HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-02-15, Page 10Page 10—Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, Feb, 15, 1978 LUCKNOW UNITED -CHURCH Rev, Doug Kaufman Minister SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 19 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Morning Worship Nursery Provided for pre-school children Jr. Congregation for 5 - 8 year old children C LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Rev. L. Van Staalduinen Pastor SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 19 Services at 10:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Listen to the Back to God Hour Message of Today CKNX Wingham, 10:30 a.m. Radio dial 920 LUCKNOW- PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH INTERIM MODERATOR Rev. Robert Armstrong Phone Wingham 357-2072 GUEST SPEAKER Rev. R. McCallum SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 19 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship EVERYONE WELCOME Eastern Star play euchre at Pinecrest On Friday, February • 10, 1978 Mr. David Newbold was host for the annual bridge . and euchre party held in Pinecrest Manor Nursing Home. Huron Chapter No. 89, Order of the Eastern Star members and Estarl committee provided the lunch and prizes. The bridge prizes were won by, high lady, Mrs. Tillie Wilson; high man, Dr. Jack McKim; low lady,... Mrs. Carroll McKim; low man, Mr. Jack Treleaven. The prizes for the euchre players were wort by, high lady, St. Helens W.I. The February meeting of St. Helens Women's Institute' was held in the hall with 16 members and 2 children. present. Mrs. James Curran welcomed everyone. The roll call, "A TV commercial that insults our intelligence", was well respond- ed to. The treasurer, Mrs. James Aitchison and the assistant sec- retary, Mrs. Gordon Struthers, gave their reports. Mrs.- Harold Cooper is to be our delegate -to the Officers' Conference in Waterloo in May. Mrs. Peter Chandler took the chair for the program. The motto, "Take time to read books are silent friends", was ---prepared by Mrs. Hilliard Jeffer- son and read, by Mrs. Ivan Clark. Mrs. Earl Jamieson gave the current events. Mrs. Harold Cooper gave a reading on "Cold Days". Mrs. Peter Chandler gave a summary of a book to read, "The Women he Loved". A Valentine contest was enjoyed. A delicious lunch was served by Mrs. Earl Jamieson, Mrs. Peter Chandler and Mrs. Ernest Snow- den. • MONUMENTS For sound counsel and a fair price on a monument correctly designed from quality material, rely on SKELTON MEMORIALS WALKERTON Pat O'Hagan, Prop. ESTABLISHED OVER SIXTY YEARS' PHONE 881.0234 ONTARIO Lower Interest Rates NOW AVAILABLE ON 1st and 2nd Mortgages ANYWHERE IN ONTARIO ON RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND FARM PROPERTIES Interim Financing For New Construction and Larid Development FOR REPRESENTATIVES IN YOUR AREA PHONE SAFEWAY INVESTMENTS & CONSULTANTS LIMITED Head Office, 56 Weber Street, East Kitchener, (519) 744-6535 Branch Office: 705 Goderich Street, Port Elgin, (519)1132-2044. Branch Office: 304 Tenth Street, Hanover, (S19) 364.3121 Evenings Cali David Beynon (519) 794.3277 • We Buy EXI$ting Mortgages for instant Cash Mrs. James Carr; high man, Ronald Forster; low lady, Mrs. Anne Austin; low man, Mr. James Carr; lady playing as a man, Mrs. Marion Campbell. The lucky draw was won by Mrs. Hugh Armstrong. Mr. Higgins thanked the Chapter for the delightful evening on behalf of the residents of the home. Trinity U.C.W. On February 9, Trinity United Church Women held their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Cora Cranston, with. an attendance of 24 ladies. The meeting was called to order by the president, Mrs. Donald Hackett, and after the singing of a hymn, the devotional part of the meeting was conduct- ed by Mrs. Warren Zinn and Mrs. Delbert Nixon. Mrs. Zinn showed slides, some of them taken while travelling and others taken in this vicinity, and Mrs. Nixon gave a suitable Biblical reference to each. This was much enjoyed by all. The roll call was answered with a verse from Proverbs. As we were to study the Lord's Prayer at this meeting, Mrs. Allan Ritchie read a poem about it and then Mrs. John Hunter. and Mrs. Manfred Dieroff _ presented .. a thought provoking skit on the Lord's Prayer. Mrs. Charles Wilkins then asked some ques- tions on ues-tions'on the subject -and Mrs. Jack Irwin read a New English version of the Lord's Prayer. Our study 'period was on the Caribbeans, conducted by Mrs. Chester Hackett, studying parti- cularly Trinidad, Haiti and Jam- aica. Three quilts were turned in and the president asked if we could have her quilts finished by the middle of March. Following the business, Mrs. Zinn showed some local slides which were of interest to all. A social hour was then enjoyed by all. Johnstone's Towers has just purchased •a large quantity of DELHI T V TOWERS, ANTENNAS AND ACCESSORIES Let us Install one Now and SAVE $$$'s whlle:they last. FREE ESTIMATES Phone Lucknow • 528-2900 Lucknow U.C.W. Unit 1 Unit 1 of Lucknow United Church Women 'met on February 7 at the home pf Mrs. John Pritchard. Mrs. Roy Havens opened the meeting with a reading and prayer. Thirteen members answered the roll call with a verse on love. Minutes were read by Mrs: Pritchard. A business session followed. Some remaining offices were filled and plans for the coming year were made. Dates of future events were announced and committee conveners gave re- ports and readings. The meeting was then turned over to Mrs. Wm. Bolt, Mrs. St. Marys C.W. I. ' The first meeting in 1978 of the St. Mary's C.W.L. was held at the home of the president, Mrs: Ray Leddy, with Father Dentinger opening the meeting with the League Prayers said in unison.: Mrs. Leddy welcomed all by reading a poem entitled "The Three Gifts for the New Year". Mrs. MacDonald gave the secretary and treasurer's report and the correspondence was read including thank you notes and regarding the World's Day of Prayer on March 3rd at the Anglican Church. The business part of the meeting included the ° card party on February 15th at Mr. and Mrs. Cauchi's home and our annual St. Patrick's. Variety Night on March 16th in the Lucknow Town Hall with further announcements to be made. We also decided to have a booth again this year at the Craft Festival: In conclusion Father Dentinger read a poem on the Legendof the Dogwood Tree, a very timely item with the Good Friday and Easter period approaching: It is said the Cross, . for the Crucifixion was made from Dogwood timber.. The meeting ajourned with Father Dentinger's personal mes- sage by fulfiling our duties in age, grace and wisdom before God and Man. Euchre Party Last Wednesday night, Febru- ary 8th at the L.O.L. Hall at Amberley, twelve tables of euch- re were played. The ladies' high prize went to Andrea MacDonald and the high gent's prize was captured by Reg. Godfrey. Mac Boyd won the lucky prize. The two couples in charge were Art and Elva Smeltzer and Chester and Irene Emmerton. Everyone enjoyed the social hour with tea and lunch. Plans are for another one to be held in two weeks. Take a closer look DID YOU KNOW THAT Sepoy Stationery and . Printing, PECK Fireplace Matches 'MS WEEK REGULAR $1.49 /2 price Children's Magic Slates 2 REGULAR 75e - price PHONE 528.2919 • DON THOMPSON, PROP. Harvey Webster and Mrs. John McMurchy. The theme of the meeting was Love. A reading and prayer were • given ' by Mrs. McMurchy. The study on the Caribbean -was introduced by Mrs. Webster. She also showed us some souvenirs and pictures. ' • A Valentine reading was given by Mrs. Jim Arnold, and a'piano selection by Mrs. Webster: The meeting closed with prayer led by Mrs. Bolt. Lunch was served by the committee in charge and a social time was enjoyed. Unit 2 Unit 2 of Lucknow. United Church Women met in the church parlor for the February 2 meet- ing. Mrs. Grace Gibson opened the meeting with a poem, "The Birds Go North Again". Theroll call was answered by 16 members by the payment of fees. -- It was decided to have -the birthday jar and the special project the same as last year. The reports were given by the committees. Mrs. W. G. 'Hunter for Supply and Welfare asked each member to make a quilt block 20" x 18" of either flannelette or print and take it to the next meeting. Also old eye glasses to be given to Mrs. Hunter. The U.C.W. Presbyterial is March 6 at Port Elgin at 9 a.m. The World's Day of Prayer is .Friday, March 3 at 2 p.m. at the(, Anglican Church, Lucknow. Mrs. Mamie Henderson. open- ed the meeting with a poem, `.`Our' Hope", followed by "Tire Prayer of Hope". Mrs. Magoffin read the scripture and the devotion "The Beginnings" was read by Mrs. Walter Dexter. Mrs: Ada Webster gave the story of St. Valentine's Day. A reading, "A Sure Way to a Happy Day", and "Recipe for Living" was given by Mrs. Eldon Ritchie. • A quartette of Mrs. Henderson, Mrs. Cardis, Mrs. Magoffin, and Mrs. Mac- Donald, accompanied by Mrs. Johnston on the piano,: sang "In ..,� . The Garden". Mrs. MacDonald gave a reading about the Carib- bean countries and people with Mrs. Howald as interviewer. Mrs. Gibson closed the meet- ing with the Benediction: Lunch was served by the committee in charge. Unit 3 Unit # 3 of the Lucknow United Church Women met in the choir room at the church on Tuesday, February 7th with 16 members present. Mrs. Peter Cook, our new leader, opened the meeting with a verse on Love. The minutes were read and approved and the roll call was answered with a verse on Love. Following a short business period, Mrs. Cook turned the meeting over to Mrs. Robt. Irwin and her committee, who chose Love as their theme. "Love does not consist of two people looking at each other, but two people looking in the 'same direction": We were asked to give an act of Love that was done for us recently. Mrs. Spence Irwin read an essay on Love, and Mrs. Robt. Irwin had a hymn contest, with each hymn .containing the world Love: Mrs. Jean Jardine gave a reading. Mrs. R. Irwin presented the Mission Study, and opened with a poem "iVhat colour is God's skin?" Mrs. Jardine gave the closing prayer. The meeting closed with a social time over a cup of tea.