HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1935-4-4, Page 8• 11 a■mi IMO RIEJAPIDI $-Tharedae. April tau. 1/r THE SIGNAL Building and General Contracting -Repair. and Remodelling - Wort Guaranteed Satisfactory PRIO198 RIGHT John Jeffrey Warren garnet, Maw 177w. Sanitary Meat - Market -specials Saturday Only -- FRESH KILLED LAMB Legs 17o Loin Roast 15c Shoulder Roast Breast to Stew 9c Lamb Ohops 19c Ring Bologna 2 lb.. 25c Pure Lard 2 lbs. 25c 121/2c -THOS. LEGG- Phone 485 Hamilton Street "I think vision is one thing that is sadly needed In American pullti s.' - Upton Sinclair. HORSES. We have nine good young Work Horses Bound and well broken. FOR SALE at the Ling Edward H tel Stahl a GOD/CRIMH All Horses are ready to go right into hard work T. DRY dt BOP. Aeedemata BRIEFS The Central Home and School Club will hold a home-made baking *ale la Mr. C. M. Robertson's *tore on Satur- day, April 13. TheWoman'* Association of North street United church will hold Its an- nual dingier on Tuesday, April lR from, 5.30 to 8 p.m. The Ladles' Aid of the Rapt ehureb will bold a bake sale in Orlff grocery store on Saturday, April from 2 to 8 p.m. Come to the wale of borne -baking a country produce at McLean Brea store, on Square, Saturday, April t from 2 to 5 p.m. In aid of Oodericl Township Hospital Auxiliary. "Here Comes Charlie," a comedy drama. will be pretreated by the yours_ people of Grace church, Porter's Hill, la the church op Friday, April 12. at d p.a. Ad ilati-sidt exp j 8PPc1ALS=PERMANENT WAVING Starting April 8th at theSMITEOODERICH BEAUTY SMITE 18 West street We are now equipped to give you the very beat service available un this outstanding, well-known Eugene per- manent wave, best known by Its beau- tiful, lasting, soft waves and super- ' natural curly ends. j We offer you these regular il0 Per- i manent Waves. Including two free oil treatment* and two [lager waves, as a special introduction at only $ .be. Natural 011 Wave $&3O Artistic 011 Wave 93.50Gloc•u 011 Wave For appointment phone 555w. hat 'a d BLYTH MYTH, April 11. --Mrs. Sinctalr of Brlgden Is a visitor at the home of her slater, Mrs. Wm. Logan. air. Wm. Watson, who was In Tor- onto over the week end, became 111 and had to be driven home. He la still f conued to his bed. Pleura. K Pollard, W. Morritt and Dennis llallabau were In Sarnia on Tuesday and brought home a new trac- tor for 'Jellaba'sBros. .. Mesdames W. Cockerlhne. J. Rkh- nd awed and W. Logan rts Wingham on Monday. IFOR .RENT OR SALE Redford Itesidens.-Cabserg St. HAMILTON STREET INSURANCE TOWN OF GODERICH All on-ners end occupiers cd prernicsee are hereby notified that all garbage. rte., tined be re - %moved from tbeir premises by Amshiteot Sanitary Impeder. BA YFIELD HAYFIELD, April 3. -Mr. aud Mrs. E. A. Saucier and son Bobble aud Miss Ruble fisher of Kitchener were guests of Mrs. F. A, Edwards on Sunday. Mies I?Joy Edwards returned with ttoeni for the %seek. r After speeding a couple of weeks with tier daughters at Toronto and Elmvale Mos. George King returned home last Friday, Mr. and Mts. Ra- le/lie bringing her by auto and return- ing Monday 1Friday, bringing Mrs. Woods, who Mrs. Lewis of Toronto motored here Wel sputa. a week he Toronto. Mr& Lewle, aCCOMpenled by Miss Jean Wcoods, returned on 'Tuesday. John Sturgeon Is visiting friends in Stratford. Harold Scotehmer of the 0.A.C„ Guelph, was home for the weekend. Iffec Anna Woods and Miss Mary Moorehouse were Vests of Klee Building operations have begun in this neighborhood. Rev. James Parke hc having eoneiderahle improvement made to hie home near Bayfield. George a nd William Weston have charge of the cement work and (Merles and Percy Weston of the carpenter work. The fishermen are etarting opera- tions (Me week, much earlier than last Under -44K' ef the Young People's Department of SI Andrew's rutted church, members of the Young People's Society of the United (+arch, Hrucefield, put on the three -act play, 'No Account David," Friday evening last in the town hall before a small crowd. Music between tbe acts was 'then by Hee. R. M. Gale, Miss Gladys Gale, Mrs Thomas, George Little, Miss Reotehmer and Harold Scotchmer. MILK":"ZRA. TED rbeia 25' AMMONIA PINEAPPLE CUBES -7,- 2 tr 25' otrodordereeeeesein POWDER GOOD QUALITY 11) Ma 3 nes 3 Tins 27c LOBSTER mg, CATSUP "Lk= imth FLAKES COFFEE 2 Small Pkgs. 1-1b. Tim 15c 39c s KRAFT MAGIC MIRACLE WHIP Prices effective April 4th to 10th inclusive Mew fx- pkg. sc HEINZ BEANS OR , SPAGHETTI it` 10c DILL PICKLES tin 1111G Ws TIE 31c 2 fce 23` CUBES wage' Tin 1 -Cube Tin 25c 10c 21` 28c POWDER eltIFFETS - pkg. IMO BON AWL Cake or Powder - a toe 250 ARMES orglaraTmis Mew Lowe 1.1b. Tin Cash and Carry Price CHICKEN HADDIE . tin 14* "PICNIC' PICKLES - 211-oe. bot. age FCRISCMH ED 2 Tins 25C -otos' °Krier..tle ace GODERICH, ONT. TO BANQUET CLINTON COLTS I The Clinton Celts are to be ten - of the Business ASSOCillt1011 of the town. In reeogaition of their splen- did reeord la tit* hockey Sell*J11 just e°1witaded• APril 17 ia the „date set for the affair. GAUD Of THAMES W. J. WITMER& TARIM THIS OP- PORTUNITY express his slat core thank* and gratitude to thug who assisted duriag the ulnae. and stobeequent death of his wife. Lie also wishes to thank Hese who sent floral tribute* and thooe wbo loaned care for the funeral. aOIDICAL RAmuNToN AT sTRATroup DR. T. J. R. FORSTER, EYE, EAR, ton Club, who took part in an invita- tion tournament with Listowel against Stratford la tut eity on Saturday afternoon, did not fare so we% Only t ree games were won by the G.B.C. players,. In the sou's doubles 1). R. Mike and AL 0, Beacom won two games, and 42 the mixed doubles Miss Grace Wataon eat St. -.11. Nairn well The Godertch team was as follows: lira W. W. Martin. Mrs. E. C. Bea- com, Mrs 31. C. Williams, Miss Grace Watson. MIMI Margaret Wateou, Mlles Phyllis Grunick and Messrs. P. F. C. Mineola, W. McCheaney aed 11. Young BRIDGIC TODillfin AT LONDON Association game at London on Fel- d*/ night last, a team of fours from the Goderich Bridge Club gave a very creditable account of thetuselvea. The team, Messrs. 1'. F. Carey. T. R. Pat- nuished sixth among nine teams, most- ly from large Western Ontario cities. The Goderich tutu won eleven stud a -half matches, Ave matehes behind the leading Londou Hunt Club team Messrs. Bescom and Taylor played xceptionally well, leading In the East end Wen palr play with a total of .511 Mesons. Carey and l'atterson were Bi sixth in North and South pair play with a total of .488. Teams were present from Goderich. London (2), Woodstoek (2o, Kitchen- er, Tillsonburg, Hamilton" and Water - NOSE, TUROAT. 'latent at' Moorefield Eye Hospital Late House Surgeon New York Ophthalmic and Aural Hospital, es and Golden Square Throat Hospital, 53 Waterloo Street S., Stretford. Telephone 287. At Hotel Bedford. Goderkb from. p.m. oe the evening of the third Wednesday of *sob ineeth *Mil Use next day. Thursday, at 1 pat. DRUGLESS PRACTTTIONER THERAPIST Goderich, Phase 541 Equipped with electro-magnetie bathe. Electronic electric treatmeata and chiropractic. Cbronk, organic' apd nervous disease.. Lady la at - to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Friday and Sat- urday, and on Wednesday 10 to 12 a.m. and 7 to 8 p.m., or consultation may be had by appointment A. N. ATKINSON Residence and ollice-C,orner et South street and Britannia road. PUBLIC NOTICE MRS. FOOT TROUBLE ANID MIS- = ERY left town since Cress Corn nd Bunton Salves are sold by CAMP - ELL'S DRUG STORE. WELL-KNOWN PIANO MANUFAC- 12. " TUBER has a few used Pianos u with small balances (on. only Baby gr Reasonable terms. Apply AUDITOR, Box 14, The Signal. MODELLED and upholstered. Cain paired and re-covered. Estimates free. GEORGE McKAY, 88 St. Da - a 38.50 Regular $10 for 37,50. All work guaranteed and done by Jean Smith (trice of Stratford, at British Ex- 10th- Make 10901-ntinenta early with Mr. Match. STRATTOILD WINS AGAIN Playing a return tourney wilt Stratford piayers at the Goderich Bad- minton Club On Wednesday night, the local players again took the small end of the scoring. toeing to the visitors by a score of 18-8. The Stratford player. doubled in points over Goderich le each of the three sets of double. games, but there erre mese "close scorns The mese remelted as Om& erk rat: Weed Doubles ' 1'. Gramokit and M Watson es. Miss Adamson and Miss Setter, 11-8, 11 -8 - Mrs. E. C. Beacom and G. Watson va. Mrs. Kaetner and Miss Reid, 8-11. 1-11. Mrs. C. Williams and Miss K Williams vs. Mee Nethercott and Miss *We Douldee C. K. Naftel did P. Career vs. Ma- son aed sr, Netheecott 1.14, 11-10. and 'McNair, 1 Mime P. Gra d IP. Ciarey vs. Miss Adam Mr. 010111114 9-11, 7-11. Miss M Watego and C. .K. Naftet vs. Mies Salter Mr. Nichols, 11-9, Miss G. Watsonmid D. R. Nairn ye Mrs. Keetner ada Mr. Mason, 11-8, 11-7. Miss E. Williamos asd H. Watson vs. Miss limber and Mr. Crehan, 9-11, hint. H. C. Williams and H. Young va. Miss Reed and Mr. McNair, 8-11, 0-11. and Mrs. Nethercott, 1.11, 7-11. • • AT ME HARBOR The str. leaskadoc now is being out- fitted for tbe condng season and the etre. J. B. Foote aod Wm. fichupp have had their after -crews aboard over a week noW. - The freighter Superior also Is being put in readiness. having renewed a contract with !be Gotiorkh gait Company to ship salt to Georgian Bay and hake Superior. CHARGED inirn Erie II. Johna, of Bayfield, conduc- tor of a bond lozolness and ex-menager of the StIrling-Standard-Commerce branch bank which closed its doors two years ago, was arrested ou Wed- needay. (barged with the theft of BUMS amounting to 35,100. The amount comprised moneys that bad been entrusted to him and that, it alleged, he had converted to ble own In a slued statement made on Wed- nesday, Johns states that In 1932 be enteredinto a land deal with one An- drew M. Moffatt, regimental brother - using client,' money. lie took tbe catch of new elients to pay off the othera and toetarne demi! involver,. finally giving oilmen up. last two years They •re that he did steal 31,800 tram John Tippett, $1,000 from Isaac Erratt, $1,000 from J. 7'. Stephentoon, 15410 from Miu M. R. Rnowden, $,106 front /whit Stepheneon 3.100 frOth SalIZOld Cleave DIED MiTCIIIELL.-- to Goderich, on Thurs- day. Nfitreh 24. Jessie Adis, Wileont wife (if Witham MItehell, in ber 37th year. YOITNG.-in Ooderich, on Monday, April let, William Yonne. beloved husband of Jennie Carruthers. In hie Reed year. WANTED day. RAWbratoM. Dept. 111,111111A• j. W. MONTEITH. ()ha rioted Accouatant ES Ontario Street, Stratford. Oat 1510 Star Building. Toronto. OW - JOHN W. HARPER AND COMPANT. Chartered Accountants. 320 Bay St., Toronto, AUCTION BALMS wirARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS. concession 9, KID., AahAeld, on TUESDAY, APRIL 9La atilltePreee.a. rve on anything a.• tarn, la SIVOUNDRY ION. Auctioneers AUCTION KALE OT FARM STOCK asht,ND OTHER EQUIPMENT. Mrs. Tremblay will sell at her farm, 8. W. 5. lot 10, concession 2, eahtield, THUR8DAY, APRIL 11th, commencing at 1.30 o'clock, the One brood mare, general purpose, due to foal June and, quiet and good worker in every way; one Durham cow, freshened March 27th; one red cow, three years old, good milker, freshened in February and 'opposed to be in calf; 0110 Durham heifer, com- ing two years in Jone and supposed to freahen in November; one roan yearling heifer ; one yearling steer; one purebred York sow, had last litter In January ; two purebred Toulouse geese with gander; two Mamin.th Bronxe turkeys with gobbler ; two purebred Pe- kin ducks with drake; lIftMrraed-to- ley Young bens, Leghorn. a "Dia Rocks, with Rock cockerel; miscel- laneous -Ode 300 -egg bot water bleu - tor, Mayflower; OW 60 -egg capacity ot air incubator. Acme; oue cabled afonola with records; one chest of dra s, our drawers; one kItchen lounge; glees churn; large -she clothes- horse; milk palls and crocks; frett sealers; fifty new map pane, ten quite., with spites; one giarlor Imp: forks ; shovels; grain sacks; new oak barrel, 45 gallons capacity; a number of bee- hives; two chicken crates; email col- ony house 8% z 5 ft.; • quantity of wed oats. New Baldwin, and many other article* too numerous to mention. Owing to Mrs. Tremblay's 111-healUi there will be no reserve, as she is giv- ing up farming. MOS. GUMMY & sort Aieuswert CXEOUTORS' CLEARING SALE 01' 86THIREE FARMS, IMPLEMENTS AND EFFECTS Of the Estate of the late W. /gurney. at Ills late residence, Brit* nta road, GoderIch, on SATURDAY, APRIL 6th, COMmencing at 150 o'clocir sharp. iron SALM OR RENT elfin) OATS TOR SALIL-APPLY TO 232. n.a.mu ou LOOSE HAY TOR RALE 110-W11. J. CHISHOLM, R.R. God- tral. Apply T. a- INIILWANCG. LOANS. ITC. Atileinfil"PCR 00. -Pares awl Whom@ muTtrALL 2., town property hassred Goderich P.O.; atones A. Reid. 111.2 - Directors -A. Breadfoot. A.R. Es & Wm. Knox, Loedesboro; AlexamIgy hardt, Bornholm. R.R. 1; Joke Pena. RE. 4; James Connolly. Goderkes. Agents -W..7. Yea, R.R. No. a. Clio. ton; James Watt, Birth; /lady lie- Esehern, **forth; John Murray. @Go - Policy -bottlers ean make all earessede sod eet their cards rwelpted at Se Royal Bank. Clinton; Odds OUT. Grocery. Kingston street. °oda** J. 11. Reld's General Store, &gash/ Pared Ns 1 -Lot 2. concession 'tell tawniest@ Mee Water nip irorty aerie. Just at town Rai Pared Ne. 2 --Lot 9, cooceadon rict township (Blue Water Hi ). Elibty-foor acres. Parcel Ns I -Part Block "C." town of Colborne. 102 acres 1.1 these properties are quite cl Groderich and can be inspected time previous to sale. The impleineots and effects consist gone wa way ship to any El one VOR SAL.10.--A BOY'S RIOYCLE good condition. Price e15. Apply to GEORGE DOWKIDR, Neleon street. Ar..raLrA REED TOR SALK-GOV• aarRNMENT trade No. 1. W. L. YOUNG, 5, Goderich, Ont. Pisan 2028 barlow. windows, maple Sooting, sheeting, a corner Elgin avenue and Vktoria street. Must be sold to close estate. INN. particulars call at house at any TO RENT. --TWO-STORY, RIGHT- S ROOM bourse on Keays street. All eonventences. Garage. Henhouse. Large garden with fruit treas. Apply to JOHN DUOTOW, RM. 1, Port Al- ik=eglding variety. Price two and a -half cents per potind. B. R. hatch- ing eggs from Government -Inspected D. C. GALBRAITFI, Bayeeld. }"DRENCE on Palmerston street of SALE OR RENT. -Tris RE81. the late Ranee! Reid, including beau- tiful roee garden, double garage and chicken house. For particulars ap- ply to LORNE B. REID, Ripley, Ont. hatching eggs from high prodncing S.C.W. Leghorn's. All pens headed with R.OP. cockerels whose dams have records op to 200 eggs. Get onr price Ilst before you buy. E. R. PEAORET, Hoz 201. Ooderick Phone 579 Frets. Test thirty-nine pounds SALM-IMPROVED BANNER per bushel. Good clean lead. Also yellow sweet clover seed; aed a clean- tity of yellow sweet clover hay and bar- ley straw for sale. MURRAY Me - 000 r 24, Clinton central. CAME FIALE.-I HAVE TO OT - I rim for sate 100 sive. of farm land situated in the Township of Aahlleid, pook Immediate posepardon. Owner might contaidor good tenant. Large sensate newly seeded, estimable gravel demerit. Never tailing rennin( water. lf interested communicate with T. T. EURPHT. Goderich. Ont. Phone 1146. IN OP'PORTtINTTIf TOR POMMY nIfleN --Poultry tarns for sale ea the Rine Water ilighwitY clue te ttweiling hone*, fall tossemont nude, dwelling. garage, poultry houses. roes for 500 harem Ales lerebeters, eee 240verg. •nd two 400 each. I'm mil separately or as a got., roarer. Read. Godetich. On ERR W. A. ORirDtAt. itedleId • • Easter GIFTS Easter Cards and Cards for all occasions Cole's Book Store a LIVE IITte3K AND GENERAL AUCTIONEER Telepbone No. 119 Sales attended to anywhere aod every effort made to give satisfaction. Farmers' sale notes discounted. LEGAL barrister, Ete. 52. DOUGLAS R. NAIRN, Barrister and Solicitor Ogee -Hamilton Street, Goderick Telepbone Succeseor to J. L. Killoraa 1111_8101 VP, Bartrister, Solicitor, De. Telephone 242. Barristers sad Solicitors Telapidne !torrid*? aad Solicitor Sun Life Bulldleg. Adelaide aid Vie- toria Streets. Toronto 2. Teleptione Elgin 500L ta Odle at even ewes; foorteen lambs and ram; one grain binder; one barrel sprayer ; one seed drill; one team cul- tivator ; one set disc harrows; oise set drag harrows; one manure spreader; one mower; hay rake; two walking ploughs; one gang plough; two daf- fier.; one wagon rack ; set of sleighs, with platform; team wagon and rack ; ear trailer; set single sleigh.; cutter ; set of scale.; set of team har- nese; set of single harness; grind- stone; haylork, car and rope; ice plough; two wheelbarrows; two Iron grain scoops; ice tongs; chicken crates ; dove; seven chkken houses; one Dodge 000pe, In fair condition; marble top and other tables; rocking chairs; Jack- et heater; kon bed and sprInp; bed - 7^00111 suite; pedestal mirror. bine: sideboard; baby carriage; two Sower stands; writing desk ; lamps; dresser; sewine machine. TERMS ON PARIIS--To be sold subject to a reserve bid. Zen per cent of purchase price to be paid at time of sale; balanee In thirty days, or arrangements may be meds with the TERMS ON DEPLEMENTS and ERA =FREI M JOHNSTON and HAROLD G. EMERY, Executors. WOOD FOR SALE The Town has a quantity of good body hardwood direct from the Town Brash for &ale at 13.00 per single Also a limited quantity of good body hardwood at AS.00 per full cord of four - foot wood. Orders left at the Town Hall will be attended to. Most he pet@ ter Were denvery Town Clerk. Save Money By Prepaying AMOUNT 50.00 1935 Taxes Taxpayers May Purchase Tax Pre- payment Receipts for 1935 Taxes at Favorable Discounts ifttt. COST COST - Aps41 se April 15 May I se IS 49.45 49.65 Prepayment Reeelpta mat be presented along with 1035 'Pat Rills during the dna installment ported. Rank interest is only 2 per cent. Pnrehase Prepayment Reeeipts and have your mousey earning 5 par cent Interest June dideunte will be allowed In addition. NEIL R. MacKAY, Tax Collector E yell nave a US bill me II to meek by parshaelag a Reesipa 1111111.111.011111 10*