HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1935-4-11, Page 8a—Thuseas. Asa MAASS GODICRICH, ONT. a TOWN OF GODERICH NOTICE All owners and occuptere ot premien§ are hereby notified that all garbage, etc., must be re- moved from their premises by 44.-4'31 Amiletand amiltary Importer. Use Ilse Signal's Advertising Column@ FOR RENT=Olt- SA Bedford Reside- Cobeurg St. APPLY W F. K. DARBA)W, Phone fl Executor. Sanitary Meat Market —Specials Saturday Only— FRESH KILLED LAMB leetgl 17c Loin Roast 16c Shoulder Roast 121/2o Breast to Stew 90 Lamb Chops 190 Ring Bologna—.2 1be-26o Pure Lard 2 lbs. 26c —THOS. LEGO— Phone 485 Hamilton Street Warning Riding bicycles on the side- walks is against the Town By-law. Take notice that offenders will be prosecuted. (Signed) R. C. Postelethwaite, Chief of Police., CHAMPIONSHIP CIIP Winners In Juvenile Hockey League Receive LianaTrophy Bill Bradley's team, champions with five straight wins in the juvenile hockey league lapunisored by the God- erich Lions, were presented with the trophy, a silver cup, at the meeting of the ',Ione Club at the Park House ou Thursday evening last. The pre- sentation was made by Judge T. R. Costello and the trophy was received lf4eyse4es -bleu— IL- Stonetiouse. who took a keen interest In the youthful players throughout the hockey season. Keels member of the team received merchandise coupons whieli may lw redeemed at the local stores. The trophy lo being kept for the present at %lc -torte echool. The cballip101111 are Bill Bradley...Al- ./kindles'. WhittIngham, Jtu:k. Wilaou. Hero Young and Harold Prouse. The team took one game by default but scored seventeen goals in the four games played, cotupared with seven seored against them. In presenting the trophy, which is for 11111111a1 competition. Judge Coate!- ' lo gave the boys a moot interesting talk 011 good gportsinsuship. He held up as a model fir the youngsters Frank Nighbor, manager of lenukin Tees.. who refereed the final juvenile game here and who was described as "one of the cleanest sportsmen and one of the grandest players of the hockey game" The Judge said that when here Mr. Nighls.r was quite im- pressed alth the hockey put up by the Goderich youngsters. He urged, .Judge Costello told the champions. that they learn to skate well before at- tempting tit play hockey, as three- quarters of the sante is to be a good skater. Judge Costello urged tbe boys to be Jxood sports. to play hard,' not neees- sarily roughly. and above all to In- dulge both in clean sports and clean language. Mr. Stonehouse thanked Judge Cos- tello and the members of the Lions Club In behalf of the blies as he re- ceived the trophy. In addition to Mr. Stonehouse the Lions juvenile hockey rommittee included D. I. Hill, D. R. Nairn and I. D. Eastman. A committee of 1,iong iit to consider sponsoring a jurenlie baseball league this year along the same lines as the hockey.league. 11111,117ART BALL Invitations are being Issued by the officers of the Huron Regiment for a military ball to be beld in the Clinton don ball om Monday, April 220d. Capt. F. Q. Thompson, M.D., Clinton, is the honorary secretary. HOME PROM ABROAD Mr. Chan. Wurtele returned to his hom, . here on Wednesday night after a ten weeks' tour of European coun- tries 'and England. He is the pie - leen at /...10•-•••"'a....reparts anoci- lent Taii—througli- Sweden, Germany, Italy, Frame and England. THE 1111URNEY SALE There was a large attendance at the auction sale at the home of the late W. T. Murney on Saturday afternoon, and the large stock of implements and eef.ftetvas D inter - two la Goderich township, one in Colborne, subject to reserve bids, were not sold. Baby Chicks ASHFIELD Shortage of $7,000 Shown by. Audit (Continued from page 1) mittee: Christopher Johnston, remov- ing frame building 40U1 west end to Oxford street anti rebaliding as dwell- ing house; Geo. cocktield, re -roofing verandah. Wilson street; Jeleub °WM' --1A14•111, Albert -street re -roofing dwelling, Victoria street. A requbetion trent the fire brigade for one rubber cost and one hat was sent to fire committee. A request from NIrs. Priddle for the lowering of the drain on Elizabeth street was referred to the public works committee AtelIFIELD, April 10.—The April meeting of the Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Chas. Robb on Thursday. Mrs. Fred Ross and Donald, of Dun- ganuon, spent the week -end with Ifriends in ',whitish. I Miss Elizabeth MacDonald, teacher at Nile, spent Sunday at home. Mrs. Will MacDonald and children ispent the last week at the home of "her parents in Huron township. Mr. leinglas MacDonald occupied the pulpit of Ashfield Presbyterian church on Sunday while Rev. J. K. Mace:dilly- ray was in Lucknow church. BARRED soots iinit M. C. WHITE LEGHORN CHICK/4 Supwrior grade. Line bred from 1( 01' and regigtored stock front 25 to 30 -os. ens, at t10.00 per hundred' -- .Orders for SIM or over delivered. —Ow cent leas fat May WALTER1:ROSE • BRUSSELS . ltwr • • FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF MARINE HOCKEY CLUB N R. Macy, treasurer of the "Marines" junior hockey club, pre- sent -t the following financial statement for the /neon just concluded: • RECEIPTS Prize draw f 87 25 Dante (Marine Club)--....•......... 15 75 11 60 Seaforth-at-Goderich game -14 36 $t. Marys-at-Goderich game ..- 44 95 Junior vs. Intermediate game 3 35 1157 25 EX PEND1TURE Entrance fee 6 00 TtavellIng expenses 32 86 Storing and cleaning uniforms Sticks, tape, laces ....-.. ........ Hardware -- Printing Towels — •••••••••6111••••••• Rink Players. senIPIIMEI— Coal Sharpening skate. .. e•ssommi. Ticket selling Telephone. postage, Meyers' equipment All.M. Aud ed endloteik. Apre 1113&-r•-• 500 21 55 336 850 70 Si 90 42 111 2 92 5-56 ISP *36 BO • •..14' ".. t.:1=tithiiee Valsbreds• Y a ell with reference to the proposed King's jubilee celebration on May tith. He had received word from military headquarters to the effect that the lo- cal regiment might co-operate in any celebration that might be held. It was suggeeted that brief ceremony be held on the Square in the morning, with the Legion, the Boy Scoute, the school children, the Daughters of the Empire and other organizations participating. "A" company would fire a salute, and there might be a march past in which the Boy Scouts and the Legion would take part with tlae militia. An application for permission to hold the Salvatiou Army's annual tag day on May 18th, in connection with the self-denial appeal, was promptly granted. A recommendatiou from the town clerk for an increase of salary to Miss Black, stenographer and clerk's assist- ant, was referred to the finance com- mittee BRIEFS PUBLIC NOTICE Survey ef Meier Camps A communication from the Board of Trade, enclosing it survey of motorists' camps at various points in Ontario made last year by a committee of the Board, was passed on to the cemetery and parks posanitttee The survey gives details elf tile equipment of the various camps, with other information which ma s be useful in making im- provemmits at the local camp. Mr. F. Woollcombe again •pplied for a share of the town's inearance busi- ness. Referred to the finance com- mittee. Notice of a 11Seeting of weed inspec- tors to be held at Clinton on Tues- day afternoos, April 9th, was sent to the special committee. • memorandum from the Provin- cial Rolle! IMPartment getetng forte the predadeaa rotating to medical ser- vices a on relief VCrIreferred .to,the special I supplies for persons committee. ' The municipaLlte is re- quired to provide attic/month a sum of mosey eqbal to the total of 20 cents for loch person. receiving relief la that motel', and front this fund pay- ment is to be made to doctors and tiggists few medical yervicesaed leel • • • Them values ars efeetive from Thursday, April llth XilialliM6/011•11191101MNSpiam until Wednesday, April 17th, tuelosive. A Raisinsl 10c — eellifere- Australian Seedless BROOMS i• 33C isek and 39` KIRK'S CA.1111 SOAP 5 cake. 23` CHIPSO 2 Pli31411 1 5C Pittrg°17` WHITE BEANS u. 6 ibs 25' TOMATOES tretNtift, 325 CORN SYRUP – IV 39' PORILASEANS. ROLLED OATS1 DOMINION STORES TEAS P'or flavour for valise DOMINO %-lb.23c Red Package RICHMELL00 8C Blue Label 416 RICHMELLO 2c N'ellow Label 411a. GOLDEN TIP40c i2-111. Tin 2triLit 713. 25 CHLORINATED LIME - - Pkg. 109 RECKITTS BLUE . Pkg. 411* SNAP POWDER Tie mg CLOTHES LINES, 50 ft. - 25e BRASSO Lge. Tin 23t SANIFLUSH Tin 23t STEEL WOOL Pkg. St Jelly Powders143P4-14` P & G Soap SHREDDED WHEAT 2 Pkg. 23c RED RIVER CEREAL Pk( 23c CLASSIC CLEANSER 94 Tin SC BON AMI Cake or POWtler 2 Tin. 25c CLOTHES PINS 3umot1 0c 5C y flowers Soap 8 Rars 25' SPECIAL IPane, Quality 6 Lobster %ND Tin -4-14 29c yonseimompopeg=pognmeggessenmatemmimmineimmortionft. .• gene works h libearilewn to look at aneataagement- had been it after the terra dumpgagind and gravel pit on Malth*s. road for the sum of $26a year; that die MC church bull& ing on Brock street hadlbeen wrecked, and that the vault In ate 'Aational" ollIce on xtiset;Nerest MID lad been removed., -Recommesdations were that the lettliestront Kies Farrow regard- ing road On Ott Waterloo street be considered when the road oil program is being prepared, and that the finance rommittee look tato 193.3-34 road oil eharges on Cambria road. The induetrik1 committee recote- mended that the matter of putting son* cement flooring in the welding shop on Newgate street be left with the chairman of the eseamittee to ar- range. The fire comadttee reported that a fire alarm siren had been installed at the corner of Kingston and Victoria streets, and that two new tires had been purchased and placed on the Reo fire truck. The fin.enee,ommittee reported: "We have received an interim report from the local auditors as of March 29111 showing a deficit of the tax collector of ifittioilmate1f17,000, and pend: Ing the completion of their report and the verification of tax arrears we have arranged with Mr. R. W. Johnson, ebartered accountant of St. Thorne's, to come up neyt Monday and complete their audit" The committee passed • large numbcr of accounts, including awounta of the welfare board amount- ing to These repots: were all adopted. A motion uss passed that the local fishermen he allowed to use the up. stairs mon' to the town hall to re- pair nets, this to be under the super- vision of the public works committee. E. It. Wigle and W. 11. Robertson, of the Goderich Monica' Soelety exe- cutive, sere heardin support of a re- quest for it grant to the town band. The application was referred to the finance eonitnittee. Deputy limy, Turner was appointed the ceuncil's reptementative on the .Muslcal•Socict3 exeeutive. -Poi I/unlink* l/ay Celebration bell-beto proposed that the West- ern Ontario tiremen't tournament be held in•uosierith on July let next. The 'meets' cononittee was asked to get fur- ther information in the matter. Coun- cillor Duckins proposed that it citi- zens' meeting be C41 I ed to discuss the Dominion 1A13 program. It was "theided to advertise the MoOre lot In rolborne township (the town's woodlot ID 1988-34) for sale or rent. • Deputy Reeve Turuoff. again pro- tested agalest speeding by motorists, particularly on the harbor hitt road. Ile mild the stop signs on the Square also were not ogettrred as they Rhould be. Councillor Docking', ehairman of special eomnottee, said be would take them matters op with the police. Councillor Brown thought the 110- -pmfitton of s Sait would he offertIve In checking dolatione of the traffic retitle( long. BYlsw No. 11, to adopt tbe report of Engineer rhea- B. Kidd on road oll aluseammenk, was adopted and the eouncil adjourned. Mor ma Idehyde. Government ,stan- dard strength. Your own bottle. Me Ib. CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE. The Central Home and Schoch Club will bold a home-made baking Rale in Mr. C. U. Robertson's store on Battu day, Apri1.13. Preah shipment of Laura Secord and Nellson's chocolates. Laura Secord Mb and Easter ICIatlit'S ROL SUMP, BELL it Ditteu nreeRig - — Maple Leaf Chapter, I.O.D.E., will hold a rummage sale in bilaoEs7 Hall on May 3rd and 4th. Save your con- tributions for this event. Catholic Women's League "Easter party" --500, euchre and dance—In Masonic Hall, &aster Monday, April 72„ Red Ruhl's orchestra. Admis- sion 40c. • • Illonterth setareenat United church 10111 bold • "salad tea" in the Sunday school room on Saturday, April 27th, from 4 to 6 p.m. The Goderich Township Hospital Auxiliary will hold their regular monthly meeting at the home of Miss Andrews, Barfield road, on Thursday, April 181h, at 2.30 o'clock. Nine more families were taken from the relief lint at a meeting of the Welfare Board on Tuesday night, bringing the total struck off in the past two weeks up to twenty-seven, rTehierfe are still thirty-two families on le Tile pupils of the publie schools under the direction of the music in- structor, Mr. R. F. Player, are pre- senting a coneert in Knox church lec- ture room on Thursdsy and Friday evenings this week. The program will be a varied one and will include a Japanese operetta, "0 Cho San." Tbe adridirecssion is .35c.for adults and 15c for it WITIA6KNOWN PIANO ILANUTAC- URIOR has a few need Pianos with small balances (one °WY Baby Greed). Reasonable terms. Apply AUDITOR-, Box 14, The Signal. ••••• CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT. j. W. MONTEITH, Chartered Arrematsint 209 Ontario Street, Stratford, Ont. 1510 Star Building. Toronto, Oat REMANDED FOR SENTENCE Fenner Baylleid !baker Pleads Guilty to Theft Charges Erie H. Johns, former bank manager and bond broker, of Barfield, pleaded guilty before Judge 'I'. M. Costello on Wednesday to the theft of $5,200 from eix of Ids clients. Through his coun- sel, Frank Donnelly, be elected a speedy trial. Johns, in a signed statement given Crown Attorney D. E. Holmes, said the money was taken to finance a venture in real estate, in which he had hoped to make guffiteent profits to return his clients' money. Theventure failed.. Johns will ap- pear next Monday at 2.20 ant. for sentence. , CARD OF THANKS WM• TOI1i 11GT0N — street, wishes to masa the taarf friends, relatives and nurses for kind - nate and sympathy extended to ber In her recent sad bereavement; also for the beautiful floral tributes and those who loaned cars. jOH'N W. HARPER AND COMPANY, Chartered Accountants, 320 Bay St., Tomato, J. W HARPER, C. A. E. W. HUNTER, 0. A. (aster 44 GIFTS I• Easter Cards and FOR SALE BT ADM GM . mak, is, at 2 p.m., frame house and three lots, corner of Regent and Oxford streets. House with modern .4swysefeassa Possession at awe. TERMS—Tmenty-five per centdown, balance within thirty days. RUSSELL BOYCE, Proprietor GEORGE H. Ea.Liorr, auctioneer. WANTED WANTED. ---JUNIOR 8TENO0RA- 7, MIER offers eervIees free for ex- perience. Apply SIGNAL OFFICE. WN"rED.—GIRL TO DO GENERAL housework. Must be able to do plain cooking. Apply at SIGNAL OF- FICE. 'USK WANTED.—RAGS, STOVES, second-hand furniture, ete. Phone 467. MICHAEL KENNEDY, Victoria street, Goderich. •111•,61mmanosomm. MEDICAL R. F. J. R. FORSTER, EYE, EAR, NOSE; THROAT. Late House Surgeon New York Ophthalmic and Aural Hoimital, ne- gligent at Moorefield Eye Hospital and Golden Square Throat Hospital, London, Eng. 5:3 Waterloo Street S., Stratford. Telephone 207. At :Hotel Bedford. Goderkh, from 7 pm. on the evening of the third Wednesday et each month until the next day. Thursday, at 1 p.m. TINDERS WANTED TENTER& Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until ft o'clock Wed- negday, April 240, for the purpotte • rushing gravel and placing In bins, elan for the hauling of fhb' gravel on the township roads of Colborne. Gravel supplied by the township. . WM. SALLOW, Clerk. TENDERS WA NTED.—SEA LED I tendert' for the repair of the J. B. Young drain will be rwelved by the undersigned up to and Including May llth, 1935. All tenders must be aceompanied a marked cheque for ten per cent. of the amount of the tender and must be marked"Tender." Plans aril apeetflea- tiona may he seen at the clerk's; office. The lowest or 4.^y tender not fleet's - eerily aecepted. DI" RNI N TULIPS, Clerk West Wawanoish Township. DRUGLESS YCI ior al CHI IP liqtAC'POR ALND DRUGLESS THERAPIST Goderich, Phone 341 Equipped with electro -magnetic baths. Electronic electric treatments and chiropractk. Chronic, organic and nervous diseases, lady in at- tendance. Ofike hours 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 p.m. on Tuesday. Friday and Sat- urday, and on Wednesday 10 to 12 a.m. and 7 to 8 p.m., or consultation may be had by .tppointment. A. N. ATKINSON Residence and office—Corner o South street and Britannia road. FOR SALE OR RENT poR SALE.—A WHIPPET SEDAN a car in first-class condition. MRS. F ROSS, Dungannon, IOB RENT. ---HOUSE. HARDWOOD floors. Garden. Garage. Cles- tral. Apply to M. W. HOWELL COR SALE.-8E00ND-HAND MA- TERIAL from wrecked bouse—doors, windows, maple flooring, shreting, etc ROBERT DOAK, Pkton street. Phone 556. "OR SALE.—SOLID BRICK HOUSE a with all convenience*, including heavy wiring. 140 feet frontage. At a 84128ht. Cash or terms. Address BOX '7, 8107411., TO RENT.—TWO-STORT, EIOMT- a ROOM boom on Keay* street. All conveniences. Garage. Henhouse. Large garden with fruit trees. Apply to JOHN DIFITIX)W, RR. 1, Port Al- bert. elORD ORME FOR SALE.—IM- PROVED Bawler oats and Empire oats. 0. A. C. 21 six -rowed barley. Also alfalfa seed, grade 1. FRANK L. YOUNG, RM. 5, Goderich. Tele- phone 208, Carlow. f‘r/ESANCZ ote palmerston street of M ILSNT.--TELE RES!. the late Rimed] Reid; Including beau- tiful , double gamer and .elisitea rtlestars ap- 1414* Out, X R. DOUSE FOR dittlide —SEVEN -ROOM - 1110D boom aLleitram• of Regent street and Britamala road, being the property beentiging to the late Chas. Waken. Good garage. Large garden. Terms reasonable. Apply to L. E. DANCEY. Barrister, Town. rOR SALE.—BABY CIIIICKS AND a hatching ego from high producing S.C.W. Legborns. All pens beaded with ROP. cockerels whose dams have records up to 280 eggs. Get our prke list before you buy. E. R. PEAOHEY, Box 201, Goderich. Phone 579 FARM MR SALE OR RENT. The Town of Goderich has for sale or rent a farm of fifty-seven aeree, pt. lot 7 and pt. lot 8, concession 6, In the township of Colborne. For particulars apply to L. L. KNOX, Town Clerk. CAM& F'OR SALE.—I HAVE TO Oi- 1 FER for sale 100 acres of farm land !Mooted in the Township of Ashfield, at a sacrifice price. Reasonable de- posit. Immediate possession Owner , might remitter gond - tenireer* Large Acreage newly seeded, vsluable gravel deposit. Never failing ronning water. If Interested communleate with T. T. MURPHY, Godericb, Gut. Phone 206. AN OPPORTUNITY ron POUL/TRY nIfFIN.—Poultry farm for sale, on the Blue Water Highwity close to Goderich. Five acres of land with thveHing house, full basement under dwelling, garage, poultry houses, rooro for Soo layers. Mao incubators, one 240 -egg, and two 400each. Will sell separately or ga a going concern MRS. W. A. onrsnoliu, Barfleld 'toed, Goderich, Ont. TENDERS W A NT AID. - SEALED ▪ tenders for the ronatruetion of the Glrvin drain will be received by the undersea -nisi up to and including May Ilth, 1935. All tendert" moat ise Accompanied hy a marked cheque for ten per cent. of the amormt of the tender and must be marked "Tender." Plans and Imre-Mira- done may be seen at the clerk's office. I Trill lowest dr any tender uot,fieres- eerily arcepted. DURNIN Clerk West Wawanosh Townahlp occasions Cole's Book Store AUS113111011E1111/011 THOMAS GIINDIET, 001,10111011, a LIVE STOOK AND GENERAL AUOTIONEER Telephone No. 119 Sales attended to anywhere and every effort made to give satisfaction. Farmers' sale Dotes discounted. LICOAL DUDLEY E. HOLMES, Barrister, ZW. 011ice—Court House. Goderieb, Telephone 55. D OUGLAS R. NAIRN. Barriater and Solicitor Office ----Hamilton Street,, Goderiek. Telephone 512. F. R. DARROW, BARRISTER, ETC. Successor to J. L Oflice—The Square, Ooderlek. Telephone 97. 'CRANK DONNELLY, B. A. Barrister, !Solicitor, Rte. Ofiles—Hamilton Street, Goderieb. Telepthons SW. DAYS a HAYS, flarrkaters tad &Mellen R. 0. 15i IC, and R. 0. -Berk ILL 0111*—Hasilltou etre* SMIlifilk. Teleiphsne 86. EILNEST2. LW Barrister and Solicitor Sun Ilfe Building. Adelaide aad Vic- toria sempui. Tocoato 8. Telephone Elite 5501. INSURANCE. WANS ETC. Me ikiZiMUT er00 . --run end isolated LIAL FIRE INOUE.- town property tenured. Officers --Alex. Brnadfoot, President, Seaforth ; James Connolly, Vice -Pres., Ooderich P.O.; Merton A. Reid, fie. - forth, Sec. -Trees_ Seatorth P. 0. Directors—A, Broadfoot, R.R. No. 8, Seaforth; James leholdice, Walton; Wm. Knox, Londenboro; Alexander McEwing, Blyth, RIR. 1.: Geo. Leon - 'garde Bornholm, R.R. 1: John Pepper, Brucelleld ; Tbon. Moylan, Seaford': R.R. 5; Wm. R. Arebibald, Seeforth, R.R. 4; James Connolly, Goderich, Agentg—W. J. Tito, R.R No. 3, Clin- ton; James Watt, Blyth: Finley Me- Eaebern. 8eaforth; John Murray, Sea - forth Cho. F. Hewitt, Kincardine. Polley -holders can make all payments and get their card* recelpted at the Roes! Bank, Clinton; Calvin Cutt's Grocery, Kingston street, Goderich. or (J. H. Reld's Genersi Store, Bayfield. WOOD FOR SALE The Town hu,a quantity of good body hardwood — direct from the Town Bush for sale at 83.00 per single cord of one -foot wood, de- livered. Also a limited quantity of good body hardwood at $8.00 per full cord of four- fflot wood. Orders left *1 the Town Hall will be attended to. Must be paid he Were delivery L. L. KNOX, Town mirk. Save Money By Prepaying 1935 Taxes Taxpayers N ay Purchase Tax Pre- payment Receipts for 1935 Taxes at Favorable Discounts COsT COST April 1 #. April 15 Mar 1 to Ilk 4 $ 989 $ 9.93 49.4S 49.65 AMOUNT ----- MAXI 50.00 .... Prepayment Receipts must he preeented along with 1935 Tali 11111,1 alnrtng the fired Installment period Bank Interact is only 2 per eent. Pnrehase Prepayment Recelpta and have your money earning 5 per rent. Interest June dierormte will be allowed in addition •••••••••.1.11‘1112 • ••,1 • wsgcaminiiinromeawaragnosar- . - • -a...a 411,,,I1011.1,4 •011,.. • r ‘,1111111......40.4111111111111111111.10111110.W6re., • NE.11 MacKAY, 4 ax Collector If yen hare s $10 1411 MU. put 11 to week by perdisierg a Prepayment Rarebit. -11.401111111.0tr• .1•111111114.11111044.1Mr•ItIlwiliaa