The Signal, 1935-4-11, Page 2a --Thursday, April 11th. 1101i a,/' roar. aMW 114$ OODER1011 : CANADA • M.wb.r o/ Ceaadlaa ly xawrorscs Aseeskalets - £J dtah 114O1n Subscription prtee $2.00 per year; $1.60 if paid to advance. THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LTD. Telephone 35 Godertch, Ont. W. H. ROBLKT$0S, Editor end Manager Thursda, April llth, 193.5 NTATI 1Jrladfal of the fact that one of tbe lndietsaenta agalute the late Con- servative Administration was a ten- dency to centralisation of gent nt at Queen's Park, the Department Welfare of the new Government has launched, in connection with the work et Children's Aid Societies, a program of regulation and standardization which is calculated to alienate the .ympaths of men and women who bare for years associated themselves with this humanitarian work. In Huron county, where children's std work has been carried on system- atkall$ ,for more than a quarter of a ceutury, and where of recent years, under the direction and supervision K a committee of voluntary workers, along with a committee of the county council, It had—so we all supposed— attained a high degree of efficiency, Department has seen tit to demote into their own pockets.' The frost thing to do with the millionaires would be to keep them at home but separate them from their money. • • • Hon. R. J. Mentos, Minister of Railways and Canals, startled the .lite of Cum tuoua the other day by stating his opinion that the new Wel- land Canal, which cost this country00 1130,000,0, should never have been built. it might have been justified, be said, 1f built In conjunction with the proposed deeper St. Lawrence wa- terway; but be has no hope for the poaaL It k* I_-� million of them—that Dr. Manion wasn't around when the expenditure was first voted. THE SIGNAL GODERICH, ONT. • . • The Provincial Legislature continues to "steal the show." An attempt by the Opposition to blockade legislation this week resulted in a continuous alt - ting of twenty-six and a -half hours, but terminated in victory for the Gov- ernment by a vote of 42 to 15 011 the bill cancelling the Quebec power con- tracts. Public opinion on the merits of the measure is stlll greatly divided; but probably the majority of voters throughout the Provence would en- dorse the Government's action as cal- culated for the benefit of the Province in the long run. • • • One of the bllli-before the Legisla- ture at this eeeslon aims at tie re- gistration of hairdressers and barbers, regulation of their training, rates of the organisation the rgan jiaation to class "E," Involr• I chargee, etc., etc. It toots like an- ing a reduction of the Government other of those bilis which, under guise grant from $00 to $100 a year. There I of protecting the public, are in reality is sot, and Cannot be, any complaint ecbemes to mulct the paddle by higher as to tall -Care and protection given the , charges. It will be represented that the children la the custody of the local jprepafatory training prescribed war- Socie•ty ; the reasons for the demo- rants a higher reale of remunera- tion -are solely that tbe Society In this'ttion ; but the average man doesn't county has not seen fit to adopt in I (are a whoop whetter he gets his their entirety the methods prescribed haircut or shave from a college pro - by somebody in the Department with l lessor or from a, chap who cannot passion for regulation and stand- tread or write, so long as he knows his b 4 Old "Saws" or Proverbs 1 Care has been taken ssl o res obey uce these as nearly as pe appear In an old Dtctlonary, presum- ably that of Nathan Bally, published ll 111110 e.Jorms of type then used are now obsolete, such as "P for "s," and the Greek and lien ebrewbof f the the proverbs cannot be given abbrevia- tions the old spelling, use of capitals, tions and punctuation are adhered 0. Need Makes the ea Wife Ind Whether we borrow of the French, JBesotga trotter, or the Italian, Beso[UO la trotar le veechia, I shall not deter- mine, being all three the same verba - tutu ; but it intimates the great Pow- er of Necessity, which does not only make the young and Lusty go a trotting to relieve their Necessities, but also makes old People, who have one foot In the Grave, to bestir their stumps. Necessity makes the Weak strong, the 1)ecrepid active and nimble, the ('ripple walk; it gives Vigour and Life to the most languishing and feeble Starveling; it makes the Lame find his Legs, excites the most obstinate to lead or drive at the Will and Pleasure of hie Master. Durum telum necessitas, say the Latins, also a Greek. Give him a Rowland for his Oliver What Government Is Doing for Relief • t. Hon. D. Droll Sets Forth the Plans of Eta Department—"Human These are splendid quality Sheets. Extra heavy, yet fine of texture and white as w. Exceptional well finished Size about 81 z 90 inches- Regular Values Pint: bio Colonial Hemstitched Sheets Toronto, April 8.—"W c wake no =3.75. On sa boast as a Provincial GO%ennwent of • being able to fully solve the problem w• hat ue.er made Sheets $1.95 parr of unemployment; c such a claim, either in ul& t •'r before this we took otlke. But we must and shalldo�• A of hard ry low wear forPlain quality. 70 x 88.y Sale, pair. hed. Will give Si ire �1lattlag Cbi�-s� a bu iness. Attempt+ to form any arItzat n. 1 this Pro - It might watt be that tnetbe(D►, to be of a better Spirit. maugre the professional agitators and certain private Revenge either of hard Words mnnictaciti s for taking advantage approval of all parties While agree - or rode Actions, as may the Hebrews, of an nnfortileats'gate of affairs in I lag with the form of Mr. Bourasaa's (here follows a quotation in He-' the lives of oden•and women. He hit I motion, Mr. Guthrie called his speech brew) out vigorously at the lack of co -opera- Ion it an' "uncalled-for diatribe." The (The meaning of jhe word, Meagre lion on the pact of ,„a❑rnher of meal- Minister ridiculed Mr. Bourassa'a aug- ht '9n spite of." cipalities in the adeldniatLation of re- I gestioo' that Canada should look to Fat Punches aaake lean Pates t protection. "It Is a _dose that are making *ogress right direction, and that we are doing all this with due consideration for the rights of those who pay and the rights of those who rocelve, piecing human valises always first." old Cron, In these words, Hon. DA Ontario's Minister of Welfare and Municipal Affairs. concluded a bril- liant two-hour effort In the Legisla- ture last week, In whkh he outlined to an attentive House and equally at- tentive galleries the work of hi* de- partment, the problems he`Tt had 1 meet and 1s still meeting, and the plans and hopes for the future. 1t was a masterly address on the most important preblew confruating Governments today. Carefully pre- pared, re pared, with illuminating facts giving a picture of the naseaploy'went situa- tion in the Trorines'sad the steps be- ing taken to combat the scourge, the address was as nearly uoncstl(tical as it was possible to be. itr. t fOU. mak- Ing his maiden speeeh ie-.* Legisla- ture, contented himself with the facts as be fond them and rarely In his 120 minutes of speaking did he i .find it necessary to dwell en anything but human values. Not that he did not Lit hard at ob- vious abuses and taint i. e.. There was scarcely an interruption from Op- rIng-for Ratting; but Christiana ought position benches when he rondemowl Tbls Proverb In terminls is modern, and owes its rise to the Cavaliers in the time of the Civil Ware in England, who by way of Rebuff gave the Anti - monarchical Party a General Monk for their Oliver Cromwell; but as to the matter of It, it seems to proceed from the ancient Lex 'Fallouts or Law of Retaliation, an Eye for an Eye, and a Tooth for a Tooth, and Par pari retail, say the Latins, and of Homer's (here follows a quotation in Greek) many make a Handle to return Rail - PILLOW CASES Secure a supply at a saving, fully bleached of good EngLish cotton. Size 40 z 33 40c inches. On Sale, pair EXTRA LARGE `IBEX' Flannelette Blankets and fancy plaid Blank eta, whipped singly. Colon blue, rose, green, Size about 70 x 90. Special pries. $2.49 Pair RUG SPECIALS Feltol Rugs. A splendid choice of patterns. Size 9 x 12 feet. Each LINOLEUM RUGS 3'/s z 4 74rdI.... -- 4 x WA—rods. $6.75 $11.75 $14.75 .98 .95 INLAID UNOLEUMS $125 2 yards wide. Specially priced Square yard CURTAIN SAI fishnet weavet 50 pairs ecru and Arab, Very new, popular and effective with tailored edges. Size 36" x 21/4 yards. Regu- 98G lar value $1.50. Pair MORNING DRESSES "JEAN GORDON" Dozens of new patterns in good qualityty prints. Neat styles. Sizes 16 to 44. $1.00 Special. Each 7 gutterick--Patterns W. ACHESON & SON -f0typrAUoos_a (Pate means the head) vine should get the icy abqulder. The Edge Of thts Prorerh Is tuned I upon Estee" in Eating and Drink as an Enemy to the Otear 'WESTFIELD Understanding, and Vivacity of It; throughout the Province the came It Is either tranaterr'd from. or at IELD, April 9.—Miss Mar- least is confirmed bg'tjle Latin, Pln- asetMxl. mast be adopted. One I W1Tr. .mane, thing upon which tares* Ia laid is that Josie Campbell, of the Stratford hos- gals renter non t'Neem P lowed with good results in one mus- ty might be unsuitable in another; but no, the Department says that ital, spent Sunday at her home here. and also in - children must not be retained in for I Mrs. J. Pette of'Myth visited Shelter bee must as soon as possible Sunday wits her friend, 11 1 OLMI S t. placed In homes. The local Society Blair. • e • S • __ llas J a se •naiogs to obtain sults Mtn'rwgp Bl yth jQme• for the ehildral• -- - tae found, particuiartjer Met it is dtakult to And homes of the right kind where the children would be welcomed, and rather than that the children Mould be exploited it has been considered advisable to keep them yearn . - Hr. !s: . .:E -fit..- sad e1 Belgtave,, ;..ed.Dt) 07,at (lief. The MinisteT''1 .asized that Waa n on Ot equalisation of •4altef allowances Ontario, was the ate. of his neatraltty. great. progress in thee -rasped. day when the metal In ation cold -ever bombarded d ` f ■ Ar1•ataslat jieipaliti e adopt any. a e told the Boner. � mebf iUn e did net fetor tnveatigttlos • w>! tied that it was ample to etbei. ming 1 poweg, to the, d et Vent tits t6agYlnd. with the idea simple thing to proclaim Canada's " Mr. Guthrie pointed out, the moment war is declared_ not- withstanding our neutrality, our COm- would be liable to 1e attacked, our res couhl be invaded and our seated*m red by enemy ships." :raBMs llaautaeturers g held that Casedereboald the y in posing Ike a ha 4 have gone e bonus of sir. and Mrs. RI Cadent. s, Mrs. 11. Buchanan is visiting sf the is 111,' 'i•"' - home of her Plater, Mrs'. .1 Main* lits. S. P. MacX$tb and Sheldon mo - and Mr. Maines of Rlyth. toted to London on Friday, Mies Mr. and Mrs. W. .1. Campbell amid Helen Maafilath accompanying them pa is grand • 1 become a .econd Sarajevo. He felt that mutt of the unrest In the world VISA due to lack of markets and re- tallatiun by other nations. He de- ' scribed economic nationalism and e(onomie imperialism as twin curses. I J. S. Woodaworth, C.C.F. leader, thought Britain should be informed Canada will not participate in any }more. European wars. While he said he detested Hltleriam and Fascism. M. Woodeeorth thought the Allies large - I IT to blame for Hitler's polky In Ger- ninny today. ; The Maumee' motion was adopted without a formal vote. . During the week the Government re the 'salaries of high officers of rd Canada as follows' Gra- T. 'Nate urea/or] for seven - for a . vol St IT Plumbing, Heating Eavestroughing WM MAS IT Repairs for all makes of stoves or furnaces .ntot service and reason. Johi Pinder 11-2""tar' 7� - r. u- es 1St in the Shelter, where they are under family visited on Sunday at the home; on the bomfWMd, trip. the rare of ■ capable and sympathetic of Mrs Campbell's mother, Mrs. Bark- I lir. Thomas F'4lsr• we are sorry to matron, can attend whool convenient- leyof Dungannon say. Is laid up again at his home. Mr. end Mrs. J. B. Macifath of Tor- ly, and generally have a much better LEEBURN onto returned on Tjiureday to their opportunity of growing pp tato con • .rammer tYmfeleeee_Ht tie village. tested and useful manhood and wo r LE1%Itl ltX, Aprll 9—Mrs. AletL; Mrs. Bond, sr.. of •Godertch, is i11 manhood than in other conditions that Horton visited iter daughters at Us- at the home of her son, Mr. Albert can readily be imagined.-- -e towe1,4.t week. Other regulations of the Department iii++ ruin Jewell er Toronto le peed• u ins this week with her parents here. call for a separate office for the Mry Rod. Basle returned to her I Mr. Herbert held communion service Children's Aid superintendent, certain I home at Toronto lest week. Her in the village on Sunday, and for the otBre equipment, end other thing,' I father 1s slowly Improving, hot le sot evening took charge of the meeting whkh, while they "would cost money, I able to be out of led yet. Mrs. at Victoria street church, Goderlch. Grace Bogie is wafting on him. ; Rev - .P W.Craik .of that eburrh brought Zan .We are glad to see lei, 1. W. Her• hcrt and -Billie both around again. would add little or nothing to the et ac•tenry of the work. The Depart anent would disregard the experience of men and women who have been en- gaged in children's aid work for de cedes and demand arbitrarily that h h found bleb t u l rah in I I per COURRIE'S CORNERS I of the Y.1' 14 was held last Friday whn II nil has 1 t • the g(n The Young People's elnclety is en- I to lIolatesviile tris tertian -big the Nile young people on Iter service of pictures, hymns and Friday evening of this week, Instead ' message. Under the direction of of last Friday. Mrs. Wm Yeo, the home choir ren - A fine address' wax given by Mr. dined several lovely numbers which Storey. late of 'tooth America, In were greatly enjoyed by the large con- f.eelurn. church last Sunday. Mr. j gregation present. We bop( to be fl fire wttr'nlarr ithww M+ Miniere .teas j t laked again by Mr. Crank 1e.► -t>'a direct Apace la a brief later's add contnalon 1 partment w ordestr, nnitn No extravagant elates were made, but the Hnnse was told tbat• es far as I'rovineial jurisOletion went the Pro- %ince would a share to the Limit. lk,Iitics would pluy'1eio part in the ad- ministration of unemployment relief. Muth still remaintd to be done, hat of ne'esaitc the work most be glow, though progress would be steady. A festnre of Mr. Cron' .ba9jet ape ch'was that interrnptions few and there were so acrlibateps de- bates. The Minister elbowed a com- plete grasp of the gsbjlet sad bin feet. andtlgures allowed' of no contradic- tion. Applause thun8ered from all sides' of the Legislature when the Minister ended on the ringing note of "banal values first, always." for Jibing but e tare Min- 'rAe coitraated tbe is the Welfare De- e Aielk over with the system sow in effect. Bennett Will Go the metboflw y they air o . i`ht tir!'�wrcfi: ilktelR'._-,�- ,. _ �. • give good rt eults�ie ttvl+er'tiGfAcl hp ihA>4 a`..„. _ ''T'111e+tiltr 1• P. No1ea—A pleasant meet -to Kiil .l eer— laid down by acerb Depart- meat at Toronto under r the idea that nobody outside the city c0vnn1F'R CORNERS, April • 9.— Trewartl►a, fellnwshlp convenor. The can be anything but slncapable and Mr and Mrs. Robert Nelson, Jean and Scripture Ieewtn wee read by Miss' i Id d the tople taken 1 Queen's l'ark by a (hangs of (lo'a'n- Mr. Beacom, I L' S pelt his official the audience with a vocal end guitar 1 anent, but, like twitch ernes and other 'Nuisances, they are diAknit of era- dication. Somebody down bre should "takea tumble" Ideuce of Mr. Norman -- "behind the times." It was thought Jim visited at Mr. Kenneth Farrieh's Mariotte GI c un an by Miss Alma Trewartha. Misses that such ideas would be rooted out of of lien -dock City on Sunday. Thelma and Reta Cudmore delighted I n a vl school yesterday compared with 4.297 a year ago. (Continued from Page 1) lowance of tire rents per day to tie prisoners for work will cost 4211100 per annum additional in operatics& the penitentiaries, he said. The number of penitentiary prisoners is 3,(*la. sit to our ar nn selection. The meeting was drawn to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. tittle and Helen spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. I n close with the Mizp'h benediction. C. W. Bell. ConseraUve, iiaae This tartar Friday a spatial meet• lltnn, douhtnl th.• value rat the Dae of the lash, except 1. the case(' of the moat recalcitrant prisoners. Mr. La - family wil A speaker pointe favored the electric chair for • hoer n exeentlona Mr. Guthrie said a change in the method of capital pun- ishment might be 'esu idered, though he would not commit himself to the electric chair method. 'flie Minister saidhe fa'c'et a eewtral place of exeetttlon for each Province, rather than in county jails as at preeest. Senator J. J. Hughes, Liberal, P.M'. Intimated in the Senate that he is onn.ldering the Introdnetlnn of a bill to present the remarriage of divorced persona. on Recount of othe great 1* - ereaee In the nit bS' Canada In recent (e.r. Mitten ler ill.tr -g Matrass(' W. ('. ('lark, Deputy Minister of Fin- ance, Miring the week outlined before the special honsing committee a plan for a $bn,000,110 housing program. 410.000.000 to be supplied by the Fed- eral tinvernm nt Mortgage eompsn- ie.esy they hat, $25,000A0 available for loan. for bn,iding pnrpnse•• Rome definite program Is expected to he an- nonneed by the ctovernment shortly. "1 ehnnld not ,,.y we should feel very npttmlatie at the moment In regard to the enmpleti.,ri of the Rt. iawrence deep waterway.' non. Dr. R. J. Manton, Mlnlstrr of Rallwiys, oh - 'served during di•eumalon of his esti- mates this week Ao that's that! Dr. Manton dnnhted the valve of the ex- penditure of 13th millions on the Wel- land renal. A resolution by Heart Rosrawa, dependent. label., eittPr5Ming Can- ada'. rradherene• mo the ti�k•llog1 yeasty part and CIMat Op'N°/°{� t� r D ornament to further the rem the le every possible way. received Warner Smythe at Teeewater. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Barger and moved last week to their new n the 2nd concession of Ash- field. They have rented the farm be- longing to Mra. FA. Oliver. Mr. itlek Reid, who spent the winter at Mr. Lorne Famish'$, left teat wick for his home In lsieknow. Mr. Wilfred Farris,' has rented the Melntyre term on the 12th concession. Ing of the Y.P.R. w111 be held at the regular hour, 0 pm. Mr. Alvin Cox Ile In the chair. guest Is to be present, Mr. Ferris from Tor- onto, an experienced genioglat, who will demerit* his work in an interest- ing manner. The young people heart- ily urge everyone to be present with them on this evening to hear Mr. Fer- ris. EDITORIAL NOTES Hon. E. Lapointe proposes that In connection with the coming Federal •Ieetiot a plebiscite be taken on the titles queetlon. Perhaps better still would he to pledge every candidate as to his stand on the question. • • • The Mother's Allowance Act has been amended to allow the mother with only one child to come under its provisions. The Legislature no doubt eoneldered that one child was almost as great a handicap as two or more to a mother who had to go out to earn her living. • • • The 'Hydro fiat rate proposal has reached the floor of the Legislature, A. H. Acres, member for Carleton, be- ing the *poneor. Member. for rural ridings should follow Mr. Acres lead end convince the Government that they ere In earnest 1■ seeking a readjust - meet of Hydro rates. • • . The proposal has been made in the Vatted States Congress that In any *dare war the rallllmutree he the arid Thi. 'teak! not do. Get a fMet high desasel•r• at the front on mar ape aid thiM tjasald forget hos- • Abe arilsihr l! shoe ttaseti- .�s e r ,. 1s M salt 1nta the tw• (•, ,'+• . " m i','. �4, venlig tlrmatrke tg Our New Governor-General (London Advertiser) John Buchan ie the first enmmoner to be named Governor-General n• Can- ada More Confederation. There 1s a precedent further beet in Lord Ryden - ham, who watt Charles Edward Poulett Thompson when he was made Governor.dieneral in 1000 and aft giv- en his title after hie appo Thompson was the son of a British banker and beeame a member of Par- liament. Like John Rttrban he owed nothing to social rotation and every- thing to merit. John Buchan le One of the west dls- tingutahed men of letters to (treat Britain, and Canada should feet com- plimented by his seceptatt'P of the of- fer ,lie la in the first rank of contem- porary Britlah htatortana and Is the Author of • large neTmh•r of the moat reveler romaneee In the langnage. A highly erudite man, he wears his weight of learning so lightly am a (Iow- a We Mor, of the World War. a weft of Wen '•la ep rotas' we.ar•h. will always PA dardin his use of Pcntilah life, character a for his novels he is in the iine of mw - cession to Sir Walter Perot blmaelf. Among Canadiane who are interested in llteratnre and in all things of the mind there will be a shoot of wttlofee- tion that a man of eneh mental elatnre has christen to make this eonntry his home for a period. Mr. Buchan entered pnhlle ItfP net many years ago as representative of the Rrnttlah i'nlreraltle. and moon dtm- tingnlahed hlmeelf ea a brilliant speak- er with a refreshingly Independent tarn of mlnd Although nominally a Conservative, he 1s e*Aentlally id de- cline in hie outlook end probably won i(' a Cabinet poet If It were offered to him. He has been more than one, In this country and it le Ratifying to know that his Impr*eeinne were favor- able. it la safe to saenme that beta In- termits here will extend far beyond the limited *rope of his polities' duties, and tblt he will participate enthnafaa- ticatly to ilterary and artistic wane. meat' sad he a stimulating infinrate In the istellacuisi life of the country. rad historical background r- , WHEN AT LAST THE ROADS ARE ifvo' CLEAR ...AND YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE OLD FOLKS FOR MONTHS ... AND Just pick up the telephone and let them know you're coming. •Wherever you may be, you can join the borne folks at a moment's notice ... via Long Distance. For as little as 30 cents you can talk 100 miles or so. Consult the front pages a your directory far raw. •