pro- vide a proper schedule of remunera- tion to be paid by the Government That wtthout doubt represents one of the best wanes we m have offered for anv a day. Tailored by FASHION CRAFT and guaranteed to fit and give entire satisfaction SUITS MADLTOMIAAURE X48.10 $0 pi.00t of sales to .chbaii ffv� BROCK HATS - - FORSYTH SHIRTS W. C. Pridham & Son PHONE 57 THE SQUARE, GODERICH R. A. Reid Registered 1 I tnmetriat - 116 years in Stratford) EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED --AT Robertson's Jewelry Store 2nd and nth Fridays. :10 noon to 12.ron Baby Chicks BARRED ROCKS and S. C. WHITE LEGHORN ('HICKS Superior grade. Line bred from R 11.1'. and registered stark from 2r. to 30 -oz. eggs. at $10.00 per hundred 1,nters for 300 or over delivered. --One cent leas for May - WALTER ROSE BRUSSELS - ONT. Bellwood at J. C. Stotts; Jack, r• other topic was aid and Garth Hamilton of Goderleh Hunter, on the great Missionary *m- at Geo. JJamtlton's; Miss Martha ' grecs. Atter a bymn and tree ]IIF tams of Kttehener at Oban. Beadlebenediction a social -time will Mr. Russel Reid 1. spending tree holt- spent In games, The next meeting days it his home In Toronto. will be at the home of Mr and Mrs. Mrs. Allman of Toronto is visiting „tion nidal evening. at the home of her brother, Mr. Geo. Bean. Mr. Geo. Bean is itching a new Terraplane car. Mies Margaret Ferguson Is recov- ering from an attack of mumps, Misses Dorothy and Peggy Farrow, of Mitchell are spending their holidays of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. at the home of their grandparents. Thos. Stotherl. Mr. and Mrs. James Johnston. Miss BetteElliott is visiting her We are sorry to report that Mrs. aunt Sirs, D Mcllwala of foderleh Harold Bogie nttderwent an operation thi4 week ST. AUGUSTINE ST. AUOI'S'N?4E, April 4a -Mr. and Mre. Morgan Jones and two children. of Suntwerhill, and Shies :Margaret Campbell, of Wingham, were Sunday risitora with M,r. and Mrs. Mason McAllister. later. Mr. and Mrs. John Shanahan, Mr. WEEK -END SPECIALS AT BAEQIIIR'S Dutch Nets ' ^ 2 lbs. 23e Irish (bbbier Potatoes, Ne. 1 N grade ps(Iit 33s; Yebag 28c ',ah Tomatoes, very choke liowntree'a Chocolate Vclveta ..,Ib. lite Shelled Walnuts Ib. Sze Marshall's Pried Herring per lin Ile Campbell's Tonato Soup 3 tine 25e Fancy 511aed Cakes 3 lbs, 25e Melrr'ert's. Peanut Butt* 33 -oz. jar 21e He I.uae Jelly Powder 5 pkgs. 23e U�serspped Soap 1e bars 25c paleollve or Richard's l'arbollt Soap 5 cakes 23e ----=:11, 11111 l'W5X'IAL ti.%LK STAMPS illONIiAtl. A3`I IL 3 Watch for handbib and adverdsemeot text week BAECHLER'S PHONE 368 OUK OWN DELIVER! OBITUARY To -the :municipal clerks for their oar copy of thi* reeolution be sent to other vice* In this connection, and that a -��� -- TMISS NORA MACKLIN Dr. A. H. Macklin has been be - councils teaved by the death of hit sister, 000. A[IU ?(ora Macklin, which occurred at Toronto ou Monday. Miss Macklin epe•nt the greater part of her life in Stratford, going to Toronto about a sign at theft property at teener et twelve years •go to make her home $t. David's and Kingston Miens aid with her sister, Miss Clara Macklin. to rebuild the beaMeard and stShe had barn an invalid for some drlcea aye at their heeperty; that years. The funeral took place yester- the request of Earl Westbrook foe day afteruoon at Toronto. permission to cut down a tree on ^�- The public works eommlttee recom- meutyd: That the Shell Oil Coal- pany be granted permission to creel W.'3bapahan and Mb.. Anila Shane- Kingston street, at the Shell 011 gasp JOHNST(►• • • N C bti. °Ilett, spent Snaitgy at the line station. be granted; that the sur - r. for mastoids In (;oderlcb hospital. homed of Mr. J. W. Boyle. • r. Gordon Kidd is spending the lir. and Mrs. R. D. Mauro visited Mr. and Mrs. Joseph WUaon of Ince water drain on Elizabeth street holidays with Ida mother ut South- 1p Kitchener on Sunday. hetaeen Britannia road and Cayley amptoa. Mrs Hugh Chesney and children of Clinton are spending a few -days nitre street be rebuilt under the supervision Master Tom Young was taken hast Tue►erawlth, were at the house of her M:. and Mre. Mason M,'Alitetet of the chalrwan of the committee. Wednesday to the (-lode/jell hospital, mother. Mre J. D. Howatt, over the A large number of friends weigh- The apec•tal committee reported that where he was operated on for aptlen• weekend._ lora and Institute meu,ls•rs gathered arrangements were Whig made for a et the home or. a f Mr. Mrs. Robt. d Silas Mayjubilee celebration on May dib and recowmended that the Mayor issue a proclamation. --- The tire c•oplriyltt g commended the purchase of ontt.coat and one hat for the lire brigade as requested. The Indu.trlai committee reported_ diving • Mrs. John Ferguson an Chimney on Monday i _ .t and pre- - Mr, Twit Mrs. M. Ainslie and tacit, Yergason spent last week with the . seated their son -In-law .,.,,I �la_ughte=,' and Mr. 'and--Mrs-_Thou. Shields, of former's daughter. Mrs. Guy Durham, Mr. and Mrs. E. Doer ..1 }:set Wawi- (ioderIeh, were the guests of Mr:' abs or rrort 8town. rush, with a very subsant' ..:.itatil so' e r Mre, Bert Bradford last Friday. Sir. end Urs. !Torn of Walkervllle ,mate An nddree. was read by Mrs Mrs. Itobt. Davidson is In Toronto.' Sunday at the home of Mr. D Chamney and Mist. lean PIU5d R1., this week attending the convention of 1 'wiper Ili -Brien. made the presentation Sirs I1aer iseboo: trustees and ratepayers. Mr. al. -Lead end Mr. Dace McLeod thanked those aasemhl. I f. r their ire- the sale of the old steam engine in ML•s F:mlly McClure luta returned spaetit the week -enol is Mt the former's i the Itr.ck street National plant to home from Toronto, where she Was danghler; Mrs. Gordon Smith of rmembranre. A socia: c wan "7 -Phelan tiros. for illi, and recommended (.Jnyed by all. that the tenon tte•e ire emIoweriet to r v{aRiug her sister Laa[ettae•.-_ , milrertetn, Mlas Siarga[et !least : I:I tevtlM b Mr. and Mrs. Will Alton of Toronto Mb,' Elsie Patterson underwent !• t tsell the Z1k.p. eiectrlc motor in the !,q,ent („owl Frklag-with Sir and - Yes operation for topliw to Gesterich hos- %pending the week a' ItoM�O Art Craft factory to the pobIte ntfll• ber uncle. Yr. David \l 1 tsiert j(r o raft a cto 'Chas. Alton. pita) thin week. Miss Vttrgunet Ryan Is visiting The nnnicergary of the Y.P.S. of , These n ports were all adopted. friends at -Southampton this week. Knox United chureh will be observed ASHFIET.F) • May Keep Pitt Equipment in Taws - Bias tauretta McClure of Toronto on Sunday evening. April $. at 7.30 Mayor Maclewan reported on the ie 0.10m her parents. Mr. and Mrs. pm. .t special speaker and male flatlets! Church Nate.. -rhe Young recruit of efhtrt_a to obtain some con- W'm. M ('lure. quartette• from Kit hexer will be People's Society te.to th a very fine side rttlon for the Acerb -co of the The W A. of the United church present. program appropriate to the reason fast town's fire brigade 10 connection with held their regular monthly meeting • Friday night, Including a pageant en- ' at the home of Mrs. David Sproul 011 BENAIILLER titled, "nod's Candle-." that was Friday. .April 19. most Impressive In its ,u(ended teseb. WJ,.rt --TnI' Tnttnwtng to tree-- A t1 -^ -Ylaa 11 bo all centring In t_ }:a -ter report for Dungannon Junior aj' et, /LER, Pr die'si dor our sin a1Rt-Wbu is M' el has • returned home the .incknren lire In Colborne town- ship a les' weeks ago. itis Worship said he had intervlewsel the Insurance he Cress of Him m.,,J,le at ininganuun. I.ut he found there was not mne•h prorpeet of remr- Louisa Matd the Light of the t~. (Id, $upplylig Ing anything from that quarter. runty. The melte is appearing after after spending -the winter in Goderich. to all who .are wllltn, to be "God's CDUNGANNON �eaPh name indieatr the parentage ole Mr Lonnie Uke. Mrs. Oke and [aro• Cooq'lllur Iluc►ins obeerthe that talned. The pupils have been tested were Faster rlxltodIto r lee" the light they need in order It was a fine thing when the town ity, of Toretato, to this for Him la t who too plgr rt ! totnipment was sent to a Are outside DUNGANNON. April u. -Mlas Clara In all subjects: with 3(r. Oke'a mother, Yrs. iekt Oke• of fhb world. All wbo took part Sproul of Stratford Vent. Gone$. Fri -i Sr. 111 -}stn belle Webster 78 Billy lir. and Mrs. Ken. Bowden, of Tor - which must have been gratifying to acquitted themselves most .rerlit•bly, the town limits. but when It casae Mtn. day with her anther YDavid ('atnvhell 7:4 Iris Rlcett 7n, Franklin ort„ were np from .Toronto to speed 'l to reimbursing the firemen for their wives or the town for the use of Sproul. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mc•Eachern and family, of imndon, spent the week -end the guiewis of the lady's patent', Mr. and Mrs. it. A. McKenzie. Mies .1. Stother, of the Toronto teaching staff Is spending the holidays wit* nee- $erewta. Mr. wad Yaa. �es.� Mothers. Mrs. Fred Rosa and Master Donald 1 are rtsiting friends In Toronto this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston of' Fleeter niid 'Mr. Albert Johnston of Toronto were visitor' at the home 0f Mr. and Mr.. Herb. Alton nn Saturday. Mr Fronk Sevatre of Ridgeway U Eedy 00, Taverne Culbert 00, Ilett!' nue week -end with Hrs. Bnwden't par- Itradford 6.1.W'iunifred Swan 55, Mar- encs. Mr. and Meg J. W. Gledhill. jorie ,with :,-1, Elwyn Finnigan 36. - Mr and Sire. Ralph Million of Jr. iIi-Nell Haines 55, Slildrwl Au- StraRordvtllc were callers In the vil- derw.ti 11. Jack ('ae.ar 45, Vera Riv- lap on Monday. on their way home Pit 47, it.4a Swru 1.. Claytmt Ander- from a visit to lir. Million's mother sou 33 kr-1414"°1r.' itec�tttow. .._.&._J.I-That.- Yoant Ft- IKernadine alien 74 (ties), Jtoas Eedy 72. - Jr. II -Gerald Cnrrle 70. Norris ltradtord 01. Roy Jones 53, Lenore Paterson 53, Allan Petrie rat, More LFF:BI'RN, :►prU 23. -Silas Jessie Currie 37, Leonard Rivett 3•.. I.l°kheter. from Ottawa, called on her First Chaos ---Harold Errington 50, brother and sister here un Runday. Billy Stewart 73, Teddy Finnigan es, Mies Jean Hunter, from Stratford ('alder Paterson 50. Fred Young 52, Normal S• hoot. le spending Easter ()liver Glenn 4.. vlsiting his deter, Mrs. Leroy `lintel. Primer -Honors: Dorian Rutledge Mr. Keith Grey and his friend from Hr. Chns. Alton 1s .In Toronto thE4S7-Pettily* Jon'i8 es","'Leonard Cols. Slratturd spetlt Easter with relative. week nttending the O.F.A. holm 75. Keith Campbell 75. Paul here. Ili-. Olive Ferrier (ta 1s spending the esar 72..J. C. Alton 7". Pass: Slice Olive TIchl.orne, of Goderich, holidays with her yi fiof "WbTtltUarold (Henn 4YJ, ids Rivett d1, Hen- "pent a few hours nn Easter Monday chnrh. with her relatives !emir burg. Church NeteatThere was a good number out to the service at l.eeburn LEEBli RN holtdaye at her home Mr. and Mrs. onto 'pent the ry Elliot FAH. Mothers of Tort Number on. roll, 40, west -end the greeds+ OLIVE G. FARRIER, Teacher. 1 Smart Suits and Coats ! If you have --n cN ur Spi'ing_-Suit or Coat, there's--_ no necessity to put it off any longer when stick'extra' ri - ordinary values can be procured at Cornfield's Suits as low as $7.95 Men's Topcoats -MINI GET YOUR SPRING SUIT AT CORNFIELD'S .just arrived! Mena and young men's Snits; patterned woollens, blues, blue - greys and browns. Coats as $9.95low as ■ AFTER -EASTER SPECIALS IN Smart Straw Hat Sailors, bretons, brims and matron's types. All at a brisk reduction for you. The sea- son for wearing Spring Hats is at $2.39 its height . SLIPS Real silk crepe, bias cut, trimmed with lace. Exceptional value Smart styles in good-looking tweeds. Trimly tailored in styles you will like. Specially priced 4.m $1.39 $12.50 im Comencing next Wednesday, May 1, this store will be closed each Wednes- day afternoon during the summer months. ..' A. CORNF1E'LDII':.±..... "Shop where you are invited to shop" Phony 418 ..4,41.•L`iha,. , a..44 0. low-so, 3 s..^,a..s t.. a;.sats..:..i:. Miss Luella Cowen, the president, who directed the pageant. A very sub- stantial offering was • .m'ributed by the large audience that attended The Bible Sunday twee which sae - panda its regular ]t•+e.Ioek *endow no the arta/teew see saips, will *flans ar.I-Iu..4ay a5 tic se Be' equipment they sleeve struck • snag. He bettered it would he bet- ter If the council ohserced Its own rule and kept the lire equipment In town. Jobneton Carey, retired shoe menu- facturer, of 227 Rusholme road, Tor-' pnto, who died on Monday, April 15, 1 In his elghty-fourth year, was at one time n realdeut of Goderleb, conduct -1 Ing a boot and shoe business where ' George MatVlear is now engaged In a sitnlher buriness. He wee born 1n Toronto and wax connected with the shoe trade at various places In On-! tarlo. Ile 1a survived by his wife and two daughters, Mrs. J.T. Warne of Ot• tawa and Mrs. J. Fred Davey of I Ito.-keIlffe Park- - MRS. JOHN T. PITBI.ADO A well known and highly regarded re -!dent of Colborne tnwnshlp, In the Iverson of Sirs. John T. I'Itblado. linseed away at her home on coneerslon'. en Tuesday evening In her seventy• nfth year. Deceased was the victim for a luiralctic stroke, suffered a week -before her death. She was torn at Perth. Scotland. a daughter of Maris ` Whyte and Elisabeth McAuley She wile married to Mr. I'Ithlado forty -ulna years uyo, and they came to ('aneda in 19(11► to settle at Bentniller, where Mr. l'ithlndo took over the brickyard. They $ removed to the 4th eoneewslou In 1213.1 aurtirlaa,-. i* atiee the hutbeand,-as•_ four sons. John. David and Daniel, of ' 1'eillorne township, and William, of Godcrl •h, one daughter. EIlzaheth, at hone. uinejeen graudcbildren and one great-grandchild. One son died some time ago. Mrs. t'Itn.led° was a \'res- byterlan, lett attended .Itenmlller !United ehurt-11. Her. James McCrea•, of that church. w111 Pond net the fun- eral %cerise title (Thurrdayl after- noon ■t 230 o'.toek. interment will 1 ••• lie In Colborne cemetery. The Mayor aegnlesced in this view-. JOHN W►N'feER oaemates'-ae that of theeoasclt-! Thr death occurred on Satwrday. Geo. Million and Mn, Mawr** nee "God will ttrllu alb teaetF.arara><! ar • MRS: OHAISLOTTE B. ROMP - A well -loved personality passed away on Friday Iasi, In the person of Mrs. Charlotte 11. Goff, widow of the late Frank Roff, of Rlehtleld Springs, N.Y. Mrs. Roff, who was in her aeseaty-secotad year, was a resi- dent of tloderlch the last eight years, having ewne here front the United States on the death of her husband. She was deeply Interested In the wel- fare of young people and spent much time and effort In their behalf. Last year she .uc'eessfully produced a cab- aret abaret performance for the benefit of the Children's Shelter. She was torn, brought np and married In Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, and was a daughter of the late Mr. and lira. James I. Ben- nett, of that city. She was asso- rts/NI with St. George's Anglican church while In Goderieb. The re- mains were sent to Pittsburg for in- terment on Saturday afternoon. The sole survivors are two slaters, Mrs. W. Junes -Bateman of Goderk•h, and Sirs Hay Walker, of Pittsburg. William Reid - UPHOLSTERER - Lighthouse Street Phone 650 All kinds of Upholstering expert- ly done at reasonable prices CHESTERFIELD SUITES A SPECIALTY t_ Years' F,xpertence - Satlstartluu Guarani.•.A Complete line of latest Coverings -Free Eatimater Given- LO('AL REFEIIENCEIt -The minister Iles prepared 51 4.1.18111.• Conseil then went Into committee .tprtt ilth, of a 1lfel II thge ratrideDt'ii"�' ate chart signet by sixteen fcct, on of the whole. Cotbnrne townrhl9 In the person tf ,Jahn Fowler. In hie seventy-eevewth eer. iks-eased le survived by his wire. formerly Elizabeth Feagan, of R Reg. of London. and Worthy, at home; Sire. Gro. Bran and Mrs Wm Ben - min. of Cod.•rlch. Mrs. Harry Beadle, of Auburn. and Christina, at home. There are three sisler,' and four brothers: Mrs. Wilson Brownlee, Gwlerich ; Mr. Thos. Johns and Mrs. Wm Johns, Zelma. Mask.: Gen. Fow- ler, Setif/eel: WIIIiam, Gnderleh , Rob- ert, obert, Welwyn, Sask.. and Chris.. Sault Ste Merle. The fnneral servites on Tuesday, April 15th, were In charge of Rev. Dr. Mortimore of Auburn. Interment was In Colborne cemetery, the pallb, tieing three sone -In- law and three nephews: Geo. Ryan, Wm. ikenjamin, HarryBeadle. How- ard Fowler, Allan Wilco° and Chris. Brownlee.During the mervIee Mrs. which he hipgraphically outlined) -An Aeropinue View of Hod's Redemp'Ile COLBORNE 'TOWNSHIP Plan of Salvation as Resealed in the series of.rerine• le.tisee• en the gen- 4" • Ol►I.IjoRNF T(twNRHiP. April 24. eral theme- next Sunday morning at Bible," and will Rice the first of a 11 oeIoek. tieing the chart as an 11- • with friends in Flint, Mich J Inrtratice aid in reaching the minds of 1 Miss Testa Tabb, nurse -In -training all present through 'eye gate...... Ne -in (knterieh hnepit*I. spent Friday one can afford to nisi this Introdoe- with her friend Miss Amelia Mcllwatn. _tory lecture Next Lord's Day has Mr. end Mrs. Wm. !tannings of God-' been announced ss i:aptlsm Sunday. ,,rich visited at the home of Mr. and ' : NI -4 Wm. Marsh on Friday. i --Mrs. Allan Wilson has returned home after spending the pest otnnth 'olborne township: and by three sons lel four l ,lghterr: of Loyal, LVYA/4Mies ilorine Weheter Is 'Tending - I the F.arter rsestton at her home at LOYAL, April 24.- at". James Mae tit. Helens. Cres gave the Eaa. r sewage In 1115 Miss Irene Stoll of Eart Wawanosh United chnrch nn Fueday basing his • 1* spending the Emitter holkiayr at her' remarks nn the word,' of Luke 24:30home here. i -"Jesus stood In thele 'midst and I Mr. Douglas reagan of Stratford sold unto them. i'e;r e. be unto you." ! Normal 1s spending the Faster holt- Mrs. A. Mt -Slant's 8194 Mr. W. W. , days with his mother, Mrs. Jas. Walter sang as a diet, "The Old I Feagan. Rb" rvlee t MPCaldll 59801 Faster. $umisyngged w(tlloss.-te tke-4;aThr ateraa-tbankuffernea- . with-lseerr motearlher, Mrswe. Rebeoc5. ('old- 1 4LJhe W.31 ii..... PI'he .memberg4 „ea. of Dungannon. - will hare charge nrn.F-iN(K Ole'.) Jae. Mr: • 'Jahn • ]Maung of Adbara.la r Macl'rea will give the address. cMItInR his daughter, Yrs. Wm. Rer T. W. Mills had charge of the Marsh. Presbyterian service oa. Runday and Mr. and Mrs. Will Clayton and son Rave an Interesting and helpful ser- jerk. of Putnam. and Miss Gladys mon. The ehd it rendered appro- treble, of Toronto. were Easter visit- 'l priate mune,. with Mr. and )its. John Treble. Ur. Wm. Fowls'$ and family have yrs, Meadford of Toronto its vislt- moved to the farm recently purchased Ing her daughter, Mrs. Joe LaRocque. from Robert McMillan, Ooderich, and ]Ir, sad Yrs Warren Peder atxl David Cantwell and family have gone dpi Wino.. Yn. -i Sts. 13. re Rtes to Nile and will Ilre In Mr. Isaac Currie's 6oue e, Mt' the corner farm. Gorr MacDonald of Lncknow Is 'Tending the holiday week with his grandparents, Ur and Mrs. A. E. Er- rtngt'in. Mr 011ie Willis rind hie bride, form- erly Miss Salisbury of Landon, have returned from their wedding trip and n-flI reside on the groom's farm on the 0th eoneeralon of Colborne. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Reed. of De- troit, and Mist ('hristine Robertson, Toronto. spent the ,seek -cid with their father. Mr ('hat .% Robertson, M.P.P,. who has Piet returned from Queen's l'ark after a very foil and exciting ,esslon. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Crawford, Flint, MIeh., spent the week -end at "hide -a-wee," and brought home Mrs. Allan Wilson, who had spent a month with her daughter. in the city. I Mr., and Mrs. Fred Swantz and ehlldren are home for the holklay with Mr. and Mrs. .i. W. Young, Nile Mr. 1)ougla' Feaen., of Stratford Normal Reboot. I. ortipiding the v-aea- tlon with him mother, Mre. Jae Feagan. Mr. and Mrs. (*titan Fenian and 1 children. of Nile. and Mr. Harvey I Fisher end family 'hated on Sunday j with their parents, Yr. and Mrs. Jacob Flaher. Mr. and Mrs. handy Allis of De- troit visited his latents, Mr. and lira. Alden Albin Mrs. MsM)ermld and son Greg. nt Mnntreel. Mre John fillIIes. nt Arn- pekor. and Mie Mao{ Russell. of Ot- tawa, spent * few days with their niece, Mrs. Tait 'lark. sett family last week. Mins Russell will remain for some time. 413 PHIS+ 'a' and son Douglas, all of Detroit, were ioster visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hersh. Mrr Marihel Andrews of Walker vine and Mr. Brock Andrews of Tor- onto Sitiel or-ontoip5 l the ween-etrd with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McIlwaln. Mr. Donald Glennle of Toronto spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. John Treble. Mr. and Mrs Earl McKnight and two children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John McKnight of Auburn. Master George Foreman, who spent the past month with Mr. and Mrs. Amos Stoll, has returned to hie home at Flint, MIehlpn. Mr. D. Morison, Oagoode 11011. Tor- onto, spent the week -end et the home nt hie parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Man- son. KEN'S AND BOYS' Sweat hirts in the newest colors, styles sad materials Boys' sizes 25 to 34 $1.00 Men's sizes 34 to 44 $125 The colors include wiite, canary (yellow), blue and maroon. M. ROBINS Agent for Tip Top Tailors Phone 334 Meadow Cwarm Baby Chicks In previous years, customers have found that Pullets raised from our Chicks developed into profitable producers. They are backed by many years of breeding -for the best All our birds this year are Hotel tested and Gs,vernment- approted. our cockerel; are all pedigreed and from hetes with recoRi rB Pier eggs- ptr 'flews ati'ttiiei wtte ear own heavy -producing hens. Only A large eggs set. PRICE -APRIL 10c, MAY 9c, JUNE 8c if you want Chicks order early, as we lar. orders In for some time ahead and our mtpply is limited to eggs pr'odnonl by our own birds. W. Hume Clutton PHONE 1413, CARLOW R. R. 5.,OODLRICH PUR $10,A 0001 COOKB50OOK arwrw•rra.. IPM, eve SPA • were Is • parr/ amenel1. ark II rr• r. •reree• ow e.•r.•e••• 114 ., WHre_ A_, Tamers eo UR Your later -calfs fee week -wad saIsitakimaat! How yew 5 tirNks Maly year baMag so dr last Wade! Yoe rad sot. Bake k two oe (brae days abed. If yewk wgl be lists ad wbaa esrew4-il mads whin - best wheat to k• the popular, k der wilt die stro(aglt of Grass's eawawrsws lte atdstrwo. Porky Plow goes farther (ihaa oriwry abs ikon seva •dgblts ni a eek of PURITY i m.mi eyed le sae ti sip el seem et pastry _ o BEST FOR ALL YOUR BAKING 771' • .'•