HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1935-4-11, Page 44-••111areday, April llth, 1985 N. GODERICH, ON'I Suits and Topcoats for EASTER .Srgr "`i""'P.><R1L.S5S: ik biir __ sWnlc_. to select trQu'►•. No matter nthat you want, we will have tTn either Made-to- Meamre or Special Orden. ORDERS RECEIVED THIS WEEK WILL BE DELIVERED BY EASTER HATS for Easter MADE BY MAILERS OF "B&0O ." --SHIRTS, NECKWEAR and 11710012 UItDE1tWRAR-- A great line made by a great firm-FORSYTH. W. C. Pridham &- Son PHONE 67 THE SQUARE, GODERICH "The greatest wisdom ilea In the wisdom of wanting to be wise." -Fan- nie Hurst. Motorists ! i tape pleasure fa onsettmelag to Mete i.W of Gedeeich and Dis- frit that seders ler Auto Parts CHARGED Wine VAGRANCY A party of four young people were arrested in Clinton on Tuesday after spending the night in an empty freight sae --66--a -railway- aldiag.-- " '"S ail them. a girl and tyro boys, were brought to Goderkh on Wednesday by Chief of Pollee Edward Greens and Constable A. E. Fremlin, of Clinton. They were remanded by F. G,- Weir, J.P., until today's court. on "'vagrancy charge& The fourth member of the party a g%rl, is to be summonsed for today's court, to faee a similar charge. Ommosibmw Wee a p as Oft at O Garage. PROMPT SERVICE AND PRICES REASONABLE -Art about this novice - FRED BEEVERS SERVICE STATION ' PHONE 241W, COs. NAM/root 6. VICTORIA ST GOOERICN, ONT. FOSTER-Ho1R8 WANTED The Children's Aid Societe of Hurop County ve several Andrea tie be placed ail we IDpsalbxg to fns NILE TILE, April 10. -Miss Beth Mc- Phee e-Phee `speut the week -end with Miss Amelia Mello -alai at Carlow. Miss Oral Finnigan of Putnam spent Sunday at the 'home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Finnigan. Miss festa Tabb, nurse -in -training In the G.derlch hospital, Is spending her vacation at her home. A splendid missionary address was given In Nile church on. Sunday even• Carr -.1- siturrlt 41L►r ut _inks work an e c America. He will also give an illus- trated address on Wednesday evening. The Y.P.S. met in the church last Friday evening, with Emily MvGrat- ten in charge of the devotional part of the program. The Bible discus- sion was led by Mr. Pomeroy and the eztenailve topic was given by Isobel plrvtw. a etee•prtmtdit1 Witmer Rutledge, took charge of the business and the meeting closed with the Mia- pah benediction. LOYAL' LOYAL, April 30. -ger. Dr. Morti- more gave an illustrated address on Korea on Thursday last In the 1'aited church, and Rev. J. Storey, who has labored amongst the people of South America, will tell of his work and show lantern slides of the country and people on Thursday of this week, the llth. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Young; Mr. and Mrs. Victor Young, of Nile. Mr. Alex. Young and Mrs. Henderson, of Loyal, attended the funeral of their cousin, the late Mr. William Young of God- ericb, on Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. John Graham, of Pine River, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ford, of HagsrsvtUe, Want Saturday wkh their uncle, Mr. John Young, and fam- e., . Mrs. Eliza MacQulUbn of Stratford spent a few days with her. mother, Mrs. James Young.- recently. Rev. James 'Ma(t'rea was able to take his services at lienmlller and Smith's Hill on Sunday after a severe attack of "flu." The Lord's Supper will be observed next Sunday In the United church at the usual hour, 3p.m. The Ladies Aid held their montbly meeting at the home of Mrs. Jarvis McBride on Tuesday. April 2nd. There was a large attendance of mem- bers. The president presided and atter the routine business the ladies quilted. At the close the hostess sen -ed a dainty lunch and -all enjoyed a social bond There was a large delegation from Colborne at the Liberal convention on Friday, when three of.thelr number, Mr. Hugh 8111, Mr. Wm. L. Yonng and Mr. J. J. Robertson, wara__eto- ussd for candidate. Mr. Deechman of Ottawa received the atiminatioe. Mr. A. W. Young has rented, for two years. the farm of the hue` s Carroll. for grating. Mr. eloadiffe and family, pat 11v1 with'.'Mr.• Bert- Vulvae, moved to t h e bte11 by Mr. Me LIBERAL NOMINATION IN NORTH HURON GOES TO A "DARK HORSE" (Continued Os, page 1) the Tory "talking points" in the COM- -lie is a ponderowmute hole, but lug election, Mr. )'rarer attacked the Natural Products Marketing AM ar he Is ,lust su oQoetnpbe ut tNtawa-- -uuu of the most nefarious pieces of a mark to shone that does has Iegrsiati" WI the statute Melte*" WINS tett out. What dors he offer t - people? Jest loud laugh It means regimentation of the controls not only his production,'ree- gulates kis crop but also dictates hiswarketiug. They set up dictators who think they know more about pro- duction and marketing than do the producers themselves," the specter asserted. Ms. Fraser took issue with a speech Ins Mr. 8poticw-Itt Toronto recenttt, which the Tory member stated that the cost of the pries spreads tnveett- gation was more than offset by the amounts of taxes collected as a result. "Both the collector of taxes and the Minister of Finance state that au additional taxes were collected,"_ Mr. Fraser declared. ('eotral Bank Should Be Patine Of the Bank of Canada Act, Yr. Fraser ahtted that it was nothing more than r privately -owned bank with h tine pec e a nue farmer In the most brasen manner, It sv(,--•afraaka.-tht... >� _ �a_-_ �r�-•lie is■""• �' s•• �';:•.:� has a tremendous mach) to exag- gerate; in fact, I have said be sue (era from decimal inaanity: he multi- plies or divides *metalling by tea." Indicating the effects of the tariffs and loss of markets, Mr. D achmao said there had been a drop lu revenue front farm products of $400.000.000 in Ions years; railway laeoiue was. re- dyced 1130,000.000 and industrial In- come 3220.000,000, with consequent loss of earning powers. Flourishing a shoe made of binder tante by a Western farmer. Mr. I►eaehman said this man. driven to extremity, •had been toned. •o ng to the high price of footwear, protected by high tariffs, tq make these binder twine shoes for his chi!,Irru. Ile Balled them "Bennett brogue," and the audience laughed and cheered. W. L. Young, in a Dghtine ,pee.•b, In which he dealt at some length with the $•0•U worth of shares In private monetary questioa, of which tie hue' hands- The Bennett Government bad made a close study, ehert:e•d Premier sold out the interests of the people of Bennett with lack of ahe-.•rity with Canada. giving loth private hands the respect to the "election legislation mot ere lgn right to issue and control either Introduced or about u. Iw• Iu- currency. trodueed Into the Horse at oases. "1t returned to power, 1 may stale He harked back to the days when that the Liberia) party will constitute Premier Bennett had [dhoti; de- the Bunk of Canada as a public In- -uounecd the reciprocity proposals of etltutlun, not as 1t now 111. -a Wi- llie late Sir Wilfrid Laurierthe very rate Institution for private gain," said program wbtcb Yr; Hunt-tt veto pre- t Mr Fraser. - - +tnssa_to (embark en "as an-tection I The Liberal policy with regard to dodge." the -tan retaw'!Yatiooat-ltallwaya was Mr. Young pointed out how he and to maintain the integrity and national others had advocated the equalise- character of the system. The party tion of the Canadian doll:u cud the believed In public ownership of the pound sterling and bow the disparity railway for the publie,goed. had worked to the dlsadrantare of the Attacking the imperial agreements. Canadian farmer, and to the'distintt Mr. Fraser stated that Canada must which was sprat in playing dominoes, advantage of the Australian agricul- make It possible for Great Britain to w with Yrs. J. B. Orr winning out furl• . t bene money y bed wile_ glace sell her goods bete or "we will devel- ANNOUNCING a complete •„, Eyesight Eyesight Service - AT- E. C. Robertsons Jewelry Store, Goderich where an up-to-date optical department has been installed - rctt c R, A►. REtto _..-_--_ FOR 16 YEARS LEADING OPTOMETRIST OF STRATFOItD 2nd and uh 7RIDAYI OF IIACH Kowa9 a.m. to 12.30 FIRST VISIT FRIDAY, APRIL 26th. EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED Oleo*Satisfaction at moderate prices. Oleo* straightened and repaired GODERICH TOWNSHIP OODIIRIOH. TOWNSHIP, April & -Dave Davidson left for Sarnia on Thursday, to join his boat, 8.8. Ioco- ilte. Ernest Bell held a successful dance In the ball at Porter's Hill on Friday evening. The "au" is stili quite prevalent in the community. MerlonsMcAllister, of Tipperary, la visiting with her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McAllister. 8ereral from this community at- teuded the funeral of the late Mr. Wm. Young, of Goderleh, last Thursday. A good representation from this cost munity attended the spring stock show at Clinton last Thursday. Miss Marguerite Falconer of God- edch heat hex Lome Ude week. carins. for her mother, Mrs.' Geo. Falconer, who 1s confined to bed with tbee!tf," Domestic tlub.-The April meeting of the Dramatic Club was held on Tuesday evening. at the home of Mr, and Mrs. James Young. with forty-dve present. Mrs. George McliwaIn had charge of the first part of the *venlig, - -Ke been put on s_par}tr with that of thea op feeling in Great Britain against finials for the prize ter the ladles dlr. lied Stanley ed (ommuu Sty singing was_ then enjoyed. The Mother Country. Canadian products." With the Old said would not hes Country s.ow taking twice a mach Harmonica Band played two selections but weal* stand behind the i('anadian goods as Canada does of hers, it was decided to hold • concert In the oa, He the cesium: e received this, feeling is growing st the prevent church on Tuesday. May 7th, and have time, because of the abort -sighted poi• .the Biblical play "The King's Bon" icy of Mr. Bennett in putting probibi- ; presentedby victoria street Y.P.B., five tariffs on British goods. A Disesteems Wheat PetteyI Goderich; the proceeds to be divided between the Club and the Young Turning again to the Westernwheathea.People., moclety. The program eon:. Minister had given Jobs Mo- J. B. Orr, Mcondole 0. Har. o Farland sole control to handle Can- I J.B. Orr' by.s G. Harwood and Miss ada's wheat crop, Through trying to I Non Sowrrby. lin. Forest McClure peg the price of Canadian wheat, be had charge of the second part of the reed that McFarland had blocked program, which Young; re violin autos by James Yoaog: a recitation. nude .• *heat shipments to Great fain a d other world markets, 'Smiles," by Mrs. Fool.** Walter Estheallis;r read- -0 wky we hays 111.1.11101.11 �' "An rAeading. Foote i Esther Mr bust/MOO wheat pow stored 1a .our !lusts; reading. "The Kitt me*milethe i 11 e" by Mrs G Orr Games were hand to as sagest. Mr. candl choke a good J, Roberts** after announcing be was "not atandjng," welt on value of frleadabi�'.ln tbtI world, saying he was proud b say he -bad a Association of Net* Ilure4. • . He urged ell to 'yo elect tba�nilda The velli~ Me Matheson. Outt asd Trac W Delegates e • l . , aced Ite- lows: W . , wa 211, Ashie� l4,Qreyll5, weeldp 18, 14, Mots 90, R, W ■ and wet to the Shelter at t' rttr sae "v of six months; one baby ne maths; ow baby boy, elev • months; one girl of three years, one boy of fire years, one boy of adz years, one of eight and one of ten years; and three girls, ten, eleven and twelve years of age. The children are all bealthy and well-mannered. and would fit Into any good home. Anyone wishing to take a child Is incited to get in touch with Mr. H. T. Edwards. anperintendent, or Mrs. 01 - ver. matron, Children's Shelter, God - ,Mr. and M , Patrick Mak street, will • *rate their u wedding aaaitttsrsary at their tie Saturday, the lath. The celebration Irl1I he a quiet otae. The couple, wb9,i+ivt been marry] happily for so- teanq' years, were Ssnl�etd marriage in Ashfield township Father ite:snsang. They came bodesicb thirty years ago. Six of a family of eight sons are living. One, Joseph, realties with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Michael O'Reilly, Napier street, were groomsman and bridesmaid at the ceremony performed more than a -half century ago. h ng oro -and t 1a appropr h *ermine etgge FHM' heat gambling, - sire's eIlnpalgm e1Je.co a In "It is imperative for Canada to ultimate victory.,' -it have market, for her natural pre - :II• Prod G. 8f»w tomb Amts. The Itennett Governess*, Fred R. leanderson, ar seemlier dislocated the channels ed Wade sod on. taken by Maurice Harwood The for 8ousk Perth and Liberal eaadidi4o the whole eonntry Ir buttering as a Scripture lesson (St. Matthew 12) was for the dew rldlag of Perth; spoke result." the • speaker continued. . , read by Norman Fuller. Mrs. Her - briefly during tlia nt8g et ballots. stressing the Importance of the com- Ho also made a use _, attack on ing election. Mr. Fraser said It. would the Dominion Government. Mr. Ileo- be for the people to decide whether nett, he said. had turned a politles,l they wasted a c•ontineatIon of the Ben - somersault in an effort to fool the nett dictatorship or a return to true I purple of .Canada in his radio talks clemoeracy. • - April 11th. The meeting closed with hukhe did not believe Caead}grs would "Bennett had forced the people of the hymn "In Metal Themis No Plitt I be MiM. Centre into regimentation In Indus- Nor West," sed the Ylspaah beenedk- "Pad was converted on the road to try/from one end of the country to Y thin Tbs sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be dispensed at Union nest Sunday. All members and Meads are cordially invited to attend at this tine. Special services will be betel at Union during the week preceding Eas- ter. tlpecial speakers will be present. On Monday, April 15, Rev. Dr. T. Wardlaw Taylor will he the speaker; 011 Twada7, Rev. Dr. J. H. Barnett ; en Wednesday. Rev. W. T. Mint; on Thurwlay, Ree. F. W. Craik, and on Good Friday Rev. D. .1 lane, all of Goderleb. There will be special musk at these services On Sunday, the pastor, Rev. F. W. Cralk, delivered his fifth sermon of the Lentea ssris, taking for his subject, "Personal Con- tact with Christ," from the text, "John bore wltnees of -Hine and cried, saying, This was He of whom I spake, He that cometh after toeIs preferred Latws. ma: for Hs was- before as -- - (St. John 1 :15). REV6PIUE [SCRUM Mr. H. Turner, collector of national ue at the port of Oodertcb, re- ports an lemons of 99,415 to cense- thins during the Dara! year ending Mareb 81, over the pervious year. Figures for the two years are 3190,225 q�Aa�, for 1934-5 and *180.810 for 19854. WHO OWNS THE CAIW Aaron Albright. Wellesley township,. Wisteria* county, was arraigned is i the Magistrate's Court on Tuesday afternoon, charged with the theft 01 an automobile. He was released at hla own ball until Thursday. Facts that can be learned at pro sent about the ease are that Albright was the original owner of the car, an Orr. Yrs. old model T Ftreetd (scar einemons, Howkek township. for the sum of 312, and received a down payment of 33. That was In Novem- ber of last year. Having rel'eksd no farther payment. Albright toot the car batt, after which action Slatmow preferred the theft charge. etevatore; Ma wl# our a played under the leadership of Mins slightly tOQ.000,ee0 boabeis i II Here, dlawerhy and Dave -Dmvidsoa. tai '�% ht this es potter of, jig met L4�et'b was rarrkd by the hostess; as- , t atped4y Yrs 0. ors sad lrrs 3 B. with sed r etc oO lme arlaad t M teslas per evvee� cell the worts. ■■ at Te wheat. We wave (he it s se price of Ca hl„woo r+s•1W mew oo et the .Y.PS. was held om firms, reiterating lost $.t0,000.0o9 1■ consequence of Me- Friday evening, glib eleven present. ea a a s w Esther Mellwaln bed ebarge of the meeting and Mrs. Harwood presided baa The topic. "What I. tltleT why do we hate war?" Wi11in1 Reid -oreersta�=• - wood read two poems, "in Flanders t'elda." and "Orin." by R. W. Ser. vice. Final plans were made for the t play: "Che Deacon's Seeond Wife," to' be presented on Thnlsday evening,1 FIND YOUR EASTER SUIT1 or C ''" N IN THIS FASHION GROUP M Very Specially Priced $18 .00 Exclusive garments in many styka. Taffeta -trimmed Coats in smart navy, imported tweeds and fine wool weaves. Smart Suits, swagger or reefer style. 8 Specially priced for Easter • • • •� SUITS! Tweed Suits, tailored style, forth -fitting jacket and t7•Q5 V 1 1 J • smartly tailored Skirt. The Suit you're looking for , .• .. EASTER 4X HATS New Hats i speualll« far Easter ! Rough Straws, Fine Baku, Taffeta, and many other materials so new this sea- son. You will find your Easter Hat in this smart collection. Smart Dresses in Sand Crepe and Figured Printed ktlksl Pastel shades of rose, blue and green. Sizes I4 to 20. 3.49 Specially priced Y 5• S- l i�F'• a. "Shop where you are Invited to shop" - Phone 418 Dania :8:8116 Mr. Bennett wtWleata- sly! other. We are faced with Tory vented o read to defeat." Mit flan- fascism on the one hand. or a initial - demon commented, amid He Istie government with the C.C.F. hold - bettered the election w come in ing the balance of power. Let its August or September an predicted a cheese the sane and ,ate, middle sweeping Liberal victory from coast course of Liberalism,' Mr. Fraser to coast. urged. Liberal ladder in Geed Health Tariffs Create Major Problem After congratulatinz.1ir. Deachman in concluding his address, Mr. an. els selerti6tf�s amrel lir.'fit-.L ,der erted that the -majee emb- er spiked false reportt to the effect Jems In Canada were brought about that the Rt. Hon. W. f. Mackenzie by high tariffs and high Interest rates. He charged that the price apreads committee bad made no investigation of the "money monopoly" in Canada : King is not at the present time in good health. Seldom has the Liberal leader been In better trim and he was ready to lead bbs followers into the none of the spread between two per next election battle. the member for � cent. on savings and six per tent. colt Northumberland declared. mortgages and bans. 'Thula( the pant four years, Can- "That investigation was just one Ida has been governed by orders -to- more sop thrown to the people of council, not by set of 1'artlament " Mr. Canada. And, in my opinion, It will Framer eentinned. He cited as proof be absolutely abortive. iOust ask your- the ourthe loans to the Can$Aban Paetic Rail- self what It has accomplished and way, the appointment of John Mehr- then remember that counsel wait paid land to the wheat hoard, asiliatones 132,000 and that It cost halt a million given to Western Provinces and help dollars to collect evidence that won't to private corporationsmean one thing while a high tariff Agitate Marketing Ad government remains in power," Mr. Predicting that It would be one of Fraser stated. How Quebec Contracts Increase Power Costs (Teloato Globe) .. �.U. _ ....,.._ . Hon. T. R. McQuesten, Minister of Highways, teceotly showed how the Quebec power purchase, had increased bade elettrktty costs la Hamilton from $18.88 per borsepower in 1911/ to 329.10 In 1988. Careful calculations, based on latest Metal dgurss compiled by the Hydro. Electric Power Commisslos omce le, reveal that 1? the contracts -remade In ef- fect loots wllly rise, h, nfteta representative municipalities, es tplbws: „- Municipality Dacia Per Horsepower 1 (Without Contfngemdea) "' 1994 (Actnal ) Toronto "..,•,.". Hamilton .........., "...." .. Betatfon! ,.........,".; ........: London (Actual) .42t08 98.14 94.81 UST 8t. Thomas • -- 26 42 K itelsuer ........... ••• 25.25 Saraia .,,." 31.80 Wladsor....,,,,�,, .....„."56.11 Stratford - ..................... "." lf.a Woodstock ..........M.err Niagara Falls ,.,...«.." . , 17.26 Warm Dtmdaa .1 ........».....--"" "_.. 11.51 .111 s1H_ 1m85 0.84 111.12 81.25 88.10 111.9f 87.84 4418 SIMTO 12.4489.44 ISA 1987 (Estimated. Based as 'S4 Loads 136.e1S 36.02 33.70 86.71 18,E Iirl.00 42.72 88.24 .31/56' NUM WAN 51.17 ISO 38113.!- r All kinds of i7pholsterinlg expert- ly done at reasonable prices CHUTZMILD BVITss A SPECIALTY 12 Years' Experience - Itatlafaetion Guaranteed Cetpkte rise ef bled CeweAngs -Free Fattmatee Given-- LOCAL iverLOCAL REFERENCES A NEW DEAL AT A NEW LOCATION! STEDELBAUER'S GOOD USED CARS Inspect them at the ROUSE A BELL GARAGE, Kingston and Victoria streets, formerly the YacEwan Chet rolet Sales. One hundred people in Goderieh and vicinity buy CUD OARS from us each year. Get the Car you want at the price you ought to pay. WE DEAL r&LtH ALBERT STEDELBAIIER iN CHARGE I>• CAPITAL THEATRE teireig Now Playing -'The Count of Monte Cristo," by Alexander Daman MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY - CAROL E LOMBARD, MAY ROBSON, ROGER WALTER (70NNOLIWY Starred In the greet aneeewarr to "Lady for Day." ing of smilers and 'port, -top, romantic youth and You're sere ,to like A brilliant mlx- wbttul old a3e. /'Lady by - Choice" THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY -- HAROLD LLOYD An oil favorite returns, with everything new but tbt f Ymi've laughed before, yowls laugh agmin, at the prince of ails - adv Mmtnre In 99 // 1 P okisov •r- .'. " he Cats Paw WITH UNA IQRWa MATINEES WEDNESDAY aid SATURDAY at $ p.m. comm.--Tbe Little Klmt.Eer," with Militaries Benham .s�..s�,..-..., -r V -.wa. mow. -'1""'"' ,..,....r�_.� ladleh ..c,.,a..w..,,. ;alrfo►�is ac'fes:�,.;tow►t,,,�,--•�.��,e..,���-�:J ��'�a�..,•,,.:,:-, • e Best Qual• ity and Best Prices at BaechlerIs Marshall's Fried Herten' 12 -os. tin ice Brawn or Granulated Sugar . 1e lbs. 55e O. K. Unwrapped Soaple bora 21e Maple Leaf Hakim Powder_.__ ... - _. 16 -os. Lia 17e . UAbbt's Tomato Juke 6 leis- z. tins 24e Yellow Bltataa Corn tins 21e twee Quake all for 23e pkgs. Minute Tapioca with Pyres custard dish Rklaard'e Carbolic Soap a takes 2k 2 -ha -1 Sire Polish do - lee Ileus Catsup s 2 Image battles 25e us for your Flower and Vegetable Seeds-- eeds--tier -See he SeeeanrDITCH SETS Bfwn AECHLER'S PHONE SII OUR OWN DELIVERY 2 STORES-1GODERICH AND BAYFIELI► "The greatest wisdom ilea In the wisdom of wanting to be wise." -Fan- nie Hurst. Motorists ! i tape pleasure fa onsettmelag to Mete i.W of Gedeeich and Dis- frit that seders ler Auto Parts CHARGED Wine VAGRANCY A party of four young people were arrested in Clinton on Tuesday after spending the night in an empty freight sae --66--a -railway- aldiag.-- " '"S ail them. a girl and tyro boys, were brought to Goderkh on Wednesday by Chief of Pollee Edward Greens and Constable A. E. Fremlin, of Clinton. They were remanded by F. G,- Weir, J.P., until today's court. on "'vagrancy charge& The fourth member of the party a g%rl, is to be summonsed for today's court, to faee a similar charge. Ommosibmw Wee a p as Oft at O Garage. PROMPT SERVICE AND PRICES REASONABLE -Art about this novice - FRED BEEVERS SERVICE STATION ' PHONE 241W, COs. NAM/root 6. VICTORIA ST GOOERICN, ONT. FOSTER-Ho1R8 WANTED The Children's Aid Societe of Hurop County ve several Andrea tie be placed ail we IDpsalbxg to fns NILE TILE, April 10. -Miss Beth Mc- Phee e-Phee `speut the week -end with Miss Amelia Mello -alai at Carlow. Miss Oral Finnigan of Putnam spent Sunday at the 'home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Finnigan. Miss festa Tabb, nurse -in -training In the G.derlch hospital, Is spending her vacation at her home. A splendid missionary address was given In Nile church on. Sunday even• Carr -.1- siturrlt 41L►r ut _inks work an e c America. He will also give an illus- trated address on Wednesday evening. The Y.P.S. met in the church last Friday evening, with Emily MvGrat- ten in charge of the devotional part of the program. The Bible discus- sion was led by Mr. Pomeroy and the eztenailve topic was given by Isobel plrvtw. a etee•prtmtdit1 Witmer Rutledge, took charge of the business and the meeting closed with the Mia- pah benediction. LOYAL' LOYAL, April 30. -ger. Dr. Morti- more gave an illustrated address on Korea on Thursday last In the 1'aited church, and Rev. J. Storey, who has labored amongst the people of South America, will tell of his work and show lantern slides of the country and people on Thursday of this week, the llth. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Young; Mr. and Mrs. Victor Young, of Nile. Mr. Alex. Young and Mrs. Henderson, of Loyal, attended the funeral of their cousin, the late Mr. William Young of God- ericb, on Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. John Graham, of Pine River, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ford, of HagsrsvtUe, Want Saturday wkh their uncle, Mr. John Young, and fam- e., . Mrs. Eliza MacQulUbn of Stratford spent a few days with her. mother, Mrs. James Young.- recently. Rev. James 'Ma(t'rea was able to take his services at lienmlller and Smith's Hill on Sunday after a severe attack of "flu." The Lord's Supper will be observed next Sunday In the United church at the usual hour, 3p.m. The Ladies Aid held their montbly meeting at the home of Mrs. Jarvis McBride on Tuesday. April 2nd. There was a large attendance of mem- bers. The president presided and atter the routine business the ladies quilted. At the close the hostess sen -ed a dainty lunch and -all enjoyed a social bond There was a large delegation from Colborne at the Liberal convention on Friday, when three of.thelr number, Mr. Hugh 8111, Mr. Wm. L. Yonng and Mr. J. J. Robertson, wara__eto- ussd for candidate. Mr. Deechman of Ottawa received the atiminatioe. Mr. A. W. Young has rented, for two years. the farm of the hue` s Carroll. for grating. Mr. eloadiffe and family, pat 11v1 with'.'Mr.• Bert- Vulvae, moved to t h e bte11 by Mr. Me LIBERAL NOMINATION IN NORTH HURON GOES TO A "DARK HORSE" (Continued Os, page 1) the Tory "talking points" in the COM- -lie is a ponderowmute hole, but lug election, Mr. )'rarer attacked the Natural Products Marketing AM ar he Is ,lust su oQoetnpbe ut tNtawa-- -uuu of the most nefarious pieces of a mark to shone that does has Iegrsiati" WI the statute Melte*" WINS tett out. What dors he offer t - people? Jest loud laugh It means regimentation of the controls not only his production,'ree- gulates kis crop but also dictates hiswarketiug. They set up dictators who think they know more about pro- duction and marketing than do the producers themselves," the specter asserted. Ms. Fraser took issue with a speech Ins Mr. 8poticw-Itt Toronto recenttt, which the Tory member stated that the cost of the pries spreads tnveett- gation was more than offset by the amounts of taxes collected as a result. "Both the collector of taxes and the Minister of Finance state that au additional taxes were collected,"_ Mr. Fraser declared. ('eotral Bank Should Be Patine Of the Bank of Canada Act, Yr. Fraser ahtted that it was nothing more than r privately -owned bank with h tine pec e a nue farmer In the most brasen manner, It sv(,--•afraaka.-tht... >� _ �a_-_ �r�-•lie is■""• �' s•• �';:•.:� has a tremendous mach) to exag- gerate; in fact, I have said be sue (era from decimal inaanity: he multi- plies or divides *metalling by tea." Indicating the effects of the tariffs and loss of markets, Mr. D achmao said there had been a drop lu revenue front farm products of $400.000.000 in Ions years; railway laeoiue was. re- dyced 1130,000.000 and industrial In- come 3220.000,000, with consequent loss of earning powers. Flourishing a shoe made of binder tante by a Western farmer. Mr. I►eaehman said this man. driven to extremity, •had been toned. •o ng to the high price of footwear, protected by high tariffs, tq make these binder twine shoes for his chi!,Irru. Ile Balled them "Bennett brogue," and the audience laughed and cheered. W. L. Young, in a Dghtine ,pee.•b, In which he dealt at some length with the $•0•U worth of shares In private monetary questioa, of which tie hue' hands- The Bennett Government bad made a close study, ehert:e•d Premier sold out the interests of the people of Bennett with lack of ahe-.•rity with Canada. giving loth private hands the respect to the "election legislation mot ere lgn right to issue and control either Introduced or about u. Iw• Iu- currency. trodueed Into the Horse at oases. "1t returned to power, 1 may stale He harked back to the days when that the Liberia) party will constitute Premier Bennett had [dhoti; de- the Bunk of Canada as a public In- -uounecd the reciprocity proposals of etltutlun, not as 1t now 111. -a Wi- llie late Sir Wilfrid Laurierthe very rate Institution for private gain," said program wbtcb Yr; Hunt-tt veto pre- t Mr Fraser. - - +tnssa_to (embark en "as an-tection I The Liberal policy with regard to dodge." the -tan retaw'!Yatiooat-ltallwaya was Mr. Young pointed out how he and to maintain the integrity and national others had advocated the equalise- character of the system. The party tion of the Canadian doll:u cud the believed In public ownership of the pound sterling and bow the disparity railway for the publie,goed. had worked to the dlsadrantare of the Attacking the imperial agreements. Canadian farmer, and to the'distintt Mr. Fraser stated that Canada must which was sprat in playing dominoes, advantage of the Australian agricul- make It possible for Great Britain to w with Yrs. J. B. Orr winning out furl• . t bene money y bed wile_ glace sell her goods bete or "we will devel- ANNOUNCING a complete •„, Eyesight Eyesight Service - AT- E. C. Robertsons Jewelry Store, Goderich where an up-to-date optical department has been installed - rctt c R, A►. REtto _..-_--_ FOR 16 YEARS LEADING OPTOMETRIST OF STRATFOItD 2nd and uh 7RIDAYI OF IIACH Kowa9 a.m. to 12.30 FIRST VISIT FRIDAY, APRIL 26th. EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED Oleo*Satisfaction at moderate prices. Oleo* straightened and repaired GODERICH TOWNSHIP OODIIRIOH. TOWNSHIP, April & -Dave Davidson left for Sarnia on Thursday, to join his boat, 8.8. Ioco- ilte. Ernest Bell held a successful dance In the ball at Porter's Hill on Friday evening. The "au" is stili quite prevalent in the community. MerlonsMcAllister, of Tipperary, la visiting with her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McAllister. 8ereral from this community at- teuded the funeral of the late Mr. Wm. Young, of Goderleh, last Thursday. A good representation from this cost munity attended the spring stock show at Clinton last Thursday. Miss Marguerite Falconer of God- edch heat hex Lome Ude week. carins. for her mother, Mrs.' Geo. Falconer, who 1s confined to bed with tbee!tf," Domestic tlub.-The April meeting of the Dramatic Club was held on Tuesday evening. at the home of Mr, and Mrs. James Young. with forty-dve present. Mrs. George McliwaIn had charge of the first part of the *venlig, - -Ke been put on s_par}tr with that of thea op feeling in Great Britain against finials for the prize ter the ladles dlr. lied Stanley ed (ommuu Sty singing was_ then enjoyed. The Mother Country. Canadian products." With the Old said would not hes Country s.ow taking twice a mach Harmonica Band played two selections but weal* stand behind the i('anadian goods as Canada does of hers, it was decided to hold • concert In the oa, He the cesium: e received this, feeling is growing st the prevent church on Tuesday. May 7th, and have time, because of the abort -sighted poi• .the Biblical play "The King's Bon" icy of Mr. Bennett in putting probibi- ; presentedby victoria street Y.P.B., five tariffs on British goods. A Disesteems Wheat PetteyI Goderich; the proceeds to be divided between the Club and the Young Turning again to the Westernwheathea.People., moclety. The program eon:. Minister had given Jobs Mo- J. B. Orr, Mcondole 0. Har. o Farland sole control to handle Can- I J.B. Orr' by.s G. Harwood and Miss ada's wheat crop, Through trying to I Non Sowrrby. lin. Forest McClure peg the price of Canadian wheat, be had charge of the second part of the reed that McFarland had blocked program, which Young; re violin autos by James Yoaog: a recitation. nude .• *heat shipments to Great fain a d other world markets, 'Smiles," by Mrs. Fool.** Walter Estheallis;r read- -0 wky we hays 111.1.11101.11 �' "An rAeading. Foote i Esther Mr bust/MOO wheat pow stored 1a .our !lusts; reading. "The Kitt me*milethe i 11 e" by Mrs G Orr Games were hand to as sagest. Mr. candl choke a good J, Roberts** after announcing be was "not atandjng," welt on value of frleadabi�'.ln tbtI world, saying he was proud b say he -bad a Association of Net* Ilure4. • . He urged ell to 'yo elect tba�nilda The velli~ Me Matheson. Outt asd Trac W Delegates e • l . , aced Ite- lows: W . , wa 211, Ashie� l4,Qreyll5, weeldp 18, 14, Mots 90, R, W ■ and wet to the Shelter at t' rttr sae "v of six months; one baby ne maths; ow baby boy, elev • months; one girl of three years, one boy of fire years, one boy of adz years, one of eight and one of ten years; and three girls, ten, eleven and twelve years of age. The children are all bealthy and well-mannered. and would fit Into any good home. Anyone wishing to take a child Is incited to get in touch with Mr. H. T. Edwards. anperintendent, or Mrs. 01 - ver. matron, Children's Shelter, God - ,Mr. and M , Patrick Mak street, will • *rate their u wedding aaaitttsrsary at their tie Saturday, the lath. The celebration Irl1I he a quiet otae. The couple, wb9,i+ivt been marry] happily for so- teanq' years, were Ssnl�etd marriage in Ashfield township Father ite:snsang. They came bodesicb thirty years ago. Six of a family of eight sons are living. One, Joseph, realties with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Michael O'Reilly, Napier street, were groomsman and bridesmaid at the ceremony performed more than a -half century ago. h ng oro -and t 1a appropr h *ermine etgge FHM' heat gambling, - sire's eIlnpalgm e1Je.co a In "It is imperative for Canada to ultimate victory.,' -it have market, for her natural pre - :II• Prod G. 8f»w tomb Amts. The Itennett Governess*, Fred R. leanderson, ar seemlier dislocated the channels ed Wade sod on. taken by Maurice Harwood The for 8ousk Perth and Liberal eaadidi4o the whole eonntry Ir buttering as a Scripture lesson (St. Matthew 12) was for the dew rldlag of Perth; spoke result." the • speaker continued. . , read by Norman Fuller. Mrs. Her - briefly during tlia nt8g et ballots. stressing the Importance of the com- Ho also made a use _, attack on ing election. Mr. Fraser said It. would the Dominion Government. Mr. Ileo- be for the people to decide whether nett, he said. had turned a politles,l they wasted a c•ontineatIon of the Ben - somersault in an effort to fool the nett dictatorship or a return to true I purple of .Canada in his radio talks clemoeracy. • - April 11th. The meeting closed with hukhe did not believe Caead}grs would "Bennett had forced the people of the hymn "In Metal Themis No Plitt I be MiM. Centre into regimentation In Indus- Nor West," sed the Ylspaah beenedk- "Pad was converted on the road to try/from one end of the country to Y thin Tbs sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be dispensed at Union nest Sunday. All members and Meads are cordially invited to attend at this tine. Special services will be betel at Union during the week preceding Eas- ter. tlpecial speakers will be present. On Monday, April 15, Rev. Dr. T. Wardlaw Taylor will he the speaker; 011 Twada7, Rev. Dr. J. H. Barnett ; en Wednesday. Rev. W. T. Mint; on Thurwlay, Ree. F. W. Craik, and on Good Friday Rev. D. .1 lane, all of Goderleb. There will be special musk at these services On Sunday, the pastor, Rev. F. W. Cralk, delivered his fifth sermon of the Lentea ssris, taking for his subject, "Personal Con- tact with Christ," from the text, "John bore wltnees of -Hine and cried, saying, This was He of whom I spake, He that cometh after toeIs preferred Latws. ma: for Hs was- before as -- - (St. John 1 :15). REV6PIUE [SCRUM Mr. H. Turner, collector of national ue at the port of Oodertcb, re- ports an lemons of 99,415 to cense- thins during the Dara! year ending Mareb 81, over the pervious year. Figures for the two years are 3190,225 q�Aa�, for 1934-5 and *180.810 for 19854. WHO OWNS THE CAIW Aaron Albright. Wellesley township,. Wisteria* county, was arraigned is i the Magistrate's Court on Tuesday afternoon, charged with the theft 01 an automobile. He was released at hla own ball until Thursday. Facts that can be learned at pro sent about the ease are that Albright was the original owner of the car, an Orr. Yrs. old model T Ftreetd (scar einemons, Howkek township. for the sum of 312, and received a down payment of 33. That was In Novem- ber of last year. Having rel'eksd no farther payment. Albright toot the car batt, after which action Slatmow preferred the theft charge. etevatore; Ma wl# our a played under the leadership of Mins slightly tOQ.000,ee0 boabeis i II Here, dlawerhy and Dave -Dmvidsoa. tai '�% ht this es potter of, jig met L4�et'b was rarrkd by the hostess; as- , t atped4y Yrs 0. ors sad lrrs 3 B. with sed r etc oO lme arlaad t M teslas per evvee� cell the worts. ■■ at Te wheat. We wave (he it s se price of Ca hl„woo r+s•1W mew oo et the .Y.PS. was held om firms, reiterating lost $.t0,000.0o9 1■ consequence of Me- Friday evening, glib eleven present. ea a a s w Esther Mellwaln bed ebarge of the meeting and Mrs. Harwood presided baa The topic. "What I. tltleT why do we hate war?" Wi11in1 Reid -oreersta�=• - wood read two poems, "in Flanders t'elda." and "Orin." by R. W. Ser. vice. Final plans were made for the t play: "Che Deacon's Seeond Wife," to' be presented on Thnlsday evening,1 FIND YOUR EASTER SUIT1 or C ''" N IN THIS FASHION GROUP M Very Specially Priced $18 .00 Exclusive garments in many styka. Taffeta -trimmed Coats in smart navy, imported tweeds and fine wool weaves. Smart Suits, swagger or reefer style. 8 Specially priced for Easter • • • •� SUITS! Tweed Suits, tailored style, forth -fitting jacket and t7•Q5 V 1 1 J • smartly tailored Skirt. The Suit you're looking for , .• .. EASTER 4X HATS New Hats i speualll« far Easter ! Rough Straws, Fine Baku, Taffeta, and many other materials so new this sea- son. You will find your Easter Hat in this smart collection. Smart Dresses in Sand Crepe and Figured Printed ktlksl Pastel shades of rose, blue and green. Sizes I4 to 20. 3.49 Specially priced Y 5• S- l i�F'• a. "Shop where you are Invited to shop" - Phone 418 Dania :8:8116 Mr. Bennett wtWleata- sly! other. We are faced with Tory vented o read to defeat." Mit flan- fascism on the one hand. or a initial - demon commented, amid He Istie government with the C.C.F. hold - bettered the election w come in ing the balance of power. Let its August or September an predicted a cheese the sane and ,ate, middle sweeping Liberal victory from coast course of Liberalism,' Mr. Fraser to coast. urged. Liberal ladder in Geed Health Tariffs Create Major Problem After congratulatinz.1ir. Deachman in concluding his address, Mr. an. els selerti6tf�s amrel lir.'fit-.L ,der erted that the -majee emb- er spiked false reportt to the effect Jems In Canada were brought about that the Rt. Hon. W. f. Mackenzie by high tariffs and high Interest rates. He charged that the price apreads committee bad made no investigation of the "money monopoly" in Canada : King is not at the present time in good health. Seldom has the Liberal leader been In better trim and he was ready to lead bbs followers into the none of the spread between two per next election battle. the member for � cent. on savings and six per tent. colt Northumberland declared. mortgages and bans. 'Thula( the pant four years, Can- "That investigation was just one Ida has been governed by orders -to- more sop thrown to the people of council, not by set of 1'artlament " Mr. Canada. And, in my opinion, It will Framer eentinned. He cited as proof be absolutely abortive. iOust ask your- the ourthe loans to the Can$Aban Paetic Rail- self what It has accomplished and way, the appointment of John Mehr- then remember that counsel wait paid land to the wheat hoard, asiliatones 132,000 and that It cost halt a million given to Western Provinces and help dollars to collect evidence that won't to private corporationsmean one thing while a high tariff Agitate Marketing Ad government remains in power," Mr. Predicting that It would be one of Fraser stated. How Quebec Contracts Increase Power Costs (Teloato Globe) .. �.U. _ ....,.._ . Hon. T. R. McQuesten, Minister of Highways, teceotly showed how the Quebec power purchase, had increased bade elettrktty costs la Hamilton from $18.88 per borsepower in 1911/ to 329.10 In 1988. Careful calculations, based on latest Metal dgurss compiled by the Hydro. Electric Power Commisslos omce le, reveal that 1? the contracts -remade In ef- fect loots wllly rise, h, nfteta representative municipalities, es tplbws: „- Municipality Dacia Per Horsepower 1 (Without Contfngemdea) "' 1994 (Actnal ) Toronto "..,•,.". Hamilton .........., "...." .. Betatfon! ,.........,".; ........: London (Actual) .42t08 98.14 94.81 UST 8t. Thomas • -- 26 42 K itelsuer ........... ••• 25.25 Saraia .,,." 31.80 Wladsor....,,,,�,, .....„."56.11 Stratford - ..................... "." lf.a Woodstock ..........M.err Niagara Falls ,.,...«.." . , 17.26 Warm Dtmdaa .1 ........».....--"" "_.. 11.51 .111 s1H_ 1m85 0.84 111.12 81.25 88.10 111.9f 87.84 4418 SIMTO 12.4489.44 ISA 1987 (Estimated. Based as 'S4 Loads 136.e1S 36.02 33.70 86.71 18,E Iirl.00 42.72 88.24 .31/56' NUM WAN 51.17 ISO 38113.!- r All kinds of i7pholsterinlg expert- ly done at reasonable prices CHUTZMILD BVITss A SPECIALTY 12 Years' Experience - Itatlafaetion Guaranteed Cetpkte rise ef bled CeweAngs -Free Fattmatee Given-- LOCAL iverLOCAL REFERENCES A NEW DEAL AT A NEW LOCATION! STEDELBAUER'S GOOD USED CARS Inspect them at the ROUSE A BELL GARAGE, Kingston and Victoria streets, formerly the YacEwan Chet rolet Sales. One hundred people in Goderieh and vicinity buy CUD OARS from us each year. Get the Car you want at the price you ought to pay. WE DEAL r&LtH ALBERT STEDELBAIIER iN CHARGE I>• CAPITAL THEATRE teireig Now Playing -'The Count of Monte Cristo," by Alexander Daman MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY - CAROL E LOMBARD, MAY ROBSON, ROGER WALTER (70NNOLIWY Starred In the greet aneeewarr to "Lady for Day." ing of smilers and 'port, -top, romantic youth and You're sere ,to like A brilliant mlx- wbttul old a3e. /'Lady by - Choice" THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY -- HAROLD LLOYD An oil favorite returns, with everything new but tbt f Ymi've laughed before, yowls laugh agmin, at the prince of ails - adv Mmtnre In 99 // 1 P okisov •r- .'. " he Cats Paw WITH UNA IQRWa MATINEES WEDNESDAY aid SATURDAY at $ p.m. comm.--Tbe Little Klmt.Eer," with Militaries Benham .s�..s�,..-..., -r V -.wa. mow. -'1""'"' ,..,....r�_.� ladleh ..c,.,a..w..,,. ;alrfo►�is ac'fes:�,.;tow►t,,,�,--•�.��,e..,���-�:J ��'�a�..,•,,.:,:-, • e