HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1935-4-11, Page 5heel' well, did not return to the Clin- ton Collegiate on Monday. Horn ---]n Clinton publle y Friday evening, to Mr. and rs, 1b ton Pollock, a son. Mother and babe •re doing fine. Nrs. I). Prentice of Hamilton is visiting her mother, Mre. W. J. Stin- son. Jr.land Mrs. Gilbert Knight and two children, of Toronto, are visiting Mrs. Knight's pareuta, Mr. and Mra. F'. C. Gemeiubardt, this week. Mr. Charles Getnetnhardt, who had been claltlug in Toronto fur the peat three mouths, returned to the village with them, . . _._ _ Mrs. E. A. Sander, Miss Ruble Fish- er anti Mrs, F. M. Erwin returned to Kitchener on Tuesday after haring epeut the week -end with their aunt, Mrs. F. A. Edwards. Mr- Frank Er- win also was their guest on Sunday. A eowwnuity service will be held in the town hall on Monday evening at which It is hoped everyone who pos- sibly can do so will be present. A •went• -of • laeteva slidsr-ea 'The Iva, .at the ('rose" will be shown. The win - biters of the three (-beeches in the village will unite Iq conducting this Interdenominational service. A three-hour service of devotion will be held in Trinity church on Good Fri- day from 1 to 4 o'clock In the after- noon. The service will be conducted by the rector and all are Invited to attend. -_-I Dertb .1 Miss Martha Rathw'efL— rbe death occurred at the home her niece, Mre. Albert E. l'hiv Windsor, on April 5th of one of Bay - field's most respected citizens, in the perw,n of Nies Martha Rothwell. Miss Rethwell, who w•aa eighty-three years of age. left last fall to epend the win- ter with ger niece. She had not been In the best of health, but was op and around until within a few days of bet death and always quite active. The remains were brought to Rayfield on Monday and the funeral was held from St. Andrew's rotted church, of which she w•as a member. Interment was 10 Hayfield eewetery. The services at church and rrareakde were eonducted lay the pastor, Rev. R. M. Gale, and the pallbearers were Mentes. Robe. C. field. Arthur Perk, Wm. Clark, Sas Houston, Herb.'-Yc(iregor and James Reid. Amo tose from a distance who site �1 westtflathIran, d Yrs. Derhrsblee. �ptlk ental , sed Mew. Che«. iia ndon ; Bert Elliott, Windsor: Mr. 0d ire, Geots rge Roberow, Wheatley; fr. and Mrs. Harlem, Dashwood, and Mrs. Nherritt, Greeuway. Presentations for Bride-ts-be.--ills 'Kr Edwards left on Monday for R. aa, where she will become the bride f Mr. Robert Iverson or F'airlight, ak. She carries with her the good washes of a noel of friends, who learned w•Ith regret last week of her intended Aperture from our midst. Flog w111 ,e greatly wlsw.d in this community, here, with the exception of a few ears when she was away at school, tie has always taken an melee part n every project for good. and In the let life of the village. Especially •111 she be missed in Trinity (-hurth, which she w•8N an active worker, airing been Sunday school organist ad teacher for over fifteen years, he was also a choir, A.Y.P.A., and lramatie Club member. But moat of 1 her absence will be felt by her par- ts. Mr. and Mrs. F'. A. Edwards, and her father's store, where, since lea'. memo', oo', she ban -been a_ mast Ant helper. On Saturday evening re. F. A. Ed'warde held a trousseau for her daughter. Mrs. ?Awards d the bride-to-be received the guests. rs. Frank M. Erwin displayed the oussean and many beautiful gifts up- aira. Mra. E. A. Hander and Mrs. W. Wood, poured tea, while Males utile Fisher assisted with the refresh- nta. The tea table was done in a et lace Moth centred with a large ver howl of spring flowers and tall low tapers In sliver holders. The ing-room was aleo decorated with ring flowers Mrs. N. W. Woods tertalned at an afternoon tea and ower for Miss F9oy Edwards. MI'sses nna Woods, Margaret Groves and y Woods assisted wit% the tea, er which, to the strains of Mendels- n'a Wedding March, a gaily decor - ed wedding eoach in which eat a nlatnre bride and groom wee heeled Into the room and presented Miss Edwards. It was found to Hen a ahowe-r M teacups for the kle- Ieet The .A.Y.I'.A. of the loth of RtJohn'. (Varna), 8t. ea (MIddleton'el, and Trinity reh (1(ayfleld 1 met In the former k rooms at Barfield on Friday nine. After the devotional ezer- and hualne'ss period, MINA Flay garde was called to the front and Wm. Elliott, on behalf of the Y. P. A. and Sunday echoed, choir Dramatlr ('lob of Trinity church, an address which expressed te- at her departnre, hut wlehed her h Joy and happiness in the future.presentation of a fairer cream and sugar howl in Old Rhef leld pe denten was made by Miss Mar- t Middleton. MIR* Felwardf, eh taken eery mart, by snrprlae, Charmingly thanked the members he different organisations for the The program was in charge of Margaret Middleton, and the nt event topers read by different here and contents were very mneb Tod. i4RfrwnRmenta wore moved e Mose of the meeting. THE SIGNAL — GODBRICH, ONT. MAFKKING NORTH ST. ANNIVl�*Y • n, Given Sermons by Bev. C. F. Logan of Kitchener The aunlversery services of North street United thumb, on Sunday last, drew large audiences. The visiting speaker, Rev. Clarke F. Logan, of Trinity United clureb, Kitchener, de- livered two able discourses, and there was special music by the choir under the direction of Mr. R. F. Player. At the moruing aervic•e the preacher took his text from John 21:4, "But when Use morning was uow come, Jesus stood od..i .shore: blit the dis.lyls: knew not that It was Jesus." lu a scholarly address he traced the his- tory of the Hebrew people, and then the history of Christianity, showing how, again and again, when the world wits fu darkness Jesus stood upou the shore, often unrecognized by even His . own followers. but bringing to the die- bearteneddiecotursged world the dawn of a fresh hope, and a renewal of life. After referring to such times of hopelessness as the slavery In Egypt, the Babylonian r-aptivity, the subJec`- tlon of the Jews to Rome, the -perse- cution of the Christians,, the dark ages In Europe, and the worldliness and wickedness of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the speaker showed how God bad raised up Noses, and Isaiah, how "In the fulness of time Ile sent Ifie Son," bow the per- secution of the Christians was ended by the conversion of Constantine, and how the 1(enalssante and the Refor- mation and later the work of the 1Vealeys and Whitefield brought the dawn of new clays in the history of mankind. Then lie spoke of the tur- moil and unrest of the present, time and urged that men's eyes should be turned to the coming of a new social order whose dawn le surely breaking upon the world, that they should re- cognize that it Is Jesus et/Hiding upon the shore to give direction -NCA sue - cess to those who will obey. At morning worship the choir sang two anthems, "0 Clap Your Hands,"ir by Turner, a' "Prepare Ye the Way," by (larrett, and Mr. Ralph Henderson sang "Forward to Christ," by O'Hara. In the evening Rev. Clarke Logan preached, eloquently, from Phil. 2:11, _Wirt s mind be la yea which was Moo In Christ 7esinii,�-and- the ch jr of sang ••Fear Not, 0 Israel" (Spl•ker1. There was a fine piano and organ era, duet. Wagner's "Star of E're," by Mrs. W. P. Lane and Mr. Player. and Mr. James Corran, tenor, Nang pleasing', "The Ninety and Nine," by Campion. On Tuesday night the Woman's As- sociation serve(► the annlrereary sup- per' to nearly 500 people, VICTORIA O W. M. 9. The W.11.8. of Victoria street United church held their regular meeting in the school room of the rhumb on Monday afternt,.0 at 2.30 o'clock, with Mrs. it. T.Pbllft�t#tom vice-preaideast, in the chietr. Mrs. Rreep tea+ tlei mlasigyry esus Mrs CHaa, Toung plead the Scrtpettre lesson and told m> tM.lVP -.ter tory. Mrs,.F devotional 'reading' esdahlp." and an Witte. IL was Wend 1 elelbwaTte pts e ' the Calf 1 Ion a 1 ai iia a eYM In h al len In la el M tea an M tr at N. R the tit N{I eel lir Nl' em eb A Ltw aft nob at ml to eon br par Jam eh u hen eve Mees Eder Mr. A. and read Bret nine The jug gra gore thon tern of t gib Mime mem enjo at th 1 Easter Is Almost Here! FASTER GIFTS IN TOILETRIES ARE VERY ACCEPT- ABLE ('AMPBELLILHAVE THE SELECTION Fresh shipments of Lana Record and Neilson's Chocolates for Easter. Laura $Acord Easter Eggs 1bc, Vic Laura Secord Easter Kiddies' Boz CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE Phone 90 2a The Square Goderich NEW REGULATIONS - _ _ _raverably Rambo Hans (isildreu ■ Aid Cs. rate At tbe last meeting of the county cuuncUb Childrmee Shelter commit- tee, tbe new regulatfone promulgated by the Provincial Department of Wel- tare with respect to children's aid work were discussed at Some length. The Department has cut the allow- ance to the county superintendent from f000 to P100 a year and Is insisting upon change. In the conduct of the Ohlldren'a Shelter and upon new re- quirements as to staff And equipment that will materlelly lnereaae the cost to the coup c t la 7 of carrying on the work. The new regulations were not fav- orably received by the committee, and it was deckled to ask that represeuta- tires of the Department meet the com- mittee at Its next meeting, In May. la the meantime the committee passed a motion for the payment to H. T. frdwarde, the county auperin- teadent, of an extra f10 a mouth for and ,May to romitgpaate him for the lone of the usual grant from tbe Provincial Treasurer. in June the county council will meet tnd may deal definitely with the mat- ter. RICH BRIDGE CLUB At this •weekly bridge tournament -'hey YMdas evaalug, the bellowing Lt, Yr. D. D. Manner see Mt. L DBanDman pia 7; 2nd. Urs. W. F. santsbrn and Was E. McNaughton, glut 1% 3rd, Mra. I. D. Eastman and Yrs. D. D. Mooney and Mr. T. R. I Patterson and Mr. P. F. (grey, plus %. Another game will be held nett Monday ereniag. BAYFIELD, April 9.—Mina Ruth Houston of London spent the week -end with ler parents, Mr. and Mra. Sam. Houston. Mr. Donald Murray, highway fore- man, hayfield, attended the highway Iv,nterenev. In London on Mender, April 2nd. MIs. Ann McLeod entertaloedea few "" e„ of her girl friends on Monday eren- eat"` leg, April 1st. Mr and Mra. Jobs Pollock of Bay- - held have returned to their borne after apendins"lij ir7iier-ifreMagstl- ton and the "Soo." Mrs. Charles Tama has returned from a elalt to Port Stanley. Mies Doris Featberston, who has not Men's Work Boots or Fine Oxfords Clearing $1.95 Men's black Work Roots. Strongly made. Leather or Panto soles. Sizes 6 to 1I. Special 11.96 Men's fine black Oxfords. Neat fitting lasts. Leather Rolex and leather heels or leather solea and rubber heels. Sizes 5'/ fo 10. f. 8Pecial $1.95 M. ROBINS Agent for Tip Top Tailors Phone 384 Notice —TO— Bicycle Owners NEW SAFETY FEATURE approved by the Ontario Safety League THIS NEW FEATURE Is Inns; pffettiv., The (ower half ,.r the rear mud - guard is ENAMEII.ED WHITE Immediately below the reMrtor. On • blghwey at night or on a poorly Ilehte(i street, this spot at white Is easily pilled rip lay a motorist's headlIghte. Make delving sate, by bringing your Meech. up-to-date. irn smelled weille yon watt, for a nominal CHARGE OF 26o BARKER'S SERVICE STATION !!w. 941 ase.1d Lad a reading. • (missionary rut") ; a short reading was given by Mrs. F.n.lgu and a itlble wadi by Mrs. Adam. Mrs. Geo. Haat+MM d pert poem, "An Eas- ter Meditation." During patio business session arrangements were made by the members for the quilting of two quilts. AUBURN AUBURN, April 0.—Mr, and Mra rite Beattie and family, of Varna, - were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. il. McGee on Sunday last. Mr. Y.- Allen, Mr. and Mrs. W. Cralg and Mrs A. • Hobinson motored to Flint. Mich., over the week -end t0 visit Yrs. Craig's Neter. Mrs. M. Allen, who bas been at Flint for the past tau weeks, returned with them. Thefarmers hare commented work en the land; a few have grain sown. Miss Jean Kirkcoanell entertained a few of her friends last Saturday. It was her !berth birthday. Yr: H. Yegtiblat Is having the build- ings wired for Hydro. Mr, Lorne Toll has returned to Tor- onto. Mrs. Cox of Goderich Is vamping at the home of Mrs. H. Mogridge and Mrs. Murray at Mrs. R. D. Munro's. Mr. J. R. Ross of the Canadian Bank of Commerce is on vacation at his home in Beaverton. Wm. Conon of Mitrerton is taking his place. Mr. Ted Jenner of Goderieh visited Mr. Keith Arthur over the week -end. Mr. ,Joseph Ewing has sold his house and lot to Mrs. Martin Armstrong of Blyth, who will take possession May let. Mrs, Hugh Hill ie visiting her son, Mr. Nelson Hill of Goderich. Mies Fide Snyder of London is visiting her grandmother; Mre. John Ferguson, over the week -end. Birthday Celebration.—Mr. and Mrs. George Hamilton attended a family reunion list Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Hemllton's 'deter, Mra, Wm Chapman nt Rrueefleld, the oe canton being the elghty4ifth birthday of their mother, Mra. W. D. Wilson. All the family and relative' were pre- sent and an enjoyable evening ens spent. Mrs. Wilton at one time was n highly esteemed freslcdent of the Auburn community, having resided on the farm now owned by Mr. Earl Ralthhy. That she may enjoy many more enjoyable oceaalon. 1' the wish of her many friends here. Rootlet ladies' AW,—The regulnr monthly meeting of the Reptist iwdlete Aid was held Wednesday, April 3rd, In the haaement of the church, with twenty present Mra. Aagnith reed the 25th Psalm and 'several member' IM In prayer. The program Conaleted of a splendid paper by Mra. (Rev. ) Mortimore on "A Dream of PPaCP at the League of Nations,'. and s ladies' quartette entitled, "111 go with yon all the way," by MPademes iinw'nn, McKnight, F'ergoaon and Ralthby. Mra (Rise.) Mermen dlamlanal the meeting with prayer. The 'isnot ten - cent tea and .Octal hour followed. .i 1147 0ee.,+aa:a..aaw.■aea�,,..m. a-. MAPIEKING, Alyea 9._ -Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey Hall and Will Wiggins spent Friday with Mr. end Mrs Tho.. Wiggins, Dungannon. Mr. and Mr.. Geo. Swath, West Wawanosh, were Sunday visitors witb their uncle, Mr. Will Cooke. Mr. Wm. Irvine spent Tuesday and Wedusaday In Hamilton. Mrs. Wm. Menary, Duuesnwm, spent the past week wltb ger eon. here. Mr. and Mrs. Jake HJmter, ZIl were Sunday vlsltors'wlth lir. Mee. Ii.arnian Phillip'. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Ilt'rb lit,i yO - Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Webster in iVaw•a- nosh on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John Petrie and Yr, and Mrs. Wm. Petrie and children, Dungannon, were visitors with Mr. and 1 Mrs. S. J. Kllpetrtek Tusday. Nies Nellie Cranstonon, Rheea and Leoeste4 Durnln, Luekuow, spent the week -end with Mr. 'a*d' *t?L 3. '.•ran - *100. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Twamley and family, Chatham, are visiting the form- er',, mother, Mra George Twnmley. DUNGANNON Di'NGAXNON, April lit.—urs. N. F'. Whyard has received word of the death of her brother Arthur Daley, of Kennedy, Sask., which occurred in the hospital at Regina atter au operation.' H le • _ and sea his wife a [w - � u small children, alio IS -mother, Yee Join+ Daley, and his sister. Mrs. N. F', Why. ard, of I►uugannon. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Yuadt end fam- ily, of Monkton, spent seedily the guests of Mr. and Mrs Heber Eedy. Mrs, Fred Rosa and Master Donald spent the week -end with friends at Loehaleh. I Mr. Douglas MacDonald ot- Booz 1 College (Knjelpled the pulpit of the Pres- byterlan ctwlre*r tart St pastor, Rev. C. H. MacDonald, preached at Ripley. Mr. Burton Roach has purchased the house -suet lot of the late Jas. Caesar, formerly occupied by Calvin !McIntyre. Miss M. M. Pentland, who spent the I I Thareday, April 11th, 19415-4 $10,000_ oo COOK BOOK SOS c..., ,., t / •. ,w 1•4•• hour i,w sacs 60 MOM b a practical aboamenh Sr. kJ , ear-.. tut. ur P..,waToro.- An.. Would you like to make you boort-made bread In four - and -a -half hours? Delicious, wholesome bread tan now be laked without the Ione, tedious over -night method. No wonder the PURITY FLOUR 412 -HOUR BREAD recipe is being warmly welcomed by busy housewives: By setting your dough at 10 o'chxk in the horning, and keeping it warm at all wages, the baked loaves will be ready m. We to remove rctiye--tend tcw it": from the oven at 2.30 ptttbt 0134 BEST FOR ALL YOUR BAKING twister tit Goderich, has returned hoses. �t 7 = hobt i1� ltf_es�a _ 0 gh and Mra. R. A Mellen- THE CODERICH ate attended the Liberal convention at %Ingham last Friday. Mrs. Rich, McWhinney is in Toron- to this week attending the Provincial W,M.e. of the Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Jas. Girvin, who spent the win- ter in Toronto, the guest of her daugh- ter, Mrs. Melvin Reed, has returned to her home here. There was no school in the senior room of the public school on Tuesday, ast tie t eH(` Ler,r 11 Kidd, d attended end cvl the funeral of his uncle in Toronto. Mims Olive Farrier spent the week- end at her home rt Whitechurch. Sire. Jack Richardson returned home en Saturday from Toronto, where she had been attending the funeral of her brother, George M1son, Word has ie•en re velved of the death of Mrs. Bartlett, wife of Rev. L. Bart- ett of London. Mr. and Mrs. hart - 011 were former realdents of Dungan- non, Mr. Bartlett being the pastor of Ireldetheithre r*n, rt Nome -wars age. Nr. Jaek Richardson received word on Sunday of the death of his father In Fergus. lir. and Mrs. Richard- son and children left Sunday after - boon for Fergus. The funeral was Meld Tuesday afternoon. HCOMEgTRue WHERE DEEMS PUT US IN YOUR CELLAR AND TO J PROVE THE CASE i (4 HEAT FOLKS Sweet dreams are the man's re- ward who fortifies his cellar with a load of Heat Pbiks, Ms `Murat 1s fpell or life, liberty and laughter. He's free from fre- quent cellar -trips and free from closing doors In order to alt in comfort. This coal, wealthy in heat units, keeps the furnace healthy. Jt Is the original gen- uine joy -giving winter tonic. ti ,c -FHB Heat Folks WE NOW CARRY GENUINE SCOTCH ANTHRACITH 7• KMUSTARD COAL CO. rheas to WM. G. Yac6WAN, Manager ESdmpsp* eats e 4 - it was assafras Tea YEARS AGO mothers used to give sassafras tea, sulphur and molasses, or some other "spring tonic" for "spring fever." "Spring fever," with its days of listlessness, lemony -times rio;thing,(Q(lpe nr .sno t t ..1,,.., ordinary constipation—due to insufficient "bulk" in the meals you eat. Your grocer supplies the modern way to correct this condition ... in a delicious cereal ailed Kellogg's ALL -BRAN. Two tablespoon- fuls daily of this pleasant natural food fur- nish the "bulk" required to maintain regular habits. How much better than taking old- fashioned "spring tonics." ALL -BRAN also pro- vides vitamin B, and food -iron, an important .element of the blood. Of course, if you feel actually ill, after being cooped up indoors all winter, you should con- sult your doctor. ALL -BRAN corrects only common constipation, makes no claim to be a "cure -ail." Kellogg's ALL -BRAN .contains much more needed "bulk" than part -bran products. Serve as a cereal with milk or cream, or cook into delicious muffins, breads, waffles? etc. Appetizing recipes. on the red -and -green package. Sold by all grocers. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. Keep on the Sunny Side of Life The following Grocers of Goderich sell ALL -BRAN and other KELLOGG PRODUCTS Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co. NORTH sow OF SQUARE George W. Baechler FAST SiI)F, OF 144JI ARF; Phone :IIL't H. Michell t'e►RNER RAYFiE:L1) RGAI) end RitITANNIA ROAi1 Phone till C. M. Roberts.. Rquare and Hamilton Rtreet Phone 104 Dominion Stores Lti. F:.tST Sllti nF S4fl'1RE Phone 401 Fred R. Price Nielt'I II elle.: (41 S(11 Photo 24e Sturdy's Cash Grocery WEST SII,F 1)F' NQ,jl ARE Phone »-•►.-..- . sie;.a....,s-saaaa,gy,,. Grit's Grocery it-EsT STitEET Phone Ile W.F.H.Price F:1AIINMWLNUE: Phone 336 Seperior Stores J ('al, In tuft, ['hones 1141. Ila J 1 McEwen, Phase 4(t Warehouse Groceteria 'ttl(11* striae:OF R(j( ARE Phase 333 SSW • q