HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-03-08, Page 22Page '22-:Lucow Sentinel, Wednesday, March 8, 1978
in s b ridge......►...
chaperons were . narned, Father
Ed Dentinger, C.R., , Mrs. Clarice
Dalton, Mrs. Eugene Frayne,
Mrs, William Berry, Mrs. Frank
Doherty, Miss Joanne Hamilton
and Mr. Harold Zettler. Everyone
is enthusiastic about the trip and
hopes it will be a success.
On Wednesday, March lst,
Mrs. Barb Eedy was requested to
go the Board Office in Dublin
where she assisted in selecting
V.T.A. Tapes. for the entire
Huron -Perth System. Later in the
year, some of these tapes will be
used at St. Joseph's on a new
video tape recorder that the
school is acquiring.
Plans have started for the
education week , program at
Kingsbridge and as usual every-
one will be welcome to attend the
activities in April.
The School Association execu-
tive met on Wednesday, March
lst. Members present were Mrs.
Emma Franken, Mrs. Nellie
Plasschaert, Eugene Frayne, Fa-
ther Dentinger, Joanne Hamilton,
and David Zyluk. Harold Zettler
attended as a resource person.
The school paper drive has been.
set for March 18 and we hope to
see a good response. The funds
are to be directed to a community
sehool project that is to be
revealed at a general meeting on
April 17th,
March 3rd was the World Day
of Prayer, and the school •cele-
brated by attending First Friday
Mass. Mrs. Donald Frayne's
grades 5 and 6 class arranged the
Mass and the readers were
Christine Stapleton and Perry
On Friday morning, March 3
Joanne Hamilton attended a
Huron -Perth Sports Council
meeting and returned with the
news that inter -school floor
hockey is going to be played in
Wingham in 'April.
Grades 7 and 8 students started
mid term exams • on Wednesday,
March lst and are obtaining a
small insight into high school life.
Intermediate` house league
checkers survivors are, Cathy
Chisholm, Saskatchewan; Liz
Vogt, Toronto; Mike Franken,
Kevin Smith and Jim VanOsch,
all from Edmonton.
In grades 5 and 6 basketball,
Saskatchewan ' still undefeated,
top the league. Toronto are
likewise in grades 3 and 4
encounters. Toronto and Edmon-
ton .are still tied for top spot in
Grades K - 2 Canball.
Fourteen tables of card players
gathered on Thursday evening for
the regular Shoot Party._First and
second prize for women was given
to Nora Finnigan.,; and George
Grigg. High man was Mel
Mathers with Lorne Forster tak-
ing second. John Lyons took the
.` `Most Shoots" by five. Lucky cup
went to Cliff Murray. Next party
is March 16, 1978:
The club .met Friday night for a
long 20 miles ride. Several drivers
were lost or strayed and one
unfortunate even lost her keys as
well a her way. A short meeting
folio d the ride. Next meeting
wi be March 17, regardless of
th weather.
` 'ds Day" was held Saturday
afternoon. Due to extreme cold
and wind the children were taken
for a very short ride. Most of the
fathers wanted to return sooner
than their children. Hot dogs and
hot chocolate were served to
warm up the riders.
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Humphrey
of Clinton were. very surprised
when most of their former neigh-
bours gathered at their home on
Saturday evening. The party was
a farewell party which, because of
Christmas and various other
engagements, had to be postpon-
ed. The Humphreys moved to
Clinton in November. Rick and
Ramona were 'presented with a
pair of 'colonial kerosene lamps,
along with miscellaneous small
gifts for their new horrid.
Reverend .Cook and Mrs.
Gordon McPherson attended
Presbytery in Clinton on Tuesday,
February 28.
Mr. and. Mrs. Wayne Todd and
family, visited Mr. and Mrs.
Verdun DuCharme in Wingham.
Also visiting were Mrs. Mark
MacAuley and family of Ripley.
, Mr. DuCharme was celebrating
his birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. Angus MacDon-
ald and Sadie Barbour visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Barbour
of Donegal (near Milverton). The
Barbours will be celebrating their
20th . anniversary.
Jan Zdybel 202.
Team points:. Kings 5, Snows 2,
Wealthys 2, Spys 4, Macs 5,
Pippins 3.
Team standings: Macs 93,
Kings 86, Spys 83, Wealthys 74,
Pippins 64, Snows 62.
A high single of 325 and a high
triple of 778 was bowled .by Ron
Games over 225: -Ron Stanley
325, 238, Jim Bain 298, Doug
Stevenson 297, Gerald Rhody
269, Harvey Culbert 268, 242,
.Russ Button 247, George Ander-
son 232, 225, Allan Stanley 225.
Team points: Oldsmobiles 5,
Fords 7, Mustangs. 2, Dodges 4,
Pontiacs 0, Buicks 3.
Team standings: Oldsmobiles
89, Fords 87, Mustangs 60,
Dodges 84, Pdntiaes 74, Buicks
Anna Johnstone had high score
for the ladies with single of 179
and double of 353.
High for the men went to
Harvey Houston with single of
199 and double of 381.
Team points: Reds 2, Oranges
3, Yellows 5, Greens 0, Blues 5,
Violets 0.
Team standings: Reds 58,
Greens 55, Yellows 54, Blues 53,
Oranges 51, Violets 44.
On March 4th Listowel # 1
defeated Lucknow 6 - 5.
Scores were: 1086-1226, 1008-
Men's scores •were: Ron Stan-
ley 1228, Harvey Culbert 1217,
Gerry Ross 1166, Allan Stanley
1054, Bob Cranston 1050, Bob
Greer 1050.
Word was received here that
William Emmerton, a resident at
Southampton Nursing Home, had
passed away in Hospital, His
wife, the former Elora Crowston
oT "Langside, is a patient at the
Southampton Nursing ,Horne.
The Y.P.S. held their meeting
Sunday evening at the manse,'
with David Elliott in charge. The
topic was Our Missions in the
Ruth Ann and Carol Ann
Johnston of Toronto were Satur-
day callers on their grandmother,
Ella Johnston.
Mrs. J. Ritchie and Mrs. Fraser
MacKinnon were Monday callers
on Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson.
The village card party sponsor-
ed by Mrs. Alan Falconer and
Mrs. Harvey Osborne was held.
Monday evening at the home of
Mrs. Osborne with 4 -tables in
play. The next party will be held
Monday evening, March 13 at the
home of Mr. ' and Mrs. Wesley
Saturday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Ivan Laidlaw, Janet and
Kimberley,, were Mr. and Mrs.
Don Habkirk of Milton. -
Mr. and' Mrs. Bill Snowden and
Bill Jr. of Goderich and Mrs.
Dave McGlynn of Kitchener were
Saturday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Tiffin, Joe Jr. and Mrs.
Elizabeth Tiffin, the occasion was
the celebration of Mrs. Snowd-
en's birthday.
On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Dave.
McGlyni bf Kitchener visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Snowden
and Bill Jr. of Goderich.
Mr. and • Mrs. Jim de Boer,
Linda Moore and Barry Elliott on
Wednesday attended the farm
show at London.
On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Kirk
Beecroft, Jennifer and Angela,
visited with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. E. W. Beecroft and Karen.
Mr, and' Mrs. Tom Beattie -of
Owen Sound were Sunday visiors
'with Mr. and " Mrs. Harvey
Osborne and family.
Mr. and Mrs, Harry Moss of
Plattsville spent the weekend
with Mrs. Ben McClenaghan and
Mr. and Mrs. Cart McClenaghan.
Mrs. .Ben McClenaghan returned
home for a visit with Mr. and
Mrs. Moss,
Albert Coultes spent a few days
last week with his daughter, Mrs.
Wilbur Schwichtenberg, Mr.
Schwichtenberg' and family at
Port Elgin.
Bob Ross of Conestoga College
was given last week at home to
-Study prior to exams.
Mr. and Mrs. John de Boer and
Mr. and Mrs. John Jamieson
attended the farm show at London
on Friday.
When' Hector Purdon brought
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mowbray
home last week from Strathroy he
spent a few days with them.
Mr. and Mrs.' Wesley' Tiffin
and Mrs. Bob Mowbray on
Sunday called on Mrs. Jack
Maclntyre at Pinecrest Manor
Nursing Horne, on Tom Purdon
and visited with Mr. and Mrs..
George Tiffin of Lucknow.
Mr. and Mrs: Don Ross, David,
Bob, and Brian attended the farm
show at London one day last
Mrs. Dalton Schultz on Sunday
was a dinner guest with her
grandson Dennis Schultz and
Mrs. Schultz of West Wawanosh.
Weekend visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Adams were David
Adams of Windsor and Mrs. Jim
Smith and Robbie of Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Purdon,
Kathy, L rie, and Kendra attend- °4
ed the flower show on Wednesday
at Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mowbray
Arrived home Thursday from
Strathroy where they had been at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hector
Purdon while they were on a
holiday. Y,
Wilford and John Clipperton
and Fred Tiffin spent Wednesday
ih London at the farm show.
Mrs. Russel Chapman accotn-
panied Ross Smith to his home on
Sunday at Russeldale where they
were celebrating their grand-
daughter, Jessica Blackler's first
birthday. Mrs. Chapman is her
great grandmother.
9uite'a few from Whitechurch
attended the dance at Brookside
School for Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Menary who recently lost their
house by fire.
On Friday evening Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Osborne visited with
Rev. and Mrs. Robert Armstrong.
of Wingham,
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber and
Clair moved on &Friday to their
recently purchased home at
Belgrave. Prior to leaving they
were presented by Alex Craig
with a gift from the village on
account of their loss in the recent
The World Day of Prayer was
held in Chalmer's Presbyterian
Church Sunday School room with
an attendance of 15. Mrs. Don
Ross, 1st vice president of
Chalmer's W.M.S., presided as,
leader for 'the first part of the
program. Scripture readings were.
given by Mrs. Archie Purdon,
Mrs. Walter Elliott and Mrs.
Russel Chapman. The voices
were Miss Lorie Purdon and Mrs:
Harvey Osborne. Mrs. Lorne
Durnin was leader for United
Church Women in the absence of
their president, Mts. Agnes
Farrier who is in Florida. Mrs.
Don Ross was pianist for the
hymns sung.
The offering was received by
Mrs. Wesley Tiffin' and Mrs.
Millan Moore and dedicated by
Mrs. Cliff Laidlaw.
• The guest speaker was Mrs.
Grace 'Richardson, a teacher. at
Zambia, Africa, who stressed God
is faithful in answering the
prayers of people: Mrs. Milian
Moore thanked Mrs. Richardson
for her message. Mrs. Dave Gibb
was appointed Key Woman.
The third meeting of White -
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