HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-03-08, Page 23itechurch CONTINUED FROM PAGE 22 church Twirling Bobbins was held at the home of leader Mrs: Walter Elliott. The president, June Alton, opened the meeting with the 4-H pledge. The rollcall was answered by the 8 members showing the completed line and colour plan and choice for basic colour in the. Record Bobk. Kathy Purdon read the minutes and the next meeting will be March 6 at the home of leader Mrs. Archie Purdon. Mrs. Molt discussed the Wardrobe Building and the activity chart. • Mrs. Purdon d sigcussed Pattern Alterations and laying on and cutting out of pattern. Kathy Purdon, June Alton and Lorie Purdon demonstrated laying out and cutting out patterns. U.C.W. The March meeting of the United Church ,Women was, held on Wednesday at the home of Miss Mildred McClenaghan. The topic was The Church in Society. • Mrs. John Moore was the convener, assisted by Mrs. Fred Tiffin and Mrs. Muriel Thomp- son. Mrs. Lorne Durnin 'gave piano music. Mxs. Moore gave a poem "Faith". Mrs. Moore read the story of Peter's Denial <of Langside BY LILLIAN YOUNG With sunny cold ,.weather last week/several people reported feeing crows and ground hogs around the country. 'Mr. and Mrs. Al Sowden of Walkerton visited with, Mr. and Mrs. Len Coughlin and girls last Sunday, February 26. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Springer motored to Toronto Wednesday afternoon and . Thursday morning caught a plane for the Barbados where they are spending a week's holidays, sponsored by the White Machinery Co. Jim is an em- ployee at Farm Equipment. in Teeswater. Mrs. Frank Bongertman, of the eighth concession of Culross, is a patient in Kitchener Hospital. We wish her a speedy recovery. Their two children, Lou Ann and Roy are staying with their grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bongertman of Lucknow. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Young on Thursday were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wightman • t�f Belgrave, Wesley Young. of Lucknow, Ken Young, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Young, Marty, Jamie, Karen and Liane, and Mrs. Len --Coughlin. Mr.: and Mrs. Midford Wall returned . home Friday evening after an enjoyable holiday in Florida. at Auburndale, near Lakeland. They visited with their friends Mr. and Mrs. Earl. Tapp and Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Ford. One of the places they visited was Disneyland. On their first Sunday there the church they attended was, holding tourist Sunday and tourists from different countries ,stood up to be counted and the largest group came from Canada. Except for two wet days and two cold days the weather was lovely. They really enjoyed the trip. Sympathy of the community is' extended tmelatives of the late John Robb who passed away in Victorka Hospital, London on February 18. Mr. and Mrs. Robb and family farmed in Kinloss Township for quite a number of years. World Day of Prayer was held in the Presbyterian Church, Whitechurch last Thursday with a good attendance. _ Mrs. Grace Richardstha was guest speaker at the meeting. • Jesus. Mrs. Muriel Thompson told of the'work of Rev. Robert Rumballs with the deaf. Mrs. Tiffin read "How the church backed- a •town to build a fish industry and how the church put pressure on Korea to have prisoners released. She told . about her attendance at the United Church meeting at Hanover of the Ontario Marketing Board. Mrs: Thompson told of attending church in Florida and how welcome she was made. Mrs. Moore led in prayer. The Birthday Tea was then served by the hostess. " NEWS • 0 ST. HELENS LIVELY SIX The second meeting of the St. Helens Lively Six, was held in the St. Helens Hall on March 1, 1978 at 7.00 p.m. The meeting opened with the 4-H pledge. Six members answer- ed the roll call "Name one or more quilted articles you have, at home and describe them Mrs. Errington brought several quilted articles. Mrs. Weber then pro- ceeded to tell the origin of this craft. Each member made squares for the quilted sample and pieced them. This sample may. • be finished and ' used for a pin cushion. Pictures, of modern and traditional quilts were shown. The 4-H creed closed the meeting. Meeting No.. 3 will be held March 8, 1978. I,uclwow Sentinel, Wednesday, Manch 8 1978 ---Page 23 Ripley District School. news VARIETY CONCERT Last week at R.D.S. meetings began for students wishing to participate in this year's Variety Concert. Shelly Hackett ` and Dawna Rutledge, .our .two music directors are busy selecting music for the program and the Level. V students are helping- prepare skits. , Everyone is welcome to attend our Variety Night '78 which is jo be held on May 18 and 19. INTRAMURAL BASKETBALL Intramural basketball contin- ues every day' at R.D.S. in the student's noon hour. The number one girls' team is Wendy Hamilton's team and the top boys' team is Chris McGarvey's. However, the schedule is not completed and playoffs will begin soon. SCIENCE FAIR RESULTS On Friday, March 3, the - Ripley Huron .Central MRS. JOHNSON'S GRADE ONE As a follow-up to the story in the grade' one's reading course, Mrs. Johnson's class decided to have an ,animal contest. Participa- tion was voluntary and the animal could be made from any material. 16 children entered an animal. . Mrs. Bourgeois acted as judge. The prize winners in the cut out. and -picture section were Shannon Bannerman first for her lion. Calay Barber second for her • elephant. In the models, Robbie Thompson won first for her dinosaur ' and Tanya' Snobelin second for her bunny. Congratu- lations to all the winners . and those who participated.. MRS. Mac.DONALD'S GRADE ONE Birthday, greetings go to John Kelly and ,Kevin Osborne, who celebrated birthdays this month. Trevor Thronicroft has returned from his two week vacation in Florida. AROUND GRADE THREE In Grade three there was another play casted by the "Group of Ten". The play is a space play. Also in Grade three there are 3 kids with the same birth date. The date is Monday, March 6, 1978. Mrs. Bourgeois says its the first time it .ever happened to her in a class. WEATHER OR NOT [WHETHER] In.; Mr. Price's class they are taking a unit on weather. FLOOR HOCKEY Primary Floor Hockey will continue till the March break, when the playoffs will begin.,,,, winners of the Ripley Science Fair took their projects to Lion's Head to participate in the Bruce County Science Fair. The winning stud- ents .at the Ripley Science Fair included Nadine Foulds, Denise Huber and Debbie Zipfel, Rick Rock, Mark Foulds, Tom Wilson, Larry Needham and Brian Hus- ton. There were two winners from Ripley in the Bruce County competition. Congratulations to Nadine and Mark 'Foulds! Kinlough BY MAY BOYLE Relatives and freinds from here extend sympathy to the Stewart family in the death of the late Rex Stewart. The funeral was on Monday afternoon at Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scott were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Emmerton on Sunday: Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Guest of Teeswater who celebrated their 65th wedding -anniversary on Monday. A family gathering was held on Saturday at their home. Mr. and Mrs. Tom McDonald attended. PaRTICIP.707o7 Fitirsss. In your heart you know it's right. our job should -have safe, conditions. thy work Ontario's job is to see that you get them. Take a minute now to think,about yourself and your work situation. Your job satisfaction and goiid health are important to you, your en ployer and the productivity of Ontario's economy. Safe and healthy workers are .better «'orkers, and concerned, well-informed employers are better• employers. That's why your Ontario Government has established the Occupational Health.and Safety Division within the Ontario Ministry of Labour. The Division communicates And works with employers and employees alike, encouraginti all concerned to do everything possible to prevent injury or illness in the workplace. It does this by: • conducting regular programs of inspections and audits to ensure compliance with the legislation; • providing advisory, consultative and technical services on health and safety matters; • promoting intemal h hour*illanagement responsibility for maintaining a sate and healthy workplace; • reviewing proposed plans fir new Projects in the pre -development stages to avoid "building in" potential hazards. The new Division is dedicated to the control and elimination of caccupational health and.safety hazards with ongoing research, educational programs and Hif need he corrective action when, cooperation doesn't work. • A booklet spelling out in detail the, activities of the Occupational Health And Safety Division is being distributed to employers. If you would like a copy, contact your nearest Ministry of Labour office. And work in good health! Bette Stephenson, M.D., Minister of Labour William Davis, Premier Province of Ontario